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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  July 3, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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i have to go, sorry if something is wrong, okay. nothing, my name is only rita, rita, okay, bye.
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well, baby, will i miss you? i also thank you for the gift. you call? well, of course, and hurry up and pass your test, because i have a lot of plans for you. how interesting is this? well, for example, lie on the beach in the caribbean. okay, we'll start with the caribbean. well, of course, you're a man, it's up to you to decide. that's it, i ran, bye. hello, yes, great, listen, no, i won’t go, i had marishka all night today, we were poking around, so i just escorted, yes, no, yes, yes, now, wait, she forgot something, now, wait, hang it up.
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igor, igor, you’re sleeping, you don’t hear the alarm clock, well, get up, give me at least a couple more hours, igor, i’m going to work, do you remember what needs to be done, what’s what, go to the cleaner’s, pick up my leather jacket, and i’ll take it , if they do everything well there, then we’ll also give you a cloak, an evening dress, well, your suit, let’s take everything there, dim, what are
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you doing, that’s it, i’m off, run, so, don’t fall asleep, okay, yes, yes, of course, what are you talking about, good afternoon, great, hi, hi, will you be working out or the area, we, we, hi, hi, great, i’m talking to him on the phone, then bam, uh, i scream and shout to him, and then there’s already...
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and why such confidence? for what? well, where would she get the gun from? well, we'll figure it out. so, look, maybe something valuable is missing? well... i walked around with such a cool tablet and a cool phone, but now i don’t see them anywhere, yeah, maybe they were robbed, tell me, where were you at the time of the murder, at home, at home, yes, but that’s us we’ll also check, and you’ll also look at whose capital, karl marx’s, andrei usually kept his money there, yes, let’s see, wow, this is amazing.
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eight more apartments, judging by the cartridge case, foreign-made pistols, but i’ll tell you for sure, after the examination, and the prints are absolutely a nightmare, 28 of different people, constantly wandering abroad, all for a grand passport, in visas and stamps, well, why not wander around, if dad gave money, with whom he usually wandered abroad, and with chicks, and in general he spent the whole course, well...
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just imagine, some scammers opened up here, collected money and things, and after 2 weeks they left, but people are worried, i ’m worried too, i gave them my wife’s jacket, here’s a list of stolen things, write it down here, listen, let’s do it this way , since there is my personal interest in this matter, i will try to help you, if i manage to catch these swindlers, i will expose you, we agreed on how you will look, well, my area, my agents are right there. killed andrei portnov, the main version is robbery; a tablet and an expensive mobile phone were stolen from the apartment. yes, we also discovered more than 23. but it’s much more complicated here, he didn’t even look. i think the killer
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was in a hurry because he noticed that portnov was talking to someone on the phone at the time of the shooting. what if we assume that the killer is the person who called the police? romanov is his last name, but firstly, according to his words, he was at home at the time of the shot, but we will check it, and secondly, he knew where the dollars were, he would have taken them, i think that the killer is not from the inner circle, because i didn’t know where the money was. oleg georgievich, this marina, who spent the night with him that night, because she could have been a spotter, well, it would have been easier for her to just open the door while portnov was in the bathroom or toilet, and also... where did such a lot of money come from, for what? well, find out, that’s what you’ve been given a head for. by the way, have you contacted the father of the killed man? of course, he is not in siberia now, on a business trip in moscow. he said he was flying out urgently. this simply cannot
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be. this is mistake? marina, unfortunately, this is not a mistake. remember, maybe you saw someone suspicious in the tailor’s entrance or near houses? no, no, i didn't see it. and last night. behaved as usual, maybe someone came to see him? he called me at about one in the morning, asked me to come by taxi, i got into the car, arrived, he was in a great mood, we spent the night with him, and in the morning he took out $4.00 from the book, $400, where did he get it from? from the book, book, capital, it’s on his shelf, there was still a lot of money there, but i don’t even know. how much he gave me, he said: buy yourself something beautiful, something you love, yeah, but where did he get this money, he doesn’t know anything said? i never even asked, i don’t know, i know that there was still a lot of money left, but i don’t know how much. ok, has she had any conflicts lately, can you guess who could
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have done this? i don’t know who killed him, i don’t know, i can’t even guess, tomorrow at 5:00 you have the last opportunity to pass all your questions on the topic that we covered last month. goodbye, can i please tell you your full last name, first name and patronymic? sokolovskaya irina ignatievna. i am portnov's scientific advisor. what can you do say about him as a teacher? i can't even believe it. a very good boy, an excellent student, he was going for a diploma with honors. by the way, his diploma turned out to be sensible. sorry, i didn't have time to finish. what kind of relationship did he have with his classmates? yes, they seem to be good. i don't know the details. but his social circle was quite wide, and the girls loved him, and he was their girl, what kind of questions? i
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think that in his life everything was as it should be for young people with his abilities and external data, we call something number one, but absolutely it’s not clear why, that is, i see that you personally don’t particularly respect him. in general, there’s nothing special to respect him for, but what did others respect him for? well , it’s not that they respected him, he was a representative of the golden youth, the girls fell in love with him for his external chic, gloss, tightly stuffed wallet, though always with dad’s money, but the boys, of course, were jealous, but they were still drawn to him, he always gave in debt, if it was possible to hang out fun, yeah, but how did he combine his, so to speak, lifestyle with studies, no way, well, dad’s helped here too money, shoved your record book with an impudent face to the teacher, here’s your diploma with honors. did you personally see how he paid for his excellent grades? but no, but there are rumors, well, of course,
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tell me, can you tell his girlfriend marina anything? yes, nothing, she’s a dummy, they stood by each other, they had a serious relationship, but no, they’ve been dating recently, he took her away from our classmate, and before that he and tolya were friends, and well, how zolotarev reacted, well do you think he was furious, of course, and even fought? several times, they threatened each other, or even threatened, what the...
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she had every chance to tell me something, andryush, well, she’s a girl, a girl will never tell you the truth, girls are charming and cunning creatures, yes , but in general i think we need to pay attention to her, we have every chance to suspect her, in this case we can suspect half a course of victims of this playboy tailor, who really needs to be shaken is marina zoltareva’s ex-boyfriend, we somehow completely ignored, i agree, we need to talk to him, i’ll call our handsome computer genius, cornflower. hello, vasily, i’m very glad to hear from you, margosha says hello to you, i need to do some work, i need
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to hack my mailbox and a couple of pages on social networks. anyway, i checked the call to the police about the shooting in portnoy's apartment. well, the call was made from romanov’s home phone. where was romanovo’s mobile phone at that moment? mobile romanovo was in contact with mobile portnovo. got it, where exactly was he? mobile phone tower romanova was at his house, that is, he could not be near the tailor. no, that ’s out of the question, romanov has an electronic alibi, so you’ll have to look for other versions, but that’s not the version, okay, vasya, thank you, free, yeah, oh great, georgievich, did you call? yes, hi, great, well, did you sleep well, more or less? what's wrong with murna? yes, everyday problems. oh well, to cheer you up, i’m giving you
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a task. raise your agents, go to all the buy-ups, pawn shops, find out if anyone handed over a tablet or mobile phone today? sure enough, i'm still running around the cupboards and pawnshops. who is the district police officer, and what do you need? the apartment was robbed from above, we are interviewing the residents of the entrance, i didn’t see anything, then sign the testimony. well, what should i sign if i haven’t seen anything? testimony that you didn't see anything. thank you again, good afternoon. the homicide department is talking about andrei portnov, so get ready and come with us to the department. well, you just said
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to sign. so we were joking. yes. get ready, get ready. okay, i will then. i'll take my passport, come on, help, he will kill me, he will kill me, out of the way, sergeant, criminal investigation officer. “ don’t touch, don’t touch, i didn’t do anything, why are you running away, what do you want, sergeant, please show me your id again, sit still, now you’ve seen it, it’s your fault, it’s okay, stop, stand,
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stand, what do you need from me, we’ll figure it out, oh, oh, well done, ritka, well done, yes, when will you marry me already, yes i will, i will marry, don’t worry, well, sergeant, because of you they almost missed a murderer , yes, well, what can you do, it happens, i’ll give you a certificate showed it, twice, yes, well , i didn’t see it, he didn’t see it, but i need help, i’m free, i almost helped already, so far, there is, ugh, well, how much did this freak of a partner pay you, so, curious, in more detail. please, well, i just told him, drunk, that i’ll kill him for a marinka, and he immediately sends killers, a very interesting fairy tale, but just don’t make it sound like you don’t know that the tailor was killed, but you, what are you, it’s not me, where you were at about 8:00 in the morning, so we were sitting with friends at vanka rutskovo, i spent the night there, came around 10:00 in the morning, well, we’ll check that, why did he run away from us, but how
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did i know, i thought you came to break my bones on behalf of the tailor, oh, reed, look how scary we are, and especially... you, in short, give us the coordinates of this van, we’ll find out, so what do we have about the girl of the murdered man? but she had nothing to do with it, there was no strong motive, besides, she knew that a large amount of money was kept in the book, she would probably have grabbed it, perhaps, well, now let’s examine the pistol, an interesting fate, made in germany, pistol from... to the fifties, original cartridges, well, it’s all interesting, of course, we managed to identify the individual, yes, it is registered to a colonel of the soviet army, gruzdev ivan ivanovich, a participant in the great patriotic war, as a city weapon, it was lost after his death, in the nineties, his wife said, she had already died too, so the trace of him was lost, yes, the trace,
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so to speak, of the pistol had cooled down a little, but we need to try to warm it up, hmm, may i? yes, alebitolika zolotareva checked it, it is completely confirmed. i thought so, otherwise everything would be very simple. so, andrey. rita, you now have a new task, the fate of the pistol. okay, i'll continue. yes, lesh, of course. i looked at the fingerprints in the apartment and one interesting specimen turned up: nikolai orekhov, twice convicted in the nineties, once for robbery, and recently. well, at the beginning of the two thousandth, he left st. petersburg for yakutsk. orekhov, orekhov, the father of the murdered man, portnova, also from yakutsk. hmm, this can't be a coincidence. this is a very good version. i’ll contact the yakutsk search department, i have a friend who works there. vasya, can you pull it out for me?
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from the bass, everything is on this orekhov. so, well, let 's get started. eat. well, all the best, yeah, it looks like we’re approaching a dead end, yes, it looks like, but we’re still twitching, what city is in
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our passwords today? samara, samara, now, hello, girl, hello, from samara, captain rydanov is bothering you, yes, do me a favor, give us a call, little man, i’m dictating. eh, gruzdev, ignat ivanovich, leningrad, 55 years old, yes, everything from the piece of paper, yeah, i understand, thank you very much, thank you, goodbye, well, sub says that gruzdeev has checked out of this apartment and left abroad for permanent residence. yes, this is apparently already a dead end, but we are still twitching that the bonuses , in my opinion, are a month, i am alone. thank you, no, it’s better that you come to us in st. petersburg, otherwise it’s too cold in yakutsk, that’s all for now, well, no one knows anything about orikhovo in yakutia,
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only what they have registered, and yes, allow me, in general, in the old bases, orekhov passes as a member of danirvanov’s group, yeah, arvanovo was torn up about 10 years ago, he has the most impressive monument in the northern cemetery, “i want your condolences, i need the killer of my son, we are just working on this murder, we need help from you,
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informational, everything i can, ask, more than 2000 dollars were found in your son’s apartment, where did he get it from, you sent it to him, definitely not me, but you could guess where he got it from appeared on him, maybe orekhov knows something about this, so we just wanted to ask you about this man." orekhov works in my security, he, by the way, is yours, from st. petersburg, he recently took a vacation and came here, well, through him i gave my son money for a month, that is, he was in your son’s apartment, i think yes, but what, well, he has a very military background, yes, i know, it’s just for me, why are you asking about him, because he has a criminal record, his fingerprints were found in your son’s apartment, but we already understood that he was at your direction, i think you you should know this, but what exactly? a year ago my son had a conflict with orekhov, he slept with his daughter, she became pregnant,
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andrei did not want to get married, and orekhov was very upset then, i of course tried to pay off everything with money, but you understand, such issues cannot be put out with finances, that is, you admit that he could have asked for revenge, and what the hell isn’t he kidding, of course, he said that everything was fine, but i can’t know what was in his head, and... now his daughter, but not in canada, she left and never returned, she studies there, but where can you find orekhov? he sold his apartment in the city, but he has a house in fox's nose, i can give you the address. do you yourself believe in this story with the maniac policewoman? so after all, there is a maniac sleeping in every maniac, and sometimes she wakes up in someone, listen, we used to breed bandits like that,
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now who, it’s also true, put the barrel on the ground, cop wars today. 16:45 on ntv. hello. good afternoon. good afternoon. mr. orekhov. well, good afternoon, criminal investigation department. well, what does the homicide department need here? i think i'm done. that's the thing, it seems. you are suspected of murdering citizen portnoy. what, did you kill? and for what? maybe?
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they brought it first, and then i took the tailor home, by the way, i took him all the way to the apartment, and georgivich says that romanov doesn’t know where the money came from, it was a woman, her name is marina, i don’t know her last name, yeah, when we were driving at night, my partner talked to her, invited her to his place, judging by their bazaar, she agreed, but when i left him, she wasn’t there yet, from what address did they pick her up, from marata street, there
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right next to katran, yeah, you... by the way, are you going to pick me up? yes, you will have to drive yourself. but i hope a day is enough for you to understand that i am here on the left. let's see, we'll figure it out. georgievich, yes, romanov needs to be brought to us urgently. questions piled up for him. yes, i ate, i ate, what are you saying? what's with the gun? georgievich, according to the pistol, unfortunately, is empty. it's clear. and me yet?
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of the players, do you think someone saw how the tailor took a big jackpot, followed it, and then waited for marina to leave and killed him, why didn’t he rummage through the whole apartment to find the money, and if someone got scared, it’s necessary to cover this katran, listen, georgivich, can i still go to work as buyers of stolen goods, okay, go, we will manage somehow without you, hello, oh, hello, citizen romanov, come in, come in, slav, hello, hello, well what did you collect for us? portnov won money in katran, on marat street, and you were with him, so choose, either we put you in a cell for opposing the investigation, or you help us, but now for real, no need to go to the cell, who is in charge in katran? matvey fart, how do new players get there, only through other players, you
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will guide our man there. well, i won’t say it again, will you take our man there? yes, why didn’t they tell us everything right away? well, i was scared, well, gambling, it’s prohibited, well, okay, if you do everything like it is necessary, we will forgive you this sin, wait in the corridor, thank you, yes, yes, well, i know such katrans, this is not an underground casino, but... a table at which they play, and there are not bandits, not lessons, but just people, really with money, and i already closed the luck of this 20 years ago, the game was also on marat street, the main thing is that you have to take it red-handed, but there are no cards or chips, let me go and make a recording, words, why you, let me go, you saw yourself in the mirror, you have citizens written on your forehead, show your documents, it looks like you don’t have it written, guys, guys, i
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should go, and they will think less about the rights to the girl, especially since i play poker well in preferences, where can we get the money, i have money in my safe from yesterday’s murder, fake ones, let him take them off, i ’ll call the investigator now, let him formalize and wiretapping money, the main thing is that we have something to pin down this lucky guy, romanov will take rita through, introduce her to whoever she needs, leave, andryukha and i are under cover, thank you, you are staying with the eldest,
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moreover, this is her jacket, what’s her name? but this is it, just in case. who brought you this batch of goods? i don’t know, some guy came and offered a bunch of goods at a low price. well, i took it, so what, it was stolen? how did you guess? of course, they stole it, like everything you bought from this guy, let’s show you the rest of the things, but this, this, this , everything on top, that’s all, and now everything will be confiscated, well, it’s not me who will deal with this anymore , and ub, but the man promised to bring more tomorrow morning. pass, we’re hiding, two kings, let me in, what am i talking about, beauty, what, oops, you have two aces, wow,
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that won’t be enough, four of a kind, four of a kind, your viruchasiki. yes, no luck, wait a second, beauty, who ’s next, perhaps i’m a puffer, in what sense, your money is fake, you decided to make suckers out of us after me. andryukh, aside, so everyone stay put, without unnecessary movements, criminal investigation department, you’re like,
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yes, what will happen to me, there are only four of them, what’s the matter, i’ll go to the prosecutor’s office, we’ll take them ourselves, that’s it, gentlemen, your game is documented, and you, mr. fart, will answer to the court for... sit down, gentlemen, we will talk, well, matvey kirillov recognized me, you it’s impossible not to recognize solovets, a well-known personality, that’s good. i have a conversation with you, hmm, how much, you don’t understand, i need information, depending on what kind, and who, yeah, you played like this, mm, partner, just don’t
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deny it uselessly, yesterday morning he won a lot of money, it was like that, well, he was lucky, yes, he played until one in the morning, then he took it away. his money and left, the rest played for an hour until 7:00 in the morning, this morning the tailor was killed, who should i think about, tell me, listen, with him, with him was a pioneer like that, novels, they they went at him together, and think, this is not an option, why, who else, then garin. garin, we had such a player, he owed portnov 1,200 wooden ones, either he didn’t want to, or couldn’t pay him back, partnov threatened him like that a couple of times,
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and i think he could have killed portnov so as not to give away the cabbage, logical, logical , where to look for this garin, the number is in my phone, and... by the way, how did you understand that the money was counterfeit? old solovets, you completely forgot that i worked in the state sign, oh, damn, yes, you can’t foresee everything, but don’t worry, everything will be fine. “you know why i ’m telling you all this, solovets, so that you can quietly leave now, well, you’re a killer, you’re a killer, why do you need excitement, but i don’t need it, i
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’ll throw you all off, solovets, solovets, well, i i told you everything, well, dear, it’s still unknown what you told me, the truth or some kind of nonsense, oh, then..." personally , i didn’t promise you anything, get ready, so what? spied on the tailor's pages? yes, i've checked everything, here's your login and password, use it. yeah, thank you, dear, but i still have one more request for you: i need to check the alibi garina, his father said that he went abroad a week ago, use your hacker methods to check this information for me personally, okay? ok, let's try, hold on, this is an advance for now, bye. igor, i don’t understand something. they cleaned it at all, the stains
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remained the same as they were, what are you saying, the stains remain, yes, bastards, what kind of deception is this, but if i could put this jacket in my nose, that’s why we pay them money, that’s it, tomorrow i’m going to cover it up damn all this dry cleaning and its employees, i hit your garin, he left 4 days ago from russia and haven’t returned yet, oh, sorry, another version. listen, is there anything interesting on portnoy’s page? there are a lot of interesting ladies in an embrace with our hero. why aren't you going home? it's too late? isn't your beauty waiting for you? but you see , i’m not as lucky as this guy, they quarreled to death. but i think that he was unlucky. so, in my opinion, he had a quarrel with one of his women to death. you're alive, so you'll make peace. so you think he was killed because of a woman? yes, lean towards this version. there is one here. an interesting detail, look,
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on all his trips he takes pictures with his girls, on his last trip to israel, you see, he’s always alone, someone remains behind the scenes, everything indicates that someone is there, yes, that means a lady after all , there was, but apparently they were encrypted, listen, i can get through the list of passengers with whom he was flying, but who exactly was with him, this can only be found out through the company, go ahead, hacker. so it’s ready, this name is familiar to me, sokolovskaya irina ignatievna, this is the scientific director at institute, we interrogated her, by the way , this is already very interesting, well done, vasily, you bring good luck, well, you can still take the goods, the price remains unchanged, yes, of course, but where did the things come from, and for you? i don’t care, no, i don’t care, we show the documents,
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did you sell me, you creature, calm down, citizens, don’t worry, police, don’t twitch, it will be more painful, mikhail ivanovich pozhidaev, for some reason i don’t remember you , me too, who are you, then we’ll know each other, the captain of the crimea in the homicide department, and i didn’t kill anyone, you’ve had enough scam, and you have something to do with it, and i’m here despite the fact that i offended...
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i left sokolovskaya for the sake of a new young lady, this sokolovskaya in full development, who is it, vetyana - who is it, kolyan, forgive me, well, vasya sokolovskaya, sokolovskaya irina ignatievna, born january 1, 1975. it’s clear, she got married 6 years ago, took her husband’s last name, and before
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that she was gruzdeva, wait, wait, wait, that is, before she was gruzdeva, well, yes, that’s important, that’s not what’s important, that’s wow, how important, why are you so excited, georgievich, in my opinion, we they revealed portnov, oh well, the pistol with which portnovo was shot was once belittled by a man named gruzdev, and irina ignatievna sokolovskaya is the granddaughter of the owner of the pistol. and the motive, the motive, unfortunately, is a banal classical motive, jealousy, he had an affair with her, then he found a new mistress, marina, yeah, so we’ll be playing a banal operational combination, great, so that’s it. we put things there and go up to register, yeah, i detained illegal shuttle traders, worse than borya, legal crooks, hello, hello, be kind major ub on eremeeva, 232, anton, hello, krymov is worried, well, come to our slaughterhouse, pick up your rogue chemists, irina
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gennadievna, this is marina, i know that it was you who killed andrei, i saw you that day at his apartment. and i know that you have a gun, i can give you to the police, or i can keep quiet, but i want 10,000 dollars for this, i will wait for you at my house, you have exactly one hour, she agrees, great, and we let's wait for her here,
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do this, oh, citizen sokolovskaya, you have been detained on suspicion of murdering andrei portnova, are we going to get there now? irina ignatievna, do you confess to the murder of portnoy? yes, just don't think i'm repenting. if only i had.
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and i’m on my own, save these speeches for the jury, they love it very much, there’s a criminal investigation, it’s good that you want to know why i killed him, for betrayal, he said he loved me, but he was messing with this one, yeah , how did you find out about this? i overheard their conversation, and that i found out that i, it turns out, was an old washcloth, that he only needed me for his honors diploma, and that he would immediately... leave me like only i will, he doesn’t need me, hmm, great, yes, he lied to my face, well, the motive is very clear to us, tell me, how did you end up with your grandfather’s pistol? when my father went abroad, he left me half
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the money from the sale apartments and a gun, but how it ended up with your father, well, i don’t know for sure, but... when grandpa died, my father hid the gun, grandma said that she didn’t know where it was, then she died, but she knew that her son has a gun, how do i know what this old fool knew, i see you don’t they were very fond of their grandfather and grandmother, but why should they be good? when my mother became pregnant from my father, they were not registered, my father did not even offer... to marry her, they all refused me, so they did not register me in their apartment, well, they didn’t recognize me, only later, when this couple of dinosaurs left for the world, my father remembered that i had left, that’s why we couldn’t get out
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through the mushrooms, tell me, you knew that the tailor was a player, of course. loses, he wins, he was a gambler in life, only his he lost the last game with me, and where are the things that you took from his apartment, in the neva, imitating a robbery, well, i really wanted to throw them to this marina, i just couldn’t figure out how to do it, i understand, okay, let’s go, i i'll take you to the cell, goodbye. goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, yes, a lady with an iron character with childish complexes, look. god forbid, and in general i am very selective,
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did you really catch them, that the agents helped, yes, more like a thirst for justice, well done, thank you margozh, please, hello, great, hello, hello, that’s all here, some of the things, however, the scammers managed to throw them into a second-hand store, but the owner swears that he didn’t have time to sell anything, so grab it. according to the list, well, thank you, he brought the opening right to the saucers, otherwise, hello, it’s you and zabep, yes, i, anton eremeev, lieutenant colonel of the silovets, it’s very nice, at the same time grab this, and what’s this, and this is also complete disclosure with documentary evidence, yes, yesterday we covered an underground cartran, well, come on, when do you catch a murder, regularly, in passing, guys, i’ve had enough, this is it that's right, you enter the store from the department to the left. don’t go anywhere, let’s quickly, good boy, let the person sign in, it’s the middle of the working day, well, oleg georgievich,
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instead of lunch, quietly, a little at a time, mommies, mommies, police, police, come, yes, bori, hold the keys, yeah, there is an amazing proposal to celebrate the end of the working day, normal people drink champagne on this occasion, for god’s sake, so who is normal, well, at least for dry red, it’s a pity without andryukha, he’s on duty today, but i’m ready to lead. procession, follows me in bar step march, wait, it's sea, we have a corpse, no way, no, oleg georgivich, we have three
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corpses, three, okay, let's go home, i'll take andryukha, i'll go there with him, i'll tell you the details at the meeting tomorrow, come on, address, oh, that was just not enough. sorry to bother you, you are very busy right now. no, what is it? what is your name? tamara stepanovna? tamara stepanovna, tell me, are you happy? what kind of questions do you have? who are you? we are from the church without silver coins of the last day. maybe you've heard about this one? not no i heard. are they the ones who go and collect money? what kind of money are you? we know how our pensioners live, so we would never ask you for anything. we have a lot of these in our area, we sometimes go around, try to help, we don’t have a lot of money ourselves, but sometimes simple help is really needed, groceries or
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some kind of help around the house, oh thank you, otherwise my daughter left for the weekend, and my curtains are torn off and there’s no one to even hang them, we’ll help, come in, i’ll make some tea, come in, thank you, thank you, it’s a nightmare... go outside to breathe, i didn’t hear any shots, there was a silencer, for sure, but at the addresses, at grebnev’s apartment, at the same place...


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