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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  July 3, 2024 5:40am-6:30am MSK

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do you really need help, groceries, or some kind of help around the house? oh, thank you, because my daughter left for the weekend, and my curtains were torn off and there was no one to even hang them. we will help. well, come in, i’ll make some tea, come in. thank you, thank you. nightmare head of the homicide department, three corpses in one place. i didn't understand. where is your opera, or is tridanov again taking the rap for everyone? what, he’s not an employee, or what? let the call work. what do you have? nothing special. i can say only one thing with confidence: all three were killed from the same pistol what could unite these people? a? by lunchtime tomorrow, i’ll tell you in what order to kill them. well, andryukh, you’ve found some witnesses here, the saleswoman is a night store security guard. the guard sometimes went outside to breathe. i didn't hear any shots. silencer, for sure. what about addresses? i was at grebney’s apartment, right there.
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i’ll interrogate the hysterics later, okay, let’s do it differently, citizen, leave me there, friend, okay, citizen, where are you going, strangers are not allowed here, free, this is my friend , we have a common business. head of the homicide department, lieutenant colonel solovets, and you usov, tell me, how did you find out what happened here, your officer went to see his wife, she called me back right away, i’m not far from here, listen, and who are the rest, these are the residents of neighboring houses, in your opinion, this couldn’t be a contract killing, what the hell, they’re ordering us from someone, we’re legal.
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business, no enemies, then the point, what 's the point, killing him, me, no, listen, let me explain everything to you right away, his share goes to his wife, she is also in our company, the chief accountant, yes, and we are not lovers, not, no, there are no claims against you, for now, let’s do it, i have money, his wife, vodava also has it, we are ready to contribute somehow, only you keep me informed of the investigation, yes, of course, until the investigator interrogates you, it's me, let's go to my car, yes, of course. oleg georgievich, what do
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we have about yesterday’s massacre? this means that three were killed, grebnev, timofeeva and nikolaev. grebnev is a businessman, timofeeva worked in a bank, and nikolaev is a journalist. the killer used a pm with a silencer, but did not remove it after work. i didn’t throw it off, but it still looks like an order. a who was the target. we don't understand this yet. how did they all end up in one place? the journalist was just sitting on a bench, that is , the first two were walking from the parking lot to the house, and grebnev and timofeev were killed in motion, and nikolaev was just sitting, just sitting, waiting for someone, maybe they should have brought him something, first for the journalist, we have the following, a one-year-old child is married, but the wife is talking about possible conflicts...
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apparently, there is no one, right, i’m busy now, no time, no time, leave the office, thank you, should i call the security, yeah, who are you such in general, lieutenant colonel solovets, criminal investigation department, senior lieutenant potapenko, we are talking about your employee, journalist stas nikolaev, yeah. he was killed, i'll call you back, how was he killed? nikiferov, police, criminal investigation department, open the door, well, let's go, rydanov, there is no need
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to break the door without a court order, but a difficult bureaucrat brought it on my head, vanya, we need to break the door, no, i'm telling you, we need to break the door, i feel it. something’s wrong there, the barrel just lit up, we’re hot on its trail, okay, what’s wrong with it, come on, i’ll fill it out with one number later, thank you, father, dear, please, well, andryukha, well , as always, as long as i can cover for you, don’t grumble, van, you know, there’s a lot of paperwork, don’t grumble, don’t grumble, how’s it going with you? it’s always the same thing, so here we come. yes, four corpses in 24 hours, in my opinion, is too much. so, okay, i’ll go to court for permission, then i’ll come back here and call witnesses on the way. come on, georgievich, well, we have another dzhmur with a bullet. let's go to the expert's address. i
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understand, andrey, all lights out. sorry, continue. well, in general, stas was young a very promising journalist. you know, another year or two and he would have left us somewhere at the federal level. do you know why he could have been killed? oh, no, i don’t know, honestly, he hasn’t been involved in any dangerous investigations lately, maybe, yes, no, no, perhaps not, we’re a departmental railway publication, there’s nothing like that in the work of our journalists, there’s no risk no, even if we wanted to, who would let us, we are a departmental press, tell me, maybe there were some well...
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okay, well, sorry, thank you for your time, if anything happens, call me, goodbye. goodbye, christmas trees, oh, georgivich, everything is bad at timofeeva’s work, can you imagine, when they found out that their colleague was killed, half the department immediately burst into tears, you consoled them there, in this regard we have andryukha, the main thing is that everyone is crying, but there was no point, especially one of her friends, says, there were no enemies, there were no conflicts at work either. i didn’t borrow money from anyone, it’s clear, in general, i have to work for relatives and friends, but what a georgich, she’s from out of town, came to st. petersburg six months ago, got a job as a cashier at a bank, rented an apartment, her only friend, just this woman i asked for, a dead end, i’m sure,
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okay, let’s go to the department, listen, i’ll just stop by for a snack on the way, okay, i didn’t have time this morning, igor, we’ll have a snack after the meeting in our dining room. we have added a fourth corpse to our three night ones, what is the fourth corpse? do they reproduce there by budding or something? no, in a natural way, with a firearm, okay, we agreed for now. remember, what, lech, it’s not scary, or what? scary, i’m scared because i haven’t been scared for a long time, philosopher, hello, captain sob, inter-district
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homicide department, there’s a gunshot on your land, you can send a district police officer to the address, so the words, let ’s report, then i ’ll have a personal request for you, what, then , let's bury it first. they have susov between them - this is the one who came to the scene of the murder, a large construction company between them, talked with the chief lawyer, he confirmed the word with uso that after the death of grebnev. the share in the business goes to his wife, so maybe they are in cahoots, otherwise he painfully conscientious, he offered help, then money, well, i even know why, their office was expanding, they were sewing up and combing very important deals, so after his death, us was simply confused, he told you that, no, the secretary spilled the beans, there, by the way, there have already been calls from dissatisfied clients, one even filed a lawsuit over the delay in delivery of the project, which ones are cunning, which are smaller?
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“i sympathize, yes, they introduced themselves as followers of some church, they hit her over the ears, but she gave them all the grave money , down to the penny, yeah, well listen, i’m sewing up, business so much, why don’t you contact the district department, the guys there are normal, but the fact of the matter is that i already applied, the guys there are normal, only there are only four of them, the head of the department is in the hospital with a heart attack, the second one was arrested a week ago for fraud, the third is under investigation while you're at it." a judicial investigation is underway against him, and the fourth is on the run, really normal guys, here's
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food for thought, that judging by the cartridge case , they shot him with the same pistol as there's a trio in the park yesterday in the evening, i wonder, the time of death, well , approximately about a day, that is, first this one was killed, and then those three, well, it looks like that, oh, information is pouring in, great, great, great, local district police, captain sob, inter-district murderer department, i jumped, i warned you that a familiar person, don’t tell me, drank all my blood, drunken fights, calls every other day, why didn’t i put you in prison earlier, well, i didn’t have time, clearly, here i see, there was a festival for several people, you can guess who else was with him, yes, here there aren’t too many options, well, well, it’s all here... rotten bear, sanka cockroach,
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you’re crumbling kolyan, uh-huh, yes, i’ll now draw addresses for you from memory, draw, ritual, hello, yes, you’ll keep me company, i need a couple of interesting addresses here visit, i’m waiting, so, i wrote down the address for you here. district police officer is someone orlov, so let’s talk to him first, maybe he knows something, and i’ll cover you from grodovikov, come on, glory, help me out, all the hope is in you, so rita, we won’t shine our lights, uh-huh, we’ll work on trust, uh-huh, that’s it. oh, hello, hello, and we're coming to you, to me, well, i mean to kolya, he’s at home, no, he
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’s been in the hospital since yesterday, and what happened, he was beaten, his leg was broken, two monsters, seriously, he didn’t give some money on time, and they turned out to be scumbags, so let's go and see him, who are you? well, we are his good friends, obviously. hello, oh, hello, major volkov, that’s right, i called you about the church, these are silversmiths of the last day, that’s right, they made up the name, yes, they’ve been in business with you for a long time, for a long time, we had two cases on our site, yeah , only the victims didn’t write a statement, why, well, the first time the amount was ridiculous, they didn’t bother, the second time the sick grandfather was at... he knew that he had been deceived, he called an ambulance, they took him away, his son had money, he said that everything is settled, money is nonsense
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, it’s not worth my dad’s nerves, it’s interesting, the third case has appeared now, this is at what address, but it doesn’t matter, you know what, i need all the information on the previous cases, will you do it, we’ll do it, of course, hello, we are visitors to nikolai myakish to traumatology, that's up to you end of the corridor, booties, don't forget, okay, okay, thank you. you go, but i need to go to the toilet, and what room is the second floor, the seventh, let’s wait for her here out of harm’s way. let's go, hello, good day,
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hello, hello! where is nikolai? yes , as soon as i received the text message, i grabbed my crutches and ran away like a kangaroo. thanks for the help! is there something wrong? come on, stand! stop! you're mumbling, stop! stop! that’s it, climber, he’s made it!
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a heroic act, i respect you, what did you take? it was normal, the car was cool, the radio was fancy, the navigator, but then i they caught the vests, the owner came out, they started beating me, and they said you were fined 20 grand, and i told them, i’m a bank or something, they’re assholes, go, they say, steal, i see, they broke your leg, too, beaten in beans, so that he doesn’t run away, okay, so what do you have? this miracle has been going crazy here since yesterday morning, that means he wasn’t at nekiforov’s yesterday, that means he wasn’t, tell me, dear, your friend is not kiforov, with whom could he have been drinking yesterday? nikifa, with anyone, why do you need it, but who killed him? this is what we would like to know ourselves, bogdan’s wife took him to the clinic and is cleaning him
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there, cockroach, brother the day before yesterday in the region, tomorrow he will draw... in total, 16 cases were registered in the city in six months, lists, i printed them out for you, there is also a small bonus, but it’s not very cool, what a bonus, this is a scam, yes , the leaf is almost invisible, but height, build,
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little things, nice, really little things.
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what, i don’t remember anything that happened yesterday, so you remember how you got drunk and banged your friend nikiforov, what’s up, i didn’t bang anything, what’s up, i didn’t touch anyone, i didn’t bang, what’s up? , guys, let's figure it out, break it, wait, andryush, what’s there, yes, what ’s there, well, that’s it, what’s the news, are there any suspects? well, on the one hand , we can assume that the murder has been solved, three, already four, what leads us out? in first place in the city, but everything was somehow stupid, there was a gun in the drunk’s apartment, well, they drank, they didn’t share something, the guest killed a neighbor, then he went to
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another area and killed three more people, and brought us to first place, but if everything is clear with the first shot, here are the other three, we will have problems with the villain’s motivation, comrade colonel, oleg georgievich, not from us, but from the investigative committee, okay, the barrel has been confiscated, it can be attached to the case. yes, what does the villain say? yes, that's the point, he doesn't say anything. he claims that he did not kill anyone. well, of course, it's an old song. in general, go ahead. whatever you want, you will have to answer for murder. well, it’s started, are you serious or what? well, it’s a complete idiot, or something, to dump your little fellow, and then keep the gun like that. what are you doing? i don’t know if i’m an idiot or not, that’s what you’re a chronic drunk, that's for sure. yes, well, you yourself say that you don’t remember anything from last night. i don't remember anything. well, i got drunk to the point of unconsciousness with my friend nakiferov, well , yeah, yeah, then you quarreled, you took the gun from him, knocked it over, then
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went on to parkural climb, and which park, specific, is three metro stations away, like if i had gotten there in such a state, did you guys somehow get there, apparently, so that i would have to answer for four murders, four murders? guys, what do you mean, don’t need all this? on me, well, i can do anything, i have a little daughter who lives with my sister, well, well , she’s so small, what do you mean, guys, write, sincerely, why write, i didn’t kill, write everything , do you remember, i showed the photos to my agency, one, gave me the address. the one who is younger, even before the church , scammed you, but no, don’t, i can handle it myself, i understand you correctly, that
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a murderer, someone, sprat, how to become one in the world, artm igolkin, yeah, they’ve become rude, not yet, comrade colonel, because some doubts and inconsistencies have arisen. well, are you doing a bad job? no, we seem to be working with our usual zeal, but there are details. lesh, come on. maybe two words. there are no fingerprints on the gun, not even on the inside of the clip on the internal parts. well, this happens, perhaps i erased it, if i erased it, it was done very carefully. by the way, there are no powder gases on the sprat hands either. but this is already strange. and, we can assume that he wiped it off with kerosene. yes, there are a lot of strange things here, comrade colonel. well, like this. you report, and we will sort it out. the plot is like this: kilka drinks with nikiferov, nikiferov shows him pistol, sprat takes the pistol in his hands, kills nikiforov, then leaves the house,
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goes down to the subway, rides several stops, gets up, enters the park, kills three people with amazing accuracy, then returns home drunk, removes fingerprints from the pistol, wipes his hands with kerosene, puts the pistol under his sofa while drunk... he falls asleep, not very plausible, the conclusion suggests itself that perhaps he was set up by someone else, who was in this apartment with nikiforov sprat, and it was not nikiforov who had the gun, but this third person, hmm, tell me, why did you decide that nikiforov initially had the gun, and not kilka? nikifarov was also in this gang, although he is in the old positions, we think that then before the arrest it was he who hid the pistol, oh how, and no one handed him over so yes, yes, comrade colonel, we will need another day or so for this matter two, i’ll go to the authorities who were involved in the nikiforov case,
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perhaps they have unofficial information on this trunk, okay, andrey, work, whoever is there, the neighbor below, for the whole apartment, the whole apartment, as much as possible. but everything is fine with me, no, you are mistaken, everything is bad for you, because you are suspected of fraud, what kind of fraud, who are you? grandfather pihto, i ’ll call the police now, call, call, i’ll see where the money went, you know whose house you broke into, show you your id, show me, why are you interested in this nikifrov, how much time has passed, them in a gang? the barrel worked hard, yes, i remember, i remember, but we didn’t take it away then that it started shooting, not that shoot, but he’s already worked enough for a whole war
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. yeah, how can i help? tell me, what do you think, could nikirov, after serving time in prison, have taken the gun that worked in the gang? theoretically, of course, he could, but i don’t believe in it, nikifarov was the smallest defendant in this case, therefore, by the way, he received the least of all, yes, but there is no coincidence, he is the only one at large, he did not have the gun, it’s definitely not him, well then guess who, i can’t say anything more, but i’ll give advice, this gang was 6 years ago... the opera, zhilin and orlov were involved, maybe they’ll remember something, only zhilin is now in moscow, and orlov went to the district police, from the police to the district police, hmm, interesting, orlov, this is the district policeman on the ground, whom nikiforov lived, it seems, yes, but what? interestingly, this orlov came to our slaughter. alexey fedorovich, do your duty, don’t tell anyone that we came to see you,
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especially orlov. no question, i’m not...
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pleasant with him, thank you, borya, i gave you materials on the murder of nikiforov for the city report, so yes, but i haven’t sent it yet, i’m waiting for 10 pm, very good, borya, you don’t send these materials to the headquarters, it’s clear, but is it really possible if i... then you can, as you say, okay, oleg georgievich, you know that we don’t have a movie, so you understand, if something goes well not like that, guys, comrade colonel, i ’m sure, i still think that it’s not worth getting a civilian involved in this matter, but i think it’s worth it, he’s eager to do it, he immediately agreed as
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soon as... igor sergeevich, according to - it was a good idea for me. oley georgievich, i will sign only out of respect for your experience. i want to study at university. you are married and soon you will children will appear. ceiran is pregnant? why am i not talking about this? i know that these are personal matters of our family, and you cannot interfere in them, no matter how much you would like. tsariran wants to study, let her study, and i will help her. and i will do everything to become an educated woman. and you are full of surprises. i'm still very far from you. kingfisher, new season. today at 14:00. on
6:10 am
ntv. morning is the best. on weekdays from 6:30 on ntv. alexander nikolaevich. july 16th no. i have ice delux. so, the third one. no. i have bighit. delicious calendar. every day. new favorite product at a super price. only in the app it’s delicious, period. attacked by credit card debt? i’ll show you a couple of tricks: we collect all credit card debts in one go , conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. for the first time on screens, welcome. on avita, on avito. khvatamba has arrived. and discounts for people from people. only until july 7th khvatamba has so much to offer. from smartphones to sneakers. on avito. our new
6:11 am
name is tebank. when opening a business, you need to think through everything, i’ll open a fitness club here, you'll pump yourself up, implement everything you've planned, and the bank business will give... so i'm taking a scooter, and if i took a scooter, it means i transferred unused communication minutes to this trip, if everyone leaves there upset, it means no one has been given the role yet, artyom, well, let’s finally smile sincerely for the camera, cool tariff, there
6:12 am
’s music, but what will you do if they don’t give you the role, well, i’ll rehearse more, and transfer the remaining gigabytes to the next month if they give you the role? he will still transfer gigabytes, because he will rehearse, the new tariff 24 is as much as 30 gb of internet, which can be carried over to the next month, communication minutes that can be exchanged for trips on mts uren scooters, and mts music is already included in the tariff, try it for 399 rubles. magnet price, what you need, monarch coffee 419.99. 10 days before the vk fest, buy tickets for the main events of the summer at big sale of clothes on ozone. ultimate shop sneakers for 899. oxygen purifier brand3 for 349. our new name is tebank. we change our name without changing ourselves. dbank, he is like that
6:13 am
one. cosmically delicious. and these are cherkizov’s own farms, where selected meat for sausages appears. cherkizovo. here an affordable powerful filter can come to the rescue, a convenient tablet format and no aftertaste, filter, a powerful action, a simple technique, try hit combo 3 for 150 rubles in rostix, dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i won't be late now, there are many vacancies on avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place, our new name is tebank, oh, the cashback came so much, but it drops for all purchases, dad, with the black card there’s cashback for everything, peak everything, cashback for everything everything, dad, nothing complicated, repeat after me, peak everything, peak everything, you get cashback monthly directly to the card, in real
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money, it’s that simple, peak, everything, dedo , get a black card from the bank and get cashback for all purchases, tebank, it’s the only one. about the weather for today, hello, it’s a hot summer in the far east, but there are also rainy exceptions, firstly, kamchatka, there is a cyclone there, the air temperature is stuck at +10-12, in chukotka, on the arctic coast yakutia is similar, but in the south of the continent the heat is intensifying, the leaders are blagoveshchensk, chita, tynda, where it is +37, khabarovsk is slightly behind, and siberia is divided into a hot east and a cool west, and the heaviest precipitation will be right along the dividing line. between heat and cold, in omsk only 19, in tomsk 25, in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory +30 and above, and the urals receive a portion of sultry air from the european territory, well, from the west the humid air of the atlantic advances onto the russian plain, accompanied by strong thunderstorms and
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squally gusts of wind, but the point is that the frontal system cannot advance further, today there will be thunderstorms again in kareli, the pskov, novgorod regions, they will already affect the smolensk and tver regions and will create conditions for... short rains in the moscow, kaluga, bryansk. but the heat is also increasing. today it is reaching its peak, along with the increase in humidity, this will only add to the unpleasant sensations, in the volga region there is no precipitation and 33-35. the temperature is even higher in priozovye, almost 40 there, the black sea resorts are hot, in sevastopol and sochi there is no precipitation, a mountain of thunderstorms. in in st. petersburg today there is a thunderstorm again and + 20-22. in moscow 33-35. so far there are only short showers in places, but on friday there will be thunderstorms.
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captain of the eagles, greetings, yeah, how are you? yes, i’m calling for advice, listen, we took the sprat based on your tip, but unfortunately, we had to release it, why, why? there is no significant evidence against him, yes, nothing at all, clean, listen, in your area, besides drunken fights, are there any other episodes? and not for service, for friendship, look at it carefully, if anything appears, let me know right away, i will be grateful, that's it, let's get in touch, well, i'm tired, great, igor, go there, go here, what kind of work, i don't know, my stomach is already stuck to my back, honestly, i don't understand, are you cooking cartridges or something? , i was hungry, you know, i really like boiled cartridges. andryukh, well, porridge from an ax,
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i can still understand that, but tea from cartridges is somehow, captain igor, put the kettle in its place, they are not ready yet, but it’s clear, another joke from rydanov, yes, no, another non-standard operational development from captain rydanov, oh well, i’ll go clean up the eighth bump. slavka, why are you so sad? hey, you’ve already broken your head with these scammers, and you’ve been looking for half a year, here you won’t get fame in the shortest possible time. yeah, yeah. well, let's figure it out. did you draw the portrait? compiled it, interviewed the victims? put on the wanted list? submitted. well, if it doesn't hiss, we should go quickly. that's the thing, it's hissing. they change clothes constantly, changing routines. it even gives them a different age. yesterday they sent it to the correct address. yes, i heard you drop in on the judge, i don’t know how
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apologize, well, at least you owe her candy and flowers, we’ll break through. uh, oh, hello, hello, how are you, everything is fine, things are fine, what are you doing, yes, i need a certificate that my criminal record has been expunged, i’m getting a job, yes, what’s this all of a sudden, i’ve already drunk a little they weren’t charged with murder, they asked where it was, i don’t remember a damn thing, mm. i can’t do it anymore,
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commendable, thank you, listen, i’m busy today, i’ll write you a certificate, tomorrow, and i understand, well , i’ll be there tomorrow, yes, come in, i’ll be at home, go ahead, call me if anything happens.
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quiet, don't twitch, uh, did you say quietly, i'm asking the questions here, the first thing you know is that i planted the gun on you, i didn't sleep, i saw that you came in and planted it, well, what could i do? it’s a setup, and you decided to throw it back at me, yes, well, what could i do with... i had cops with a low attitude, if they had found my gun, they would have locked me up right there, you think correctly, even though
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i’m an idiot, only i don’t need witnesses, oh, don’t don’t shoot, i won’t tell anything about nikifa or the others, how do you know? about the others, well, i saw how you left him, but i followed you into the square, i saw everything there, but i’m a grave, i won’t say anything, hands, it won’t work, eagles, the cartridges were boiled in boiling water for days, andryukh, what vasya? listen, there's new information. what do you have there? rit, start working with them. what? look, i checked orlov’s old box, not the one he showed everyone, but a different one. and what's there? it contains correspondence. with the customer, here’s a printout, here’s a flash drive with a video on it, vasya, well done, oh well, here’s a huge thank you for this thank you very much, now we can go after the customer, now we have a complete set, well done, thank you, georgivich, it looks like we
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unearthed our customer, vasily offered his hand. look, oops, unexpectedly , yes, yes, yes, well, let's take it, wait, andryukh, maybe he can do without unnecessary movements, so where is he, uh huh, hello, hello, this is lieutenant colonel solovets, mm, as far as i'm concerned i remember you were worried about your friend, so, we have information on the murder, could you come to our department? well, i'll tell you all the details, okay, agreed, i'm waiting, who's there, sorry, we 'd like to talk to you, what happened, sorry for the trouble, we're from
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the church of the last day besserniks, yeah, very nice, what a delight, and sorry, you know, you're probably sent by the conduct itself, i am a very unhappy, deeply lonely person, we will help, i really need your help, we will help, please come in, you are a former operative, orlov, you understand everything yourself, is there a video recording, a gun? i’ve said everything, it’s not for us to tell you that your only chance is cooperation, that’s enough, but i have 10 years of topper experience, five at the site, i have something to present,
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present it, that’s it, the conversation is over, yes. hello, hello, hello, hello, i'm glad that there is news, they found the killer, there is news, there is, and not only about the killer, but about the customer, so, so, so, the killer, a former detective, now a district police officer, captain of the eagles, and the customer, the customer, is you, mr. usov. i don’t understand anything, what kind of orlov, what kind of orlov, how dare you present this to me, calm down, good afternoon, sit down, sit down, i don’t know anything, i have nothing to tell you,
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the first stage is called i don’t know anything, that ’s what, let’s immediately move on to the second stage, which is called i want. at a minimum, the fact that you are going to pay already says a lot, that's what, let's be serious, there are four corpses, there is a killer, the name is eagles, the evidence against him is ironclad, i think that in a few hours he, he will hand you over as
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a customer, then you have the chance for life, this is not true, but this is not entirely true, yes, you asked him to remove only the comb. and he, in order to shift the blame onto an alcoholic who had fallen into delirium tremens, he killed three more, but you didn’t order these from him? no, no, no, great, you will be tried for only one murder, you will testify against orlov, then the court will take into account your sincere confession and assistance to the investigation, and we will issue a confession for you, let me write it myself. or are you on your own? well, so can we. tell me, why did you order grebnev? yes i am, yes. okay, to hell with it, what now, orlov and i have been doing business for a long time, for about five years now, he contacted me through your department
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people, you know, as happens in business, you need to know who you are dealing with, well, little things there, follow up, one more thing, then i began to receive information that grebneev got involved with bandits, his brother laid back there, excuse me, released from the zone. and they want to throw me out of business, but i pressured orlov to collect information about their plans, yesterday morning i went to work, looked at my email, there was a letter from orlov, a video file, a recording of crest and the bandits discussing these plans, well, we are this we’ve already seen the file too, yes, well, i freaked out and asked orlov, so that he solves the issue radically. he asked for 50 thousand, i agreed, but set the condition that suspicion would not fall on me,
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he said that he would easily leak it through some drunken tramp, he said that he had a weapon, he was like, when in the cops, oh, excuse me, he worked in the ugro, like he squeezed some left barrel, and through this barrel he will frame this drunk, such a plan, a wild plan, i must say, your orlovsky is terrible, when i... i myself found out that he killed three more people, just to confuse you, i almost sat there. okay, in general terms everything is clear, andryukh, formalize it, write down everything that this citizen said, let’s go through, yeah, bor, open the gate. slava, you’re great, honestly, well done, there are so many cases of fraud, all in vain, but as soon as i entrusted you, look,
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i got a bonus in 24 hours, well, what a bonus, this is practically not an official job, this is how you always work, work , how did you figure them out, spent a day in ambush in the forest, raised the air force, what did you take, what difference does it make, listen, our orlovs took it, so let's formalize the villain. i left, why are you girls so nice, but don’t follow the law?
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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we listen to the chronicle of the emergency, we go with a check to the car service with the first gear, on ntv the program is an emergency in the marat seddikov studio, like on a powder keg. the residents of building 15 on shevskaya street in yekaterinburg are feeling well; after the fire, out of sixty apartments, only 16 remained there; since then , the damaged part of the building has been chosen by vagabonds, new fires have occurred there, even an explosion, but the house is not being resettled or demolished. free horror-style excursions for the residents of this house, which they themselves have long called evil, are available at any time of the day or night, and you don’t have to go far for this, says galina orudzheva, just leave the room. look how it is to live here, this. everything has already collapsed.


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