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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 3, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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a real marathon of non-stop negotiations, today, on the eve of the sco summit , vladimir putin held meetings with colleagues from different countries, with whom they talked about what, from the capital of kazakhstan, reporting by roman sobol. operation. gration, why years later she looks like a legend, her scale is unlikely to ever be repeated as they liberated belarus and drove the germans out of minsk. sergey sarin, more details. how military engineers lay roads for advancing troops and how long it takes to destroy enemy minefields. he'll tell you about it ilya usheninin. by 2027, russia should have its own orbital station. state duma deputy on plans for the development of the domestic rocket and space industry. yuri
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borisov said, edmund zhelbunov highlighted the main thing in the speech of the head of roscosmos. road accident involving russian tourists in antalya. 20 people were injured, one in intensive care. nakhit babayev knows the details. svetlana gordeeva talked to bloggers or researchers about whether the era of business will be replaced by the time of science with young scientists and schoolchildren dreaming of discoveries. hello, welcome to information telecomponent tv service. this is the program today, its presenter is elmira ikhendeeva and vladimir chernyshov. today, the center of eurasian geopolitics has become astana, the sco summit and the conversation between state leaders who are developing the vectors of a new multipolar one.
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roman sobyl conveys from behind a groan. although the main events of the shanghai cooperation organization summit are scheduled for tomorrow, as a rule, the schedule of such summits also includes an additional day, which delegations use for negotiations and, as diplomats say, final reconciliation of hours. today , vladimir putin’s entire day is practically devoted to bilateral negotiations, such summits, and they also include the possibility of similar meetings, at which the leaders of different states determine the path forward.
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developments read each other’s mood and here a lot depends on the experience and authority of the head of state, because at such meetings solutions to issues that determine the entire global policy often arise. at noon, the russian president held talks with the president of mongolia, and then immediately with the leader of azerbaijan, on the second floor of the hotel where putin was staying , they prepared a whole string of halls, finishing the negotiations in one room on... the delegation literally moved in a couple of steps to another. a marathon of meetings, non-stop negotiations. putin discussed increasing trade turnover and participation in international infrastructure projects with ilham aliyev. of course , the first place now comes out to the well-known north-south route. i hope we will also say a few words about this. there is another possibility areas, including in the energy sector. russia, and maybe the countries of northern
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europe, if they come to their senses, with iranian ports in the persian gulf and further with india throughout southeast asia. on the azerbaijani side there is a very large infrastructural development, a modern large highway has been launched from. with russia to baku, it is connected to the previously existing same modern road, from baku to the border with iran. at the same time, azerbaijan will become an important transport hub distributing huge commodity flows. the presidents talked about humanitarian cooperation. putin noted that 300 schools in azerbaijan provide instruction in russian. we have about a million, that means. that is, this suggests that
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future generations of our citizens will also actively interact and speak the same way as you and i do in russian. then, almost without interruption, putin held negotiations with the pakistani prime minister, at a meeting with the turkish president, they said that despite the difficult situation in the world, relations between moscow and ankara remains stable. we have noted a slight decline over the previous few months. in trade turnover, but it remains at a fairly high level, $55 billion, i would like to note that last year we observed, probably, a record number of our tourists in turkey, 6.3 million people, tourists from russia experienced turkey . turkey
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welcomes not only our tourists, but also specialists from rosatom; the construction of a nuclear power plant in vacuya in the south of the country is almost completed. of course, we would like the nuclear power plant to be put into operation in the shortest possible time. in addition, we are conducting a dialogue on the second nuclear power plant in sinop. here, i am sure, we can take very serious steps. recep tayyip erdogan invited the russian president to visit turkey. the possibility of such a visit has been discussed for quite some time. journalists waited with great interest for the start of vladimir putin's meeting, noting all sorts of seemingly insignificant details.
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kazakhstan to china, our countries are also connected by partnerships within the framework of brix. putin invited his chinese colleague attend the summit in kazan this fall. today the negotiations were clearly dominated by economics. an interview with the general was published initially, and today
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the organization of cooperation has outgrown the framework, un secretary guterres, where he highly praised the conflicts, but over time, the shanghai role of the sco on the world stage, both in security issues and in promoting economic integration.
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it was the west that prepared and provoked the ukrainian crisis, and is now deliberately prolonging it, while western countries are doing their best to condone the provisional government of ukraine.
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which is used somewhere in the field with great functions, the gun was good at that time,
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then it stood for a decade as an exhibit, in the belarusian outback, it will celebrate its victorious anniversary at the reconstruction, all that remains is to take aim, here is the first test, aim the gun, a faithful partner is nearby, an artillery tractor, a legendary workhorse , an unpretentious, mega-hardy omnivore, well, it had the plus that the engine could run on any fuel, it seemed very convenient. it was taken out of the old riverbed belarusian river shary. the red army had a clear example; it had excellent equipment. the germans quickly produced exactly the same tractor, one to one. it turns out that even at the time of the beginning of the war, they also captured this equipment, which retreated, and they also began to actively use it, well, in fact , one might say, they copied it. first launch, then complete assembly of the body kit and first rollout. operation we mean bagration 80 years since the liberation of belarus, its capital
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minsk, everything is just about it, even now, looking at the sown fields, you understand this lowland, but they drained it and plowed it up, in 1944 there was british moss, a four-meter swamp, on all maps, a natural dead end and a dead end, without options, thanks to our intelligence, which misinformed the enemy, convincing that the summer offensive campaign would be carried out in ukraine, they removed some of their tanks. years later, the plan was realized; the success of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers looks like a legend, but it was a million-strong front, a two-month complete secrecy intelligence game, entire false areas were lined up, to manufacture place mock guns in a firing position in the area of ​​the town of lenin and morozov, and make a large number of fires at night. plus. engineering phantasmogoriya in the swamps, macro mortars, rafts, drags and gats under heavy equipment, all this at night
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disguised as the sounds of cannonade, then a double blow, which became a shock for the germans and soviet tank fists, slicing the german rear with fat lambs, boilers, first bobruisk, then minsk, then the pit as a process of destruction of the army group center. the germans seemed to be training too all this time, but they simply weren’t standing next to us during operation bagration. well, if we compare this in terms of operational and tactical art, for the anniversary the ministry of defense declassified some of the military documents, including those on ideological work with german prisoners, some of them were quickly successfully thrown back to their own, after 30 minutes merta returned with a white flag at the head a large group of germans numbering 184 people. there were some misfires, but statistics show significant success throughout the entire period.
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hitler's order. tankers fly into the city and doing their job. on a high pedestal is dmitry frolikov’s tank, side number 145. his crew was the first to reach the outskirts of minsk, destroyed a lot of manpower equipment, but most importantly, opened the enemy’s defense line, actually causing fire on themselves. then the artillery and aviation worked well, and the advanced units of the red army arrived. by noon on july 3, minsk was liberated. yes, these are just ruins
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in a ring of concentration camps. in the entire city, 70 or more small buildings survived. but people rejoice. on the occasion of the liberation in moscow, a festive salute of 324 guns was displayed, while only 30 km away fierce battles. a well-trained group of one hundred thousand is trying to break out of the noose. a historical fact that few people think about is the title of heroes of the soviet union. they burn german cauldrons, at the cost of their lives they stop attempts at numerous breakthroughs, the germans tried to break through at any cost, but the task of our red army soldiers at any cost, even at the cost of their lives, is to prevent this group from going to the west, so that they remain here until the end. the uzlyan battle is the next day after
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the liberation of minsk, the artillery battery is four guns, there are 100 people on staff, but there are only 49 of them, order. close the road, they ran into 300 germans, well, 300 germans were quickly packed up, that is, 50 were destroyed, 150 surrendered, followed by an order to stop a reinforced column with armored vehicles and mortars, well, think, a thousand against 49, they also had guns, mortars, but the commander makes what decision, he needs a maneuverable group, he leaves three crew men each, takes everyone else with machine guns, starts mowing down the germans, bypassing them and... establishing actions with his own guns, destroying, just even it is impossible to imagine that they destroyed guns, armored vehicles, germans, and another 700 people, while losing only three soldiers. all 49 fighters received awards: gunners and commander of heroes of the soviet union, the rest received orders of various denominations. such an army and such soldiers cannot be stopped. the soviet union has broken through
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the four-hundred-kilometer brezh and reached its borders, with the road to berlin ahead. sergey! changed the firing position, camouflaged the combat vehicle, took refuge in the dugout where the fire was stopped, at first we didn’t know that we were working on abrox, and then they said, well, they were happy for
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the boys, for the crew, that they worked for such a goal. there are coordinates, a target, we load it up, we drive out, we load it, everything is the same, it’s the same, the same coordinates, that’s it, nothing like that, the same everything, turn the dials, set the sight, angle, aim the gun, wait for the command to fire, and the crew of the iskander operational-tactical complex struck deep behind enemy lines, with an accurate strike our military hit the poltava airfield, in the city of the same name, where the equipment was based... the armed forces of ukraine in as a result, the ukrainian armed forces mi-24 combat helicopter and aviation engineering service vehicles were destroyed. also amazed. workshop-enterprises for the production of tank guns of large-caliber ammunition, as well as the accumulation of enemy manpower in 125 areas. three ukrainian unmanned boats, which were heading
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towards novorossiysk, were destroyed in the black sea at night. the sailors discovered the drones and opened fire with standard weapons. all. the targets were destroyed. ukrainian troops are retreating en masse in the artyomovsk direction. our assault troops have completely occupied the kanal microdistrict of the city of chasov yar, followed by military engineers following the advanced units. well, they neutralize, neutralize fields and roads for successful advancement, and also establish crossings to replace those destroyed. while retreating, the militants left behind many mines and traps.
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in the field, engineers have even equipped an entire training center, where they train professional not only sappers, but also demolitionists, that is, they teach how to disarm enemy traps and set them themselves, instead of a standard fuse, it stands on top anti-personnel mine, that is, if the equipment runs into it, it will all go off, if a person steps on it, we simply call them teleporters, because it explodes like that if a person steps on it, well, unfortunately , most of the limbs are torn off. according to the instructor in the class, all the combat exhibits warn the cadets about the danger : bright red signs, mines with fuses, tripwires are also real, so don’t
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touch them with your hands, otherwise the whole class will fly into the air, the slightest touch of the wire will explode, so that there’s some bad guy here human i didn’t do this, the pin was tightened, but also , if you want, you can blow everything up, where the sappers have already passed, military builders come into action, they are also from the eleventh engineering, in parallel with the civil one. the military going to artemosk with bulldozers and excavators is essentially making a new path specifically for heavy equipment, so that the tracks do not break the asphalt. over particularly dangerous areas , such nets are pulled from above from the side to protect equipment from enemy kamis drones. this all happens sometimes as a subcomponent of artillery cannonades, but the military calmly do their job, walking an average of 5 km a day. well , so that there are no holes, there is mud, there are no swamps , so that nothing is washed away here when it rains. the equipment could easily pass through without getting stuck anywhere, but how intense is the traffic here? well, there’s a lot of travel here, that is, both tracked, yes,
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wheeled and tracked, but this is a vehicle without which not a single offensive can take place, a mobile bridge layer, such trucks are used to overcome ravines or shallow streams. now military engineers are actually conducting their last training on installing a heavy mechanized bridge, this is happening in... in just a few days they will be building exactly the same bridges over an obstacle; already in combat conditions , an officer with the call sign swallow is supervising the work of the crew, it turns out that the bridge he is installing something similar to the tail of this bird, he says during the attack, their car becomes a priority target, but they have no choice, they have to make crossings even during shelling, during this time we simply scatter, there are no other options, then a quiet time passes, we continue to work there for a few minutes. three then we work like this, we’re just experienced, we do everything quickly, we quit quickly, we left quickly. in the near future , military engineers will again be transferred to the front
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line, because as our troops advance, their help will again be needed in the most dangerous areas. ilya usheninin, maxim belikov, ntv television company, southern direction of the special military operation. today they have become details of the high-profile case of a french citizen who was detained in moscow a month ago are known. in the criminal case, witnesses were questioned with whom the accused held meetings to
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collect information in the field of military and military-technical activities of the russian federation. a linguistic forensic examination was ordered based on the audio recordings of these meetings. the investigative committee added that the frenchman committed another violation, did not comply with the law on foreign agents, it is reported. now a short advertisement, further in our issue, by 2027 russia should have its own orbital station, state duma deputy yuri borisov spoke about plans for the development of the domestic rocket and space industry; in the speech of the head of roscosmos , edmund zhelbunov highlighted the main thing. road accident involving russian tourists in antalya, 20 people were injured, one in intensive care. he knows the details. you're cool, but for a subscription
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half the price on world sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. stars on weekends at 22:10 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. the russian government has submitted amendments to the state duma for the second reading of the tax bill. denis talolaev joins us for business news. denis. what exactly was adjusted? the resort fee has been changed. tourist tax, and tax deductions for athletes have been increased. the government has amended a bill to change the tax system in russia. it has already passed the first reading in the duma, the second is expected next week. the ministry of finance reports that preferences for the it industry and electronics will expand. the income tax for it companies will be set at 5% until 2030. previously it was assumed that it would work in
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this form until the twenty-seventh year. the ministry of finance also says that some state duties will change. there are no big specifics here yet, but earlier rbc wrote that the ministry of finance proposes, for example, to increase the fee for divorce from 650 rub up to 5,000. the ministry of finance also wants to turn the resort fee into a tourist tax. currently , only five regions have the right to collect a resort tax, but they want to allow all regional authorities to impose a tourist tax. if the resort tax is a maximum of 100 rubles per person per night of stay in a hotel, sanatorium or hostel, then the tourist tax will be calculated as a percentage of the cost of living. and by 2029 they want to gradually raise it to 5% of the cost of living. well, one more correction to... it will be possible to return 2,340 rubles in a year. today at
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the financial congress of the central bank has begun in st. petersburg, which looks action-packed just by the composition of the participants. the head of the central bank, elvira nabeulina, and oleg deripasko sat on the same stage. my colleague, the presenter, joins us live. news heads marina pimenova. marina, the st. petersburg economic forum took place less than a month ago, there is a new financial event, although i of course understand that when it’s +32 here in moscow, and +17 here in st. petersburg, you really want to discuss everything there. in general, tell me what it’s about talked today. denis, we talked about the economy, of course, and discussed the limitations it has, because this was the topic of the main session. and although it would seem that there are restrictions, since both the world bank and the international monetary fund have improved forecasts for the russian economy more than once this year, the head of the central bank, elvira nabiulina, still called for caution. it is important for us
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to comprehend the current situation and understand that this is a long race, this is not a short distance, but truly a marathon distance, and over rough terrain. with obstacles, i i would now highlight three types of restrictions, they are interconnected: this is the labor force, the situation shows us that we can no longer grow extensively and growth can only be due to labor productivity, and labor productivity is technology, and for us the limitation is access to technology, our own technological development, and for all this, of course, we need investments, we need...
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probably, great skills are not particularly required, but, strangely enough, nevertheless, 110,000 workers work for the troops, and of course, the most problematic is precisely the segment of qualified personnel, and the working personnel, i mean the working personnel, here in our country, for example, there are only 30 to 40 titanium welders left in our entire country, so personnel training, german gref. urged not to forget that russian business has not only internal problems, but also external ones, so the key thing is the work of institutions. according to the head of sberbank, the problem of the judicial system for the protection of property rights is very acute now, and after the session we were able to talk with
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german gref, and we asked him an even broader question: how would he like the russian economy to develop right now and what path would it take? the main challenge we face. this is diversification, we must leave the raw material paradigm, andrevich said today at the session that thank god we have oil and not chips, but i would prefer the opposite, that we have chips and not oil, so also it’s better when we have both oil and chips, so we definitely need to increase the diversification of the economy, develop make a new reindustrialization.
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it will be interesting, denis, about the details of the congress, i have everything. yes, marin, thank you, it was marina pimenova from the financial congress of the central bank. the russian stock market today, not today, generally grew for 3 days in a row, but just today investors decided that enough was enough, especially since there are no big reasons for market optimism right now. at the end of july , the russian central bank is likely to raise the key rate. on the global foreign exchange market , the euro is now growing against the dollar. noticed in the words of the head of the american federal reserve jerome paula signaled an imminent reduction
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in the key rate, this was also recorded by the russian central bank, setting the official rates for tomorrow, the dollar symbolically fell in price to 87.95, the euro has grown noticeably, the rate for tomorrow is 94:58, i have marina piminova with everything about the economy for today , thank you guys, well, as you understand, denis tolalayev and marina piminova with an economic review. measures to protect the environment were discussed at government house today. mikhail mishustin held a meeting with the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana radionova. she reported on how the implementation of the national ecology project and other federal programs is progressing. according to radionova, over the past 3 years , the department’s funding has increased sixfold , and this has made it possible to increase the number of laboratory studies manifold. there is active interaction with business. annual payments from enterprises exceeded 20 billion. they are decreasing.
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such projects are being carried out in the lugansk and donetsk people's republics, in the kherson and zaporozhye regions, yes, we have practically two divisions there, because one division, and this is land and one division that controls the sea area, we have a special department under our black sea azov directorate, we talk with port captains, we see issues of ships that need to be moved or sunken, we see issues of pollution and... radionova also added that rosprirodnadzor is conducting serious work on
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environmental consulting, this allowed us to prevent a large number of problems. russia urgently needs to significantly increase the production of space satellites and launch 400 satellites per year, otherwise the main we will not be able to catch up with our competitors in the space industry, the usa and china. the head of roscosmos, yuri borisov, announced this today; he spoke to deputies of the state duma as part of the government hour. most of the speech. was dedicated to the plans, in particular, borisov noted that one of the most important tasks of creating a russian orbital station and the first crew are going to be sent to it at the end of the twenty- eighth year, edmund zhalbunov readily reports. government hour with the participation of the general director of roscosmos in was held within the walls of the state duma for the first time. yuri borisov began his speech by bringing the economic indicators of the state corporation’s work to the orbit of parliamentary attention. according to him, despite sanctions pressure and a decrease in the share of participation in international... last year , the total production capacity of the organization of space technology manufacturers is up to 30.
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roscosmos managed not only to maintain revenue at the same level, but even increase it to 413 billion rubles. to date , the rocket and space industry has created there are 14 integrated structures, employing about 165,500 people. launch vehicles of various classes and up to 40 various spacecraft. appointments per year. among the significant results, yuri borisov especially noted the failure-free launches of domestic space rockets over the past 5 years, which is the best indicator of reliability in the world. 125 launches were accident-free, but for comparison, this means that all other launches that were carried out to other countries, they had 44 accidents during this period. and among the key tasks for the near future, the director of roscosmos highlighted not only the further exploration of outer space and the development of manned astronautics, but issues of completely earthly matters. for example, yuri
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borisov said that by the end of this decade russia should have its own orbital station. just the day before, the head of roscosmos approved the implementation schedule for this large-scale federal project, which will allow our country to maintain its status as a great space power, and back in march a budget of more than 600 billion rubles was approved. creation. flights will inevitably lead to the loss of accumulated scientific and technical potential and the loss of won leadership positions in this area. russia cannot allow this. at the same time, the corporation will have to work on other important, but not yet resolved issues, in particular, the need for conveyor, that is, mass production of satellites. over
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the past 50 years, russia's share in the world orbital constellation has decreased 10 times. at this rate, by 2030 it will be only half a percent. the industry's top priority, and we, unfortunately, are not ready for it today in production, technological and personnel matters, this is a challenge for us, and this is our work in the near future, just so you understand, the production capacity of the united states today is about 300 devices per year, in china , seven factories that you heard, this is approaching 2. europe is also not sleeping in this regard, we have 40, which means we need to radically restructure the entire industry, nevertheless, both manned astronautics and the orbital program, yuri borisov is convinced, ready to go out a qualitatively new level, a new orbital station, a new angara ship and a new eastern cosmodrome, this is the triune formula
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for the success and priorities of roscosmos. at the end of his detailed report, the director of the state corporation thanked the deputies for their constructive cooperation and separately for their support of the initiative. edmunov, alexey sidorov, vladislav dubovitsky and valery kiselev, ntv television company, moscow. now there’s a short advertisement, that’s what we’ll talk about after it. road accident with russian tourists in antalya, 20 people were injured, one in intensive care. nakhit babayev knows the details. bloggers or researchers will the era of business be replaced by the time of science.
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svetlana gordeeva spoke with young scientists and schoolchildren dreaming of discoveries. the delicious calendar returns to a tasty point. we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfabank cards. elena vasilievna. dmitry, come in, come in. veda vasilievna, i feel great, but somehow i want to invest in health. what do you advise? there is one company. that's right, it'll get wet. to your health. invest in shares promomet company. what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for the subscription. open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18%. vtb, together everything will work out. everyone wants to win millions, but not everyone does. work where it's needed. instant lottery stoloto. every second ticket wins. hurry up
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loyalty program for entrepreneurs, open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. like a father, like a fellow, he’s as simple as two drops. this is the program today. we continue our release. russian tourists who were on vacation in turkey were involved in an accident today. the bus
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they were taking to the airport to fly home crashed into a concrete pillar. the driver died on the spot, more than a dozen passengers were injured. these are mainly fractures. seven people still remain in hospital, one in serious condition. our consulate general reported that they maintain contact with the victims and resolve any problems that arise. for situations. nakhitbaev is watching. early morning, alanya highway antalya, a bus crashes into a concrete barrier at high speed. the impact spun the car, the front part turned into a pile of metal. there were 25 tourists from russia and belarus on the bus, including children. they were all returning home after a holiday on the mediterranean sea. there are no dead among them. 20 people were taken to nearby hospitals. of which were discharged, seven russians remain in them at the moment, nine russians are already
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in hospitals, the most severely injured was one tourist from russia in the 1980s birth, is now in intensive care, and another girl, 19 years old, previously received a traumatic brain injury, but the diagnosis... is also being clarified. five people refused hospitalization and continued on their way to the airport. the bus was driven by a local resident, fifty-nine-year-old shivki choban. he was immediately taken to the hospital, but could not be saved. the association of tour operators of russia stated that they will provide the victims with all the necessary assistance, a decision is being made whether it makes sense to leave someone in the hospital while this is all outpatient is happening. russia is suspending its
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participation in the parliamentary assembly of the organization for security and cooperation in europe, and our country is also stopping all payments to its budget, this decision was unanimously adopted by the federation council today at a plenary meeting, chairman matvienko addressed. send telegrams to the parliamentary assembly after the senators vote immediately to the osce, which is now taking place in romania, so that if they have at least the remnants of some kind of diplomacy left to their conscience and something else, so that they voice a statement from the federal assembly regarding their activities.
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the murder of journalists who speak from a position different from brussels and washington, well , the last straw in this situation was romania’s demonstrative refusal to issue visas to a member of the russian delegation to participate in the annual session in bucharest. state spending on supporting scientists has increased more than in recent years. than one and a half times. these data were published by the ministry of education and science. researchers and developers receive personalized scholarships, large grants, a variety of incentive measures are provided for them. particular attention is paid to young scientists and, as a result, more and more of today’s schoolchildren are connecting their future with science. this is what svetlana gordieva convinced me of. turn off the lights. this is
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also an interesting thing.
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young scientist ilya semeykov showed and told schoolchildren how the most powerful quantum computer in russia works. essentially, this is it. such a huge processor that is needed not for games or texts, but for ultra-precise , ultra-fast calculations. for its creation the scientist received a national award in the field of future technologies, a challenge of 10 million rubles. the new goal is to build the world's largest quantum computer. for example, decomposing a number into prime factors on a sufficiently large quantum computer takes a matter of hours; while such computers have not been created in the world, it takes on a classical computer.
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the creation of new technologies is carried out mainly by young scientists, those who have barely turned 30, who would have thought that irina timofeeva was already a professor when i i meet people, they say: oh my god, in chemistry, i got a c or a b at school, no, i got an a in chemistry at school, because i really liked understanding the reactions that occur, her area of ​​interest , analytical chemistry, what she is working on in her laboratory will benefit anyone, a scientist and... doing research, says irina, there is a lot now, and this is pleasing, the granite of science is still easier to gnaw with strong, young
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teeth, now a lot of attention is being given attention scientists, and various scholarships, and programs, and internships, and grants, for young people, for people who are only now deciding on their future path, they have quite large horizons, great opportunities, after all, science is hard work, this is not with with their phones at the ready, running around to post selfies, so the most important question for schoolchildren to scientists is not about salaries and bonuses, science brings you pleasure, how happy are you that you became a scientist? yes, i know, i really like doing all this, i can do it with my own hands cut out some kind of vacuum chamber there or weld it, hang it there, put a trap inside and catch individual ions, if this all works out, then it will still bring some benefit, svetlana gordeeva, ilya fedosov,
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alena antonova, daniil karatun and vera timofeeva, ntv. and now it’s time for the weather forecast in our weather studio evgenia neronskaya. the prolonged heat in moscow, will it lead us to storms and hurricanes again? for example, recently in st. petersburg there was a huge contrast in temperature, now between the hot air and the approaching coolness. there will be several hotspots, one will go to the north of european territory, heavy rains, gusty winds, the second zone of bad weather will approach the north-west, the heaviest rains tomorrow will fall in the pskov region, it’s only +18 there, all this dense cloud mass is moving towards the central regions , but for now it will only be felt... in the smolensk and tver regions. it won't be as hot here as it was the day before. in the morning the air will have time to warm up to +30, but in the afternoon it will become colder. and thunderstorms are likely in places. on the rest the central district is hot and does not think of losing
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ground until +35. the air will heat up in orel, tula and nizhny novgorod. almost 37 are already in saratov. and all this under the blazing merciless sun. in the reaches of the volga don it is already below 40. also not a drop of rain. precipitation will stop even in the mountains of the north caucasus. on the black sea coast the temperature stays around +30, in st. petersburg it is a comfortable +22 and short rains, in moscow at night it will be 22, and in the daytime tomorrow it will be 33:35 without precipitation. temperatures will begin to drop on friday, accompanied by thunderstorms and squally wind, but at the same time +30 and above, only on saturday there will be a long-awaited coolness, but this will not last long, then it will warm up again, well, years in the end, thank you, thank you, with the forecast. these are the main news for this hour and we, elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernushov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye.
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oh, hey man, are you okay? wow, goblin!


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