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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  July 4, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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they have a salary, that’s a big deal, but we have a check on our nose, igor sergeevich, well , it’s really not easy for operational workers to wash their hands, oleg georgievich, i don’t care how you do it, the result is important to me, do you want to arrange subbotnik, well, if you don’t want to, bring in detainees, murderers or something, well, a murderer is a lot of honor, find someone smaller, well, in our little monkey there seems to be no one smaller and... no, sobbing, just
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to listen to you, there would be no one at all i would never work, stop someone, not me to teach you, here is oleg georyevich, you have an immediate superior, cherdyntsov, why are you rushing around like a college girl, but with us, comrade colonel, murder is murder by murder, and the glass must be kept pristinely clean, the face of the department. so, andryukh, come on, no jokes, look for krymov’s address for murder, let’s go with me. yes, eagles, the windows are behind you, andrey, hurry up, it’s okay, we ’ll equip some special people now. that's right, comrade major, otherwise i even force myself to wash the windows at home every five years. yeah, i beeped, beeped, no one opened it, but i approached it culturally. take it as a safety net,
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but i can’t see who’s sitting there, well , you know, you never know, sit in the car for now, i’ll come up to you later, okay, what do you say, lesh, the lady was killed by strangulation, it looks like they put a cord on the back , it turns out from the back seat, or what? well, it looks like that, yes, apparently they were looking for something in the car and the whole bag was moved, there are a lot of fingerprints in the car, i... i'll run through the database, maybe there will be a coincidence, there is no mobile phone, but there is a passport, here you go , yeah, oh, some kind of business card, look at the game, and the fashion model, let’s call, so, sablina, ekaterina aleksandrovna, a native of the city of solihardo, has no registration in st. petersburg, outside the network’s coverage area, by the way, you can’t tell from the photo that she’s a model, and there are very few people in the passport photo looks like, hold it.
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she drove the car by proxy, and the owner of the car, a certain oshansky emil yuryevich, oh, by the way, is registered nearby in the house in this one, so, georgievich, he can right now rant to him, to hell, to hell, together with krymov, went. well, captain igor, let’s state the fact, someone was intensely looking for something, and the object of the search was most likely a computer, but of course, there was no hard drive. there is no hard drive,
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look, there are some keys, perhaps to the apartment, emilia shansky, photographer, don’t shoot, guys, it’s me, solovets, wow, what a beauty, georgivich, we have such a surprise, here you go, well well, also not in the coverage area of ​​the network, well... it’s clear, that’s what, go to tovashansky’s studio, see what’s there, and i’ll wait for the expert, georgivich, give the expert the keys, let him roll his fingers, yeah, we’re off, let’s go, prita, well, windows wash, no, not yet, that means, stress vasily, i need contacts from the murdered woman’s phone and billing of her conversations. write phone number, crash
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a. atomic nucleus, fight, as soon as the fifteen-day prisoners are brought, register them immediately in my office, all at once, no, a couple of people are enough, but why do you need them, thank you, but i will sentence them to correctional labor, without trial, and let them work for the good of the department , the windows in your office will be washed, i heard, i heard, we’ll solve the problem, just come straight to me, i realized, yeah, a japanese robe,
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yes, we’ve come in successfully. ready, dumbass! georgivich, but we have sad news, we took photographs, but he won’t tell anyone anything, uh-huh, come up with the whole group, so look, this is a list of sablina’s calls over the last 2 weeks, can you contact the owners for me and make a printout? yes i can. can you open text messages? is there anything interesting there? well, i can do it, but it will take longer, will you wait? where will i go? let's! ok, good. look at the text message: darling, your girl misses you, when are you free? or look, this night
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was magical, it’s a pity that it was so short, i want more! who is this hero-lover? a certain emil oshansky? emil oshansky? yes. yes, he is no longer a hero. oleg georgievich called and said that he was already dead. yes, but we know that they were in a love affair. what else? so, look, there is still something like this. you will regret it, fool, but it will be too late, you will lie at your feet, i won’t forgive you. it will be bad for you and your boyfriend with the camera. and who is this? this is pavel bochkin. by the way, there were a lot of incoming calls from him to sablina’s number, but she didn’t pick up the phone and didn’t answer text messages. and here this is vasenka. an already rejected lover, if of course still alive, and of course alive, if he killed them, then he is more alive than all the living. vasya, it’s been a long time since i needed to print out the address, now, wait, 5 seconds, andryusha, i ’ll drop you an address now, we have a candidate for the killers, sablin and oshansky, a certain
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pavel bochkin, here you go, come on. so let’s be patient, let’s be patient, we’ll be patient, we’ll be patient, what’s going on there, and how do i know what’s going on, so igor, open the response sea, we didn’t have enough of one more corpse here, relax, relax, what is it, who are you? criminal investigation, what do you need here, you are bochkin, i am bochkin, and what next, you need to go to our department to clarify some circumstances, i’m not going anywhere, you see, i’m at work, i have a client, get out of here, go, don’t distract, don’t distract, go, go, go, this already looks like resistance to law enforcement officers
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pavel petrovich, maybe call alexander ivanovich, it seems to me. where are you going, citizen? good afternoon, citizen-boss, what issue are you talking about? urgently? i have come to give up, in short, i can’t do this anymore. let's go in order. your last name, here is krivosheev, my last name is semyon petrovich, the lads call crooked. and what have you done, citizen, crooked, slaughter on me, boss, killed a woman, in short, come on, register me as it should be, come on, which woman, and where, where they killed, where, where, on the street, in
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car, but why did they kill, for money, so to speak, for the purpose of profit, is it still good that you came? “that means the person inside you is still alive, boss, let’s formalize it as it should be, and “okay, i’ll tell you”? yes, i didn’t kill anyone, you won’t believe it, everyone says so, yes, we listen carefully, citizen bochkin, you will regret it, you fool, but it will be too late, you will lie at your feet, i won’t forgive you, it will be bad for you too, and i love your camera, i won’t compare lenses with it, your correspondence, so what, what, but the fact that we have an emerging motive, and a serious one, is jealousy, but when you’re drunk because of jealousy, you can’t write such nonsense, that’s it. just a drunk out of jealousy could kill what you were looking for in the car with a saber, in the apartment and
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in ashansky’s studio, but i wasn’t looking for anything, because i wasn’t there and i didn’t kill anyone, but where were you from 9 to 10 this morning? here are the pipes, i was at home, very good, who can confirm this? wife of the head of zanevsky ruvd, what? here's how, i gave her an anti-cellulite massage, and i brought her and drove her. boss in a company car and came up to me, watched me give a massage, for some reason drove and watched you give a massage, but because this boss is jealous of his cellulite wife for every post, otherwise what about me, well, okay, let's check, but check at least all my clients today, interrogate them, by the way, they are all recorded in my diary, okay, but while we check, you will sit in our monkey for a day, sorry, but why, i told you that i... borya, where are my
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fifteen-day workers, but there is no one yet, glory, and who is this? and this is the murderer, he just signed up to report to you, the murderer, who took it, no one took it, i’m in the kospovinny. “the sin is on me, boss, i’ll tell you everything, i’ll confess everything, i won the kitchen game battle, chief, what are you talking about, he killed some woman in a car, yes, at the opticians, robbed, wait, at the opticians, ours went there today, uh-huh, did you hit the saber, so i did it, you i didn’t ask her that i should get to know her, i killed everything. borya,
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open it, i’ll take it for questioning, uh-huh, boss, i’ll tell you everything, everything in good spirit, i’ll tell you everything, boss, that’s it, let’s go out, how long will i be here until we check everything, maybe a day, maybe two, what do you want to say? that i'm going to start here, so here's her by the throat he strangled you, you know, and then he grabbed things from the car and ran away, wait, who did he kill, saber? sablina, so he’s a murderer, i told you that i had nothing to do with it, he’s not to blame, boss, i’m a murderer, i’m okay, we figured it out, i can go, now we’ve fled, no one has figured it out yet, you killed sablina, i killed the saber, i killed, i’m sitting here for what, come on , let’s go, no, i said, let’s go, let’s go, let’s strangle him like that, and then he ran away from the things from the car, let’s go there, at’. how
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did you perfume the saber? so i say, i grabbed it with my hands, she shabby everything. well, what did you take in the car? well, this is a bag with a wallet, a mobile phone. did you remove the rings? no, boss, i was in a hurry, i grabbed the nut from my finger, i didn’t have time to do the rest, i sensed a nerd, where was the stolen stuff? sold it to hucksters, and spent the money in a few hours, bad business, simple, for what? boss, if he had the money, he could spend all sorts of things, but why did he kill the photographer ashansky? photographer? yeah, so this is for the company, for what company? well, i mean too. where's the knife? knife in the neva, threw it away,
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why do i need extra evidence, yeah, while i was getting rid of it from the evidence, my conscience was eaten up, yes, it was torn to pieces by the boss, it’s not human, it’s killing people, but why do you need this, i don’t understand, but you understand everything, why are you taking someone else’s guilt on yourself, right? did i kill it, boss? no, not you, because oshansky’s head was broken, not stabbed. yeah, that's it, that's it.
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of a personal nature, don’t scare me, could you wash the window before she throws the family members out of it, that is, about special people, you were talking about me, you are very special, don’t use me for other purposes, go , comrade major, how do you like it? will you refuse? oh, you’re offending me, citizen bochkin,
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well, excuse me, you see, but you didn’t believe which of me was the killer, funny, forgive me, there was a reason to suspect you, our job is to check everything, boss, boss, no need to suspect anyone, boss, this i, i told you, boss, shut up, citizen, goodbye, or rather, bye. goodbye, i lost so much time, well, i missed again, andrei, well, it happens, it happens, sometimes, yes, it happens, well, but the results are still intermediate, igor sergeevich, it doesn’t matter, report it, it couldn’t be a robbery,
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well, if it’s a robbery, it’s a very strange one. so to speak, with the windows in the nest of your eagles, all your strength has been thrown, comrade colonel, isn’t it a secret here, who washed your window? so, it’s no secret, i washed it, personally, of course, but what
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’s wrong with the colonel, is he armless, or what? well, what a crook, he didn’t give up his testimony, he got me, it’s clear that he is incriminating himself, he doesn’t really know, they killed anyone, for no reason in all the dispensaries, in his place of registration there is no such client, and the police station says that he they have a frequent guest eight, hodex for pickpocketing, yeah, but he didn’t go through slaughter, so no, well, don’t believe the chetkovs either. that he could kill, a thief yes, but not a murderer, in general so, glory, koleev, why does he take someone else’s slaughter and send him to his own, yes i’m trying, but he’s glory, we need to look for the real killer, you know, and not mess around with this pickpocket dreamer, maybe the curve will lead us to him, we don’t know, maybe he was a witness, and now the killers
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are looking for him with a saber, maybe he just wants to hide, he’s afraid that they will find him and kill him, so let's work? have a nice one, thank you, that bastard, hmm, who, oshansky, of course, he should have died now, when i only have 3 days until the next issue is due, his photos... were supposed to go on the cover, he promised that it would be just something. what should i do? well, apparently the photographer will have to be replaced. i don't think you have anyone to replace him. emilia, who will replace him? this. my student, i brought him into our business myself, raised him myself, yes, that’s how, in the sense, in the sense as a fashion photographer, who will i replace him with now,
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drink, no, thank you, i still have work to do, me too, well, let’s put a photographer aside, i’ll find another one, and the model, emil, made sablina the face of our magazine, and in general, his business with katya went uphill, he boasted to himself. i updated it, gave katya a new one, but how long have they been working together? about two months ago, we found her by accident and she was so tall right away, before that there was another one, who? aurora? so maybe you should invite her, she and emil had a terrible quarrel when katya appeared at his place, well, that’s understandable, before emily moved aurora, she’s not upset only from the lens, but also from the bed emily moved, wow... honestly aurora was furious, of course, she lost her job, her lover, contracts, i couldn’t change anything, this is not my competence, i work for results, that’s all these personal internal
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affairs do not concern me, it was generally difficult for her to fit in somewhere, other photographers have plenty of their own models, no one needs a competitor, i don’t know how things worked out for him, well, of course, of course, i need the coordinates of this aurora, if possible, photos, yes i have them somewhere... they were lying around, thanks great, you helped us a lot, boss, well , how many more questions will there be, i said, no one forced me to take someone else’s slaughter for...
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i can’t work, i haven’t tried to live honestly, i swayed, my wife filed for divorce, and her new guy he's rushing out of my apartment, he's a big bastard, he's serving in amon, yeah, there's nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep, so maybe it's easier to resolve the issue with amon, you're too weak against him, boss, he's healthy. he got big, there’s no need, but he spoiled a lot of blood for his wife, let him live like a human being, and i’ll go to prison beds and
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it’s more familiar and warmer, so let’s send me to prison, don’t be crooked, this is a crime of office, i can’t do this, but you can, you can, do you even understand, you idiot, what are you talking about, the real murderer will walk free, yes, but i don’t care, i just don’t want to miss my... maybe you ’ll get caught pickpocketing, what are you talking about, boss, it’s a matter of principle, professional pride, she’s dear, she’s, no, dear , you won’t go to the zone for this slaughter, boss, send her to prison, but she’s not at home, so, captain, she’ll have to die. wait on the street, you just need to warn natasha that i’ll be late, let me call natasha, i’ll tell you off, no need, i’ll call you myself,
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immediately ask for time off until the morning, don’t push me to sin, boss, i’ll be back anyway, crooked, like you to sit down it’s not a tricky thing, you yourself understand how to get back, so think about what i should think about, i shouldn’t think about anything, find a job, take a share in the apartment, live, rejoice like a person, oh, glory, and if this one leaves now, fix it will crash there wasn’t anyone, this one won’t kill, oh, these people, you can’t live, damn it? ok, slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, just
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a moment more and access to money would be at your fingertips. whoever the scammers pretend to be in order to extract money from you, hang up without talking, the morning is the best, on weekdays with 6:30 on ntv. knee pain, back pain, maybe.
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10 degrees higher than normal. we are waiting for new records. in siberia , temperatures have reached record highs only in the urals; the solar anticyclone is moving here, heat generator on european territory, and from omsk to krasnoyarsk - moderate 22-20. four with short thunderstorms in polar narilsk tomorrow 22, but today it is still restrained 17. in the middle zone the heat reaches its peak, here at 34-36 and no precipitation, but the western regions and european territories are already feeling the refreshing breath of the atlantic, although accompanied by thunderstorms rains. in the north and northwest the rains will be heavy, from pskov to veliky novgorod it is already cool, +18-23, in the south there will be scorching sun, no precipitation even in the mountains and... 30 in sevastopol to 36 in krasnodar, in st. petersburg -22 and short rain, in moscow again 33:35 no precipitation, on friday thunderstorms and weakening heat, on saturday only 23, but then the temperature will begin to rise again, no,
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well, that's for sure not she, yes, our beauty went on a spree. i’ll have to wait until he gets enough, until the morning or something, until he gets enough, that he’s gone crazy or something, my wife will kick me out of the house, let me call, andryukha, leave me alone already, that’s it, you’re the first on duty, yes, natasha , hello, okay, your rydanov. give my regards to her, ran away, the children are sleeping, well, bye, what, hello,
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natasha, yes, together, together we are, turdon, bye, checking, everything, no one answers, i don’t know, these are the devices,
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you came and the devil passed out for a second, yeah , for a second, during this second she could already leave the house, scout, oh well, andryukh, let’s still hope for the best, we hope for coffee with sugar, thank you, here she is, but no, it doesn’t look like where she is come on, stop it, in the photo of the model, it’s a plump young lady, you see, well, yes, a portly lady, let’s go check the documents, find out, let’s go, let’s go, girl, hello, can i talk to you for a minute,
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what is it, police, criminal investigation, something happened, please show us your documents, yes, why, but the fact is that we are sent to help social services with the population census. yes, that’s right, we’re checking the correspondence of those registered at the address with those actually living, well, there you go, uh-huh, thank you, it’s definitely you, and what has changed a lot, igor sergeevich, the initial versions of the involvement of the former oshansky and sablina in the murder.
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weight loss training, good, i was on training, went, killed, took revenge, returned to training, no, igor sergeevich, we found out everything, this is a specialized weight loss center, they strictly monitor the wards there and do not let them out of there, we established that at the time of the murder she was there, it became to be an alibi, well, the investigation is stalled, gentlemen detectives, but no, comrade colonel, in my opinion, on the contrary, it leads to new versions, yeah. according to the photographer’s editor and colleagues,
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since ashansky began collaborating with ablina, his level of income has increased sharply, and the number of contracts and the cost of contracts remained the same, that is, the left income appeared, where did it come from? well, perhaps blackmail, or pornography, perhaps both. what else can a photographer and a model get involved with? how are you? are you going to find out? i think from their contacts. andryukh, start working on them for the months when they worked together. uh-huh, uh-huh. so, well, where does he go? yes, here i am, where are you wandering? let me open the work and i’ll give you some. op. curious. interesting coincidence. we have such a keychain in our case . are you by any chance from our safe? stole? what are you talking about, this is my personal flash drive.
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just like that, i’ll be right back, vasily, help me out, as always, look what ’s inside, so, listen, if there’s a password here, then it’s within half an hour, and if not, then... vasya, you can do without if, do something something. okay, now. yes. no, there is no password. well, well, wow, this is a saber. there are two more folders here. what's in the second one? some women in swimsuits from social networks. women in swimsuits are obviously victims. let's see what the third one is. yes, now. i didn’t understand, but i think i did,
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the blackmail technique is simple, but very elegant, and he takes photos of naked sablina in porn scenes, looks for photos of the victims, then edits the body of his mistress in photoshop and the faces of the victims starts shaking their money, like this, blackmails the victims so that the photos don’t get to their husbands, relatives, if you understand photomontage, you can immediately see what this is photomontage, yes, but if... the photographs are posted on the internet for free access, who will understand it? well, yes, it’s logical, can you find these women? yes , easily, if these are photos from social networks, then i can copy the photos to the computer and paste them like that them in the search engine, here you go, all three inga lisova, ekaterina simonova, galina dimidova, all three are married, very good, vasya, that’s when he’s great, then he’s great, just a genius, oh well, print out the photographs, yeah, the data of these women and. .. urgently to our office, i understand, okay,
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woman, excuse me, please give me the bag, please give me the bag, give me the bag, they will easily deny everything, no one allegedly blackmailed them, and they are
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the first to take these photographs once the eyes see, but the killer left fingerprints in the car with a saber, in apartment, in oshansky’s studio, yes , we will be tormented to officially receive these fingerprints, georgivich, none of them will give consent for doktelloscopy, i’m sure their lawyers will absolutely smear us all over the wall, some of the cool girls can certainly afford good lawyers, this means that the prints need to be obtained not from the eye. great, great, rita, comrade major, you’re talking about the windows, i didn’t wash them, comrade major, i
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don’t have time, who will take care of business, because there’s no one, krymov is not there, radanov is not there, no one is there, and in general i’m talking about this. shit, 24 hours passed, but now i’ll gather my thoughts, gather my meaning. look carefully, do you recognize anyone in these pictures? no.
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i’ll tell you everything, just don’t say anything to my husband, he’ll kill me. no, well, you're going crazy, i see, stand in this pose, let's take a photo, what are you doing, i would go with her on a mission, i'm on the safe side,
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oleg georgievich, close the door, otherwise i 'll be blown away now, yes, yes, i won't interfere, i'll go, come on, come on, guys,
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please, here are these photos. that's it, they got there, citizen dimidova, hands in front of you, calmly, girl, calmly,
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calm down, don't do this, don't. igor sergeevich, the dirt from the sap has been safely removed. yes, come in, major. well, as i understand it, i should say thank you potapinka for this. i will instruct georgivich to consider the issue of awarding her a bonus. tell. what’s better about the murders of sablina and oshansky? the guys just took her, this is one of the women who was blackmailed by scammers with edited photographs of galina dimidova, she was sent to the department. well done! who was in charge of the case? well, everyone took part, but radanov was older. yes. tell me that polya georgievich came into my office. rydanov also deserves
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a prize. yes. fine. yes, for the murderer caught 2 weeks ago who robbed two people. is there no time? if you take another killer in the near future, you will receive a bonus. yeah. tell us, dear girl, how did you come to murder? what do you think, should i have left these freaks alive, or should i pay them? well, actually, out of the three victims of blackmail, only you committed murder, the rest were not victims, i didn’t pay, why didn’t you go to the police? i i couldn’t allow the slightest oversight, my husband is one of those who is called a reputable businessman, and well, to put it simply , the bandit dimit-toganrogsky, right? that's right, really... as no one has called him for 10 years now, you understand that i would not have explained anything to him or his business partners about these photographs, they would
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never have believed in editing or photoshop, and so there is no blackmailer, no problem, it’s a pity that i just couldn’t find the original photographs, although i rummaged all around, i understood that they were storing them on some electronic media, but i didn’t know where, so i took out everything i could, and that your conscience just doesn’t wet you at all? to the walls, well, let me wash the walls too, it’s become fashionable in our department now, no, margarita, funds have been allocated for the walls,
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that’s my soul, they saved money on you, thank you, but the exit is through the back door, everything is blocked here , happily, god help you, bye-bye, and don’t forget, i’m also on duty, refresh, refresh, refresh. after all, we are great, and the windows are clean, and the walls are clean, and our conscience is clear, the murderer was caught, yes, but without me for the sake of it, excuse me, well, let’s at least go feed you, give you something to drink outside the windows, and for the sake of this, i agree to wash the windows, but since the five-year period is not more often, only windows, only windows, i give up, i give up, but i ’ll kill you, quietly, i give up, boss, without any resistance, crookedly, you are stunned, or something, take me to prison. i deliberately broke the window, and you, boss, don’t kill me, i’m ready to be punished to the fullest extent, let’s go to the police department, yeah, of course,
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i will, of course, so, guys, and get me a camera, get ready, i finally got my way,
6:31 am
in imagine yourself as a successful businessman, owner an elite sports car, but this is exactly it, exactly...


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