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tv   Utro  NTV  July 4, 2024 6:30am-8:00am MSK

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i still got stuck, we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we find out the details of the emergency, we tell road stories with the first gear, on ntv, the emergency program in the studio. the culprit of a high-profile car accident in the center of kazan was chosen as a preventive measure, terrible footage of the collision between sports cars and frets was heatedly discussed on social networks, vasily bornabeshvili, desperately limping, with a baseball cap pulled down over his eyes and a medical mask, whom the convoy took to court for arrest, did not at all resemble a self-confident successful businessman, the owner of an elite sports car, but it was he... because of his excessive
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self-confidence, albeit unintentionally, he actually killed a man while having fun in his extremely charged car right on one of the central streets of kazan. there is even a video where, well, i’m running around among people, fussing, helping, trying to help somehow. it is barnabeshvili who is in a hurry to turn the situation to his advantage in the first seconds after the accident of which he was the culprit, the footage he is talking about really exists, here a crowd of eyewitnesses, including the suspect. is trying to free the broken fret stuck in the debris of the fence in order to pull out the driver, but there are other shots: auto examinations, which will have to establish the exact speed of the sports car driving into the oncoming lane , will only be carried out from the scene of the accident to the traffic light from where the porsche cayman and motorcycle started, about 400 m. however, the driver barnabeshvili managed to accelerate so much that he eventually lost control. here is a recording from the recorder a second before the death. road accident
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a porsche cayman racing car rushes down the street, driven by barnabeshvili, followed by a motorcycle, which he overtook in a traffic light race. and the next second was captured by surveillance cameras. the driver of a german sports car loses control, drives into the oncoming lane and has a terrible impact with granta. the blow was so strong that the rescuer could only cut the mangled body of the car to get the body out. there was nothing we could do to help the driver. thirty-nine-year-old maxim kraichik generally died in the first seconds after the impact, he was on meeting with my brother and driving home. anatoly, straightening the wreaths on maxim’s fresh grave, still cannot believe that he will never see his loved one again, everything is like a terrible nightmare. as if this is a dream, yes, as if i’m talking, for me it’s a feeling that he will come out of the corner and say his hello, and so this is the state. anatoly did not go to the arrest; he had nothing to say to the accused.
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vasily barnabeshvili himself spoke a lot, remembered about his gastritis, hernia, about his old sick mother, asked not to put him under prison custody for these reasons, and also because under house arrest, for example, it will be easier for him to provide assistance to the family of the deceased. he did not yet know that no one was ready to accept help from him. vasily bornabeshvili was taken into custody for 2 months, but in total he faces up to 5 years in prison. good morning, the first program is on the air: return your money! the insurance company demanded back payment from the victim in the accident. what the heck? on what basis? so they say and so - explain the insurers. the reason is good. return payment. try it, take it, the client reacts calmly. how the conflict ended with all the details. anton kraev will say.
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it’s a sin for anna landysheva to complain. god protects the careful. it's about her. we can say that we got off with a slight fright. my husband, sergei, was driving that day. approaching an intersection, the light turns red. i pull back in the rear mirror and see that a lada priora is rushing towards me. the impact was tangential, so the headlight and bumper were hit. wing, the culprit admitted his guilt, as they say, understand, forgive, forget, the next day they immediately contacted the insurance company, the insurance company recognized the accident as an insured event and paid me an insurance compensation, that’s when anna forgot about the misunderstanding, but a year later, the magistrate summons me to a court hearing, this the insurance company woke up.
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the person at fault for the accident, it turns out, did not have a valid osaga policy, and accordingly, the compensation that was paid to me is illegal, they demand it back. toy. did the insurance company just pay? so he there is, because even all our acquaintances who told everything were surprised, and the lawyers with whom we consulted, they threw up their hands in such a practice they had never met. here are the insurance bosses, moving their hair. we need to deal with this. and i wonder if the inspector at the scene of the accident was stuck on social networks, or what? the inspector checks the sosag field for quality of execution. blank, living, inanimate, everything.
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this application was accepted, that is, let’s say it was confirmed, in other words, but this is not a computer, a person confirmed it, that’s right, the computer confirmed, it happens that the computer, sometimes it happens, fails, the vaunted artificial intelligence, an error can happen in any area of ​​activity, the conversation is in favor of the poor, anna landysheva retorts, my position is this, if i didn’t violate anything, then i...
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in general, when the person at fault for an accident does not have an osaga policy, or it is expired, or the driver is not included in it, the victim will not receive a penny for car repairs from the insurance company. they will have to present all material claims. means to the culprit, only to him, so anna can be said to be lucky, first anna’s insurer, he transferred the money to her without making sure if the culprit had a valid policy, then the culprit’s insurer also blindly parted with his money, compensated the loss to annie’s insurer, and now the culprit’s insurer he cannot demand anything from anna, the courts refuse him, since there are no relations between them, neither contractual nor financial, she received the money not from him, but from her insurance company, and anna’s insurer himself.
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of the russian union of auto insurers, the database is open access, you only need a smartphone and internet access, using the car or policy number you can instantly see whether there is a policy, whether it is valid, and if not, the victims should apply for compensation to the culprit himself. persistence and self-confidence helped the heroine of another plot of the first program to defend her interests and regain ownership of the car, although it is possible that this is not only a matter of... character, perhaps the perfume helped the woman, not perfume, i didn’t make a mistake, perfume, the best thing for today, at 16:45, the cult tv series cop
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wars, you need to take it, finish it off, look in today’s episodes, there are four corpses at a car wrecker, a showdown at a car wrecker, if only my literature teacher knew which ones i will have to deal with linguistic incidents. we don’t work like that and don’t look for easy ways, because the hard ones find us themselves, it looks like he’s in morik, he’s not the same, the killer looks like a heterosexual, we still didn’t have enough of that, cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv. good morning, evgenia neronskaya and i are in the studio i'll tell you about the weather for today. the southern regions of the far east compete with european territory for the title of the hottest place in the country, the highest temperature in the region, today in the amur region in buryatia is +35, and this is not the limit, tomorrow it is even higher, the arctic cold is coming to yakutia and from the great heat,
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soon there will be nothing left. the motto of siberia, moderation and moderation again, the rains will be short and will occur only in places, and the temperature is slightly higher than normal, with the exception of the baikal region, where humid air arrives, contrasting dangerous weather expected in the north in the arkhangelsk region, heavy rains there, in the northwest it will also rain all day and the temperature will continue to fall, in pskov only +18. residents of the tver and smolensk regions will feel the approach of a fresh air mass , thunderstorms will become a little cooler there, but the rest will have to wait for the heat to subside, in tula today it is 35, on the middle volga up to 37. in the south, the sun is blazing, especially in the coastal region and in the kalmyks. there are almost 40, on the coast in yalta and sochi 30-32. in st. petersburg it rains +22, in moscow 33:35 no precipitation.
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see below. morning is the best. we deal with the tires along with the main road. let's remember useful news from sergei malozyomov. let us turn your home into the home of your dreams. launch. let's go, oh, these wheels have a long way to go, under-inflated or over-inflated, we'll check which tires will burn out first. many people don’t realize that they need to monitor the pressure in their tires as if they were their own. today
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we’ll find out what will happen to the tires if you don’t do this, and we’ll check how many hypertensive and hypotensive people are on the roads, measure the pressure, that young, wow, almost three atmospheres, and what do you call hypertensive? yes, we are testing tires for endurance at different pressures ... we sat in a special stand in modi, two tires with normal pressure, one low and one overinflated, to get some... then the result is from the mileage, we agreed that these tires should travel somewhere around 1000 km, our planned speed is 80 km per hour, what the tire pressure should be is indicated on the plate on the b-pillar , you need to check the pressure at least once ... per month, but not everyone knows about it, almost three, you’re not taking care of the rubber band,
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you’re taking care of yourself, let’s measure your pressure, now let’s do it like an astronaut, 150 by 850 by 85, our advice is tire installation to the doctor for spare parts, it’s a pity, you can’t look inside the tire and not see the internal damage, maybe cut it, well, it’s not necessary to cut it, but you can look in. we will look at internal damage to tires invisible to the eye in a special tomograph, this is a digital computed tomograph, it allows you to control parts using x-rays. by the way, why are you did you lock the wheel that much? this is in order to eliminate movement during the tomography process and ensure maximum accuracy, but the person cannot be rotated here , it is impossible that he will become bald, no, he will die, this is the splint we have. here we pumped 3.4 made
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2.8 shows what a poorly inflated tire is, firstly, it is more rigid, which means all the irregularities, everything is transferred to the car, a tire with high pressure over 10,000 runs has worn out by 6 mm, it fits worse turns, the contact patch is smaller and the car tends to move in a straight line, worsening there will be an effect that the car will also be at the beginning of the turn. in almost all cases , the front axle drives outward, great, 2.8, yeah, but that’s normal, it’s warmed up, it’s clear that it’s probably not fully inflated, even less than one shows, its contact patch is increasing, that’s it it gets hot, on an underinflated tire the tread has worn in by almost 2.5 mm, at low pressure the tires not only... wear out faster, braking and car handling deteriorate even on a straight, flat tire, we
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understand that the wheel will break, the car will react more sluggishly to the steering wheel, the wear of tires with normal pressure after a run on the carousel turned out to be less than half a mm, here you can immediately see with the naked eye that the wear is much less, this is the consumption of gasoline and the consumption of the tire itself, we spend money on this... the car maximum, but if you need to drive off-road, the pressure must be reduced to one atmosphere, the main thing is to then pump up the thing that squeaks all the time, it swears, because tasha’s tire is not fully inflated
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, what was the result shown by the tomograph, on all the tires that passed the test and found no damage. but we tried so hard to damage them, the carousel stand does not simulate lateral loads, pit unevenness, sharp maneuvers wear out the tire faster, and if you puncture the wheel without noticing it in time, the tire will have to be thrown away, the client arrived with a flat tire, visually the wheel was intact, here it was damaged inner layer, let's check it on a tomograph, is everything normal with it externally? these damages are visible only with internal control, wow, it’s impossible to damage it at all now, like yours the pressure seems to be normal, your pressure is two, 2.1, and the tires are warmed up, which means the real pressure there is no more than two, nothing is clear, but very interesting, and your pressure is 140 to 90, slightly increased pressure, because you me scared, this wheel traveled for
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several kilometers at low pressure while turning, this is the result, right? outwardly she looks good, and what does all this threaten? sudden tire explosion, like people, tires do not like high low pressure and react to the weather, in hot weather the pressure rises, when cold it drops, keep an eye on this, tires should be taken care of from a young age, new ones are not cheap, check the pressure on... good morning, live food is on the air, my name is sergei malozemov all week, as usual, i
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have been following the scientific news feeds, what else interesting things have you discovered about food? there are still more benefits in fish than harm. scientists from the university of bristol have proven this in pregnant women. they studied analyzes of several thousand women and their children from the seychelles, where they traditionally eat a lot of fish, as well as english women who consume this product less often. it turned out that even if the level of mercury in a pregnant woman’s body is slightly increased, it accumulates in fish, especially predatory ones, like tuna, but this does not have a harmful effect on the child. the benefits in the form of fatty acids, iodine, vitamin d and selenium outweigh and even neutralize the harm from the toxic metal. but a lack of fish in the diet is much more likely to lead to disturbances in the development of the baby. experts
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recommend that expectant mothers eat at least two servings of seafood per week. block, soon it will become larger, for this we remove the partition, strong expanded clay concrete blocks can withstand blows, but still give in. but we can handle a light plasterboard partition in no time.
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we open up the floor, replace the old insulation, and the joists remain in the project. the plan is now to insulate. and soundproofing of the floor. we roll out a vapor barrier on top, cover everything with thick tongue-and-groove chipboard, the new floor will not creak. we are building a new partition. the entrance is resistant and guides. we will take 80 cm from the next room. we cover it with durable plasterboard. inside laying stone. and sew it up again, and this metal frame will be useful for the future decorative fireplace and dressing rooms. we use the same plasterboard cladding . we will make the ceiling in relief and divide the caissons into square cells. we fix
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the frame and cover it with plasterboard sheets. we prime all surfaces. minor irregularities are removed with polymer putty before finishing. the blank slate is ready, it's time to add character to it. our cornices and moldings are made of polyurethane and duropolymer. we will dress the fireplace in a glossy ocher color outfit. the balcony frame turned out to be strong and reliable. a protective coating has already been applied to the metal. we prepared the fox for installation. we string the structure onto channels and check it.
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oh, what a blessing that our heroes now have a balcony, to go out with coffee and tea here in the morning to look at this nature, romance, yes, our mission is being carried out, and the height is comfortable, how much have you done? the height here is 1,200, there is a wonderful distance between the slats, it’s absolutely safe, the child won’t fall out, we put a special decking board on the floor, which is waterproof, it does not darken, the manufacturer tells us that up to 50 years it will serve as our hero, in general, this balcony is here for centuries. the new window sill and balcony threshold are made of snow-white acrylic stone; it is not afraid of water and does not turn yellow. let's make the ceiling dark in contrast, paint it from... a chocolate shade, use this token for the tops of the walls. the dressing rooms
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will have their own combination: a classic white ceiling, anthracite walls, a warm shade on the floor will highlight the expressive walls, and a french decorative paint in the spray gun coating with... look what a beautiful ceiling we have, a real dark chocolate bar, it turned out simply amazing, it is multi-level due to one cornice, a second cornice, the baguettes are all different, the goal was to make the ceiling the highlight of this interior , the transitional paint goes along the wall and separates it all in exactly the same way, only wider, and it all transitions with a gradient, why this technique? well, because we elevate the interior upward, that is, we could not make a completely dark
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box or a completely light interior it should be a mystery, such a beautiful backdrop for our future furniture, well , the interior turns out to be so boudoir-like, i’m glad that we were able to make it like this. dog, dog, we have your dog, do you want him back, the dog urgently needs reinforcements, the legendary detective is rushing to the rescue, mukhtar, mukhtar, mukhtar, don’t miss the loudest return of the summer, the criminals are already missing you, they’re worried that you’re not catching them, return of mukhtar. from the very beginning, this is not just a dog, this is a weapon, today at 8:25, at 11:00 the dog is on ntv. kingfisher, new season,
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today at 14:00 on ntv. knee pain, back pain, neck pain, maybe. pintalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts in one go, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. mom, guess who started a new job today? there are many vacancies on avito work, you will find not just a job, but your place. are your items faded after washing? use gel weasel. it maintains fabric strength and restores color. things look like new three times longer. new - no. i erase with affection. our new name is t-bank. when starting a business, you need to think through everything. i will open such a fitness club here. you'll rock.
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get a black card from the bank and receive cashback for all purchases. taebank is the only one. the morning continues, the best. we will check with our potrebnadzor. we have the right to receive legal assistance. we transform your home into the apartment of your dreams. let's go to an interesting place. let's eat cooked beef with federico arnaldi. life hack from orthopedic doctors: they say it’s better to buy shoes during the day, and not in the morning and evening, because at the end of the day , many people have a leg one size larger than in the morning, and such strange things happen to the foot because its arch - this is this part - gets tired in the evening and bends under the weight of the body , plus swelling from here, a feeling
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of heaviness and it is not surprising that 70% of adults suffer from pain in their legs. and to correct these statistics, they seem to promise to wear orthopedic insoles, which, as sellers convince, are as important as brushing your teeth, for example, they say these inserts gently support your feet and improve them. forgiveness in the legs, they take the load off not only from the foot, but also from the knee joints and even from the spine, they say it’s all connected and even the migraine will evaporate, in general, it’s soft on the floor, but the price is a little harsh, making custom insoles will cost about, well, how they ask for 10 thousand rubles to buy good winter boots, this is really such a necessity, but is it possible
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to get by? analogues, which are 10 times cheaper, orthopedic insoles can really reduce bumps on the feet, and definitely. should be in children's shoes, but shouldn't doctors then prescribe them, a couple swipes with scissors, you just cut off the footrest, insert it, and thanks to replacing the insoles, your son’s new sneakers turn into orthopedic ones, valeria is sure. now the shoes are like this, if you look, there is no instep support, there is nothing like that, yes, in order to avoid flat feet, you need to have an instep support so that it is soft. soles, valeria’s entire family and she herself wear these, although there are no complaints and never have been. i have four children, we are trying to buy these orthopedic
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insoles for all of them, of course we haven’t conducted any special examinations or studies, but i think that we will definitely not harm our health, but i hope that it will only get better. valeria and millions of other russians, for example, bloggers, are convinced of this: if your back, knees or neck hurt, then the insole will stop it. secondly, if your legs swell and become very tired in the evening, then an orthopedic insole will solve this problem. a tiled office and a white coat are powerful arguments, thanks to which the sale of insoles gained record momentum. 2021 approx. order, here for 700 rubles. from a reputable
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than socks, you can in the online store marked, approved by the ministry of health, in the underground passage they sell for 1,200, approved by the seller of laces and belts, it is written that it may not provide therapeutic and prophylactic treatment... so that later the bed sheets begin to crook, but after a quick examination the arttopet doctor is ready for the sellers’ advertising promises you can trample on such insoles, well, these ones definitely don’t, they don’t support the transverse arch at all, the use of these insoles can lead to the formation of trampling marks, pain in the foot and extremely uncomfortable. condition of the feet, all because some insoles are too soft and generally called ergonomic, that is, they are simply comfortable and suitable for healthy legs without deviations, the fashion for such was led by leading athletes who represent
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top brands of sports shoes, for example, the world and olympic champion, the most titled basketball player in the world the richest athlete on the planet, lebron james, gives a gift to a young fan, the boy begged for sneakers. only here are his insoles with reinforcements, shock absorbers, dozens of patents and proprietary secrets that protect the athlete’s body from excessive loads injuries that allow you to get tired less, jump higher, win more often, and sell more personalized sneakers. in short, you can’t buy these in transit. something distant. russia is offered to make some insoles, but it, as two-time olympic champion in athletics svetlana masterkova demonstrates, already has a whole collection of insoles that were made according to her anatomical casts, but she never received the ideal ones, these are wasted funds -
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and considerable funds, because each from tv, ranging from small to specialized insoles, it costs about more than 20,000 rubles, each insole i have... there is always a problem with two toes, with which two nails come off. marina velikova, lawyer. until the end of 2023 , moscow residents will be able to legalize completed redevelopment in residential and non-residential premises without a fine. the moratorium on the imposition of administrative penalties has been extended until december 31, 2023. for redevelopment that has already been completed, the same applies to redevelopment that concerns facades and buildings. according to current legislation, before you do redevelopment in your apartment, you must obtain official permission, only after
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receiving permission you can begin work. keep in mind that as of august 21 , 2020, you can obtain such permission electronically on the mos website. to do this you need to be on the website electronically. fill out certain statements in the form, as well as attach the necessary documents, such as a technical report on the admissibility and safety of the work performed, in case of a change in position. buildings you also need provide the consent of all residents of the house, and after that on the website you can track what is happening with your application, the timing of the provision of such a service and receive an act of permitted use, as i already said, as soon as you are allowed to do this, you can begin the legal redevelopment of your apartment. let's remind you what redevelopments are allowed in our country, well, first of all, we are talking about reinstalling plumbing fixtures and removing them. or installation of load-bearing partitions or walls,
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installation of built-in wardrobes and changes boundaries of the bathrooms, i want to remind you that if you suddenly decide to make one common bathroom out of separate bathrooms, you also need to obtain the appropriate permission, keep in mind that if you are buying an apartment, it is best to request a floor plan from the bti, then you will understand your potential were any redevelopments made to the apartments, were they legalized? also, according to the new rules for the use of residential premises, if you suddenly decide to do something on your balcony, for example, glazing, you also you will need to obtain permission, if you suddenly do this without permission, then you may be fined up to 50,000 rubles, and you may also be required to dismantle the glazing; if you suddenly refuse to do this voluntarily, then you may be forced to do this through the court, have this is in mind, if suddenly you are for... or major repairs and redevelopment in your apartment, and do not
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forget to send your questions to our email address, remember that you have the right to know your rights. hello, this is a housing issue and i victoria panina. today we are going to visit the khailiev family, the guys have four sons, a large three-room apartment, they successfully transformed the renovation from the developer to suit themselves, but still sent an application to our program, asking to remodel a large bedroom with a loggia and panoramic windows on two walls. now let's figure out what's wrong. when there are four sons in a family, dad has a chance to feel like the captain of a basketball team. it doesn’t matter that the youngest ones are still in a stroller.
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cash owner amir, but the younger adam, bye shares with his parents a not fully equipped bedroom, which we intend to take care of. good renovation, large windows, a lot of light, we really want a bed, yes, a bed, we have never had a bed, how many years have you been married? 13, in 13 years you have never had a bed? yes, just the sofa, all 13 years on this sofa, yes, well , i want to hug you. that’s all right guys, now let’s figure out what you
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like in general, modern classics, warm colors, but i like cold ones, well, everything is clear, i have a mystery object that maybe will give you some ideas you for a new interior, oh, it’s a swan, feathers, light, a lot of white, a swan is a symbol of love, yeah, i like it, maybe there will be a bed made of loving fluff, anticipation, yes, they’re already ready, well then.. . does not fit into my project, i would like to change it, but i also think that, in fact , any glass chandelier gives a lot of beautiful reflections of bunnies on the wall. the housing issue is getting to work: a sixteen-meter
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bedroom with panoramic windows has said goodbye to finishing from the developer, the room is awaiting transformation. the ceiling in the room was suspended, let's do it. it is suspended on a frame made of galvanized steel profiles, the cladding is moisture-resistant plasterboard, and the walls were already smooth, there is no need to plaster, we apply finishing putty for painting on all surfaces, the curly cornices above the windows resemble classic lambrequins, we made them from plywood, and later we decorate them with moldings , in the meantime, we are organizing a frame for the headboard of the bed, we are laying out an arch from polyurethane foam elements. relief ceiling cornice made of ldf, wood fiber material. i ran around the perimeter including the curtain rods. new window sills made of artificial
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acrylic marble-like stone. we dismantled the floor radiators. now we need to work on the base of the floor. pour the screed onto a plastic one. mesh, we expel air bubbles with a carbon roller, a polyethylene foam substrate with excellent vibration and noise insulation, we lay quartz laminate dies on it, under the decorative vinyl layer there are stone-polymer slabs that are not inferior in density to porcelain stoneware, and they are quite elastic, it doesn’t hurt to fall, unlike ordinary laminate or ceramic tiles, they absorb the noise of footsteps, wallpaper well... we apply glue to the back of the cutter and cover it with film so that the canvas is saturated. we also protect the arch with film, apply glue directly to the wall, place the canvas in the opening and carefully smooth it out, having previously trimmed the edges to the shape of the arch. all that remains is to beautifully cover the gaping mechanisms of the switch sockets.
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vika and marina are now thinking about their choice. i understand it's difficult. you know, i've already made my choice, i like the option. of course, i can’t lose my happiness, but i can become happy right now, here it ’s not only beautiful, but delicious, nah! he loves experiments, constantly coming up with new interpretations for traditional caucasian meat dishes on an open fire, on the contrary
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, rethinking dishes from other countries in a local manner. now natik and i will cook a latin american dish. the meat is sliced, next is the marinade, mustard,
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how much, one spoon, then adjika, we’ll do it like this, like that, that’s right. that you can add mayonnaise, as i understand it, it will be as a base, yes, a base, you can just add more of it, add more, so now we mix everything, stir, yes, feel free, yeah, but before you marinate the meat, you need to fry it, mom can’t believe that despite the fact, that it’s like, well, the season is warm, here in the mountains... firstly, it gets dark very quickly, and secondly, well, it’s cool, even now, yes, that is, we are now cooking the meat or simply sealing it, we fry it so that the taste is printed . firewood, a little coal, that such a flavor was absorbed into the meat, then we will simmer, it will be tastier with this
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aroma, and even more tender, yes, yes, of course, soft and tender, but why didn’t we simmer first, and then put it on the grill at the end, if we had done the opposite, it didn’t work out for us, we would not have such an aroma as we will have this aroma now, that is , when raw meat permeates the best aroma of the fire, of course, yes, yes, yes, of course, aroma. between us and several million friends who are looking at us, everything is for you, while the meat is fried, let's make a salad, cut tomatoes, okay, awesome, i just thought that without difference, these are my secrets, i’m telling you, this is just between us, so yes, it’s just onions and arugula, season with olive oil and pomegranate sauce, a little oregano, salt, pepper, garlic, thyme, the salad is ready, it’s time to marinate the meat, madoona, imagines... there ’s olive oil, herbs, and rosemary, and parietal marinade, that’s our marinade, it will be just gorgeous, do you have additional
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education as a massage therapist, yes with meat, yes, i know how to work, do massage, then there is cursia specifically for massaging meat, yes, yes, we pack it in parchment and foil, like this envelope, that's right. now in that direction, so in principle i am very happy about this gift, thank you, thank you, although the bow is missing, but in principle i am happy, so grace to you, chow, it’s not okay, this is real, if only you really gave me this, i would be very happy, so what next, we send you to linger for 6 to 9 hours, this is in real life, but we have magic television, so let’s do it! look how she prepared for us, yes that means we do the same with you, yes mom
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, feel like a winner, this is the first place winner yes, this is cooler than any cube, now take my knife, we cut it like this, what we do is like this, you can do it this way, as you want, as you like, look at the layer of fat, oh no, what a layer of fat, if you want, i ’ll show you another trick, come on here look, you take the meat like this, look carefully, you understand, look, yes, look, yes, yes, we did it, wow, now i’ll try the second one, see how it works out for you, three four, water meat is simple. melts, yes, this is fantastic, it has already turned into butter, yes, we are posting it chopped meat salad, now we're still there,
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friends, olive oil, pomegranate sauce, salt, pepper should be added, add ground black pepper, add hot capsicum, that's how i placed it, so i liked it. just honestly, this is not meat, this is a dream, it has already turned into oil, you don’t even feel any fibers, everything melts, everything melts, we did it together, i’m sure it’s cool. oh, super, the zbermarket
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is now cooper, the zbermarket is now cooper, the zbermarket is now cooper? cooper, delivery, super, look how many of us, i hope, our family will become even bigger. kolesaga is right, it’s time to give birth to grandchildren, it’s time. “i want a child, but you apparently don’t want to, now i want to study, yes, sairan is your wife, but this does not mean at all that sairan’s life now belongs to you, you are not going anywhere, i understand, no university, remember, that there is an owner in this house, as he says, so it will be, i made a decision, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. return of
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mukhtar on weekdays at 8:25 on ntv. tsar maiden. 29.99. - the price is what you need. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. it's time to take care of your health. dibikor helps normalize cholesterol and sugar, improving metabolism. dibekor. be in shape, may you be healthy. normally, when they need to record traces, they call me, i don’t ask unnecessary questions and don’t leave stains, and if i see a snail, i carefully wipe it off with a cloth, at vitoservices you can easily find a master with examples of work and real reviews, you definitely can’t go wrong with the price, the services are upholstered, entrust the cleaning to professionals, things have become dull after washing, use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and
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restores light, things are three times as good as new longer, new, no, i wash it. affectionately, and for breakfast in the old courtyard there are juices, oh my favorites, do you know why they are so juicy? we take juicy okoro, a grain of aromatic spices, and cook the juices in the oven. let's i'll show you how i prepare them, boil them, cut them, fill them with omelette and they're done. misha, you came up with a great idea, these are all our juices, old-fashioned stuff, really delicious. ditrolex helps fight the symptoms of varicose veins, swelling, heaviness, pain and acts on their cause at any stage. detrolex is expert tested, the choice. hello, i'm busy in july, what am i doing, buying, summer sale in ascona, when sleep can be bought with a huge discount only until july 14, ascona, seeds from martin, the quality is always on top, mom, guess who it is today i started a new job, there are many vacancies on
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ntv , i'm lada, green gel horsepower, when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives inside us, but this is a real superpower, more joyful moments with holy spring water, with fruity flavors, the source of joy is in you, try more this summer, with discounts up to 60% at yandex food, the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated. pay with any card from bera and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners. more profitable with
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a sber subscription. kingfisher - new season, today in... good morning in the studio evgeniya neronskaya and me i’ll tell you about the weather for today: the southern regions of the far east compete with european territory for the title of the hottest place in the country. the highest temperature in the region today. region in buryat +35 and this is not the limit, tomorrow it is even higher, the arctic cold is coming to yakutia and from the bay heat, soon there will be nothing left. the motto of siberia is moderation and moderation again, the rains will be short and will occur only in places, and the temperature is slightly above normal. the exception is the baikal region, where it is under 30, but these are not record figures, here in the urals the heat is growing, an anticyclone from
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the european territory has reached here and their permian temperatures are already 30 today. the european territory is preparing for changes, humid air is coming from the west, contrasting dangerous weather is expected in the north, in the arkhangelsk region, heavy rains there, it will also rain in the northwest all. day and the temperature will continue to fall, in pskov it is only +18. residents of the tver and smolensk regions will feel the approach of a fresh air mass. it will become a little cooler there and there will be thunderstorms, but the rest will have to wait for the heat to subside. in tula today it’s 35, on the middle volga up to 37. in yoga , the sun is blazing, especially in the ozovo region, in kalmykia, there’s almost 40, on the coast in yalta and sochi it’s 30-32. in st. petersburg it rains +22, in moscow 33-35 without precipitation. we wish you the best morning, next in the program: we will identify the symptoms of the disease with your doctor, prepare an orange salad with yulia vysotskaya, get acquainted with
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the miracle news with sergei molozyomov, meet at the educational forum of leonid agutin. according to who statistics, various 80% of the planet's population suffers from musculoskeletal diseases. in russia , about 200,000 people a year need hip replacement alone, most of whom receive the necessary help. but why might the joint fail to take root? what pathogens can live on its surface and what can be done to save the implant and avoid reoperation? we are talking about this with an orthopedic surgeon, pulad liwal. good morning, on the air of the your doctor program, here we are talking about the right medicine, with the right doctors. dear pulat shakhzarovich,
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joint replacement surgeries are very common today. an operation when the hip joint gradually wears out in old age and hip replacement is performed. the operation is a very effective operation that puts... it relieves people from pain on their feet quite quickly, but there are always certain risks and risks of infection in the surgical area, how often does this problem occur? yes danilovich, absolutely correct, you say that growth is growing, the growth of operations is increasing performed on worn-out joints, and indeed these operations bring significant improvement to any person who has undergone this operation, the quality of life dramatically improves, and the pain syndrome goes away. this is all in case of a successful operation and a successful post-operative period, however, there are a number of complications, including infectious, and if an infectious complication occurs, then a situation occurs when a person ends up
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in a story that an organ has been removed, a joint is an organ, it has been replaced , and what they replaced, supports this infectious process, since the endoprosthesis, which is installed in the joint cavity , will now always support it. a people's body, yes, like any people's body, thread, metal, silicone installed in the body, if it is not to blame, but if an infection is attached to it, then it will always supplement the infection on itself and support it, but what kind of infection is this, what for microbes, most often this infection is caused by some wound microbes or what is it, staphylococcus can be divided into two large ones groups, can be divided into a group that... domestic bacteria, these are stephylococcus aureus, epidermal stephyllococcus, streptococcus, it can get there through a poorly healed wound, it can get there hematogenously, that is, a person who has undergone an endoprosthesis, even after 10-15 years old,
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who has received some kind of viral, active infection or bacterial infection in another organ, system, he can hematogenously through blood flow, the infection can get on the endoprosthesis and accumulate on it, how does it manifest itself, this infection is around prosthesis, there are one hundred percent signs, these are: the presence of a fistula, phlegmon, obcession, yes, which does not require any flight of clinical thought, but there are small signs that appear, and often, not only the patient, even an experienced doctor cannot understand, what happens to the joint, the search begins for problems of neurology, spine, urology, genitourinary system, well, everything that is located next to these endoprostheses, naturally, the most... sign, small sign - this pain may not depend on movement, it can appear discomfort, pain, uh-huh, and this be at rest, but how to treat such patients, just antibiotics or do you have to do
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something more serious, some kind of surgical intervention? if we catch the infection before 3-4 weeks, we have the opportunity to save the prosthesis, we count 3-4 weeks from the moment of manifestation of the appearance of clinical signs, clinical laboratory signs. infectious agent, then there is a good chance of preserving the endoprosthesis, provided, under several conditions, it is a good pathogen, good somatics of the patient, absence immunosuppressive diseases. in this situation we are fighting for a prosthesis, then surgical treatment is required, a change of modular components, liners, a vacuum system, which is widely used, and antibiotics, in this situation, that is, it is at the same time conservative therapy, after all, there is a surgical surgical component, it’s just that conservative therapy is ineffective, why, because any bacteria on a foreign body forms biofilms, what kind of biofilms are these, where do they occur, biofilms on any surface - the popular body thread,
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the prosthesis sits around the bacteria and builds a sarcophagus, under which no cells of the immune system penetrate, no antibacterial drugs penetrate, that is, it is an impenetrable shell for our assistants in the treatment of infection, that is, antibiotics cannot penetrate the biofilm inside the microbe, do not they can, quite rightly, but the endoprosthesis is not supplied with blood from the inside, that is , nothing can penetrate under this endoprosthesis from the inside. it turns out that if we treat only with antibiotics, we treat the surrounding tissues and we get the effect of an imaginary well-being, our inflammation is stopped, but colonies remain under the biofilms, the biofilm has formed at the junction of the prosthesis and bone tissue, accordingly the bone tissue begins to melt, lysis, melting, and sooner or later this will lead to displacement of the endoprosthesis, this is called instability, instability is a separate story, which
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is 100% an indication for surgery and it is accompanied by the fact that there is severe pain, absolutely no inability to move, because yes, he walks like a piston, and there is constant traumatization of tissues from the inside, which certainly causes a wild, wild pain syndrome, if this happens to us, we get a patient at the time of late development or chronic infections or the patient has immunosuppressive diseases, reduced, well, roughly speaking, a decrease immunity. if there is a disease or taking certain drugs, or an evil pathogen, a nosocomial pathogen, resistant, then in this situation the gold standard is two-stage prosthetics, namely, that is, this prosthesis is removed, yes, this prosthesis is removed, but how can a person live without a piece of bone, a femur, in this situation we install a therapeutic endoprosthesis, that is, we replace the endoprosthesis with another, it is made of a different material, it is not metal, it is a polymer alloy with cement in which they are integrated. antibiotics, that is, i
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want to emphasize this once again that this is a situation that is not fatal and terribly critical, yes, that is , today you can really rehabilitate yourself quite quickly, thanks to these therapeutic prostheses and, in general, to recover and , probably, get rid of this periprosthetic infection over time. thank you very much, i would like to wish everyone health and good morning. i understand that easter is such a gastronomic holiday, that is , it is clear that it is a spring holiday, it is generally such a very bright holiday, but at the same time we definitely think about whether we have some kind of stuffed eggs, yes we, we paint eggs, we make cottage cheese easter, we bake easter cakes, we meat, fish, we put all the most delicious things on the table, but it seems to me that we need do not forget that in addition to the tasty , there must be the most delicious and
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healthy on the table, by the way, dishes rich in fiber, dishes rich in minerals, vitamins, and which do not give the opportunity to overeat, well - they help our body cope with all other gastronomic and the tests that are on the easter table are salads, look how beautiful, the leaves are washed, dried, they are already prepared for us to simply season them with, here i have fennel here, fennel goes very well from the novel from radicio, well, in general, he also gives such a - you know, a note of onis flavor, great, with the bitterness from radicio, it echoes the juiciness of the novel, by the way, it’s a good idea to add here for aroma these fennel leaves, similar to dill, but in taste they have absolutely nothing in common with dill, they rather have a lot of... such
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an onis, almost menthol taste, aroma is very refreshing, and it also seems to me that pomegranate is very refreshing, and this is also the last one, it seems to me this season, pomegranates, although here in moscow they sell quite a lot, well, they last a long time, they are stored well, they retain their juiciness well, but this one is just sweet, sweet, pomegranate also goes well with iceberg and fennel, well, let’s go with the first tomatoes. look how beautiful they are juicy, a very good combination in my opinion, that’s it, you know, sourness, such a sweet and sour pomegranate, tart rodikyu. such a refreshing fennel juicy juicy iceberg this sweet tomato is absolutely excellent, what is missing here in my opinion, well, except for the dressing, as i already said, vegetable oil, in my case i took olive oil, well, any nut oil might be
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interesting from a walnut, or maybe some pumpkin oil is also interesting , just to experiment, i have olive oil on hand now, but it’s really good for salad dressings fits simply. that’s all, this is the simplest solution, this is a difficult solution, in my opinion, firstly, orange zest, which goes very well with all these products, and you can’t imagine how interesting an orange goes with a tomato, it turns out to be a really delicious aroma, i love blood oranges, but you can’t get them very often in our area, this one isn’t red at all, but it has... very juicy, very aromatic, very sweet, a little salt , well , just a little bit, firstly, salt makes vegetables release their juice much faster, so just a little bit of freshly ground pepper, and then from there, if someone doesn’t have enough salt on the table, you can add salt, and also
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for me it seems that it is necessary to add cheese, i have this kind of smoked adege cheese, it’s not suluguni, this cheese has a very intense aroma and taste and that’s what attracts me here, but any hard cheese will do here, well, what a beauty, the only thing is a little bit of some greenery, and you know how interesting mint works, thanks to orange and fennel , mint is just perfect, with this cheese, the way it goes together is simply divine, it’s also very refreshing, well , look at the salad we have on the table, bon appetit! many thanks to everyone who writes to me through the chudo.teg website and social networks. let me know if you see an advertisement for something an interesting but mistrustful device. we will definitely check everything and say: a miracle or not a miracle. today we
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will test a product that promises to easily get rid of warts, saws and even moles. in the russian empire in the 19th century , a girl could wordlessly confess her love, just by sticking a fly on her forehead before meeting her chosen one. marilyn munroe made the dark spot on her cheek her highlight. but, of course, not everyone and does not always consider moles as decoration. an advertisement for this chinese product offers to get rid of many defects on skin: papillomas, warts, moles, at home. they ask for 280 rubles for the set. the drug, as they say on the website, is based on the ancient ones. and eastern natural ingredients, will make the skin clean, smooth, without scar growths. the set includes two tubes, one containing a suspension of formic and carbolic acids, they need to be applied with a toothpick until the skin begins to redden and ache, here a second bottle is useful for healing, this time with ointment,
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a base of vegetable proteins, egg powder and perlite oil. is this product safe? certificate of compliance with there are no chinese jars. how did they even get there? big question: let’s send the kit to the ruden chemical laboratory to clarify the composition, and we’ll see how the skin reacts to this potion? just in case, let’s try it on chicken legs; we’ll also smear them with other popular drugs for removing tumors, ointment with phenol for almost 400 rubles. a solution with celandine extract over 50, and on the internet they suggest putting a patch on warts against corns and...
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the acids of the new growth will be destroyed and then dry out, this one the wart will dry out and fall off over time, oh, mom, it’s scary, well , it will just be there, it will be a scar in the future, yes, there is no doubt that all the acids we use to torment a chicken can burn a mole or wart, a pen with this it also copes with the task, although it is not laser at all, it is an electrocoagulator with high-frequency electrical discharges. i already have a golden brown crust, well, yes, here, thanks to energy, due to heat treatment, the protein coagulates and a crust forms, all the experimental ones look like that. who gave, and what will happen to living skin cells? in reviews
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the product costs 280 rubles. people complain, they say there is a tingling sensation after applying the liquid from the first bottle, but what did they put in there? the manufacturer did not lie, phenol in this sample contains about 20%, but if we turn to the regulatory documentation in force in the russian federation and the entire european union, then no more than 0.01% of phenol is allowed, accordingly in ... the sample we see exceeding the permissible norm by 2,000 times, therefore, without a trace, as doctors say, domestic executions will not work, contrary to advertising promises. my colleague, producer olesya massalskaya, earned herself a noticeable scar. she decided to remove the wart purely with her body, which was visually embarrassing and constantly touched either the chain or the cut-outs of her clothes, but she did not succeed in getting rid of the growth once or twice, as they had promised on the internet. i removed the head of this papilloma. to the root, that is , under the skin, it began to hurt, it began
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to grow early, accordingly, it all got in the way, it looked ugly, and i went to the doctor, they removed it with a laser, it was very painful, because it was necessary to get under the skin and cut out the entire root. now, in any doubtful situations, olesya goes straight to the dermatologist, specialists can precisely and accurately burn out the growth with liquid nitrogen or a powerful laser, which is not... the doctor himself selects after a visual examination of laboratory diagnostic methods, he himself selects the method of removal, this is cryodestruction, this there is a laser removal method, a radio wave removal method, and a conventional electrocoagulation method. before removing a mole, papilloma or wart, doctors should... examine it, because even an innocent, slightly protruding growth can hide danger. warts, for example,
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are caused by the human papillomavirus. there are more than 100 types, not all of them are dangerous, but it is impossible to determine this with the naked eye. let’s imagine that we have a new growth, we don’t know what it is, we can’t do histology at home, so if we start removing it, it could very well be something like this, something very beautiful. but in a real situation it turns out that all this is in a real situation we spread the virus over the surface of the skin, we can make the story worse, moreover, a benign tumor, or neoplasm, can turn malignant, so that this does not happen, doctors send the excised material for histological examination; for a non-specialist, spots or nodules on the skin can look exactly the same to look like. but in reality they can have very different structures, represent formations very different in nature, benign
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and substandard, leading to bad the consequences are that we will not start antitumor treatment in a timely manner if there was a tumor, and we will not do it to the required extent if you do not arrive on time. if we talk about moles, then you can suspect something is wrong on your own. the main signs of malignancy can be summarized in the formula chord. shape, uneven edge, bleeding on the surface, uneven color interspersed with different colors and dynamics, the spot has noticeably increased, you can upload a photo of the mole to a special application from developers from novosibirsk, the neural network will compare the formation with the database collected by oncodermatologists and in case of suspicion of a malignant tumor, melanoma, the application will advise you to see a doctor, and most importantly, you definitely should not prescribe any means for removing... moles, cutting down warts, without the supervision of a specialist - this is a danger , is not
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a miracle at all. this is the third day of the agutin forum, morning, but no one is sleeping, you won’t believe it, but right now there are classes on twenty-four tracks, this is a feature of the forum, in other words, master classes are on... the most popular direction, absolutely everyone is involved, and not only children, but adults. a person who buys a franchise already has a thought in advance: i’ll buy a franchise now, i ’ll pay for their experience, for their model, for their client base, and then i’ll change my name there and become some kind of daisy. on the business career-investment track, parents can make useful contacts, consult with professionals and gain not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge in this field. those who are far from business and prefer to engage
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home and children, waiting at a themed master class, while i was cutting myself off to break sausages, the knife fell from my hands straight onto my leg, simply. parental compass is a track of the charity foundation be a mother and it is entirely devoted to issues of parenting, how to combine parental roles, work roles, how to raise self-confident children, creative children who are not afraid to express themselves, how to build relationships within the family, how to raise children. it’s safe, if everything is clear in matters of upbringing, you can go to life coaching, here participants of the master class will be forced to look inside themselves and answer troubling questions. at today's lecture, adults examined and learned how to become happier. you can get 5 hours or 3 hours of consultation once, or you can spend 5-10 minutes over the course of seven weeks, and what do you
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think will give you more? well, it seems obvious, yes, small actions are daily, they are always there.
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the lecture culminated with an autograph session, interviews with artists, a sea of ​​children's smiles and a storm of emotions. every evening of the forum is unexpected surprises and events for all participants. the second day of the forum ended with a festive procession. leonida gutin and his team proceeded to the main stage to lay the time capsule. participants wrote letters to their descendants about what the forum meant to them and how they saw it in the future. we will arrange a meeting with you in 2029 here, tell me, i would like to tell all the guys that the most important thing, your task now in life is to prepare yourself for adult life, time flies very quickly, just a little more, and you will already you will become those people who will have to be responsible for themselves and be the adults who decide issues.
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the anniversary opening turned out to be truly bright, but leonid’s family forum is coming very soon.
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the best for today. at 14:00 there is a big premiere. kingfisher, a famous turkish tv series that has become a worldwide hit. i made a decision. watch today's episodes. look how many of us there are. i hope our family will become even bigger. calisaga is right, it’s time
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to give birth to grandchildren, it’s time. i want a child, but apparently you don’t. now i want to study, yes sairan is your wife, but this does not mean that seiran’s life now belongs to you, you are not going anywhere! understood me, no university, remember that there is an owner in this house, as he says, so it will be, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv, banana strawberry, in the mood for you, raspberry blueberry and lime mint.
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mukhtar, something interesting, the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtar. today at 8:25 on ntv. cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv. do you do it professionally or do you glue it yourself? for any ideas, wallpaper mellan glue, quick to mix, easy to apply, professionally applied.
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supermarket now, supermarket now cooper, supermarket now. delivery is great. kind morning, i will tell you about the weather... i, evgenia neronskaya. kamchatka does not have long to freeze in the cold northern currents, summer will still come here, but only tomorrow, today in petropavsk kamchatsky +11 and rain, on sakhalin, in primorye and in the south of the khabarovsk territory, good summer weather, without extreme events, but here, closer to baikal, there is abnormal heat, in buryad in transbaikalia the temperature is 10 degrees higher than normal, we are waiting for new records. in siberia , the temperature has rushed to records only in the urals, the solar anticyclone is moving here, the generator heat on european territory, and from omsk to krasnoyarsk moderate 22-24 with short thunderstorms, in polar norilsk
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tomorrow 20. two, but today is still a restrained 17. in the middle zone the heat reaches its peak, here 34-36 and no precipitation, but the western region and european territory are already feeling the refreshing breath of the atlantic, albeit accompanied by thunderstorms. rain will be heavy in the north and northwest. from pskov to veliky novgorod it is already cool, +18-23, in the south there is scorching sun. no precipitation even in mountains and from 30 in sevastopol to 36 in krasnodar. in st. petersburg +22. short rain in moscow again 33:35 no precipitation, on friday thunderstorms and weakening heat, on saturday only 23, but then the temperature will begin to rise again.
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unexploded our artillerymen continue to destroy western equipment on the front line, military doctors are also actively working with the federation, the fighter is carrying ammunition, this is very dangerous, of course the hand was shaking, this is the work, it must be done. despite all the dangers, about the heroic work of doctors ilya lyadvin. biden refuses to drop out of the presidential race even as his support plummets after his debate failure. he won't be able to campaign if the party is against him. and as i see now, this is exactly what happens with more.


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