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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 4, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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let's go, they are working remotely, over 30 km from the contact line, in order to reach the near rear of the ukrainian armed forces, our little ones roll up very close. to shoot down the enemy even before he was about to attack, sergei pikulin visited the positions of our guns. biden refuses to drop out of the presidential race, despite the fact that his support is plummeting after his failure at the debate, he will not be able to campaign if the party is against him, and as i see now, this is exactly what is happening at great speed. alexei veselovsky from the usa. and parliamentary elections will be held in great britain today. will he be able to ? abnormal heat provokes new
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wildfires in russian regions. what are the weather forecasts for the country? today he will simply cut you off, tomorrow he will send someone to the next world with his maneuver. about why reckless drivers on the roads will be fined for the slightest rudeness and what will come of it, report by pavel rybalchenko. welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. today in the capital of kazakhstan is the main day of the shanghai summit cooperation organizations. its main event is a meeting of the council of heads of state of the sco, it takes place in astana, in the palace of independence, and vladimir putin takes part in it. the meeting began with the signing ceremony of documents on the admission of belarus to the association, the country becoming its tenth participant. minsk
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completed all the procedures necessary for this in a short time, this statement was made by the president of kazakhstan kasym zhomart takayev. if there are no objections, i propose to begin the meeting with the ceremony of signing the admission documents the republic of belarus is part of the states that are members of the sco. in addition, participants plan to agree on packages. russia attaches great importance to partnership interaction within the sco. we are pleased to note that this interaction continues to develop progressively on the principles of equality and consideration of interests. friend, respect for
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cultural and civilizational diversity, searching for collegial solutions to pressing security issues. with the active participation of kazakh colleagues, for approval at the current council of heads of state, a truly solid package of documents and decisions has been prepared. their implementation will undoubtedly help strengthen the role of the sco's influence. vladimir putin is scheduled to hold talks with the acting president of iran and participate in a meeting of the sco plus format, where they will consider the organization’s cooperation with invited countries. following the trip, vladimir putin is expected to talk with russian journalists. the iskander missile system struck an aircraft parking lot at the dolgintsevo airfield in dnepropetrovsk areas. as reported, the mig-20 fighter was destroyed as a result of the attack.
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ammunition depot and engineering service vehicle. artillerymen from the north group of forces knocked out an american m37 howitzer. the blows were delivered from the cannons of geatsent b, the frequency of gun shots was up to 6 per minute. despite this, as the military said, they do not experience the so -called shell hunger. in the avdeevsky direction, the crew of the strela 10 anti-aircraft complex destroyed the ukrainian valkyrie drone, and it was shot down using a kalash machine gun. and in the donetsk sector it was successful the new generation vite air defense system has proven itself. it simultaneously hit at least 12 missiles of the american haimers system. in the southern donetsk direction, crews of malka self-propelled guns destroyed the temporary deployment points of the nationalists. the soldiers worked at a distance of more than 30 km and supported the advance of our infantry with fire. sergei pikulin went on a mission with the primorye military personnel. here the ukrainian armed forces position is more than 20 km away,
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despite this, we are taking all precautions. well, we are divided into twos, there is a big distance between us, this made for safety let's go. exclusively under the trees, each group has its own anti-drone detector, what do they say? enemy, we can’t work yet, and what are our actions while we wait? while we are waiting, we wait 15 minutes from landing to landing, about 5 meters, no more, but to pass them unnoticed, you need to catch a window. valkyrie flies, well, it looks like in appearance, it happens in small ways. vostok grouping from primorye, we go down to kopanir, a huge underground garage where the malka self-propelled artillery mount is located. well
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you can see that almost all of the fry are underground, below ground level, there are camouflage nets on top, and what’s more, you also have to pull on special blankets like this. let's bring it to the 203 caliber, the military says there are plenty of shells, as long as there are targets, the small gun works at a distance of over 30 km, but the guns are much closer to the front, so that you can reach supply nodes, temporary deployment points of the armed forces of ukraine, help the infantry, conducting counter-battery warfare . destruction of enemy guns, different nato barrels, there are barrels, uh, crabs, for example, they also have all sorts of 2s3, just like we do, they have all sorts of galbits there, there are cannons, m777 cannon, here is footage from our
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drone, seemingly abandoned houses, but the enemy is based in them, azimu 34 18, angle 31.59, 28, they don’t like it when we work and they love us - to find us, our enemy, for this machine, for the defeat of this machine, the one who hit is awarded the title of hero of ukraine, after shooting the small fish is camouflaged, probably even faster than they are uncovered, so to speak, to work at full speed outside the copanira, a tool maybe only at night, a weapon. sergey pikulin and alekdzhanov, ntv, south donetsk direction of the special operation. meanwhile, the united states allocated another $2 billion to ukraine for weapons. the new aid package included missiles for air defense systems, ammunition for hymers, and
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javelin systems worth $150 million. the rest will be given in money, with which the zelensky regime must buy shells for the patriot air defense system directly from the manufacturers. this is the seventh tranche that washington has provided to kiev since april. pumping ukraine up with weapons is a futile project that leads only to new casualties among the civilian population. this was stated by our ambassador in washington anatoly antonov. he noted that the us authorities continue their course towards war and do not accept vladimir putin’s proposals for peace negotiations. meanwhile, the states themselves are suffering losses. an explosion at a military plant in arkansas injured several people at the plant. well, panic and chaos are growing in the us democratic party due to biden’s health. according to the politician , several deputies openly called on the american president to withdraw from
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election race, dozens more are ready to sign a written appeal to the president calling on him to end his campaign. biden himself is convinced that he is absolutely. healthy said that no one is kicking him out, he himself will not refuse to participate in the elections, and moreover, he will win, about the split in the democratic camp, alexey veselovsky, it’s been a week since president biden’s disastrous participation in the debate, the white house is trying to neutralize the consequences, but it is not yet very convincing; the day before, biden explained his poor performance as fatigue from long flights, i didn’t act very smartly, i decided to travel... a couple of times shortly before the debate, i didn’t listen to my advisers , then i almost fell asleep on stage. true, biden returned from the meeting of g7 leaders in italy just 12 days before the debate, and then spent a week preparing for it, so this version sounds extremely doubtful, especially since initially it was completely different, supposedly
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biden caught a cold and that’s why it was so unfortunate sparred with trump. it is difficult to believe these explanations, accusations of moderators, staff, colds, i don't know.
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today, the us president took part in a telephone conversation with white house staff and, as reported by the new york times, literally said: “i’m in this race to the end, no one is pushing me out of it, and i’m not going anywhere, just like we won.” donald trump in 2020, we intend to defeat him in 2024." true, in private conversations, the same new york times writes, the us president admitted that if he cannot prove in the coming days that he is in good physical and mental shape, he is ready.
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the current head of the cabinet of ministers and his party, judging by the polls, there is practically
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no chance of winning. the ruling conservative party, which has been in power since 2010, will post one of its worst results in history. as the guardian writes, sunok is afraid of becoming the first british prime minister to lose his seat in parliament. sources said sunok may return to the financial services industry after retirement. the prime minister is also considering the possibility of holding a larger part. before the election, we faced a cost of living crisis that led to a sharp
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rising mortgage rates and soaring food and energy prices have left millions of people in the uk struggling to pay their bills. the conservative party, which presided over this cost-of-living crisis, argues that its economic plan is doing the opposite. other important issues include the health situation and high levels of emigration to the uk. towards the end of the election campaign, the conservatives even pulled boris johnson out from behind the scenes. tom had to interrupt his vacation to return to britain, support the tories. this is despite the fact that he, too , was literally kicked out of downing street in the summer of '22 with a rating of 25%. but even that was higher than sunak's current approval rating of 15%. these images speak volumes about the attitude towards the current prime minister. on the eve of the election, sunak was invited. in the studio of the morning show, but were asked to wait while britain's most tattooed mother and
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part-time adult website model spoke. a frame appeared on the air, like a sunk in the background, patiently waiting for his turn to finally be given the floor. and another unpopular european leader is being sought by the media; as the political publication noted, emmanuel macron has not been seen since last sunday, this was after the first round of elections. the voting results turned out to be extremely unsuccessful for the french president; his party took only third place. she received just over 20%, which observers call a failure. french. voters made it very clear that they did not like the president’s course, and comments from the leader of the fifth republic did not follow, he chose to disappear not from the public field. according to the press, macron did not even contact his supporters, who are now trying by all means to find a way out of the critical situation. they have practically no time left, because the second round is already this sunday and
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marine lepin is predicting victory there. he is considered one of the main reasons for the defeat of macron's coalition. support for the ukrainian conflict. this was stated by the deputy prime minister of slovakia. his country is one of the few in europe that performs against the supply of weapons to the kyiv regime. look at the french election results. i think that the people of france are peace-loving people. they want the conflict in ukraine to end. the election results for macron's party suggest that people do not support its fierce combativeness. and of course we oppose this. the politician emphasized that moscow initially offered kiev to conclude an agreement that would be beneficial to both parties, but the ukrainian authorities decided to continue the conflict, which led to significant losses. abnormal heat and dry thunderstorms provoke new wildfires in russian regions. in buryatia, 19 outbreaks have been registered, their
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area exceeded 20. 400 people are fighting the fire... the area of ​​fires in the khabarovsk territory is growing. since tuesday, it has almost doubled and exceeded 9. forecasters are predicting a heavy storm in the region this week with wind gusts of up to 25 m/s. and the same weather threatens the primorsky territory and the sakhalin region. and in siberia they promise showers, hailstorms and squally winds. according to the ministry of emergency situations, the weather may lead. power line break disruption of transport communications. from 3:00 pm until the end of saturday, an assault warning was announced in a number of regions of central russia, from smolensk to ivanovo. a cold front will pass through them. well, tomorrow bad weather will cover moscow. showers and hail are expected from noon to 9 p.m. experts do not rule out the possibility of
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tornadoes. heavy rain and thunderstorms occurred in several areas of the city the day before. well, today. capitals are expecting another temperature record, the air can warm up to +34, against the backdrop of abnormal heat, demand has increased five times fans for air conditioners. the ministry of industry and trade has significantly expanded the list of cars that are recommended to be purchased for russian officials. further business news with us denis talalaev, denis, and what will be new on the list. for example, officials were asked to change from lada larguus to gazelle. minnpromtor has updated the list of vehicles recommended, as formulated for priority use by russian officials. the first version of this list appeared last fall, then there were only six brands: lada, уas, aurus, moskvich, as well as domestic electric cars evalyut, are not domestic at all, but chinese huaweile cars, which are produced in
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russia. now officials will have much more choice. for example, mintork added fret to the list of recommended ones for them. largus, as well as gazelle and sable. officials can also switch to the x-side xcross 7. this is the russian version of the chinese cherry tiga 7 pro, which is assembled at the former nissan plant in st. petersburg. the choice of chinese cars has expanded. the brands kai, baik, s.w.m. also on the list are now domestic electric vehicles amber car a5 and citroen c5 air cross, which are assembled at the plant in kaluga from kits that arrive. china. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin previously said that replacement of service foreign cars will be carried out as they are retired. russian renactions begin trading with a fall. investors are reacting to news of a new acceleration in inflation in russia, all of which increases the chances of a significant increase in the key rate at the end of july. the ruble is getting cheaper on the interbank market, the dollar is getting cheaper these minutes costs 88.82, euro 9587. tambov district
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court verified the message. that he had already recognized businessman yuri shefler and his company as an extremist association and confiscated the company ambert talvis, one of the largest alcohol producers in russia, in favor of the state. as the tas agency, interfax and the kommersant newspaper reported, the prosecutor general's office demands that yuri shefler be recognized as an extremist, his activities in russia banned and his russian companies confiscated. she claims that yuri shefler’s company is participating in the financing of the fund, through which purchases equipment for the ukrainian army. that the businessman himself - a quote from the tas agency - encourages shelling of russian regions with his behavior, and the kommersant newspaper cites a statement from the prosecutor general's office that yuri shefler is trying to denigrate the russian federation. in european courts, well , it is obvious that the businessman has been suing russia for the rights to the stolichnoe and moskovskoe brands for more than 20 years. yuri shefler's lawyer, alexander asnis, said that this
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trial in the case of the confession of yuri shefler extremist and confiscation of euro-russian assets, scheduled for july 23. yulia, everything about the economy, thank you, it was denis talalaev with an economic review. today at. school graduates have a second chance: for the first time they can retake the unified state exam; almost 20% decided to take advantage of this opportunity. most people want to rewrite social studies, computer science is in second place. every tenth of those who apply for a retake want to improve their results in the russian language, chemistry and specialized mathematics. new results will be known within one and a half weeks, and the previous rating will be canceled, even if it was higher. vladimir putin proposed the innovation in his message to the federal assembly. experts believe that children will now be less nervous because they can work on mistakes. according to statistics, almost 80%
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of all road accidents in russia occur due to dangerous driving. to reduce the number of such cases, it was proposed to punish such drivers. a first violation may result in a fine, and a second violation may result in deprivation of rights. the initiative has already been submitted to the state duma. will they help new worlds can cope with reckless drivers - pavel rybalchenko found out. i also like to touch, all kinds of entertainment, and i also really like to walk. seven-year-old stas makeev from novosibirsk is recovering from a terrible accident in march last year when an suv crashed into the car in which the boy’s family was traveling. my father and younger brother died on the spot, my mother died in intensive care. doctors fought for stas's life.
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a prohibited maneuver, one of dozens that meet the criterion of dangerous driving, it was enshrined in the traffic rules in 2016. now dangerous driving is not only a serious violation, for which penalties are already expected, but also minor ones. now deputies are struggling to introduce fines for the slightest rudeness on the road. it is planned what to record. it’s not the traffic cameras that will be responsible for dangerous driving, but the traffic police inspectors, because many risky automated maneuvers cannot be recognized; the first time a lout caught on the road is planned
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to be fined, the second time he will be deprived of his license for up to 3 months. experts note that money is for those who are ready to burn rubber for the sake of extreme sports, obviously not a problem, moreover, there are reckless drivers who get behind the wheel without a license at all. this summer there was a tragedy in the moscow region: four schoolgirls died in a terrible accident; a sixteen-year-old boy without a driver's license was driving a foreign car that accelerated to 100 km/h. while legislators are looking for options to keep drivers safe on the road, auto experts suggest not waiting to learn how to avoid collisions yourself. alas, such maneuvers are not yet taught when passing a license. drivers can learn emergency driving skills at the race track. in the cost of classes includes an instructor, a car and a special one. coating that completely simulates the harshest weather conditions. according to trainer anton zakharov, many car owners in a critical situation on the road rely solely on
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the car, saying that the security system will not only help cope, but will itself prevent an accident. in fact, all this, unfortunately, is not so, you need to be able to do everything with your own hands and feet, all these exercises, courses, they are not primarily for learning how to ride there it's sideways... yes, but in order to understand what a skid is, to be able to cope with this skid at the right moment, just steer out of some situation, but even the most experienced drivers cannot always avoid a collision, stas's father makeeva alexander worked in a taxi, according to his relatives , he always drove the car carefully and competently, the trial in novosibirsk is still ongoing, while it is known that the guilt of the driver of the black suv was proven, but only after the third examination. rybalchenko, andrei tikhanov, irina parchakovskaya, irina lemkin, ntv television company. now we’ll take a break for a short advertisement, and in a couple of minutes we’ll talk about important russian developments, don’t
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switch. russia's first free-fall lifeboat simulator was opened at makarov university. ilya fedosov was one of the first to experience it. travel with alfabank, choose where to fly in the alfa travel service. and get super cashback on air tickets, this alpha friday, july 5, we are giving 30% cashback on flights to sochi, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when right in front of you is the main trophy from 20 million, every 15 minutes for only 100 rubles. hunt, come out and defeat stoloto! oh,
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a subscription from berpra. cop wars today at 16:45 on ntv. live news, we continue broadcasting. today a station will be opened on the baikal-amur mainline, which will bear the name of the former editor-in-chief of komsomolskaya pravda vladimir sungorkin. the russian railways company timed this event to coincide with bam’s fiftieth anniversary and the seventieth anniversary of the journalist’s birth. the platform is located on the shore of lake baikal, next to the oldest village on the line. vladimir sungorkin worked on the bama as a special correspondent from the very beginning of the construction of the century. in addition to numerous reports about people, he wrote and published collections of books about how one of the longest railway lines was built. for merit, journalist received many awards, including for labor excellence and for the construction of the bam.
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russia's first simulator for training ship crew members was launched in st. petersburg. it was made in the form of a boat, which is launched into the water using the free fall method. counts. then this is the most reliable way to evacuate a sinking ship. the simulator consists entirely of domestic components, including software and engine. our correspondent ilya fedosov experienced the descent in the innovative capsule. at the state university of maritime and river fleet holiday: guests are being prepared for a demonstration of a new unique simulator, so far the only one in russia. the training of lifeboat and raft specialists for cadets here has always been dynamic and complete. but what are ordinary life rafts and ordinary lifeboats compared to free-fall lifeboats? you need to see this at least once. whatever you might think now, at the moment this
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is considered the most reliable and safe way to save a collapsing ship, and the crew and passengers at the time of the reset the boats should already be inside. the boat falls into the water with the engine running and can quickly move away from the drowning person. ship so as not to fall into the resulting crater. on board the boat there is a supply of fuel for 24 hours and water for three days, but that’s not all. free-fall boats that are mounted on tankers, gas carriers and chemical carriers, including those with an irrigation system that allows you to move in a continuous field of burning oil, petroleum products or fuel for, well, a sufficient time. the crew needs to be trained in case it has to use the boat. conducting such training on a real ship is troublesome and unsafe, so the new simulator is an excellent solution, it is created from domestic parts, it uses domestic software, right down to its own 3d engine, unlike several existing foreign
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analogues, our simulator teaches not only virtually. in a real simulator, the boat is real, which allows you to get acquainted with its equipment, supplies, and people are in a real boat, and not in some fictional one. simulated capsule. and here comes exciting moment. the boat alarm sounds . not the most spacious place in the world. however, the helm has even less space, and the work is more responsible. after landing, he must quickly move the boat towards the rescue ship. and although the mind understands that the sea overboard is depicted, the trainee’s body experiences real excitement, which reaches its peak at the time of descent. the crew is lowered. we are only a few pumps away from falling into the water, let's go, very realistic, very believable, effect and movements in six
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planes, that is, to the right, to the left, up, down, everything that the sailor feels, the command to complete the exercise sounds, the door opens, you come out as a completely different person, hello, about the weather for tomorrow evgenia neronskaya. the far east is sweltering in the heat. in the south of yakutia, in transbaikalia and in the amur region, the situation cannot be changed; during the day it is up to 37° in some places, but fortunately there is a slight cooling in the forecast. in yakutia , the temperature has already dropped, but there is still no rain. and in the south, in the khabarovsk territory in primorye, about 30° and not a drop of rain. only
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in vladivostok is a modest +23.


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