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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 4, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] there were nine participating countries in the rounding of the sco shanghai cooperation organization, now there are 10, belarus has joined, but these are not the main results of the summit due to the delay of roman sobol’s report, contact us directly. usa, nikita korzun found out. biden refuses to drop out of the presidential race even as his support plummets after his debate failure. alexey vasilovsky from the usa. although hospitals in the rear, the operating room is now as dangerous as on
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the front line. hello, welcome to information service of the mtv television company. this is the program today and its presenters are elmira hendieva and vladimir chernyshov. the summit of the shanghai cooperation organization ended in kazakhstan today. well, as this forum showed , the association is gradually transforming from a regional bloc, which was created for security purposes, into a geopolitical counterweight to euro-atlantic hegemony. not
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their own interests to the detriment of the rest of the world, but... they turned the sco into one of the most influential and authoritative international structures. well, from today the sco has strengthened even more. the republic of belarus has become the tenth full member country of the shanghai cooperation organization. add to this 14 states with observer status and you get a good half of the world. close economic ties bring obvious dividends to all participants. speak for themselves, so the average gdp growth of countries, member countries of our organization last year was more than 5%, industrial production 4.5%, while the inflation rate was only 2.4%. the political weight of the organization is also emphasized by the fact that the summit in astana the secretary general has arrived; he has been working with sco structures in the
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security and economic spheres for a long time. we meet in difficult global conditions, we see raging wars, geopolitical divisions, epidemics of impunity, rollbacks from sustainable development goals, cynicism and a crisis of confidence, global problems cannot be solved on an individual basis, we can cooperate primarily in preventing conflicts, we can work together in the fight against terrorism around the world, even before the start of negotiations in astana there was
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we are aware of the preparation of a number of important documents. new centers of power and economic growth are emerging and strengthening, convinced that the shanghai
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cooperation organization along with brix. vladimir putin reminded his colleagues what the previous system of world order, built by the united states in a series of armed conflicts, led to, including the ukrainian crisis. world, russia has always advocated and advocates a peaceful political and diplomatic resolution of the situation in ukraine, a crisis that arose as
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a result of an absolutely unceremonious policy the usa, led by its satellites. we have repeatedly put forward specific proposals in this regard. let me remind you that in mid- june we presented another settlement option. which, if the ukrainian side, and most importantly its western sponsors, are ready to accept it, it would allow literally at once, to immediately stop hostilities and save human lives, to begin negotiations. the leaders of the sco countries largely agree with the position of vladimir putin; at least, many russian proposals were reflected in final ostanino declaration. it further highlights the commitment of all sco participants to
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the formation of a fair multipolar world order based on the central role of the united nations and international law on the desire of sovereign states for mutually beneficial partnership. the declaration and several other documents were signed unanimously. the summit is over. today 25 documents were accepted. they appeared in the public domain. there are purely technical questions about the financing of the sco, about development plans until 2030, about that the chairmanship after astana passes to beijing. and the second point is that the very decision of the council of heads of state to approve the initiative on unity for the sake of justice. a world that is fair, which means multipolar, these are no longer the dreams of individual politicians and diplomats, the united position of ten states, and even more than ten, at the meeting of the sco summit plus the heads of states of observers from azerbaijan
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and turkey to the united arab emirates and iran were present, exceptionally powerful regional players with great potential. roman sobol, sergey ratnikov, vladimir plakhov, ntv television company. astana. at the end of the sco summit, vladimir putin, as usual, came out to russian journalists who were covering his visit. first of all, the president commented on the provisions of the declaration signed following the summit and highlighted the point in the document in which the participating countries unanimously supported a ban on the placement of weapons in space. well, this is a signal for the whole world, putin noted, speaking about establishing a constructive dialogue with the united states, the russian leader emphasized that talking about this before america's presidential election is premature. most. journalists asked putin questions about the ukrainian conflict, nikita korzin collected all the answers. ukraine and the united states were the most mentioned at the presidential press conference in astana. putin was immediately asked why moscow doesn’t directly appeal to the verkhovna rada, which, after
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zelensky’s cancellation of the presidential elections, remains the only legitimate authority in this territory. in conditions of usurpation of power by the inspection elite in ukraine, this is meaningless, because the majority. subordinated to this so-called ruling elite, which i mentioned, because it is illegally in power, does not even
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appeal to the constitutional court,
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we take it quite seriously, i am, of course, not familiar with his possible proposals on how he is going to do this , and this is, of course, a key issue, but i have no doubt that he says this sincerely, and we support this, but if you come back to the ground and really think about ways to cease fire before negotiations begin, then there is, unfortunately, a sad experience here , reminded president, minsk agreements, stopping hostilities near kiev to demonstrate moscow’s readiness. the west is inciting ukraine, ukraine is to attack donbass. this has happened more than once, so we simply cannot now simply declare a ceasefire in the hope that the other side will take some positive steps. this is the first thing, the second thing is that we cannot allow these ceasefires to cease after the ceasefire. the enemy took advantage of this in order to improve his
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position, rearm himself, and replenish his through the forcible mobilization of their army and be prepared for the continuation of the armed conflict. we need to ensure that the other side agrees to take steps that are irreversible. the president also commented on zelensky’s fantasies about negotiations with russia with the help of some kind of intermediaries. they will offer a model. the only question is that it seems unlikely to me to finally end the conflict with the help of mediators only through them. primarily because
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the intermediary is unlikely to be empowered to sign the final documents, and moreover, not even to sign the final documents, but to lead to the signing of even the final document, the fundamental question here is not only the competence of these intermediaries, but their powers, who can give the powers to the intermediary such that they could put , put a final point to put an end
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to this. what we can now establish with the united states, and first of all we need to talk to them about this, some kind of constructive dialogue, it seems to me that everyone present here, and in general, people who at least... even slightly follow the events taking place, understand that this is impossible today, we need to wait for the elections in the united states and understand the mood and preferences of the future administration, we are ready for this. by the way, vladimir putin outlined his ideas for strategic stability in the world on june 14 at a meeting with the leadership of the ministry
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of foreign affairs, and since then they have been carefully studied on both sides of the ocean. a peace proposal to kiev was also made on smolensk square. the kremlin announced the date today official visit to russia by indian prime minister narendramode. he will arrive in our country on july 8 and will stay for 2 days. during the negotiations with president vladimir putin , prospects for the further development of traditionally friendly russian-indian relations, as well as current issues on the international and regional agenda will be discussed. and it will be. modi's first foreign visit since his re-election as prime minister. the uk is holding early elections to the house of commons today. currently vacant 650 mandates. the party that wins the most seats will have the right to form a government. there is no intrigue. everyone is confident that the currently ruling
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conservatives will suffer a crushing defeat and risha sunov will be forced to resign. according to opinion polls, labor
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may be elected to the lower house of parliament. aside so that we can protect what he won in 2020, then he saved us from trump, but this year, if what happened last thursday continues, he will turn us over to trump. another congressman also joined the doget, the rest are being recounted anonymously for now, here is a quote from cnn, we are just waiting for the announcement, he, biden, is not ready yet, it will take some time, but it’s all over, and according to cnn
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, he expresses doubts about biden’s prospects. just as we defeated donald trump in 2020, we intend to defeat him in 2024, however, in private conversations the same new york times writes, the us president admitted that if he
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cannot prove in the coming days that... him, we stand with the president and let's fight this dead horse called donald trump. this is good news for biden, but it doesn't end there just yet. no matter how much the democrats would like to see trump as a dead horse, he is still in the lead in this race for the presidency. the first polls after the debate show that trump is no longer ahead of biden by 3-4%, but by 7-8. but the most unpleasant thing for biden is that almost 80% of voters are now confident that he is too old for a second term, and
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no evidence to the contrary can help. alexey vasilovsky, alexander dekin, valeria polukhina, yulia sionskaya, ntv, usa. today, the russian military attacked another airfield of the ukrainian armed forces; a crew of the iskander complex launched a missile attack on an aircraft parking lot at the airfield. in the dnepropetrovsk region, according to the russian ministry of defense, as a result, the mik-29 combat aircraft, aviation weapons and engineering service vehicles were destroyed. in the donetsk direction of the northern military district zone, the russian military hit several air targets. during combat duty, the crew of the pan s-1 anti-aircraft missile and gun system destroyed a ukrainian drone. panzeri's calculations they control the airspace above the positions of russian troops around the clock. complexes all the time. change positions, go from standby mode to combat mode in just 10 seconds. enemy air strikes successfully repelled the crew of the new
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s-350 vityaz anti-aircraft missile system. they can send 12 missiles at once to intercept enemy shells. russian military doctors are also constantly present in the north military district zone. they save the lives of wounded soldiers every day. sometimes you have to carry out complex operations at the risk of your own life. for example, when. although hospitals in the rear to the operating room are now dangerous as on the front line, this is the same case when surgeons work, without exaggeration , with jewelry, the slightest careless movement and
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the ammunition can detonate, it is stuck in the soft tissues of the forearm, but without that, the patient’s problem is enough, in addition to shrapnel wounds, both legs are also broken. the condition is serious, but stable, after anesthesia, the most experienced surgeon of the detachment takes on the main job, calling a scalpel and a skate clamp. before the operation he joked, only old men go into battle, because the scalpel has been in service for more than 20 years, he was in syria, in the special operation zone he regularly saves soldiers in advanced medical units, but even such a surgeon, who has seen a lot, at the moment of removing an explosive object, there is a slight trembling in his hands, this is very dangerous, of course, my hand was shaking, this kind of work needs to be done, despite all the dangers, so i often have to work. so you get used to it, but the fear remains all the same, it doesn’t go away. experience of such manipulations this detachment has, almost a year ago, in the
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same operating room, surgeons removed a thirty-millimeter shell from a soldier’s leg. the doctors did their job perfectly, it would seem that we could breathe out, but a detonation occurred in the next corridor. sopers, some doctors and the detachment commander, call sign caucasus, were slightly injured. unfortunately, i wanted half a meter in order to go to a safer zone. pierced the chest, uh, shoulder, well, they quickly repaired it at the vishnevsk hospital. our task is to be there at the right moment the patient and their ability to protect his life and health. along with the men , a girl with the call sign chizhek also took risks today; she performed a computed tomography so that the doctors could draw up a detailed plan for the operation; she was also no stranger to danger in the northern military district zone, she had been there since the early days. and the imprint is still left by some and some experiences in a different way, well, in general, everything is perceived differently now, first of all you think about what the person needs
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to help do everything as quickly as possible. at a distance from the hospital, sappers destroy ammunition, and in the meantime , another team of doctors is taking care of the rescued soldier in a calm atmosphere. the guy will be fitted with fixation devices and shrapnel wounds will be patched up. the main verdict of the doctors: his life is not in danger. ilya lyadin igormichkin, anna
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ivanova, ntv, donbass. batman, little american looney fenner, doctors successfully removed a huge birthmark about the modern capabilities of russian medicine, for which patients travel from overseas. nikolay bulkin. russia's first free lifeboat simulator falls were discovered at makarov university. ilya
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recommend, everyone wants to win millions, june parade of planets, get ready for an expedition to the arctic, 28 i have nuggets, i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket, for example, unison bed linen for 1,859 rubles with 25% cashback. business needs acceleration, open a current account on
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the flavors of ice cream, relax in the fresh air and get new impressions. have time to try more this summer with discounts up to 60% in yandex seed. stars on weekends at 22:10 on enter. this is the program today, we continue our publication, issues of food security, infrastructure development and technological sovereignty were discussed today in the government. at the meeting, prime minister mikhail mishustin outlined priorities for achieving national goals by 2030 . this is an increase in production volumes in
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the agro-industrial complex by a quarter. construction of some of them will be completed thanks to such financial support , already this year, i would ask the ministry of construction, the ministry of health to strictly monitor
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the expenditure of funds, the completion of work, compliance with all schedules, we are talking about an organization where they save lives, including our children, and maintain health. in addition, mikhail mishustin instructed to increase the volumes and list produced in russia. today it became known that rospatent has extended the registration of the coca-cola brand in russia, as stated in the june newsletter departments. the registration period
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expired on august 26, but now the legal protection of the brand has been extended for 10 years, that is, until august 26, 2034. earlier, the vedomosti newspaper wrote that coca-cola filed applications to register not only the brand of the same name, but also sprite and fanta. there is no word yet on their fate. coca-cola announced in march of twenty-two that it was suspending work in russia due to events in ukraine, then it stopped making coca-cola, sprite and fanta drinks in russia, and later the russian division of coca-cola changed its name to multon partners began making the good cola drink. experts from the newspaper vedomosti interviewed explained that if a trademark is not used for 3 years, then it can be cancelled, which means that next year this could just happen with the trademarks of the kokoko company. inflation in russia has been accelerating for 9 weeks in a row. as of july 1, the annual price increase according to the ministry of economy has already exceeded 9%, and over the last week the acceleration was especially
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sharp. this is explained by the fact that housing and communal services tariffs have increased in russia since july 1. deputy chairman of the central bank alexey zabodkin said today, that the peak of annual inflation will most likely be in july. he also pointed out the increase in housing and communal services tariffs, calling them at least a one-time factor. but one that makes a large contribution to annual inflation. the russian stock market ended today in a big minus. the acceleration of inflation makes it almost
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inevitable. this was done by the head of the bank, andrei kostin,
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at the same time, another branch in the bank was reportedly opened in the city, and by the end of the year the bank is going to start serving clients in mariupol and donetsk. vtb says that the office in lugansk serves retail clients, including salary projects, and representatives of small medium-sized businesses. we were driving today, when we left rostov, it was clear that there was not very much saturation, to put it mildly, with banking institutions in this region, so comparable to others where.
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this list appeared last fall, but then there were only six brands on it: lada, уas, aurus, moskvich, converted chinese electric cars under the evalute brand, and chinese havail cars produced in russia. now officials will have much more choice. for example, min added fret largus, as well as gazelle and sable to the list of recommended ones for them. officials can also switch to xside xcross 7. this is the russian version of the chinese cherry tiga 7 pro. which is assembled at the former nissan plant in st. petersburg, the choice of chinese brands has expanded; officials have recommended, for example, kai and baik. also on this list are now electric cars amber a5, which were produced in kaliningrad according to the chinese model, but were produced for only 2 months, and then announced the suspension of production. even the european brand citroen c5 aircross appeared on the list of the ministry of industry and trade. these machines are assembled at a plant in kaluga from kits
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that come from the at the state university of maritime and
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river fleet there is a holiday, guests are prepared for a demonstration of a new unique simulator, so far the only one in russia, the training of specialists in lifeboats and rafts for cadets here... has always been dynamic and full of impressions, but what are ordinary life rafts and ordinary lifeboats? compared to free fall lifeboats, this is something you need to see at least once. whatever you might think now, at the moment this is considered the most reliable and safe way to escape from a sinking ship, and the crew and passengers should already be inside at the time of the release of such a boat. the boat falls into the water with the engine running. among them, they have an irrigation system, which on tankers, gas carriers and chemical tankers
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allows them to move in a continuous field of burning oil, petroleum products or fuel for well enough time, but in maritime practice there is always its own. this method of rescue involves dropping a boat from a height of 10 m in a relatively small vessel to 5-60 when evacuating from drilling platforms; you must not only be able to prepare the boat for dropping, but also position yourself correctly in it. if you don’t fasten your seat belt correctly, if you sit down incorrectly, then well, there are risks simply for the life of everyone escaping, that is, you can die not on a sinking ship, but you can die from simply a lack of competence or if you didn’t... sit down correctly, you don’t know how, the crew needs to be trained in case they have to use a free-fall boat, conducting such training on a real ship is troublesome and unsafe, so the new simulator is an excellent solution, it is created from domestic parts, it uses domestic
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software, even its own 3d engine. unlike several existing foreign analogues, our simulator teaches not only virtually. in a real simulator, the boat is real, which allows you to learn. with its equipment, supplies, and people are in a real slut, not in some fictional, simulated capsule. and then the exciting moment comes, the boat alarm sounds , denis, the executive director of the developer’s company, checks the readiness of the boat for launching and accepts the passenger load. now the main thing is to sit down correctly. the passenger’s body, not pampered by fitness, does not immediately fit into the allocated seat. it’s good that you can’t hear the instructors’ laughter from inside. for a spacious place in the light, however, there is even less space at the helm, and the work is more responsible, after landing, he must quickly lead the boat towards the rescue ship, and although the mind understands that the sea is drawn overboard, the body of the trainee experiences real
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excitement, which reaches its peak at the time of descent, the crew lowers the boat, only a few steps separate us from falling into the water pumping the lever, let's go, before us , the teachers of the makarov university also tested the simulator on themselves, they say everything is exactly like in the sea, the effect is wow, yes, it’s really very realistic, very believable, the effect and movement in six planes, that is , right, left, up, down, everything that
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a sailor feels, a huge birthmark about the modern capabilities of russian medicine, for which patients travel from overseas. nikolay bulkin. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. yes, you are a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you do everything. so, continue! alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. open a free account with
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alpha friday, july 5, we are giving 30% cashback on... this program is today. we continue our release. today, thousands of russian school graduates are working on their mistakes. for the first time in the modern history of the country, eleventh graders i was allowed to retake the unified state exam, but only in one subject. this second one. are known within a week and a half, that's what
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is important: the previous assessment will be canceled, even together with computer science, new results will be if it was better. let us remind you that he offered to give the opportunity to retake the unified state exam. vladimir putin in his message to the federal assembly. the idea was immediately appreciated by students and teachers. everyone notes that they are now less nervous during exams. planned date of familiarization. russian doctors today showed the results of treating one of the most famous little patients in the world. american luna fenner appeared with a rare abnormality, a birthmark on almost her entire face. because of this, the press even called her “the girl with the batman mask.” but the problem was not only aesthetic. such a formation can degenerate into malignant at any time. doctors in the united states either refused treatment due to the complexity, or offered dozens of expensive operations stretched out over years. russian specialists came to the rescue. nikolai bulkin saw what his american looks like now patient. and thanks. a word that little luna has already learned in russian, she is grateful
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that instead of a huge black spot on her face, she now has more light, smooth skin. not yet. with scars, but aesthetic surgery is ahead. after we removed the bandages, we went into the elevator, she saw herself in the mirror, she exclaimed: “mom, look at my new skin, it’s wonderful.” they flew from southern american florida to northern petersburg back in the winter, with the whole family. on mom dad's t-shirts there was a photo of his daughter with a huge spot that she was born with and thanks to which she became known as the girl with the batman mask. in her homeland in america , they offered to remove the nevus surgically in 80 operations. hundreds of thousands of dollars, in russia it turned out to be both faster and cheaper. initially, we went to krasnodar, where they offered laser treatment, but luna still had marks and we decided to come to st. petersburg for further surgical treatment. we want to give her back her beautiful face, we want to fix it, the best option was here. first necessary procedures: donated blood, did a cardiogram.
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can i breathe out? okay, luna is already on the operating table. in st. petersburg in this treatment center. naturally, facial skin is the optimal plastic material for replacing defects, because it has the same characteristics. the difficulty with luna's case is that she had minimal healthy skin on her face. doctors say that luna herself surprised them with her optimism, she is an ordinary active child, plays a lot, loves to dance, a new face means a new life for her. she hopes it's negative
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reactions to her appearance will be a thing of the past. luna gave the russian doctors such a doll, on one side on her face, she has... nevus batman mask, on the other side she has a clean face, a result that the family, girls, and doctors strive for. she will have absolutely normal, healthy, pink skin, but linear scars will be visible, and scars from cosmetic scars, yes, we will try, again, i say, to smooth them out as much as possible and arrange them along the natural lines of the skin. it was important to remove the nevus not only for the sake of beauty. the stain could become malignant tumor, this is an increased threat of skin cancer, melanoma. giant nevi are the most dangerous nevi in ​​childhood, and accordingly they must be radically removed. we can say that where the skin is transplanted, we will not have skin malignancy. the girl had one more problem: luna’s eyelids did not droop all the way, she even slept with her eyes open, and this
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problem has now also been solved. one of these days luna is flying home, she will return to st. petersburg for final plastic surgery, but for now... now is the time for weather forecast, in our weather studio evgenia neronskaya. zhenya, when will the long-awaited coolness come to us? zhai will fall apart tomorrow, but at what cost? in the central region, friday may become not just a storm, but a hurricane, as wind gusts can reach 27 m/s. and this is already a condition for the formation of tornadoes. in some places
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we are waiting for volley downpours, when in a matter of minutes two or three buckets can fall at once per square. thunderstorms and hail are present, all this is the action of an atmospheric front, after them the long-awaited coolness will come, in the northwest it will be a little above twenty, in the center tomorrow it will still be about 30, intense heat up to 30. the volga region will still be tormented. the rains there are not dangerous yet; squalls will arrive in a day. in the south, near such a monster as our atmospheric front, things will also get worse in places. thunderstorm showers, but the heat below 40 in the lower reaches of the volga and don will remain. only near the black sea it is not so merciless, there are about thirty there. in st. petersburg tomorrow afternoon 20-22 and showers with thunderstorms. in moscow there are also very heavy rains in places, thunderstorms, hail, but the main thing is a dangerous wind. this weather is a must.
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sunday 28, from monday the respite from the heat will be short-lived; thermometers will reach the thirty-degree mark and overcome it very quickly. we drink water and hide in the shade, thank you, zhen, evgeniy neronskaya with the weather forecast. well, these are the main news for this and we, elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernushov, say goodbye. see you, goodbye, in general, second-year student tatyana matveeva, inogorodniya, rents a room, her friend, dmitry shulga, repeatedly threatened this casanova to kill him, and they say that he threatened quite realistic, do you have an address? dasha doesn’t know this guy’s address, but... she gave tatyana’s address. yes, bro, it’s time for you to improve your personal life. did you take dasha’s phone? i took it. she is our witness. only her dad is very
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cool. and grandfather, general. so what? i almost married the general's wife. it also happens. okay, good trendey, what's going on? it looked like he had finished taking tests and was about to leave. the killer calmly walked in, calmly shot, and calmly walked out. what makes you think it's calm? maybe he was worried? fine, fired excitedly, exited excitedly. perhaps dug, then it looks like a boy, not a fact, dasha may have seen the shooter when she went out, says that he is an older man, there is a verbal portrait, approximate, about forty, about this height, looks like a teacher, but from everything you can see , that he’s not a boy, in general, we still need to work with the verbal portrait, what if the girl remembers something else, or maybe the shul ordered it, the current youngsters themselves are no good for anything,
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in our time, why rush so slowly, slowly we’ll go down from the mountain and is it delicious? and everything is delicious, maybe some more tea, volodechka? yes, perhaps, yes, yes, oh, this is what we have, and this - you surprised me so pleasantly just now. somewhat inspired, i just


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