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tv   Pyos-2  NTV  July 5, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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i told you that there are people smarter than you, and now it’s too late to torture you while standing! everything is fine, shabena, can i ask a question, to whom should i, no, from him, well, ask, ask, tell me, when was the first time... you felt your illness,
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but you know where to go, you understand, that it is useless to deny, semen analysis will still show identity, i was not going to deny, i have long wanted... to talk about it, i am ready to talk about it, that’s good, write.
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“i thought you left, you brought the keys, ver, take off your tights, just tights, yeah, you want some coffee, yes, but without cognac.
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i’m ready to fulfill the order, you’re testing me, show me your hands, i don’t understand.
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lyosh, is your husband out of sorts or something, this happens to him, they called in the morning and said that the boss was leaving on a business trip, he was appointed deputy, as always, he doesn’t like it, of course, he’s in charge, he doesn’t like it , well, yes, you see, he’s been going crazy in the morning, you can help, but how can you help, then you can’t come to an agreement with the dog. no need for dirt, we have
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an ideal relationship, unlike you, yes, come here, come to me, i’m just in front of you it’s a disgrace now, of course. oh, how are there two mistakes in one word? no, comrade colonel, this can’t be, i write without mistakes, yes, i graduated from school with an order, and all the employees read my reports like detective novels, i’m already at the airport, while i ’m gone, leonidov remains in charge, well why leonidov, well, comrade.
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so the head of the department ordered the appointment of igor nikolaevich as a temporary executor of the order. why are we late for work, i ask you carefully. why did you give us orders, deputy leonidov? fuck you deputy, not leonidov. here. please, an order about my appointment and his acting duties, why suddenly your usual, well , show me the order, you are not allowed, there is secret information, why not you, because no one listens to you leonidov, what kind of
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delay is this, i don’t understand why have i been hanging around here since yesterday, i haven’t gone anywhere, especially if i wrote an explanatory note, i read it, i understood, but he wouldn’t have answered me like that. you are a corpse, we already have a corpse, very interesting, everything is as you like, not suicide, i immediately say that i got up, come here, forward, and what is it, go ahead, this is an order, maybe you can come to me, this is not an order, a friendly proposal. a strike, that means, yes, okay,
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you shouldn’t have taken his stock with you.
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i ran away, i didn’t understand, there was something in the air that smelled sharply of lyosha’s official inconsistency, by the way, and the smell, dog, let’s get to work, do you hear, dog, go ahead, what a pathetic decline of a career, and a mutual decline, rise, maybe i should tell him, please , have already passed. oh, and this is already complete, this is the complete end, domestic animals often, before death , stop obeying and go into the unknown direction and never return again, sadness, what is this, smart girl, smart girl,
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everything is clear. detective, dogs, scavengers, amazing career, so, in short, after thunderous applause, i’m waiting for everyone in the department for disassembly of flights, in general, it’s clear that the killer was with... here he was waiting for his victim, nothing is clear, the corpse does not have a photograph of the victim, which he was supposed to kill, and this means what, that the photograph remained with the second murderer, deduction, what kind of photograph, paper or something, what century are you living in? yura, yura, give the phone number to the victim, this is already drawing on abuse of official authority, damage to material evidence, there is no smell of excess here, it smells, but in general, arguing with your superiors, lyosha, will not lead to anything good. and this is not a threat, this is a reflection on information, the boss is already dissatisfied with you, since he appointed me in charge, here are
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photographs of the victims, why is there such confidence, or maybe this is a photograph of the feeder’s neighbor, if only it were in your pocket, carry a photograph in your pocket dangerous, otherwise you might not even meet with the customer, well, as i said, we get through the client based on a photograph, so leonidov, don’t delay, i’m going to the department, i have a lot of work to do, let’s go, why are you standing there, and the door is in front of the start? cover it, come on, stop it, well , agree that after all, gnezdilov’s version had the right for some time, albeit to a short one, but still life, no, lesh, she didn’t even have the right to conceive, let’s go, dog to me, dog , again it is the best in the country, credit card - 120 days without interest, free forever, apply. already now,
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listen, i’ll explain everything to you now, i’ll believe my eyes, siran, in this mansion i look like a kind angel, i have them all they will dance, kingfisher, new season, why did you do this, why, so that you never have children, today at 14:00 on ntv. obstetrician, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. oh, super, the supermarket is now cooper, the supermarket is now cooper, super, super. supermarket is now cooper, supermarket is now cooper, super,
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zbermarket is now cooper, cooper, supermarket, now cooper, and what has changed, for starters , the name, kuoper, delivery is super, oh, the bathhouse in the old courtyard is good, not only the bathhouse, our sausage is also good, starodvorskaya, my favorite, made according to the starodvorsky recipe, so it's delicious. i love our old dvorye, the old dvorye is truly delicious, try more this summer, free delivery from a tasty point in yandex food. the new dosherak broth is prepared using the traditional fermentation method, which lasts more than 100 days, and is based on fresh vegetables. doshirak broth. moscow coffee shop on the ground, a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. important announcement. batterfly.
11:14 am
cheap air tickets to aviass. i'm sorry, buy cheap air tickets on aviass. not mix it up. service for buying cheap air tickets. cosmically delicious. and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where a choice place for sausages appears. cherkizovo world blockbusters on the yandex market, what were you waiting for, maybe a robot vacuum cleaner vcr m7 with a 44% discount. x5 club presents, oh, misha, have you forgotten here, but i haven’t forgotten anything here, i haven’t forgotten to show the x5 club card at a crossroads or in pyaterochka, i haven’t forgotten to get cashback up to 50% with the service package, i haven’t forgotten discounts and your chance to win prizes i haven’t forgotten either, you seem to be something... what forgot? show map! use the x5
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club card and get even more benefits with every purchase. x5 club card, you won’t forget this benefit. and for breakfast in the old courtyard there are hundreds. oh, my favorites, do you know why they are so juicy? we take juicy okoro, a piece of aromatic spices, and simmer the juices in the oven. let me show you how i prepare them, boil them, cut them, fill them with an omelette and it’s done. misha, you came up with a great idea. these are all our buds. old dvorie is truly delicious. kingfisher, new season. today at 14:00 on ntv. get started the path to business with the support of sber. open it in sber business.
11:16 am
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trance? is this when men paint their eyes? this is when men transport cleaning and detergents. i know, i just wanted you check. so what if this one is a trance? the company office is located near the murder scene, so i think max's version is correct. this means that in our department everything is common , including the max version. please use it, you must. by the way, stop by to interrogate this nikif. leave amateur activities aside. i personally take control of the operation. all over me. i didn't understand. yes, i will pity you to hell. go.
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porzhom. i don’t know what this terrible murder has to do with me, i never had any enemies, maybe they confused me with someone, you have a warehouse so big, maybe there are competitors, there are competitors, but there is enough work for everyone, but why kill over washing powder, and the powder, by the way, you have is good, good, this is the best for you, oh, thank you, thank you for what are you doing?
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oh, is this a regular customer or something, stand there, don’t move, no one listens to you, take him, just like you, by the way, i am the one who ambushed him, maybe he got his hand from... like in the east, with one hand you can’t get by here, so get out of the way, it’s a nightmare, comrade, start what looting, what, it is looting in its purest form, are you out of your mind, the detainee included a bribe with powder, offered, here you go, i confiscated it, i’ll add it all to the case, so this is evidence, so for whites there is,
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for coloreds there is, there is mouthwash, it seems like everything, but give me some heroin, out of some joy? how is this, how happy is it, who developed the operation? max developed it, yes, and you said that it was crystal clear, yes, i said it, but it was for cover, it was part of the plan, i guessed from the very beginning that nekieferov was doing transportation of heroin, i just didn’t want to tell you so that you wouldn’t set up an operation for me, give me the evidence, look, look how he wants to curry favor with the boss, of course, the first day in charge, what a catch, heroin, i found it, heroin, here he's so fast. oh me, you don’t have any room in your car anymore, hello!
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yes, they will get me in prison, i don’t know who they are, well, those who ordered, the wholesale buyer diluted the powder, well, it happened a couple of times, yeah, everyone does it, that’s it, so you write me the names of all of them... it’s better in prison than in the grave.
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i won’t interfere, if it’s for work, then no. where is the dog? by the way, you are punished, what do you do when lyosha doesn’t listen to you? i get upset, sometimes i cry. no, this doesn't suit us. take your hand away. what is this fur on you? blonde? the name of? do the math, maybe lena? for some reason, when you find hair on me, it’s not so interesting to you, because on you i find my hair, you have everything, if everything is fine, i will be
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grateful, i have work in the city, i need to conduct an examination of heroin, urgently , well, as always, take away the packages. you give me here without sudden movements, respect the subordination, please, everyone saw how you took the heroin out of the warehouse, including maksimov, yes maksimov,
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here you go, and this, you know, leonidov, is already criminal negligence, here you won’t get off with just a shambles, here it’s like dismissal, and that’s at best case, lord, knyazdilov, through the veil of delirium until... don’t break it, otherwise the klava will be nervous, worried, don’t break it, but accusatory.
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yes, you are there, something happened, show your hands, who should you show it to?
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the best investment in speri up to 18% per annum. why did i call you? do you want to fire me? and kaverin, what about cavern? they shot him in the leg, he sits happy and smiles. nikita panfilov. that's it, the old lady was born. obstetrician. tomorrow 20:00 on ntv. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. our new name is t-bank. oh, cashback has arrived, how much? does it drop for all purchases? dad, with the black card you get cashback for everything. peak everything. cashback for everything. that's all. dad, nothing complicated, repeat after me. peak everything. peak everything. you receive cashback monthly directly to your card. real money. so simple. that's it, grandpa,
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get a black card from tebank and get cashback for all purchases. te-bank, he is like that one. oh, the bathhouse in the old courtyard is nice. not only the bathhouse, our sausage is also good. starodvorskaya, my favorite. it’s made according to an old-time recipe, so it’s delicious. i love our old yard. old dvorie, truly delicious. we don't know exactly what is behind your request. to the dacha? and love yandex maps will tell you the places they will build routes so that you don’t have to wonder what makes the non-alcoholic crown blanc special, a refreshing wheat taste, notes of citrus coriander, a rich aftertaste and a refined style, yes, everything combines perfectly in it, crown blanc non-alcoholic, discover a special taste!
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11:29 am
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for everyone in russia. absolutely free, you only pay the delivery cost of 349 rubles. call and order a commemorative medal toll-free number 8800 60068 05 or on the website medalmishka.rrf, let's support ours! kingfisher - new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. the largest catalog of turkish tv series in the easy ivy subscription for 99 rubles per month. maksimov was right. both hitmen were killed with the same pistol. by the way, i was the first to make this assumption, even before maksimov, i just didn’t want to brag. are you lying , igor nikolaevich, what am i? never. your
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leonidov is lying about where the heroin is and where there is no heroin, by the way, i studied the legal system, it’s not easy. first signed, by the way, where is he? oh, by the way, here he is, what’s this? heroin, the dog is not adequate, he stole leonidav. yeah, well, that's not it maybe this is deception, intrigue and intrigue. no,
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what do you think so? because you want to shield leonidov and set me up. well , naturally, of course, no one likes fair and strict bosses. i 'll check it now. let's. why are you hanging this on the side ? it’s not me who’s hanging it up, it’s you who’s hanging it up, i wonder why i did it? the main thing is to look at what you dug up in the archive,
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hello, what is this? this is a dossier on all the killers, but now we think who will be next? so this one, why? well, count your fingers, how many? nine, strange, his nickname is appropriate, fingerless, so maybe that’s why our client takes off everyone’s gloves, let’s go, come on, run! yes, did you receive the client's photo? received. the advance has already been sent, you can check it. received. will i call you back
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after completing the order? no, you'll call before you're ready. do not execute without a command. “here, come on, how much is opium for the people, what kind of black humor, what do you need and how much, we don’t recognize the voices, so that means we need 2 kg of heroin in beautiful blue bags, urgently, are you laughing, where from?” " i have heroin, i quit a long time ago, you just he offered me, asked how much, let me go, i ’ll do whatever you do, i’ll give you a number , call me, that they’ll meet you there, they’ll give you everything, oh, what a snotty fellow, you got gas,
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huh? well, what are we going to do with heroin ? i don’t have that much on me, i need to go to the point, so let’s go!
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what's wrong with your nose? maksimov, he took all the goods, he’s still demanding it, he’s the one who screwed you up, i thought you gave up a long time ago, what are we going to do? what to do? let’s prove it, i know all the healers in the city, they all shop with me. you came in on time, not the killer heroin you need. oops!
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“stay here, as you say, and there’s as much as you want, but for money, of course, okay, come on, i’m totally insolent, i’ll definitely order it myself, well, no one dares talk like that, yeah,
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guys, i completely forgot, these drugs are evil.
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maksimov was the first to sign, he was the first to sign, he also encouraged others to sign, he’s been wanting to get rid of you for a long time, well, you understand, why is he sneezing with you all day today? i'm on you on your dog.
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here's my letter of resignation, lesh, what are you doing? lesh, lesh, go first, great, great, get this brute out of here, he only listens to leonidov now, tell me, how could you notice that the packages are not the same, you saw this heroin once, well, yes, and then just like that. just a glimpse, yes, and
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sometimes you don’t recognize yourself in the mirror, why is it different, i find out that they got up, there’s nothing there, leonidov’s statement and the petition for the boss, by the way, everyone signed except you, there are questions, there are, still the same one that was made in the table of rot, statements, a petition for the bosses, everyone signed it, except, now i can’t. "this fingerless, you were looking for me, you killed two of your colleagues, i heard, well, congratulations, you’re the third.” we need to talk, some kind of cheap bait, stupid, well, you’re a lot, that’s stupid, i’d like to arrest you; i’ve been married for a long time, what i need to meet with, but then decide for yourself, i promise to fight without arrest this time, come on, summer
11:42 am
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11:43 am
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i brought you an interesting new order, and what do you want , an offer, the killer knows the place, time, where to find you, he’s already found it in the iphone, you’re some kind of crazy cop, yes, i’m dumb, and so what ’s that? should trust you, don't trust me, just place time order, tell me that’s all, and then you’ll arrest me or kill me, you’ll decide for yourself somehow, what is this, order information, place, time?
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well, from here to here, are you sure he will come? yes, of course, maybe the same photograph came that everyone, not kiforval, a seller of detergents? so we have it, we took it, but he doesn’t really need it, just if something suddenly goes wrong, i don’t mind the dealer, it’s reasonable, you offer me something, i’ll take an order for nikifora, i can’t do it, yeah. so we are developing a plan for the operation without me, and what did you think, without noticing or something?
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we ran into him, fuck off, we underestimated him, naturally, yes, now we’re done, that’s absolutely certain, leonidov, so what we have here, so, with this clear, is the meeting place, so... i’m buried here, i mean , here is a cover group, here is a cover group, and here is a cover group, everyone must protect my safety, this is the main thing, of course, the killer promised to come without weapons for reconnaissance, this is very good, by the way, this is absolutely correct, so, just in case, maksimov with leonidov will be next to me, so that i wouldn’t be put together for an operation there, that ’s actually... he quit us, nothing, by the way, i haven’t signed the application yet, so leonidov takes the bulletproof vest and protects me with himself in
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close combat, why are you standing there, wind up, wind up the operation, and the keller will definitely be alone, oh, he promised, i’m sure you can handle it yourself, i’m afraid, if not, one will come and leave, oh, boss, you ordered to wash the car with a trunk full of stolen washing machines, here’s your mouth, don’t be smart, and so you’re hanging on a hair's breadth, that means that's it, i went, everyone else, so that we were there in an hour, okay, are you sure? no help needed.
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you are in place, yes, in place, ready to work, show your hands, don’t understand, show your hands, no, i’m not the one you’re looking for, all fingers are in place. killed, let go of the pistol, come on, come on, come on, come on, bespaly killed my father, and i
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sympathize with him, he will be punished, and you, excuse me, are arrested. kill you, thank you for that, so yes i,
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well, you see him, no, oh, come on, you see, okay. apparently he hid, listen, maybe he climbed into an underground shelter, got out of here, found his question, leonid, trick, killer you see, i see, he’s so huge, even if you look there, don’t let him pass in my direction, i don’t know, you hang in there, he’s very big, it looks like he’s armed, what do you mean armed, what do you mean armed, we didn’t... agreed, we’re canceling operation, we are not ready, we will not have time to do anything, hold on, he has a huge pistol with a huge silencer, as i heard, attention, attention, urgently call reinforcements, listen to my command, boss, hold on, you are hanging by a thread, show your skill where there, they don’t listen to me, let’s get started, don’t feel sorry for who, the bastard, indeed, but they hit me, i’m killed,
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call a helicopter quickly, i’m bleeding, attention, cancellation, the killer hasn’t arrived, some people are playing pitball here, pitball, what a pitball, such a suit has been ruined, creatures, leonidov, stay behind senior, i need to change clothes, uh, no, you yourself were against it, you collected signatures, i’m against it now, now i’m collecting it, so what, pay attention, killers have arrived, what do you mean killers, there’s more than one of them, about 20 people machine guns, they have grenades, oh well, come out and see for yourself, yes why the hell do i need it, where are they going, one is heading towards you, he has a huge grenade launcher, take care of your rear, igorenya, take care of your rear,
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whatever it is, that’s it, don’t let me down! everyone stay in their places, attention, grenade launcher, that's it, this is definitely the end.
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i didn't want to kill you, but i have no other choice. just don’t thank me, you can’t trust the cops with anything, now you, okay, but next time i’ll arrest you, yes. god willing, we won’t see each other, yes,
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what can you say? who will laugh from the will of the organs to hell, i would have heard such a thing, but i’m something heard it too?
12:00 pm
where have you been, dog? he was with leonidov, defended him, that is, you also go to him, yes, come on, go, he is looking for a friend, maxim, you learn to talk to him as an equal, and not as a subordinate, an interesting assumption, you can also from - that’s why you left me, how do you live with him? are you looking for a friend, yes, come on,
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