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tv   Mentovskie voini-6  NTV  July 5, 2024 4:45pm-7:01pm MSK

4:45 pm
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4:46 pm
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4:47 pm
you will, come on! it’s interesting, we still have to wait a long time for her, the later the better, now the movement will end, we’ll turn off the lights, okay, yes my girl, what were you doing, uh -huh, okay, you ate, you’re not hungry, uh-huh, what dad is doing, well done, good. yes, i’m sorry,
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dear, i can’t talk now, play with dad, yes, bye, don’t take care of yourself at all, olga vasilievna, i look every day, the last one is leaving, but i want to finish all my work before the vacation, all my work will never end , but there is only one life, well, yes, a request to the notary. payment, to the tax office, to the internal security department of the civil internal affairs directorate. yes, also to the district administration, for the issuance of archival documents. have you decided to replace the entire law enforcement system with yourself? no, maybe you fail? am i in your direction? no thanks, i 'll still work. well, see you tomorrow, goodbye.
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well, crooked, he ran away, how many houses on our earth were bombed? and if i confess,
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you’ll say, who knew me, even if you admit it, even if you don’t admit it, we’re not interested in your proposal, let’s go, let’s go, hello, galina ruslanovna, this is volovets. we took the crooked one, great, fill it out, okay, we’ll be there in half an hour, okay, be careful, let’s go.
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order, order, oh, master keys, come on, arms, legs wider, to the north, quadruple-condo, cigarettes, smokers can’t be closed, stop, bottom boss, let's go ahead, let's go, yes, i know who i am, come on, come on, shut your mouth, 820, keep the report and call the investigator, yeah, i'll call you now?
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well, i sobered up, almost. oh, oleg nikolaevich, thank you for helping me out, i can’t even fly in with my conditional ones. let's face it, we took the crooked one from the hut, right? well, that’s where he’s going. okay, tell me, someone else besides you. i knew that he would go to work today, but they knew, like, what is it, but no, nothing, okay, let’s go, i’ll take you out, and my, what’s mine, he works until his first payday, but
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then we look for a new place for six months, yes, what will the judge say, vasya, and you don’t see that i’m talking on the phone? oles, the judge, he’s a goat, he doesn’t have any nerves, and the beer is over, go get some beer, vasya, you need it, you go, yeah, you know that me...
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and what’s going on, lord, we’re leaving. do you think it was the woman who cut me off? which one, yes the one that got out of the apartment, sabei, then we’ll figure it out, okay, let’s go, that’s it,
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you can, where can you sit here, now we’ll come up with something, excuse me, comrade investigator of the sofa. so you somehow they’ll pick up a little brat, here, sit down, thank you, yesterday they described a homeless person in a flooded basement, that was sad. gentlemen, experts, they didn’t forget to take this jar off on your fingers, but this peaceful jar just sits there and lies there, it doesn’t bother anyone, you can joke, but i should investigate a murder, do an examination, if my head office starts poking its nose at the shortcomings, i i’ll redirect them to you, oops, oh and no shit, well, congratulations. now we're in a complete mess, hi, how are you, hi, good, i miss you,
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how's the weather there, normal siberian weather, cold, without you, uh-huh, we shouldn’t have gone to this brigade, we would have saved our homeland without you, you just can’t imagine, there’s such an interesting case here, 38 defendants, almost 40 episodes, oh, the whole local police is tied up, what are you doing? , wow? a really interesting case, well, yes, who am i telling, you’re home, yes, almost, i’ll go now, of course, i at least slept at work, yes, implementation, murder on posadskaya, remember, solved, congratulations, yes, georgievich, good morning, we have a murder, in the nevsky district a judge was killed, we are downstairs with jackson. well, i went home, i understood everything, okay, work, i kiss you, i love you too,
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bye. oh, now it’s your turn, get started, goodbye, all the best, all the best, that’s it, georgivich, you don’t need us anymore, bye, that’s it, come on, bye, good luck, goodbye, goodbye, our judges need to love money less , would have been tried according to the law, nothing would have happened, so maybe she tried just according to the law, she doesn’t kill for that, roma, galka, you knew her, she didn’t handle criminal cases, she specialized in civil cases, so i and i didn’t have to cross paths with her, oh, economics is the basis of everything, but what if... well, yes, for some
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it’s easier to come to an agreement, and for others to meet you at the entrance, just like that. the deceased's watch and wallet were missing. if you want my opinion, gentlemen, this all looks like a typical gobstop. but typical robbers will not destroy street lights at the entrance, even for the sake of a watch and a wallet. therefore, galina ruslanovna, we won’t get away with just a robber version. “well, that’s understandable, you still need to comb through the local gopota, remember in ninety in the fifth trial, he took money from the arkuta boys for a light sentence, did nothing, so he got a pen in god, what was his last name, malinovsky, exactly malinovsky, excuse me, i was just writing an abstract on contract killings of ninety, abstract, you girl protocol first you need to write it correctly, don’t worry, i’ll write it, and i’ll also write individual instructions, by the way, i’m not your girl. i still have to wait a long time for witnesses, i can’t entrust anything to anyone, but i like it when women
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work around me, you’ve known this bobkova for a long time, yes, she’s a normal girl, really , we haven’t seen each other for a long time, we once worked in the same area, well, bro, you quit working for us, you forgot how to do it, you started a rogue in the area, but if they are gopniks, then we won’t find any problems, we have a position in the area good, but there were a lot of robberies in the area, just like everywhere else, there are no guards, where are they? well, once there were guards with whistles in earshot, before the earth was flat, well, yes, i know, i supported myself on three pillars, you have a good memory, okay, let's go to the judge's house, and you tighten up the agents, you never know, uh-huh, she’ll suddenly come up, i understand, ask, no one has threatened her lately, and even if they did, she wouldn’t say,
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that’s her character, or maybe she mentioned some business she was involved in, but her will believed, that you can’t bring work into the house, but maybe you shared it with your friends, you haven’t seen anyone lately, everyone has children, worries, so we were planning to go on vacation to the seaside. dad, where's mom? hello, hello, hello, tell me, have you considered both? no, can you recognize only the one who had a knife? you probably think about what you say, then you’ll have to hide from his friend. actually, i 'm not talking to you right now. in general, there is
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an article like this, not providing assistance. sorry, nothing. yes, kolyan, yes, the police are looking into it, but if there are any threats, then you contact us, we will sort it out, thank you, and tell me, you can drive up today to draw up a verbal portrait of the attacker, well , an identikit, okay, if necessary, i’ll ask for permission work, well, if problems arise, we’ll help with management, there won’t be any problems, i'm respected there, so... i'm sure there's a reason for it, and also, here, take my phone, listen, i'll call you, come on, and this is my mobile, yeah, well, that's it, that's it with me, yes, thank you , and could you leave yours, yes, of course, in about five minutes the investigator will come up, and he will either
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take your testimony now or call you tomorrow, uh-huh, well, let me take you, probably yes, thank you. the cops are completely crazy, like you assholes, do n’t you think, another high-profile murder took place in st. petersburg, a federal judge was killed in the entrance of her house nevsky district.
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comrade officers, i wish you health, comrade general, good afternoon, i wish you health, i wish you health, comrade general, what can you please me with, gentlemen officers? we are working, oh, this is already good, but in more detail, just let’s do it without the lyrics, i’ve already read the summary, but if without the lyrics, then there are two live versions, the first is an attack by gops, the second is ivantsova’s professional line, according to the first we are already working with the locals, well, regarding personal matters that ivantsova was dealing with, i have a meeting
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with the chairman of the court at 11, yes, well, then go, what to do, you know, listen? there is absolutely no need for our empty talk, we’ll be whining around here for a long time, don’t you mind, gentlemen, with your permission, gentlemen officers, i don’t want to repeat the obvious, and i also can’t help but repeat it, such a surprise on the eve of the start of the reform, in moscow concerned. so, if by the end of the week there is no promising result, wait for the landing from the ministry, heads will fly, why are you silent, dmitry dmitrievich, keep your head, comrade general,
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then if i were you i would do my best efforts to... hide this crime as soon as possible, i did everything that was in my power, i transferred the case to the shelovsky department, all that was left was not to interfere with them, when this happened, again it is the best in the country, credit sbercard 120 days no interest, free forever, sign up now. 2024 light tears of love.
5:06 pm
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stop. where are you going this time? no time to talk. my grandson took me to music. i’ll pop home now , feed the cat and go back to pick up my grandson. look, it's setting a record. in the morning the grandson goes to the garden, then to social security, then to the post office. grandson from the garden to music evening scandinavian walking, i also got this cat, you know what i called it, sinoden, what kind of joints do you need to have in order to live on the fifth floor without an elevator and run so briskly, the exact terminator is liquid, an ordinary person’s legs would have broken long ago her back, and i’m telling you, her funds are from the future, otherwise you can’t explain it, synoden ease. movement: call right now to quickly get detailed advice on the drug sinaden. everyone who called our line when ordering a course, except for the detailed
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consultation, you will also receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge. in this case, you don’t even have to pay for delivery. yes, yes, you heard right, delivery is also free. okay, let's go home. oh, petrovna is already running back for her grandson. the ski track, by the way, and you ask her in between times, what kind of sinoden is this? call now to find out detailed information about the drug sinaden, because today anyone can receive a package of sinaden completely free of charge, as a gift, and you do not have to pay for delivery, order sinoden course directly from the manufacturer right now by the number on your screen without. any extra charges and commissions, remember, delivery is also at our expense. sinaden - ease of movement. obstetrician. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv.
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you understand, usually kills before, and not after, if ivantsova’s murder is connected with a case in which she intended to make a decision that did not suit one of the parties, then studying the materials can help in solving it, even if i have no experience in civil proceedings. until there is permission from the city court, i cannot allow you to participate in cases that are under investigation. stage of consideration. is there something there
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that i shouldn't know? are you hinting at something? no, no matter what, i myself analyzed ivantsova’s unfinished business, it’s interesting, the issue of this case is about 3 million euro rubles, she wanted to finish it before the vacation, please, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, i understand, i understand, i understand , i’ll call you back, that’s it, i’ll call you back in half an hour at most, good
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morning, of course, go ahead, oh, but so early, our judge was fired, and we had our own judge, uh-huh, but this is stupid, and what will happen now, nothing, new judge, new consideration, damn, bring some cognac, okay, where is the black one, he's on his way, information from him, here he is, by the way, let's live it up, hello, brother, great, dear, healthy, come on, come on, yes, come on, here, oh, isn’t it a little early, and i haven’t gone to bed yet, it’s bad, you’ll be useless again, you need to work, bumblebee, work, and not bully the waiter in the office, that’s why we’re not in the office today, the tameka is putting things in order, in short, decide our
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what problem? lyubu, so that means it’s you, yeah, you’re the judge or something, you bet louder and what will happen now, yes, everything will be as it should be, i doubt it, the cops will get angry, her affairs will fall under special control, and ours is still unknown who will get it, oh well, don’t be trendy, our case will fall on the table, whoever needs it , we won’t have anything worse than a bitch like her, and forget about the meets altogether, the specialists there didn’t work at their level, everything there was bam. under a pure gop-stop, yes, but it cost us half a kopeck, so bros, let’s do a tag, we should have consulted, they don’t do that, yeah, you could have been cooperating for another whole year, i know you, it’s time it was all you wanted, to waste it all, no, well, handsome black guy, if you do something so good for something so good, then you don’t mind the money, you had to decide everything together, a certain company, a highway,
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and those who know the judge, it would be impossible to approach ivantsova , she was guided by the law, well, in whose favor she intended to make a decision, in favor of the owner of the bookstore, but killing a judge does not solve the problem, yes. in the event that all judges
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are ready to decide only according to the law, and you have others, are you finished? yes, thanks, but i wanted i would like to get acquainted with other cases, i don’t see the point, your employee was killed, and it seems to me that you, after your immediate relatives , should be the first to be interested in catching the criminal, well, who did you transfer the case to, no one, i will consider it myself. this answer suits you, we’ll wait and see, yes,
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it’s me, oleg nikolaevich, we should meet, i’ll be there soon. don't worry, the police will come, what did you call? did you ask for a probian watch? well, well, remember the loaves? yeah, so he sells these, shiny ones with engravings, have you seen them? yes, what kind of engraving? didn't pay attention, where in shanghai, when half an hour ago, he’s probably
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still there, well, if he hasn’t sold it yet, no, he hasn’t sold it, he wants too much for them, okay, we’ll figure it out, oleg nikolaevich, what? and you didn’t tell the crooked one that it was me who turned him in? are you crazy? well, that means he guessed it himself, apparently someone gave him a call from the cell, now my friends are looking for me, you need to hide for a while, and then we’ll come up with something, yeah, my little girl has three tattoos, you’re studying the judge’s notebook, yes, i’m just afraid this won’t help us in any way... in those who discredit her the judge has not noticed any connections, neither upiri nor werewolves, but what pleased us in the district federal court? they are slipping us, in their opinion, the most promising version, so well
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, i see you don’t like it at all, but not very much, i’m not a magpie to grab everything that glitters, but we’ll have to work it out, yes, here is the data on street robberies and robberies in the nevsky district since the beginning of this year. robberies and robberies. okay, i'll go study. the best investment in the field up to 18% per annum. stars. tomorrow at 2210 on ntv. remember what they told you. when you i decided to open a business, but it’s not a business at all, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs,
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5:24 pm
tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, where are we going now, oh, great, great, great, come, where are you in such a hurry, well, i, well, you go, okay, but no, just an episode, here i am i was relaxing, but whatever, we won’t kill him.
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that means so, the loaf is crazy, he even has a certificate, or you, no, i’m afraid of the present, the last time they took him, he almost bit sasha barkovo’s finger, he knows me by sight, so if he sees me, he’ll immediately run, that even if to don’t judge, even if, especially since there are so many feats behind him, we have a ball on every occasion. should and he doesn’t know what we know and what we don’t know, so he can be killed right away, it’s better to interrogate him first, come on, lyokha, block the back exit and we’ll go with the main thing, uh-huh, thanks,
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there are cops in the window that don't suit your fancy, by any chance? you hide in the back room for now, hello, i got you, now i’ll come and wait here, yeah. well, okay, maybe?
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busy! hold it, he's far away, hold it, stand!
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lyokha, hare, put on the bracelet, curse, the asshole, the creature, hand here, stood up,
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stood up, bitch, you knocked out my teeth, don’t lie, don’t push hard, this is just the beginning, let’s go. where did the watch come from, i found it, it’s clear, where in shanghai, under the table, and that i ran, and i have a grater with one there, i thought you were from him, lying around, listen, you clean up the rake, i
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’ll clean up for you now, you’ll spit up blood from me, lyokha, cool down, you’re not in a position to be rude to the loaf, okay. now let’s figure it out, hello, roman georgievich, it’s the volovets who are messing around, but here we have an interesting client, he has a watch, but it seems to be the same one, olga vasilyevna from his colleagues, i understand well, the volovets called, he has a local celebrity in his department, two trips for robbery , pash, take the witness to the identification parade, zhek, call ivantsov. let him look at his watch, and for now i’ll provide for the tracker. hello, eh gorelova? hello. yes, this is a watch of will,
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you see the engraving, it was given to a colleague for his birthday. you caught the killer, come on in, hello, hello, look, recognize someone among those presented for identification, look carefully, no, he’s not here, how can he not, volovets! are you sure? yes, then come and sign, witnesses, i ask you to sign too. eh, what's wrong with him, an image of conscience. what are you looking at, call an ambulance, oh my, yes, hello, yes, repeat again,
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come on, okay, i understand, yes, yes, an ambulance i’ll call, what’s there, yes, a feast of a detainee for sausage, what a detainee who killed the judge yesterday, but that’s what he needs, okay, that’s it, i’m off, no hack awaits, come on, hello, soon, twenty-third department, now a second , sing, how much do they pay you for hack work, maybe i’ll be good for it, we’ll see, soon, yes, we have one detainee here, he doesn’t feel well, in my opinion, he’s pretending, what will happen to him now, well, he’ll lie in the hospital under escort, well, then they’ll probably arrest him,
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he gives incentives so as not to go to jail, but no, no one touched him, i think it’s okay, let me take you to the door, no, no need, vasya is there, so what, he knows where you went, no, no need. “i’m sorry that i couldn’t help, if anything, call, all the best, goodbye, i’ll call, don’t miss it, central television, the first information show, about the events and people of the week, time is buzzing again, bam, why when i collapse”? the union about the highway and its builders hastened to forget: we, the envoys of the komsomol organizations, fulfill the most important assignment
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here it is, our truth, what kind of truth? for some, to see off women, and for others to clean holes! why did you and dust go too far? he is now grunting in the hospital , what are you going to do? this creature will outlive us all. what was to be done? did he cut his earring? he should have been killed on the spot, and there would have been no hemorrhoids. you need to be taught everything.
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great, he called, he called, where is the black one? there will be no black, you and i need to talk together, but the cops took the performer, what kind of performer, ours, who cost half a dollar, wow, that’s for sure. more precisely, it doesn’t happen, a classmate called back, it’s the one in the cops, uh-huh, and what will happen now, if he turns in the black one, then we’re screwed, but he’s not a fool to turn everyone in, he’s an expert, you think, but there was no specialist, you get it, how is it, yes, so it is, the black one hired an ordinary gopnik, do you think he will remain silent when
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the cops give him nuts? he'll pinch, he was worth half a ruble, but he wasn't worth a damn thing, black he cheated on money, ratted his own, no, he couldn’t be black, but he’s not like that, yes, he’s black and white fluffy, now i ’ll show you what kind of documents, he’s just over there for repairs for 300 pieces of green. threw them, but how many? much, in short, you need to talk to the black one, so let him drive the money back, call him, hello, black one, where are you?
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in the bath? listen, is this the case? we need to talk, come to the club, yes, now, urgently, yeah, we’re waiting, come on, in the bathhouse, so angry. come on, let's figure it out, i hope, just in case, what are you talking about, we've been friends since childhood, calm down, nah hold on, everything ends someday, and so does childhood.
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here are the neighbors above, hello, citizens are understood, watch carefully so that we don’t plant or steal anything. good good. let's pass, but not the hilton, roma! in short, we’re in tata baton’s house, some rat is leaking information to batonov’s ghouls, it’s empty, we managed to take everything out, only the parquet was left, okay, if i
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’m at lariska’s, here’s volovets for you, the second truth of life, this idiot lives in a separate apartment, and i’m a sisk veteran, i’m taking a turn at home, so... go to the toilet, hello, galina ruslanovna, this is volovets, but we ’re done, and in fact we didn’t even start, but there’s nothing to look for here, just bare walls, that’s all, of course, don’t even think about laughing. what do you mean, how to understand it, understand it like this, go to hell, puppies, whoever they decided to breed,
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but i believe it, i don’t believe it, yes, if it weren’t for me, they would still be playing in the sandbox, that’s all me came up with why you say, we did everything together, what together, who together, together with you, in your brain. and you’re a coward, all you can do is rake in the loot with someone else’s hands, without me you wouldn’t have a damn thing, your the man got burned, nonsense, my specialist is free, and the cops are putting pressure on the gopnik, they need to close the case, then show us your specialist, fuck you, in-laws, who are you? so that i report to you, stop drinking, answer the questions, black, black,
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shoot, torley, shoot, did you see? quiet, that's it, let's clear it up, i 'll drive the car to the back entrance, now.
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i'm getting ready, listen, where is my sister? i’m for her, i mean literally, i’m a nurse, but what are the objections? no, then tell me that it’s all over, but doctor, doctor, when... it won’t be
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i know he doesn’t report to me, but what do you want for discharge? no, i’d rather lie here, that’s right, lie down, lie down, yeah, damn it.
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everything is fine, yes, wonderful, only you are a little scratchy, and soon the second hall will open, so come, uh-huh, light, listen, collect me information about a certain oo highway, are you writing it down? yes, just a second. нnн number 007 838357107. did you write it down? yeah, well done! that's it, i understand, roman georgievich, collect everything you have, okay, yeah. “seryoga, hello,
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thank you very much, it’s okay, it’ll dry before the wedding, dry off, well, is there anything for murder of a judge, pasha, how many years have you been wanted, everything happens so quickly only in fairy tales and tv series, well, wait, they found fingerprints on the jar, so what, do you know how long the system needs?" " to break through them file cabinet, well , don’t confuse the system with yourself, don’t be afraid, i haven’t launched it yet, there’s no need for an insult, no need, the process is going on, well, look how it’s going, and i ’ll wait, okay, war and peace, enlighten yourself, just in time, the book is good.
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there are just no pictures, pasha, you’re lucky, pasha, yes, if you’re still alive, then maybe, well, could it really be a coincidence, look, there’s a hit, pasha, fingerprints from the scene of the incident belong to someone previously convicted, come on, show me your leg, pavel, what are you doing? zheka, hello, listen, we’ll meet in 40 minutes on petrogradka, on the corner of maly and podkavyrov, why, why, we’ll take the gang, that’s it, i’m waiting, i have cognac, no need, it doesn’t wash well, okay, thank you, be healthy, i i can’t tell you who should win the tender for the supply of fuel to the govt. “no,
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i can’t give you any hints either, but you understand what you’re asking me for, you want, so that i take part in what i am called to fight, no, my dear, i understood you correctly, organize a normal competition, then there will be no questions for you, please wait, the devil knows that you can’t approach him , what do you allow yourself, let him in, hello, good afternoon your phone is busy. cerberus dodge, and i urgently need to shake down the court, if you want a drink, have a drink at noon, but at work, with pleasure, sit down, that
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everything is completely bad, oh, when everything was good with us. if they turn, we, as they say, are not used to it, we really are not used to it, for the police, oh, it’s going to be difficult, what can you do, their heredity is bad, come on, okay, let’s philosophize, and now let’s get to work. and hello, olesya, this is pavel, no, they haven’t caught me yet, alesya and i, we could meet in the evening, go somewhere, great, we agreed,
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i hope you didn’t pull me out of my place in vain, as if you were busy, of course. i was preparing for certification, and why are you happy? are we being transferred to self-financing? wake up, uncle, everyone has been there for a long time, but we will go a different way, let's go along the way and i'll explain. experts have identified fingerprints on the jar from the murder. this is alexey pyatakov, who was twice convicted, lives here in a communal apartment, so someone will open the door, you won’t have to introduce yourself to the woodworkers, but how much? hmm, wait, we need to monitor it for about three weeks first, and then infiltrate it. ugh, dory, what do you mean he doesn’t want to show it? well, i don’t know what this means, but apart from one case, i didn’t
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see anything else. and if you think that i can murder a judge without seeing her cases, then, excuse me, just roma, don’t agitate me for soviet power, i’m not from the headquarters either. grew up, we will decide, but all this will take time, you will have to go to the city court, you know that our judges are independent people, yes, this is in the sense that nothing depends on them, it feels like as if i’m getting into these cases out of my own selfish interest, as if it wasn’t a judge who was killed, a random person, but i think they just don’t want to create a precedent, colleague, colleague, you’ll be let in once and... “all this looks like a madhouse, don’t you think, we fear each other more than our enemies, but we are not friends, yes, this is also true, sharing powers, only now there will be no one to rule over for a little while, okay,
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when to wait results, as soon as, immediately, well, everything is as always"? hmm, you might think that i like all this. connect me with the chairman of the city court. yes, how many times have i told you, you don’t need to buy me anything, well, i’ll buy everything for myself. well, mom, how much is possible and how much? 3,300, you're crazy now wait, what’s the mistress, the pitak is at home, should i keep an eye on him, the last door in the corridor, we’re wiping our feet, the floors are washed everywhere,
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forward, forward, and they walk and walk and walk and walk. “mom said, don’t mess around with the armenians, two bulls, healthy, i don’t give a damn, now i’ll give them such a slaughter, don’t boil, first we need to splurge, cheerful hostess.” look, it's not locked, what are you doing? it looks like
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we are not welcome here, now we’ll find out everything, you look tired, light, nothing, roman georgievich, my head hurts just a little, yes, i have a little bit too, but that’s okay, it means we’re alive, yes, that’s what old people say, well, i don’t seem to be 20. well, not 70, you smiled more often, roman georgievich, otherwise you’ll really grow old, is there anything to smile about? of course, it’s summer, the weather outside is this bad, isn’t it? yes, maybe you’re right, okay, what do you have a psychotherapist lay out there, there are three founders, here’s their background information, there was operational information that they are engaged in petty raiding, but they have no official criminal record.
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no criminal record like you you see, it does not guarantee the absence of a criminal present, and an even more criminal future. who are you? grandfather pektua, say mold, i’ll smash you into the parquet now. yes, i'm a freak. i see that it's a waste of time, who sent it? “nobody, we were looking for a nickel, we don’t need you, well, thank you, it’s fine, they don’t need us, but for them to do what they need with the nickel, why do they need a nickel, but talk, talk, bitch, good, good, they wanted to show me a nickel , he handed over the crooked bear to the cops, i thought no one would let him in, but we decided to drown him out, well, to put the garbage in"? and what do you have to show him too? and who will work?
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it would be better if you put things in order at the headquarters , and stop firing operatives, maybe the staff rats that breed endlessly will be a crime reveal , okay? i’ll make a list, yes, i wish you good health, allow me, come out, what do you have, here you go, an assignment for external surveillance, please sign three objects, three objects, or something, or have you forgotten that it’s a visiting moscow mission? the team continues to work, given she, how many judges do we have left in the city, dmitry dmitrievich, this is blackmail, this is my
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profession, and cynicism, its main component, well, the mercy grant, as they say, that i’m happy with this, it’s summer, the sun. what's the weather like outside? is it bad? dmitry dmitrievich. summer is the sun, you're pissing my brains off, what does it have to do with the light here, i'm sure you're up to something again, but i'm going to lose my temper. yes.
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oh hi, how's the service? yes, what a service in the ass, with this reform, they won’t hire a pain in the ass to the police. i, like some bosses , don’t lie to my ass, i immediately tell my boss i know, i know, you're a cool cop, what's my question? in short, this passenger. in the hospital, trauma department, ward seven, the convoy changed this morning, the convoy has also been ordered for tomorrow, a large convoy? yes, a couple of sergeants, of course, but if he is arrested, they will immediately take him to the cresti, or they will leave him here for further treatment, it’s hard to say, i’m not an investigator, but a duty officer, they can take him away, or they can leave him for further treatment, thank you, thank you,
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happily. well, like a meeting, a gopnik in a hospital, you can easily get him there, so why, he still doesn’t know anyone except the black one, and do you think what if he turns in the black one and the cops find out that the black one has disappeared to us? there won’t be any questions, well, security, we’ll come up with something, let’s remember your glorious medical past, how many courses you completed, you were expelled from the second, and what - the white robe remains, the robe, yeah, remains, and what, well, let’s tell it all again, quickly, well, in general,
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the nickel was handed over to the crooked bear, wait, we decided, the crooked bear. who was such a bullshit, bombed houses for little things, and what kind of bullshit did you fit in, yes, we weren’t going to fit in, so we wanted to rise up, wait, i don’t understand a damn thing, but we wanted to take a nickel for a pon, like present it from the lads for being crooked, well, raise some money, normal show-offs, yes, that’s true, for the sake of blazing, we weren’t going to pull them out, well, you came in, the point was played, you had to ask the volovets to go to the address. he looks harmless, they would just talk to him, but to whom did he give a nickel to a crooked bear? but i don’t know, one of yours, his little one was accepted, is it near where the judge was killed? what, what judge? i just don’t need anything extra , you should take yours away, let’s think about where the nickel is now being wiped off, but if we only knew, did
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they break into his hut, we grazed him for 3 days, yesterday a dog flashed by, otherwise that’s it, he’s already disappeared , they sat under his house all night, but i suggested to siplom, let’s see what this nit has in the apartment, well, let ’s shoot, little thing, so now you’ll write everything in detail, what you knew, what you did, what you just guessed, and we we'll think about how to reward you, take the client away, why me, you detained, you take her, wait, i don’t... i’m not balanced, i’m afraid that he ’ll stumble all the way, okay, i’ll just take him, i’m free for today, i have personal matters, personal, there’s no market, brother , for the sake of this business, i will now put him to use on the spot and there will be no need to take him anywhere, no need, today i want to do only good deeds, i’ll spend a couple of minutes to save your worthless life, let’s go, well... why
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look for a nickel ? i know what i need, the only question is where to look? best deposit in savings up to 18% per annum. jaara music awards 2024. light tears of love.
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on ntv. well, hello, marina, i’m with you for a long time, serious relationships with turkish tv series begin on ivi, the biggest catalog of turkish tv series in easy subscription. hello, oleg nikolaevich, they are looking for me in the wild, they set up an ambush at my house, they say there
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was a massacre there, someone flew in there, but you never know what they are saying, oleg nikolaevich, take me to vselozhsk, and i’ll take me to the station, oleg nikolaevich, how about station, well, anyone will copy me on the train, well, anyone, well , i... helped you so many times, well, to vselozhsk, well, half an hour by car, okay, let's go, okay, don't litter, then you'll throw it away,
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hello , hello, listen, sorry, you were detained at work, you’ve been standing there for a long time, but no, just i came, this is for you, oh, thank you, what a delight, where will we go, to the aquarium, to the zoo, great, let me, oh, thank you, oleg nikolaevich, now i ’ll light a candle for you in the church, don’t forget for yourself, you give me i need a living one, what kind of hacienda is it, but i don’t know the owners, they rarely come here, there’s an old man who lives there, he’s like a relative to me, but the main thing is that no one knows about this little thing, and the old man lives in the house, but no, who’s in his house? then he’ll let him in, in the bathhouse behind the house, yeah,
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okay, where? then yeah, oh, my dear, not even six months have passed, come on, cool, well done, then i myself, you don’t guess, detective, you’re a strange couple, hmm, okay, vasya wasn’t always like this, well, well, what’s next, next, well, maybe you ’ll call me, of course, i’ll call, that’s good, and i’ll wait, okay, bye, bye.
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wait a minute, so you clean the fish, but what is it? wait, wait, who are you calling? hello, whipped, well, it’s me, kolyan, do you hear, i just saw yours, she was kissing some goat. well, i wanted to go out there and give a diamond, well, i don’t know, no i have no grounds for bringing charges against this smart loaf of yours, the version has not been refuted for hours, the witness did not identify him, an attack by an officer, if i had in my file a statement of attacks by a police officer, and the detective of the monks would have appeared for an examination instead of falling into binge drinking, i would have grounds for
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detention, and since volovo... improperly drew up documents, then excuse me, you understand that baton’s watch is the only thread that leads us to the murder, roman georgievich, i really want solve a crime, i’m ready to work, but i can’t detain people just like that, let’s look for evidence, at any slightest opportunity i’m ready to detain the smart guy again, but now i’m just forced to release him, you’re right, you don’t have a complex, you’re great, and we we will look for evidence. well, now he’s the spitting image of a doctor, when? the sooner the better, let's try it tonight, but with what? try this, but don't shoot.
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let's get over it today, i'm out of nerves, out of nerves, i'll give you a vacation to thailand, that's it when we finish, you fly off and relax, sit back and sit out. we screwed up with this identification, we didn’t need to take the trace with us right away, but what we should have done, very simply, was to show this loaf to olesya quietly, let her look through the keyhole, at least she would be sure that the girl didn’t give up, she didn’t she gave up, but anything can happen, she didn’t give up, okay, break in the corners, all the knowledge has passed, there’s nothing more to discuss here, but we have two clues, the first is the clock by the loaf and
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the fingerprints of the nickel. on the bank, on the spot incident, according to the first one, it is necessary to shake his connections, judging by the way he rushed out of the tavern in someone else's clothes, he has everything there, the pub needs to be shaken, consider it done, only without casualties, like last time, what are you talking about, roma, nickel, well, with a nickel, on the one hand everything is simple, on the other it’s complicated, in order to understand everything about it, we need to find one person, which one? our colleague, to whom the nickel gave away the bear. yes, roman georgievich, here is a summary of disclosures for the past week. thank you, sveta. "that's what i 'll do while you're wandering around the pubs, that's right, citizen shustrov, you are free,
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thank you, citizen investigator, tell me, can i write a statement against those who detained me? this is lawlessness, this is, this is a werewolf, it’s your right to write a statement, thank you, you’re welcome. i think that we will meet soon, why else? goodbye, let's go, here's a cow, well, you 've been released, what do you care? the doctor didn’t like your tests, he still wants to support you, but i’m in no hurry. let the minta calm down, i’ll lie down like i’ve been here for a week, well, that’s what the doctor says, get naked, yes, i’m listening,
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okay, we'll figure it out. oleg, come to me urgently. give it up. to return, why, there is so much new ahead, they are riding on horseback towards the wind, a fallen dream, spring,
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it hurts, why does he want you, bayara, singed, ah, eyes, a nickel is your man, yes, but what, and the fact that his fingers are on the jar from the murder of the judge, how do you explain this, how exactly? fingers, but not mine, this is nonsense, galina
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ruslanovna, you will explain this to the investigator yourself, or you will suggest that i do this, but he could not have killed, you saw him a long time ago, yesterday, where is he now, you know, i know, of course, perfectly, drag him to me, we’ll talk, we need to go after him, you can’t turn around quickly, that is, he’s already hiding, well, the thieves are looking for him, he handed over the crooked bear to us. okay, oleg, talk to him, if he convinces you, let him sit in his hole until the situation clears up, and if you see that he is stirring up something, put the bracelets in his cell, clear, clear, but nothing is clear, he’s still young, at least he managed to sit in prison when, by the way, the trial was not scheduled yet, the key word is yet, and i’m talking about this...
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well, gena, repent, you messed up makrukha, makrukha? no, with my friend and my little loaf, i didn’t kill anyone, well, you still tell us that you don’t know the loaf, but no, i know, but i didn’t kill anyone, i swear, i didn’t lay a finger on it, so that means you killed the woman’s loaf yourself, and you just took off his watch, right? and gave them to him for sale, so it turns out
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how much you wanted to take from them, 5-10 thousand, look at your eyes, you nit, because of this child they left an orphan, i now know what i’ll do to you, no, i didn’t kill anyone , well, i didn’t kill anyone, but why don’t you believe me, well , how can you believe it when you’re spinning like crazy in a frying pan, for murder you’ll be sentenced to life they’ll rewind and won’t even figure out who had a knife, who was just standing there, do you think judges like it when their colleagues are killed? already what’s his name, have you seen him before, what
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does he look like, of course, you don’t remember either, i remember, you can find out, i can. did he really run away, nickel, where are you, ah, ah, oleg
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nikolaevich, hello, what happened, what? he, he’s like him, gangster face, look at you, okay, you’ll sit there and poop, but why? for what you know, it’s not enough, i, i, i, i, i know a lot, i can be useful, i, i know where baton’s hiding place is, what kind of hiding place, well, it’s he does different things, he says, without bloodshed, but i don’t know, it’s true, he was extinguished when his money ran out, he asked me to go to the hut, find out what and how and bring a couple of rings, where is this hiding place, well, at his place, at vedok’s , in the sense of home, wow, life has gone wrong for the bastard, they began
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to store stolen clothes at home, and what should they be afraid of, there’s only a little bit of us left at home, soon i’ll be selling earrings with torn off ears at the metro station, okay, you’ll show me, well, no, but think about it ? yes, well , no, well, well, it’s better you go yourself, really, well, you go yourself, because suddenly something happens, and i i’ll still be useful to you, oh well, you’re useful to us, let’s draw, but why draw him, he ’s at home in the room under the right window, under the radiator, under the parquet, well, in the corner, here. yes, oleg nikolaevich, i’m not involved. well then , explain to me how your jar ended up there? yes, my banks are scattered all over the city, what should i do now, hang every unsolved murder? think about it, where am i anyway and where are you the judge? well, how did she end up there? well, they planted it, so who? yes, at least
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mishka’s crooked sidekick for the fact that i ratted him out, what the rave? well, yes, nonsense. oleg nikolaevich, do you want me to take a lie detector test? oleg nikolaevich, well, if i were to blame, i wouldn’t be here a long time ago, okay, sit here for now, and i’ll try to figure it out, you won’t call back in the morning and evening, of course, i understand everything, okay, i’ll go, maybe have a chat path, no, thank you. there are 500 people in the village, there is no work, one half of the people brews moonshine, and the other exchanges it for stolen goods, and the mayor has a palace with 26 rooms with golden toilets, when we go to him
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they came, he first offers me a million, and then he threatens to call moscow, who needs him there in this moscow, he distributed quotas for deforestation, do you know what kind of financial ones there are? well, then it was necessary to take a million, and you’re telling me this, but carry out a search anyway, but look, be careful there, as they say, the mayor’s office is immortal, okay, that’s it, let me call you back later, otherwise the authorities ran in, kiss me, bye-bye, bye, well, the violation has begun work on your defendants, yeah, they are waiting under the addresses for the return of the owners, here... somewhere they are you could take the highway near the club, they hang out there every day, but yes, well, they know better, well, yes, you have some plans for saturday, you still have to live out saturday, but what? no, olya just came up with a seminar, they will
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cover the activities of the ministry of internal affairs, so to speak, during the transition period, i’m on duty, i just wouldn’t want to send my wife, of course, here, come on, bye, she dreams of flying with you. on the plane again, but what will the weather be like, let's fly, thank you, let's fly, galina ruslanovna, i talked to the petak, yes, that's it okay, he’s not in the aisles, i’m on my way.
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are you looking close?
6:36 pm
it’s me, everything’s fine, i sent the parcel, well done, keep up the good work, listen, i’m worried about this woman, who, who could see me, but don’t get angry, maybe she doesn’t remember anything, first you need to... believe, okay, look, today at 19:00,
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hungarian prime minister viktor orban arrived in moscow and held negotiations with vladimir putin, how did they react in brussels? the collapse of financier sunak in britain, the conservative party suffered a crushing defeat, the current the prime minister leaves downing street ingloriously, who will replace him? watch her tonight at 7:00 p.m. thank you, not thank you, but in rubles, try more this summer, free delivery artful point in yandex food, oh great, supermarket now cooper? supermarket is now cooper, super, super, supermarket is now cooper, zbermarket is now cooper, super,
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6:42 pm
i'm sorry, hello, hello, yes, it's me, i 'm on my way, i'm not lost, i'm on a minibus, i'm driving up, i can't hear you, i can't hear you, hello, hello? “sorry, uh-huh, let me talk to him, no, no, i’ll talk to him myself when the time comes, and when the time comes, oh, and this is her husband, yes, uh-huh, yes, what about that guy with the watch
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who got caught?" "they put him in prison? they released him, he's in the hospital. okay.
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accept the third one first, i see, the object was accepted, great, first one to the third one. why is it taking so long drove to the address, sat in the car for a whole hour, talking about something, maybe something didn’t work out for them, obviously, they’re probably going home now. he comes back, they probably didn’t finish, no, he decided to light a cigarette,
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the third one is first, we follow them, good luck, you too, and we’re off to the base. well, is everything clear? can you find out what exactly? welcome, you understand everything perfectly well, death from beatings, yes, he was brought to us severely beaten. and who are you, exactly? avilov, lev alexandrovich, i will head this institution. and who are you, exactly? of course, i'm not a doctor, but abrasions on my arm, quite fresh. i wonder who he
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flashed it to on the eve of his own death. yes, who cares, it has nothing to do with his death. who knows? this means an autopsy needs to be performed to determine the cause of death. rather, we have an excellent pathologist, i will order it, yes, please, we will do it today, although in principle i have no doubt that the death as a result of the beatings received, the injuries with which the patient shustro was presented to us, greatly influenced his health, i feel as if the perpetrators have already been found and even punished, you have a keen intuition, i ordered that those responsible for the murder be brought to justice. found as soon as possible,
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don’t worry, prison is not a zone, maybe everything will work out, they’ll let you go, if anything, call me, not yet, we’re working, we’re working, but i don’t care if you’re an idiot? i have to report to you , i have no idea, just tell it like this, i have no idea, allow me, a little later, light, according to krivulin, that’s it, i can’t talk anymore, i’m working, we’re sick of you, mother, what’s wrong with you, krivulin, then there is a bear krivova detained oleg volovets, according to his data, and for some reason i wasn’t even surprised, then a nickel, judge? everything revolves at one point, don’t you think, territorially one, and territorially too, thank you, light, i need to think, uh-huh, hello, prison, shilov, my
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last name, with whom i have the honor, oh, mikhailovich, great, i didn’t recognize it, rich you will. the last groan, uh-huh, georgievich, i ask you, 2-3 minutes, no more, in 2-3 minutes, the empire can collapse, thank you, mikhailych, uh-huh, well , yes, it’s a game. great, hello, cury, roman georgievich, this is some kind of setup, oh, i i see, this time, you are more talkative, last time, when you imprisoned, you were completely silent,
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so last time i was to blame, but now no, no, of course, we gave this freak a couple of slaps, but only during the arrest, and he wouldn’t have died from this, i’m afraid aksyonov, this argument won’t be very convincing, okay, as they say, an autopsy will show whether you took the wrong one? you don’t know, i myself helped him hide, i understand, but you also understand me, i need an address, gardening, opera, zaselozhsky.
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leningradskaya street, building 25, okay, bye bye, get up, yes, come on, what do you have, petya, i heard prosecutor's office lawlessness, the cops are always to blame, well, to blame, not to blame, they’ll get a prison term, they’ve already shown it on tv, now there’s no getting away from it, shur, well, where are you shaking out this dirt, and as for popkov, tomorrow he’ll stick a fist in for the dirt again, listen, fuck it, then we'll sweep up, the guys are out of luck.
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why? let's go to the dacha. the object encountered an unknown person. got it, don't miss the second one. let's take a walk, maybe you'll hear what they're talking about. understood.
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i called the hospital, checked the guards, but so what, we didn’t do anything like that, 50 each g, no, i don’t drink at work, where are you going, roma, okay, don’t be afraid, what are you doing, but i’m just starting to live, i’m planning on retiring or something, i might get married soon, okay , every year it’s the same thing, triplo, what else did the volovets tell? yes, listen, we didn’t really have time to talk to him, but he says , sit him down, of course, in a light way, but not to the point where he would move his horse, but what do you think? i don’t know, an autopsy will show, maybe volovets can help with a lawyer, i’ll call you now. hello, tanya, hello, this is shilov, and
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rum, hello, it looks like a volovets, tanya, i need a lawyer again, again, again, tanya, rom, i don’t even know, everything is very complicated for me now, it’s a big business trip, tanya, i understand everything, but understand, i don’t even have anyone else i can only turn to you, tanya, yes, i’m telling you exactly, tanya, you know how to find words, that’s what my job is like, in general, he’s in the air force, it’s aksyonova’s business, thank you. thank you so much, why is tanka doing, it’s difficult to talk about everything, well, when it was simple, but it will help, but we don’t have it any other way, tanka, well done, well, here we are, go-go. a familiar spare tire, it’s been lying around
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for a day, maybe i’ll take a sip? no, it looks like it was from a pillow, he was definitely biting it with his teeth, maybe the counterfeiters took revenge on the crooked bear, but who needs him to try so hard for him, maybe he’s the secret dad of the underworld, let’s get out of here, it stinks, oh and ugh, just somehow fortunately they all die, first the loaf, then this nickel, well, yes. the fingers of one were found at the scene of the murder, and the watch of the murdered woman was found on the second, now the hair will definitely be turned into extreme ones. shillov, i’m listening, this is disturbing from observation, your object is in compliance with the conditions conspiracy met with a connection, a connection was established. the duty officer of the twenty-third
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police department is ulybin. is the meeting still going on? no, the object has traveled to an intermediate base, communications are at work. all accepted, thank you. well, zhika, prepare asin’s stake? call the locals here, and we... thus, in the past quarter, the situation with detection rates has generally improved. yes please. thank you for the numbers and such a rosy assessment of the actions of the gvd, but all this could have been sent out with a regular press release. please explain why it was necessary to strengthen your reputation so dramatically your employees. is it connected with the murder of judge ivantsova? i don’t see how this can be connected with any murder, and secondly, you yourself ask, and more often we openly communicate with our press service, so a decision has been made to hold such briefings quarterly. how can you comment on the fact that the suspect in the murder of the judge was detained, but
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the criminal investigation officers beat him to death, is this revenge? or did someone not need him to testify? well, if you have the facts, allowing employees to be accused of a crime, then... he will be happy to talk with you, as for the death of the detainee, there is an official investigation, the results of which no one will hide, the information will be brought to all of you, i will only remind you that during the arrest, citizen shustrov was actively armed resistance, wounded an operative, the detention was accordingly harsh, and the cause-and-effect relationship between the detention and the death of citizen shustroy has not yet been established, so we’ll wait the results of the examinations at the end of the inspection. thank you for your attention, the briefing is over, no, why did you decide that you were robbed? well , maybe you yourself dropped your wallet on the subway? ok, as soon as the operative on duty is free, i will send him to you,
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in about five hours. hello, check from... duty officer of the twenty-third police department please show the cable weapon. a friend has some questions for you. i hope you can answer them. go with them. goponov, will goponov sit for you? well , let’s say everyone sits with us for himself, really, bro. oh, old friend, he lost his money. this is not mine, of course, not yours, you’re next, wait, ah,
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salam, and those!
7:00 pm
viktor orban in the kremlin, what the president of russia and the prime minister of hungary talked about, as well as how they approached this meeting. russia, elizaveta gerson.
7:01 pm
off-road test for 100 crews. the silk road started in tomsk. what obstacles await?


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