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tv   Yedim doma  NTV  July 6, 2024 9:20am-10:01am MSK

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shape, let your health be normal, plane plus, ready, around the world, everything is fine, we’re on plane plus, we’re solving the problem of renting out apartments, photos are ready, we put it on the website, then showings, and for the owner all this is free, we solve your real estate issues from the transaction to finishing, here there throughout the country, go to order a call back, cop wars from monday at 16:45 on... tv. are you embarrassing yourself? chaliapin, volochko, next who? mukhtar or what? yes, that's it. next is mukhtar. come urgently and grab your brilliant dog. the star is returning. mukhtar, something interesting? the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead. look for mukhtar. on weekdays at 8:25 on ent.
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i felt the same way about ryazan, i thought, i live in moscow, it takes 2 hours to get to ryazan by train, what is it like there, how can it be there? different, painting, landscapes, food, well , federico, please, this is norway in general, oh well, it’s not just about norway, of course, i was also very impressed by how a traditional kurnik recipe was turned into a modern street food from a traditional kalinnik dish. they made a modern dessert
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of the traditional biathlon in ryazan, they managed to come up with a fishing race, well, in general, even close to home you can discover a lot of new things, this is a good lesson for federic for the future, and for you, friends, i don’t have a lesson, just a reminder, about ours with you i'll see you next saturday, when we 'll go together again, let's eat, ciao, friends, let's eat, eat . i love shortcrust pastry, firstly, it's wonderful because it can be made in advance and frozen a lot, and secondly, well, i'm very... at home they love homemade cookies, i
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experiment in some pastry shops, try cookies, in restaurants, buy some brands, sometimes it helps, for example, to make some kind of crust, or even for a cheesecake, or for some kind of base for some kind of cake. there’s nothing like a creamy cake, but it still doesn’t taste better than homemade cookies. nothing. i need a tablespoon of this dry lavender, it smells incredible. just great, here i add a small amount of sugar to the lavender, only 50 g, and we will grind it, chop it to get such a uniform crumb, right in the bowl in which we will generally combine all the ingredients to make the dough, here you have we got what is called lavender sugar, and now i need flour, i need
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150 g of flour, i add it to the lavender sugar. i’ll also add rice flour to this dough, i need 20 g of this flour, i’m very i like to experiment with different tastes and textures, this flour, listen, in pancakes, and indeed in biscuits or in shortcrust pastry like this, it behaves very interestingly, very well, i start by first mixing the flour, two types of flour, a little salt, a pinch. sugar and lavender, combined, now i have here cold butter 125 g. this is important for shortcrust pastry, yes cold, well, there are different recipes, sometimes the recipe
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insists that the butter be at room temperature, there are recipes when you even use melted butter butter, but there are recipes, like in our case, when the butter is cold, in my opinion, it all depends on what kind of result you need, but for cookies, cold butter is best, because then the cookies turn out to melt directly, that's if the cake is needed, then warm butter will be good, because the cake will hold its shape better, it will crumble less, and the cookies are great, when they crumble, i add diced cold butter, when we say cold, it doesn’t come from the refrigerator from freezers, in general the freezer changes the structure of the butter, i avoid...
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just put the dough into a bowl and knead it with your hand, gently, quickly, put it together, if suddenly, well, your dough doesn’t want to gather into a ball like this i ’m doing it now, yes, then you can just add a little bit of ice water drop by drop, a teaspoon at a time, and the ice water will help hold it together, and at the same time it won’t destroy the brittleness and tenderness, because these cookies turn out to be very tender and... so there precisely due to the fact that there is practically no no liquid, it probably needs to be kneaded a little longer, but such a dough, well, you should feel that you are able to roll out the dough, that is, as soon as you understand that your dough has come together, all the ingredients
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are together, it does not crumble into crumbs, you have the dough on hand, which means it’s ready to roll out, i knead the dough for about three minutes, two sheets of baking paper and put the dough between the sheets with a rolling pin and roll out the banana-strawberry mood. you don't want raspberry blueberry and lime mint, choose your mood when you saw him,
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it was like i was electrocuted, each of them will answer for what they did to me, just leave me, i feel very bad, i... i can’t breathe. kingfisher, new season. you cared so much about seiran that you completely forgot about suna. i ask you to tell us the truth. today at 13:00 on ntv. obstetrician. today at 20:00 on ntv. the peculiarity of cronblanch bier is non-alcoholic with a soft wheat taste and notes. everything combines perfectly in it, non-alcoholic crown, discover a special taste, magnet, price, what you need, co-cola fancy street 1049, pizza, pizza, pizza, where's the cheese, cheese, cheese here,
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try chiba pizza from the hot thing, even more juicy toppings with tender mozzarella baked chicken, mega cheesecake from the hot thing in the new... the issues with the difficult deal have been resolved, all that remains is to sign, we helped with the sale of a resale property, here with the purchase of a new building, we solve your issues with... real estate from the transaction to the finishing here and there throughout the country, go to order a call back, the series ving, i want everything to be beautiful, love and passion, how i want to try, it could end badly, say that you don’t love him, i’m telling him to go to hell, i don’t need him, clean, look at the news, that’s it! everyone wants to win millions, but
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not all the work is in the right place, rub in the right places, play the instant stoloto lottery, every second ticket wins, hurry up to buy stoloto brand stores, pain in the legs, swelling, symptoms of vericosis are important to treat from the inside, pills troxaktiv from traksivozin against swelling and pain in the legs, troxaktiv - an expert view on treatment. buy at city health pharmacies enjoy beer in zhatec non-alcoholic goose and collect your collection of mugs for a good holiday zatec non-alcoholic goose collect nice mugs try more this summer free delivery artful point in yandex food on avito khvatamba discounts for people from people until july 7 for 135 years already in georgia , the barjomi tradition remains unchanged on every table. borjomi helps you enjoy your favorite dishes and gives you a feeling of lightness after eating.
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open borjomi, enjoy, feel the lightness. fix price for almost nothing, cream jelly is the best for 69 rub. fix price, all low price. slivushka-fat, tender sausage. slivushki-fat, tender sausages. we cook a delicious breakfast with them for the family. the cream in them and the meat are combined perfectly for tenderness and taste, what we love, fagot will give joy to the family, fagot cream, delicate taste and smiles.
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don’t miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week, time is buzzing again, bam, why when the union collapsed they rushed to forget about the highway and its builders. we, the messengers of the komsomol organizations, to carry out this most important assignment, the parties are ready, as the last of the great construction projects of socialism becomes. a new project of the century, trains are already running here in new russia, it is necessary to complete the improvement work there, and is it true that the main construction project from our past will become a real road to our future, the turn that has recently taken place to the east would be impossible without bam, it will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. when i saw him, i felt like i was in a state of shock,
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each of them will answer for what they did to me, just leave me, i feel very bad, i can’t breathe, kingfisher, new season, you cared so much about seiran that you completely forgot about suna, i ask you, tell us the truth, today ... at 13:00 on ntv, now a prepared baking sheet with baking paper, remove the top layer, cut it out, look, i have two diameters, the shape is like this, and it’s a little ribbed, in fact, you can just take two different glasses, this will also be nice and appetizing, i cut out... an equal number of large smaller circles,
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how lavender smells, wonderful and so gentle, you know, and absolutely, i used to even think, well, like lavender - and in general, in food, anyway, well, i like the aroma, well, i know that it calms, for example, so wait , i'll count two. 4 6 8 2 4 5 6 7 8 look perfect, and now i'm absolutely convinced. that lavender works very well, you know how delicious it is, i ate, for example, butter inside with lavender, when it was a little salty, it’s just very interesting, very tasty, so here are our large circles, we put it on the opposite side, trimmings of course
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they will also be used later, just so you understand how our technological process goes, it’s funny with dots, yes, those dots, yes, yes, so, we got eight larger circles, eight smaller ones, oven temperature 180° , it bakes very quickly, about 10-12 minutes, well, it all depends on the power. and the talent of your oven, while the cookies are baking, the oven should be well heated, that is, before you start making dough, you already turn on the oven, and now you and i will make pasta, pasta cook, read the instructions on the package, here, for example, 7 minutes, which means we cook it for 5
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minutes, be sure to remember to save the water in which the pasta was cooked, we will need it for the sauce, i... a little, you see, i have water and it’s boiling here, i add a little salt to this water, add blanched asparagus to this water, while my asparagus is boiling, i want the sauce to have as many spring flavors and vegetables in general as possible, by the way, asparagus can be replaced, for example, with frozen green peas, this it will also be delicious, with zucchini, peas are very friendly, i i cut the zucchini using a vegetable peeler, or you can try with a knife. cut like this, but somehow i always do better, precisely if i use this kind of cutting device, now let's talk about the sauce, the sauce you and i will have today will be very interesting, put a small amount of olive oil in a frying pan, a tablespoon , heat up the garlic,
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a couple of cloves, slice it thinly like this, don’t take out the anger, because the garlic is young, it has not yet had time to grow up and get angry. so, the garlic goes to the oil, and i also you will need pepper, chili, chop it. so, the pepper goes to the garlic. we throw the asparagus into a colander and leave it, somehow i always
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get it faster, so let the asparagus cool, then i add this to the pepper and garlic. here are homemade croutons, i just dried the dried bread in the oven today and crushed it, just like this, so that you get a crumb like this, you know, like homemade breadcrumbs, it works very well with pasta, we have the pasta ready, we’ll use it now like this, asparagus here , save a little water in which our pasta is boiled, so that if necessary, we have something to make the sauce richer, more tender, we discard the pasta in a colander, just like asparagus, that is,
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we return the saucepan. so we have the pasta powder ready, you can clearly see how oily and beautiful these crumbs have become, put them aside, frying pan, more oil, a couple of tablespoons, and zucchini, frying pan is hot, zucchini is thinly sliced, i think, start the path to business with the support of sber. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and will connect an online cash register. and all this. for free! opening the way to business! sberbusiness! look how beautiful it is! tra-la-la,
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tra-la-la, tra-la-la! divine! look! how delicious it is! we leave aside, let the cookies cool before serving, well, in general , such cookies should be completely cool, you and i still have something to do, we have asparagus! zucchini on the stove for literally one or two minutes so that they become a little more tender, they can remain a little crispy, and in the meantime we will cut the asparagus into these slices, asparagus should be moderately cooked, you know , so that it doesn’t spread, but at the same time, so that it certainly doesn’t crunch, because if it crunches, it’s impossible to eat it, so... it should be so al dente, like pasta, that is, al dente, but does not mean raw, in fact, like zucchini, we, you see,
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held the zucchini a little on the stove, just like that, added asparagus here, mixed it, and it’s time to combine all this in a single loving impulse. spituccini, add here a little water in which our pasta was cooked, look how good it is, you see, water makes it possible to make a thick sauce without a drop of additional butter or cream, and well, that’s great. if you leave the pasta in the pan, it will continue to cook because the pan is hot, so either you put the pasta right away to serve, or
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you cook it even less so that it can come right here, you know, with all the other ingredients, i want i ’d rather treat you to pasta right away, because i know that you and i love pasta very much, you need to eat it while it’s hot, just sprinkle it on. garlic, look how beautiful, appetizing it is, added to our pasta, we’ll mix some of it in, so luxurious, yes, you know what ’s missing here, firstly, some kind of cheese, i think goat cheese is ideal, i found it domestic producers, vodgea, amazing aged goat cheese, very... aromatic, just, you know, spicy, i just love goat cheeses, but this one is simply luxurious, and for this kind of pasta i like it better than even hard cow
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cheeses, croutons with garlic and hot pepper, well on top there is a little herb of some kind, you know, and of course, we add basil quite often, but i want to tell you that it’s very cool to complement the spring taste, for example, with mint. i chopped it finely and finely, added a few leaves and a little bit of oil, just literally for the sparkle in our eyes, our fettuccine, well, the pasta is on the table, the cookies are ready, but we’ll assemble dessert at the very end, but for now we’ll quickly make a salad, in general it's not even really a salad. this is such an appetizer, i would say, well, it’s like a light dish - how good it is for accelerating the appetite before pasta, for example, yes, that is, such an appetizer that can be served
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cold, warm, a little oil, in my case, olive oil is literally one tablespoon, these were frozen shrimp, i just defrosted them, a little salt here and a little black pepper for flavor, i have... an already well-heated grill pan is heating up, i put the shrimp in the pan and fry them for a few minutes, the shrimp are fried quickly until cooked, while the shrimp are fried, we make the sauce for the salad, i you will need a little, this is rice wine vinegar. this is nampla sauce, just a little bit, here is nampla sauce, you know, it’s like oyster sauce, it’s very strong, literally a teaspoon,
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a teaspoon of fine sugar. a little vegetable oil, you can add a little sesame oil, also interesting, mix and a little water, two or three tablespoons, let the sauce combine, a tablespoon of soy sauce, combined, the sauce is ready, shrimp for a few more minutes, literally two- three, very appetizing, it's certainly fragrant, frying pan my grill is very hot, so as soon as i turn the shrimp over, i turn it off so that they don’t overcook, because if you overcook the shrimp, they, like fish, become dry, so i leave them like this for 2 minutes while i work on it.
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also ingredients for the salad, in this case i have papaya, this is papaya, you know, not very ripe, that is, it is dense, so i free it from seeds, peeled a piece of papaya, the shrimp are almost ready, we add them together with the sauce , which is here left, we send it here, season it with the dressing that you and i created, let them marinate, as it were, i cut the papaya into such thin, thin strips. our papaya is ready, cucumber, i peel it a little, just like that. but in
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principle, this is a vietnamese salad that is often prepared in thailand, only they use this kind of green papaya, this papaya is still not as green as they add to salads there, but well, it’s similar, because it’s not overripe, it’s like that that is, you can’t just eat a piece of this papaya, so just so thinly sliced ​​and even in combination with... the freshness of the cucumber, with the sweetness of the shrimp, it’s really very good, you feel it too, makheyev, for leg pain i take a proven remedy, aescusan drops, aescusan - good price, morning is the best, on weekdays from 6:30 on ntv.
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saved, rolton is 25 years old. hello, in july i'm busy, what am i doing, buying, summer sale in ascona, when sleep can be bought with a huge discount only until july 14, ascona, for 135 years. in georgia, tradition remains unchanged on every table. borjomi. borjomi helps you enjoy your favorite dishes and gives you a feeling of lightness after eating. open borjomi, enjoy, feel the lightness. book your holiday among millions of hotels and apartments. promotion we are drawing 30 trips for 4000 each. tickets by mail at, dreamleon lottery. obstetrician. today at 20:00 on ntv. our homeland is a country of great victories and achievements. from early childhood, each of us knows that we live in a country of heroes and champions. today, despite all the difficulties and restrictions, russian
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athletes continue to train to the limit of their capabilities in order to lead our country to new victories. in support of russian athletes, the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal. medal covered 999 pure silver. the obverse depicts a bear. this symbol, which we remember and love, was in every home. the medal is absolutely free for every russian. you only pay the delivery cost - 349 rubles. call and order a commemorative medal toll- free number 8800 60068 05 or on the website keep ours. kingfisher - new season. today at 13:00 on ntv. summer is not only a time for vacations, but also an opportunity to catch luck in the summer editions. country
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houses, apartments by the sea, cars, travel and an additional draw, golden barrel. we meet at the main lottery show in the country, here. sit, sit, sign autographs later, i thought we had a kirkorov star, in the most stellar show in the country, you can’t hide life in a bag, what skeletons are hiding in the closet, i can sing someone else’s song, it
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will immediately become mine, your performance is just a complete merchant , stars, today at 22:10 on ntv. so, well, papaya cucumber, now as for greens, cilantro is very often found in asian dishes , i cut it into large pieces like this, even with leaves like that, and mint, mint or basil, in general you can both. it’s also good, mint and basil are also quite large, well , our shrimp have already cooled down, they are well
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seasoned, now we send papaya here with cucumber herbs, before the chili, in such thin rings, i also add still, in such large rings, so that if someone is very spicy, you can move the ring to the side; the spicyness will no longer be so ominous, so, now we mix everything, well, look how beautiful this is, just this kind of food is especially appropriate now, when... such exoticism is very simple in principle,
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of course, the most important thing is to have it, and you know, these are the sauces, there’s fish sauce, nompla, soy sauce, they store perfectly, even if you use it a couple of times a month, there’s nothing wrong with it there will be, but what a variety of tastes and what a different one in general. i'm in the mood, however, we're making dessert, the cookies must be completely cool, in general the british call such cookies shortcakes, or shortbread cookies. they are served just like this may-june story with whipped cream, with berries, with strawberries, with raspberries, with strawberries - this is the most common combination, it seems to me, we take strawberries, i’ll leave some straight with tails to decorate, the rest of the berries are for beauty, we’ll get rid of the rest of the berries, cut them up... also in quarters like this,
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if the strawberries are not so large, you can just cut them in half, then sprinkle the strawberries with a little sugar so that it’s even better with powder, so that it becomes a little softer and sweeter, if you want, you can add it. i don't add vanilla, if i had i had classic cookies without lavender, i would probably add vanilla either to the cream or strawberries here, but since i have a very bright, delicate lavender aroma, vanilla is not at all necessary here, whip the cream, i don’t add cream powder, because there is there is a little powder in the strawberries, but the strawberries themselves are sweet, but so are the cookies, after all, there is a small amount of sugar, but... it is present, so i think that
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we can do just fine without the powder in the cream, now this is our base - these are large cookies, then there is one that is larger in diameter, i put it here, put a spoonful of cream, a little strawberries, like that. this is how you get mini cakes, mini cakes, like this, a cap on top, like that, like that, like that, a little more cream. like this, now here is the same strawberry with
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a tail that we left for decoration. well, look how elegant, simple, very spring-like it is. well, bon appetit, everyone to the table.
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hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the special operation zone , su-25 attack aircraft eliminated a ukrainian strong point, the target was in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the vostok group. the pilots received coordinates from aerial reconnaissance and fired an unguided missile at a given square. the destruction of the enemy position was confirmed by the objective control service. and the crew of the anti-aircraft complex strela-10 of the west group destroyed the reconnaissance drones fury and valkyrie. the fighters provided cover in their area of ​​responsibility.


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