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tv   Akusher  NTV  July 6, 2024 9:05pm-10:11pm MSK

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and advanced technologies of the highest class, taste is a pleasure, i love it, i recommend it, why go to the big clothing sale on ozone, for new dresses, bright shorts, comfortable sneakers, basic t-shirts and much more. a big clothing sale on ozone is a profitable event this summer. buy what you want in installments. kingfisher - new season. tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv, there is something i still can’t understand, this child, he is not yours, the child is mine, but he was born from a surrogate mother, yes, but his father is not you, i - father, yes, and my wife is mother, yeah. but
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it turns out she didn’t give birth to him, that’s right, yes, she didn’t express it, so she comes out, listen, she comes out, she comes in, leave my child alone, get down to business finally, so i’m good afternoon, lieutenant colonel, that’s just rakhimov, please leave us alone. anton antonovich, well, how are you, something like this, oh, what a pity, but we won’t let the offender off the hook and will charge him to replenish, i would like, it’s high time. there is one small
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nuance in your case. nuance? what nuance? i recently read an article, it turns out that we have koverin hero. what the hell kind of hero is he? anton antonovich, i am entirely on your side, but now all the media’s attention is focused on koverin. i propose to strike back. what blow? proactive. give. to tell how koverin crippled you is impossible, but you will still have to testify in court, in court, this is mandatory, there is no other way, in court you need to take into account the motivation of the accused, understand why he attacked you, whose child it is, and by the way, please sign your protocol, yes? so
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i won’t sign anything, but wait, what about your business? but he, by the way , also attacked your employees, so build a case on this, and i’m a well-known person in the city, i don’t need the courts, well, if it’s your decision, yes, it’s my decision, it’s my decision, i for my part, i will make sure that this case does not get lost in the depths of your police department. anton antonovich, once again on the birth of your son, thank you, koveren to go to the head of the rovd,
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can we cover him with something? we have a shirt, well maybe a uniform one, oh no, we don’t need werewolves in uniform here, sorry, can i do it like this now?
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stupin, you are free. and how do you like it? it came to mind, it’s just open wounds with a surgical stapler, you want to say that if you are a doctor, then you can do whatever you want, yes, no, two criminal cases have been filed against you, the first application of berdium forever, moderate severity, the second attack for...
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no grandparents, flowers, friends, gifts, nothing, but what does this tell us? about what? well, the berdyaevs wanted to hide the fact of surrogacy as much as possible , but we have word of mouth, rumors, gossip, gossip, so berdyaev, i think, will do everything possible to hush up this matter, yeah. but berdyaev has already signed his testimony, signed, signed, no, i don’t, i don’t believe you, yes, we can even bet on coffee, black baby sugar, that’s what,
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second, yes, we, me, when they brought me here, we we've already gotten over the men, talked to them, and two of them understood me, accepted me, forgave me, even pitied me, but in the end, it was they who tormented me more than i did them, two, the third, and the third turned out to be rotten, he even i didn’t take part in the brawl, i just stood there and watched with these, okay. so we ’ll build an accusation based on his testimony, it’s up to you, but at least you understand this,
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you know, you’re a covert, and i decided to help you, thank you, well, with my own... in the end i’ll give them bonuses, nobly, here’s berdyaev, you were right, he retracted his testimony, so i told you svaskova, thorns without sugar, but if he finds out that i let you out just like that, he will put the whole city on their ears, after all, they broke his arm, but he didn’t break it, i he himself is on she fell, and it doesn’t matter, as a result you will go to prison, ay-yay-yay, ay-yay-yay, so i have the first main condition for you, you must
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resolve the conflict with berdyaev yourself, and how i will do this, i give you 3 days, don’t meet this deadline, come back to me in the isolation ward, now it’s up to you to decide, it’s fair, and don’t do something stupid, carpet, i’ll find you, duty officer, write him a pass, freely, now, second, second, one question , and what about the second? what's the second thing? well, you said the first and main condition, which means there is a second and secondary one. koveren, no need to run ahead of the locomotive, if you don’t do the first, there won’t be a second, free.
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thank you, please, wow, thank you already , thank you, it’s heavy, how you carry it, oh, what are you going to do, where are you going now, maybe i ’ll call a car, they’ll give you a lift, thank you, all the best, yes, all good, well, if anything happens , call me, yeah.
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come on, come out, who are they, this is private territory, what a mess, damn honey, didn’t you confess, who are you, and i thought tourists were in the habit here, it’s great, dear, and you’re still playing in chapai , yes it
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the doctor prescribed, you know, i have arthritis, but he says i need to be treated with horses, well... i still remember his kind words, but you, uncle, haven’t changed at all, and thank god i’m retired, so you know, i ride to buran back and forth, they scare people, yes, i guard the house, how to give the family to me, my wife is great, my son is in the army, oh, oh,
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we’ve been married in moscow for 2 years, seriously, this is it, just married. why should we wait for you? right, you can’t build that house? it’s true, the father’s land is behind the desolation, let it go, it’s me who left the storm, let it eat out. gleb, don’t joke, come on seriously, let ’s draw up a document for the plot, now you know what life is like, today the land is yours, and tomorrow it’s someone else’s, you keep this in mind, okay, now i’ll solve my affairs, i’ll solve my problems. and what the hell, listen, come on, really , stay with us, why don’t we find you a room separately, you live like this in a tent on the cold ground, well, i ’ll get used to it for now, i’ll live alone for a couple of days, i need to think about it, wow, he's simply handsome. ural,
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classic, how old are they, man? yeah more than you, since your father took you from your family home on it, seriously, dinosaur, what do you think, can these bones be restored? i think it’s impossible, but whatever, i didn’t restore such junk either.
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that’s it, go, i need to feed him, tan, what are you doing, you’ve already kicked me out of the bedroom, well, go, i can’t do it in front of you, it’s a stupid house, okay, i’m on business, i’ll be back soon, you don’t have to rush , and close the door behind you, uh-huh, we ’ll put you to rest, now, mom, we’ll put you to rest. oh, well , everything is ready, let's try to growl,
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beast, i’m ashamed of this, my visit, where are you going now, to his home or to work, you’ll tie him up at work right away, it’s better to go home, thank god, at least i know where, what will you tell him, uncle, where from? ay, well, good afternoon, anton antonovich, further according to the circumstances, now your mother will feed you, now your mother will feed you, eat my little one, ah-ah-ah! eat, my dear, eat, my little one.
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oh, there is someone, i am now, i am now, sorry, but
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my husband is at home, sorry! isn't this day any easier?
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so, where, where is my baby, nine, ten, what happened, what are you doing, it’s you, help! help, someone, help!
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what happened? apparently, your unfortunate fall cut off the child’s breathing, well now everything is fine, did i just almost kill my son? brilliant, lord, just don’t tell your husband, please. wow, 39.6 is normal, so, take these daughters to relieve inflammation, you see.
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gleb, what’s wrong with me, bilateral pus is paving, phregmonous form, i’m interested in something else, how the doctors could look at it, but i didn’t contact them, here’s the thing, what did you induce lactation on your own without supervision? well , they got infected, now it’s not easier, let me listen to you, unbutton your little button, i had heart problems before, no, so, these pills were taken, as i understand it, what is the dosage, one or two, i don’t remember, five,
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maybe. .. i couldn’t, but at least i wanted to feed you, like a real mother, i understand, you can perform in single skating, but in football you can play with the team, you can put out fires at work and burn on the field, dress stylishly in the right colors, you can get tired after training, but never get tired of football, you may be a blogger, but are you ready
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for 10 on ntv. cop wars from monday at 16:45 on ntv. oh great. supermarket now cooper? the supermarket is now cooper, super! super! the supermarket is now cooper! the supermarket is now cooper! super! is sbermarket now cooper? and what has changed for starters, the name cooper - super delivery, pizza, pizza, and where is the cheese, cheese, cheese here, try chiba pizza from the hot thing, even more juicy filling with tender mozzarella baked chicken, mega sybu pizza from the hot thing in a new design .
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cashback up to 70% from partners, more profitable with subscription with berprime. big sale of clothes on ozone. emberence dress before 1999. in rucksacks. up to 649 stars today at 22:10 on ntv. tomorrow at 7:00. fine.
9:39 pm
your hardware, well, let’s take a risk, right? well , the temperature seems to have subsided, damn it, sitting down, okay, let's check something, like this, like this, like this, it doesn't hurt, oh, like that, just a second, oh you little bitch, come on, get up, hands up the hill, anton , he just wanted to help, shut your mouth, i understand , he burst into my house, gropes my wife, face in the wall, hands in the mountains, i’ll take you right now. i'll crash here, you bastard, and i won't care for it there will be no horseradish!
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lieutenant colonel startseva, thank you for looking after him, eagle, take off your handbags, now he is with me, now. that’s what you call it, i’ll sort it all out, koveren, now i’m just a second, wait, where, don’t let
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me speak, wait, it happened with her, there’s a side effect on the heart with an overdose, thank you, mine is here. i'm sorry, the point is that why did you let him go, i'll return him to the detention center right now, we'll talk later, come on, come on! you will have to go separately, everything according to the instructions, anton panovich, i’ll give you a lift, come on, please, the carpet follow me, follow me, interval kut, haverin was.
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anton antnov is clearly already aware of the horror. hello, how is she? - i won’t hide it, the situation is not easy, we have to have an operation, but we are ready for it, is that your answer? yes, i covered it, gleb, finally, and i know you, man, you saved my wife and son, thank you, okay, what’s there? thank you, koverin, let’s go, like with a dog, i
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invite you to visit, i’ll find you, okay, yes, thank you, yes, ah-ah-ah, kiril, anton antonovich, what fate, but i brought my wife and son , something serious? and i see you with a tricky one you communicate, he saved my wife and child, such a man, uh-huh, you answer, where is my husband, please call my husband, okay, i’ll call you now, in general, to me... it’s a pity that i caused so much trouble, feel sorry for yourself, uh-huh,
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what now? well, you’ll sit in the isolation ward for now, when we’ve got everything processed before the trial, we’ll transfer you to the bullpen. bad luck, i tried to help. who cares? leb. they said when this disgusting thing comes out of you, they will perform an operation, but how is the child? slight exhaustion, swallowed pus, but overall everything is fine. anton, forgive me, i i'm so guilty of you, forget it. later we’ll discuss your self-medication, it’s not just that,
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something else happened, well, anton, today i almost killed our son, attention, understand, he saved our son from death, now it’s clear. it's all your fault? if this freak hadn't come to our house, none of this would have happened. anton, wait, what? i have a request. well, but if you don't, i 'll sign an official waiver of the operation. and this
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all responsibility lies with kovereni. well, secondly, gleb and i studied together, so why not help an old friend. okay, okay, i just ask you, there keep an eye on the trustee so that he doesn’t do anything wrong for us here. this goes without saying. i'm the one who needs guidance from koveren. i know that for sure, but how will you cope with the operation? i’ve been doing such operations since childhood, yes, well , yes, i’m the son of a veterinarian, well , i’ve been feeding milk to a goat for 7 years, oh, there’s something i don’t like, i believe you’re frivolous, but this is not frivolity, anna sergeevna, this is... unbridled fatalism, hello,
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hello, bread valerevich, long time no see, you, dearest kirilloevich, here you go i feel right in my heart that you will appear here, well, of course, this is my department, i beg your pardon, so that... without your diocese? yes, nothing, nothing, especially since he got into such trouble, however, in general, he himself is to blame, as always? of course, kirillo yuryevich, that’s why you are the head of the department, and i’m a military surgeon, i just came to wash my hands, look, her chest is not disfigured, the surgeon, whoever i know you military, will cut you, sew it up, then the scar is a needle, aberdev is a woman, but not a soldier, she has to live with it, eat it! sophisticate the aesthetic component comrade clown manager,
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you can start with everything you have, we are processing the principle field. starting an arcuate incision along the outer edge of the quadrants of the mammary glands, well done, yes,
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good, whoever eats well will grow up big and strong, yes, the guy is for mom, for dad. well done, nice boy, we rinse the cavities, install drainage, kirillevich, don’t be distracted, we install drainage. deftly install, sew! what's there?
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heart problems, as feared. well, kaverina? now all the responsibility is on you. don't get used to it. well? that the operation was successful, all the tasks were completed, thank god, uh-huh, and that she, well, then they pump her, regular pumping, feeding her now is not at all possible, in 5 days the drainage will be removed, full stitches will be put in, that’s all, in a week wait
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at home , okay, yeah. then sorokin will look after her, i trust him, your father, so what’s between us, sit down, i’ll tell you what’s between us, do you know who it is? mm, your son, that ’s it, but i still... 5 minutes ago i realized that they brought a screaming bundle from the maternity hospital, the wife is acting weird, the child is screaming, his head is spinning, well, i was always missing at work, so i missed tanka, well, it’s always difficult for a child, that’s not the point, it’s just that when i was feeding him now, something stirred inside me in my soul,
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apparently a fatherly feeling, yeah, and i immediately understood why? all this was needed, all these pills, lactation insults, when i understood, i forgave, she is a wonderful mother, yes, it was she who insisted that you operate on her, i immediately realized that it was not you, and she also talked about how did you save our son, well so can the world. truce, thank you, uh-huh, yes, wait, no, wait, my hands are so big, can you come a little closer, now
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i’ll take a look, yes, no, here, like this, come to me, both, well, boys. let's smile, i have big hands, like this, wow, wow, gleb, what a cool tan, oh, thank you, where did you relax so much, in our area, a little to the south, and the hotel, how many stars, there are photos, honestly, i i wouldn’t have given one, but it was purely a barracks, i didn’t even rest even once, what a nightmare, that i didn’t have one at all, zero, zero stars, horror what, nothing will burn there, she doesn’t get out of social networks at all, that she lives, and so gleb, understand, i ’m just not at home, you know, i have training sessions,
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training camps, away matches, and so on. .. i found something i liked, everything came together now yes, well , at least some kind of monetization, money is dripping, even so, yes, well, better than getting involved with some guy, honestly, just like about me, well, except for monetization , damn, i'm sorry that i didn't think, but no, no, forget it, everything is fine, everything is fine, suddenly, i know you're from family left, it’s always not easy, whatever i can, tell me, money, a car, the apartment is empty, and the car, gleb, i’m serious, there are opportunities, thank you very much, but you know how if you need everything, but your conscience only allows you to take one thing , then it’s better not to take anything, wise, but there is something like that, listen, let’s go,
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let’s go, i’ll show you something, let’s go, let’s go, oh, oh, excuse me, we’ll pass, excuse me, look. well, how do you like the option, two in one, yeah, i mean it, take it, it’s still standing idle, well, when the opportunity arises, you’ll return it, stop, come in, what are you standing, or maybe it’s a house yours, fly out, well, how will it go? oh, sorry, call from a very important woman. yes, i got it,
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i got it, everyone is seven at the entrance. so the champagne came in handy. for your important woman, yeah, what is it like
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? well, there’s a reason, quickly get behind the wheel and drive, otherwise tomorrow the whole department will gossip, i obey, i obey. there, in the orbit of the iris, the whole universe is spinning, and you, and i, and god, probably look at me from your heart, you already know how, and i will learn.
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i ended my childhood at the age of 7, well , my mother died, my father was in the military, i had to leave the service to become a veterinarian, otherwise... i went to the collective farm, went to work, well, basically disappeared there all the time, hello, this is roman gudsay, sports commentator ovka, if you still don’t know where to watch all the euro 2024 play-of games with whom, then of course watch them with us, only. netherlands turkey, today at 22:00 exclusively in opka. only during the championship, only vinline gives free bets daily, to all new players and those who have been with us for a long time. receive freebet every day,
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