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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 7, 2024 6:05am-7:01am MSK

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yes, i’m listening, come on, come on, igor, according to your age, it’s supposed to be one more time, like that, well done , well, how are you feeling, okay, okay, well, we’re waiting, senior lieutenant, bunny, i’m there, to the crossbar, come on, good luck, what are you doing? what is wrong with him, what is cutting off, he ate something wrong this morning, comrade general, i wish you good health, comrade colonel, good afternoon, seryozha, they say you are a master of high technology, they say, what interests you, i need yours help, you’re very busy right now, but they’ve been plowing for the ministry, but for you, please always say, i need to find out the owner of the car by the number, and this is easy, tell me the number. o-055 oo of our
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federal district, is that so? and who is this bastard? the car belongs to the city prosecutor's office, serves the deputy prosecutor, senior adviser of justice, key holder alexander borisovich. wow, this is not a simple bastard, but a high-ranking one. well, yes, now it’s clear why this pritul didn’t initiate a criminal case. seryozhenka, please print it out for me in full. the police are designed to protect life, health, rights and freedoms citizens of the russian federation. we remove the little legs, and remove these too. gorenka, in general , you should go for a walk, i’ll somehow clean up here without you. i will, comrade general.
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senior lieutenant rydanov finished shooting. next ones, come on. colonel firsov, listening. this is what worries you, senior adviser of justice alexander borisovich klyuchnik. i'm hearing you. i would like to ask you not to spread false rumors about me and not to give my name away. nobody gave you this right. and henceforth, when you start talking. think, colonel, i’m not defaming anyone, citizen-keykeeper, i don’t spread rumors, i ’m talking about what i saw with my own eyes, i’ll repeat this in court, if you knocked down a man and left him to die, for your action, you will be held accountable according to the law, as it should be, don’t get into the bottle, colonel , and otherwise you will have big problems, you’re in vain to scare me, i stopped being afraid a long time ago, but i’m not scaring, i ’m warning, i also want to warn you, citizen... keykeeper, i’m not an investigator
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at the door, and don’t shut up my mouth , i will bring this matter to the end, senior lieutenant, bunny, fire, brake, fire, bunny, fire! all three are in the ten, a hare, not oblique, there is someone that you wanted, this is very important, tell me how i can see colonel firsov, and on what issue, this is very important, give me your passport. syrtsov pyotr
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nikolaevich, well, on what issue do you, a regiment comrade, want to signal, some irresponsible investigators are exceeding their authority, keep 30 all to the left, thank you, yes please, that’s it, fight, well, you already threw the piece of paper, no, lord. and this one is noisy, let him look now if she tells him needed, they say that i am a bribe -taker, a goat thief, comrade syrtsov, comrade syrtsov, i cannot understand the essence of the question, what do you want from me, i ask you to look into the criminal case that the investigative authorities brought against me after the audit, what you are accused of in the embezzlement and misappropriation of public funds, you probably don’t understand, i head the inter-district department, and not... but what should i
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do? well, you’d better contact the prosecutor’s office, they will help you, unless, of course, you are guilty of anything, sorry, sorry, i’m... probably something is wrong i understand, but it’s okay, it happens, it happens, you can have some water, something’s not good, if you want some kefir, you can, they say, it helps, it’s very good for the body, please drink. thank you please.
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why is he, hello, sit down, i’m listening, so, you see, gennady antonovich, on this issue, i completely agree with our leadership, and what does our respected leadership say, it proposes
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to close the case, no, we must make our own decision, but ours they have already expressed their opinion, it completely coincides with ours, that is, they advise opening a criminal case, not entirely, if we do not prove the guilt of the suspect, they reserve the right to take adequate measures in the event of our failure, diplomatically, well, what decision have you made for yourself, i said that i completely agree. with our leadership, i ’m telling you this as your boss, thank you, but in a friendly way i advise you to forget about him and allow people like the housekeeper to create disgrace, you see, gennady antonovich, i’m
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a new person in this city, but this i understand, and i wouldn’t want to ruin the relationship right away like that. the prosecutor's office, i understand the man is dead, there’s nothing you can do to help him, but this key keeper, you can expect anything from him, i ’m afraid of him myself, thank you for your frankness, ivanovich, but i don’t want the key keeper, if he’s guilty, to escape punishment. contractor, you should know this. when you enlist in the military, you receive a number of benefits and guarantees, but there is also something that has no price. to be shoulder to
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shoulder with comrades, to defend your family and homeland, to fight for a just cause, to gain new knowledge and skills, to become stronger. join us. serve under contract. obstetrician. today at 20:00 on ntv. for headaches there is askafenp, at an affordable price. and ascafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. our new name is t-bank. when opening a business, you need to think through everything. i'm so cool here. i’ll open a club, get pumped up, implement everything you’ve planned, atbank business will give you reliable and convenient tools to start your business. register your business with tebank and receive 6
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the department of internal security has received information that you may have evidence that was lost last year. during the investigation, the murder of businessman revyakin. what evidence? i don’t believe it myself, but an order is an order. i ask you to be witnessed during the search. get started. why this masquerade? maybe straight to the bullpen? i also agree that it is possible without him, but... the prosecutor's office insisted, okay, still without the press and television, thank you, there is,
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comrade captain, gennady antonovich, what is this, i don’t know, we’ll sit down, comrade colonel, he hid it, or something, planted it, here, lord, yes , what’s with the light, damn it, be careful, they said that they’ll put everything in order now, well, i don’t know what borya means now,
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the most important thing is how he could appear in the office . we need to find out exactly everything about this car, but the gun was planted , well, that’s clear, but who? sertsov? how do you know the couple? wait, andryukha, what kind of sertsov? he came to gennady antonovich, here you go, there is no one else, i have hell there. all his passport data, we need to find this guy, well, in general, i’ll do it, i’ll find it, find out everything, come on, i’ll go to the scene of the morning accident and try to find witnesses who can confirm the testimony of gennady antonovich, i know that area well, there in there’s no one around this early, no people, no cars, well then i’ll find this car and inspect it, and i ’ll go to the prosecutor’s office and find out why it happened the criminal case in relation to this
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accident has been discontinued, friends, any provocations are possible, be careful, oh, wow, here... light, the main thing is on time, yes, there are questions, no, there are no questions, money, more money, you won’t have any more no money, but i really need money urgently, money will be there tomorrow, don’t you believe it? why do we believe, you know our rules of the game, well, what do you think of my business, it’s not serious, but you know what kind of fellow he is, well, the son of the deputy city prosecutor and tomorrow he owes me twice as much, than today, i know i'll hit him, oh
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i have my own old scores to settle with him. nadya, tomorrow morning i will need a file on this firsov and his apirs, yes, and don’t delay, do it before lunch. fine. good afternoon. good afternoon. can you tell me how to find the fleet manager? go up to the second floor, they will tell you there. yes. thank you. and, by the way, there he is coming. therefore, now you pay for the repairs yourself. i don’t deceive my people, no offense, no offense, hello, i’m from the police, hello, senior lieutenant rydan, as best i can, the fact is that yesterday morning on your a pedestrian was hit by a car, well, yes, there was an accident, but as far as i remember, the crossing there was his own fault, and the case was already closed, but no, not
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quite like that, some minor formalities remained, i would like to inspect this car, but this car is not here, yet yesterday we... disposed of it, the car is old, it has served its useful life, there was no point in spending money on repairing it, it’s clear, you work quickly, i can help with something else, no, i think you’ve already done everything that was required of you, uh-huh, goodbye, borya, georgivich is already here, no, he didn’t come, it’s a pity, but you read the amendments to the law about the navo police, yes, of course, chesol, this is my reference book, every day. how else? yes, listen, there are so many interesting things here, listen, a police officer is prohibited from resorting to torture, violence, other cruel or destructive treatment of human dignity, and it ’s written just like that, yes, listen, borya, how can we catch criminals now? the detection rate will drop, if you can’t hit, are
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you serious, but how will all the bonuses go down, all the bonuses, and what are you offering? what to beat, no leave a trace, just kidding, all lights out, here you go , great, hello, fight, hello, rodanov called, they managed to dispose of the car involved in the accident, they are working promptly, what about you, i talked to colleagues from the archive, and what ’s up, dark, the story turns out to be that a gun, like a missing piece of evidence, helped the killer of businessman revyakin remain free, but on the other hand, a week later this killer was shot dead at his dacha near vyborg, of course, this is not a killer, but a customer, but to the customer, as you understand, there is nothing, this was to be expected, in general , we must follow the trail of this sortsov , first of all, we need to start from his place of registration, you know, i am sure that he is not there, but... we need to check, but we need to check, guys, wait, this disk is from an external surveillance camera, wait, they told me that due to
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electrical problems the cameras did not record, they recorded, yesterday, just in case, i made copies, borya, and you are a pro, borya, you well done, thank you, yes, and what he wanted, i understand what about the car. "thank you, senior lieutenant rudanov, you say straight guys, dad, dad, listen, i need money, hello, i told you not to come here, dad, but i need money, where did you spend the night, your mother didn’t sleep that night, you can’t visit the house for several days, yes, dad, i borrowed money, i need to give something back, go home, stay at home, got it, dad, wait, there’s not enough here.” that’s all, and so that i don’t see you here again,
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who’s there? hello, i’m from the police , captain krymov. listen, excuse me, i wasn’t expecting anyone right now, i need sertsov, pyotr nikolaevich, who’s here? no, but according to my information, citizen sertsov lives right here, listen, i’m a decent woman, i have no doubt, i know who lives in my apartment, my daughter and son-in-law, granddaughter? well, yes, no, we don’t have raw materials, yes, thank you, you helped us a lot, all the best, no one else to you... no, thank you, no one else,
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so, colonel firsov gennady antonovich, seller, daughter nina gennadievna, lives in moscow, grandson sergei alexandrovich lives in moscow. yeah, oh, oleg georgievich, print it out for you, come on, well, well, we’re one thing we’ve done it, let’s run it through the databases, maybe we’ll get lucky and it’ll show up somewhere, we can, but it’ll be a house, seryoga, we have no other choice, well, it’s ready, and now i ’m calling for somol, with something... then i’m dissatisfied, by the way, here are the license plates of the new company car.
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as far as i know, no one is looking into it anymore, the case is closed, especially since i am receiving complaints about unfounded persecution. yes, but this case is being handled by the central department of internal affairs, and we have no right to interfere in their affairs. the fact is that our colonel fersov was a witness to the accident, and he claims that you never know what he himself claims, because you know very well that now there is a question of great trust in him, no one, of course,
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is correct, correct, especially since the person died, but how should a criminal be punished, the inevitability punishment, oleg georgievich, today they called me from above and warned me that they are already preparing a decision to disband your department, even so.
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hello, let's lock up! well, did you bring the money? i brought it, here, but not everything is here, everything is exactly as we agreed. vano, i know your rules and i follow them. no, my friend, you got something wrong. what time is it now? 22:05. come on, stasik, vanu, wait, but i gave it away on the same day, are you a pimple, are you going to teach me my rules,
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man, what do you want? good afternoon, great car, in a couple of seconds it probably picks up 100, yes, and there’s probably air conditioning, yes, but it’s not about your honor, get out before you help, man, are you confused, senior lieutenant rydanov, homicide department, and you, as i understand it, sergei pyrin, alexander borisovich’s driver, yes, me. yesterday on your previous there was an accident in the car, let's talk? we can talk, but as you understand, it’s better that no one sees us, i can get in the car if you invite me, sit down, talk, hello, gleb, wow, you even
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remembered my name, i never. don’t forget those you saw naked, urgently, i need your help among the people, it’s week thirty-two in the stomach, and she’s got triplets twenty-one, business, old lady business, and no more dancing with bugmas, rock and roll, better hard rock , i'm already in the artery, you're doing a caesarean section, i'm sure don’t argue, this is an order, but my general, an obstetrician, is on ntv today at 20:00. kingfisher - new season, today at 13:00 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, it can help in apppt. it helps restore memory and attention. let's get our head working. 6 days before the vk fest. buy tickets to the main event of the summer at our new name is tebank. oh, the cashback
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a powerful effect. liran makes comfort accessible, cosmically delicious, and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat for sausages, cherkizovo appears, and for headaches there is askafen at an affordable price. with enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. our new name is t-bank. when opening a business, you need to think through everything. i i will open such a fitness club here. you'll rock. make everything you dream come true. and tebank business will provide reliable and convenient tools for starting your business. register your business with
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tebank. get 6 months of free service. tebank is a business and the job is done. at persil we take stain removal to the next level with deep clean plus technology. enzymes. work on the surface and inside the fabric, let memories remain, not stains on things, once persal - always persit, knee pain, back pain, maybe in the neck, pintalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation, pentalgin extragel, in any situation, watch the vk video, in a situation where summer is coming, in a situation without the internet, download the vk video application on any device, so that
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we change the name, do not cheat on yourself. t-bank. he's the only one. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if pintalgin is available. a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin. let's do without pain. yurin nikolai matveevich, former police lieutenant. hearts, wait, it's the same, it's the same one man, well, yes, that’s all, unfortunately, yes, but where he works, there is a home address, well , there is no such information, i have a feeling that someone deliberately destroyed it, but i
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punched out the address here, it was registered there in ninety, well, who knows, maybe he’s there too, well done, well done, so, now we ’ll call. it seems to me that the work ahead of us will not be easy, i saw this, what is it? as soon as i heard about the emergency, i went up to all our men who drove me and collected papers with their testimony
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so that no one would think of setting me up, well you are wonderful, well, you never cease to amaze me, do you really think that it’s so easy for someone to also be the prosecutor of gorodata. that the driver was at fault for the accident, and we will prove it, don’t even doubt it, because from behind it is the honor of a colleague and friend, then you hear, they will let you go first, and judging by the way your immediate superior alexander borisovich klyuchnik acts , there won’t be any empty space left of you, this writing won’t make a difference in court, but you don’t need to threaten me, i’m not threatening you, i want to help you, i’m a human being small, i turn the wheel, i don’t break the rules, but against alexander borisovich i and...
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i immediately realized that he was framed, he’s not the kind of firsov man to steal evidence, and yet, in these circumstances , we are forced to prove that colonel firsov is a decent person, now, as for sertsov, yurin, when you told me that sertsov is yurin, i called the admiralty police department and talked to the colonel, he told me that... yeah, but he was fired for beating up suspects, that we had a scandal, a criminal case was opened, but when i asked for the case materials, the department didn’t have them, well, naturally, then they disappeared in the prosecutor’s office, like ships in
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the bermuda triangles, that’s right, the housekeeper took the case and buried it safely, and what conclusions should be drawn from this, no, stop, bye , wait, but... it’s a forgery, i agree, but first you need to find yurin in order to contact the customer, owners, is there anyone at home, what are you doing, why are you knocking here, excuse me, please, i need, you never know what you need, maybe i need a million, but i don’t break things it’s someone else’s gate, i need to talk to the owner of this house, these are your problems, but you don’t need to break the gate, wait, you installed it, you’re not the one who’s going to break it, i didn’t break it. got out, but no one broke your gate, calm down, i
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’ll call the police now, i am the police, you are a civilian, the mistress of the house, malimova, it’s very nice, according to my information, yurin, nikolai matveevich, lives here, so yurin, nikolai matveevich , sold me this house a year ago, i have documents, and it’s in the north somewhere, you look like a son there, whether? calm down, if the former owner of the house shows up, please call, goodbye. hello, hello, are you visiting alexander borisovich? yes, on what issue? interdistrict internal affairs directorate, head of the homicide department, lieutenant colonel solovets. for now, i can only have one question for citizen klyuchnik. yesterday's traffic accident in which a person died. wait a minute. certainly. yes, igor, hi, how are you doing? well, in general, as i
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expected, there is no yurin there; i sold the house last year. yes i'm fine i understand, but where and how? i don't know, but it needs to be done. well, of course, connections. come in, alexander borisovich is waiting for you. thank you. yeah, why are you interested in this? the fact is
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that there is testimony that does not coincide with the results of the investigation. according to them , the driver of the car is at fault for the accident. today we met one of your employees who was also investigating this accident. so, i must inform you that your department has nothing to do with this matter. and let it be known to you, this is the case closed. by the way, your employee, lieutenant radanov, was detained by us for threatening and blackmailing my personal driver, and i warn you that i will carefully take control over the work of all employees of your department, perhaps i will raise the issue of disbanding the staff, i hope for all your questions answered, i would also like to tell you that we... do not abandon our people , no matter what the cost to us, this sounds like a threat, no,
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a warning, i have nothing more to talk to you about, goodbye, goodbye, yes, who is this, is there anything else you wanted? - no, goodbye, goodbye. who are you, where is my son? you’re asking the wrong questions, alexander borisovich, now you just need to know where to come, having managed to collect $1 million within an hour, how much? don’t be so surprised, for some this may be a colossal amount, but not for you, what’s wrong with my son? with your son, while everything is still in order, say, hello, dad, can you hear me, dad, take me away from here, you understand, dad, take me away from here. you know who i am? will the whole city be looking for you today?
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i know, that’s why i want to immediately warn you about our conversation, you don’t need to tell anyone if you want everything to be okay with your son. dad, take me, do you hear? hello, hello igor. oh, igor, how was your trip? it’s bad, this yurin sertsov disappeared into thin air. andrei, they say, was detained at the prosecutor's office because of some kind of fight. they started dragging georgivich around the offices, they already want to close the whole department, they can if they can find it. from the frost that the gun planted, this is the one who came to firsov yesterday, well, someone else, now, boys, you what are you doing, petrovna, here, here igoryuk, look what it is, a receipt, schematics,
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and what they give us, here they write the client’s last name, so, well, there’s the last name yurin and a telephone number, mobile and home. yes, good afternoon, this is yurin nikolay, yes, yes, hello, they are bothering you about the cleaning service, i’m listening, the fact is that...
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color with care for my hair. permanent cream color palette gives rich color, the triple care system restores, moisturizes, and nourishes hair from the inside. no gray hair. palette is your best color choice. pentalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain. our new name is t-bank. we change our name without changing ourselves. tponk. he's the only one. my legs just go numb. such bells may indicate bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angionrm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angianm. keep your blood vessels normal. this is yours, okay, so am i now, they called me
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and said that they had recalculated and should return the difference, and you have a receipt, unfortunately, i lost it, well, that’s okay, you’ll just have to look for yourself in the magazine, okay , come on, come on, i'll tell you i'm amazed at this kind of conspiracy. and so fall over some little thing, lord, calm down, now you won’t leave us anywhere, go ahead, great, pyrin, i told you that we didn’t leave this matter so easily, did you run away or something? calm, calm, don’t aggravate your situation, i told you that you will be responsible for giving false testimony, i said, i said, look there and relax, like this... citizen sergey valentinovich pyrin, you have the right to legal services, the services of a lawyer and translator, you have the right to refuse
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recoil, another thing, i’m listening to you, this is the son of the housekeeper, so, he often stole the car. i'm there, i hope you didn't drag anyone along with you. i have fulfilled all your demands, where is my son? take your time, i need money first. go straight to the building under construction and climb up. the secretary said that after talking with him. he was pale and not himself, yeah, the taxi service told me that he first stopped at home, and then went to construction sites on krestovsky, i realized,
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then i’ll go home to him, find out what and how, let’s go and we’ll play at construction site, well hello, alexander borisovich, valera, and you thought you hid me away forever, the nineties are long behind us, the time has come... to pay off old debts, okay, where is my son? you have no idea how long i waited for this meeting to see your little evil eyes, how could i forget, 12 years from start to finish, and we were equal partners, and i didn’t forget how you staged a raider takeover with shooting, himself in court, exposed as bloodthirsty, but my son is not to blame for anything, and weren’t you the one who told me that someone’s power is in his hands, he has the right in his hands, if
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there’s anything wrong with his son, thank you, we’re almost there, what do they have there, says the housekeeper’s wife, all teary-eyed, she said that someone kidnapped their son, she’s asking for a way out, the housekeeper i came home, took all the money and asked not to tell anyone about anything, just like that. guys, we are preparing for an operation to take hostages, where is your scientist, over there, you bastard, you heard, yes, it looks like we didn’t have time, go ahead, ready.
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don't twitch, in the wall, let's go up! igor, get up, are you stas? yes, and who are you? from the police. christmas trees, thank god. so, you have the right to legal assistance, the services of a translator and lawyer, a call within 3 hours from the moment of arrest, as well as the right to refuse to give evidence. do you
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know what my dad? whether? thank you very much for what i could do without you, but it couldn’t be otherwise, gennadi antonovich, general somov called and apologized, of course, but it’s true that in connection with the evidence found , the murder case is being reopened, and i ’ll tell you more, now in in the ranks of the prosecutor's office , problems began, sometimes a morning jog is good not only for health, last night
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at the airport of one participant in this action. good evening, live on central
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television, the first information show about the events that are being discussed. and the people they talk about. my name is vadim takminev, today is saturday, july 6, and in a few days a big event awaits us. exactly 50 years ago, then still a huge country called the soviet union, began the construction of bama, the baikal-amur mainline. this construction project of the century brought together a huge number of people who still remember with nostalgia these months and years spent in impassable corners of the country are like the best time, and which i am sincerely glad that... bam is developing now, half a century later. we ’ll talk about all this today, but first, of course, we’ll discuss what’s happening in the country and the world, so for now i’ll give the floor to yulia bekhtareva, who monitors what news comes to the agency’s news feed. vadim, now about the main thing, by this moment, the russian defense ministry reports that a unit of the group of forces center as a result of active actions knocked out the ukrainian armed forces and forces.


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