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tv   Chudo tekhniki  NTV  July 7, 2024 11:00am-11:51am MSK

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mixed, which is why in the famous film armageddon, for example, they did not know in advance which drill would be suitable for the cosmic body threatening our planet. according to the plot, people landed on an asteroid, explored the soil, drilled a well, loaded a nuclear charge inside and blew up the cosmic body so that its fragments flew past the earth. it looks beautiful, but experts can list point by point what the film is... from reality, a soft landing on an asteroid, as if to dampen the enormous speed of the body, as to carry out this landing, this is the presence of gravity, that is, it is certainly there, but it is negligible to walk on this body, that is, this is combustion that occurs in the absence of an atmosphere, which cannot be present on asteroids, although something similar was shown there on the atmosphere, well , actually the power of a nuclear charge, what should be in order to destroy it. scientists
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have proposed many more realistic, although also fantastic, ways to combat dangerous asteroids. for example, there is an idea to change the trajectory using gravity booking. the giant spaceship must hover over the asteroid for years, influencing it with the force of its ion engine, forcing it to deviate. another option is laser bees - a swarm of miniature devices with lasers. changed its trajectory. blowing up a celestial body is a risky option. denis prudnik, a popularizer of astronautics, shows that there may be consequences. the conditional asteroid is a transparent ball with beads, and the fist will play the role of c'. row, on one side our
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large asteroid turned into a bunch of small asteroids, the power decreased, but on the other hand, the radius of destruction increased, as you can see from this picture, and also the next problem is that the fragments scattered unpredictably, if we look at our three little green fragments, then on the one hand we could save the earth from a collision, because on... could be inside this triangle itself, but on the other hand, the earth could also be in the path of each of these fragments, and we would not have solved the main problem of not hitting the asteroid. most the sky ram is now considered realistic, moreover, already tested. the idea is to take a spaceship and push an asteroid with it. here two astronauts in zero gravity schematically show how it works. in 2021 at nasa from...
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of course, the experiment has so far been a success for a very small celestial body, and there is still a lot of work to be done to confirm the effectiveness of the method on larger and faster objects, whether heavy equipment will have time to reach the target in time and whether there will be enough power to shoot down the threat out of the way. scientists continue research in anticipation of 2046, when another asteroid may come dangerously close to the earth, we at least have hope. in addition to tests and checks,
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the miracle of technology always has a news section on air. top five messages that i personally found most interesting this week. we start from fifth position. an unusual way to combat rodent pests of crops has been developed by scientists from australia. they suggest spraying the fields with diluted wheat germ oil so that the entire fields smell attractive. experiments on real lands in the state of new south wales showed that so discouraged mice cannot determine where exactly the sown grains are and do not dig them out of the ground. the reduction in losses due to this treatment ranged from 63 to 74%. this is a miracle of technology, later in our issue. cheating instead of hot water.
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a characteristic smell appears, which is reminiscent of rotten eggs. what unrealistic promises do water heater manufacturers make? dirty in the kitchen, are dishwashing sponges really teeming with bacteria? sponges - i think this is a time bomb action. how to disinfect them? and are those who buy sponges made from unusual materials right? miracle products: an anti-mosquito net that is not like an ordinary one. they act on insects causing very rapid paralysis. how she will show herself in a country house in a tourist tent, as well as the best discoveries from...
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obstetrician today at 20:00 on ntv. tele 2 represents, sometimes bills for hidden subscriptions take the subscriber by surprise, but with auto protection tele 2, you are not in danger of such moments, automatic protection from unwanted subscriptions, tele2 - others rules, right now in fix price stores ice cream is almost free, chocolate, vanilla, a glass, or maybe a popsicle, take it all at once, while it’s so profitable, heaviness, pain, swelling - these could be symptoms of varicose veins, phlebodie 600 course helps treat varicose veins. phlebodia 600 for freedom of your legs. in life's whirlwind of successes and failures. wiglanch fills you with hope. we work in rhythm with many tasks. your break is filled with viklunch. the sauce is meaty, rich, hot, and
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fills the meat with deliciousness. airplane plus. have you resolved a difficult transaction? remains only sign, we helped with the sale of resale homes, here with the purchase of a new building, we solve your real estate issues from the transaction to finishing, here and throughout the country. visit to request a call back. introducing the new taste of baltika 7 non-alcoholic with hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. experience the perfection of taste. hop sale for all your want. folding. sofa for only 27.990. shop at kof. will our money fly away too? yours is safe here in any of 185 countries. unified conditions for roaming with beeline
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in almost all countries of the world. beline is the safest operator. 6 days before vk fest. buy tickets to the main events of the summer on vk. helps fight the symptoms of varicose veins, swelling, heaviness, pain and acts on their cause at any stage, detralex is tested by experts, the choice of millions, x5 club represents, oh misha, have you forgotten here, but i haven’t forgotten anything here, i didn’t forget to show the card x5 club in the crossroads or pyaterochka and... forgot to get a cashback up to 50% service package, didn’t forget the discounts and didn’t forget your chance to win prizes, so it seems like something i forgot that i forgot, show the card, use the x5 club card, get even more benefits with every purchase, x5 club card,
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you won’t forget such a benefit, virk series, that’s what pain smells like, behind the smile of a powerful woman, i will punish, there is a terrible secret, who is leaving... she is terribly mercilessly taking revenge, freedom, she is not there, freedom, she is here, clean, look navink, what is this square, interesting, let me show you, this is a marking code, an honest sign, your assistant for safe shopping, the cash register checks it and does not let it through, they are suspicious goods, labeling protects your purchases, this is the cash register, this is... an honest sign, this is your favorite show of stars, each star brought with him 2 million rubles, creating an unrealistic prize fund, 20 million rubles, where did she even get 2 million, maybe the pension is there, i don’t know, but i’m a youth person,
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i did the right thing, thank god, here we are 2 million, i didn’t know that it would be possible to sell my pijo so quickly, in the final of the project - only one winning team will receive the amount, but how will we share money? 50% for me, 50% arthur pie. he and i are not just money if we make money, we will win an oscar. thank you. on horseback they carry
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the lada west, which was in our dreams, towards the wind, boldly forward, this is a miracle of technology, i am sergei! azemov, we are rising higher in our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology. what's on the fourth line? a skyscraper in which the rich will be able to drive directly into their apartments by car is going to be built in dubai. the project was presented by one of the companies known primarily for their luxury cars. in addition to its memorable design, the building will differ in the presence of large elevators designed specifically for entry by car to any floor, and the intended one. the price of housing in such a complex has not yet been announced. is
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one heated kettle enough to dilute it later and perform morning water procedures? i, as a former chelyabinsk student, know that if it’s economical, then it’s fine. well, if you are a woman, you have long hair, yes, as soon as summer begins, residents of big and small cities suffer because of. when hot water turns on, from time to time they think about buying a heater for these weeks, fall into the trap of choice, it is so large and varied that you can get confused, the main question is, is it necessary to buy, and then look for a place for them and install large storage boilers with a tank, or can you get by with something more compact? alexander chebanov has been from the moscow region for 5 years. uses an instantaneous water heater with automatic control of a built-in memory unit,
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are you satisfied? that is, it simply remembers the last value and sets it, i turn it on, it turns out about a few weeks a year, that is, it does not work all the time, so that everything is fine with it, however, there is one caveat: such a model will cost about 1,500 rubles. other users who bought similar but cheaper devices are less fortunate. journalist anna manikova chose an inexpensive flow-through heater for 3,500 on the advice of friends, but something went wrong with it, when we brought it home, my dad swore because it turned out that he was something like that, and he really started drinking it . you go underwater and you feel a tingling sensation that really feels like electricity, it might hit someone else harder and so on. that is, you don't feel safe when you take it. anna's husband had to disassemble the device and change its
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design, connecting the wire to the water tank. our resident expert, physicist vladimir reshetov, explains that initially there was no grounding here, and the problems disappeared when it appeared thanks to skillful hands. there is no voltage on this body, the ground worked, this water heater bit when it was not grounded. people are for it... we also bought and tested for electrical safety two other flow-through heaters, those models about which buyers often complain, write that these devices often fail, the cost of the first was 6,000 rubles, the second 2,400. both devices we came across turned out to be in good working order, but their cheapness can backfire. the corrosion protection is not very good; to protect your health, you just need to connect it.
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and its insufficient heating, and this is not surprising, such a device must instantly heat the jet passing through it, and the stronger it is, the greater the peak power should be. this is... a serious burden on the device itself to the electrical network, so most flow-through heaters, so as not to knock out the plugs, are actually specially made low-power, well, for those that heat properly, you will have to lay a separate thick wire from the electrical panel, and they are more expensive, so it’s still not necessary so , immediately reject the installation of a classic
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storage tank; it is less demanding on the network; it brings the water to the set temperature slowly over several hours. it does not need high peak power. what's interesting about consumption? together with engineer denis nikolaev, we conducted a test in which a flow and storage device heated the same volume of water - 50 liters. to bring it to 38°, the flow device required 1.43 kw-hours. the boiler, after extending the process for an hour and a half, heated up to 51°, but spent much more, 2.25.
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the accumulated amount may not be enough for the whole family, and if there are a lot of people, it is better to buy a large tank. there are also a lot of horror stories online about them exploding, and we checked how great the danger is in practice. this electric storage boiler has a capacity of 80 litres. and a device of this size in 2018 was enough to turn around an apartment in the moscow region. the fault, as the press later reported, was the negligent treatment of the owners. they did not monitor the temperature sensor, so the boiler exploded, but how common is this failure or rather an exception to the rule? let's try to find out with the help of electronics engineer sergei shishkin and pyrotechnician-gunsmith of the mosfilm film concern evgeniy shulenin. the conditions under which there really is a risk of explosion are
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when the water is not just heated and turns into steam. very high pressure is required, minimum. but the emergency valve is not working, the special cut-off thermostat is not working , the thermostat itself, which here sets our temperature, has failed. temperature sensors usually do not allow the steam inside the boiler to heat up to a critical temperature, but they can fail over time, and from the valve, which is responsible for relieving excess pressure. users themselves often get rid of it; it begins to leak even during normal operation of the water heater, or drips or there is just a little trickle, the jar, and even this gets boring, removes the jar, removes this valve, everything, then we wait, sergey and evgeniy for our experience violated all the instructions, removing the protection that
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the manufacturer installed at the factory, in theory the boiler should warm up until it explodes. we filled it out. half, so there was plenty of space for steam, but even after several hours of waiting, the explosion did not happen, it still seems to me that it will give off heat to the environment , it will constantly cool down, there will be pressure, but it will withstand, even with the protection removed, even with the protection removed, it’s not in vain that the manufacturers tried so hard to protect it, and it’s not in vain that we called evgeniy here with his magical devices, so we... let’s begin, can we, we asked the pyrotechnician evgeniy to detonate the charge for beauty , which he put in the lid, but it was not for nothing that the entire film crew was freezing all day. evgeniy, are you ready? ready, 3, 2, 1, fire! there was an explosion. comic, and experts
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confirmed to us that if you do not intentionally interfere with the design, the likelihood of such outcome is minimal. but here’s another question: could microorganisms grow inside? on the internet they are afraid of e. coli and staphylococcus, which breed in tanks with warm water. a large 3-liter storage tank is installed in the house of producer nikolai vaseykin. heating occurs from the heating system, and in the summer, when the water is in the air. far from boiling water, problems begin if you reduce the heating, accordingly your water temperature in the boiler decreases, water in the summer. it turns out much cooler than in winter, and which entails very unpleasant consequences, a characteristic smell appears, somewhat reminiscent of rotten
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eggs, it smells, we submitted hot water from the boiler to the laboratory for analysis, they found a small amount of coliform bacteria, which includes e. coli, as well as twice the concentration iron, the walls of the tank are probably poorly made, this... cannot be a threat to human health, that is, even if it gets into the mouth, if you do not drink such water, it may not be dangerous, but nevertheless, probably aesthetically, it will not be very pleasant to have an orange stripe after contact with such water of any plumbing fixtures. most modern drives do not actually have an acute problem with bacteria. heating occurs to such temperatures that few survive. some advanced models even have a thermal sanitation function when the water boils, in addition, they can adapt to the user, save electricity, and are controlled from the phone. our water heater gets to know the user's habits, that is, what time you
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you turn on the water, how much you have used it, that is, it then adapts to your water heating schedule and already heats the water at exactly this time, accordingly, due to this, savings occur again. in general, different types of water heaters are good in their own way. flow allows. safe for the body. we gave them tests and checked everything in the laboratory. miracle goods. the mosquito net will be replaced by a new
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device. true or not? are there cams on the street? there are none in the house. and also the most amazing discoveries and inventions. leaders weekly news hit parade. feel it, makheev! i carry his child under my heart, does he really care? irito karhan may not care, but what will his beloved wife seyran say? i would like to hear from you the details of your relationship. what are you doing here? oh you lousy! meat, what have you done? i decided to get married, mom, it’s better for suna to separate seiran and firit anime, it’s all
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your hands, it’s true, i’ll make you pay for everything, kingfisher, new season, today at 13:00 on ntv, the best morning, on weekdays from 6:30 on ntv. good. welcome to tele2 market, here our subscribers can sell and buy minutes and gigabytes to each other. the time has come to make an important announcement; every gigabyte purchased is expected to be doubled, and the price for the selected lot remains unchanged. well, i successfully connected, you buy gigabytes, we double it. tele2, other rules. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us. but this is a real superpower. more joyful moments with holy spring water. with fruity flavors, a source of joy for you, pro or glue myself? for any ideas, methylane wallpaper glue,
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quickly mix, simply apply, professionally glue, there are many ideas for wallpaper, the glue is always methylane, it can be consistent, appetite anywhere, only by...
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it affects the mechanism of its development, helping to fight nasal congestion. mamatrina works on the runny nose and the cause, you are tired, i’m looking for you, there are so many people, the connection may be interrupted, here is dedenka mastopolis for the signal, there is something more convenient than a pillar. beeline's smart network, with it you stay connected even where there are a lot of people. belain is the most safe operator. tariff 24 is all you need this summer. 30 gb of internet, mts music, and unused communication minutes can be exchanged. before the trip on mts scooters to jurend all this for 399 rubles in the first month, uncle dim, you will pay, you have a lot of benefits in life, you will pay for it yourself, i know the day will come, i know the bright hour will come when he smiles
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world, we dream,
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good morning, this is a miracle of technology and i am sergei malozyomov, right now the third line in the selection of the five most interesting scientific and technological news of the week. houseplants have proven to be more effective at purifying indoor air than previously thought. scientists from... tested the ability of popular plants to neutralize the so-called big four dangerous and even carcinogenic common pollutants: benzene, taluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. in just 8 hours, the greens reduced the concentrations of these substances to 20% of the original. researchers are calling for planting more plants not only in homes, but in public buildings, especially those located near busy streets and roads. recently.
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american scientists advised putting a dishwashing sponge in the microwave from time to time to disinfect it, because bacteria multiply quickly in a humid environment, is it really worth doing this? it may be better to buy a sponge made of some alternative material, loofah, silicone, where microbes seem to be less comfortable. a dish sponge is dirtier than a toilet bowl. it has 2000 times more bacteria than a toilet. rospotrebnadzor experts recently came to this conclusion. they advise changing the sponge at least once a week, otherwise there is a risk of catching intestinal infection. and norwegian scientists conducted similar research in ten european countries and found that even the dangerous salmanella survives on sponges. we ourselves conducted a similar test several years ago, we collected old sponges
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from residents of one of moscow. floors and sent to the laboratory. experts have discovered a whole zoo of microbes in them. here there was a big discovery for us, because in this group we found pseudomonos irogenosis - this is pseudomonas aeruginosa, it is a bacterium that causes rotting of products, and accordingly it also multiplies on our sponge. we found the bacteria staphylococcus aurus, we found the bacteria, again.
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in cold water, the porous smiley face seems to become wooden and you can scrape off the burnt parts; in warm water, on the contrary, it softens to make it easier to wash, but most importantly, the developer promises that the sponge dries completely in an hour, so it does not mold and does not smell for up to 8 weeks. we can’t buy this here, but maybe there is an alternative? on the internet, on trains, in markets, they sell and advertise a variety of samples: nanosponges, melamine and special highly abrasive ones, which we don’t know they tested it, but unfortunately, they never found a universal sponge. melamine, which
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has a whole army of fans, has never coped with severe pollution. it seems to me, it seems to me that it is still not for these surfaces, more rigid samples. bacteria will not actively reproduce, we conducted an experiment and collected four samples with loud promises. the first foam sponge with antimicrobial impregnation, 300 rubles. for 10 pieces. the seller promises that it will last
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five times longer than usual. the second is from a german manufacturer made of silicone, on which, as the advertisement assures, bacteria will not multiply, costs almost 1. rub. another sponge, a familiar foam sponge. 103 rubles per package, let's take it for comparison, and the fourth sample is natural from loofah, we purchased it on the advice of eco-blogger and mother of three children svetlana kovalevskaya, the price is 414 rubles for five pieces, it is safer for the body, because paraovone remains in the sponges more different bacteria than in sponges made from natural material. loofah is southern.
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is that when you cook it, everything around takes on this pink tint: hands, dishes, god forbid some wooden surfaces, yes, i agree, it probably scares housewives; often, under the strict guidance of the chef, my colleagues prepared the soup. and the kitchen was done properly, any professional training at home, it, of course, completely kills the kitchen, these are the walls, and the dishes, everything, because today we
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cooked just a little bit, you see how much dirty stuff is left, that’s all, but if god forbid they fried it, that would still be it, we had it everywhere, everything was fatty, like you cleaning, you have your own life hacks, but don’t cook at home, it’s time... to wash the dishes, vasilisa took a natural sponge from loofah, lenya took a silicone one, dasha took the one with antibacterial impregnation, and lisa got an ordinary foam rubber one, let’s get to work , it feels like i arrived at the dacha, i have nothing else to wash with, i found some kind of hay drain, they need to wash the dishes, there are so many problems from just one soup, everything was washed away. it doesn’t foam, wait, i’m even bigger, lena had to fiddle with it the longest, the silicone sponge didn’t want to foam, it tried to slip out of hands, and vegetable scraps from the bowl got stuck in the lint. yes, it certainly looks
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sad, very sad. vasilisa’s natural loofah sponge did not fully expand and did not absorb the detergent well. i just don’t understand, i wash dishes or serve old food with this sponge, it doesn’t lather at all, lisa’s test with a regular foam sample passed without any problems. towards the end of the wash, dasha’s sponge with antibacterial coating began to fly off particles. the abrasive part, which is the most valuable, in my opinion, is in the sponge; it is literally erased on an ordinary board. the sponge itself also very unreliable. and only a clear, bright antibacterial effect will save this specimen. well, here, i am helpless, i need to find out in the laboratory. let's do that. we thoroughly rinse all samples
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while wet and put them in sealed bags, where they will remain for 3 days, and then specialists in the laboratory will do microflora cultures. the chef has no doubt that germs will appear; he says that in serious kitchens, dishes are washed either in machines or with brushes, so as not to poison the guests. in france, for example, in professional kitchens sponges are prohibited in general, words at all, sponges are... i think it’s just a ticking time bomb. anton turned out to be right. in the laboratory, bacteria were found on all sponges. it turned out that the maximum microbial load was on a sponge made from natural materials. then , in descending order, we have a sponge made of silicone materials, then there is a sponge made of poroon, well, in last place we have a sponge with antimicrobial impregnation. the difference is not very big. according to an expert, any sponge can
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be quite safe if it is carefully rinse after washing dishes, remove remaining food and grease, store in a dry place and change once a week. well, the naturalness of materials, alas, does not guarantee anything. a loofah will also be dirtier than a toilet if you keep it wet and do not throw it away in time. this is a miracle of technology, look. at the end of the program. category: miracle products. mosquito nets are no longer needed, this will replace them. how effective is the new solution and does it pose a barrier to mosquitoes? we checked. and also the top line of the top five world scientific and technological news. what do we need seemed the most interesting this week. the best savings deposit up to 18% per annum. open. look how cool and cozy it is for
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our today's heroes, tea from a samovar, the tradition of drinking tea from a samovar inspired our designers. we like styles where there are a lot of small details, a lot of textiles, we have floor-to-ceiling windows, around the windows, platbands, we use wood, a symbol of our neo-russian hut, but at the same time everything is very neat, so that it is comfortable for the characters, there is a russian spirit here, a dacha answer creates a warm and... cozy interior in neo-russian style, here we have a samovar, and we have little lambs for it, in every little detail somewhere there is a hint of a wooden hut, a dacha answer, today at 11:50 on ntv. kingfisher - new season, today at 13:00 on ntv. in any situation, watch the video, in a situation where summer is coming, in a situation without the internet, and even in a situation at night.
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we solve the issue of renting out apartments, the photos are ready, we post them on the website, then we show them, and for the owners it’s all free, we solve your real estate issues from the transaction to the finishing, here there throughout the country, go to samolet order a call back, no matter what heights you reach, you always want something. more, more possibilities, more comfort, more space, more than you can imagine, new exit vx, dare to do more, sports master has collected all the sports in one application. turn on the activity tracker to run, walk, receive prizes and bonuses for your activity and spend them on purchases. sportmaster is a digital sports platform. 6 days before vk-fest. buy tickets for
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main summer events on moscow coffee shop on the floors. taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. ear! this is not ogan straus, this is a promotional code for 100% cashback from the island. book your hotel apartment and take part in the drawing. tele 2 presents. sometimes hidden subscription bills take the subscriber by surprise. but with tele2 auto protection you are not in danger of such moments. automatic protection against unwanted subscriptions. other rules. momatrin not only reduces allergy symptoms, but affects the mechanism of its development. kingfisher - new season, today in 13:00 on ntv. guardian angel, spiritual patron of each of us. we present a medal with the image of an angel plated with pure 999 silver. the guardian angel
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cannot be seen with the eyes, but his presence is always felt. give yourself or your loved ones a guardian angel medal as a symbol of connection with yours. heavenly patron phone number for ordering 8 800 600 68 05. the medal is especially valuable due to its unique characteristics: plating made of pure 999 silver, a color image of a praying angel on the obverse, a brightly shining crystal and a prayer to the guardian angel minted on the reverse. enlighten me today and save me from all evil. order a guardian angel medal, plated with pure silver . for 499 rubles by toll-free number 8 800 600 68 05 or on the website angelchrani.rf mukhtar's return on weekdays at 8:25 on ntv.
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you are looking at a miracle of technology and this is the news that i, sergei molodemov, put in second place. the hit of this week's parade of discoveries and inventions. new miracles of compactness - demonstrated by the developers of mobile electronics for monitoring health. manufacturer of gadgets from china introduced the first smartwatch with blood sugar monitoring function. if this new product proves to be accurate and reliable, it will become a real salvation for diabetics, who will no longer have to prick their fingers with glucometers. and hypertensive patients will certainly be grateful to the engineers from the usa who created a spring clip that fits on... a smartphone, it compresses the finger and the application through the phone’s camera, analyzes how the pattern of blood vessels changes, and calculates the value of systal and diastal pressure, which is especially nice in this development, so this is its cost; as the authors report, with mass production each clip will cost no more than 10 cents. well, now it’s time
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for the miracle of goods, this section is dedicated to devices and services whose advertising... promises real miracles, what is true in it and what is not, we find out with all scientific certainty. mosquito nets on windows are a good thing, but sometimes they tear or are blown away by the wind. another solution is offered by the manufacturer of such an unusually shaped fumigator for 1,600 rubles. it hangs on a door or window and works as advertised. v for 100 days, there are no start buttons, no need to connect to electricity, there is a circle with months as a hint so you don’t forget when you started using it, inside there are insecticides and repellents that evaporate and keep mosquitoes out of the house. our viewers, evgeniya and andrey,
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once already tested an anti-mosquito lamp for a miracle technology, but then it did not bring results. time has passed, but there is a problem with mosquitoes in the summer cottage. let's see if the protection appears, we'll come back a little later, as the manufacturer writes, the full effect achieved in 3 days. in general, the declared active ingredient, perethrin, has been known since the end of the 17th century. then it was noticed that some plants from the genus peretrum, for example, dalmatian chamomile, with... quickly. the active substance has been isolated and is actively used. it is harmless for animals and humans if the maximum
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permissible concentration is not exceeded and there is no individual intolerance. we asked an expert from the research institute of disinfectology to inspect the device: inside there is a mesh impregnated with chemicals and nothing else. questions arose regarding the operating principle. yes, since peretrins do not evaporate, especially intensely without heating, then... we will test them in different ways, including in nature. experienced traveler lori yozhikova works as a hiking instructor in different parts of the country. we found her on a three-day kayaking trip in the moscow region, where during the stay the participants were haunted by hungry mosquitoes. in the evening, lori opened the package with the new fumigator and hung it on the tent. according to her , the insects did not seem to be afraid of the device at all, they were able to have breakfast calmly,
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but people don't. this morning we came to our camp for a fire, and there were mosquitoes there, we hung up a fumigator, but unfortunately, they were flying near it, so it’s unclear whether it works or not, a miracle didn’t happen, but what’s going on at evgenia and her husband andrey, it seems, their vacation was not disturbed by a single insect, the fumigator hung in our room for a week, there are no mosquitoes in the room, there are mosquitoes on the street, there are none in the house, apparently, in the open air, the peretrin fumes quickly dissipate and do not have time to have any effect impact on mosquitoes, indoors everything works as it should, let's try to check this in a special sealed chamber at the institute of disinfectology: hang the device on a fan, it will create a draft effect and speed up the process of distribution of the active substance a little... in a couple of days we will analyze the air. the results
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showed that after two days of continuous operation of the fumigator based on perethrins, no active substances were detected in the air. the expert explains: peritrins quickly lose their properties. the fumigator we purchased was produced in 2019, and there is the probability that the substance has weathered over 4 years. we contacted the seller to find out about the possibility of replacing the funigator with a more recent one. you know, no, this is one batch, and we received it this year, so there is a feeling that it was a mistake, yes, because it’s unlikely that they have been lying around for so many years. perhaps it was a mistake that it ended up on the shelves of our stores at all. the entire description on the box is in chinese, but it shouldn’t be that way. everything is according to the rules. insecticides that are registered must have instructions or labels in russian, this is a prerequisite for registration. in general, evgenia and andrey
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were most likely just lucky at their dacha. for some reason the mosquitoes did not fly into the window themselves. all other tests showed the absence of both the effect and the active substance itself. reviews on the internet are also mixed; users, like us, do not understand whether there is a result. by the way, the device itself costs 1600... rubles. disposable, the cartridge cannot be replaced, it is not sold separately, and they offer to buy the fumigator at one for each window not protected by a mesh. is it worth it? it seems to us, no, there won’t be a miracle. and now, which message from the news feed about science and technology most impressed me this week. first place in our hit parade. it was possible to photograph the titanic with an unprecedented level of detail thanks to new technologies.


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