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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 8, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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it’s not too early, but no, she’s already an adult, i think she’ll understand what you say, it’s still a long time coming, shurygin is listed for a pension, but he’s wanted for a position, i can’t help but come, it’s clear, and two more interns, guys, should come. then see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow, you are kovalsky, and we are coming to you, lieutenant, kavton, lieutenantchuk.
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do you feel, vasya, what is it, autumn, here they are, the smell of childhood, i was born here, oh well, yes, not far, it didn’t happen, nothing, i ran here, here they smoked in the third grade, hid, usually after the holidays it’s full today.
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some kind of nonsense chaliapin, what's the catch, come here, look, oh, maybe it's already that, wait, we need to check, listen, let's get out of here, but suddenly it's alive. then, oh, guys, here you are, here, let's be more formal, guys, everything is fine, great, the body, who found the body, you, the army and i, yes, the army, where, but he left, he's afraid of the flickers, clearly, everything is with you. ustika, guys, well, you
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will help me out, otherwise my body may not withstand such shocks, hold the extortionist, he is in shock, don’t forget the testimony, i’m always here, yes, if anything happens, i’m here, great, don’t fall, hello hi, what you will be pleased this time that he was shot in the chest from a pistol, but it seems that he did not die immediately, when he died, i think, yesterday, between 8 and 9 o’clock in the evening, there are no documents, no mobile phone, i took prints of course, but not much. it’s clear that nothing is clear, as always, wow, oh, victor, hello, great, fedor, i decided to take up sports, yes, i decided to buy a barbell, and what are your fates here, and the day before yesterday they took the safe in the store, almost 5 million they took it out, yesterday the store manager's car was stolen, no luck, no luck, now he's got on our nerves it's shaking, there are no traces? no prints, no
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witnesses, and you’re in a car, yes, help deliver it to the department, there i’ll figure out how to take it home, oh, your work in slaughter is calm. your clients don’t complain about anything, so what? dragged, come on, come on, come on, good afternoon, and if a person disappears, what should i do? who is this? my young man, yes, i see what not to do, i call him, but he doesn’t answer, contact the duty station, i’ll tell you there, thank you, let’s hurry up. so hello everyone, so what do we have with this new guy? a corpse? well, they killed him last night, then they dragged him into the park, where he lay until the morning, the expert says that the prints are all clean, they couldn’t identify them, the weapon that was fired from makarych, the barrel didn’t
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go through our base, it’s not thick, it’s good, what are the plans, well , as usual, georgievich, an all-russian search, plus an announcement on tv, and what if the guy is a newcomer? i’m sleeping like that, nanny, all we needed was a capercaillie, and our plans for this month aren’t very good anyway, it’s okay, georgivich, let’s correct the situation, listen, what’s going on there, and well, i’m telling you, we will take your application, we will look for your fiance, but we need a passport, well, here is his photo, here is alexey nikolaevich kostikov, 28 years old and i know his address, you don’t understand, we need not his passport, your passport , here's a photo. okay, i’m quick, i live here nearby, wait, this is not the young man, the corpse that was found in the morning, what happened to her, fainting, lyosha stopped by yesterday afternoon, brought a gift, and
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in the evening we were going to a restaurant, he wanted it beautiful propose to me, and then he promised a wedding cruise, and what happened in the evening, never showed up. he was silent from the phone, i came to him, i called him, he was not there, and then i had such a bad feeling, i waited until the morning, and then i went to see you, that is, where he could be in the evening, you don’t know, no, but he’s from everyone i called at home, and what did he do, lyosha worked as a plotter, he installed the internet, he understood computers, he was so good, who could he bother, well, maybe someone was jealous of you, did he have rivals? no, i can’t believe that such a pretty girl has no fans, well i used to date venya cherushino, but he was so meek, a mumbler, so we broke up with him, but they never fought over
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me, everything was so good with us, okay, see me off, please, okay, let's go. well, gentlemen detectives, i think we need to visit him, talk to the neighbors, uh-huh, igor, go, find out everything you can, okay, andrei, and you talk to this cherushin, mumble, don’t mumble, you never know what like that, vitya, why are you bringing this barbell here, comrade lieutenant colonel, i bought it in a store, i met it there on the machilina, he...
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this is right, so you go with andrey, right, otherwise the mumble will turn out to be some kind of big guy, and the bunny, if anything happens, will cover, yes, hey, okay, i can’t believe it, lyoshka and i recently went to varick, what? warcraft, it’s a game, i understand, i was there myself, where was it yesterday? at 80 he left work, went to a cafe to have a snack here nearby, then went to his place, on the way he went to a neighbor’s, set up the computer, got home at the eleventh hour, okay, we’ll check everything, check it thoroughly, tell me, can you guess who it is? i could kill you, i don’t know it’s cold, i’ll go, wait, maybe who threatened him when? i moved, if we see each other, it’s mostly on weekends, although say so, the friday before last we were sitting at lyokha’s house, slava nikitin came to him, also from that area, i was sitting in the hall, i heard them arguing in the hallway, that means so, will you take us
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to this nikitin, today i can’t, i have to, dear, i have to, please, but at the end of the shift i can write a report for the month, i can write the address, okay, write down the address, he rented this apartment from me for almost 3 years, yeah , it seems like he was quiet and paid regularly, well, actually a couple once detained, was he filming alone or with someone? for a couple, alone, i even have a copy of his documents, i’m from all the live bait just in case, thank you, it’s very valuable, yeah, and he’s originally from arkhangelsk, but as far as i know, he has no relatives here, anastasia pavlovna, we let's take your keys, be there, yes, yes, of course, i understand everything, but the end of the investigation there should be no other people here, uh-huh, igor, why, i found something here, his cell phone and documents, come on, come on, and here's a mini video camera, labanych needs it. again, i’m listening, labanovich, great, in short, your nikitin,
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an experienced criminal, was imprisoned for burglary, i understand, he’s a big guy, so be careful, thank you, seryozha, let’s keep in mind, seriously, he’s such a boar that it’s better to take reinforcements, why do i need reinforcements , i have a bunny, so, seryozha, we went to the address here, he’s not there, dictate the exact number of the garage, now 2178. 178, yeah, it looks like he’s there, thank you, no, no one, no one, listen, andryukha, there looks like blood here, yes, it looks like that, victor, while raoul is here, i i’ll look around, yeah, why are you rubbing yourself here? i’m from a killer, why are you soaring me, senior lieutenant, little bunny, i
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’ll make a killer chop out of you now, and just stand there, arms up, move away from him, oh, and you look like, look like, victor, what are you doing, guys, well, i made a mistake, no need for bracelets, my hand, the other day they stole my bag, i see it’s rubbing, well, i lost my temper when he killed kostikovo, i also lost my temper, lyokha kostikova, where did the blood in the car come from, it’s inhuman . “yesterday i hit a dog on the allotment, i was taking the veterinarian, well, i dripped on on the road, she’s at my house now, check, we’ll check, you’re leaving now, why, i said everything honestly, and then i went, sairan, what are you doing, i hate you, someone is deliberately trying to quarrel between us, this it’s obvious what’s going on here, you tell us, this is your job, what?” “you ’re building intrigues here, everyone has their own secret,
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no more misdeeds, we must be careful, if something comes up, he won’t forgive, you are doing everything to separate us, if i find out that this is your doing, then fear me, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv, the blood is really dog ​​blood, yeah, and... the veterinarian nikitin was well remembered, so they had to let him go, and why did he threaten to kill kostikov? yes , he says, he was getting some old debt out of him, andryukh, well, you’ll be there soon, i ’ve already watched the recording, it’s very interesting, come here, everything is ready, so, friends, let’s go to a meeting, firsov will screw us, oleg georgievich , here is a recording from kostikov’s camera, why, this completely... changes things, what kind of spy equipment is this, labanova
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shows, comrade colonel, such a miniature video camera, it can be installed anywhere, there is a motion sensor, it turns on and off when needed, this is how far the technology has come, yes, in the video recording someone is typing the safe code, we believe that with its help kostikov either planned or committed this robbery himself, do you think he could have committed the robbery, well... before the murder he had a lot of money, he was going to get married, gave his bride an expensive gift, promised her a wedding cruise, for the plotter internet lines - it will be a little expensive, and he gave 50,000 rubles to his friend, nikitin, i don’t think that in such a short time he earned a lot of money, so maybe he took out a loan, we checked, there are no loans on him, it turns out murder, connected with the robbery, find out who was robbed, who are the accomplices and where is all the money, we need to work more actively, guys, well, get up, that’s it, let’s go, we’re working , we’re working, so, the seal is broken, the door
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is open, oops, listen, you left such a mess here , of course not. everything was fine here, in my opinion. it smells like vanilla, can you smell it? anh, but not before that now, interesting.
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who even buys this for home now? oleg , now there are a lot of sports clubs, georgievich, well, to go somewhere, you need time, we don’t have it, but at home, when it works out, then vitya, you need to do sports systematically, and not from time to time, like this . so, what is our kostikovo apartment? the lock has not been broken, there are no fresh traces, and those that exist are nowhere to be found. yes, the neighbors also saw some guy at the apartment today, but they find it difficult to write, they say they are too inconspicuous. i see, andrey, this is a list of bone clients. yes , by the way, they sent it to the soap, i already printed everything out, now let’s start checking, georgivich’s list is huge, wow, well, divide it in half, it will be faster to divide it, when the video recording was made, a week ago, uh-huh, then here’s what else, check all over the city there are reports about robberies for the last week, we are doing, we are working, we are working, we are working, we are working, listen, and the hard-working man was this
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kostikov, listen, the sports one in chkalovsky is the one near the metro, yes, it seems there, there just one, well, you yourself said that you bought a barbell there and that you’ve already decided to return it? no, oleg georgievich, i found a sports fast in chkalovsky, the owner of lavrentsy ep, i was there when i bought a barbell, they wet it on me, so he said that the save was hidden in the store, almost 5 million were stolen when kostikov worked there, a week ago, when the video was shot, well, they got down to business right away, progress, well done. let me go, go, bunny, come on, this is where he got in, this is an additional door to the courtyard, the camera didn’t work at night, but it’s been there for a long time it was acting up, so i didn’t react right away, but the alarm, for some reason the alarm didn’t work either, i went to the entrance and ran into him, this bastard hit me with a shocker so hard, i almost
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threw my skates away, clearly, i came to my senses, i’ll call right away. our director, called the police, but of course it was already too late, they remembered his appearance, i didn’t have time to see him, comrade captain, it was dark there, that they worked in the authorities, yes, he resigned for health reasons, of course, we should talk to your superiors, well, in my office, that’s all, go and let’s not return to this issue again, i already told you, there is no money, you know very well, let’s close this issue for today, at least.
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and we believe this murder has something to do with your robbery. on tuesday, early in the morning , a security guard named kuprin calls me. i 'm coming. the safe is open, there is no money. and what ’s a shame is that the safe wasn’t even broken into. only i knew the cat. igor, apparently he installed a camera there.
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no longer in our department, in general, we need to interview your employees, do what you want, okay, dasha, i asked to move this simulator, well, alla valerievna, the movers are busy all the time, and that i need to do this now, good afternoon, good afternoon, a good simulator. yes, a popular model, are you interested? no, you know, i’m at work, the load is quite enough. please take a look, can you tell me something about this one? man, it’s okay, he worked for us, he ran the internet, he was sociable, everything’s good,
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allah, i’ll give you my business card, here’s senior lieutenant rydana, if you remember anything, call me right away, be sure, and you, in turn, please give me the number your phone just in case, okay. “just a big request, call on business, of course, thank you, i see you’re not wasting time here, yeah, allarokova, the administrator, and a very nice one, andryushenka, unfortunately, nothing will work out, not your type, just there’s no need to belittle my capabilities, but the fact is that i know such women, she will need a cultural program, yes, do you think i’m an uncultured person?” "well, what could you think? okay, let's worry about what? will you cover the clearing for the entire department? okay? so, so what we have? a search at the apartment of the murdered man's fiancée
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yielded nothing. yes, alebi confirmed that she knew nothing about the robbery. yes. but she says that kostikov recently made a new acquaintance, whom they met in the store where he worked. they went fishing together. so, we need to look for this fisherman from the store. yes. hello everyone, finally, what took so long? there's a lot of staff there, until you interview everyone, our dead man periodically went fishing with a new acquaintance, how much should labanych be strained, let him fish all the fishermen from your contacts, did you find at least something there, yes, of course, anechka, someone helped him there, you need to investigate and find information about the robbery, well, that’s reasonable, great, labanych, great! what are you doing there? yes , they brought firsovo’s computer, something is wrong with his cooler, and what did you come up with? i came to you on business, and you got through the contacts of kostikovo? of course he rang,
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here they are, there is one interesting subscriber among the calls, he often called him on the phone, a certain ershov, in the nineties he was imprisoned for theft, now he works in a sports store. thank you, well done, yes, i have one more request for you , so please try. this, this little man, yeah, find out what he likes, what preferences, where he goes, please, some very strange request, this is not a strange request, this is a request of a personal nature, dog, dog, your dog is with us, do you want him return, the dog urgently needs reinforcements, the legendary detective mukhtar is in a hurry to help, mukhtar, mukhtar, don’t miss the loudest return of the summer, the criminals already
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miss you, they’re worried that they won’t catch, mukhtar’s return from the very beginning, this is not just a dog, this is a weapon, today at 8:25, at 11:00 the dog is on ntv, 1982, the body of a young girl was found in moscow, maybe suicide and where are her shoes, who is in yaroslavl -he attacked her mother, in the evenings it’s quietly deserted, and there’s a popular tv show here, to get into the famous ostankino concert studio, to plunge into the atmosphere, to see famous artists live, incredible luck, why did the killer go on a river walk, the river tram, perhaps the most romantic... view public transport, the investigation was conducted with leonid konevsky on saturday at 17:15 on ntv.
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alla, once again, hello, hello, did you want to ask something else, but no, i was passing by completely by accident, and suddenly i saw you leaving the store, i stopped you. do you want me to take you home? well, i live far away, on tallinnsky. it's okay, i have a completely free evening. ask. ok then. hard day. and what do you think? lavrentyev takes it out on everyone? and it comes to me with it. earn more often than others, also these rumors, what kind of rumors, well, that someone helped us rob, but yes, there is such a version,
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is there really a suspect? not yet, we are working on it, if i were this criminal, i would take the money and go far, far away, but i have an alibi, every day after work i go to my mother, well, okay, where are you taking me, with in order to lift your spirits, i suggest visiting an exhibition of old photographs, on nevsky, by the way, today is the last day, strange, what’s strange? "the thing is, i've been wanting to visit it for a long time, ah, but only there was no time, here ’s a professional instinct, finally home, yes, good, for you, anechka, please tell me why you wrote about the smell of vanilla in the apartment of the murdered man, this is evidence, you can’t present the smell to the court, this means that this is not evidence, maybe he was thrown into the window, i checked
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the window. “citizen yarshov, good afternoon, hello, well, we had a good fishing trip, so-so, it could have been better, a little more careful, about the store, i already told you everything, but maybe not everything, why didn’t you say anything about your friend kostikov they said it was him robbed me, what a friend he is to me, he laid the cable, talked to me, word for word, it turned out he loves fishing, we went with him once, that’s all we got to know, really, we’re
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here..." we checked your phone calls, you told him , it turns out, they called before the robbery? yes, he called, he asked, if i get ready again, to invite him with me, and it’s more fun for me for the company, okay, okay, let’s say we believe, where were we on tuesday evening, fishing? i was on the lake, but what difference does it make that this evening is kostikovo ? killed, it wouldn’t hurt you alebi, ershov, outside the city, at the gai post, they stopped me, the couple didn’t work, so i’m not in business, let’s check, it’s better to look for someone who desperately needs money, who, for example, for example , kuprian, security guard, yes, but what problems does he have, find out for yourself, i ’m not going to do your job, well, thanks for that, goodbye, citizen ershov, kuprin, by the way, a suspicious person, kuprin, former cop , and this ex-criminal may be a personal nuisance, yes, so we need more check what kind of albie he has, yes storm,
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i understand you, thank you, what? lavrendiev’s car was spotted in the courtyard of the house near the swimming pool, there were traces of blood in the interior, let’s go, so what do you say, there are traces of blood in the interior? well, yes, traces of blood and fingerprints, in general, a complete set. yeah, that means what we’re getting is that the kostikovs were transported by car, so we have murder , robbery, and theft all rolled into one. igor, your assumption is not without meaning, well, i’m telling you. “olochka, my dear, no, no, today we are unlikely to be able to see each other, there’s a lot of work, is this a new passion, that’s not the right word, i’m seriously carried away, well, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, oops, listen, button, here you go, this is a valuable find, well, kiss you for now, andryukh , look, what’s there, finished the exchange
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of courtesy? finished, look, wow, uniform, well, it’s not for nothing that you and i sinned against kuprin, here you guys are, help yourself, because help yourself, i understand, real homemade cookies, oh, and the smell, by the way, was the same smell in kostikov’s apartment, the smell of vanilla, so that means we’re chasing them again, treat the authorities, okay, what’s wrong with kostikov, here? this is already interesting, help yourself, the car, according to eyewitnesses, appeared in the yard late on tuesday evening, that is, shortly after the murder, no one saw the driver, but about six people left their fingers inside the car, one of them is in our database , this is a certain yuri gusev, nicknamed a gnome, but he hardly has anything to do with the murder, why is a petty hooligan stealing cars and stealing them.
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he has diabetes, asked his partner to replace him, therefore, he could take the car, go to kostikov to kill him, and why didn’t he take the money from the apartment, or maybe something scared him, maybe
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it scared him, oleg georgievich, the robbed lavrentsev called, he found his money, the cleaning lady comes running, says that... these security guards have a bag of money , i naturally became interested and so, are you sure that this money is from your seich, so i packed it myself, you will, we are in the service, thank you, though 100,000 is not enough now, yes, well , let’s say, 100,000 is a debt to kostikov nikitin, plus a gift the bride who is on security duty today is like the prince of yesterday day, we urgently need to talk to him, so i want to say that... i would never have thought such a thing about him, a normal guy, he honestly worked in the same place, so this is material evidence, we are forced to take him away for a while, like this, i
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’ll look in the tray, come on, he’s not there, alla valerievna, tell me, what about you today? they saw your security guard, he asked for time off, said that he needed to go to the rvd for interrogation, i, of course, let him go, but what happened, then you’ll find out everything, you need to urgently call so that he can be detained, call, that’s it it’s good, what’s there, what’s not there, call the bunny, already, vitya, we have kuprin walking around the police department somewhere, we need to detain him urgently, i understand, come on, i’ll file a complaint against you. i'll give it to you, i 've been sitting here for 15 minutes and you haven't said anything, finally, traffic jams, citizen kuprin, why did you come to us today, see, write it down, yeah, i had a second interrogation,
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in connection with the accident, the lawyer insisted , yes, well , apparently, now you will need a lawyer in another case, kuprin, as we know, after the accident you needed money, you conspired with kostikov, and in order to get it off you... suspicion of complicity, he stunned you with a stun gun, then kostikov tried to deceive you, you killed him, took the money that we found at your workplace today , it’s not my money, why should i keep money at work, let’s assume, so that no one would have it there i didn’t find it, my mother-in-law and wife are at home, i didn’t rob or kill anyone, just a second, let’s go over the facts, we found your director’s car, there are traces of kostikov’s blood in the car interior, a button from your... uniform and your prints, how do you explain this? i don’t know about blood, lavrentef in tuesday, he got drunk as hell, in the evening i saw him getting behind the wheel, i started to pull him out, but he resisted, he tore off my button, and the prints remained in the car, i
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took her to the office and left, i felt unwell, i have diabetes, what time was it, at the beginning of eight, strange, kupri, the neighbors say that you didn’t come home at 8 o’clock, at 10, where were you? by the way, the next day you were seen near kostikov’s apartment, the neighbors identified you. photographs, but we were not accomplices and i did not kill kostikovo, i managed to do it at night i saw his face before he hit me with a shocker, came to my senses, began to think, i’m now in debt, lavrente forward, he’s not giving me my salary, well, i thought, let kostikov share with me, and i’ll keep quiet, i called him, we agreed to meet at about nine in ligovsky, i waited until 100, he didn’t answer calls, the next day i went to see him, no one opened the door, and then i found out that he was killed, and i was at kostya’s apartment. the apartment was open, someone in it had already turned everything over, but guys, if only i had such bonuses, i’ll give it to the dacha i sold it to pay off my debts, i won’t sign anything for you, okay, we’ll figure it out, kuprin, guard, take me away, vitya, don’t forget
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to hand over the money, just carefully, a large amount, let’s get up, okay. well, did you confess? yes, but only in an attempt to blackmail. there is not enough evidence, and without his confession the case will fall apart. and he knows this, so he lies. and why does labanych have his phone number? i didn’t figure out the calls right away, well, that’s probably because it’s the left hand, but it seems to me that something is wrong here, if he took the money from kostikov, why was it necessary? keep an eye on his fiancee, i don’t know, maybe he wanted to remove the last witness, in general , you need to track prien’s minibus on the last evening, look for witnesses, cameras, surveillance, well, someone should have seen him at all, well, just one witness we have, in this fever we forgot about someone, that’s right, we have the prints of this troll, gnome, yeah, especially since he’s something.
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raspberry, oops, disgusting costume, he even gets angry somehow awkwardly, against azamat musagaliev, i know how to beat them, i ’ll just take it when the jury announces points, i won’t announce them all, in order to defeat this azamat, you need to think like an azamat, earn like an azamat, stars on saturday at 22:10 on ntv. and i thought scammers had already outlived their usefulness, what are you saying,
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great inventions live forever, the time has come to deal with a serious enemy, the head of the murderous awl, people from the css are interested in you again, not again, as they say, again, now i’ll amuse them, there will be no shilov , there will be no problems, immediately grab, stab, you know what i’m doing to you now, you have become uncontrollable, guys, now we are again will be announced in the criminal capital. you will answer for this, the poor guy threatens me, cop wars, roman georgievich, with what fate, they shot, today at 16:45 on ntv. well, fili, well, he lives with his aunt, his parents are in saratov, he came here to study, something i see is not what he learned here. andryukh, well, well, well, in general, he’s a gnome, he’s handing out advertisements near the metro, he’ll be back now, but by chance his aunt can’t warn him, take him away. to hell with him, let him never come back, so fedya, show me
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the photo again, look, the guy is smart, no miss it, we won’t miss it, so on mochilino, you go to the side, don’t show off your uniform here, what do you think, igor, it’s not in vain that we ’re wasting time here, well, now we’ll see, look, he looks like, look, he’s really a gnome, yeah, little bastard. stand, where are you weighing, here's a smart one, igor, i'm in front, come on, like that!
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on a murder case, okay? i hope you don’t suspect me, why not you, you ’re an adult with us, you suit us quite well, so captain, the case needs to be closed, the statistics, so to speak, leveled out, so okay, let's go, i'll tell you everything now, we're listening to you, yeah, on tuesday i was at my friend's, he lives nearby, he brought the wheels, left him at about ten o'clock, well , this land rover was standing there in your yard, he saw the driver, no, the yard was empty, i wanted to go for another ride, the ignition key was still there, but...
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the connection, so, anechka, your evidence is starting to work, but for now it’s useless to us, kuprin doesn’t smell like vanilla, it’s okay, maybe it will, so, tomorrow we’ll start developing kuprin’s route, yeah, maybe someone will see him. so let's work it out my damn piece of evidence, but it’s time for me, georgivich, tell me, i’m working with a witness, okay, okay, but forgive me, please, well, i got nervous, but there was so much, and as it’s waiting, let’s go to me, let’s go, and you
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know, guests , let's rest. then yes tomorrow, and tomorrow is my day off, hello, hello, please get in the car, well, let's go, let's go, why does it smell like gasoline? oh, allochka, i’m sorry, something happened to my fuel pump, i’ll fix it tomorrow.
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the meeting with the witness went well, well, depending on how you look at it, georgievich, lay it out, lyosh, well, the prints from andrei’s car match the prints in kostikov’s apartment and in lavrentiev’s car, yeah, well, who are we talking about, allasu morokova, just like that, smart, kind, beautiful, about the car, i think she’ll find what can i say, about the apartment it’s a completely different matter, you’ll go yourself, well... why not, but take savina just in case, it’s good that it’s with him, yes, good, definitely, unfulfilled love,
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and you’re alone you can handle it, i can handle it, anyuta, stay here. alochka will come over now, she went to the store, it’s not far from here, oh, she’s so smart, she does everything around the house, she’s beautiful, talented, kind, and so you’re looking for who robbed them? yes, tell me, do you know this person? yes, this is lyosha, alochka recently met him. oh, we have photographs in the room, i’ll bring them now, okay,
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let’s go for a drive. andrey, what are you doing here? i'm after you. we met when lyosha was working for us, then one evening we ran into each other, got to talking, in general, he began to court me, i didn’t have much luck with men, but his
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look was so sincere, honest, i fell in love when he suggested robbing the lavri? you immediately agreed to him, not right away, but then i thought why not, i didn’t want to break out at the expense of your boss, yes, we met him a year ago, and then i found out that he was on vacation with some student at the same time, i wanted to quit i even thought later why, the place is good, and what kostikov suggested, it was you, i had to tell you when there was a large sum in the safe and from... and what happened next? last tuesday lyosha called me at work and said that kuprin was blackmailing him. i asked him not to do stupid things. i said that i would hand over the money myself, he seemed to agree, and then i heard kuprin negotiating with someone on the phone, i immediately realized that lyosha
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wanted to do everything his own way, he did not answer my calls, lavrenti was drunk , and i took his car. hello, hello, what are you doing here? i just want to understand what you are up to and where is the money? we seem to have agreed. what's the difference? he wants half, you know, two lemons. who guarantees that he will stop there? and i will be the one on his hook. he doesn't know anything about you yet. what is it? where did you get that? what's the difference? we have no other choice. and you were going to kill him? yes, he’s probably insured that they’ll find you, tomorrow i
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won’t be here anymore, and so are you going to leave me, leave me, when you wanted to tell me about it, it’ll be safer, safer, i ’ll give you your share, just don’t interfere now, you know what, you’re not going anywhere, i ’ll meet him myself. and i’ll give you the money, give me the gun, calm down, give it here, lyosha, it was an accident, lyosha was unconscious, i took him to the hospital, on the way, he died, he didn’t care, and i didn’t want to go to jail, so i left him there in the park, i just didn’t think it would end like that, and what happened next, i left the car in some yard, took a taxi, and i threw the gun somewhere, i don’t remember. one question remains: why did you throw
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money at the kuprian so that he would answer for everything, it was all his fault, i wanted to start a new life, leave the past behind, you know? do you know that kostikov had a fiancee, that the bride, and her name was victoria, the bride, well that explains a lot, god, what a fool i am. it’s a worthless life, but unfortunately, you
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chose it for yourself, where are you dragging it, boris mikhailovich, you won’t help, but i can’t lift heavy things, right here, put it, come on, put it, come on, come on, now i’m a car i’ll adjust it, but you’d better kill yourself. and we bought him a membership to the fitness club, and andrey will check that he goes every day and doesn’t bark, they wouldn’t say, i would also like to have my letta in...


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