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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 8, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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mission, for what purpose did the hungarian prime minister go to beijing after his visit to moscow? left victory, what was the result of the political forces in the parliamentary elections in france and what did they get? hello, fsb officers stopped an attempt to hijack a tu-22 m3 strategic bomber to ukraine. according to venomstvo, kiev intelligence tried to recruit a russian military pilot, promised him 3 million dollars and...
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a carrier of nuclear weapons, it is reported that special services were involved in the preparation of this action nato countries, the fsb noted that during the operational game, russian counterintelligence officers received information that helped our military strike the ukrainian ozernoye airfield. russia highly appreciates viktor orban’s efforts to resolve the conflict in ukraine and considers it important that he takes into account the positions of both sides. dmitry peskov announced this today. the prime minister of hungary himself is now on...
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and tonight on his social network a post appeared on his social network: “peace mission 3:00 beijing”, published from the airport, and this is beijing itself, and the military plane that delivered to china has a whole delegation headed by viktor orban. in the chinese capital, the hungarian prime minister was received by the country's top leaders, the main meeting with chairman xidingping at his residence, diayu tai, in the same place where the chinese leader received vladimir putin. neither the chinese nor the hungarian side have yet reported any details of this meeting, but judging by the fact that orban himself... called the trip
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a 3:0 peace mission. it is obvious that ways of ukrainian settlement are being discussed. 1:0 - it was kiev, where the hungarian prime minister visited last tuesday, and 2:0 - this is moscow on friday. in both cases, orban offered his capabilities as a mediator in a settlement. and now the chinese press is reporting the prime minister’s statement from beijing that hungary highly values ​​china’s peace initiative in ukraine. this is the same plan that beijing formulated last year. he, unlike the kiev western ones.
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ready to abandon the idea of ​​waging war to a victorious end. russia stands for a complete and final end to the conflict. we are talking about the complete withdrawal of all ukrainian troops from donetsk, lugansk people's republics, from zaporozhye and kherson regions. orban flew to beijing as if he was carrying out a secret special operation, just a secret one. preparations for the visit to moscow took place literally under a veil of secrecy. no conversations on the phone, everyone knows that everything is bugged even at the very top of europe. and the task.
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today , prime minister of india nadi will arrive on an official state visit, and the head of the government of the republic will be received by vladimir putin. this is the first trip of the head of the indian government to our country in five years and modi's first foreign visit since his recent reassignment. it is reported that the plane with the prime minister has already taken off for moscow. before this , modi said that he was looking forward to discussing the countries’ bilateral relations, and also called the russian president his friend, the prime minister’s words were quoted by the ministry of foreign affairs. in moscow, leaders will take part in the twenty-second annual event. noted that the west is closely monitoring mode's visit and attaches great importance to it.
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parisians celebrated the end with protests and riots second round outside the regular parliamentary elections in france. a week ago, the first round was triumphantly won by the right-wing national association at its head. the left came in first place, the current authorities came in second, and the former triumphers rounded out the top three. following the election results, the current prime minister gabriel ottal said that he was ready to resign, but would serve as head of government for as long as necessary. the winners will have to name their candidate for prime minister within a week. however, whether it can be approved is still a question. what's next?
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hospital, there were attempts at bribery and cunning withdrawal in order to weaken the right, in a word, these were elections that were held with heat and battle, strong emotions only confused and complicated the political situation in france. the president must bow his head and accept this defeat without trying to overturn it in any way. the prime minister must go. in fact , the prime minister never received the support of the national assembly. france split into... three parts, each of them a front, with the help of which macron wanted to hate the other two: the left, the new people , break off the ratings of the right, and ultimately break off the ratings of macron himself. it does not follow from the speech of the leftist milanchon that he is eager to enter into a coalition with macron. but the left did not
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gain the majority necessary to appoint its prime minister, and the current prime minister, gabriel otal, begins monday morning with his resignation and his speech at a distance. victory suddenly slides into third place together with his new face, which has behaved so confidently in recent days as if it had already taken the post of prime minister, and now all that remains is to remember that fleeting glory. the alliance , the shame of the dangerous electoral agreements
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concluded by emmanuel macron and gabriel athal with far-left groups, deprives the french people of the course for the restoration of the country, with which we were in the lead in the european elections in the parliamentary elections in the first round. she lost to macron twice in the presidential elections and is ready to get up and dust herself off again. move on to a new one goals, presidential elections of the twenty-seventh year. the fact that president macron’s bloc is together, ahead of le pen’s right, is not a compliment to the leader. the approval rating of the president of the rich, as he is called, has dropped to 20% due to migration and economic problems, as well as pension reform. but many of those who now voted for macron’s bloc voted both against the right, fearing nationalism, and against the left, fearing. nationalization, but not for macron as such. after the angel department departed in germany in the twenty-first year
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merkel, macron wanted to become the most influential politician in the european union. and then the role of the main fighter against russia arrived, which, however, was claimed by the leaders of countries of less significance, but noisier. so, having been carried away by flirting with brussels, macron missed the moment when he was no longer loved at home. macron’s centrist bloc together had 245 seats just a month ago. more than other parties in the national assembly, although less than half. just a day ago, macron had his own man among the prime ministers. french the president wanted to strengthen his political power and miscalculated. this instructive story can be described by the russian proverb: one does not seek good from good, or by the fairy tale of the gun on the fisherman and the fish, where macron played the role of a restless old woman who wanted to improve her situation. the company
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made a deal with the us authorities and admitted its guilt in the case of two plane crashes in which their 737 max planes crashed. the manufacturer admitted that it deliberately misled the regulator about the problems of the airliners. now the corporation will pay a fine of $244 million, and will also spend another $455 million to improve the flight safety program. boeing management will have to meet with relatives. victims of disasters, in recent months the company has been unable to get out of endless reputational scandals. news about technical problems at boeing comes almost every week. the most striking example was the incident on board the alaska airlines airliner. during the flight, the door of the boeing 737 max was torn off. later it became known about the mysterious deaths of former engineers corporations that cooperated with us authorities. john barnett's body was found in a parking lot just before he was set to give his final testimony against his ex. employer, the man allegedly shot himself, the second, joshua, died after some
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unexpected, rapidly developing infection. and the latest in a series of boeing failures was the unsuccessful flight of the starliner spacecraft. his launch was delayed five times, he was barely able to deliver two astronauts to the iss, but he can no longer return to earth. representative for nasa and booing topics time claims that the crew is not stuck at the station, but just a quote: in no hurry to return home. sheremitiev airport has transferred one of its terminals to the russian baggage sorting system, then on the air business news, with us denis talolaev, dnis, as i understand it, the reason is obvious that foreign manufacturers of these systems have left russia, yes ilya, this reason, and soon the airport will no longer be able to use foreign software at all , now in terminal d of moscow sheremetyevo airport luggage passengers will be processed. systems today the newspaper writes about the statement of equipment for sorting luggage from
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the dutch company vanderlande, but it left russia in march of twenty-two, and as sheremetyev’s deputy general director for information technology kirill alifanov told the newspaper, since the equipment manufacturer left, it is effective to support modernization system is impossible, the airport had to replace foreign software with russian one, has the same import substitution occurred in other... exists. last august , it was reported that domodedovo airport had switched to russian baggage sorting software. by
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presidential decree, from january 1 next year the use of foreign software at the airport will be prohibited. in june, russians took out mortgages for the maximum amount since the beginning of the year. the analytical company frenkar rg calculated that last month russian banks issued mortgage loans worth 777 billion 200 million rubles. and this is 44% more than in may, but this is not the absolute maximum, it was more, for example, reminds rbc in september last year, when russians rushed to get preferential mortgages, seeing that the conditions for them were becoming tougher and the rates on market mortgages were rising. the results of june this year are obviously explained by the fact that citizens decided to urgently take out a preferential mortgage before its scale was sharply reduced. since july 1, the most widespread preferential mortgage on a new building at 8% has stopped working in russia, along with it the family mortgage has also closed, which the authorities seem to be planning
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to renew, but on new terms, they have not yet announced. and also in the company of frank. calculated that the average size of a mortgage loan reached 4.4 million rubles. and this is the maximum in the entire history of such statistics, that is, since the fourteenth year. frank rg analysts explain this by rising housing prices in russia. earlier, both the chairman of the central bank, elvira nabeulina, and the head of sberbank, german gref , and deputy minister of finance, ivan chebeskov, pointed out that preferential mortgage programs have worked for too long, and because of this , the affordability of housing in russia has decreased. european stock exchanges started today at negative, but then moved on to growth, the fact that in the second round of parliamentary elections in france the extreme right, led by marine lepin, took only third place and they will not have any majority in parliament, this is a positive signal for investors, but on the other hand , in the new parliament not a single coalition will have a majority, and political uncertainty is also never
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good for the stock exchange. the russian stock market starts the week with a fall, looking at the cheapest oil on the global euro currency market. is now a little cheaper against the dollar, just at french news, on the russian over-the-counter market, the ruble is now getting cheaper compared to the american, it costs 88.53 to the european, its exchange rate is 95.97. in russia, the need for managers will decrease, in 5 years there will be 500,000 fewer managers than now, such calculations of the ministry of labor until 2029 were revealed in the national personnel project, rbc writes about this, the head of the career and service skills xx-ru marina dorokhova explains the competencies of employees are developing so much that there is no longer a need for so many managers. at the same time, in the ministry of labor was told who, on the contrary, will be in demand in 5 years. thus, the director of the department of employment and labor migration, mikhail kirsanov, told the tas agency that in addition to doctors and teachers
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, turners, milling operators, mechanics, and welders will be needed. and also, given the competition in the restaurant business, chefs. previously, market participants have already announced a personnel vacuum in the moscow public catering industry. ilya is all about economics. thank you, denis talalaev. with an economic review. the baikal-amur mainline helped open a transport route for all of eurasia. vladimir putin stated this in a congratulatory telegram in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the start of construction of the bam. according to the president, the legendary construction united hundreds of thousands of people, thanks to the enthusiasm of... road workers , kilometers of roads, tunnels and bridges were built, and life has proven the demand for this strategic highway, so modernization of bam and transib, updating infrastructure and increasing capacity are on the agenda . meanwhile in tynda, which is called the capital of the baikalomur mainline, is now in the midst of a three-day celebration, bam veterans and railway workers have gathered there from different parts of the country
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. in honor of the holiday , a monument to the builders was unveiled on the main square of the city. now the word from my colleague, valery gavrilovsky, host of the emergency program. lera, what will be on the air today? ilya, today there is a family story with a criminal nature that took place in kursk, a father with many children was detained there for setting fire own son. initially, what happened was described as punishment for disobedience. the child conducted dangerous experiments with fire at home and burned his little sister. dad decided to teach him a radical lesson, causing the same pain to his son. the investigators immediately began to have doubts about whether this was the first time something like this had happened in a family and whether they were dealing with a tyrant, although during interrogation the detainee stated that he had nothing to do with it and that the children ended up in the hospital solely through the fault of the mother, a very complicated story, in which we tried to figure out, what we managed to find out, see the issue ilya, daler, thank you, this is not only in the
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emergency program after a short pause, that’s all for now, come on in. ru, see you, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, you’re a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs, open free account. at alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. the first heart problems are not important run. in order for the heart to work like a motor, there is cardiomagnyl, it affects the patency of blood vessels and reduces the risk of thrombosis and heart attack. cardiomagnine with care for the heart.
1:21 pm
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purchases in installments, holva - simple installment plans, symptoms of hemorrhoids can be pain , itching, burning, proctoglivinol can help relieve pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone, proctoglivinol is your assistant in the fight against hemorrhoids. on ntv there is a program about an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live. hello. and we begin the issue with the events that happened in one family in kursk and caused a wave of heated discussions. some are extremely outraged by the methods of raising a father with many children, who set his son on fire because of disobedience. others wonder where? there was a mother why she left the children with such a parent. investigators are also finding out who the real evil is in this story, because the detained man assures that it was not he who punished the child, but his wife. everything that is known
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about what happened and the characteristics of all the characters in stanislav’s material kostikova. by sorting out burnt scraps of fabric and paper, investigators are bit by bit establishing the circumstances of the monstrous incident that occurred in this apartment in the north of the city. according to investigators, a father with many children set fire to his child in the children's room... together with his wife anna, he raised five children. investigators believe that, being drunk, the head of the family learned that his son had inadvertently burned his little sister when he was playing with a candle to teach the boy a lesson; the enraged father doused the student with alcohol and brought him a lighter. accused, while in an apartment on anatoly delglazov avenue, kursk, he committed attempted murder.


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