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tv   Opekun  NTV  July 9, 2024 12:00am-12:51am MSK

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how long will it take to dig? lev markich, the third pit already. dig, dig, you will have to dig up a fourth one. what exactly are we looking for? we look for what we need. hurry up and dig better before it gets dark. hurry, hurry. wow, there is
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something here, some kind of board, fir-trees, and this is a coffin, so we think, georgy ivanovich, that it is. excuse me, be late, olga olegovna. sorry, georgy ivanovich. come in, have a seat. continue. comrade colonel, is this a hanger? this is the case of the robbery of the heraldry museum. it's been under investigation for a year now. first local, then they passed it on to us. by reopened. reopened? interesting. signature.
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okay, that's enough for today, get out, i wouldn't exclude shrelmik from the list of suspects, he consulted the museum of heraldry, knew perfectly well the location of the stolen exhibits, their value, olga olegovna, we, georgy ivanovich, i beg you, but allow me to do search in his house meshcheryakov. here you go,
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expert opinion, the amount of stolen exhibits is 1.5 million dollars, wow, so what, this is not an argument, shelmakh is a doctor of historical sciences, you know, historical, this is a sleigh argument, it reminds me of something today, you want to live, but of course, lev markovich, we are always like our own, lev marke! why are you so crazy, uh, you,
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where are you going! yes, if you had suggested to him which of the robbers these same princes were, i think he would have come running to us right away, the bullets were brought on the same day, excuse me, rashidtsatsky for one and a half million, and what am i talking about, comrade colonel, he already knows for certain both historical and material values ​​of these priorities, that’s the material, what do you mean by this, i i want to say. that every person dreams of a quiet, calm, prosperous old age, even a doctor of sciences. nikolaeva, who keeps calling you, turn off the phone in the end, i can’t, my mother is calling me, and her heart is sick, she later, then answer,
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yes, mom, what, well, i can’t talk now, i’m on meeting, i’ll come in the evening as i said, that’s all. listen, this shelmak, he couldn’t have robbed the vault himself, how old is this
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doctor of science of yours? 67, such a quite pleasant old man, well, this is definitely not arguments. yes, mom, but i’m on my way, i’ll be there in 15 minutes, dad,
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dad, dad! dad, dad, hello, where are you, ba, i didn’t understand something, and why are you quiet, not answering, you can do without your jargon, oh well, what are you, it’s you there, in short, the workers asked, asked to come over . tell them i'll be right there.
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mom, i'm actually on business. in general , you won’t be here for long, sit, you’re always here for a while, you’ve stopped by for a while, well, you look tired, you’re in some kind of trouble, but why i immediately look tired, i don’t understand, you know perfectly well that i work hard for you clearly, it is necessary. you have more often, i know, i understand, what? i, olya, will probably never get grandchildren from you, this is your endless work, work, work, mom, i ask you, just don’t
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start, please, i told you from the very beginning, this is not a woman’s business, women’s concerns - this is home, family, children, husband, how old are you, and are you still alone? actually, i was already married, do you remember this, no, and it doesn’t mean anything, but the man turned out to be a scoundrel, so why be alone all the time now, but this is stupid, mom, well, i’m asking you, no interrupt, you can’t... no one will tell you, and i’m not eternal, i offered you to live with me, let’s move in, we’ll live together, that ’s out of the question, my home is here, here i ’ve lived my whole life with your father, tonight dad came to me again, lord, my god, mom, i ask you, don’t scare me. don’t want to, don’t believe it, but it’s true, for some reason he
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never came to me, maybe you’re already starting to forget him, but he died saving you, and you’ll remind me of this all my life, i already do this i remember. yes, mom, olya, i asked you, how many times?
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i have everything, i give private english lessons, i have enough for everything, mom, mom, let it be, but it will be calmer for me, what a freak, and olya, hello, you have everything. fine.
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what a fool you are, it can be worse, i have height in the car, maybe some truck will pull me out, don’t worry, now, i ’ll pull your car out myself. quiet, a place, a place
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i chose, what else, there’s a good hospital not far from here, i took you there, they’ll examine you there, of course, oh-oh, i have to go, something ’s wrong with my head, my eyes are closing straight, i ’m telling you, with you can't joke about this, be quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, we need to be careful, oh, we have been waiting for this for 3 years, a great football event, who will ascend to the iron throne and become the champion of the entire continent, the game is close. who will you bet, register in the betting league application, get a free bet company
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rise, strange day today, third murder, we have a maniac, cool, what are we going to do, what a wild person you are, we’ll come, we’ll run you over, we’ll punch you in the face, then kharia, then rylo, then bupin we’ll tie everyone up, rom, they started. everything that happens next has nothing to do with our work, that’s why i’m no longer your commander and i can’t give you orders. otherwise we hold on.
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product authenticity. the sber thank you loyalty program has been updated. pay with any sber card. and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others. and even a category for everything. transfer money to sber for free from other banks and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners. more profitable with a sber prime subscription. cop wars. tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. contractor, you must know this. when you enroll in military service, you receive a number of benefits and guarantees. but there is also something that has no price. to be shoulder to shoulder with comrades, to defend your family and homeland,
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to fight for a just cause, to gain new knowledge and skills, to become stronger. join us. yours, serve under a contract, what’s your name? ivan, do you live nearby? yes, nearby, and me. it’s very nice, thank you, ivan, but you’re welcome, people should help each other, today i helped you. tomorrow, perhaps, you will come to me, that’s for sure, i’m very lucky that you ended up here by chance, it’s no coincidence that i’m on duty on this section
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of the highway, you mean, i mean, they’re starting to drive carelessly, they’re buying licenses, they’re driving drunk, accident after accident, and i’m always here, like a pikun or something, well... probably , is the right word, and what is your profession, what do you do, if it’s not a secret? investigator. clear, oh, bad, something has rolled on, hold on,
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there’s not much left. “that’s good, good evening, how are we feeling, where am i, where you should be, in a hospital bed, i’m dying, but definitely not, everything is wonderful with you, easy concussion, slight shock, two ribs were bruised, again slightly, so..." beauty, you injected me, something, i haven’t slept so soundly for a long time, and we’ll inject more so that the night,
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so to speak, flies by instantly, if you want, write to me for tea, uh, tea, please bring me the phone, i have it in my bag, i want to call quietly, quietly, i forgot it in the car, uh, it wasn’t in the car, it’s just my bag, i looked around the interior myself. , well, it’s okay, it happens, just don’t worry, you shouldn’t, but this guy who brought me, he’s been around for a long time left, which guy, ours? everything is in place, ivan, why are you looking at me like that, you puzzle me, the fact is that you came
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on your own. we just drove in and immediately stalled, right at the gate, we came out as orderlies, you were unconscious, we brought you here, and drove the car to the side, how was i driving, this happens, in a state of shock, the brain gives... orders, but the body performs them, but i didn’t know that there was a functioning hospital somewhere nearby, maybe someone could tell you who it is? well, the one you met on the road, so
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i met ivan, let’s not wait, you need to rest, get some sleep, and then you will remember everything yourself, well, believe me, lie down, the nurse will bring you tea and give you an injection, can i stand, i’ll wait, well then you better sit down , please sit down. hello, olga olegovna, hello, katya, you have a minute, you have a minute, what about you?
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you know english well, please translate, what’s on the other side, your fucking bud, i’ll pick it in the dark, and what kind of nonsense is this, why is it harmful, by the way? englishman, he's uh-huh, i think he's messing with your brains, yes, he's from london, he has such a cute accent, there are seven mistakes in five words, a bolshevik suit? olga olegovna, what should i do now? you know, bud, if you study english at the academy, you’ll stop being a secretary, wow, we’re working, yeah, good afternoon, good. what do you have?
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ever heard of bandit bullets? what? well, okay, what's new? and i found a lot of information about shelmak on the internet. so, professor, lectures, philanthropist, wants to restore, by the way, for his own money, the estate, the family nest of the cavalry general, count mishcherikov. uh-huh, that's all, well, essentially, yes, san, maybe you really chose the wrong profession, maybe you should become a lawyer, but you understand that this shelk signed a conclusion according to which they tried to smuggle historical rarities abroad, so, yes ? when
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two corpses were discovered near the village of mishcheryakova, a strange coincidence, yeah, let's go, here 's my dear, 5,000, this is lep markovich, well , we agreed on 15, yes, we agreed, and you look properly, why are you here for me? arranged, before you there were crooked eyes and crooked hands. worked and you didn’t do any better, no, that won’t do, but it’s healthy, hello, bastards, what are you doing here, and you don’t have enough money, and then ask for kilos of milk, otherwise now i’ll take it for you, give me roofs from the yard, get out , get out of here, do what you need to do with them, and you ’re standing there, blowing your nose, why are you sighing, by the way, i saved you money, olga olegovna, and are you sure that
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your phone is right here. yes, i'm not sure of anything. can you imagine how many contacts i have and how i will restore them. oh, something's wrong so? there’s something wrong with my head, okay, let’s go , i guess i really didn’t lose it here, do you want to participate in cool tournaments yourself, betting league app, compete with other players, complete daily tasks , get prizes, go to green, get frib 2222
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thinking about the perfect home? it's time to go to domclick to find housing for any purpose. the most daring taste with a mortgage to build a house, new building or secondary, choose what everyone will like. at domklik everyone will find housing for themselves. flucostat or flucovac? flucostat are capsules, and flucovac are vaginal suppositories. both drugs are able to influence the cause of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after a single use. flucostat or flucovac. everyone has their own way of getting rid of thrush. slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, just a moment, the scammers would have had access to the money, a suspicious transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna included intelligence officer, the bill was running for seconds, urgently
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dictate your card number so that the money can be transferred to a secure account, i’ll call the bank, i hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get money out of you, hang up without talking, hello everyone! i wish you good health, district police officer viktor nikolaevich. who discovered them? and the locals came across it. clear. sergey vasilyevich, how long have they been here? day, olga olegovna. and the cause of death? ah, it's unclear yet. look, it will show that poisoning is possible. how as soon as there are specifics, i will inform you immediately. annavan, yes. what about you? it's okay, bones. here someone did a thorough digging, but it must have been, well, yes, this is an old burial, the remains of a uniform indicate that this is the 19th century, about 10 days ago i saw these peasants in mishcheryakov in shelmak’s house, they
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helped there about the housework, well, san, now you have a reason to talk with lev markovich shelmak, doctor of historical sciences, so what were they looking for input here? yes, there is a legend that the former owner of the estate, count mishcheryakov, bequeathed to his orderly to bury him in a secret place in the forest, well, he buried him, and at the same time put everything, almost all of the general’s valuables in the grave with him, so... since then they have been looking for them, as long as i can remember, there is no peace from these diggers, both from ours and from foreign ones, even so, yeah, and a year ago one englishwoman got lost, mm, what is her name, god bless her memory, in my opinion, helen, yes, helen brown, here, well, wanted to see the family nest, come to her native land, and of the ten days allotted to her by the visa, 7 she spent days in meshcheryakov, and this can be said to be a patriarchal place, the main estate of the general. he grew up here, yes, i saw
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this birthday girl, nothing so-so, the building is absolutely true, but only this englishwoman was of little interest in the remains of the family nest, she kept wandering through the surrounding forests, olga olegovna, well, let's go, uh-huh, let's go, uh-huh , that's all, that means i'm going to the authorities now, the legends are for... and shelmakh? shelmak? i'll go myself tomorrow morning. well, how do you think i got there on my own? how did you get there? how? i didn't know where this one was hospital. can someone tell you who? ivan told me, the doctor tells me that i am on my own. you have to trust doctors, you
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understand that i saw him, just like you are now, i talked to him, then i saw him again, and again i saw him, probably, probably, that’s exactly what you’re probably running around around the city with a concussion, and then you wonder why you’re all fantasizing about this, you found your phone, bought a new one, don’t tell me if i’m crazy or not? how do i know you should have gone straight to my genki, do you know what the prices are for your husband in the clinic, you will be left without pants, whether you say i ’m crazy or not, you are definitely crazy, yes my genka is for you, you are an honorary patient for life for him, he will simply always help you and serve you first class , promise me that you will go to him, i promise, i promise. yes, yes, mom, my flight was fine,
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and i'll come home directly after i get things done, okay? no, don't worry. okay, i'll see you soon. you know?
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well, faster, faster now, now, don't press down quickly to the hospital, the road, every minute, you hear, why are you looking at me, why am i, the road is empty, i turn around, this one flew out like crazy, what could i do, and what if i make myself guilty, olya, what do i hear? i'm going.
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commander, i couldn’t do anything, he flew 140 kilometers, then hit the brakes, and he threw him at me, well, you see for yourself, look at the hospital, how they got there, it’s normal, she’s already being operated on, and where is ivan, such ivan, the guy who helped you load it into my car, i don’t understand you at all, there was no one, it was just the two of us, you helped me, what are you doing? commander, look at the brake test for yourself, i’m sober, i’ve been stitched up for a month, what are you doing,
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hello, hello, olev markovich, home, yes, come in. grandfather is already waiting for you, go right. come in, please, please, please, please, lev markovich, good afternoon, good to see you, alina, baby, thank you very much, go to your place, your granddaughter has come to stay, a beautiful
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girl. our breed, please sit down, are you hungry, do you want a snack, no, thank you, in that case i recommend fruit juice homemade, perfectly quenches thirst, i won’t refuse, that’s good. by the way, this is our traditional family drink, i myself enjoy preparing it, i ask you to answer, yes, mom, olya, we
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parted with you somehow on your last visit, i would like to ask you. mom, i can’t talk now, i ’ll call you back later, myself, that’s it, bye. delicious. okay, let's assume that we have played the overtures. did you bring money? alina, what? what are you doing? i met you, saw you off, that’s it, thank you, there’s no point in hanging out in the house, let’s go go for a walk, come on, come on, well, sairan shouldn’t find out about this from someone else, she’ll have
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