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tv   Mentovskie voini-7  NTV  July 9, 2024 8:00pm-11:34pm MSK

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random people, the killer acted according to a plan. roman georgievich, have you established that all the victims are connected? comrade general, what is the css doing here? the weapon used in the shooting belongs to the local police officer, another police officer was killed at night, is that enough? shillov, we are doing one thing. i hope i answer the question posed. i don't know how the victims are connected, but there is reason to believe that they have something in common. in addition, one cannot overlook the fact that zharnov was killed 2 years ago. pokrovsky from one garden bed, working, slowly work, speed up, everyone is free, well, if anything happens, you are welcome, it’s better if you come to us, we lost, and what, we will never forget, great, hello, great, but life is not recognized, my daughter.
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girl, tell me, what time does doctor urazova see you until today? and here is the schedule, here she is until two today, she has a short day, thank you.
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i heard that the aidar salon runs it, well , that’s fine, so it will be easier to register the car. hello, great, will you be selling cars? no, i'm a security guard, call the manager, okay, come in, tea and coffee, they'll come up to you now, hello, girl, hello, we sell cars, tell the boss, we have problem clients, yes, you know, we have ranks, we have espresso, let's have the last ones, pay or not? how many horses are there
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? where do you think you are, another passport made you into a mug, no one will recognize you, you were a forty, you will die like a groundhog, in a cell for life, what are you talking about, garbage, you’re one of the exes, and you’ve also come up with a new name for yourself, stop raising dust, he ’ll scare away all my clients, or maybe it’s better to fire him, tie them up, these two have been on my wanted list since i was six years old. they put people in a whole
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cemetery, that’s enough, i won’t find anyone better than him, the iron woodcutter, well, now i understand, count it again, zhika, take sorokina and go to the widow of the district police officer. where is ninka? hasn't it been released yet? ninka is already at home, she was released yesterday, then if i were you i would have stayed longer. sanya, give me a lighter, redhead, i i don’t understand something, i thought we could be imprisoned for 10 years for this cop slut, their boss shilov said that he agreed with them not to write about us, cool, let’s go guys, fuck
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it, i don’t mind, it’s just, just what am i going to do with them? okay, okay, yes, i’m waiting, i understand, come on, are they giving us people to help? yes, they give, as many as five people, but why now send them in search of this artyom potapenko, the drug addict whom red tried to knock on us. well, why him? look for it, i found it, and, well, what does it matter, he’s crazy, he has he went completely crazy from the drugs, they took him with a robbery, but they didn’t try him, they declared him completely crazy, now he’s being treated, he’s mowing, i don’t know, i’ll go to the hospital and check, and he’s been
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there for a long time, six months, so if the first murder is on him, then the rest are definitely on someone else, yes... roman georgievich, i read on the internet that the security forces caught the terrorists. light, why is this nonsense? it's about ryzhov. according to their version, a terrorist group was preparing to blow up the kirov plant, and the senior in this group was ivan ryzhov. well done, oksyonova. what? yes, her father ordered the arrest of the fsb officers, they quickly cooked up a deal. well, why are you sitting? you should have been in a mental hospital a long time ago. somehow you express yourself strangely. boss, although if you listen, we’re all already there, let’s go, hello, hi, listen, you have five minutes, yeah, i’ll come in now.
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olya, i’m here, hi, hi, hi, how’s it going, nothing, what’s wrong? listen, it seemed like there was some guy there, didn’t you see it? no, i didn’t see it, it’s strange, okay, never mind that i ’m at work, tired, or something today. the main thing is not get infected, but he is generally adequate, i would n’t talk about adequacy at all, he
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just doesn’t perceive reality, hmm, i never knew that you could recover from drug addiction this way, believe me, it’s possible, one disease has simply supplanted another, y.. he just doesn’t remember that he was a drug addict, but he can remember anything at all, i would like to ask him one question, well, perhaps it’s possible, but i have a suggestion, you tell me what specifically interests you, and i’ll do it myself. i'll go ask him this question, i'm doing better it will work out, he’s used to me, he might react to you incorrectly, well, if later the testimony that a patient gives with such a diagnosis will not be accepted by any court, so tell me what interests you, great, and roma, well, hello, coffee will you, but no, thank you, i drank coffee at my place, and why did you come
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then, i wanted to find out what about my question, nothing, or rather, very little so far, but very little, what do you have? sorokina has neither a father nor an uncle at the federal level, nor at the local level, by the way, no one has heard anything about her, in the personal file of the surrendered mother who died, i know, i read it, but don’t worry, rom, we are working, maybe we just started looking in the wrong places, maybe that’s why you were talking about coffee, and how many years have you been married, 5 years, you met at the institute, in your last year you already signed with him, was he interested in fishing? yes, i was into it, were there any other hobbies? no, he didn’t, and what are his hobbies, he works, besides, we have
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two small children, i gave birth right after college, and at that time he went to work in the police, after that trial, what trial, under was it a consequence? under what kind of investigation, he wasn’t tried there, someone else was tried there, but he just looked at enough and decided that he was working part-time, he didn’t need to earn money, he already remembers well... he remembers that he buried it for himself on return under what - a tree, but where i got it, why and
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what i did with it, they don’t remember, a complete loss of memory, thank you, doctor, bear with me for another five minutes, i have to report, yes, of course, roma, well, the client remembers that i buried the gun somewhere in my garden. "so the poem has already left there, we have the same parallels with old cases, shooting as with a psychoanalyst, a pistol buried, as with these kidnapping lawyers, the underworld is getting smaller, there is not enough invention, but only someone from a psychiatric hospital could find out about this pistol, i agree, listen, pasha, ask for a list of everyone , who could lie with our drug addict, they sent us new people, let them work off this list, probably your crazy is our villain together.
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then he quarreled, they killed him, theirs, or what? and you still don’t understand who the main villain in the city is? cops, are you serious? seriously it’s sad, you need to accept this as a given, or leave, and shilov also thinks so, but what, romka and i have been in the system for 20 years, we’ve seen everything, everyone, and we know everything about everything and everyone, if you’re so pessimistic, why haven’t you quit yet, because you’re fools and we’re different?
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i understand, in 10 minutes we’ll be at the base, but he ’s watching me, or something, he’s just getting ready for a beer, okay, banana strawberry, you’re in the mood, raspberry blueberry, and lime mint, choose your mood,
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’ll just take it when the jury announces the points, i won’t announce them all. to defeat this azomat you need to think like an azamat and earn stars like an azamat on saturday and sunday at 22:10 on ntv. surveillance achieves nothing. i think we need to ask this sorokina in private. are you suggesting that we start torturing the chapers? well, why torture, ask culturally. let the corporal give the order to bring his men to me. the lieutenant's girlfriend, okay, i don't mind, just so she doesn't understand who, why and where? of course, anything else? no thanks.
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roma, i’ll never get married, i won’t get married, i don’t even doubt that, what is it, roma, how you got me, i can work, i can, i work, i work, what is this, these are empty cans, i’m going there. i shake them, they were full, i don’t remember, i don’t understand you, let me see what you have there, that’s why you ’re writing this, the wife said that her husband made the decision to go to work in the police after he repeatedly attended court hearings , someone needs it, but remember what was not needed, petty, the larger the report, the more papers there will be, and the more papers there will be, the easier it will be later, wait, what meetings did he attend? judicial, he was a juror, give me the telephone number of the taxi driver's mother, taxi driver, taxi driver, taxi driver, yes, oh,
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oh, oh, hello, hello! my name is shilov, roman georgievich, i head the criminal investigation department, which is looking for the killers of your son. please tell me, has your son ever attended court hearings as a juror? yes, but do you happen to remember who was tried? thank you, thank you, thank you, when was this? thank you very much, you helped us a lot. so, zheka, let sveta take care of all of us in my office, seconded. come on, come on, come on, come on, live, that's the theme. well, stand there and call. oh,
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it's not ours. no, another, our thoughts are different, we are waiting further, so, gentlemen, some clarity has come, everyone except pokrovsky, who was killed 2 years ago, were jurors at the trial of zenoviev, six months ago, eight of the twelve jurors admitted his guilt, he was given 20 years for two murders, the motive is now clear, a week ago he escaped,
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he was thrown out of the same trunk 2 years ago, but if zenoviev and the drug addict were in the same psychiatric hospital, he could find out everything there, that’s right, besides the four killed there are other jurors who queue at the shooter, there is a judge, investigator and opera who worked on this case, he can kill anyone, roman georgievich, i cannot identify the jury, such databases simply do not exist, a special office of the court, now i will just contact the head of the gvd . and he goes out to the chairman of the city court, damn it's already eight, so, light, distribute reports for the last month to everyone, brainstorm, figure out who else he could kill, where he lives,
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where is his damn hole, go ahead, get to work, comrade general , shillov, my last name, i need to look at one case in court, take the jury list, i’m not crazy, comrade general, you can contact the chairman of the court, minutes count,
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shillov, well, you’re definitely not normal! it’s completely earned, i’m wondering, you yourself understand what you’re demanding from us now, i understand, that’s why i called you, here, the chairman of the court, i wish you health, i wish you health, which of you is smart, here is roman georgievich, do you even understand what it means to open a special court office at night? and just give you information about the jury that convicted the killer. four are already gone, and by morning the situation may worsen. oh, yes, there is also a judge. okay, let's go. go wait for him, i 'm leaving. yes. elina petrovna, sorry i
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had to wake you up. nothing, hello. nothing, lev borisovich, we have unforeseen difficulties arose, what happened, for the fourth day we couldn’t find the secretary, the special office, she had to come back from vacation, i just didn’t bother you, it’s like i disappeared into the ground. tell me, is there any other way to find out information about the jury other than through your office. do you think there is another way to find out what other ways there are? there are none, this means our katya. let's hope that... she's alive, give me a list, come on, come on, okay, gleb, oh, listen, you're on duty tonight, until the morning, and can i stay, otherwise i was always interested to see what it’s like to be on duty at night, but no question, in general, it won’t be any more fun,
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only in the morning they won’t let the people go home, but you can stand it, of course, i can stand it, well, look, well, here i am there’s a list of addresses, we’ll block it and as soon as possible, don’t touch yours, don’t touch mine, they’ll go home today to sleep, and tomorrow they’ll move on to another direction. yes, attendant, is this a nut? what nut? listen carefully to what the head of the criminal police tells you. sorokina wants to stay with you? yes, i asked for it. yeah i do not mind, let him gain experience. jackson, how? jackson, he indulges in beer, beer, you say, drive him to hell and tell him to be like a cucumber tomorrow morning, we have a lot to do. okay, that's it, come on, see you tomorrow, bye, second line, bye, yes, light. roman
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georgievich, the experts called back, there ’s a fifth body in our trunk, yesterday’s pps sergeant is at the bus stop, i’m on my way to the pps. i don’t care why one of you is alive and the other is dead, it’s an accident, we approached the guy together, and he ran, shot, hit sokolsky, and me no, and you’re white, you didn’t shoot, oh, yes , my gun is jammed, well, to god it’s jammed, why don’t you believe me, well, i’m right to yell at you, i told you, i personally don’t... i’m not interested, this , in my opinion, this one, it was dark there, he was also limping heavily, witnesses where, i want to show them, i’ll give you now, the best deposit in sberbank up to 18% per annum, open in sberbank online, again recognized as better by independent experts, credit sbercard,
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i’ve improvised, i came here to moscow to sit you down, and you ’re sitting comfortably, now only a miracle will save him, at first you’re a small actor of this size, but then you will become like gary kharlamov. it seems to me that this is a child of the hulk, i look at this cocktail and you know, i’m no longer thirsty, i’m somehow feeling worse now, maybe it’s poisonous, and i thought you were going to throw knives at me, don’t be naughty, leather, la- la-la-la-la, i'm crazy, well done, oh, miracle with arseny popov, premiere, coming soon on ntv. hello, this is roman goodsayt, ofka sports commentator. and if you still don’t know where to watch all the play-of euro 2024 games with, then of course, watch them with
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us, only from okka. euro 2024 semi-final, netherlands, england. tomorrow at 22:00 only in okka. and where is this feathered one? i think they left her on duty until the morning, i’m sure, let’s wait another hour and go home, no, we’ll wait here, it’ll be night, we’ll take her right away, and if we’re on duty until the morning, we’ll grab her in the morning.
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i'm waiting, well done, listen, i wanted you ask, uh, xenovy, remember the double murder? i remember, but i was just starting the business then, yeah, but can you remember that you didn’t get involved? i can, apartments drink sed.
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with a statement that his drinking buddies were killed, they split him, they didn’t stab him, there are prints on the knife, blood on his clothes, but this is in the file, and what is not in the file, he claims that even before my arrival, the local search force put a knife in him hands, that’s where the prints on the knife came from, well , actually, this boss really interfered with my work with konkin, why? i don’t know, it was as if he was shielding him, why did he interfere? yes, i don’t know, i didn’t figure it out then, if you remember, i was sent on a business trip, yeah, i remember, and what’s the name of this boss, what district? arkhipov district, he is now in the usb.
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let me in, be patient, these are the products, water, food, what else do you need, please, please, i have money, listen, don’t be afraid of me, don’t be afraid, i won’t do anything bad to you, understand, but i won’t let you out i can, you’ll give me up ahead of time, but i can’t do that, i can’t do that, i still have a lot of things to do.
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recommended where? sit, hello, eight people in the next office, and another eight people are assigned to potential victims, in general, rom, if we need people, we’ll do more, at least six more people, they ’ll look for zenoviev’s relatives, yes, we’ll take the robbery and the apartment, if anything i’m at home .
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ours is coming, just like she is, a ford, let’s follow her on foot, yeah, and you drive in the car, quietly, quietly.
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on a hook, so what? was asked,
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but a girl with character, you have one question, who leaked the information about the cargo with drugs, i read it in the newspaper, it’s fine, understand, you’re all if you tell the truth, you can do it in a good way, everyone will live, you can say it in a bad way, it will hurt, but fuck you, ugh, how ugly. you have 5 seconds of time to think, there is one more option, yes, well, contact my
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father, he will give you money, as much as you ask, we all heard in... you know, dad is a general, dad will give you money, don’t be ridiculous, yes not a general, he, take my phone, the last incoming call from him, where is her pipe, here. yes, honey, i’m listening, is this your father? yes,
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take her upstairs, into the closet, fasten her to the radiator, don’t hit her, don’t touch her at all, let her go! “hello, it’s me, the situation has changed, i think for the better, not over the phone, come on when we meet, yeah, that changes things, if she’s his daughter, then we can now do everything, literally everything, you understand, but this it’s dangerous, he won’t forgive, i won’t forgive him!” what's wrong with shillov? will he be in the way? this is not the case now. the corporal says shilov is under 24-hour surveillance. yes, and his phone is being listened to. look, boba. sorokina does not answer.
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i turned off my phone and have been fumbling around for more than two hours now. what's next? so, then, you take zenoviev’s photo. you're going to the bus stop you show it to all the drivers, if after killing the policeman in the hospital he dragged himself to his hole, then his house must be somewhere on the route line, otherwise why would he come into the area? i agree, that’s it, i’m on my way, let’s listen, matve, great, shilov, my last name, well, well, what this time, excuse me for doing this right over the phone and, roughly speaking, directly, but i need to print it out. one phone number, well, you surprise me, you can do it yourself, it will take me more than a day, and your capabilities allow you to do it much, much faster, where does such awareness come from, in general, matveev, i know, you know, okay, we’ll call you in an hour, phone number, text messages have arrived, thank you.
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excuse me, please, hello, good afternoon, police, tell me, you saw this one on the route, maybe you saw him, maybe not, who knows, andrey, there won’t be any cigarettes, yeah, by the way, look, i saw this one on the route, the police are interested , yes, i saw him, he is often on the last flight, thank you. once i didn’t pay for the fare, well, there was no money, then, he really gave it to me, honest, he reminded me himself, but that he’s a creature, a pedophile, he goes around stealing children, well, he’s a bastard, in short. pedophile, well, yes, she ’s a normal guy, just like that, at what stop he left, he said, of course, guys,
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which one of you is going first, i’ll go now, thank you, yeah, well, i’m done, how’s life, how’s it going for you to say that sales are falling, but why is that so, you see? we have a new marketing move, it’s great, customers are arrested on the way to the cash register, yeah, what should i have done, not recognize them, but everything was done correctly, that's right, but now you will have a reputation as the cleanest salon in the city, i'm building it, aidar, i have a request for you, come on, i urgently need to identify a man of about thirty with a havanna tattoo on his left arm, and in cyrillic, like havanna?
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rom, thank you too, for what? for that? fuck you, aidaru, hello. the mood is for you, raspberry blueberry, and lime honey, choose your mood. international festival white
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hello, vodka, no. no, not yet , tell me, do you have bandages, painkillers , something like that, did anyone buy them in the last 24 hours , but what do you understand, this is a rather delicate matter, the one who bought them is his sister ? he offended mine, but he doesn’t want to get married, he’s a jerk, i heard he’s hiding here somewhere, and where? i don’t know exactly, maybe you can tell me, of course i’ll tell you, you will now go out into the street, go straight to the pump, turn left there, there will be three houses, behind them is a ravine, and there he lives behind the ravine. zero, in general, his relatives have not been identified, the first witness in the first case also cannot be contacted in general, but what about him, yes, he moved for permanent residence in canada, it is impossible to get hold of him, and we are in trouble, what is it, printout from his mobile phone sorokina, i underlined the number she calls most often, you know, i sometimes too
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i'm calling him. this crap, well, yes, hello, hello, sorry, can you tell me where the sviridae live, unfortunately, i can’t tell you, i’m not local, but , sorry, nothing. roman gerge, i found him, yes, let's hurry, it seems he sensed me, but be careful, i'm careful.
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that's all. everything is ready for the transfer of money, the whole chain, they just reported to me that the grabber is there next to you, call your father with this sorokhina, why are we, you call, how is the money for you, and we call, dad is allergic to me, it’s better that an unknown person called man, it will be easier for him to part with the money, well, you are a psychologist, a business. uh-huh, wait, what, poor dad,
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did they agree, after all, the situation has changed, the awl took zinovy, this is bad, but why, this is good, it’s just that the price for the girl’s life will increase. do you think he realized that you are a cop? i think so, i could smell it in my eyes, was it you or him? okay, enough chatting, then we need to take it, maybe we can call the cathedral? what a cathedral, it’s the only one there, so, gleb and i are under the doors, and you check the windows on the other side, turn off the sound on your phones, let’s go.
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go ahead, it's not locked. zenoviev is good at fooling around. the house is surrounded, stop firing, otherwise i’ll put a bullet in the fucking forehead, i’m a hostage, believe it or hurt her. damn this was just not enough. well, consider that you believe it. what you want? what can you offer me? let's. let us in and we’ll discuss everything. no, commander, there is nothing to discuss, you will all just leave. i already discussed this with you once.
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leo, what the hell are you up to? i wanted to intercept. well done, alive, shoulder. crap! hey, don't shoot, i'll release the hostage now, he's up to something, i don't believe that he he’ll let the hostage go, but the devil knows what ’s on his mind, he’s a fucking psychiatrist, give katya your hand, we’ll raise you up.
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anything else, no thanks, bon appetit. hey, don't shoot, the hostage is coming out. oh my god.
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roma, why aren’t you picking up the phone? yes, jason, you, hello arnautov, where is shilov? hello, kolya, i don’t know, i just walked in. i call him on his mobile phone, but he doesn’t
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answer, do you have anything urgent? i don’t know, he asked me about the people with the govan tattoo, he’s looking for them, i told him two, but only now i remembered that the third’s last name was brooms, wait, i’ll write it down, say it again, metlov, metlov, yes, everything is there, thank you, roman georgievich’s phone doesn’t answer, i know everyone is looking for him. what do you have? i ran through the govants, krots and baburins, there’s nothing on them, the ones who were following romka, it turns out, have no criminal record, no criminal record, because they are employees of the moskovsky district police service, yes, i contacted their personnel, i have a girl friend there, they are took a break for 3 days, in general they were sent to guard an abandoned pioneer camp, it’s called a surf, someone there is suing for it, the court issued a ruling to take custody security. they should be there tonight,
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this is the address, yes, thank you, please, well, i ’ll go, okay, roman georgich, let’s see how you don’t need me. well, he’s alive, he’s alive, we made it. for what? because
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there are 12 more jurors waiting for you. pash, call the group, otherwise he will say that we tortured him. wow, anything for the valiant osb. intersection of interests roman georgievich. did you take zenaviev? we are ready to exchange it for a young lady from your department. or an accident might happen to her, think about it, i 'll call you back in 15 minutes, you see, i always i’m looking for a compromise, as promised, i hope you made sure that his phone is turned off from wiretapping, i don’t make mistakes, so, by the way, you’re still alive while you’re free, talk to dad, i think it’s better for you to do this, hold on, call , "hello,
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we're in deep trouble, yes, after this we 'll definitely be overrun, either dad or the arkhip, the arkhips can still overwhelm him, oh well, he 'll go to south america, look for him, he's got enough money, why are we just with him contacted, would you?" “i wanted to rot in the zone now because of those downtrodden men, stop being a jerk, we need to to get out, we take the girl, transport her to another place, leave the connection with the wesbniks, we ourselves will take money from the father to run, to cuba, at least, and hide the wonder somewhere, or maybe we have our object, yes, it will do, so, so, so,
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great, what happened, who is this, this is the villain, stay in the room to talk to him, close the door and don’t let anyone in, take me to the closet, this one, yes, kolya, there’s a girl in my cabin, she’s in shock, i need take me to the hospital, i agreed, svetlana morozovo from my department will meet there, okay, i’ll give orders, that’s fine. gleb, hold on, yes, well, okay, i’m already i was going to call you, yeah, when. pasha, let him work, look at the wounded man, i ’ll jump away for a while, open it, let’s go and show it to a specialist.
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roman georgievich, zenoviev, are you there? who is this? i don’t know, but i ask you, give it to those who demand to exchange his forty. anything from me. this is your daughter? receptionist, but that doesn't matter. sooner or later in every person's life there comes a moment when he wonders who will cry when he is gone. i'm closer to this point than you, but sooner or later you will understand me, i'm sure now i want to delay the moment when
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it doesn’t become a magpie, so from now on you will act only according to my schemes, no initiative should come from you, we move only in my car, your... security should not be with you either, this it’s clear, yes, yes, of course, who they are and what else they said, so what, and where to look for these children, fidel.
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okay, let's take a walk, wait, what are you looking at, boss, or i'm green, more like red, in the sense of blood, quick-witted, turn around, turn around, turn around. come on tell me why, you have complete proof, any court will give me a life sentence, i decided
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to punish the jury for a mistake, not only them, then arkhipov’s investigator, through them my life ended, but in part... i had to have a jury, although most of all i want to see arkhipov , wow, you're our avenger, well, now you'll have more work, you'll get a life sentence, new ones will be added to the seven they've missed, you're a fool, the new sworn investigators will have nothing to do with it, i'll be guilty, five corpses are on me, and the judge's girl i would let go later, i just couldn’t do it ahead of time, and how are you? forced her to take the protocol out of court, her son scared her.
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yeah, they came to me from him later in prison. they said to keep your mouth shut, understandable, i think krokhman and arkhipov have been cooperating together for a long time, well, perhaps since the moment he screwed his son, by the way, why did apostle milka stick into our department? i don’t know, he says to study, he wants to become a popper, i believe in it, listen, but giving zinoviev means signing his death warrant, and not giving him to sorokina. she not only apostova’s daughter, she is also our employee, so what are we going to do? arkhipov 's crumbs want to get money from the apostle for their drugs and zenoviev, we'll change, okay, and then we'll scratch out zenoviev, and also, everything that happens next has nothing to do with our work, so i
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'm no longer your commander and i can't give you orders , it will be better if you go home, that is, you are not our boss. then go to hell, roma, where are we going to change? no, rom, the city life is boring, there are 3 days of events for half a lifetime. thank you, in the car. okay, vic. “i think that it wouldn’t be entirely right for you to go there with your service weapon, here you go, i don’t know where you are going, but i’m with you, maybe you’ll ask where for what, it’s enough for me that pashka is with
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you, let’s go.” oops, who is walking together in a row of our upirina from... shaker, little one, don’t twitch, where is she, but fasten your seat belt to the piano, he’s sure he won’t run away, put him on the floor, but no, give it to me,
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easy, sit down . give me a zip tie, but be quiet, you, who has her phone, i have, the mole, take it in my right pocket, he’s not answering. there are no girls there, no govanians no, why not, are you crazy, yes definitely not, we all looked there, where they went, or they took ours, or shilov figured out what we were going to do, shilov and the apostle will arrive soon, we pretend that we have the girl, if she not with them, then they will fall for it, we will stall for time to bargain,
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in short, we act according to the situation, okay, let’s go up, cover us, yeah. we’ll deal with the govan people later, this is one of krokhman’s future factories, i was here once, nikolai ivanovich, look around the base from the rear, well, we’ll go up, i i think they have a cover there. we’ll do it now anyway, you stay here and watch it, i’ll do it myself as normal.
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i understood correctly that you understood correctly, we came here, they will change me. “sit down, be silent, i heard the names of arkhipov in your conversations, so don’t listen to other people’s conversations, he will kill me, no one will kill you, shillov has already thought of everything, you will live, it’s always the same.”
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where is krokhman, he’s busy, we’re here for him, hello, roma, we saw each other, sorokina, where? sorry, rom, but we agreed not to interfere in each other’s affairs, where is sorokina? and where money, where is zenoviev? there is money, where is she? the girl is ready too, can you transfer the money? you bring zena and the girl is yours. okay, i don’t like something here, let’s
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do it, show the girl, and we’ll leave. rom, aren’t you the one setting the conditions here? but it seems to me that you are driving empty, you don’t have a girlfriend, or she ran away, let’s get out of here, pyotr sergeevich. stand! shilov out of the way! zinavyev! zenoviev, can you hear me? i hear you! let's talk, we are not your enemies, i promise, i will let you go, thank you, i let myself go,
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well, that's all that is there? 2:0 in our favor, okay, where is my daughter? no, i don’t know, i don’t know, pyotr sergeevich, it seems to me that he has already died, do you have a phone number, honey, honey, where are you?
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she’ll say it herself, shilov, my name is what you need, shilov, it’s good, give me your word, i can vouch for the arkhips, let the police give you the money and won’t detain us, i promise, you know, there’s a surf camp on the coast, we’ll find it through an hour near the gate, who is it? i think these are the ones who arkhipov ordered to kidnap the girl, and apparently they decided to play their game, well, let's go, not alive, everything is fine, stunned only, what to do with these, let’s leave everything as it is, operatives, intelligence officers came to detain zenoviev, he shot them, well , he shot himself, they’ll give them more heroes, let’s go, posthumously, really, sit, don’t
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be afraid, we’ll soon exchange you , don’t rush around, drive his car to get groceries, while we prepare the cell, okay. this is the fonbet russian football cup and its symbolic team. the main discovery of the season is the army player abazbek faizullaev. zenit scoring machine mateo casiera and young baltic player tigra novonesyan. what made this season bright, memorable, first-class, go to you patient, what a patient, such a patient, some such patient, we are supposed to give birth on november 10, this is police day, the boys won’t understand, but communicating with patients is not your strong point, it’s simple, you’re cutting , they are silent, you can start with everything, you don’t need everything, you can guess why you should come to me. i’m in a hurry
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jackson, from the sky, ours, ours are also here, yes, they are covering from the satellite. and now we will whitewash the robbers. scary tale for bad guys. come on, shout! help! help! louder, shout! help! for help! what is she doing? let's go have a look! people! for help! why are you yelling, close your grazing, someone has untied your hands, they asked you what, one witness will be enough for us, so how
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could there be three, of course, three, come on little one, hide. minus two bormalei, and you thought i couldn’t count. pyotr sergeevich, what about the money? they're bringing money. the perch is very bad. nothing, nothing. now
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let's finish straight to the hospital. where are these? who the hell knows. what are we standing for? attention everyone. their, jack, turn off the headlights, turned them off, what the fates, they were shooting, roma, but it’s weak to call, but it’s okay that these people call like a fool all day long, you old drunk, that’s why we’re holding on, and if i hadn’t drunk, what would you do now , a novel where there are extortionists, this is not very good, two have caught a cold and died, one is in my trunk, now. well, that’s it, pray, you bastard,
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who were you, you gave your word that nothing would happen to us. but you can help yourself, what a word, i personally didn’t promise anything to anyone, he just doesn’t know, brooms, you’ll live, i’ll give you 10 years i warned you back, if you don’t tie it up, you’ll go to jail or they’ll kill you, zhek, take off the bracelets from him, let him go, i don’t understand, i gave my word, yeah, you gave your word, well, then let the bird go free, cockerel. get out of here, don't come into my sight again, understand? a brigade has arrived from moscow,
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you, roman georgievich, the main thing is to rush into this matter with a shootout at the plant, of course we will reprimand you for the fact that zenov did not catch him in time, but you understand this yourself, and how could he get away from you in this village, i don’t understand. well, an old woman can have a bad time, the main hostage was released, and he ’s a husband with vegetable gardens, it happens, in general, well, okay, you figured out his motivation, that’s what he wanted in the end, well, they imprisoned him for the murder of someone else, this time, the judicial system is for him i didn’t believe it, two, the jury didn’t want to figure it out, they found him guilty, three, well , they put him down in the zone, oh, the roof began to flow from resentment, melancholy, i decided to get even with those who crossed out his life, i started with the jury, but i decided to end with the judge . yes, that's it, four dead osb employees. this is some kind of devilry. okay, let it be, fsb. understands by the way, they asked to find krokhman for
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interrogation, do you know where he is? i heard that somewhere abroad, oh well, he’ll interrogate him when he returns, well, that’s unlikely, definitely, yes, the one leaving, i’m an officer, yeah, nabokov is a business man, i’m sure he’ll soon cool down, especially since she alive and well, it's a shame.
9:40 pm
i quit, thank you sber loyalty program has been updated, pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before, every month choose up to five top categories with... up to 10%, supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even category for everything. transfer money to sber from other banks for free and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, it’s more profitable with a sber subscription. obstetrician on weekends at 20:00 on ntv. good afternoon, hello, i’m your new district police officer,
9:41 pm
lieutenant semyonov, did something happen? no, no, everything is fine, we are having a planned tour, you know, top officials will come to the city for a visit, tell me, you didn’t meet strangers at the entrance, maybe someone got into the attic or basement, maybe you heard some sounds from the attic, but no, didn't see anyone, didn't hear anyone, and our attic is closed, yeah. thank you please.
9:42 pm
it's them! the object is approaching, work, but don’t leave the connection, so i went, sit still, don’t twitch, we agreed, you’ll stay with me, i changed my mind. it’s strange, my man should have gotten the second one and left immediately. for what? well, that's what they agreed on. so,
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we agreed. so what are we going to do now? wait? don't worry, are you a man or a woman? no, well, you promised, i don’t like you, indian, you weren’t like that before?
9:44 pm
damn, come on faster! turn off, thank you, and you, i’ll take your things to the station, and the left one burned down, the left one, maybe someone gave it up, we need to figure it out, we’ll figure it out,
9:45 pm
it’s me. he jumped down, we need to meet urgently. okay, okay, let's do it as always. behind that car. guys, i'm on topic, urgently. take a walk, okay. “lody, he’s a handsome guy, well, you, romelo, made so much noise, you made so
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much noise, his head will be buzzing for a week now, let’s move him downstairs, don’t touch anything here, you’ll guard him until the group arrives, got it, got it?” " radiccheva, again recognized as better by independent experts, credit sbercard, free forever, apply right now, child in
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utrobilin karkhan, there will be no karkhan-markhan. follow your tongue, this man is very dangerous, be careful, you hope that i will break up with seyran, yes, what does sayran have to do with it, i could just tell her about the child, this child is not my pilin either, yes kazem bey thinks that we we are planning something behind his back, someone is playing with us, they will not be able to separate us, cyran, who are you, how are you connected with pelin, kingfisher? new season, tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. stars on weekends at 22:10 on ntv. the delicious calendar returns to delicious point. we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfabank cards.
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9:52 pm
but it’s cool, why didn’t they take the second one, so ask yourself, you see the guy pulled up. novel georgich, everything is fine, my man highlighted everything for me, the bracelet is now going to his apartment, then to the station, we’ll be in time, you met him, or what? well, of course, i just went crazy, they just screwed up the order, he understands that they were handed over, he walks backwards, he pulls you towards the person, and i told you what you said, this is not the first day i’ve been working, so call your man quickly and tell him to be careful, or better yet, to lie low altogether. doesn’t answer, he has an address for the site, yes,
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he has a rented room in a communal apartment, pasha, you go there, we go to your man, although i think it’s already useless, forward, forward, forward! yes, hello, georgievich, well, we checked everything here, the things are in place, i think we should wait for this, i think that this bracelet will appear, but what kind of things, some kind of rubbish, clothes, no, pash, it won’t be , film, let’s get in touch, i got it, everything’s fine, he’s here, there’s his car, i want it. they were waiting for us, they twisted the left flipper, and i managed to jump off,
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the indian bitch drained, but he checked it for sure, of course, it was already calculated, yes, well, where should i go now, i need to pull the left one, we don’t have our own we rent, and he knows a lot. i will find out what kind of investigation is leading the case, you will try to find approaches, you say normally, yes. roma, why aren’t you reporting, have they captured the shooter? they took jackson, the investigation took place, the second? good deeds, we need to look for where it is, maybe your man knows? maybe he just won't tell. keep me informed. fine.
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we will begin actions as soon as the lawyer arrives, that we will begin investigative actions as soon as the lawyer arrives, and the lawyer, why do i need your lawyer? since you did not indicate your lawyer, the lawyer is for you will be provided at the expense of the state, i didn’t touch anyone, nothing. didn’t take me to the cell, but took the gun to shoot pigeons so that they wouldn’t spoil it, i found the gun in the attic, took it to look, i thought it was a toy, then you swooped in with these grenades, that’s what i thought, tell me, the gun was also lying in the attic, what’s the gun also lying in the attic, yes, i also found a pistol in the attic, and a phone,
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probably the police planted it, why, what? for what? so, jail the one who finds it, but where did you get your police uniform from? shape, what shape? oh, so this is a carnival costume, okay, that's enough, let's wait for the lawyer, okay, he was jammed, that everything is fine, huh? and my guards missed this position, which means you say the yekaterinburg thief in law ural sent killers after my soul, and you have other enemies, when you enter a foreign region,
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conflicts are inevitable. not all conflicts end with a shot, which means i miscalculated somewhere, you will need to talk about your miscalculations, because the investigation needs to establish the motive for the crime, i am grateful to you, but there is no need to write a statement i won’t, this business intervention of the authorities is inappropriate, the probability of losses is too great, you want to solve the issue yourself, and even decide, self-confidently, nothing, you can’t learn from other people’s mistakes, and you missed the killer’s accomplice, you still have to give some testimony, here are some yes, which means i don’t know any urals, i have no conflicts with anyone, and my business is transparent to the point of impossibility.
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this is a big mistake, we'll see, all the best, all the best, if you have time for this, it took a long time to bring them out, these killers, but if if you want, you can collect it, 3 days, one of the locals leaked information, and decided to help them first. and then she played a point, he came running to repent, which means there are no recordings of conversations or other materials for evidence, but this local can testify, no, and if, i understand, sources cannot be disclosed. employee, what else,
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please wait at the door, we are having a official conversation, please, where is the detainee, konstantin pavlovich is conferring with a lawyer, well, is there anything first, i, not me, the rifle is not mine, it’s clear, it’s bad, it’s bad that they didn’t take accomplices, that’s what, just in case... write a performance for the opera to the main board, you never know, it’s their mistake, we need to be on the safe side, and keep me informed. what are you doing? i won’t write anything, i’ll cover his ass, and then i’ll work with them. listen, remember. a young follower,
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last name, phone number, i’ll text you, call you, offer you money, i’ll see how he reacts, i understand everything, i understand, okay, how are you? ok, hanging out here with a woman alone, what kind of woman do you know? not at all, random, not in business, but if the traces of steep money are broken, i have a share of an indian, but there is not so much there, he took an advance, the money will be there for now, keep me informed of the matter, this is my first big business, then with the debut, thank you, i'll get there, get there. and let him say whatever he wants, i’ll give him the full treatment, you can’t make a mistake the first time, and then it’s also undesirable to make a mistake, there’s a chance that you’ll catch the second one, there’s always a chance, some strange
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number, yes, how much, how much , 20, good car, and what bills then? you lucky, why? because they are large, and if you shove them up your ass, it won’t hurt as much as if you push small things in, do you understand me, asshole? so they offered the first bribe, so let’s be more specific here, 20 thousand dollars for the shooter levchenko, for the release, no, so that i would trust a randomly found rifle, what? uh-huh, you shouldn't have said anything about the goat, the vorovs are strict with this, i'm calling from a saxophone, i even saved on calls, they couldn't buy the left mobile phone, i need to tell the rascal, i'll let you know, maybe
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they'll give me security, but they hardly think that you’ll agree right away, they’ll clear the air, there’ll probably be a second move, they’ll offer more, you’re too lazy, take it right away, i’ll tell them to call you. you know how to bargain, okay, i drove off, i still have things to do, i ’ll go too, that’s the same plans, fortunately, i need to pick up ksyukha from my mother, okay, guys, happily, well , i talked to the investigator, refused, in general , he sent me , you were still pinning on the goat, well, it’s okay, this one didn’t take it, the other one won’t refuse. such problems were not solved.
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i can help you, i can handle it. young people, would you they cleaned up the pigsty, but we’ll clean it up, don’t worry about tidying it up, but it would be better if they completely
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forgot the way here, what’s your entrance or something, if you aunty walked away from here, you’ll be safe, so that’s it, nephew, or in a minute you won’t be here, or i call the squad, i scared you with my ugly ass, let’s call, and then go and look back, what? the puppies are stinking, kolya, kolya, yes, we would clean up, if i see him again, i’ll kill him, and i’ll smear you like filth on the wall, well, have i fought? well, go ahead and collect it, if there’s anything left here.
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i'll arrange everything myself, this morning you missed the second one killer, your informant was knocked out during the day, now the investigator, you yourself understand what conclusions follow from this, only one thing follows from this, there is no need to rush to conclusions.
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we didn’t even have time to really get to know him, he just recently transferred from the area, and somehow we too, here are the conclusions, an hour ago at the table. hello, dmitry dmitrievich, i hope you don’t need to explain anything, if it weren’t for the mistake of your employees, let’s not rush to conclusions, let’s go, ksenia ivanovna, ksenia ivanovna, wait for the group start working, take this case under your production, it’s strange, i thought they would never trust me with this case, why not if you win? they’ll blame it on themselves, if you’re lying,
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they’ll blame it on your relationship with me, it’s no stranger to it, okay, at least he managed to shoot, he didn’t even have time to take the safety off, what do you think about this, do you think that you should always shoot first, okay, let’s see what witnesses will say, work, ksenia ivanovna, you know how scared i was, i thought it was a simple accident. i was walking, and he was lying dead, you immediately they realized that he was dead, yes, he looked like that, i was confused, i started calling right away, i probably should have come closer, there, there the ambulance stood, where the ambulance stood, and oh, there, there, yes, this is an emergency and we need to know what happened. as soon as possible, of course,
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go to st. petersburg and organize work on the spot, okay, great, go, valentin viktorovich, we must solve the case as soon as possible without any publicity under your responsibility, okay. yeah, thanks, tell me what time it is at fontanka 52 we were approaching, about 8 o’clock, but the dispatcher recorded everything, two cars collided not far from you, they didn’t notice, honestly didn’t notice, it’s strange, it should have been clearly visible from your cabin, but i wasn’t sitting in the cabin. that’s the point, i helped my
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friends drag rapists, don’t believe me, ask them, they will confirm why i believe you, okay, let’s document everything, and please tell me, is there a dvr in your car, yes, and we can record look from the memory card, this question is not for me, the bosses will allow it, take it, well, it will take a long time very much, but can we do it now without formalities? no, of course you'll excuse me, but i don't want to lose my job, i understand, okay, i 'll wait for you on the street, yeah, thank you, yeah, only during the championship, only the winline gives profit every day, to everyone, both new players and those who has been with us for a long time. receive freebet every day
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so it goes. well, the brand, part of the number, experts at the scene of the collision will accurately determine the color, although it won’t be soon, but not so bad, gleb, you have all the traffic police bases on you. well, information about the city, but the numbers are probably fake and why not check now, but they
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followed him, chose a convenient place, and with what this place is convenient, but there are no witnesses here, only a girl with headphones and a registrar, by the way, regarding the registrar, there was no need to steal this card, clearly, now it’s a pain to file the record into the case, not to mention. that this is an article, okay, roman georgievich, i won’t do it anymore, as konstantin sergeevich stanislavsky said, i don’t believe it, come on, let’s do it again, well, why is he coming up to the car now, maybe for a control shot, for a control shot too long. by the way, if these are the urals, they acted very quickly, from the moment of the first threat threats, to be carried out in 3 hours, fantastically
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quickly, but why, maybe they were counting on this, what effect, what effect, fear, the next one who would conduct the case, if someone had said 10 years ago, i would kill you on the spot, rish, you are the head of my security service, and i need to prepare for negotiations, and business etiquette, after all, etiquette, the general director is waiting for you, please, thank you, good afternoon, hello , meet nikolai ivanovich arnautov, head of my service safety, alexey ivanovich, it’s a pleasure. please sit down, tea and coffee, tea, if possible, i’ll have a mineral water, i
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’ll give the order and ask you to prepare the documents, but the kargandi bridge has already been built, what kind of bridge, i’ve never been to kargandi, of course i haven’t, but the money for it construction washed, alexey ivanovich. the bastard is running fast, i recognized him, a swindler, he was collecting money for the odessa fund, then for the construction of the karaganda bridge, let's go, i think he won't come back anymore, it looks like ivanovich, you saved me 300 thousand greenbacks, yeah, i'm after i’ll leave after lunch, i hope you didn’t decide to catch this scammer, no, that’s not the point. of course, go, you need help, don’t, as you know, rom, after all
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, we don’t have anything special about this levchenko, well , it depends on how you look at it, yes, it all depends on the position of the investigator, deineka tried to pin him down, someone else, well, i’m stubborn, yes, he can easily reclassify the case from attempted murder to... sorry, that’s just me, thinking out loud,
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who are you talking to, to the duty officer with a statement, speak in your house. huckster, where do you work at a car dealership, yes? what difference does it make where? and you can talk to your neighbors, of course, we will provide any help, well, you don’t need any help, you need this much, what is it? well,
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you chip in with your neighbors and we’ll cover the point. “i have to pay for you to cover up the huckster, but i’m not the one who has to pay you, what are you, a puppy , a lump, what are you guys? hello, vlad, we have a little problem here. in our department, qualified workers are used for the wrong reasons, there was no need to drive old jackson, it was necessary to entrust the pioneer, everything would have been sent to her by mail, but
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nothing, the old people sometimes need it too feel young, well, yes, yes, well , look. what happens is 19:20, yes, they called ineko on his mobile phone, they called from a payphone, that’s right, we were drinking beer at that time, remember, they offered him a bribe, i remember that, now 20:05, apparently he called his the boss, raskatov, it turns out, a few minutes before the murder, wondered what they were talking about, apparently he called him and told him about the previous call. but he found out about this call yesterday from us on the spot, yes, but you saw what state he was in, he came and started yelling that we they missed the second one, that we are generally to blame for everything, okay, this needs to be punched through the nut, by the way, the tower in this area through which the connection occurred, here are a bunch of other dots, we need to see if there are
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cameras there, i hope deinyka will see there , well, maybe killers, if they showed up once? maybe we'll be lucky the second time? arnautov nikolai ivanovich, retired colonel. are you crazy? do you know where he worked? in ubop, and his wife is a former prosecutor. in 2000, she landed sasha kolchin like that.
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so okay, beak me, i'll brain him i’ll rinse it out, and then we’ll extinguish the half-can with his woman, let me, dadi, what are you trying to say, that in st. petersburg there is only one car with such numbers and it has an ironclad alibi 68, how many 68, wow, a bit too much, we still need these cameras. well, maybe we won’t see the numbers there, but at least the faces will light up, everything is yours, yes, thank you, and you can make it to the cash register, they give you a salary, but why is your beloved boss keeping silent, sorry, i forgot, of course, you eat air, i need a salary, yes, georgievich, we finished the rounds, we found everyone who wasn’t there yesterday, no one
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understood anything, the bosses ordered me to take off, i ’m going home, see you tomorrow, bye, uh-huh, hello, i’ll stop by for dinner, feed me, listen, there’s such an authoritative person, ural, do you know him? yes, i know a serious, respected man, yeah, he only orders businessmen. they like to spout all sorts of nonsense about people of this level, yesterday his people killed an investigator, what, you saw it yourself,
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well no, of course, so here’s my advice to you, never categorically state something that you haven’t seen yourself, okay. but i need information about one of his people, his name is braslet, it seems that i am not in your department, right, right, but for some reason you put me there, and i work, so work, and don’t ask me questions that i can’t answer, ural is my friend, i don’t want him to have any unnecessary problems. okay, what about the investigator, can i ask you? you can talk about the investigator. thank you. so, i
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need information about deinek's investigators. his personal life, cars, mistresses. in general, do you understand? understand. that's why i gave it yesterday task, collect information, i think they will bring it for dessert. dad, i love you, you are becoming a real woman, you have achieved your goal, i love you, i couldn’t achieve it, i hate you, come on, daddy, i’ve already called everywhere, he left work at 3 o’clock, the phone doesn’t answer, yes i...
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i don’t rent out mine, but i didn’t doubt you, go and do the paperwork, you also have an authorized purchase for an unidentified person, so let this person be arnautov, and it would be good... to open a case against him, call him names there somehow polkan you will realize yourself beautifully, thank you,
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all the information about your denico is there. wow! he often traveled to moscow, what should he do there, who is the cop in our family? so think for yourself, citizen-boss, i didn’t hire you as an assistant, a century of freedom is not in sight, i bet, well, dad, i love you, and i love you too. come more often, pasha, you, me, i,
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citizen kozhurina, the department for combating drug trafficking, we have a warrant to search your apartment. the gypsies in sinnoi, okay, they surrounded some gypsies in sinnoy, we're filming, let's move on yourself, yeah, call witnesses, what are you waiting for? the championship is not just a spectacle, it is your winlay betting tournament, everything is here.
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that we prepared a design project, and after that we will select the furniture, we will solve your real estate issues from the transaction to the finishing here, there throughout the country, go to order a call back, the legend returns, the one that was brewed from 100% malt, the same one a taste that the whole country loved. baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste! one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge and now sits on the internet all the time. hurry up to connect mega powers for unlimited until the end of summer, so that the internet does not end. only in a megaphone. x5 club presents. oh, misha, have you forgotten here? and i haven’t forgotten anything here. i didn’t forget to show my x5 club card at crossroads or
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pyaterochka, i didn’t forget to get cashback. up to 50% service package, didn’t forget the discounts and didn’t forget your chance to win prizes, it seems you forgot something, you forgot, show the card, use the x5 club card, get even more benefits with every purchase, x5 club card , you won’t forget such a benefit, lift 52 cleanses, restores, protects the liver, lif 52, expert in cleansing and restoring the liver. summer is not only a time for vacations, but an opportunity to catch luck in summer draws, country houses, apartments by the sea, cars, travel and an additional draw, a golden keg, we meet, they win at the main lottery show in the country, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv, anyway, i don’t believe what it is...
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so that they would send it, someone would press you, you’re an old cynic, zheka, it’s better to be an old cynic than a young one in zinc, old afghan wisdom, yes, oh, pioneer, and what is so happy, i saw you, yes, i improve your mood, yes, it’s always nice to know that you are not the worst on earth, you idiot, such women were crazy about me and considered me irresistible a man, blind women also need to be loved, u... thorn, put it aside, we are being tender, but can i have some coffee too, yes, report, for the last six months deineka has regularly traveled to moscow as a peregrine falcon, spent the night there, returned the next day, here's the info, yeah, so, the byzantium hotel, and i always
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said, this modest trail is not so simple trips. some kind of crime, zheka, who knows, he doesn’t need to go there for his job, maybe he worked at the local osb, made reports, traveled, something is wrong here, but no, jack, this is all speculation, here’s a bracelet from yekaterinburg, this is reality, but is there any information on it? no, but through you it will be, look, these are printouts of the day's calls, with the exact places from where he is calling. your task is to find out if there are surveillance cameras in these places, you'll do that tomorrow, okay? whoops, there is something,
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understood, carefully, so what is it? i think, it's heroin. which you tossed to us, everyone says so, burn, write, hey, guys, what’s the matter, who are you, calm down, guy, don’t drive us away, the boss sent us here, instructions came from the very top, and what next, then we’ll figure it out ourselves, if necessary, we’ll decide. my own people, where is my father? in the cell, and where else should he be? what's wrong with her? will she come with us, she is registered here, that means her drugs, or let him tell whose? so, if i say that it’s mine, will you believe me? will you
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write an appearance? well, just for you, my father was in business, he kept the goods at home, and i protected him, it’s a good topic, but the freaks are stinking, uh, if you’re being rude, we’ll come up with a topic for you, your father won’t come out until he dies, understand? i realized that we were standing there, running away from here, lying down, why, there are no drugs, there is no business, but they will still plant them. if they don’t throw it at you, blame it all on me, don’t worry, tanya, everything will be fine,
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roma, it’s me. save, hello, oh, hello, hello, where are you going, but, you know, kovalev is sick, something is wrong with the liver, and what, you’ll have to fly on a business trip instead of him, but why you, others, what? the liver is also sick, lisa, this is a resolved issue, the day after tomorrow i'm leaving, the day after tomorrow, we're not ready, i'm ready, let's not do it, this is a
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settled issue, but what about the vacation? well, we ’ll definitely go on vacation, i’ll go back, wait, how come i’m alone here and there’s so much to do, i... i can’t handle it, you ’ll definitely handle it, definitely, i’m sure you’re strong. the keys, come on, georgievich, when i was leaving, two more arrived, well, plus the two i worked in the apartment, we’ll see.
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i will not allow anyone to beat my subordinates with impunity, we will take him, this is the case principle and a matter of time. do you think that only you have principles? i assure you, it’s better for him to surrender, then there may be some options, because anything can happen during detention, with you too. calm, calm, gentlemen, calm, quiet, enough duels for today, my name is shilov, chief of uboiny, narushev, deputy head of the second department of the third operational service of the federal drug control service, i know who you are, don’t you think that you were a little delayed with the search , guys, he's coming to follow now. upc will work and we will we'll leave. and what will the
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skp employee do here? investigate an attack by employees. oh, how! but it seems to me that the guys just fought among themselves. for the honorable right to be the first to plant the drug. no? can i laugh? well, laugh. there will be no such opportunity again. it will, don't worry. i have two witnesses who will confirm everything, yeah, and we have a whole pool of billiards, by the way, georgievich, pasha won two games from me, they broke up 10 minutes ago, they can confirm everything, well, if we ask around in the yard now, we’ll probably find someone two three people who saw how they grabbed each other by the throat, that my lariska was passing by, and she was a big-eyed woman, well... okay, this move is yours, we are leaving, but
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i have the colonel, and i won’t give him up, listen, quietly, quietly, zheka, shillov, don’t walk your dog without a muzzle, it’s dangerous. what a dog, oh you, quietly, jack, i just want to see him off, of course, i thought so, close the door behind the guests, you know, roma, i thought that nothing could surprise me at all, i was wrong, you know, who said when humanity will you stop being surprised? it will disappear, in my opinion, this does not
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threaten our country, tan, you need to go, where, roma, and even if you are in prison, don’t talk nonsense, okay, i’ll try to get to ivanovich, figure out what’s what, zhek, you’ll stay in the camp, you never know, yeah, if he finds out... he’ll kill you, well, we won’t tell him, although i like you better this way. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. "go
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here, like this, stop, like this, you set us up, you idiot, i warned you not to bank from the house, that it was difficult for you to get your ass off to go out into the street, but they come on their own, they come on their own because you allowed them , yes it was one time, close yours. quiet, yes, zaya! so, how are you? i see, okay, see you, kiss me, bye, that means, once again you’ll go feed the fish, now we
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’ll go write papers about the colonel who sold drugs, you’ll be our buyer, you went to see him. went and bought drugs, and then suddenly my conscience woke up and you came running to us, it’s clear, so, and you find me these half-hearted ones, because of whom it all started, because we will need good witnesses, when necessary, when, when yesterday, clearly, clearly, we’ll do it, oh, hello, hello, shillov, hello, hello, as always, without a call, as always, nothing changes, well, maybe it’s for the better, maybe, i don’t know, i’ve lost weight,
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should i feed you, no, thank you, but no, then what? lyuba, my fighter will stay with you for a couple of days, welcome, but if you can’t, tell me i understand, it’s better if i greeted you for a couple of days, i’m sorry, i can’t, okay, okay, i’m used to it, well, wait for me. you’ll live with her for a couple of days, georgievich, i can’t do that without work, i’ll have to sit without work, but i need someone alive, it’s great if they tie you up, you understand, so sit and wait until we
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sort everything out, that’s what you said, that they moved out, as soon as they moved out, they will move in, it’s understandable to believe them to be an idiot. let's go, lyuba, lyuba, forgive me, but i really have no one else, believe, yes i believe, shillov, i believe, i even believe that someday you will just come, without anything to do, that’s the kind of fool i am. and you know, they almost killed me, yes, thank you, the police protected me, it was the ural that made a bastard of it all, you should have resolved the issue peacefully with him, he is not the last person, i pushed him once and i’ll push him again, he’s the one there at home, man, and
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arnautov on his way out. stupid.
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how did you get here, i had to cut out the karau and take the prosecutor hostage, my head hurts, i can’t think of anything, the excuse doesn’t work, you ’re going to tell the investigator, well then...
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well, what are we going for then? did they let us go? listen, what have we arrived here, is there a cordon going on? let's wait a while, hello, great, just take off the cordon for now, i understand, what do you have here, three corpses, they know how to work, according to him there was only one shooter, yeah, by the way, very similar to our main suspect, and that he managed to see his face , his car is there, the license plates are naturally fake, so why did he abandon the car? i lost my keys
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at the crime scene, don’t you think, rom, that you should report to me, and not i to you? well, dmitry dmitrievich, you’re a boss, like me i can deny you this pleasure , it’s funny, and it all happened about 40 minutes ago, but it looks like it, it looks like it, okay, where are you going, check out one idea, well, well, over there on the highway. thank you, so, go away, there’s no need to stand here, where are you from, lovely child, the duty officer didn’t get through to either pasha or jackson, uh-huh, where are you going, stay here, see what’s
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what, okay, but where have you been? yes, we sat with the girls at the club, yeah, champagne with martina meshaga, a couple of cocktails, okay, in this form, there’s no need for you to shine here, jump into the car, hurry up, hurry up, where are we going, raman georgievich? when, after the urals, they had a spare car, it was parked in the indian’s yard, there is an opinion that the killer could use it, thanks to our carelessness, they didn’t even inspect it, as it stood and still stands, excuse me, roman georgievich, and the indian is who? the hindu is
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the okunevo man from whom it all began. “well , yes, why do you think that the killer did not have an assistant? if he had, then the killer would not have lost the keys, he was alone, uh-huh, this is the same bracelet that we missed, yes, but i thought that he killed the investigator and left the city, you thought wrong, yes. looks like our friend used another car, here it is.
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father, don’t say this too much, go, brother, you didn’t defend the cannon, you didn’t do anything, i won’t say anything. you weren’t in the sauna either, i don’t respect saunas at all, they give me a headache, and we planted a pistol on you, of course, thank you, raman georgievich, for your efficiency, but it’s time to start
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investigative actions, see the detainee. so, is everything done? yes, of course, great take it. i couldn’t stop them, roma, formally they were right, i understand, well, let’s go to bed, i mean, go home, take the bracelet, i know, raskatov called, that’s it. ran, get some sleep, i would like to,
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yes, aidar, hello, roma, it’s true, about ivanovich, yeah, it’s true. listen, tell me these people, i’ll close the question. will you shoot? no, paying is faster and easier. it won’t work, aidar, they followed the principle, they don’t need money. what are the principles of baryk and roma? baryk has one principle, profit. aidar, i said it won’t work. besides, i myself want punish them. yes, by the way, they can come to you too. well, i’m no stranger to it, let them come. listen, maybe we’ll ransom arnautov first, and then you’ll shoot them all? come on, i really don’t... jokes, let’s get in touch, come on, a retired colonel was trading, it happens that generals trade, and not retired, but active ones, right from
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their apartment in the open, so why should he be afraid ? , wife is a lawyer, son opera in the main office, how did you find him, there is no nut for which there is no bolt, we are his year they were working on it, they assigned a little man to him, he started giving information and... he disappeared, uh-huh, remember, on new year’s eve in strelnya they shot the gypsy boron, who was shot with two guns in his house, and so there is information that in that house there is a homicide department i found 50 kg of heroin, they disposed of this heroin through arnautov, so that’s how much 50 million comes out to, well, for shilov it’s pennies, the main thing is to arrest arnautov. and we’ll pull the rest of the chain up there ourselves, i reported, but good, i’m not surprised that you’ve already here, and i had no doubt that you would come.
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“so you are arnautov’s wife and his lawyer, this does not contradict the law, i bought heroin from him several times, he said that he works in the police and is not afraid of anyone, that he has plenty of goods and that i would also bring buyers, but why are you suddenly decided to inform the federal drug control service to participate in the control purchase, who am i? the question is not relevant to the case, the reasons why the witness decided to fulfill his civic duty are not considered by the investigation, but what are you doing, you
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yourself will go to trial for this, quietly, quiet, sit down arnautov, kolya, kolya, you can’t wait. kolya is completely loaded, there is a person who allegedly took heroin from him, a certain babaev, the one who lives in our entrance, can you imagine, they made witnesses out of the dealer, and also pulled up some drug addicts as witnesses, everything was openly brazen, nothing , they’re not afraid of anyone, zhen, to be honest, i’m scared, okay, don’t worry. every cunning man has his own methods, they exposed their little man, so, well, we need this, now we’ll know who to work with, i don’t think he’ll come back here, his most likely they’ll hide it somewhere, of course, but
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we’ll find out, old batman doesn’t sleep, i mean jackson, that’s what he’s doing right, okay, tan, i can’t talk. roma, i need you to take my place temporarily, acting, but no, what are you talking about, you have politics, and i don’t get involved in politics, of course, so roma refuses, well, keep in mind that in my place there will be something like, sorry lord, kovaleva, he has connections in moscow, and he’s not afraid to get involved in politics, not dim, but in general i didn’t even hope, come on, that is there more? here is a story about drug trafficking,
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more like a poem, what kind of nonsense is this , did he come with a statement, and they put him in a cell, but no, colonel arnautov is selling heroin, and i’m very worried about him, so that means , i’ll talk to the deputy head of the federal drug control service, oh, roma, i doubt that he... listens to me, well, okay, and i ’ll talk to our older brothers, i don’t think they’ll listen to me either, but in any case, in the camera , i think they won’t go to jail for treason, come on, we’ve been waiting for this 3 year, a great football event, who will ascend to the iron throne and become the champion of the entire continent, the game is close, who will you bet on, register in the application: bets and
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i can keep this for myself, of course, well, now we are planning to deal with the regional divisions of feskaren, there are priorities, as you understand, when we get our hands on the violator, then we will take it, but while we are doing something else, all reserves are involved, well, when you have your hands they will get there, well, you understand, but i i can’t give up everything like that. to break at your request, this is not a request, this is information about a crime, i understand, but you also understand everything yourself, i understand, while you are rocking arnauto in prison , he will lose his last health, so it’s better for us to do it ourselves, yeah, i’m sure everything will be fine ok, just don’t
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break the law, of course, okay, what are we talking about, what are we talking about, everyone remains in place, amon is working, calmly, don’t move, forward, forward, forward, we hold on. you are the owner of this establishment, i am the owner, you want to buy a car on credit, control service for drug trafficking, i understand, you don’t need a loan, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to offend you, where is arnautov’s office? oh, understood, pay attention, record!
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it seems i found a place where our friends are hiding their front man. what kind of fake? don't you know? this is the dealer who loaded ivanovich at the confrontation today. just don’t try to meddle in alone. i'll be right there. okay,
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good old jackson will sit quietly in ambush. or maybe he won’t sit. hello, help me out, relatives, sorry, friends invited me to visit, and i forgot the apartment, one boss in a beige raincoat walks around all the time, drives a mercedes, the second one, there were some like that, they live in the twelfth, yes, only he has already left, the boss who is the second one, but this one stayed. in the twelfth, yes, uh-huh, 12, thank you, only there, in my opinion, can we talk? why not? where is arnautov? where he belongs, in
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prison? i’m a business person, tell me how much, we’ll close this issue. but i will need time. you have a lot of time. "hello, roma, well, you were right, they visited me, yeah, guys are wizards, in ivanovich’s table they found heroin, yes, yes, no, roma, no need, i can handle it myself, so what?
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11:20 pm
yes, not rich. why the hell did you come here alone, you said
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sit down, gave me a stun gun, and raked out your entire salary, bitch, i think this is not the worst thing now, but if we quietly get out of here now, then we will have 2-3 days, a head start , until they recognize your shot, what to do, how do i know, now what to do, otherwise you’ll always end up with some kind of story with... register in the betting league application get free obstetrician on weekends at 20:00 on
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he’s somewhere nearby, and considering how many people he shot, and what connections he has, don’t force me to talk about your operas, what connections they have, how they move their indicators, and something i don’t remember recently your management has some serious high-profile cases, no major parties, no blocked transit channels, but if we take... some distributor, he will definitely turn out to be your person, whom we must let go, because soon he will be super important information on the colombian drug cartel. okay, okay, the most i can promise is to personally check all the materials. thanks for
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that. i really hope that you will personally understand all this. just keep this in mind. having broken in good standing with the prospect of becoming the head of the department after the new year, you know boris ilvich. the more i look at our system, the more i am convinced that the ancient indians who spoke about the end of the world were right, without this we cannot carry out any reform, which came to me urgently, i have been here for a long time, that’s why they came, of course ,
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everything in your materials is clean, bring it, no need, work, by the way, today there will be new facts on this. work, work, eat, oh, quiet, quiet, the attic again, only this time we’re running away, not catching up, and it seems to me that i even know because of who, wow, pukunem is calling, yes gleb, yeah? so what do you think, order, one shot, nothing
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was stolen at close range, well, great, yeah, that means, keep the matter under control, stay with the elder, stay there until the end, the bypass is under control, i need information, who lived v this house before and after, i got it, well done, come on, quickly he's for you... there this one came from a car dealership, come on, i'm
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the deputy head of the second department of the third operational service, a police major, who are you, director shamangaliev, here's 50 thousand euros, like we agreed, the point is... i ’ve known arnautov for a very long time, he couldn’t have been selling drugs, this is some kind of mistake, that is, you want us to release him, yeah, yeah, but arnautov is being investigated, and i’m just an operative, but i know that in reality everything here depends only on you, nice to hear this, but you are exaggerating the sharatha of my capabilities, by the way, why exactly 50,000, well... they didn’t say these, did you promise something? no, well, it’s clear, stop, this is a bribe on
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an especially large scale, to an official, in front of witnesses, and even with a voice recorder, so you will see your arnaut, very soon in crosses, which camera do you like, above him or below him ? you think it will just work, it always works, as many as we write down, five pieces, the rest is a bonus for us.
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why give your trunk here, why, it’s better that i take you without a trunk than with a wet one, come on, come on, come on! clip, here's another one for you, what about financial assistance? yeah, travel expenses, you urgently leave for moscow, work off the line, i understand, maybe we’d better send it to gleba, i know who to send, and besides, give me two, that’s it, get out, kuperdyan.
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dmitry dmitrievich, good evening, hello, hello, moscow, like the weather in the capital, is changeable, and my boss is flying to the caucasus any day, and the decision on the acting position has not yet been made, taking into account your reputation, it is difficult to make the right decision, well of course everything is a gift tanyan, i am the only swineherd. who returned the car to the deputy minister’s wife? and everyone has already forgotten about this, you perform a new feat, imprison some authority, listen, that’s it, i have to go, i can’t talk, everyone who can has already been imprisoned, whom i...


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