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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 10, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

5:40 am
thank you guys, well, 50, 100, 150 for my daughter, what are you paying for, huh? is there a fire outside? hmm, it burns well, so what do you order to do, but rightly, fulfill your civic duty, call the cops. oh
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, yes, this is so cute, sports figure, yeah, great, great, igor, what are you looking at, he’s choosing a girlfriend for himself, listen more, you’ll pick up computer viruses by looking at girlfriends like that, with us everything is protected, to the point, are you bored or something, i don’t think we’ll be bored for long, cherdyntsev will probably come in now and announce, you have another corpse. well, yes, so, good morning everyone, good morning, we have pipes, get ready, but where are the cherdynts, like where in the duty room, and what’s so funny? well, okay, what kind of corpse is it, does it have a last name, but not yet, it was found in a burnt-out car, kolisova street, house 21, who found it? shipinsky, arnold igorevich, our shalyapin, does he have two surnames, he has one thing that drives him, as he discovered, well, from the window of his apartment, look, he hasn’t spent his mother’s apartment on drink yet, let’s do it, stop chasing someone, get ready. where are you going?
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do you stay in touch? well, good luck explaining to them how you found it? well, comrade lieutenant colonel, that’s great, what kind of fire do you have here, but there’s nothing to report yet, the only witnesses are shipinsky and his dog, come here, come on, come on, come on, great chaliapin. i'm an orphan to my sons, hello, i'm not involved, it's all him, he started to be, i woke up, looked out the window, and there was a fire, hello, mukhtar, arthur, that's all you can report, well, i'll take the rifle to the police for now i called while we were driving, everything burned out, it’s clear, well, what can you say, science, clean work, even if there were some documents, traces, everything was swallowed up by the flames, that’s it, what about the corpse, that’s... all that
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was left of it, the corpse was so burned that they would have to carry out a genetic examination, wet it, pry it with something, it seems they burned it on the palms, take it away, okay, let's go, just with gasoline, there should be a number on the engine, come on, what kind of fragments are you collecting, and the fragments from a champagne bottle, on the fragments of borax there are signs, what are you doing here? si, that is - you think that he was hit on the head first, and then?
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senior lieutenant bunny, homicide department, write down the engine number, so find out who the car is registered to, i understand exactly, i’ll find out, i’ll call you back right away, wait, bosses, we’ll be leaving late, arthur is nervous, so chaliapin, quiet, quiet, quiet, chaliapin , you signed everything at namochilin’s, but i signed everything, quietly, quietly, quietly, why are you nervous, muktar, muktar, yes arthur , what’s the difference, how good, where did you get the dog? i picked him up on the street, i sang, and he sat next to me, listened, howled, then he followed me, a musical dog, and why arthur? but i like this name, my mother wanted to call me that, he’s arthur, but my father insisted that it be arnold, i will train him, in short, you will perform in a duet, one sings, the other howls, it’s not funny, success is guaranteed, yes, yes , yes, where is it, where are you, where are you being drawn, what did you find there, what did you probably find?
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oops, this is how the whole dock is located, thank you, mukhtar, arthur! comrade lieutenant colonel, owner of the car, sazonov anton sergeevich, is registered at the address. velikoselsky lane, which rural one? velikoselsky, write it down, velikoselsky, house 9, apartment 12, so this is the other end of the city, look, georgievich, we need to get involved in the case, who discovered it? mukhtar? stand here, well done, mukhtar, that's it, let's go, and you go to the address of the owner of this car, yeah, clearly, there is, don't forget to take something for a genetic examination, do it, let's take it, come on,
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who is it? please open up, police. captain krymav, homicide department. senior lieutenant radanov. what about him? he's alive, what's wrong with him? quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet. so, igor, give me some water quickly. calm down calm down. sit down. i, i saw him yesterday morning. he, he was getting ready for work, had breakfast and left. and i didn’t see him again. i, i called you all night today. i didn’t sleep, i told you that my husband didn’t return from work, you said that there was nothing to worry about, calm down, have a drink, please, where does your husband work? in the carp, what, where? this, this is a toy company, he is the director there, and where is this company located? on
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gromov avenue, building 13:15, i don’t remember, on the odd side, cross the bottom, it’s clear, you have a car , yes, that is, no, anton has it, but what, what? the fact is that a burnt car was found not far from your house, and a man’s body was found there. it is too? have you come to tell me about this? well, maybe not either, the fact is that it is still impossible to determine who was in the car. we need to do a genetic examination, could you give us your husband's things? which things? well, some clothes, a toothbrush, if possible. certainly. and a photo, please, maybe tosha, or maybe not tosha, victor, great, listen, try, please, did the police receive a call tonight
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regarding the disappearance of anton sazonov, from his wife yulia, yeah, just in case, go ahead. here is the brush inside and a photograph, uh-huh, thank you, yulia, tell me, did your husband have any ill-wishers, did anyone wish for his death? i don’t know, he made soft toys, fish, birds, bunnies, i don’t know, but you haven’t noticed anything unusual in his behavior lately, nothing unusual, he had breakfast, left in the morning, didn’t see him again, okay, okay , let's not torment you any more. here, take a business card, if you remember anything, call me right away, yes, thank you, see you goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, yes, yulia , i’m listening to you, yes, kirill, we need to meet, but what happened, but what i expected,
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and more specifically, this is not a telephone conversation, listen, yulia, come on, let's see you in the evening and talk, oh, i'm running to the office and i'm 2 hours late, right? yours called yesterday, he has problems with the internet throughout the floor, you don’t know much about his problems, come, i ’m waiting for you on the embankment, in 20 minutes, excuse me, hello, good afternoon, how can i help you, and we’re sorry, yes , so, got it, got it. thank you, igor, she called the police at 2:00 am. got it, to the police? yes, you know, we are from the police, captain krymov, senior lieutenant rydanov, homicide department. homicide? yes. is it all that serious? yes, girl, everything is very serious. more serious
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than you think. just don't be afraid of us. we are not scary, we are kind. what is your name? olya. olenka, i hope you will help us. we are talking about your boss, anton sergeevich. with asonov, when was the last time you saw him? yesterday afternoon, did he say anything to you? anton sergeevich said that he had business to do and left. what's going on, where did you go? i don't know. well , maybe he was behaving somehow... strangely, he was afraid of something, he was worried, he was worried , excuse me, please, i asked in the afternoon, thank you, he was not afraid of anything, he behaved as usual, that is , you didn’t notice anything suspicious in his behavior, no, the only thing is that he left earlier than usual yesterday, as a rule, he leaves after lunch, here at around eleven he had... a large checkered bag, as far as i understand, he took some documents from the safe, but
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overall he behaved completely normally, uh-huh, thank you, but can you characterize your boss in two words, well, anton sergeevich is a positive person, he likes to joke, tell anecdote, he recently signed a contract, so he promised us all a bonus about this, what kind of orxin is this orsin - to your car, that’s for sure, there’s an investigation underway, we ’ll sit down, uh, yes, of course, sorry, you
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just shocked me a little, oh, sorry, please tell me the last time you saw sazonov, yesterday, where, here, more precisely in his office we were just discussing the latest contract with the orexin company, yes, but could sozonov suffer because of this contract? no, but why do you think so? well, because the contract has been signed, the money is in the bank, and only there can be received from there. how much money is 30 million rubles, of course, and could competitors take revenge on sazonov? we make children’s toys, there’s so much competition in this business, it’s much easier to buy chinese junk, and yet , maybe sazonov crossed someone’s path, anything can happen, but not to such an extent that you killed for this, okay, but what about any troubles not related to business? well , don’t be shy, say, everything is as it is, everyone here is our own, well, in general,
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a new person came to our company, kirill dronov, our new system administrator, at the last corporate party with yulia, anton’s wife, and this kirill happened, well, of course , and how do you know this, well, anton and i have been friends for more than 10 years, and he told me, by the way, that he was going to divorce yulia because of this, well, of course, the only reason for divorce, i i just know that anton has recently been dating another girl, i think her name is larisa, but i only saw her once, so i can’t say anything about her, are you disgracing yourself, shalyapin, who else, mukhtar or something? , then mukhtar, come urgently, grab your brilliant dog, the star is returning. mukhtar, something interesting? the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtar.
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today at 8:25 on ntv. we have historically defended our borders, our people and those who need our help. although our enemies they spoke different languages, had different weapons, the goals were always the same: to destroy the country, to take away our freedom. but we have always stood up courageously and steadfastly in battle. history remembers everything. the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us win. become a hero bringing victory closer. serve under contract.
5:55 am
and hi, hi, you look good, thank you, kirill, there is interesting news, what kind of news? the police found anton's burnt car and... there was a body of men in it, that anton was burned out? unknown, that is, how is it? well, i i think it’s not him, why would he die with so much money? “i don’t understand anything , you know, anton and abrikosov, they pulled off a money deal, they set up a couple of banks and some kind of trading company, wait, how do you know, well, he’s still my husband, while yashenka is apricot, i’ve known for about 10 years, when they were still river sand was passed off as construction sand, what about a car, a burnt body, the body can
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be planted, but the answers to all questions can be given by apricots, if he is of course.” with my money, yours, yes, i have a right to it too. okay, why do you think money at abrikosov? i’m sure that later, it seems to me that apricots could have killed anton. okay, let's call the police. okay, i already called the police, i need to return the money. i don’t understand, should i return it? well, yes, or you are ready to provide for the woman you love on your salary. okay, okay, but what about paradise, in a hut with your loved one, very funny, let's go, together, i'm cold, i want to eat, let's go, let's go, what do we have according to sazonov? well, for now, comrade colonel, in the car next to the burnt body of a man , a broken bottle of champagne was found, the fragments were found the prints are traces of blood, but unfortunately, they are not listed in our file cabinet. also, well
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, about 50 meters from the car, an empty gasoline can was found. yes. there are also fingerprints, they match the fingerprints found on the fragments of the bottle, according to sazonov, yesterday he visited the bank of progress annovatsiya plus withdrew all the money from the sazanenok company account, 30 million rubles transferred under the contract and 20 million received on credit, successfully logged in , he also did not forget to visit his safe deposit box and took all the contents from it, but it is known why he is so big he took out the amount of money, the bank employees say that he had a large gray checkered bag, i think it was like this: sozonov took all the money and arranged his own disappearance. just in case, i have already sent directions to train stations and airports. you never know. well, yes, the scheme is quite simple, find some homeless person, hit him over the head with a bottle, then put him in an expensive foreign car and burn him, like in the nineties? well, for the 50 million that sozonov had, i think we can try,
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a genetic examination has been carried out. well, specialists are working. couldn't the wife organize the murder of her husband because of money there or? because of the inheritance, in general it could be a classic of the genre, somehow she didn’t radiate any special joy from the possible death of her husband, well, yes, she fell into a stupor, she called the police at night, that’s right, i checked, that’s what, my friends, i ’m offering you something better deal with this little company with a fishy name, something is not very good there, if its head disappears after visiting the bank with a large sum of money, so... well, let's go, dunce, i'll show you where our store is, you'll be on your own there for a beer run in the morning, let's go, yes, we're in the other direction, let's go, let's go, yes, where are you going, i can't run like that, yes, yes, where are you, you can't, ugh,
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arthur, where, stop, stop, you, well...
6:00 am
let's go to arthur, the sight of the dead is in a mood, creative meetings, well, what have we got, there are no signs of violence on the body, death occurred about a week ago, the body is naked, the crime clearly did not happen here, the corpse was brought here from the morgue , there are traces of an autopsy, capercaillie, what, well, if no one is looking for the deceased for a whole week, then such a person becomes an unidentified corpse, all you have to do is set out on a journey to places where no one is in a hurry... where, and to the morgues, to the morgues.
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yes, hello, hello, my name is larisa gavrilenko, i’m talking about anton sazonov, this is interesting, come in, have a seat. “i’m listening to you, i’m anton’s friend, close, i wanted to write a statement about his disappearance, i was told to come to you, well, we ’re already looking for him, we haven’t found him yet, not yet, but you can help us with this, how can i answer a couple questions, of course, ask, yes, i will answer everything, tell you everything, tell me when you you saw sazonov last time, what were you talking about back then? about our future. anton said that everything is ready, tomorrow evening, that is , the day before yesterday, he will come to me and we will leave
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the country. yes, but he has a legal wife . yes, but they are completely strangers. so you decided to just leave? and then would sazonov file for divorce, or would they decide to do without it? anton decided to disappear, evaporate, as if he did not exist. why such difficulties? he received a lot of money from some banks, an order from some farm, he took everything money for yourself. i told him that there was no need to do this, and he convinced me that everything would work out, and this was a great solution for everyone. he said that his factory was already bankrupt, and if this was not done, he would be sent to prison. i don’t understand anything about this, i just love anton, he loves me, and i’m afraid for him, he didn’t come. tell. who else could have known about sozonov’s disappearance? his old friend apricots, apricots? well, thank you very much for the information? will you find anton? certainly.
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goodbye. goodbye. yes, hello. eat the result of a genetic examination according to sazonov. let's. he was in the car, so, thank you, science, wait, whose corpse was chaliapin’s dog in the garage nearby, we’re working on it, but it’s not sozonov, sazonovo’s corpse burned in the car, i understand, work, thank you, andrey, take igor let's go to visit abrikosov.
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hey, is there anyone at home,
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it’s empty. it’s clean, and it’s clean here, look, the computer is on, well , look what’s there, i can’t live anymore, i killed a friend, sorry, very touching. you can’t say, well, i hope the further actions are clear, moreover, their result is clear, no, you still, take rydanov and interview the neighbors,
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okay, go ahead! then open the police, well, you've already started, yes, yes, what, what do you need, what do you need, police, we need to talk, no, i 'll open it, you're hitting me on the head, yes, we 're showing you the documents, look, captain krymov, hello, yours? senior lieutenant rydanov, i can print about a dozen such documents, what is it, oh well, i see that the cops are what you need, your neighbor died, andryukh, or something, yes, andrey abrikosov, seriously, it couldn’t be more serious, presumably he fell out from the window, wow, today.
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they noticed something suspicious in the morning, but it seemed like nothing, someone came to him at about 9 in the morning, scolding something, it seemed, they could make out a voice, male and female, male, i looked through the peephole, what’s up, there’s a guy there some guy ran downstairs, what a guy, how do i know, i don’t think i’ve seen him before, he had something in his hands, some kind of soup or soup, black and gray, maybe something else? it’s okay, i need to take medicine, i won’t go as a witness, come on, i’m down, you ’re up, they killed from the doorstep, one shot at a time for each, they didn’t even have time to twitch, but a professional worked, you love to overcome difficulties, especially when our bosses like to create these difficulties. a step
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to the left, a step to the right, an attempt to escape, a jump on the spot, a provocation, and where you go, i’m sick, i’m a paratrooper, i’m afraid of heights, cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv. good morning, i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for today. in transbaikalia, summer is gaining momentum. there are almost 35 and short showers, but in the amur region in the primorye there are no so extremely hot, from blagoveshchensk to vladivostok comfortable 23:26 sun. the exception is the southern regions of the khabarovsk territory, where it rains and is not at all like july +20, and tomorrow it will be even colder. in the south of kamchatka it is even lower, in the north of siberia there is wonderful summer weather, from norilsk to salihard 22:27 sunny. in the south, short rains are possible,
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with more rain in the eastern half. it ’s a little fresher there in krasnoyarsk 22, in omsk up to 28, in the urals, in yekaterinburg it’s also 28 and short rains. in the north of european territory precipitation will be heavy, a cold front is passing there, which has already cooled both murmansk and naryan, next in line is varkuta. and rains are coming to the baltic shores, but today in kaliningrad it’s a great summer day -30 degrees without precipitation. in the middle zone there is less and less rain, the temperature is getting higher, in tula - 28, in voronezh - 30, in saratov already 33. but in the south the air is heated to the limit, every day there are new records, you can only take a little break from the heat in sochi, there are modest 27 and short rains, and now the capital, in st. petersburg, without precipitation, today it’s 23, but tomorrow it’s already warmer, in moscow it’s already 26:28 today, then it’s 30 and higher again, sazonov had a checkered bag, that’s interesting, but there are no other witnesses, well, that’s clear, send the corpse, yeah, great, have
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a preliminary inspection. didn’t give, hello, death occurred about an hour ago, let’s see what the autopsy will show, what is happening with us, look, the front door is open, the toast in the kitchen is untouched, the slippers are scattered, there is a sentimental inscription on the computer, and oh, i can’t live anymore , i killed a friend, so there must be fingerprints on the keyboard, no don’t worry, we’ll work through everything to the fullest extent, all our hope is in you, unexpectedly it happened with apricot, but nothing unexpected, i also said then that he was involved, we should have grabbed him right away by the gills, well , yes, the same song again, he’s at work no, and at home too, maybe call yulia directly and ask where he is, well, that’s what she told you,
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no, why do we need to come here several times a day now? walk, or what? the district police officer needs to be put in ambush, he... there, open the thrones, police, will leave, rona, jumped from the balcony.
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well, did you lose it? lost. i have the question arises, why didn’t abrikosov run away when he learned about sazonov’s death, well, he thought that sozonov was alive, would show up, and wanted to get his share, instead of sozonov a killer came, or maybe he killed sozonov’s apricots? fingerprints obtained from the computer keyboard are apricot, they match those found on the canister on the bottle, which means apricot is from sazonovo. killed one person, but at least they figured it out, his mistress larisa knew about his desire to disappear from azonovo, but she didn’t seem like a sophisticated killer to me, yes throwing abrikosova out the window, she simply wouldn’t have enough health, but she could have had an accomplice, abrikosova’s neighbor,
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remember, he told us about an unknown guy with a bag in his hands, and excuse me, yes, this is yulia sozonova, i have drones in the apartment, he attacked me, help, please, save, yulia, sozonov’s wife, drones attacked her in his apartment , act quickly, quickly! julia, where is he? he's there in the kitchen! are you okay? andryukha, bring something to bandage the wound! andryukh! yes, i'm running! so, quiet, quiet, that's it okay, everything's okay, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, here, here, here, above. he came and said that now everything would be fine with us, that we would live, that he killed anton and andrey, well, that’s what he said, i didn’t want
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to kill him, and this gun, it’s a traumatic gun, anton bought a long time ago, 3 years ago, i i didn’t want everything, everything. well, in general, he’s dead, three hits to the chest, traumatic, i’m calling an expert, excuse me, the morgue is here, here, here, hello! "hello, i brought a letter, what are you saying, this is such a rarity, that's all now more people are texting on the computer or sending text messages, sit down, this is a letter from anton, it’s by email,
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interesting, it was written 4 days ago, it just arrived, by email, yes, you can put the time and date there even in a year, what do you need i need to read it, okay, sweetie, this, he called me that, i’m sorry, if you receive this letter, it means i’m no more, and julia did it, i came up with the whole disappearance plan with her, she agreed with radion, and radion who is this? this is her brother, he...
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i know where the unidentified corpse came from, it fell apart - something is wrong, vitya, yesterday i had blackouts all day until night, this morning there are no leads, so, oh, oh, it’s very good that you are here, now you’ll go to the eighty- seventh hospital to pathologist rodion kulishov, this is about your corpse, where to the morgue, victor, to the morgue, quickly, quickly, very important information, and now you will go to the prosecutor’s office, take out a search warrant and look at everything carefully again, something new has appeared water, let's go along the road, i'll tell you, there is, look, right? hello, radion kulishov,
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that the senior lieutenant is a bunny, the homicide department, but he came out, but you didn’t, i’m a colleague, but they told me that he was in place, yes, in place, the toilet came out, you, excuse me, but i don’t care we need a department, yes, you just sit for a while, yeah. it’s me, they came to me at the morgue from the police, the sub-fighting department, this is a setup, you understand, this is your business, i warned you, yes, radion, let’s quickly go up to the fourth, no, this is not radion, just like it’s not radion. he went out, where did he go out? listen, i don't know, ask him
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colleagues, he left for the department, what colleague, i didn’t understand who i was talking to, hello, damn, they got wet, i need help, i’m in the face, at your station, give me the address of radion kulishov, radion kuleshov, hello, so what you have igor, and the neighbor on the landing says that she saw yulia.
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hello, police, i am sincere, here in writing, i am not guilty, it’s all her, you know, hello, it’s all her, sister, who is she, yulia, my sister, could you open the door so we can talk in more detail, there is no need, it’s not my fault, she needed a corpse from the morgue, it’s still unidentified, and that this is a reason to commit crimes, a crime, no, no crime, well, what kind of criminal am i, i’m not guilty, it’s me... i just owe her money, a large amount, she said forgive me the debt, well, anton, her husband, came and i helped with the body, everything is written there, honestly, tell me, do you have sedative pills, why tetrachlordibenzodioxin, no, you need to buy it , accept, okay, i’ll buy, i have here a written statement from radion kuleshov, brother yulia sozonova, he admitted that he drove the body out of the morgue, go back, get him the exact
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address of sozonova’s rented apartment, it’s somewhere on kolitsova street, talk to him, he might know something, i understand, look, it doesn’t remind me of anything, yeah ? and we still have a long time to do everything here, well, i confessed to everything, i even wrote everything, if you don’t leave me alone, i will renounce everything, i have a constitutional right to this, he said everything there, i don’t know, in that case citizen of kulishov faces life imprisonment, you understand, three corpses is not enough even for a tag, but on even a tag... why are you one simple question
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and answer, on which your status in court will depend, whether you are a witness or an accused, ask, my sister's address is on kolisova street, kolisova street, building 23, apartment 37, what is not, thirty-seventh further there , come on, thank you, well, bring it here, come here, come here, i say, everything is fine, no one came in, no one left, here is the right front door, apartment 73, wait, so we need thirty seven-days , 73 told me.
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yes, this your dog, yes, take the dog away, this is your dog, this is not mine, this is a dog, you have to come with us, citizen sozonova, bongiorno, friends, you have no idea where i am, federico arnaldi is again in vladivostok, there is still a lot of interesting, beautiful, delicious things, he is looking for places that he has never been to, where there is wild nature, too. scary giant spider, giant, pacific octopus, wow, trying something i’ve never tried, i promised that today i’ll have a spree of gold, and cooking something i’ve never
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cooked in my life, this is the primorsky region, we are preparing a pintai pie, but only sergei. less chat, you're better, you're cooking there, speed up, wow, let's go, let's eat, saturday at 8:20 on ntv. do you know what this is? junk from the trash heap, all over this print is yours. fingers just like on the computer keyboard in abrikosov’s apartment, let’s admit it, huh? i didn’t intend to kill anton, i hated him,
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but i didn’t want to kill him, it was ridiculous, of course, it all worked out, he probably bought champagne for his father. anton hid the body from the morgue in the garage the day before. why couldn't the change be made right away? we could only take the body radion's day of duty. the next night , anton and i drove up to the garage. why are your hands shaking? shake? why, maybe slam some cognac, you have to do the job first, then slam as much as you like, it’s not every day that you see your own death, listen, you give me my share, i’ll put it in my bag right away, you don’t trust, what do you mean you don’t trust, i want
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to finish everything, then leave and never see you again under any circumstances, where is my money, from a reliable person. which person did we agree with? you'll get the money later, i decided that's it safer. you decided to ditch me, right? well then, drag the corpse and arrange everything yourself. why are you twitching? calm down, now we’ll do everything, we’ll go get the money, in an hour you ’ll be counting at home, or you won’t get anything at all. take your hand away, calm down, hysterical woman, or calm you down, calm down your hand. calm down, dear, maybe you ’ll give me a romantic farewell gift, see me off, so to speak, on a long journey with love and tenderness, fuck you!
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that's it, breathe, breathe, lord. i don’t even understand what we’re talking about? i'm about the money you... andrey, i want
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to have a nice conversation, did anton come to you? the police came to me, they said that anton burned down in his car. what is this? what? i just want my share. no, you just need to get out of here. and then you killed dronov, and in order to blame all the crimes on him, you staged an attack on yourself. “why did you come, we agreed to meet you later at the station, wow, there ’s a lot more here than i expected, yulia wanted to jump off, yes, yes, to leave without me, what are you saying, oh, yulia, i killed a man, this was an accident, mints are chasing me, i’m yul, i don’t want to go to jail, don’t. to prison, i have nothing to lose, they will look for you too , what kind of future do we have, but calm down, sunny
6:28 am
magadan, i’ll tell you what, i never really liked you, i can mess with you, but i can’t live, you’re a mad creature , what are you, did you really expect that we would have a happy life together? understand, you and i, it will be hard for the three of us to have money in the same boat, but why are you here, so, yulia, sign the protocol. i'd like to find some money or some junk, that's all
6:29 am
nasty things through all sorts of walls and distances, where are you going, i’m already allergic to your findings, wait, girl, be careful, girl, oh, chiba, chibochka, girl, excuse me, please, it’s not me, it’s all arthur, sorry, girl, arturchik, let's go home, let's go home, this is arturchik, this is my chiba! what a chiva, this is my dog, did you steal it? i didn’t steal, he came to me himself, i fed him, walked him, called the police every day, by the way, we’ve been working in the police for 7 years, just like him , oh, arthur, thank you very much for you found her, took care of her, goodbye, let's go, my dear, chipa. can i accompany you, and imagine, when i met him, my life changed,
6:30 am
we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we will find out the details of the emergency, we will take tests with... an emergency incident in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. how much money gullible people are not getting, it’s still not enough. it's even harder to stop. the habit of begging became firmly established in the life of one mother, about whom another filed a complaint. having borrowed money, she never saw them again; when she made inquiries, she realized that she had become the victim of a professional fraudster. i opened the doors of my apartment, saw a television camera, and realized that it was not the finest hour that had come, but rather the day of judgment was approaching.


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