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tv   Utro  NTV  July 10, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we will find out the details of the emergency, we will get tested with the first program, on ntv, the emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. no matter how much money you receive from gullible people, it’s still not enough, it’s even harder to stop, the habit of begging has become firmly established in the life of one mother, for whom another wrote a statement, having borrowed money, she never saw it again, when she made inquiries, she realized that she had become a victim of a professional fraudster . as soon as natalya dvoryankina opened the doors of her apartment, saw a television camera, realized that it was not the finest hour that had come, but rather the day of judgment was approaching.
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her eldest son went to the store, broke the bottles, as i understand it, they don’t let him in with alcohol now, the store is demanding money from him. oksana believed, the women, while they were in the ward with the children, became friends , the new friend made a positive impression, so when she asked for money, without hesitation she lent the required amount, 6,200 rubles. oksana realized that she had fallen for
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a fraudulent trick and wrote a statement to to the police, i transferred all the audio messages from a hospital friend there, don’t think that way about me, please, the fact that i’m a normal person, you hear, that’s what i’m saying, don’t even worry about it, i’ll give you the money. oksana decided to make inquiries on the internet, saw that her friend... a woman with a special reputation, that if not a website, then her number was another tearful story, among those who believed her there were even entire charitable foundations across the country, representing employees of various organizations, she asked they have money for disabled children, either for basic necessities or for entertainment, no report was provided on how the funds were spent, allegedly diapers were urgently needed for disabled children in novgorod, a friend fell for it,
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made several translations, somewhere in the region of 10 thousand, maybe there a little more, he said, he gave a fuck to this lady, there was a lot of brainwashing, he showed me correspondence on whatsapp, now the philanthropists decided to unite and handed over all the data to law enforcement officers , probably the incident in the hospital will serve as the beginning of an investigation into a large-scale and many years of deception. stress, apathy, and despondency can fall on anyone, but the brains put everything in place differently. dmitry ovcharenko used antidepressants, approved drugs from the pharmacy. he couldn't think how it would turn out. for six months, a guy who was a judge fought for his driver’s license. and the other day the winner was announced in this fight. we thought, well, some thoughts were
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50/50, it was not clear. there is tension in the courtroom, the judge is in the deliberation room, now everything will be decided. the first program told this story back in december. dmitry ovcharenko was stopped by the inspector. i took the test, the test on site was negative. that is, as the inspector did not understand. he didn't answer, it seems to us that you are taking drugs. in narcology, dmitry passed what was required, they found him. the drug i took is not on the prohibited list. cetolopram is prescribed by a doctor, an antidepressant, it is even recommended for pregnant women. a drug that was not prohibited at all, this doctor, he did not immediately tell me at the examination that your right would be deprived. a narcologist named galovanov drew up an act. why so, dmitry tresv like a piece of glass? this is take your
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camera away, over there further away, you see, i’m somehow not photogenic, it’s okay, put it away, this whole situation is, in principle, due to the fact that he - in my opinion, had no right to... basically start this whole story, because the drug is not prohibited, as if he just wanted it that way, the case of deprivation of a driver’s license went to court, we’ll meet in court, let’s, however, the narcologist golovanov himself never showed up there, what else what medications do you want? i think i understand what you are like you are taking medications, may i remind you, what would i remember, an approved antidepressant was interpreted as... another substance that causes intoxication, the wording of article 128 of the code of administrative offences, because of this line, the heroine of another story in our program, muscovite yulia, was also deprived of her rights ivanova. i was found to have floxytin; this
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antidepressant is not on the list of prohibited drugs. now dmitry is facing deprivation, is there really no difference between vodka and a harmless medicine? very strange, last november. in 2009, the constitutional court intervened, the wording of other intoxicating substances in the code was declared illegal, ovcharenko’s case should be stopped immediately. nevertheless , gi’s employees and witnesses were invited to the court, that is, with each meeting, some new people came and gave their own comments and explanations. 6 long months, a series of meetings, finally, fimid speaks out. proceedings in a case of an administrative offense are provided for in part one of article 128 of the code of the russian federation on administrative offenses in relation to dmitry valerievich's ovcharenka should be terminated due to the recognition of the note to article 128 as inconsistent with the constitution of the russian
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federation. dmitry ovcharenko was acquitted. the court made a positive decision in our favor. the case is dismissed, please. stay with me, thank you very much to my lawyer, well, basically everyone who somehow participated in this, here is the best for today, 16:45, cult series cop wars, rock, rise, look in today's episodes, killed with threshold, one shot for each, they didn’t even have time to twitch, worked as a professional, you love to overcome difficulties, especially... when to create, step left, step right, attempt to our bosses love these difficulties to escape, jump on the spot, provocation, well, where do you go, so i’m a ladder, i’m paratrooper, i'm afraid of heights, cop
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wars, today at 16:45 on ntv, good morning, in the studio of evgenia neronskaya. i'll tell you about the weather for today. in the far east , a coastal cyclone will bring bad weather to yumchatka, the kuril islands, sakhalin and the khabarovsk territory. this is the list of regions with uncomfortable the weather ends, then only good things. in the primorye region it is becoming warmer every day and far from the ocean, in the amur region there are excellent summer indicators in blagoveshchensk - 26. and even on the arctic coast of yakutia there will be a short northern summer in tiksa 21 without precipitation. excellent weather prevailed in the polar regions of siberia. in rilsk it’s +22 and the bright sun, exactly the same temperature in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, but there the rains will be short, but quite intense, the heaviest precipitation will fall on altai, kemerovo region, there are also 22-24, but warming is coming from the west, closer to the urals the temperature reaches a level of +30. on european territory,
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the cyclone cools the northern half and pours rain on everyone there. in naryanmar today the temperature will drop to +15. but in the middle zone the heat is only gaining momentum. today in the center it is still 20. 6:28, but in the chernozem region in the volga region it is +30 and above, and in some places there will be short showers. they are quite likely today in tambov in nizhny novgorod. in the south the heat is well over 30, in some places in the ozovo region in the steppe regions krasnodar region above 40 and not a single chance of rain. in st. petersburg it’s +23, cloudy with clearings, in moscow it’s sunny and hot - 26:28, and this is just the beginning. the morning continues, the best. we'll go fishing in a special car with a main road, set fire to chocolate with sergei malozyomov, create a new space at the dream dacha, instead of a road, a river, instead of a seat belt, a life
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jacket, and the driver is not behind the wheel, but in the trunk, a pskov craftsman turned his car into a motor boat . so, probably, no one had come together yet, they wanted to. with something unusual, explains ilya gerasimov, he bought an old foreign car and turned it into a watercraft, and immediately decided that he would not change the body and weld the doors. my main criterion was not to make changes to the design of the vehicle. ilya began the fight for buoyancy with twenty cylinders of polyurethane foam, filling the doors, sills, fenders and bumpers with it. that's all, a whole healthy bumper is a float, it displaces water behind... the car does not sink with its nose, the car engine had to be removed so as not to harm the environment and make the car lighter
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by 150 kg, but if desired, you can return it and drive on land, i put this engine back, start it and go, here you need to connect three wires, the owner tows the amphibian into the water to the river. coasts down, wheels, steering wheel, controls on the water are just design elements. the car is driven by a two-horsepower boat motor: the helmsman is at the stern. the four of us kind of calmly climb in here, drive around, well, we tried it in shallow water, it’s not scary in shallow water. it won't drown anyway because it's too big.
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operating a vehicle for navigation purposes is prohibited, and descending into water bodies is also prohibited. ilya was not very upset, because he nevertheless realized his idea, and now, in order not to break the law, he plans to build a real boat, but in the form of a car. igor gurulev from moscow
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asks: videos have appeared on the internet where chocolate is set on fire, does it really burn, just poor quality? we searched the internet and it turned out that this is a very common opinion. huh, this is terrible! oh, shining with a bright flame, even nowhere butter, even, even cocoa, fat, nowhere, look. let's conduct our own experiment, and culinary blogger with medical education anesta shainides will help us. he is suspicious of cheap chocolate, and he chooses expensive chocolate carefully. well, bets, it will light up, it won’t light up, it seems to me that it will light up. the test involves three samples of milk and three samples of dark chocolate of different prices. from the dairy, only the most expensive sample is produced. in germany, and the worst thing that burns is a cheap confectionery bar, it’s not even chocolate, it’s
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its analogue, instead of cocoa butter there are substitutes in it, this chocolate did not burn at all, it just burned, turned black, it has a very, very bad smell, i really don’t like it, i doubt that this chocolate was of high quality, there is no lack of combustion here at all does not indicate higher quality. option, everything is exactly the opposite, out of three samples of dark chocolate, only one, the most budget-friendly one, caught fire, that is, here the combustion seems to indicate something, it seems to me that if you don’t put it out, it will burn like a candle, well here no comment, i’m even surprised, it was this chocolate that was set on fire in internet videos and, as chemist-technologist maria klokanos explains, it ignites so easily because there is no such component in it before... chocolate, but this
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does not mean that and it cannot be set on fire if desired, chocolate burns due to the fact that it contains various cocoa products, this is cocoa mass, cocoa butter, first of all, of course, cocoa butter, such chocolate melts by weight and does not have time to heat up to the combustion temperature, here in a special heat-resistant container... great, set it on fire yourself in fact, any organic products are possible, we have already tested videos with cottage cheese, others are experimenting with rice, there is no point in such tests, one... translation of products: burning chocolate does not indicate the quality of chocolate as such, and even less so about what is included it includes oils, and you shouldn’t think that you can’t find good chocolate all day long, you just need to choose it in a proven way, according to its composition: the ideal recipe is as follows: in the first place there should be cocoa mass or cocoa mass, then
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cocoa butter is only in third place no more sugar further - well, maybe even litetin, that’s all, then you’ll get the maximum benefit. it’s better not to have cocoa powder in the composition at all, because, frankly, this is the cake that remains from cocoa beans after the oil has been squeezed out of them, but the most important thing is the dose, about this much: 30 g per day. if you eat no more chocolate, then you can be firmly confident that chocolate is a living food, not a dead one. hello, this is a dacha answer and i’m oksana kozyreva. truly large-scale changes await the pavlova family. in their house, here, on the second floor, in the very center, a giant golden cube will appear. sasha and nina met at a pharmaceutical
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company where they both work. the cavalier arrived on a motorcycle for the first date. when i saw it... i would have liked something calmer, because we still have a little daughter, and i would like to raise her in some light colors. the dacha response begins remodeling the country house of the pavlov family. the lining was removed from the ceiling and the joists on the floor were renewed. from above we form an even base from resistant
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tongue-and-groove chipboards. we cut the window opening opposite the entrance to the attic to. polo, we do not change the width, we install a plastic double-leaf french window, we install windows with the same characteristics in the openings on the other two walls, they remain the same size, we build frames from galvanized profiles along all the walls, as well as the sloping broken ceiling, and sheathe them gypsum fiber supersheets, they have a high strength and fire resistance, which is important for a wooden house. using the same material, we cut off part of the room from the space for a dressing room. in the center of the room we built a frame for the future cube from lw timber. the walls of the room will be decorated with decorative relief panels made of mdf. they are coated in production with polyester primer
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and are ready for painting. with paint, so we cover the luxurious wooden floor with a protective film. using a roller, apply the first layer of decorative plaster to the cube. after the surface has dried, apply the second layer with intermittent movements. paste-like material based on marble chips allows you to create various textures. this is called a world map. and the final stage is paint, which contains pearlescent powder. it will give a silky effect. the fireplace will be electric, the portal for it, like a plinth, is made of dura-polymer, the carved parts weigh little, are easy to assemble and are glued together, although you can’t tell at first glance, but in the new interior there really is enough storage space, and for a young family with this is very important for a child:
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a children's dressing room is hidden in the cube, parents' things will be stored in another... convenient, it is more complex shape, since it is located under the roof slope, but despite this, we managed to organize everything we needed here, switches in both dressing rooms with motion sensors, we glue diode tape into the ceiling beams to the profiles, cover the top with a matte diffuser, the same linear lamp appears on top. spanish designer jaime ayen. we close the windows with folding shutters made of high-tech polystyle material; it does not deform from exposure
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to moisture, sun and high temperatures, and looks very similar to wood. shelving and tables made of tempered glass and profile pipe, they were given a beautiful copper color using powder paint. drawers are covered with eco-leather. transparent chairs from philip starck suited us because their shape is classic and their design is modern. the designers transformed the classic head of apollo using black paint. we complete the interior decoration with posters. and decorative items with golden elements.
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wow, god, this is unusual, wow, yes, this is unusual, guys, oksana, they divided the phazons like that, how cool, but here you can go out, the floor, look how full it is,
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it works like an air humidifier, the container is filled with water, yeah, right here, look, smoke is coming, yeah, the feeling of such a fire, it smells like a fire, very, very, very, very accurate. very cool, the whole area, it is very useful, there is no useless area here, everything is very rational, functional, the sofas are also super, the sofas are also very very comfortable, very comfortable, i sat down and don’t want to get up, remembering all your experience in the hotel business , that’s how many stars this interior can be given, only five stars there is a classification system, so there is no higher, but let's go again with a plus dog, dog, your dog is with us, do you want to return it,
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the dog urgently needs reinforcements, the legendary detective is rushing to the rescue, bukhtar, bukhtar, don’t miss the loudest return. the criminals are already missing you, they are worried that you are not catching them. the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. it's not just a dog, it's a weapon. today at 8:25, at 11:00 the dog is on ntv. kingfisher, new season. today at 14:00 on ntv. afabozole retard. thanks to the gradual release of the active it is enough to take just one tablet per day. afabazolret, alarm. it can and should be treated. attacking credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and don’t forget about
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federico arnaldi. the title of the most important kebab maker in russia, unofficial, but according to the number of subscribers of regular viewers, with georg no one can compete. he himself explains that he did not do anything special, he simply fried the meat as his father taught him, as the knowledge of tradition dictates. anyone can repeat it, georg assures, although few have tried this, you will need pork neck, veal tenderloin and lard. you don’t even need to marinate the meat, just beat it, add olive oil, salt, paprika, basil, and then lay it in layers: pork, lard, veal. alternating lard, the meat gives it very good juiciness, wrap it and get this beautiful a rose. squeeze the onion juice onto the meat buds; the main thing here is not to overdo it.
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the onion itself destroys the marinade. when the second day passes, it begins to smell. another big mistake is when meat is cut without looking at the location of the fibers. it must be cut crosswise so that it easily falls apart when eaten. but sergey quite legally holds the title of the best kebab maker in armenia, because it was his kebab that was recognized as the best at the national championship. and the masters. notes several other errors that prevent people from enjoying the iconic dish to the fullest: firstly, many people really overdo it with the marinade, they need to marinate right away, why? because as you marinate it, the moisture comes out, for the first time in my life i eat such a juicy kebab, usually after moscow, you usually barely chew it, and chew it, and chew it, but alas, reputation. it’s getting
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worse, culinary experts admit, it was also the case with shawarma, which is now associated with indigestion; in many ways, this happened with shish kebab due to the reluctance and inability of amateurs. for many it is easier to buy this a bucket with a preparation, but not fried at all, but a very dry fact, after checking, attention, six out of seven semi-finished kebab products from well-known companies were put on the black list. in six out of seven samples there was an excess of the total microbial contamination of varying degrees, were identified. bacteria of the coli group , the presence of salmon in such containers is explained by the butcher, sevada sends meat that can hardly be sold anymore, for the new year, for the winter holidays, and so on, people take the knuckle as
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beef, so pork is made from it, which is correct, we have jellied meat, but in the summer no one suffers from jellied meat, so the shanks stagnate, so they are naturally removed, that’s all the meat they pulled out of them is buckets of kebabs, of course, like that. .. it is too hard, so it is filled with strong brine with an abundance of seasonings, one of the main ones among which, of course, is vinegar, and no, i won’t scold all vinegar, yet vinegar is one of the best seasonings known to mankind, but you need to understand three simple things: manufacturers of semi-finished products use vinegar to soften meat that is not very suitable for barbecue, this time, vinegar increases the shelf life. the meat in such buckets lasts up to several weeks and not all buyers look at the packaging date, although, of course, it’s terrible to marinate shish kebab for so long, that’s two, and the vinegar itself can be different, in such buckets it is
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unnatural, a penny and potentially hazardous to health synthetics from oil. yes, this is sold in stores, on the label it says, this is a table-grade one, but the fact that it is synthetic is modest, small, and somewhere behind. although initially natural vinegar was more expensive than wine. the vinegar matures in these barrels for 4 months, which is almost easier than winemaking. on the family farm of monsieur biberon near paris , vinegar production is spoken of as an art, a subtle secret passed down from generation to generation. i inherited this farm from my grandmother, then my parents worked on it, and now my wife and children and i are trying not to lose the mark. the journey of vinegar begins in the apple tree.
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acid bacteria, they can come from the air themselves, because they are everywhere, but it’s better in the form of a special selection starter or by splashing ready-made raw vinegar, then for them the main dish will be alcohols, they will start the meal, sweep out the alcoholic yeast as a result of their multi-day party, they will process the alcohol into acetic acid, that is, they will do the same the same thing as lactic acid bacteria, which produce acid from milk sugar, and a... lic vinegar is produced like this: the well-known poison methanol is obtained from oil, which is introduced into a catalytic reaction with carbon monoxide and acetic acid is obtained. in many countries, outside the cis countries, this can only be sold in household departments, and not in grocery stores.
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this vinegar is used to wipe tiles, kill mold, and wash floors. adding it to food is prohibited, and it is strictly punishable. it is believed that vinegar cannot be completely purified from petroleum products. for example, from acetone, and this leads to oncology and many other serious diseases. on the packaging of natural vinegar it is written: here is apple, wine or rice. the latter, by the way, has the faintest taste, which is suitable for barbecue if you really like the vinegary sourness. although, if you choose the meat correctly, you won’t need vinegar as a softener; you won’t want to kill the taste of the meat. what does the pro mask with? the plumpness of the meat, the sellers of the expired ones, what they soak it in and what’s wrong with the coal in the grill, how to cook shish kebab so that it is not saturated with toxic carcinogens, i’ll tell you in the second part of the investigation, don’t miss it,
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ruben markarian, lawyer, they write, my wife a couple of days ago i saw an sms from the bank. called the bank and found out that her old passport had a loan was taken out under my old name, what should i do? well , if you really have nothing to do with these debts, then the scammers have taken over...
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slowly contact this financial company, the bank that issued the loan or
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loan in your name, and if the situation reaches a dead end, you can complain to the bank of russia, that is, the regulator must, in any case , write a statement to the police immediately. hello, this is a housing issue, i’m oksana kozyreva. our program office is located in one of the most fashionable business districts moscow. in the second half of the 19th century it was a gas plant, and during the first world war hand grenades were made here. so today we will blow up the usual reality of our heroes and remake their bedroom. the walls will be approximately this brick shade, we will be inspired by the creativity of the amazons of the russian avant-garde, which is as relevant today as... parents for their three rubles, and
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since all the efforts were spent on arranging the dacha, the housing issue received three applications from the kaimakovs at once for each of the rooms, but most of all, of course, ekaterina and dmitry want to redo the bedroom with striped wallpaper. it was then that we chose this wallpaper for ourselves, our old apartment, and realized that we were mistaken, they were very dark for us. so that they would use it somewhere at the dacha, but they decided to stick it in their room, so when we had already exchanged with them, now we live with them again, both of us are haunted, the housing issue undertook to prove to the kaimakovs that life is striped, change one strips always come another one, priming is a guarantee that the old layer plaster will become firmly friends with the new one. a gypsum-based solution
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will be easy to breathe in the bedroom. plaster absorbs excess moisture during the wet period and releases it during the dry period. sketched and leveled. in the doorway, instead of a standard frame, we install only racks. there is no top jumper. we need 10 cm of height more. we are building a niche for the tv. the desired trajectory is set by sine profiles. we also mount this pliable accordion. we carefully fill the gaps with putty without gaps and reinforce them with a dense facade mesh so that the surface does not crack in the future. by the same technology was used to build niches for the bed and built-in wardrobes.
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we make a rounded cornice according to the fashion of the twenties of the last century. the technology is simple, but difficult to implement. osteklimlod. there is less plastic in the new windows, more glass, which means there will be more light. for the cladding we are building a metal frame, again the entrance is gypsum fiber. the thin semicircular molding made of duropolymer was primed at the factory; we will also paint it. we use finnish paints of proven quality; they are not fussy to apply and will never become pick and choose. the ceiling was covered with a cool frost. toward. a warm terracotta wave rose up to him. the resin boundary between heat and cold is now clearly visible. we apply elastic parquet glue to the primed base of the floor and lay massive oak planks in a herringbone pattern. the bodies of the dam
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cabinets slide into the prepared niches. they were made in a factory where our heroes had already visited. our heroine katya dreamed of a workplace in the bedroom, there is not enough space. so we used the loggia, here you can sit with comfortable, compact, laconic table, you can put a laptop here, there are sockets, there are switches, either gold or brass, with such a matte finish, it goes very well with our powdery walls, avant-garde striped clothes are already ready for rounded niches, these are seamless wallpaper, and this is the main style-forming element of the head of the bed in a one-piece dress in the fashion of steel. not a long time ago. the drawer is in soft velvet, the base is orthopedic, like the gas-lift mattress. the door leaf is mounted on reinforced italian black hinges tone of the lock handle. the main lighting spots are overhead, since the ceiling is not suspended.
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local light is interesting and different. for reading at night, hanging balls. the bras for the television niche are also round, but flat, in the corner there is a vintage chandelier, washed to a shine, a lightbox with a photograph of yulia galochkina - the very object that the heroes puzzled over .
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today we remodeled the bedroom for our heroes. a new period in the life of the kaymakovs begins, by the way, they are already outside the door. wow, oh my god, oh, how cool, wow, oh, how cool, how cool, i’m not at home, yes, how great, chair, chair, i was sitting on it, oh, how cool, as if i was in a parallel world, not in my bedroom, i don’t even know what to highlight , i just liked everything, from the hem to the floor, i’m also delighted with the workspace, i didn’t expect that it would be possible to organize it on our balcony, because i thought our balcony was cold enough for this. dmitry, you are already sitting in such peace, great, yes, i just want to lie down, turn on the tv, choose a painting, choose a painting, look, everything is very cool, laconic, the color is just ours, yes, our color, yes, it’s so pleasant, it doesn’t hurt the eyes, but at the same time
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it’s not dark, the bedroom turned into a living room, we were waiting for a miracle, that’s practically what it is . friends, today i am in the north, the very north, why did you get into the footage, wait, you burned the joke, i didn’t have time to say, the very north of africa, you and i agreed, in general, friends, welcome to tunisia, it will be go, he will fly. from a distance it’s not a hindrance to see everything, just call, he will come instantly, try to feed him, faggot. you know, friends, i made the difficult decision to join a monastery,
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or rather, to leave. the monastery is a cozy resort town, just 11 km from sousse. it is perfect for an inexpensive, quiet holiday. at the fish market of the monastery, i agreed to meet with my old acquaintance. what, how many years, how many winters, i’m very glad to see you, me too, friends, meet me, last time a year ago, when we were filming tunisia, this wonderful man was our guide, he didn’t want to film then, in this time i forced him because he cooks very tasty, today we decided to cook a traditional tunisian dish, couscous with fish, and the first thing we need to choose. the most delicious fish, for our dish we need sea bass, or as the tunisians say, sea wolf, tell us how to choose
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correctly, what is worth paying attention to, first of all, look at the eyes, eyes, see, they should be juicy, black , not dry, yes, and it’s clear that here you can see that the fish is fresh, right here, when it’s such a very bright red color, that means. great, we take two fish, or better yet three, so to speak, sea bass with a reserve, that’s it, we bought even more than we needed, let’s go cook, no, we also need to buy olive oil, the freshest, finally, we can start cooking, by the way, this is couscous after all, this is couscous, wheat cereal, yes, it scared me that we will still have to wait while it grows, grows, no, no, no, no, so let’s get started, first... cut it fish in large pieces, once again, and cut up the sea bass, well, it turns out that couscous
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is also a kind of ritual, yes, which unites the whole family, that is, i usually saw that you eat from a large plate all together, but it generally reads solemn, and yes, when we receive distinguished guests, it’s probably about me, but what am i a guest? and quite high, 80 meters, then what, next we have pepper, pepper, yes, pepper is clear, where would tunisia be without it, the next ingredient came as a surprise, it’s pumpkin, pumpkin, yes, wait, pumpkin, why pumpkin, pumpkin seems to be associated with autumn, goes well with fish, it tastes so good, so special. add when it comes from fish, okay, seriously, we also add potatoes, onions, chopped peppers, add seasonings, salt,
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red pepper, turmeric and mix, and we take a frying pan, if you can call it that, pour in our fresh olive oil and first, fry the peppers, add salt, take them out, yes, take them out already, yes, yes, yes, that’s it, yeah, oh, so fried, yes, there, then the onions and tomatoes go into the oil, add water, add pumpkin potatoes, right, now there will be the most unusual moment, the most unusual moment, how to understand this? yes, take this little one, this one, yes, what’s unusual here, open it, oh, what is this all the heads of the heads? according to shakri, this should give the dish a unique fishy aroma,
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well, we put the heads in gauze, add spices, tie it tightly, that is, i need to immerse it in yes, yes, right there, we definitely won’t spoil anything, no, no , no, this is 100%, okay, i’m loading it, yes, the couscous itself is cooked in... a separate container, similar to a colander, this is of course unusual, that is, we cook them too , as if they were on time, before cooking into couscous we’ll definitely add butter, so i’ve always wondered how to make couscous as crumbly as you have here in tunisia, it turns out that you need to treat it with butter in advance, yes, that’s a secret that i didn’t know. okay, then with water, more water, yes, put the fish in
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the lower container, put the couscous on top. that's it, the design seems to be reliable, i close it, close it, yes, we wait half an hour and finally we try our couscous for taste, it turned out to be such an interesting couscous, there are spices and there is a piquancy, but there is also a very strong fishy taste, by the way, i i think this is mainly for the count of these heads that we go there is small, yes, yes, yes, yes, i agree.
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karkhan, there will be no karkhan-markhan, watch your language, this man is very dangerous, be careful, you hope that i will break up with sairan, what does sairan have to do with it, i could just tell her about the child, this child is also not my bilin, yes, kazem bey thinks that we are planning something behind his back, someone is playing with us, they will not be able to separate us, sairan. who are you, how are you connected to pelin? kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. cop wars, today in 16:45 on ntv. a fairy chicken is needed for sweet dreams, a rubber chicken is for distracting maneuvers. and the most tender chicken
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for burgers in... delicious dot is the new kari sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit carry, try it in delicious dot, and for breakfast in the old dvorye there are juices, oh, my favorites, do you know why they are so juicy, let’s take them juicy okoro, a piece of aromatic spices, simmer the juices in the oven, and let me show you how i prepare them, boil them, cut them, fill them with omelette and it’s done, mish, you came up with a great idea, that’s all our sochenki, old dvorie is really tasty, sale in hop for all yours, i want a bed with a lift. mechanism for only 21.990. shop at the coffee shop. as your metabolism slows down with age, someone needs to take care of your body. dibecor helps normalize cholesterol and sugar, improving metabolism. dibikor. be in shape, may your health be normal. almost everyone waits for the right moment to get down to business.
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this is the cash register, this. an honest sign is the return of mukhtar on weekdays at 8:25 on ntv. get your face in order without cuts or irritation and remove hairs from your nose. and ears wireless 4d razor three in one leamax razer, rotary face razor, beard trimmer , nose ear trimmer. three rotating heads provide fast and high-quality shaving, and the metal mesh protects the skin from contact with the blades. you need to trim your beard with a beard trimmer attachment. you will trim your temples, mustache, beard, trim and shape it. without visiting the hairdresser. nose trimmer is gentle. will remove unwanted hairs in the nose and ears, call and order a three-in-one electric razor leamax razer for 1,999 rubles. but if you call right now, the razor will be yours
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for only 999 rub. leamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website kingfisher, new season. today at 14:00 on. tv. good morning, in the studio of evgenia neronskaya. i'll tell you about the weather for today. in the far east, the coastal cyclone will carry the ice to yumchatka, the kuril islands, sakhalin to the khabarovsk territory. this concludes the list of regions with uncomfortable weather. then only about the good. in primorye it is getting warmer every day and within a fraction of the ocean, in the amur region there are excellent summer indicators in blagoveshchensk are 26. and even on the arctic coast of yakutia. a short northern summer will appear in tikse 21 without precipitation. excellent weather prevailed in the polar regions of siberia, in norilsk, +22 and bright sun. the temperature is exactly the same in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, but there the rains are
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short, but quite intense. the heaviest precipitation will fall in altai and the kemerovo region, where it is also 22-24. but warming is coming from the west. closer to the urals, the temperature reaches +30. on european territory the cyclone is chilling the northern half and pouring rain on everyone there. in naryanmar today the temperature will drop to +15, but in the middle zone the heat is only gaining momentum. today it is still 26:28 in the center, but in the chernozem region in the volga region it is +30 and above, and in some places there will be short showers. they are quite likely today in tombov, in nizhny novgorod. in the south, the heat is well over 30, in places in the priozovye in the steppe regions of the krasnodar territory above forty and not a single chance of rain. in st. petersburg +23 cloudy with clearings, in moscow sunny and hot - 26:20. it's just start. see below. morning is the best. we identify the symptoms of diseases with your doctor. let's make tomato soup with yulia
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vysotskaya. let's talk about new products in the world of technology with sergei malozyomov. let's rock it at agutin's fifth anniversary forum. all diseases are caused by nerves, says a well-known expression, but how does the mental state affect a child’s or adolescent’s body, is abdominal pain or fever always a consequence of only a physical illness, which is why there are so many children’s allergies lately, psychosomatic disorders in children, the topic our conversation with candidate of psychological sciences tatyana avdulova. good morning, the program your doctor is on air, here we are talking about the right medicine with the right doctors. tatyana pavlovna, today i would like to raise with you such a topic as psychosomatic conditions in children and
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adolescents, when mental disorders, disturbances of perception can lead to some kind of somatic disorders, that is , real diseases in children and adolescents. how often does this problem occur in real life? this is so rare niche story, no, the problem is quite widespread, and the problem is getting significantly younger, so to speak, that is, now it’s getting younger in children, in children, yes, it’s getting younger in children, that’s absolutely right, now children are being brought in for consultations for 3-4 years, nothing yourself with obvious psychomatic disorders, and the most typical option is when there is information overload, an orientation of over-achievement.
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suddenly began to throw hysterics for no reason, emotional outbursts, some violent reactions, as the first stage, then neurodermatitis begins.
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a child with some kind of illness is not a simple non-routine task, because there are a great many diseases now, they have become fragmented, there are thousands of different diseases that pediatricians are faced with, finding the cause is not just a one-time thing, it involves multiple visits and multiple tests, studies and so on and so on, but if at the first stage the psychologist saw, it turns out together with... mine,
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maybe it would be easier, yes, we have indirect help, and information from the same parents, for example, parents say , goes to his grandmother and everything is fine there, or the holidays begin, all the symptoms go away, the school year begins, all the symptoms blossom, yes, that is, once at school, the person immediately begins to get sick, yes, yes, to a large extent, school is for today's children, unfortunately, in many ways tests. well, it has always been a test, for all of us it was a test, well, we just treated it as a proper test, probably not, for many children it is a joy, and even now there are children who happily go to school, love to learn and receive pleasure from the whole process, it’s great that such children exist, i haven’t seen them, but somehow, probably, probably, probably, this also exists, this is an obligatory component of entering adulthood, for modern children. ..
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of course, school, this is a family, and some kind of social environment around, the child’s own experiences, say, if the child is sensitive, emotional, so empathetic, even responsive, i had a wonderful example, a boy, 5 years old, fortunately he didn't get it psychosomatics, but he was in a very difficult emotional state, because he empathized with everyone, but well, i don’t know, the future gandhi, an unusually loving heart, and mother...
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preschool and school institutions, in children’s clinics, probably she, she and now it is growing, i think that it will continue to grow, and the main thing is that there are psychologists, there are those people who should help our children cope with these problems. good morning everyone and see you again. oil, a couple of tablespoons, add garlic here, and i baked the peppers in the oven in advance. right up to like this, you know, under the grill, until it’s very, almost black in color, so that the crust is like this on the peel, then quickly either in a plastic bag, or under the lid, in a pan, peel everything off, they look how beautiful they turned out, now the garlic , i have one
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large clove of garlic, but in principle there should be two cloves of garlic, i fry it a little in olive oil, naturally the garlic should be transparent and not burn, and as soon as we see that the garlic changes its white color to such a milky and transparent, here i come i add a good, large tablespoon of, i would say, tomato paste, i add here a little bit of pepper flakes, chili, dry , you can take it fresh, just a little bit, too , just so that the rest of these ingredients can start to sound, they are in order to... a little secret to make the tomatoes stand out brighter, by the way, regardless of whether you take fresh ones or these canned ones,
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a small pinch of sugar, a little less than half a teaspoon, here i have three baked red peppers, too, we add here a little vegetable broth, of course. take water, well, with vegetable broth it turns out tastier, but by the way, it’s healthier, without salt, i didn’t salt it, and enough broth so that we can understand what consistency we’ll get, now we’ll bring it all to a boil and beat it with a submersible blender. ok, we need the consistency to be as smooth as possible, the aroma is, of course, simply fantastic, and the color turns out so beautiful, the color is beautiful, so now,
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of course, even by the smell i feel that there is not enough salt, a pinch of salt and... here i have like this idea, i add coconut milk here, about 100-150 ml of coconut milk, of course, you can do without it, you can just add cream, it’s also interesting, in fact, peppers and tomatoes go well with cream, especially in soups you get such a creamy consistency , but with coconut milk, this is just another additional color, which is just suitable for those who adhere to the principles of such a vegetarian diet, we don’t have enough, we need a little greenery, the greenery can be absolutely any, that’s what you want i like it, it seems to me that tarragon would be very interesting to work here, i crushed the tarragon leaves, add them to this saucepan
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and let it brew for a little while, bon appetit, almost 100,000 rubles. it was first unveiled at the world's leading electronics show ces 2022 in las vegas, where it created a stir. compact and lightweight, it can be controlled by remote control or smartphone and demonstrates simply amazing versatility. can be
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a video projector, a music speaker, a lamp for light installations, even replaces tv. is the excitement justified? our sasha tsygankov personally took it upon himself to check everything. let's start with home conditions, let's see what he has with the image, yeah, it turned on, as it should be with a modern projector, this one can adjust the picture itself, so that it can be placed almost anywhere. so, we lower it and check the autofocus and trapezoid level correction. you can see with the naked eye that the automation tweaks the image so that it is clearer, and well... it doesn’t fall back and forth, in some ways it can really replace tv, because there is a smart tv inside, that is , movies and tv channels that can be watched via the internet, that’s it. common online cinemas are already presented here, you can go to them, register
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and watch whatever your heart desires. the device produces a picture with a diagonal of 30 to 100 inches, the smaller the brighter. the declared power of 50 w is relatively small, but sasha, who tested many projectors during his time working in the miracle of technology, had no complaints about the quality. considering that world, which we placed for shooting, in principle , the picture suits me, that is... if i were at home, i would turn off everything completely, and it would be much better, but can the gadget be useful in the office? for example, to make it comfortable to watch your colleagues’ presentations in large size during a video conference? magic, that’s how it works, now i turn on the screen repeat function, it works, so who should i call, i’ll call dartamysheva. and the sound, by the way, comes here, it also works well, dasha, and
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also, if you buy a special adapter, the projector can be combined with the base of a regular lamp and direct the image, for example, onto a table. perhaps this will be useful for those who like to cook using video recipes, however, make sure in advance whether your lamp can withstand such innovations; sasha’s lamp could not cope with a kilogram device. filming now, yes , i’ve actually already finished, that’s it, come on, i’ll be there soon, and you’re done, come on, you’ll see, i’m leaving, come on, me too, call all of ours, in typical conditions, at home in the office, the gadget performed well, but when you buy a projector that can work not only from the network, but also from a power bank to replace a column, it would be a shame not to test it on the street, our testers, sasha, dasha, nikita and masha, first. they go tubing, and then they compare whose ride was more extreme, the connection is made,
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so, in theory, now i can connect from my device to this projector to show how we rode, by the way, it’s an interesting texture, and it’s next to a brick wall , generally class, mash. you recognize yourself here and there you worked the projector from the power bank for more than an hour, although it was capricious in the cold i didn’t tune in right away. now the projector is working in bluetooth speaker mode, i connected via bluetooth, started the music, and pay attention, here comes a certain wow, wow, really sasha, you can stand here as a dj of this type, come on, come on, sasha, your finest hour, ours testers. well, what will the expert say? the editor-in-chief of the internet portal about
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projectors, alexander kosyakov, tested the device, gave it a very high rating, said 150 points out of 100, but doubted that it was worth overpaying for those functions, which will not really be used. unfortunately, sometimes there are advantages to disadvantages; therefore, this projector has about half of its functions that will not be appreciated by anyone, because it is in general. they don’t know - and cannot use them. for most people, it will be enough to buy a regular compact projector, which will cost much less than 100,000 rubles. however, everything works flawlessly here. this is a well-deserved five out of five. red. on the diaries of the agutin forum. today is the last day when the guys and their parents can safely attend
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the master classes, because serious preparations for the forum’s goal concert begin tomorrow. on their day, the guys decided to start with a language track. of course, as in everything else, participants are given a choice of languages. if you don’t want to study english, go to chinese... others attended the stellar lecture by people’s artist of the russian federation larisa aleksandrovna dolina, where the legend of our
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stage revealed what is the key to success in a vocalist’s career and what are the difficulties can... wait, i understand that i am going out into the hall to the tep audience, who bought expensive tickets in order to see their favorite artists, and we have to drink along with the soundtrack, this is bad, this is very bad, we are deceiving them in this way , thank you very much, but any star must have a voice not only for vocals, but also for interviews, anyone can try on the role of a real tv presenter or dubbing actor right here, on the house of sound track. which is located in a minimalist bus. mother cow, they're beating me, they scold them, they don’t give them bread, they don’t let them cry, the tiny little girl worked for them, she sewed them, she wove for them, she never heard a kind word. super, well done, great! in the meantime, their mother’s children are educating themselves in every possible way
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for competent promotion, the fathers are visiting a gentleman’s club, where a master class on the art of negotiation awaited them. these are three, let’s say, such tracks, three large segments within them you can’t throw right now specifically, it’s hard for me to fire a person, but after the master classes everyone the forum participants were treated to a latin evening on the small stage, well, i didn’t expect it, of course i know that here...
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this is a completely different concert than somewhere else , completely different, well, first of all, i’m incredibly glad to be here, it’s a different atmosphere , she actually breathes, it’s impossible to describe in words what’s happening here, it’s some kind of movement, it’s childish,
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it’s, it’s all sunny, even if it rains, some kind of blizzard, it won’t kill this one sun. i don’t do any duets except with my wife, but here she hit me so hard with this song that i thought it was really cool. vladimir and his duet colleague decided to exclusively release the track on the forum, so catch the hot exclusive!
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tomorrow we will plunge into the pre-concert bustle, in the morning with the best. the best of today at 14:00, big premiere, kingfisher, new season, famous.
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kazem bey thinks that we are planning something behind his back, someone is playing with us, they will not be able to separate us, sairan, who are you? how are you connected to pilin? kingfisher - new season. today at 14:00 on ntv. banana-strawberry. mood for you. raspberry blueberry. and lime mint. choose your mood. dog, dog, we have your dog, do you want him back, the dog urgently needs reinforcements,
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the legendary detective is rushing to the rescue, mukhtar, mukhtar, mukhtar, don’t miss the loudest return of the summer, the criminals are already missing you, they’re worried that you’re not catching them, mukhtar's return from the very beginning. it's not just a dog, it's a weapon. today at 8:25, at 11:00 the dog is on ntv. kingfisher - new season. today at 14:00 on ntv. seeds from martin. the quality is always top notch. under excellent percent. in the branch and online. oh, misha, did you forget here, but i didn’t forget anything here,
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you get cashback monthly directly to the card in real money it’s so easy peak everything grandfather get a black card from tebank and get cashback for all purchases dbank is the only one. good morning, i, evgenia neronskaya, will tell you about the weather for today. in transbaikalia, summer is gaining momentum, there are almost 35 and short showers, novursk region. not so in primorye extremely hot, comfortable from blagoveshchensk to vladivostok 23:26 sun. the exception is the southern regions of the khabarovsk territory. it’s raining there and it’s not at all like july +20, and tomorrow it’ll be even colder. in the south of kamchatka it is even lower, in the north of siberia there is wonderful summer weather, from norilsk to salihard 22:27 sunny. in the south, short rains are not excluded, and in the eastern half there are more of them and it is a little fresher there. in krasnoyarsk - 22, in
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omsk up to 20. in the urals in yekaterinburg, also 28 and short rains. in the north of european territory, precipitation will be heavy, there a cold front is passing through, which has already cooled both murmansk and naryan, and vorkuta is next in line. and rains are coming to the baltic shores, but today in kaliningrad it’s a great summer day -30 degrees without precipitation. in the middle zone there is less and less rain, the temperature is getting higher, in tula 28, in voronezh 30, in saratov already 33, well, in the south the air is extremely hot. every day is new. you can only take a little break from the heat in sochi, there is a modest 27 and short rains, and now the capital, in st. petersburg there is no precipitation, today it is 23, but tomorrow it will be warmer, in moscow today it’s 26:28, then again 30 and above.
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the fighting flower of our army, what a tulip is capable of, the most powerful mortar in the world, which has become a nightmare for the ukrainian armed forces. a defensive alliance with a militant attitude. results of the first day of the anniversary nato summit. cancer. resistant to therapy and what can be obtained from a blood test, breakthrough discoveries of russian scientists, as well as life in a web, the gypsy moth attacked the altai republic. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboysty. hello. let's start with the work of our military in the special operations zone. t-80 tanks and a group of troops from the center destroyed a ukrainian stronghold in the avdievsky direction. the crews fired at.


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