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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 10, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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shakirovka 30 yl toly onaiyndan tytlautapyz. hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers. a terrorist attack on the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser admiral kuznetsov was prevented. the fsb also reported the suppression of an assassination attempt by ukrainian special services on high-ranking russian military personnel. russian infantry is expanding its zone of control on the so-called vremevsky ledge. the fighting is taking place in the forest belts of motorized rifles.
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today, its host is aina nikolaev and igor politaev. today it became known that two terrorist attacks were prevented in russia, one of them was planned on an aircraft-carrying cruiser, the other against employees of the ministry of defense. the fsb showed a video with the story of a russian military man whom the ukrainian special services tried to persuade to organize an explosion on the cruiser admiral kuznetsov in murmansk. the officer turned. on safety. i am a sailor serving on the heavy cruiser admiral kuznetsov of the soviet union. in march 2024 , he contacted me via a foreign internet messenger via video link a certain oleg. and he said that he is an employee of tsypso, and his activities are supervised directly by the head of the main intelligence department of the medical defense of ukraine, kirill budanov. during telephone
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conversations, using psychological influence techniques, oleg tried to recruit me to commit a terrorist attack on a warship. reportedly, to assemble the incendiary device of the ukrainian special service, the necessary components were sent to the serviceman through a certain transport and logistics company. he was assured that immediately after upon receipt of a video recording confirming arson on the cruiser, it will be evacuated to finland. another terrorist attack, according to the fsb, was planned. leaders of the ministry of defense, the suspect was detained , he reportedly tried to organize through couriers the delivery of three explosive devices disguised as gifts to the addresses of high-ranking military personnel of the ministry of defense in moscow. the bombs were supposed to go off after the couriers reported that the packages were delivered to the recipients. the detainee admitted that in the spring he was recruited by agents of the ukrainian military intelligence. russian troops have improved their positions in yuzhnodonetskoye.
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special operations management, heavy fighting on the vremevsky ledge is taking place in forest belts, fighters are trying to occupy a fruitful village, artillerymen are striking at enemy defensive structures with the help of self-propelled mortars tulip, this is a weapon of special power, capable of piercing three meters of concrete with a shell, our military correspondent rostislavskydan transmits from the combat zone , fire, caliber shot, the characteristic sound of the world's largest mortar has not yet had time to... quiet in the forest belt, and another stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed. the primorye artillery of the vostok group, using fire from a tulip, destroys the redoubts of the ukrainian forces on the approaches to the harvest, on the so-called vremevsky ledge. they dug in very seriously, but not against our mortar. our mortar will level everything. with the arrival of summer , the mortarmen's high season began. our infantry is advancing in the southern donetsk direction. artillery preparation precedes assault operations. to the firing lines now.
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the tulip crew leaves several times a day, the mortar men work quickly so as not to become a victim of counter-battery warfare. there is a rule that it takes 20 minutes for khaimars to aim, so we always try to fit within these 20 minutes. to leave the firing position, fire! the fighting in the vremevsky section of the line of combat contact has not stopped for more than a year. the results of the much-publicized counter-offensive of ukrainian forces in the summer of '23 have already been practically erased. now units of the vostok group are expanding their zone of control. the weather is favorable for attacks. in donbass the heat is forty degrees and cloudless. ideal conditions for aerial reconnaissance, adjustment of artillery strikes and motorized rifle maneuvers. these benefits are being taken advantage of. and the enemy, this is a kind of tank curtain, though instead of smoke, there is dust on the roads of the donetsk people 's republic, zaporozhye region, especially the line of combat contact is now very dry, dust is rising, it protects from unnecessary attention from the outside, now we are going to one of the assault units of the eastern
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military district, a drone detector and self-defense equipment are required, even for travel in relative safety is now simply necessary. the fighter with the call sign dallas remembers his meeting with the drone without fear, but with dissatisfaction. they went on the assault, and the whole operation was ruined for one bird. their birds saw that we were coming, now we had to save ourselves, bury ourselves and just wait, it’s motionless, it’s waiting, it’s hard when you’re waiting, it’s hot, the temperature is pressing, you can’t move. now the buryat infantrymen are preparing at the training ground. next operation, the technique has already been worked out: lightning-fast landing and short fire contact in the enemy trenches, bugs or a motorcycle, or sometimes just on foot, well, that is, they run and run so fast that the enemy is sometimes even surprised by this, that the guys are so brave, this is not to say
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that it’s stupidity, it’s the bravery of the guys who run so quickly to the opornik and fly straight there, that is, the capture occurs instantly, the operation is monitored in the control center, an area under russian control. such local attacks, says a fighter with the call sign hamza, are now taking place noticeably faster. the enemy is resisting less and less. the same mobilized people who were caught on the streets of ukrainian cities are sent to the front lines in usa. the enemy is actually scared; most of them either run away or immediately surrender. this.
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fire on russian positions, and after the ukrainian armed forces retreated , artillery strikes were carried out on the building, so the temple was seriously damaged, and traces of bullets and shell explosions remained in the walls. ilya lyadvin saw how the repair work was going. capture of the village of toshkovka, at the end of june twenty the second year allowed our forces to leave klisechansk from the southeast, a strategically important settlement, the frag then turned the area into a powerful fortification, of which even the local church of st. nicholas the wonderworker became a part. a ukrainian mortar crew was deployed right on the territory of the temple, from here, in an attempt to stop the advance of our forces, the enemy worked with 120mm caliber for several months, the militants lived right in the church, and here in the cellar they hid from return fire. it was the selected
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representatives of the national battalions, the head of the settlement who stood here vasily marchuk remembers this time with pain, he says that although they called themselves predators, they treated the local population as punitive. there is a temple from the barrel after retreating from these positions the enemy began to fire artillery rocket systems, even then to hit the village itself and the height where one of the parishioners began restoring the place of worship, who...
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of course, it’s still a long way off. the roof is all blown off and leaking. this is the side that needs to be completely changed. well, here’s the refectory, here it is, you see, it’s moved, it’s all from these pops, from exhausts, well, nails. they drove it back, the slate rose when the shells exploded, yeah, for several months now popular front volunteers have been helping to purchase building materials for the temple, a week ago there was another delivery, the bricks were unloaded by women, you won’t believe it, they were women who lined up in a chain, handing over bricks from a kamaz truck , the men there, well, at an age, were already there with some specific problems, they were carrying rather heavy osb chipboard sheets inside, in a united front, so already...
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at a recent summit in kazakhstan, the leaders of the countries the sco has talked a lot about the prospects for developing trade between friendly countries, but customs points often become a bottleneck on the route of goods. this is probably why today’s conversation between the president and the government was devoted to the reorganization of border checkpoints, but first putin proposed discussing other urgent issues, starting with the situation with forest fires and eliminating the consequences. spring floods. the head of the ministry of emergency situations reports that the number of fires in general is less than last year,
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but each of them is extremely dangerous. throughout the country there are over 500 forest fires covering an area of ​​more than 1 million hectares. of these , only 62 have been localized. the spring-summer was clearly anomalous. at first, there were floods in the urals, so much so that the water has not yet receded everywhere, and until now... there are difficulties with calculating compensation for victims, district administrations are simply inundated with applications for payments. every third claim out of more than 700,000 accepted were repeated or unsubstantiated from people who were not actually affected. where it was possible to sort out and weed out false applications, about 350,000 families have already received compensation for lost property. what is our average? the amount of payments to all those affected by the flood has increased, about one and a half times, yes,
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one and a half times vlanevich, yeah, how many people are still in taps, do you have one, 242 people and 242 people in total, all the rest went to relatives and acquaintances, uh-huh, well, well, they rent housing, the minister of construction promised to restore flooded houses before the onset of cold weather. the minister of natural resources reported on the work fire aviation. the taiga is now burning at
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a great distance from cities in hard-to-reach places. the main cause of fires is dry thunderstorms. if previously the northern territories began to burn in july, according to statistics from previous periods, then this year the situation has shifted to the left by a month. this was due to heat waves and thunderstorms. for example, on july 10 , 222 fires broke out in transbaikalia due to thunderstorms, last year this figure was 15, in yakutia there were 843 this year, last year there were 450, due to the heat, if we say in... yakutia by 31 in may the heat was already +30°, which was the last time in the seventy-first year, in transbaikalia +40. summer is a busy time not only for the ministry of emergency situations. university graduates are starting to look for work. more than 2 million new jobs have been created in the country this year, but lack of experience sometimes becomes an obstacle for young people.
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the unemployment rate in the category from 20 to 24 years old has always been higher than the statistical average, but now. and it goes down. unemployment is at a historically low 2.6%. to anton ilyovich, please, a few words on about this. according to the ministry of labor, the demand for professions in the country is uneven. bad news for lawyers and economists. the most in demand are skilled workers, industrial engineers, and representatives of the mining construction industry. and now, on your instructions , a five-year forecast is being formed. this forecast will be taken into account when forming new specialties in universities and colleges, but there are things that cannot be taught in theory; many years of experience are needed, so the presidential order on indexation was very timely payments to working pensioners, they have experience. finally, we moved on to the main topic of the meeting: border checkpoints; in
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the southern directions they are actively expanding highways and building additional inspection complexes, of course. this allows modern russian equipment to quickly, accurately, and most importantly safely inspect 100% of vehicles and cargo in a dynamic flow, without the driver having to leave the vehicle. for example, on the border with kazakhstan, such tomographs for trucks they scan a loaded truck in 8 minutes and you can drive on if everything is normal, whereas previously the inspection took almost no time.
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tax system, among the main things in russia is the return of a full-fledged progressive scale of income tax for individuals, which was abolished in the country in 2001. the personal income tax rate for citizens with income below 2,400 thousand per year, that is, up to 2,000 rubles per month, will remain at 13%. for the rest there will be rates of 15, 18, 20 and 22%. the increased rates will
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not apply to all income, but to the amount that exceeds the threshold, as indicated by ministry of finance, personal income tax will affect approximately 3% of the working population of russia. tax payments are also provided for families with two or more children and where income per person is less than one and a half regional subsistence minimum. the duma indicates that, by order of the president, this payment will be calculated before other tax deductions are made; in general, future changes in the duma are described as follows: the rich should pay more, the tax system should be stable. law. making improvements improvements the tax system is opening a new stage . for 20 years the scale has been flat, now it will be progressive, we have all decided that tax legislation should resolve issues on a fair basis,
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the rich should pay more, the economy should develop. the tax system must be stable; this is the ideology of the law being adopted today. as for business, the income tax will be increased from 20 to 25%, but in return , companies are promised that from the year 25 the authorities will abandon exchange rate export duties. the threshold for a simplified system will also be increased taxation. now to apply it , income should not exceed approximately 266 million rubles per year, and now the bar will be raised to 400.50 million, but for small medium-sized businesses with incomes above 60 million rubles, vat is introduced. and all russian regions received the right to introduce a tourist tax, before this. in russia there was a resort tax and only five regions had the right to it; in total, according to the ministry of finance, tax changes will bring an additional 2.600 billion rubles to the russian budget in 2025. and
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the ministry of finance today announced the terms of the new family mortgage program, the old one ended on july 1 of this year, now it has been extended until 2030, and the conditions are as follows: the rate remains the same 6%. the family must have at least one child under 6 years old, loan amount. low volume construction quote. the russian stock market has been falling for 3 days in a row,
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and today the pace was sharp, and the moscow exchange index fell below the three thousand point mark for the first time since june 20. analysts at alar broker say that there are currently no reasons for growth in the russian stock market , but there are plenty of them for selling. but official ruble exchange rate. but it grows diligently and neatly for the second day in a row. the central bank has set the official dollar exchange rate for tomorrow at 87.86, euro 9532. roskomnadzor announced that since november last year it has blocked 3,700,000 sim cards issued with violations in russia. the agency clarifies that the accuracy of information about cellular subscribers in russia is checked automatically using a system that takes into account data from the ministry of internal affairs, the federal tax service and the unified tax service.
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and such restrictions, they will allow law enforcement officers and us, experts in cybersecurity to greatly increase the security of our cyberspace. during the summer holidays, when the largest number of russians are faced with air ticket prices, the state duma decided to begin work to limit these prices and set a ceiling for them. as the kommersant newspaper learned, the duma transport committee has already approved the composition of the working group that will deal with this issue. now the state is already subsidizing prices for flights, for example, to kaliningrad in the far east. a commercial source in the airline industry says: if the proposal of deputies to set an upper
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limit for prices will go beyond the scope of these programs, then they will actually discredit the current system of dynamic pricing, which allows you to buy tickets the earlier, the cheaper. and the head of the all-russian association of passengers, elya zotov, believes that the proposal of the deputies is not at all feasible, is of a populist nature and will lead to... either bankruptcies of airlines or the disappearance of unprofitable routes. ilya zotov adds that other measures are needed to limit the growth of airport fees and stabilize rising prices for jet fuel. based on the results of the first quarter , rosstat calculated that air tickets in economy class had risen in price by 25% over the year. airline maintenance and repair costs increased by about the same amount last year, according to the air transport operators association. airport expenses. services increased by 17%, fuel by 11%. the financial position of russian airlines is now affected by sanctions, which is why imported spare parts
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are becoming more expensive, as well as the inability to fly in europe has closed airports inside russia. everything about economics. yes denis, thank you, denis talolaev presented the economic overview of the day. the nato summit in washington began with the promise of new supplies. weapon of financial assistance to kiev joe biden announced that ukraine will receive, as he put it, a historic donation in the form of five air defense systems. they collected them, as they say, from the world one by one. the usa, germany, the netherlands, italy and romania will allocate one complex each. biden tried to use the summit podium to improve his pre-election image after disastrous debate with trump, but was not successful. other nato leaders came to washington with a burden of domestic problems. macron's position is weakened after losing the election. into the national assembly, and schulz's party failed in the elections to the european parliament. alexey veselovsky watches the meeting of the alliance leaders, who gathered at the moment of disagreement. it was no coincidence that they decided to celebrate nato
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in washington. the summit was supposed to emphasize the unity of the bloc, show confidence in its future, and of course, highlight the leadership of the united states and personally president joe biden, but at the beginning none of the points worked out: first, joe biden. for him, the summit turned out to be important not only for its content, but as an opportunity to prove that he is still able to rule the country and do so for another 4 years. at the opening ceremony, biden spoke quite confidently, but the prompter was again sweating. his speech is in places. it still sounded strange, we are ready, we are capable of repelling any aggression , protecting every inch of nato territory, on land, in the air, on water, in cyberspace, in space. which exactly the territory of nato countries is in space, the us president did not specify, maybe for the better, because he then said that russia wants to destroy the culture of uranus. putin wants the complete subjugation of ukraine and an end to democracy in ukraine.
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assistants literally explain in detail in photographs to the american commander-in-chief even such trifles as finding the way to the podium for a speech. at a white house briefing , press secretary karine jeanpierre was asked how biden would act if, hypothetically, of course, there was a nuclear strike on the united states...
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this is not the best time for us to have a commander-in-chief who can't pull through, who can only work a couple of hours a day and who can't answer questions in complete sentences. this doesn’t look very good, now that all our nato partners have gathered here, they see it with their own eyes, they are watching closely. yes, not everything is clear with the summit agenda, although nato promised to continue to support ukraine. they soon want to transfer five patri air defense systems and several dozen simpler batteries to kiev. new british prime minister keir starmer for the first time approved the use of storm shadow missiles by kiev on russian territory. so far, nato cannot offer anything more significant to ukraine. nato will now apparently control the supply of weapons to ukraine and the training of ukrainian soldiers, but the volume of assistance is planned to be $40 billion next year. and if you consider that previously they discussed twice as much assistance, this is not the most pleasant news for kiev, as is the refusal to seriously discuss the future of ukraine in
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the alliance. he has too many opponents. the president of poland is in favor of the early start of negotiations and ukraine’s entry into nato, and we call for restraint so as not to accidentally allow these negotiations to lead to a further escalation of tensions and provoke russia into even greater aggression. there is also hungary, whose prime minister flew to washington almost immediately after meeting with putin in the kremlin. viktor orban is against ukraine’s admission to nato, as well as its pumping.
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expands its powers, goes beyond the area of ​​defense, provokes confrontation, which shows the ingrained cold war mentality and ideological prejudices, this is a real source of risks that threatens global peace. and stability, but for 75 years the alliance has not been very bothered or stopped by the threats emanating from it to peace and stability, so this time it is unlikely to be stopped. alexey vasilovsky, natalya markevich, maxim zaichenko and alexander gusev, ntv. usa. this is the program today. next in our issue. it’s not for you to guess, russian scientists have learned to predict some diseases and choose the right one way to treat them. svetlana has details. altai foothills estate attacked by gypsy moth, very voracious vlada kopylovskaya about who wins the battle for the harvest, people or pests? attacked by
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technologies of the highest class. and the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the fields. i love it, i recommend it. in the sportsmaster. half prices. licensed and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. stars. at 22:10 release. analysis of genetic markers on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our medicine to become an increasingly common reliable practice. blood tests can determine the development of future diseases. russian science is currently developing several new indicators. they are expected to help prevent type 2 diabetes, as well as determine adequate therapy for the treatment of oncology in different patients. what is the essence of the methods - svetlana gordeeva found out. modern doctors are already able to predict the patient’s future; will he find someone beautiful? of course, they don’t know his wife and new job, but they can
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tell what illnesses threaten him in the future. all this is possible thanks to the development of genetics, so temensky scientists are now able to determine from one blood test whether a patient, even a healthy-looking one, has a risk of developing diabetes type 2 diabetic. we directly studied two genetic markers that are responsible for the development of early carbohydrate metabolism disorders. after scientists found a connection between the two. markers and the risk of diabetes, they decided to find out how this connection can be used, because such accurate genetic data will help create an individual prevention program if a person is healthy, or treatment if diabetes has already overtaken him. we tried, firstly, to find out this not in a population of healthy people, who diabetes mellitus further develops to determine the risk, and in patients with early disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, the so -called prediabetes, which...
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this will reduce the number of cases of ineffective treatment when surgery is postponed, which certainly affects the patient’s life expectancy. secondly, we have data, including that ineffective drug therapy, radiation therapy, and conservative methods of therapy lead to.
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the usual summer chores were supplemented by an exhausting fight against an unpleasant pest. the gypsy moth eats gardens and forests. and this is not the first year. hopes that the insects would be defeated by the winter frost were not justified. this silkworm, polyphak, that is , practically omnivorous, damages up to 300 species of plants. almost all deciduous trees and some conifers are eaten with appetite by caterpillars, oak, birch, poplar, linden, willow, plum and apple trees. how to fight a pest, who should lead this fight? villagers and the administration recognized vlad kopylovskaya. in the altai
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foothills there are often fogs and a white veil shrouding the hills from afar could be accept the smoke, but as people came closer they were horrified. everything there was in a web. they entwined all the rocks around us. the expansion of the gypsy moth began, soon the caterpillars attacked vegetable gardens, apple trees, cherry trees, berry bushes, pests devoured everything that grew. in the kindergarten yard, the day begins with a struggle for. there are a lot of caterpillars, they are on fences, they are on trees, they are on the territory, they are on the web, they descend, but you have to sweep the territory, you have to remove these butterflies, every child here knows what to it’s better not to touch the caterpillars; if you touch them, your hand may rash, pimples will appear, they will itch, because they have poison on their hairs. it started last summer, there was an invasion of butterflies in sintelek. residents swept them away, knocked them down with water, hoping that
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the silkworm offspring would not survive the siberian frosts. now caterpillars are falling on people's heads; ordinary insecticides are powerless. it never helps, they are not afraid of anyone, there is an infection. you see that they were, appeals to the local administration did not help, you see how many of them attacked, you see, here they say that they are not responsible for the forests, and cities need to be saved on their own, i believe that citizens should decide for themselves which biological or chemical preparation to treat, this is everyone’s business, the cheryshsky district is part of the golden ring of the altai territory, thanks to its picturesque nature, this one of the favorite places for tourists, conservationists are sure that the situation with the pest cannot be allowed to take its course, it was necessary to start yet... as they said yesterday, we are already a little late, the larval stage is already large, for the fight against the gypsy moth there are many drugs, biological ones are often safe, suitable for homesteads, but they should have been treated earlier, chemical ones can be dangerous for people and animals, there is a manual way to fight silkworms, oviposition is scraped off rocks, tree branches,
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and this of course will not solve the problem, but at least there will be fewer pests in one clutch, usually several hundred eggs, but for now the silkworm can eat and sleep peacefully to begin processing: a survey needs to be carried out near the forest, a justification must be drawn up, funding must be obtained, and then a notification must be organized residents. you need to take into account the population density and its viability, if the population density is high and the viability is high, then you will need to look at specific areas, because there are restrictions on the use of pesticides. a survey of the territory in the captured silkworm region will take place in july, no one will fight it this year, soon...
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rights and literary agents from all over the world, an international publishing week is taking place in moscow, which is being agreed upon, vera danilidya learned. remember what you they said when you decided to open a business, but you’re a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t... listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs, open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on a business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. sounds cool. green.
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supermarket now cooper supermarket now cooper super super supermarket now cooper supermarket now supermarket now cooper and what has changed for starters the name kuoper delivery super. and became family, and it’s not a matter of heredity, it’s about what you can pass on to your child, become kindred spirits on usanaite.rf, national project demography,
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this is a program today, we continue our release: in the summer it’s especially noticeable how many people decorate their bodies with tattoos, but access to the body may be tightened, the ministry of health is already filing an appeal...
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in june, news spread across social networks in st. petersburg , a model died after a visit to a tattoo artist, contrary to all the rules, the girl asked to inject her with a painkiller, result: allergies , anaphylactic shock and death. it is absolutely impossible to do this without medical education, and even if it is driven by nursing staff, he must drive. after the doctor's appointment. the master now faces prison, and activists want to make tattoos mandatory salon and obtain medical licenses. the activity is supposedly dangerous, even a man died, let them do tattoos in clinics. the letter to benzdrav was signed by this colorful gentleman, the owner of a tattoo removal clinic. by the way, this is a profitable business; getting a tattoo is more expensive than getting a tattoo. there must be specialized training, because the safety of clients comes first . this is exactly right, i'm sure of it. how is the activity of statue salons regulated now? according to the law, this is a household service, like a haircut or manicure, and the requirements for it
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about the same. the premises must be cleaned, and staff are required to undergo regular medical examinations. how to put a tattoo parlor on a medical track is still completely unclear. is it okay for doctors to get tattoos now? well, doctors are probably unlikely to have tattoos. we have something to do. anesthesia should be provided by a specialist. then yes to a doctor or paramedical staff, but let the tattoos be done by specialists who are not enthusiastic about the idea and in rospotrebnadzor, medicine heals, and what heals drawings on the body, except perhaps wounds of the soul, but will there be a cardiologist who will give them a referral, by definition, her medical activity is an activity for the purpose of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation or prevention of any diseases, therefore the activities of tattoo parlors, which... a medical license, if
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the artists do not already use injection anesthesia, it’s just that here you should contact the ministry of health, which regulates the sale of such drugs in russia, absolutely anyone can buy these substances, and even using them completely according to the instructions, they may still encounter a problem allergic reaction and anaphylactic shock. the people who submitted the announcement to the ministry of health, they are simply hyping up someone else’s tragedy on someone else’s death, that’s all, nothing more. here is the author of the idea about licensing. specialized training of masters is needed, because licensing is a rather complex process, and how it will be structured is difficult for me to say now, it’s not my area of ​​responsibility at all, only a few from the status-alones
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will meet these conditions, and then he began to explain that certification was supposedly needed. but which one is not very clear, it’s a pity, the hype won’t resurrect the victim the most unfortunate injection. do not ask for injection pain relief outside of medical clinics, a tattoo is not worth the risk. alina repina, daniil karatun and irina savateeva, ntv. the air temperature in central russia will rise by the weekend, meteorologists report this today. time for a short weather forecast on ntv. evgenia neronskaya joins us. zhenya, what about the rain? until sunday there is only sun in the forecast, then light rains will begin, a cyclone approaches the shores of the baltic, the northern in europe , showers and thunderstorms will hit kaliningrad tomorrow evening, but it will be warm around 25. novgorod and leningrad regions without precipitation and 25-29. the polar regions of european territory rejoiced in the warm summer. it won't be long before it gets colder in the northeast again. in varkuta it’s only 16 and raining.
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the kola peninsula will experience colder weather a little later. well, in the south the heat is only growing, new records are being set every day, and the temperature is not just a few tens of degrees higher than the previous maximums, but just two degrees. in simferopol the day before almost 38.5 was recorded. dangerous hot weather in the ozovo region, in kalmykia in the kuban; due to the abnormal heat , a storm warning is in effect only in sochi, rain and refreshing +24. there is an anticyclone in the center, so no precipitation, just bright sun. here in the volga region, the cold atmospheric front is enough.
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international publishing week, writers, translators, literary agents are united by one goal, the promotion of domestic literature on the world market. these are not only traditional russian classics, but popular modern authors. forum participants will be able discuss new trends in the book industry, find out which genres are most in demand, establish business connections and conclude contracts. vera danilidi met with publishers and authors. nine-year-old al-dabi al-miheri has her own opinion. on children's literature, no, it's not because the girl loves to read, al-dabi writes children's books herself, yes, she is the youngest author in the united arab emirates. i wrote my first work at the age of seven, it was a poem, now i have already published two books, the first was called i had a dream, a second one, and so this is the beginning. when i was very young, i always dreamed of writing.
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aldabi has her own publishing house and is a girl in business processes. she already understands a lot; in general, the writer is also on a business visit to russia. the moscow international publishing week is being held in this format for the first time; publishers, editors, rights managers, literary agents are establishing connections with the whole world here in moscow. like any market, knizhny has its own trends, it is clear that they are different in each country, so here on the site it is important to come to a common denominator. the main question on the agenda is how to make it modern. specialists from egypt and syria are getting acquainted with the text of modern russian authors, this will increase the number of russian scholars in arab countries, which means the number of books in russian on the shelves will also increase, especially since
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there is already experience in this. egyptians love russians very much. classics, they became acquainted with the classics back in the fifties, when there was the soviet union, and there was such a big project to bring it into arabic, so... sell it in almost every in the egyptian house there were russian classics. the publishing week program includes 4 days, four professional sessions and hundreds of business meetings. acquaintance with literary agents here is especially noted because their contribution to the promotion of this or that literature is too significant. literary agents are the kind of ambassadors who must definitely fall in love with moscow, with russia, with our authors, so that... in their countries, when they arrive, they recommend these very authors, these are the books that the publishing houses themselves buy licenses for in order to publish and print these
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books there. these days , representatives from thirteen friendly countries, including china, brazil, the united arab emirates, mexico and argentina, arrived at the site. luciano pais sauce, an argentine publisher, traveled to moscow for more than 30 hours, but it is important for him to be here. and unites those gathered. vera danili, mikhail rostovtsev, ruslan nagoev and ekaterina kornitskaya, ntv television company. these are the main news at this hour. and we are igor poletaev. and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention. before
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meetings. goodbye. usually i shoot the migrant workers.
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sisters, oh, when was the last time you saw this brother, that’s when you saw it, god, he could have killed me, he could have killed me, hello,
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roma, we have a suspect, foreman stranescu said that scherba is really stranescu’s second cousin. he’s been living here for a long time, i walk around, for some reason the apartment is registered in his wife’s name, but where is the apartment, where?


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