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tv   Opekun  NTV  July 11, 2024 1:40am-2:29am MSK

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my friend drove me, my car broke down, great, you have a weapon with you, of course, but this one has all his stuff with him, so guys, you go to the table, and olya and i will go wash our hands, we’re out of the way, he says, i didn’t understand something, you know each other, but i see that you know each other, you won’t believe how the schoolboy danced, it’s that your ex, that likolaeva, she, i told you the fool, is a woman. break up in a good way, especially with such people, by the way, i ’ve heard a lot about her, well, you’re great, you can tie something like that up, oh, creature, i’ll kill him with my teeth i’ll close it, i’ll tear it up, the barrel is here, quickly, quickly, the barrel, put it on for you, but the doctor forbade you to get up, i told you, you creatures,
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put it on me, that time is running out, how long do we have, i ask for an hour for everything, well, let’s put it on then a specific task, all yours, former operatives, so leave it aside, let’s go talk to you, olya, semyon, for now bring the captain up to date, we really have very little time, at least you don’t shoot him there right away, for a rainy day it will come in handy, well, who’s first, you, me, are you going to shoot straight a woman, but i don’t see a woman here, i only see a representative of the law, and i’m a bandit and a murderer, even so you shot sitnikov, what are you even saying, this morning at the sports base, besides margarita sitnikova, lyudmila pokina, who else was there, i have saying:
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there was someone standing nearby in the morning, who shot, fokina or you? i saw a man who ran out of the building, got into a jeep and drove off, all minutes before that i heard a woman’s scream, when i ran there, it was all over, well, let’s say what happened next, then i got into the car i called the police on the road, everything, everything, you look at me like that, you don’t believe me, what were you doing there, walking, found in the air, where were the diamonds, were they in the bust? yes, varenina went after him. where are they? but here olga is one and a half years old. do you recognize the future police major? i'll find out. the look hasn't changed much. and here we are at the excavations with the whole family. who would have thought that this would be our last trip together. and this is my husband, olin’s father. “he died tragically 20 years ago,
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now i’m alone, i understand, i’m very afraid for olga, what she does is not a woman’s business at all, so where are the diamonds ? and not from another person, or rather from a ghost, what i’m going to tell you now may seem like nonsense to you, or you ’ll think that i’m crazy, but i saw some strange old man there, with a beard, in military uniform, in boots with spurs, it seems to me, more precisely, i am sure that this is
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the ghost of general meshcheryakov, the old man, it turns out, your relative, yes, he is my great-grandfather, his soul wanders in our world, no i know whether she’s looking for irina, or guarding the stones, but it’s absolutely certain that the general has some absolutely vital and unfinished business here, you know, can it really happen, it turns out yes. vital or unfinished business, the sitniks, and for the sitniks, volodya, of course, they showed you a photo of arthur, yes, i also have a photo of him, a photo of my daughter, him, listen, we have to hang around for a long time, so that’s it, guys, the task is to stay as close to lyonchik’s house as possible and not let them sleep all night. ilyukha guitar
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he’ll take it, well, in short, the boys are resting, well then i’ve already prepared it, but this is for a special occasion, if only the tree comes up to you, clearly, you’re sure that arthur must be there. here they are, well, come on, bring your comrades up to date with the matter, yeah, igor, here’s the thing, in general , the guys’ cars are lit up, maybe while you’re here, you can take a walk, breathe some fresh air, chat with your wife, and for now we ’ll ride in your car, and then on on the way back we'll fill the tank full, well, help me out igor, guys, we didn't agree like that, i have business in the city, igor, bye igor sergekov, and you're under arrest for illegal. permission is available, happily stay, meshcheryakov, stand, you are detained for 72 hours, for suspicion of murder today
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at the sports base, now this is serious, semyon vasilyevich, well, somehow show respect, honor to the guest, weapons. keys, please, beshu, which will open early, please, this is right, olga olegovna, it was necessary to solder a couple more terrorist attacks, the capture of the night loryak, the uprisings in honduras, you need to be soldered, everything is clear to you, it is clear to the wolves, you are responsible for ilya with your head, there is.
1:47 am
i’m in a hurry to get back, the obstetrician is on saturday at 20:00 on ntv, kingfisher on fire tastes better, burger king, implement your plans, and tebank business will give you reliable tools to start your business, register your business with tebank and get 6 months of free service. tebank business and the job is done. at persil we take stain removal to the next level with deep clean plus technology. percil enzymes work on the surface and inside of the fabric. let the memories remain, not stains on things. once i've been persistent, i've always been persistent. 3 days
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a dangerous and formidable element; stopping the fire is the calling of the strong. observer pilots, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers, air forest fire fighters of ros leskhoz. a reliable shield of russian forests. well, what a pity, nikolai petrovich, that you are you leaving? well, what can you do, dear ninovna, business is taken care of, the sick are waiting. we never talked about french poetry. well, then, we'll talk another time. when next time? will you come and visit me again? well, if you invite? come, i will be waiting for you, very much.
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the night will remain, who you have arranged, it’s up to you, who, who, go, eat better, go, alen, go, what do you mean, i have a plan, now i’m taking romki in the car, going to shelnik’s house, arthur, maybe , returned, hiding somewhere in the garden, on those cops there is no hope, i ’ll spend the night there with them at night, that’s the plan, go, okay, i went, the key, if anything happens to romka, the baby.
1:52 am
you will recognize your birth, these are new video cameras that i ordered to be installed, you knew nothing about them, don’t. this is what i have to do with you, it’s meager, but arkady pavlovich, arkady pavlovich, don’t
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ruin it, i’ll tell you everything, arkady palovich, don’t, please, this, this is an electrician, he said he made me, otherwise someone else, someone else he threatened me with a pistol, told me to shoot me if anything happens, arkady pavlovich, dear, don’t shut up, shut up, ruin yourself, arkady pavlovich, i’ll tell you everything, i’ll tell you everything, how it was, arkady pavlovich, my wife is sick, shut up your mother. i will have to atone, i will atone, i will atone, i will do everything, i will do everything, whatever you say arkady, fuck off, this is a woman from the police, olga nikolaeva, she still hasn’t sent her dogs here, which means that she was here without sanctions.
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with me those that you won’t come back, he returned like the owner, screamed, then he drank himself to death,
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passed out, what happened, how it all happened, don’t ask, i’ll tell you later, but if i don’t get into the university of the ministry of internal affairs, then then i’ll work for a year at my father’s car repair shop. i’ll submit the documents again, i don’t understand you, there are so many interesting professions in the world, and you deliberately get into this mud, thieves, murderers, bandits. normal people don’t do that, well , someone has to shovel this dirt so that your normal people can engage in interesting professions, it’s not ilya and i who have already decided everything, again, listen, strange car,
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wait, you’re an auto mechanic, well, go have a look, olegovna banned. i should call her here, well, call her, she’s sleeping upstairs with her mother, okay, we'll tell you tomorrow, let's go to bed, and you, and i, in the back room, why, nikolaeva locked up one guy there, like, arrested him, what kind of guy? some mecheryakov, they took his car, listen, nikolai is cool. aunt, okay, that’s it, let’s go to sleep, you’re not sleeping, no, the owner woke up, i said
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i’ve arrived, he’s calling you. igor, alina, you are here, here, of course, open it, now i’m opening it, just a second, that’s it, get out, go quickly, who’s in the house, nikolaeva and roma, i took the keys from him, and olga olegov’s car is parked there, i need the keys, why, you can’t start it yourself, no, i can’t, okay, i’ll go get the keys. that i myself, why? because you'll wake everyone up, where are the keys? in olga olegovna’s purse, she’s sleeping upstairs, great, you put the key to roma, you go to bed yourself and forget about everything, okay, igor, what else? you olga olegovna, don’t be afraid, i refused to testify, there was no kidnapping, it’s true that we are
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distant relatives. relatives, and you did not cause me any harm, and it seems to me that you are good, i am good, in short, there was no kidnapping, nonsense!
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“this creature read everything in advance, took a pistol out of the secret place, started shooting right away, and where were you, she ordered me to get out, and i just heard the shot, came running, and that’s it , come, come, i say, bend down.” it’s you. you should have stayed there, the creature, you, not her, you should have died for her, and you came here, alive, healthy, where, they weren’t there, the foka deceived, went vumpis, chief, i’m the trick
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for... “with a knife, you had to rip out your filthy guts with this knife, get out and say, you’re no one anymore. don’t be afraid, hold on! he said that’s all now yours, the plane is flat, that
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it’s flying out, it doesn’t show up here, it’s getting out, it doesn’t show up here, the flight director shouts, eject, petka seems to be in a stupor , everything is crazy, well, who crashed? petka jumps out from there and let’s run around in circles , he mutters, you can’t understand what, well, then he calmed down while praying, and what does it mean that his mother prayed , or else petka was given leave for a week. he arrived home, his dad said to him: they say you didn’t have anything like that in your service, otherwise they say a week ago, a mother was blown up at the icons at night,
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fell to her knees and bowed for a whole hour , saying, thank you, save my son, save my son, save me, so she begged, well, i don’t believe in all this nonsense, she begged me too, she’s a cardboard fool, that's why i don't believe it. after that, petka went to the monastery, monk paisiy, and he was a fighter pilot, listen, but you have nothing left in your little flask, well , dance the mold, uh-huh, lyukh, no, no. good morning, something urgent, i’m in a hurry, urgent, viktor elinich, very, well, i’m listening, information has reached me that the last largest consignment of cargo may
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end up with your colleagues, yes, how, everything is in shelmyk’s house, something needs to be done urgently, what to do, i don’t know, anything, think with your cow’s head, i’m not ready to refuse. stole my car, come back, well, well, i don’t know, i.
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than without calling, and i brought you some food here, you’re probably sitting with an empty refrigerator, it would be good to change the bandages, otherwise there will be an infection, but call, i called you 10 times, you’re not picking up the phone, i don’t understand.
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look at the road, what hurts, no, it's normal, for a long time, now, here’s the order, thank you, no need to contact me, i’ll come to do the next dressing tomorrow at the same time, it won’t work, i’m busy tomorrow at this time, i have things to do, well then tomorrow at lunchtime, i’m also busy at lunchtime, i... i’ll still go to the cemetery, great, i’m with you, no, it won’t work out, why, yes, because, listen, vic, i should have
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told you a long time ago, just about something. there was no suitable one, you have to, what is that smell, my god, the meat is burning, hello, you hear this, for the future, still keep your conclusions to yourself, well, i understand, i understand, that you get wound up like a chainsaw, by the way, i ’ve been keeping my mouth shut for the last 10 minutes. i've already given two life sentences. major nikola, don’t put pressure on me with your voice, okay, so what? oh, i fell in love. oh, colonel, and we are coming to you. bugs, what happened to you now? just report quickly, i have a meeting with the administration. it is necessary to write two resolutions, one for the search in one of mecheryakov’s houses, where arthur shelmak is hiding, the second for the seizure of valuables in shelmakh’s house. i’ll sign for artur shelmik, regarding the seizure, he called me half an hour ago smirnov, they are already carrying it out. how so? he
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said that he was looking for a closet in which teplova could be hiding, and found a cache of jewelry. well, georgy ivanovich, well , i told him where the hiding place is. nikolaev, what can i do, he supervises us, not we him, give us your decision, we will really be late. well, what are we going to do now? let's go to poshchirikov. yeah, i'll take the bus, just take the bus, listen, yeah, eat, i salted it myself, oh, thank you, you're great, igor sergeevich, can i
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address you on your own? no, why? that's why, because there is a distance between us for centuries, you know? maybe i behaved stupidly at that party, threw myself on your neck like a girl, but you felt good with me, really, forever, forgive me, but between us... nothing will ever happen again, you know, period ,
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nina borisovna, borisovna, well, look out the window, good morning, look at what you have, where, yes, on the balcony, she got herself a fur coat or something, that’s right, it’s not forever to grieve over grief, a wedding- then invite me, don’t forget, okay, i ran. you will forgive me good afternoon, gennady aleksandrovich, good, you are asking me, what an idiotic question, of course,
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for you. well, first of all, this is a medical confidentiality. we had a dangerous, mentally ill person running away with heat, are these medications for her? i don't know any thermal alla. gennady alexandrovich, is it bad to lie? this is a bilink of phone
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calls from your number, and there is a number there for a certain nikolaeva, olga olegovna, it was she who helped teplova escape. listen, tell me where the heat is, you bastard, or i’ll call the right place, your filthy hospital they'll cover you, count to three, one, two. and why are you alone, where is the tree, you ran home to feed the chickens, a good catch, it’s not for nothing that dena said that he would peck, you shouldn’t have let him go alone, why in vain, that he could have been
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held by force or something, he should have waited for me, it was necessary that - come up with something, he walked away for 5 minutes, what is he doing there now? someone was walking around the house, oh, okay, it seemed, it was untied, it seemed, i haven’t thought of anything for a long time, it seemed like you’re a pedal sucker, they’re breeding you like a puppy, arthur lvovich, but i’m telling you, screw you up, i
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he said, i feel like they’re here for my soul, in short, if you drop it on their food, are you poisoning it or something? medicine, you’ll do it as i said, i’ll give you a lot of money, he’s been feeding his chickens there for a long time, he’s not the chickens, he’s feeding us with his stories, and my ears are hanging, hello, semyon, where are you now?
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it’s okay, wait, ilyukh, he’s coming, like wonka, come on, help, yeah, hold on, sort out the government, it’s time to cook the fish soup. help me, please, yes,
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not bad, not bad, we have a rich catch, yes, everything here completely coincides with the list of things stolen from the heraldry museum. so, so , i’m handing over the leadership of the investigative actions to major nikolaeva, everyone must obey her orders, everything is clear to everyone, that’s nice, well, olga
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olegovna is in charge, and i’ll go for a walk. guys, wow, it's ready, you can try it. comrade, otherwise, prepare the bowls, who’s first? what, shall we go? ilyukh, hey! come on, take it!
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“i saw you there at the base, when these freaks grabbed you, you need to see a doctor, don’t, they’ll call the police right away, i can’t call the police, although you’re like that, your offenders, i’m still glad that they not touched, lucky." but i’m not very good, so what are you going to do next? you live alone, i’ll take a nap with you for three days, i don’t mind, okay, but if you get worse, i’ll call the doctor right away; if i get worse, i’ll i’ll jump from the balcony, well, everything matches, yeah, plus
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the crosses that i took, a complete set, there’s a bunch of other things that aren’t even on our list, anna ivanovna, yes, yes, first of all i need fingerprints from everyone these items, of course, but we had an emergency here, which one do you remember, with a murder? sitnikova, i showed you such a bag with a monogram, where were the diamonds? disappeared, how? well, just like that, it disappeared from my safe, everything else is there, but the bag is gone, i’ve already received a penalty, strange, so, how are you doing? there are successes, i have news for you. your informants turned out to be right: teplova
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was placed in the clinic illegally, the doctor at the city neurological dispensary, who signed the referral for poteplov and vyrinina, died of pneumonia two months ago, or the council tortured her, maybe so, she went to irinina group to investigate with the head physician of this clinic; as it turned out, two more unfortunate people were being held there. like thermal, operational, we work, we work, objects that a criminal trail will reveal, we will confiscate and take them to our regional department, which is not for us, but why to you, after all, the heiress has a thermal mother and daughter , to us, what else, you found it stolen, honor and praise to you, as they say, beaver, well, i’ll ask you to encourage you,
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everything is hidden! well, is he not picking up the phone? no, listen
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i don’t like all this, let’s go faster, let’s go. rum, are you going to be sour all day? well, take the jam. and volkov said that myashcheryakov used to be an opera director, but so what? he must have been a good cop if he managed to leave like that. once you graduate from your academy, you will be even better. no, that’s unlikely, i also want tea, give me some, mommy, come on, come on. well, okay, i can go myself, calmly, we still have jam, there will be jam, well, hello, little cherry, take it, mom,
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eh! don't shoot, take her alive, take her from behind, you’re a hero, but it’s even better that you ’re digging around there, well, now the castle is something, but
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spit on it, yeah, spit, you know it yourself, you’ll melt away. quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, lyonchik, quiet, arthur lyubovich. who are you calling? i wanted to ask my boss for permission. come on, call in front of me. lucy,
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don't you trust me? i trust no one. and while i'm here, command. i’ll be there too, call guys, what are you guys doing, and ilyush, volodya, olya, what’s wrong with them, what’s wrong, major nikolaeva, urgently, amon from the ambulance to meshcherikovo, lord, ruva. rus, don't take it away, please, ru, help you, lord, where is the damned quick,
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they cover their tracks.
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well, turn around, i won’t go, i said, turn around, you hear, i won’t go any further, hear you, you idiot, stop, stop, you creature, help!
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wait, why, arthur, here, olya, olya, where are you going, i’m going to stop for the day. nikolaev, how did you get me, let
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me all go quietly, drop the weapon, yeah, now i asked for it, semyon, what did you do, and it’s not me, what did you do, but semyon, how are you?
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the pulse is not palpable, let's get him to the first operating room quickly, doctor, why is everything so bad, well, it’s not good enough, it looks like his liver is damaged and he’s lost a lot of blood, the main thing is don’t worry. yes, georgy ivanovich, yes.


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