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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 11, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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cut a loaf of bread, here you go, chips, yogurt, cookies, okay, when you take me to my mother, soon, it’s boring here, my charger is already low, i’ll charge it. listen, do you remember dad's phone number? yeah, yeah, okay, kidnapping a boy? no, damn it, stop being stupid, you are involved in the kidnapping of your son, not a teacher or a taxi driver, alkhanov’s brothers won’t just leave it, they will skin you alive, where is the boy, where is the boy, but i don’t know where the boy is, there is no boy here, boy, you see, there is no boy, i was sent here to move the trailer from the horse, i already heard that, and they gave you a gun for this, it’s not mine , it’s a gun, what? yes, you took it away, i already
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read that i’m tired of you, go to jail and let the brothers there deal with you, in i can’t go to prison, i need to return to moscow, my little son is waiting for me there, i promised him, well, nothing, in russia there have always been good old houses, but okay, to hell with you, i ’ll say, can i drink this water? i'm over it.
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hurst, yes, i calculated everything correctly, don’t miss it, he will lead you to the boy, i understand, here he is, follow him. yeah, let's go to the backwaters.
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i’ll explain you in russian, a very beautiful woman, tall, taller than you, there’s a whole restaurant there today that’s so beautiful, describe it more specifically, well, her eyes are of extraordinary beauty, and well, this is concrete, listen, igor, why are you and i wondering? , everyone will probably be there in pairs, but... one, oh well, i’ll find you, young man, but today only people come to us in pairs, hello, hello, you know, i’m well, why don’t you, antastan, come through, you’re there probably already waiting, thank you,
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girl, please forgive me, you... yes, who are you? very good, and i’m igor, andrey’s friend. you see, the fact is that andryukh’s car broke down. well, he is wildly worried, he asked you to forgive him and be sure to wait. he says that this is vitally important to him. so you're saying what's vital is for him, right? so that's why you were here first? so i live here in the next house. irina, you see, he would gladly call you, but at the first meeting i don’t give out my number. but this is correct. yes, although where, you know, for some reason my wife immediately gave me her number, excuse me, but it’s time for me to go, irin, wait, goodbye, just home, goodbye, come on, everything’s fine, anya, anya,
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where, the police now will arrive, i am the police, look who shot, the volga drove by there. he drove right out of the window in that direction, there was still a dented bumper, so should i call the police or not, call, call, andryukha, igor, what have you got here, let’s get in the car, then i’ll explain who somehow, help! turn here well, we got stubborn, he left after all, well, let’s go back, let’s go there again , just in case he fell through the ground or something , wait, here is our volga, it looks like
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there’s no one inside. and she was probably abandoned, now we’ll check, andryukha, don’t rush, how are you? wow, valentine's day, yes, you and i are lucky, well , you and i can't see much from above, well, i was standing at... the window smoking, a car pulled up, purred, apparently they couldn't start it, and then a man came out and ran through the fence, that's all, yes, yes, what he looked like, well, so stocky, healthy, dressed, down jacket, black, jeans, well, like everyone else, it’s clear,
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max, write everything down in detail, yeah, well, in general, kalash, yes, this is an ak103, an export version, different in that the cartridges are used. ss-109 and m-43, but tkm is also suitable. what is this thing? this is an improvised explosive device with a timer. you can easily find diagrams on the internet. primitive. why did you turn the car around like that? yes, you understand, this thing was magnetically stuck to the bottom next to the gas tank. and it was full of gasoline, so everything burned. so there could have been casualties? easily. they were born wearing shirts. how are you do you think, lesh, that there could have been an intention to kill the police specifically? no, i don’t think so, guys, the license plate on the engines is clearly visible here, i’m interested, of course i’m interested, look, tell me what kind of gangster showdown there was yesterday, shooting from a machine gun in a crowded
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place, in the city center, and even blowing up a car, just like in the nineties, comrade colonel, the explosive device on the car was programmed for approximately 19 hours, but... well, about 5-7 minutes, and the murder near the restaurant occurred at 18:50, so what? well and the fact that the murdered husband dmitry khamikov, head of a branch of a large construction company, very often comes to this restaurant and always at the same time, and then goes to the evening daily planning meeting, looks like a show of force, a desire to intimidate, well, yes, but the car was blown up to cover their tracks, oh, excuse me, be healthy, you’re telling the truth, or they wanted to remove the killer, how did you end up there? "well, completely by chance, be healthy, thank you, everything you say here, i already heard, this morning on television, on they tell all channels that our task is also to harshly punish the criminal, thank you, start looking for the likely perpetrators
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and check all the criminal databases, andrey, find out the situation at work for the murdered husband, and you, vitya, start looking for the owner of the blown up car, okay." well. ok, come on, there’s no point in sitting here, it’s cold, they can’t provide heat, nothing, the heaters will be brought soon, we’ll sit on them, come on, guys, let’s work. and then, when the female soldier screamed, the young man who was next to her ! , bounced in side and did not protect her in any way. it’s strange, you understand me, i’m not telling you anything about this, but you already said it, it’s interesting, but how... could i still protect her, good afternoon,
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hello, hello, i’m sorry that we invited you here again , i understand everything, let's go inside, yes, let's go, we have long dreamed of a child. anya said that she seems pregnant, your cofelot, let's go to the doctor, everything was confirmed, please, thank you, so we decided to come here, celebrate, celebrate the saint's day, wait, please, bring it, please, just water, tell me who chose this restaurant? i come here almost every day, i called in advance, made a reservation, i wanted to do everything in the best possible way, please tell me, do you come here in...
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big money, but who do you think could be the customer? you know, to take a piece of someone else’s pie, there are a lot of people who want to, well, there’s character in our business, honestly, like in america during the alcapona era, with your permission i can go, just yes, of course, thank you for coming. look, he said that he called and reserved a table, and this is being registered,
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it turns out that if the killer knew about this, he had about a day left to prepare the assassination attempts, that’s right, we need to find out, young man, can you, where is your administrator, but i’ll invite you now, excuse me, can i have another glass of warm water , i should take some medicine, of course, thank you, i ’ll go. thank you very much, please, hello, what did you want? hello, i'm from the police, i'm interested in information about yesterday's incident, we've already been interrogated, do you have a booking log? yes, of course, here it is. and why are you all so interested in him? us everyone? and who else? yes, this morning
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one came in in a suit and a real cowboy hat, and was also interested. so the call was made at 16:15, and the table was reserved the next day at 17:30. what kind of guy are you talking about? he didn’t introduce himself, i thought it was one of yours. thank you, this volga is permanently laid up there, the owner seems to have gone abroad, he won’t appear for another couple of years, we ’ll call this garage for debt write-off. and that everything is according to the law, he doesn’t pay money for it, and in general it’s unclear where he is, maybe he’s already besides, well, this garage, we have the keys, we are the guards here, we know everything, oops, it was stolen. what we needed to see, yes, major volkov,
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yes, i wish you good health, senior lieutenant khazov, and it’s very nice, hello, hello, excuse me, it’s cool here, the tea may have just boiled, yes, thank you, there are some grains, thank you, let's continue our telephone conversation with you, take a seat, so this is your machine? from the batch that we found in the cache, they were stolen in one of the military units in the caucasus, citizen belyalov transported them here and wanted sold here, hid it in my garage under a viewing hole. well, through our agents, we tracked down this case, closed it, took four machine guns, brand new in oil, well, you already said that, but the fact is that according to our evidence there should have been five machine guns, not four. and what does belyalov himself say? well, he says that he doesn’t know where he went, maybe he managed to sell it, and 2 days later he died in the isolation ward from a heart attack. so, if belyalov sold the machine gun, then we
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will never know to whom. where is this belyalov garage? in a garage cooperative on vaska, it’s near the bay. in the army near the bay, an interesting coincidence, it’s great, and you were already at the garage cooperative today, and i’m still here, word, okay, i understand, let’s call it quits, comrade policeman, i’m a policeman, well , yes, comrade policeman, how about the same understood investigative measures, i sealed the garage, experts will arrive later, and we always have a barrier.
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what did you do yesterday evening? do you suspect me? i’m reconstructing the picture of the incident, i was here, i had half the people as witnesses, well, how could strangers steal the car? maybe this any of the motorists? motorists, they took the car in the morning and put it back in the evening, which means they can steal the car.
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what do you mean by the concept of a close friend? yes, i’m not investing anything yet, i’m just stating the facts presented to me. well, he also stated that your killer, close friends, was jealous of everything that moves, and ela is unfinished, who do you mean? well, like who, khomyakova, of course, who else? yes , none of his friends even doubt that he is a murderer, the main thing is that he says it beautifully, they shot at me, they hit her, well, tell me, how they met, well, that’s the point, through me, we worked together here with him, anya came, persuaded me and my brother to join the company, i, of course, refused, because it’s not for me to spend whole days in sit in the office, khomyakov made a fuss, volunteered to accompany her, then he moved to the company, then he became her husband, yes, and by the way, you are married,
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what does this have to do with the subject of our conversation, but i’m afraid it’s most immediate. well, let's discuss the plan for further action, what do we have for the car? the car was in the property of citizen sukhanov av, who has been abroad for 3 years, stood in a garage cooperative. it is clear that it was possible to establish the type of explosive weapon. by the way, both the car and the machine gun were most likely obtained from
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the same garage cooperative. wait, i don’t understand, why? thanks, why most likely ? because the owner of the machine is most likely his. already sold it, to whom to install it, when, unfortunately, it is not possible, clearly, so what about these garages? there are two watchmen working under suspicion, so where are they? one is currently fishing, but will arrive in the evening, the second one is still out of the network’s coverage area. i see, what else? in the company that belongs to the family of the murdered woman, everyone suspects her husband, khomyakov, and the doorman from the restaurant, who is a direct witness to the murder, remember, he said that khomyakov himself... it’s somehow strange, yes, i’ll go i’ll see this khomyakov tomorrow, i’ll talk to him personally, yes, but we don’t have anything against him yet, and no one needs speculation in court, we need a contractor, and through him we ’ll get the customer. so, friends, let's go home, and tomorrow we will continue with renewed vigor, thank you for the tea, good morning, borya,
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i wish you good health, gennady antonovich, what are you installing here, and this is a heater, i brought it from home, we have problems with heating, with heating, it’s a pity that it’s a pity, comrade colonel, it’s a pity that there’s no one in your room , there’s snow, there’s no one to clean up the yard, you know, but it’s our mochilin that’s started to work poorly. and my guys are at home, they are on the road in the morning, we’re lucky that, hello, and i, you have an appointment.
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about about about about causing grievous bodily harm to each other hear don’t play the fool, old man, i managed to get
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my sister jeanne into contact with this vegetable , she doesn’t understand a damn thing and her ambition seems to be calm, i think that everything should be in order and order everywhere is clear in order, i ’ll throw you out into the street, you’ll be there with me yards revenge put things in order we'll see who throws out who i own 50%. and you know it? that it’s not for you, you goat, but for my sister’s peace, and she’s stupid, she didn’t understand what to do. so, gentlemen, dear fellows, calm down, and answer my questions, i need to know who i was interested in the death of your sister and your wife, and you use your wits, elder, if 50% of the shares of the company belonged to my sister, then who will they pass to after her death, if the parents are no longer alive, you are hinting at your husband, fantastic wit, what are you talking about? ? so, why are you, i loved anna, she was expecting my child, why are you having a child, that ’s it, if the child had been alive, then why the hell would you have received at least one share from me, what a nit, i
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won’t tolerate this, that’s it, that’s enough , yes i tell you now, i told you everything, so men, took themselves in hand, or else we’ll talk in another place, in the department, it’s clear to you, katya, please make some coffee, men need to calm down, okay, i’ll do it now, okay, okay, i’ll leave, just keep in mind nits that i... that’s it efforts to keep your foot out of our company, and you, citizen policeman, take a closer look at this face that wants to appropriate the company of my late sister, only you, just as you were a nobody, will remain a nobody, come on, come on, go, go, door close it on that side, what a bastard, so, dmitry pavlovich, tell me why does your late wife’s brother hate you so fiercely? and what should i know, well, i got the impression that he is absolutely sure that you are involved in the murder of his sister, instead of digging through someone else’s
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dirty laundry, you would be better off looking for the real killer, clearly, although he still doesn’t you’ll return it, okay, okay, in view of your emotional state, i won’t go into details for now, but in my opinion you have big problems. if you have something to tell, especially something to confess, then my advice is to do it immediately, what do you mean to me? you're threatening, are you all crazy here, i 'll go to the prosecutor's office, that's clear, but i won't remain silent there, well, quietly, quietly, quietly, dmitry pavlovich, until you have told me things that will be enough for me to take you into custody, i’ll go, go, yeah, but i’m warning you that from now on we’ll be giving you the full treatment, goodbye. welcome to a new entertaining show for the whole family, miracle, we are bloggers! i act
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in films and tv series, we even created a clothing collection with one designer, how many times can you do classic push-ups? come on, stop it, our show is a place where every kid can show their skills and talents to the whole country, how long have you been drumming, i’ve been drumming for a whole hour, just wait for me, how many tips do you give out per day, 500, and you and i have a unique opportunity. how katya lel is probably jealous of us now, let's go, look at the intensity of passions, open your heart to a miracle, i heard you are looking for a miracle, a miracle with arseny popov, of course, the program is
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a little dirty, a new show. coming soon to ntv. are you embarrassing yourself? chaliapin, volochko, next who? mukhtar or what? yes, that's it. next is mukhtar. urgently come to the dog to grab your genius. the star is returning. mukhtar, something interesting? the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead. look for mukhtar. today at 8:20.
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so, who called? i don’t know, the number is not determined, he said the meeting place, in an hour and a half, what should i do, but there’s a lot of money, listen, 3.00 dollars for two pieces of paper, that’s necessary, but why are you feeling bad, or something, you’ll sell your wrecked car, if you buy an almost brand new foreign car, just don’t...
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hand over the money, but yes, they’ll give it to you money, you hand over the papers, i’m in the back, and if there’s an emergency situation, what an emergency situation, and if they suddenly decide to use force, and lesh, well, i told you, i’ll be behind us, then georgivich will run up, okay, maybe they’ll follow us they’re watching, and lesh, well , they have nothing else to do, old man, don’t worry, everything will be fine, yes, you have something to hide with so that you can’t see me, but so that you can’t see me, i say, take cover, yes, there is a raincoat tent in the back. what's left from fishing, okay, let's go, lesh, calm down, ok, come on.
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it’s you, it’s me, let’s walk to my car, where the acts are, here, and where the money is, so, we sit, don’t twitch, calmly, quickly, colleagues, so, come on, quietly, hands, hands. and colleagues, look, hold on, oh, quiet, quiet, quiet, hands, and what we have here, wow, mukhin, viktor serafimovich, private detective, look, old luger, listen, and you us estet, mukhin viktor serafimovich, this, this is a scarecrow, an exact copy, colleagues should always help each other, yes, yes, well then , colleague, as before the prosecutor, tell me why
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did you need? i’m carrying out a confidential mission, i wouldn’t like to clarify what it is, right? well, then, then we will have to detain you, the task of the bribe, well, well, well, my client andrei selivanov, the murdered brother, why did he need the examination reports, he does not believe that khomyakov was not involved in the death of his wife, i am conducting a private investigation , i can’t tell you everything, but i managed to dig up something, share it, colleague. give me the gun, return the gun, so what do we know, mukhin, in general, i tracked the entire work schedule khomyakov for a whole month, a colossal amount of work, but i can do anything, and i found out that twice a
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week, for about an hour, he falls out of sight, says that he is at the site or at a meeting, but he was not there, i checked, this that means it’s elementary, he has it, yes, i think no, selivanova desperately needs incriminating evidence on khomyakov, so everything fits, so, mukin, you’ll get
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in the way, blame yourself, consider that you’re a corpse, but if you find out anything about our case, call immediately, and the money, return the money to him, see you again, colleagues, yeah, and to me i liked it, guys, i ’m a little lacking in adrenaline in life, i even cheered up here, it’s great, i’m on the computer all day, it’s great, well, who studied for what, come on, stop,
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in the first place he’s trying to kill khomyakov, or they saw the thin khomyakov, they had to run late, they immediately called at 0:2, which means, friends, we have two options, either someone thinks that he himself is a murderer and is taking revenge on him for the death of anna, yes, it turns out that the work has doubled, well, yes, so, the circle of suspects, well, the brother of his late wife, selivanov, he attacked him in my office in front of me, they sent for him, i and i’ll talk to him, well, we haven’t checked the two guards of the garage cooperative yet, so why are you delaying, andrey, go with you, georgivich, this hamster is cheating, he sensed that he was found out, he’s putting on a show, so we’re going to him now let's go together and find out everything, oleg georgievich, there's some crazy guy who got into the detention cell,
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he's calling you, give me the keys, you bastard, i 'll lock you up for 15 days like hooligans, i said i won't give it up, i wonder how he's doing i managed to lock myself from the inside, it’s my fault, was it me at the lock? we know what happened to you, but in order to figure it all out, we need to talk to you, you know, come on, yes, please, i ’m listening to you, i’m listening perfectly well, say yes, well, okay, let him sit, think, reflect, then we will interview him, dmitry pavlovich, no one will touch you here, yeah, yes, no one, i promise, return the keys to the duty officer immediately, yeah, now, they’ve been infected, just like your bosses ordered you to. the watchman, fyodor krilov,
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lives in the first entrance, i don’t know the cat, so you say with long hair, he’s like that said the old woman, it looks like he is a young man, yes, wait, please, we are from the police, but wait, wait, there was a mistake, oh, victor, it’s too hard for me
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to run after the youth, but stop, andryukha, you’re still a fighter, where not we know, we'll have to wait, we'll be, oh, good luck, don't close , close, sorry, please, we scared you, don't twitch, little lady, be patient, go away, who are we from the police, open, leave us alone, i won't open, open, i'll tell them now everything is said, hello, we are from the criminal investigation department, senior lieutenant rydan, so what they didn’t finish you off there, now they came home, they calmed down, who beat you, your sweet colleagues, why did they do this to you? well, no, more clearly, can you explain what happened? what is there
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to explain clearly? there was a fight there, the fishermen went head to head. what kind of fight, for what reason? they didn’t want to sit in our place. well, the local police arrived and began to sweep everyone away. my fyodor suffered the most, he is always interfering. when it was? yesterday evening, everything is stated in the protocol, they also put it in the monkey box. how long have you been fishing? were? 2 days, i was there, alone, alone. there were eight of us, and eight people, okay, thank you, we sympathize, all the best for coming, that means the krivov watchman is out of business, well that’s good, that means he’s not a criminal, yes that’s good, that’s good, but nothing yet okay, oh, now, wait, who is it? yes, vyacheslav yuryevich, i’m listening to you attentively, that according to... the witness says
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that on the night before the murder he saw another watchman, savelyev, in the garage cooperative. so it was savelyev? yes. only we have no real evidence. let's check alebi, we will conduct an examination. if savelyev had anything to do with the explosive device, there were probably particles left on his body on his clothes. and this is already very serious. let's go, krymov is already there, we're getting reinforcements. let's go, well, it's time to change, come on, take up the combat post, come on, vityun, don't be bored, come on, warm up, whatever, igor, i have to go from there, there's simply no other way here, so let's wait, if you want some tea, come on , thank you, victor, it looks like our character has appeared, get ready, understand? sorry, no smoking,
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are you confused? beautiful, but you're a bunny and predatory, hello, it’s colder here than outside, but that’s not the word, hello, good morning, where are the hamsters? he’s clearing the snow from the courtyard, well done, borya, you plowed it well, it’s cold, of course, you want some tea, come on, branded, ginger, of course. come on, if it’s branded, oh, it’s cold, oh, well, well, what, the court is completely stunned, they allowed to take this conscientious person into custody for no more than two days, we’ll have to do it, oleg georgievich, yes, you don’t want to, but what this is the tea i brewed, my signature, smell it, ginger,
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oh, your signature, no, i don’t want to, well, don’t want to, are you having tea? here's the examination report , they ordered it, i examined everything, clothes, hands, hair, even legs, no traces of explosives were found, it's clear, listen, i've still got something going on, come on, come on, bad things, be healthy, here's ginger tea, it helps against the cold, warms me up, i rented out the interrogation room, oh, borya, you have the warmest place in the department, what?
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listen, maybe he’s not aware of the explosive device at all? i have an idea? i have already said that i was in katka’s garden, on i was sitting on a bench, slowly breaking a piece of paper. so you still claim that on the night of the seventeenth you were asleep in your bed. if you don’t believe me, ask your neighbors in the communal apartment. your neighbors are drunks, they don’t remember what happened yesterday. so, alibi is very shad. look for something else, that's your job. okay, yes, georgivich, well, i’m calling you, i understand, okay, let’s take a break.
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so, what's new, but i'm sorting out khomyakov's winchester, there's a lot of interesting stuff here, i figured out sovelyev's computer, but i'm a nerd. your sovelev, who a computer nut, a hacker or something, what if, he’s one of those people who sit on the internet for days, wage endless battles on political topics, are registered on all the social networks that are possible, they have friends and enemies there, they get married there, they are getting divorced, idiots, but the most interesting thing is that they were both on the same new site, called one -on-one, are you saying that they, no, they don’t communicate with girls there, so wait a minute, this is interesting? yes, a strange guy, this sovelev, his eyes are kind of crazy, crazy, eccentric guy, so will he take newspapers or not? oh, finally,
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okay, i’ll go, wait, georgivich, let him finish reading, by the time i get there, he’ll already finish reading, well , come on, come on. i wonder what this is? this is an article in the newspaper, when you blew up a car, innocent people were hurt, you should at least drive it away, otherwise there are children playing in the yards. i didn't blow anything up. an explosive device was installed under the bottom of your car, which went off, and the timer was set strictly for a certain time. here are the photos.
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meredy, hamsters, nick hamster, hamster in english, he wrote a lot, he constantly complained about life, and what he didn’t like was, well , it’s hard to live in the world for a lonely, talented person, even his wife didn’t understand him, his lot was loneliness, make a printout, of course, so, you have to take this melady, there is a way out to her, well , the other day this little lady deleted her account, yesterday and this morning the site was not working, i called them, their server crashed, a lot of data also crashed, so it will most likely be impossible to find her by ip address, who is the owner? this is some graduate student from the psychology department university, so call this nerd from the psychology department, say, we’ll come now, yes, hello. hello, good afternoon, we are interested in the details of the correspondence between sovelev and khamikov, more precisely with ashuli and hamster, or rather with meredy, well, yes, unfortunately, they were lost
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during a server failure, we urgently need to find milady, she uploaded a murder, you understand, she deleted my account, but i managed to find her on my website under a different nickname, under the nickname karenina, look, it’s like in psychology there are a lot of interesting analytical tricks, which interesting comrade, with his tricks you can do anything... “everyone wants to love and be loved, absolutely everyone, but you, alexander, because of this you killed
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a completely innocent person, and you will be punished for this, the worst punishment for you will be not a prison, but she wrote to me that on her right wrist there is a tattoo of lilia, of course, she is my lady, what should i do? " but no, wait, one girl came up, it looks like this is melady, sorry, you
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won’t have a light, i don’t smoke, sorry, get ready, wait, run, what, run, i'm telling you, runaway, run, meledi, the myans are here, run, meledi, police, i'm telling you, run, excuse me, help, quietly, quietly, we are from the police, homicide department, you have been detained on suspicion of murder, well, rovki no, it looks like it’s not her, calm down, girl, we’ll figure it out now, idiot, sovelyev, instead of knocking off your sentence, you added it to yourself, this was the only chance to take her, wait,
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goodbye, citizen hamster, goodbye, no, goodbye, look how joyful he was jumping, he was lucky, by the way, so was savelyev lucky, melady brought with her a syringe with a huge dose of adrenaline. oh, guys, a rare man-hater, oh, poor savelev, poor fellow, maybe he was the only one who truly loved her, by the way, what’s wrong with you and this beauty from the restaurant, by the way, the fish went crazy as soon as... she found out, what am i doing, i decided not to get involved, where did you find her? where, where on the internet?


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