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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 11, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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"she herself, she threw herself under the car, disperse, calmly the police, dead, melady, uh, sign, goodbye, citizen, no, goodbye, look how joyful he galloped, he was lucky, by the way, savelyev was also lucky, melady with she brought with her a syringe with a huge dose of adrenaline, oh, guys, a rare man-hater, oh, poor sovelev, poor fellow, maybe he was the only one who truly loved her, by the way, what’s wrong with you and this beauty from the restaurant, by the way, the fish got lost as soon as i found out what i was doing, i decided not to get in touch, but where did you find her, where, where on the internet? georgivich, come on,
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come on, but after you, georgivich, you also look on the internet, and why isn’t there an account, well , no, it’s there, everything works, i thought our local police officers had a crappy job, yours is even worse, but for the testimony take off, sit in ambush from early morning, what did chukhlova do, and she is a witness in the murder. in a cafe, everyday life, two companies met, they couldn’t share a chair, why is it glitching, well now, that’s what, they grabbed me for a traumatism, let's water it, oh, and this chukhlova is the main thing on the agenda, and comes to his place of permanent residence extremely rarely, and then in the morning to get some sleep, and then in the evening again again, drinking, partying, where are you going, oh, christmas trees, look, this is her, no,
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she seems to be taller in the hips and meaty, you know, fedya, why you always win against me, because at least sometimes i look around, and you only look at your tablet, old man, so that’s it she, hey, good morning, the weather is beautiful today, and citizen chukhlova, answer a couple of questions, hold it, where is the head, come on, stand, you are a clear sea, so, go away, yes, what, citizen chukhlova, why are we running from the police, hold it, if it weren’t for the bag, then why the hell would you have caught up with me, you are from the police , no, we’re from the circus, look at... i’m in uniform, i thought you were like the freaks
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from the bank who pay off debts, but anyone can put on a uniform, citizen chukhlova, we ’re not interested in your debts, but what then, we ’re interested the incident on the twelfth of last month, which occurred in the partisan cafe, so oksana dmitrievna, lyudmila dmitrievna, i was not included in any of your damn claims, and there is a document, there is one. sisters, oksana, my sister, we are twins, everyone confuses us, well, where is oksana? in the sky, literally and figuratively, she drove off with a little medicine, their love is all serious, in short, they sat there mentally, bummer, i apologize, so, and you, citizen, walk more carefully, that’s how it will turn out. well, come in, thank you, fedya,
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well, what are we doing with you, but by the time i get home, i’ll be back for work, yes, let’s go, i i’ll show you a toy, it’s so cool, hey, what’s that hanuri, it’s cold, let’s go quickly, there’s enough room for us, oh, it’s warm, finally, don’t, hush, mish, don’t touch him. in the middle, let him sleep, now he should rush to mars, but what? yes, listen, if you are tired of earthly life with its problems and routine, then you should try your luck in the mars project, which is gaining goodness, let's bang, astronaut, come on, well... beyond the star,
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yeah. "of course, the demand of the future conqueror of mars, hold on, what are you doing, and what are you doing, and what have you done, what are you doing, half a glass flew away, quietly, i tell you, quietly, quietly, i want to sleep, now i’d like some coffee to cheer me up, oh well, fedya, you’ll come home and sleep off.” you’re sorry, i just desperately needed this chukhlova , who knew it would be such a bummer ? yes, i understand it myself, and day and night we have to go out to the service, alien enemies, come on, slow down, look, some
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little horses are waving, uh-huh, we’ll have to react, and so every day, yes, we’ve all calmed down so we don’t twitch . , we present the documents, comrade uchkov, but you know me, i’m from the third at home, here’s my pass, who are you, vasily kvassov, a loader at the waxing base, a senior loader, i’m the head of the night shift, your documents, yes misha, i’m turkin, you know me, i’ve repeatedly, that’s right, repeatedly, citizen turkin, for what reason are we walking, disrupting order, so let’s celebrate this? going to work, so get your drinking buddy up, but wait, he’s not with us, so what, get up, they’ve come for you, we’ll say goodbye, igor, it seems like it’s your job,
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yes, a corpse, it’s not us, we’re both facing the wall , hands on the city. not us, hands, it's not us, we thought, he's sleeping, be quiet, good morning, borya, we have a corpse, write down the address, cool, a living corpse, i mean alive, i mean real, do you hear, mashanya, let's take a photo with the corpse, and then we'll post it, yes, like that, come on together, i definitely succeeded, let’s do it again, listen, why are strangers there?
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so what do you say? well, death occurred about three or four hours ago, not earlier, yeah, the wound was small, neat, so a little blood flowed out. what about the murder weapon? it looks like a nail, but of course not a nail, an awl or a knitting needle, most likely. listen, geoggich, look at there were no scratches on his face, no bruises, he was clean, he hardly resisted. i’ll go away, well, that’s understandable, but what else is interesting? andryukha, go play these again, but what could be interesting here, although there is. look, you understand, i even got into my mouth, all my teeth are intact, an ideal corpse, this ideal corpse has a complete nakedness in its pockets, there can be no phone, no money, no paper. nothing at all, it means someone washed the pockets, maybe these, but it’s unlikely, listen, igor, talk to the local dog walkers, they go for walks early, maybe someone saw something, ok, boss, but we didn’t drink with him,
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but i bet you, who would drink with him, drink with a corpse, it’s a waste of money, we got cold on the street, well, we decided to warm up, we go here often, it’s true, so not only us... it’s a miracle, if there’s no one here, we wrote to his right, no matter how many times you go to the police, no answer, no greeting, yes, and i signaled the police how many times, your people will come and take them away, they’ll be there in 2 day they appear again, dirt, swearing, yes, they, excuse me, right in the front door, well, i tried this damn bench liquidate, well, i worked with a hatchet, so someone new managed to drag it in, why don’t you install a lock, an intercom, they already installed it, why do they need this intercom, they are still leaking out. stronger and it opened, then we came here, and this one was already lying here, you can see for yourself what kind of entrance we have, well , we didn’t bother, we thought that he was a sufferer, he drank too much, but after all, a person, when after that he’s resting, he
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’s not even bitten by a snake, and you haven’t seen the dead man before, no, actually, i ’m seeing him for the first time, but i have a memory. like this one ushterlitsa by ushterlitz, i saw a man once, everything was in the brain, click, photograph. i’ve never seen this, but you, i’m local, ask misha, misha knows everything about everyone, misha is observant, and misha, who is he? yes, misha is me, yeah, but i know everyone, but this is the first time i’ve seen this pretzel, it’s not ours, it’s stray, okay, come on, finish with them, let’s go here, put our signature here, contract soldier, you should know this, enrolling in the military. service you receive a number of benefits and guarantees, but there is also something that has no price. to be shoulder to shoulder with
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comrades, defend your family and homeland, fight for a just cause, gain new knowledge and skills, become stronger. join yours. serve under contract. it worked professionally, but it’s unclear why, if they had a gun, we’ll catch you, we’ll ask you, stand there, a criminal case has been opened against you, of course, the kafagen must be destroyed, let’s go, it’s time to stop shilov, this is already a political question, what would you do? did it in their place, if i knew the exact locations, i would have made a fool of myself, especially since... suitable for cop wars today at 16:45 on ntv. okay, which one of you
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walks the dog first? well, they left early, and there was lady, robinsonson and diana. i mean, we go by the dogs' names. oh, yes, of course. lady is a shepherd, such a healthy one. rabinson, doberman. diana was the first to leave today, she was from the fourth floor. yes, yes, yes, my neighbor, apartment 128. entrance, thank you, maybe you can restore order at least a little, please, good afternoon, nothing good, they say there’s a corpse lying around, maybe, well, the elevator isn’t allowed in yet, i’ll go and have a look, come on, who are you talking to, police, captain krymov, zinaa ida, very nice, igor. should i go to apartment 128, to a polka butterfly, or what? so she lives above me next to sergei, i
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quarrel with her screamingly, you know, her dog is so small, it’s kind of ugly, but it screams like it’s been cut, i don’t have any sleep, no rest, no rest, yes, i sympathize, but wait, yes, why do you need it, investigative actions are being carried out, yeah, i understand, comrade, captain, yes, you ’re a polka there, at the request of the workers, eh, registration, as it should be, but maybe he’ll calm down, yeah, maybe, maybe something else tell me, no, that’s it, thank you, yeah, yes, let’s go, redhead, let’s go, let’s go, now, little girl, i’ll finish it for you now, and prepare you some food, huh... what is this? girl,
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what are we doing? and who came? who came, dianochka? who came, we are not waiting for anyone! who came to us? well, georgievich, can the corpse be taken away? well, if you’ve worked, take the corpse away, of course, so let’s take it away, yeah, it’s clear, no one saw anything. i haven’t heard, a murdered comrade of strangers, which further complicates the matter, or maybe a stray drunk, but no, it doesn’t look like it, georgich, he has of course, there are calluses on the hands, one can assume that he is a hard worker, but there is no dirt under the nails, come on, yeah, andryukh, let ’s find a local janitor with cream, talk to him, maybe he will say something useful, okay, it’s a shame to talk about this, but i’m not ashamed at all, but after the death of my husband, it was as if i was born again, and he himself blessed me for this. “put away your belongings, he sent me news from the other world, you’re being ironic in vain, he
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came to me in a dream and said: “lilyok, he called me that during his life, lilyoka, i’m telling you.” all my life he spread rot and spread rot, spread rot and spread rot, and now he says, you are free, live and rejoice, i woke up free and happy, i realized that everything was ahead of me, do you want something stronger, huh?" well, what are you, i’m in the service , whatever you want, i’ll drink, and now i have everything, european-quality repairs, fancy equipment and a wonderful car, all men pay attention to me, and i choose my husband on a competitive basis, keep in mind, you know, i’m old. i’m not good for you, lord, but you’re not my type, besides, i already have a chosen one, a young man, yes, yes, like you
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you think how old i am, well, 30, 35 at most, but you didn’t guess? i’m 48, what are you talking about, yes, i’m telling you seriously, yes, yes, i’ll show you my passport, seriously, i’ll bring it now, i’ll bring it now, by the way, bring it, fill out your testimony, yes, that’s what you ’re saying, that we went for a walk for 6 o’clock, yes, exactly at 6, at 6 in the morning, dianochka and i went out for a walk, so then you saw that, really, well, what happened next, further, further, we went down like... a jar to the first floor, and i always make sure that she doesn’t touch anything there, because after these the drunks are left with a ton of all sorts of food, and dianochka will eat a lot of food, my dianochka will eat a lot of food, well, this man was lying there, uh-huh, well, the walls, so, but you didn’t see his face, no, why did you decide that it was a man, well, i
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didn’t i know, because he was dressed like that, probably, then dianochka and i went downstairs and quickly, quickly left, but... we didn’t see anyone near the corpse? no, no, well, maybe, maybe someone flashed, well, as if someone was coming out of the front door, because the door was a little open, and it seemed like someone flashed there, well, something so red, like red jackets, so that they recognized someone, and i say, they recognized someone, no, why did they decide that? yes, where did you get the idea, it means that it’s some kind of nonsense, say, let’s ask your questions further, and sit down, zhinnikh should come to me now, here he is, hello, hello, alexey, alyoshen, son, yes, and
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take your passport with you tomorrow. forget it, everything is at 16:00, i 'm waiting for you, goodbye, slav, what are you doing there, come here, look, look, look, you see, he’s smiling at me like that, like that, look, hop, he’s smiling, why are you making fun of our corpse, well, i want to print out photographs in different states so that at least someone can identify it, otherwise it’s some kind of horror story, it turns out, so, guys, what are we doing, look, like this, he’s not smiling, huh? so the hop smiles, like that he doesn’t smile, so the boys are doing nonsense, a whole person, at least during this time you established that no one disappeared, we asked about anything similar to our corpse, it didn’t disappear, it didn’t disappear, but what according to the janitors, the crimea janitors took over, listen, glory, stop, it’s better to go around the area around the crime scene for
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video cameras, maybe our corpse was lit up somewhere, now i’ll print out the photos , i’ll go on a detour, nima o’zbek xatto buni oshishdi is there anyone hello respected hey who are you police captain crimea don’t worry i’m not from the migration service calmly. is not running anywhere, we answer the question: which of you works in house number six around him? i, this is my job, very good, what time did you go to work today? well, early, more precisely we answer, i don’t remember, in this case we collect our things, go with me, where, where, where, where, to the police for interrogation, then maybe somewhere else, or maybe better here, and
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in that case i repeat the question, what time did you go to work today? well, as always, 7:00. did you notice anything unusual? and what you need? i'm interested in the second front door of the sixth house, was there a bench inside there? yes, it was empty, empty, but no, dear, a man was lying there, killed, by the way, maybe you killed him? kill, why, to rob, from him things are missing, by the way, that means you weren’t there, that you’re lying to me, no need to call, boss, it’s not me, my cousin, he works there in the morning, he cleans the stairs.
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not up to you, sorry, someone should have gone around the neighborhood about the installed video cameras, well, i’ll go now, wait, what about the corpse, alcohol was found, no, not alcohol, no drugs, in that sense... corpse, cleaning to a newborn, but everything is very interesting, so what’s interesting here, look, you see, this is the place where the murder weapon penetrated into striped fabric, from which the victim died, i didn’t notice this right away, an old scar, from an old wound, inflicted, apparently, with the same weapon, maybe you ’re wrong, well, it’s an accident, listen, let’s do an experiment, look, so, you we have the same build and height as the deceased, right? well, if i hit you, i’ll hit you in a different place every time. and then you can immediately see that the blow has been delivered. understand? and he ended up that time, this time, in the same
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place, and this place is the most vulnerable for person. and the last time he was saved from death by literally 2 mm. and the weapon, judging by the photo, is absolutely the same. so, i think it was a professional. a simple thriller. and also on the dead man’s hands, well, under his nails.
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good morning, evgenia neronskaya is with you and i will tell you about the weather for today. in the far
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east, summer continues as usual. temperatures are hovering around or slightly above normal across much of the region, but the arctic cold has found its way in. firstly, in chukotka, it doesn’t even reach +10 everywhere. another hot spot of cold weather - southern regions khabarovsk territory, +15-18 there. it rains every day, and from vladivostok to blagovishchensk the weather is beautiful, comfortable, sunny, warm, in siberia it can’t do without rain, in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory thunderstorms can thunder and at the same time a little above twenty, but the closer to the urals, the warmer, from novosibirsk to tyumen 26:30. in the urals , rain is a harbinger of cold weather; today in yekaterinburg it is 28, but tomorrow it will not be higher than 20°. on european territory, the southern regions continue to suffer from the heat, and it is updated every day. chronicle of hot records. tomorrow in the krasnodar territory, kalmykia, and priozovye, the temperature will again rise to almost 40°. it’s dry in crimea, 33 in sevastopol, and
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refreshing rains in sochi +24. on the intar coast, in kaliningrad it is 25, but there will be thunderstorms. the water in the baltic sea has already warmed up to 20°. in the center today 25-29 without rain. showers are possible in the volga region. in samara - 29 tomorrow it will get colder. in st. petersburg -27 without precipitation in moscow. and the weekend is 30, thank goodness, it’s great, everything is empty for me, you’re on the topic, and about this murdered man of ours on the bench, listen, i’m working on this too, come here, look at what you have near our dog walker’s doublyk, there’s a cctv camera installed in front of the bank, it’s installed so cleverly that you won’t notice it right away, yeah. look, our corpse is coming, safe and sound, heading towards death. well, well,
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well, death is coming, look, bus 545, 545 runs from the bus station, i think there won’t be any problems finding the conductor or communicating with the driver, from the photo, maybe they’ll identify you, let’s run, yeah, hello everyone , igor, no take off your clothes, let's go, yes, i already had lunch, but what lunch, a trail appeared, we ran, uh-huh, of course, i remember this, the first ones are always remembered, but the bus was almost empty, and where did he get on, right at the possad? three were on travel cards, and he bought a ticket for money, goodbye, well, let's look here, hello, girl, god, what a charming creature you are with heavenly eyes, come on, we're from the police, and don't worry, don't worry, tell me, the day before yesterday, you worked here, well, yes, you worked until late,
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don’t you remember this little man?
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pervert, please, citizens, break for 5 minutes, why wait 5 minutes, don’t worry, we’re not detaining you, please look, you saw this citizen, i think you saw him, he seemed to be handing over things, when it was, i won’t say for sure, face - a friend, but try to remember, although, wait, i think i remembered, it was already late, i was about to close, there were no people, if you tell me the date, i can look at the receipts, so, well, if you’re talking late at night, then look at the day before yesterday, open up, i'm about to knock on someone's head, don't you distract yourself, yes, yes, yes, here it is, called himself sergei nekrasov, checked in one piece of luggage, at 22.58, very good, but where is
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his luggage? so they took it, here’s the mark, yesterday afternoon at 12:46, how can it be, what is it, you gave someone else’s luggage to another person, another person, not another, i don’t know, i don’t give a damn, i got a receipt, i gave the things away, that’s all , who took him, of course you don’t remember, no, sad citizen, goodbye, goodbye, that’s it, the operation is over, finally, come on, i ’m late, who took the things from security cameras, i think that the killer took the contents of the dead man’s pockets, including the receipt,
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hey, wait, wait, don’t put it away, don’t put it away, don’t put it away, come on, look, you still have a ten in your pocket, wait, what ten, no i ’m nothing, i’m not there, you take a good look, come on, pour it, there’s no, i say, a normal ten, let’s look, there’s no, let me see for myself, what’s this, vile, good afternoon, gentlemen, homeless people, let’s relax, what a there's a vacation, right? we were resting, but now it’s just torture, and the cops are chasing us, we’re cops too, well, you’re a badass, well what are you going to gather again, well, it’s better that we brought a car here with borscht, you want borscht, with meat, with donuts, no one will take you anywhere if you behave correctly, and correctly is how, and correctly is to answer the questions posed with the utmost sincerity questions, this particular citizen has not been seen, wait, look.
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wherever you get it, look, you remember, yes, we saw him, well, he was hanging out with us here one night, he was so quiet, you ran to the pharmacy to get some medicine and wanted to share with him. he says: i don’t drink, drinking is a sin, but i tell him i say, drink, you fool, sin heals with sin, no, not ours, he was waiting for the bus, as soon as the bus came, he left, it’s clear, uh, citizens are bosses, but tell me, when we, the people, will start living, when you will start working, taxes to pay into the treasury, let's hope it's the city council. has already opened, in our service industry 5 minutes, at least half an hour, yeah , oh, i’m telling you, it opened, not even 2 hours have passed, young lady, where are you running for 2 hours, i
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don’t have the right to go to the toilet, well you know, during this time you can dig a garden and firewood get a prick, and even give birth to a child, so, just don’t be rude to me here, oh, dear, charming girl, forgive us for god’s sake, no one was going to be rude to you, thank you for your dear, for your charming one, only we have a paid certificate, prices from 10 rub. very expensive, and even for the police, well, for the police we will make a discount, thank you, look carefully, this person contacted you, oh, i don’t know, he did, he didn’t, it was the day before yesterday evening, ha, that’s right, he did, but what was he interested?
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a lot, and also paper, so he didn’t pay me nothing, he said the patch will be back, thank you very much, girl, goodbye, please contact me, thank you, goodbye, well igor, it means he was looking for vladimir vasilyev, that’s something, but you understand, we don’t care the most tedious thing is yet to come, interviewing the bus driver, and otherwise we won’t know where the deceased came from, well, yes, but we only need drivers for arriving evening flights, did the murdered person arrive in the evening? igor, why, fight, why, come quickly, i need
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to talk to oleg georgievich very urgently, well, what do i have to do with it, talk, but he doesn’t listen to me, and i really need it, well , whatever you want from me, well, talk to him. and tell me what i really need, he will listen to you, i know, what happened? okay, fight, i’ll talk, don’t worry, thank you, as i understand it, you didn’t find out anything at the station about the body on the bench, why, georgievich, we found out a lot of things, so what? well, firstly, we... found out that our dead man’s name was probably sergei nikrasov, under this name he handed over things to the storage room, so secondly, we found out that he came to st. petersburg by bus from the village of new cherries, it’s 200 km from the city, and
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there at the local church parish there is a small candle production, like that, well , why were you silent, but i wasn’t silent, i was just about to call these oyster mushrooms, 200 km from us you say, that’s what? no need to call anywhere, go find out for yourself, everything is in place, now it’s 200 km, well, go right now, finish your food and go, where is krymov, clothes are hanging, somewhere around here, oh, where are you, i i was going to call you on my feet, brains they’re boiling, they all need to get married, andryukh, in general, our deceased was looking for a certificate from a certain vladimir vasiliev, but i already know, so search the address database, georgivich, you know how many vladimirov vasilievs are registered in st. petersburg, how do i know, man 50, multiplied by 10, but there’s an old man there. and the children, it’s all already without them, i’ll take it, the nightingale is listening, so, write down the address, we’ll be there now, listen, igor,
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go there, it’s like suicide, okay, there is , wait, yeah, lyakhova, polina evgenievna, i wrote it down well, wait, polina, lyakhova, me the day before yesterday i took her testimony regarding the murder. parodny, so i understood everything, thank you, and yes, everything was fine, a cheerful woman, some kind of nonsense, now it’s sometimes easier, listen, let’s go there together, come on, you can quickly finish your food and go, yeah , so, alexey, please pull yourself together, first of all, it’s you who need this, i don’t know anything, so let’s calm down first, once again, in detail, in order, tell me everything as it happened.
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i left the entrance, opened the door, i have my own key, yes, i know, continue, i entered the apartment, there was no one in the room, my uncle was running around, barking, the tv was on, polina was not there, i heard some screams outside the window, i went out onto the balcony, there was noise and polina was lying there, everyone was looking at me. i ran out into polina’s entrance, then this neighbor grabbed me and back into the apartment, but i just pressed him a little, people were already there, i’m telling you, i didn’t do this, i loved her, wait, and we’re with you we’ve already talked, yes, you are polina’s neighbor, yes, yes, right next door, polina and i were friends, my rodveller is going broke for a walk, well, here you go, the main suspect has been identified, it’s clear, everything has been worked out here, well, almost everything, okay, i’ll take
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the suspect to the department, yeah, that’s it, let’s get him in the car, give me your hand, wait, it’s not my fault, yeah, go ahead, what's interesting, listen, well, i examined the body, there are no signs of violence, and here... there's no blood either, the apartment is in absolute order, it doesn't look like she was resisting, it's some kind of nonsense, let me go where you are a woman, i said lower it, strangers are not allowed, it’s me, it’s me outsiders, zhan, let her in, why are we making noise, zinaida, i, i’m a witness, but they don’t let me in, a witness, and so and what we want to show, we don’t want to show anything, so we’ll tell our people, look, it was quiet for me, that means ... there were no strangers here, so, but if there were strangers, the dog would bark,
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that means there was someone inside, alexey threw her out, or maybe she herself, oh, don’t talk nonsense, she was going to get married, but no before she committed suicide, yeah, so, but i think someone helped her jump out of the window, yeah, so you say, the dog killed the killer, whom she might have known, alexei's fiancé, yeah, i didn't like him right away, but i thought, why is this milk? pulled on the old woman, either he needed her money , or he was sick in the head, that’s your motive, we also watch tv series, but don’t talk nonsense, nikolaovnaya, she fell down in front of me, i saw everything, where when you saw, you’re at home i was sitting there, you weren’t even close here, i was the first to pick her up, don’t talk, he saw, wait, wait, the boy had nothing to do with it, so don’t interfere, i saw how she smacked, little boy nothing to do with it, he said hello and entered the entrance. i was the first to see how she fell, i was
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leaving the entrance, he greeted me, he would n’t have had time to get to her, but you’re sure, i’m sure he didn’t have time, go, i’ll come later, let’s go, tell me, how are you? name is konstantin, konstantin, now let's go into more detail from the very beginning, your favorite show is stars, duels, and i decided to be beautiful, i have it in me. in order to defeat this azamat, you need to think like azamat, earn
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stars like azamat on saturday on sunday at 22:10 on ntv. hello, hello, where can i find the abbot? but in the left they predili, here. yeah thanks. father on kentius? yes, good day, hello, i am senior lieutenant rydanov, criminal rozovsk st. petersburg. oh, how much you got carried away, and how i did. i understand that you were brought to us not by a question of interpreting the holy scriptures. yes, yes, father anakenti, you are very perceptive. look, you must have known this man. what happened to sergei? did anything happen? they killed him. lord, lord rest, the soul of the deceased slave
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your murdered sergius, forgive him his sin, voluntary and involuntary. i told him, don’t leave, but he said: i’ll go and solve the problem with the apartment and come back. how did you get it? well, it’s a long story, but i’m telling it from his words, you know, i can’t believe it, i feel sorry for the guy, so much suffering befell him, he served on the border in tajikistan, he and his friend were demobilized right on the train when they returned.
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he was a hard-working guy, he reached out to god, god rest his soul, tell me, he had an apartment in st. petersburg, you don’t know where exactly, i i don’t know, but i only know that he received it as a grandfather’s man before conscription and did not even have time to live in it, and sergei mentioned the name of the person who stabbed him only by his nickname, the offender had a nickname. georgievich, hello! well, what did i find out? our dead man's name is sergei nekrasov. oleg georgivich, you owe me. by the way, he served
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in the army in tajikistan. yeah. borich, better find me krymov. oh, i don’t know where he is? okay, can you hear me? so i have an investigative experiment about? well, about the suicide in the sixth home. wait, how did it all curiously coincide? well, georgivich, don’t speak in riddles. that's it, let's go to the investigative experiment, i'll tell you on the way, fight, close the office, let's go, let's go. well, in general, i first pinned him here, and then
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took him into the apartment, he started to struggle, i say again, when i saw everything, i ran downstairs, so he started to struggle, i tied him up here. i already took her away then, well, people were already running up, a policeman was there, but he didn’t throw her out, i loved her, you know, okay, then who, according to your version, threw out polina lyakhova, i don’t know, i’m so i thought, she couldn’t do it herself, why, take the detainee away, why does she need this, let’s go, let’s go to the apartment, yeah, so, well, let’s summarize, yeah, did you take your passport with you? yes, yes, i’ll get it, yeah, right, nekrasov, sergey nikolaevich, yes, it’s me, andryukh, backwater, sergey nikolaevich, did you serve in tajikistan? yes, but what does that have to do with it? this has a very direct relationship. come on in.
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hello. hello. introduce youreself . sukhankin, valery pavlovich. tell me, valery pavlovich, do you know him? nikrasov, sergey nikolaevich. seryoga, of course. and where he? well, here it is, in front of you. what are you talking about? no, this is some kind of mistake. this is vavan vasiliev, he and i served together in tajikistan. and seryoga nikrasov was our other colleague, he was a real guy. and with this they went off to demobilization together. valera, it's me, seryoga. did i fall off the tree or something? i remember all our boys to the last. here. well, you asked to take photographs. here we are, all five of us. here is vavan, here is seryoga, there i am. there is. what's wrong on the reverse side, everything is signed from left to right, this is what you recognize, of course, this is seryoga, and what’s wrong with him, you know, unfortunately, your friend is no longer alive. and this vladimir vasiliev killed him, the first time he tried to do this on the train, when they were returning
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home for demobilization, he hit him with an awl, he wielded it masterfully, threw the body out of the carriage, not forgetting to take other people’s documents. vasiliev thought that nekrasov was dead, but nekrasov survived. finally, after many years, he returned to st. petersburg, came to his apartment, to see what's going on. and then i met my offender, vladimir. he killed him. i lowered the body downstairs and left it on the bench, it was early in the morning, so no one noticed you, of course, but all this still needs to be proven, we will prove it, that’s not what they proved, that it was you who threw polina out of the window, we don’t have any doubts, the dog didn’t bark, because you belonged in this house, and why should she, well, perhaps polina suspected something when we were talking with her, at some point she began to get nervous, i understand why, because i remembered how... you were coming out of the entrance in this red jacket, and maybe i went out to walk the dog early in the morning, and you walk the dog
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much later, all dog lovers will confirm this, but why should i kill this sergei of yours, you are a newcomer, yes, there is an apartment in st. petersburg, well, according to the documents, as you considered the murdered friend, you began to live in his apartment, and i warned seryoga, i immediately said that there is no need to get involved with this, but he was gullible, thank you, bor, by the way, georgievich, borya is here cherdyntsev really wants you to listen to him,
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yes, he asked me to tell you about this, but i kept forgetting, okay, i’ll go and talk to him, oh, sorry, i still don’t have time to talk to you, what did you want to say, oleg georgievich, just hurry up, something has happened to you, i feel a little like ours. unnecessary team, so you wanted to talk to me about this, i know that there has been talk for a long time about sending me to retire, so don’t drag this matter out, tell it like it is, i’m ready, i’m already i thought something had happened, you’re here out of zeal , i don’t know what you’re making up, well, where are we without you, fight, but without your talents, you’re the best, here you want it, you won’t leave, well, you’ll say the same thing if you decide, so major cherdyntsev, continue to work, eat,
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we wish you the best morning, listen to the chronicle of the emergency. let's look at the incident in the first episode. on ntv, an emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. the famous hockey player maxim maltsev managed to win an unconditional victory in legal proceedings with his ex wife. the dispute was about determining the place of residence of their common son. according to the absurd decision of the court of first instance, a seven-year-old boy had to live with his mother and... new husband in sweden. for many months, maltsev fought to defend the right to the child’s place of residence with him. this was perhaps the most.


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