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tv   Pyos-2  NTV  July 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:58pm MSK

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yes, by the way, i’m a dog, how did you know that he would run around? are you kidding me? what? he told me himself. if you don't want to, don't say what a great friend you have, max. yes, i’ll go out and definitely get myself a shepherd. friend. is everything okay, no one was hurt? yes, everyone is fine, except for you, thank you. lyosha, this is our car, can you imagine? no, gnezdilov drove someone else’s car.
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you’ll be driving around in yours, lenka, i’d love to, well, well, you’re with leonidov, and i only have to clean the interior for literally half an hour, so let’s get out of here already, and the engine, listen, listen, engine, two, i
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'll shoot the foreman's leg in five places, bitch, well, let's go home, how to get there, well, we can take a taxi, we can go to the nester over there, we can take a tow truck or with maximov, well, taxi, maxim, what please, be a friend, tow me away. it’s not far from here, oh, yes, listen, yes, i’ll be happy to do it, but today the dog makes all the decisions for us, ask him, you’re towing, oh, thank you, have you forgotten how to behave as an animal, you know, you should tell me in pure dog language, gnizdilf, go to hell, that's not what he said, oh, no, well, go to others over there, ask the dogs, bitch, goat,
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mother, look, i received a parcel, yes, who could have sent us the parcel, maybe they made a mistake, no mistake, lo and behold, our street, our house, our apartment and our last name, who sent it ? some kind of kornechuk, i don’t know, but at the post office they said, take it, go, give me the scissors, maybe we’ll return it back, okay, give me the scissors, let’s open it, see if there’s anything interesting, now come here.
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finger, why, a human finger, is lying right in the bag, this is the second case, wow, and this is somehow connected with itself, no, but who is the ruler? kornyachuk ruslan, it doesn’t go through our databases, but there is a return address, sadovaya 6, well, i’ll go there soon, what’s one question, a little unexpected, of course, but no, i won’t give it to each other, no, no, no, no, that’s not at all about i’ll give it to you myself, stop it, listen, what kind of relationship did you have with your mother lena? you won’t answer right away, after a divorce, for example, and before then it’s even worse, but i came to you, i congratulate you, you ’ll have a great weekend, you’re already in command, i really feel like i’m in the army, just yesterday
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i’ve arrived, i’m already tired of it, if i can’t hear you, thank you, the people are healthy, gnyazdilov is crazy , lord, that’s news to me too. 5 seconds, you won't regret it, i'm not hungry, i won't eat, oh, 86.5, great, not bad, not bad, let's continue, i'm full, i'm full, i'm full, i'm full, i, what's going on here, who's full? he’s full, he’s full and losing weight, yeah, what’s wrong, by the way, he lost 2 kg in a day and a half, his brain is a slut, it’s not funny, because i have a special method, no chemicals, no additives,
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everything is based on self-hypnosis and willpower, well it’s clear that you don’t believe it, or what? come here, come here, come, look, i was half an hour ago. weighed himself, weighed 87 kg, now 86.5, it seems to me that half an hour ago he weighed his jackets, with a pistol, but you don’t understand shit, i’m self-hypnosis, i’m talking to you, this is the process of losing weight, i ’ll lose weight, you have pity on yourself , to restore our strength, eat a gingerbread, it doesn’t work, i’m telling you, lyosha, self-hypnosis, i understand, but we bet that by the end of the week i ’ll lose another 5 kg, we bet, for every one i’ve lost... for a kilogram a bottle of brandy, who not afraid, but for every dialed one is silent for a day, like a fish, whore, by the way, scatter, scatter the lesh,
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what’s with the fingers, men’s fingers, cut off a few days ago, after the moment of separation from the body they were stored on ice, probably who gave themselves such a bad manicure, find out ? no, the fingers belong to the same person, but we don’t have these prints in the database, anything else, well, what else was cut off not very neatly at the joints, the knife was very sharp, probably skypri, yeah, she knows anatomy, she could do it. .. says goodbye to the scalp, uh-huh, a surgeon or something he's turned on us, which can't be true, but he's like a dog, but he doesn't eat, nothing, strange, huh, he looks completely healthy, well, he doesn't eat, why, i don't
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know, maybe he needs to move more, walk with him, well now let's start eating deliciously, let's go for a walk, yes, this is the sender, finger. lyosha, did you promise my mom to take her to the shopping center? well, someone has to replace the dog, right? lyosha will be his deputy. once again recognized as better by independent experts. the sberbank credit card is free forever, apply now. worked professionally, but it’s unclear why, if they had a gun, we’ll catch you, ask, stand, a criminal case has been opened against you, of course, carthage must be destroyed, let’s go, it’s time to stop shilov,
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this is already a political question, zheka, what would you do i did it in their place, if i knew the exact locations, i would have made a fool of myself, especially since the wind was suitable for the cops. ski wars today at 16:45 on ntv. kingfisher, new season. today at 14:00 on ntv. fight in the knee, fight in the back. maybe in the neck. pentalgin extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. so that you have time to finish everything this summer, we at avito have collected the best offers for new construction materials. shop relevant suppliers with discounts of up to 60% until august 14th. and start resting earlier. build your plans faster and cheaper with avito for your home. avito is more profitable for everyone. nail fungus can only... many joys, so you need to fight it with antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
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triple power of fungaderil, get ready for summer with discounts at pharmacies in your city, details on the website our new name is taebank. we change our name without changing ourselves. t-bank, he is the only one. 2 days before the vk fest. buy a ticket. what do you recommend, there is one company, for sure , but somehow i want to invest in health, promomet, thank you, good health, invest in shares of the company promomet, more than a million books, audiobooks and podcasts, and i always know
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what to read next, litres, i so i read, read, listen for free for the first month, amylatek acts precisely in the source of pain, exact solution, free movement, kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. hi, great, are you so happy, yes, i spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the gym, i thought i wouldn’t even get out of bed, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it is it happens, well, what to buy, what is there, as they call it, prostatricum, remember, and also remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times, what do you think works? what are you, i don’t think, i know, i’m dark, of course now your wife, you know how, and what’s there, how
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to take it, call, everything is simple, when you order, they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it. i’ll probably buy it too, what should i think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market, men order it for themselves, and women for their men, men hurry up, women hurry up, try it out. no one should be disappointed when ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from
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counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. cop wars, today at 16:45 on ntv. generally a receptionist mail, i didn’t recognize kryniychuk, it means someone else sent the parcel, but show me the photo again, an unpleasant face, i don’t know what it is, an unpleasant look, it’s a flax of emotions, against him, in fact, we don’t have anything yet. i don’t know, just in case, i ’ll check his biography again, let’s check, where is the dog,
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he’s completely exhausted without food, he’s good, what are you doing, you want sausages, now, well, they’re delicious , let me give you pills to enhance i don't need appetite, come on. where are they from, and i quietly give them to leonidov, he is the last time began to refuse food, this is a turn, probably ever since your mother arrived, right? i already had time, complained, yes, that i myself remember her porridge very well, the porridge, by the way, is tasty and healthy, yes, come on, these are pills, thank you, it increases the feeling of hunger, eat, dog, eat,
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flax ordered, come on, come on, this way, or... and whoever received the package, a lonely woman handed it over, and someone asked, i interrogated, well, what did i find out, but i didn’t find out a damn thing, she screams all the time like mad, roars, then
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i drove the poor woman into hysterics, oh, we decided postpone the interrogation until tomorrow, let her calm down, she didn’t even do it, oh well, igor maybe, remember, kroneychuk’s wife said that he hit himself in the leg with a hammer, you think it’s korneichuk’s policeman, let’s go to her, take korneichuk’s fingerprint and compare it with with a trill finger, let's go, listen, go without me, that's what you asked. i already weigh 84 kg, so i’m a smartass when it comes to cooking! i didn’t tighten the scales, you hear me, by the way
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sinners, swindlers, hypocrites, will stand in the never-fading darkness and their punishment will be fire, and the angels
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will bear their sins, will punish them forever, each according to his sin.
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the results of the examination came back, and there was a 100% coincidence. then kornechuk’s fingers, what is he with us, is he a victim or something, or if he sends his fingers, this is generally an interruption, okay, that’s all i do with my sheep, he can’t even force me to eat pills, len, you have there is some kind of painkiller, that’s who is sending fingers everywhere, and what does fingers have to do with it, my mother-in-law asked me to nail the carpet, and our hands are from the heat... yes, my hands, you know, grow from a normal place, i and nailed the carpet, and i nailed the sofa, put it closer to the light, and wash the glass, lyoshka, this is just the beginning, beauty requires human sacrifice, comfort, yes. listen, can i hang out with you for a couple of days, well, you’re crazy about how you answer when i want to hang out with you, and you
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can discuss all this somewhere else , i need to finish the report if i have something with me i’ll do it, it will be on your conscience, we agreed, i’m easy, uh-huh, uh-huh, by the way, that’s right, max says, you know how models do it, like a couple of ribs for themselves, chick, yes, yes, talya, so thin it becomes, well, yes, what are you saying, well, well, laugh,
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laugh, and i’ll go buy some clothes for myself, come on, two sizes smaller, okay, come on.
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not yes to this now, but what about another package, another severed finger? no, this time i don’t recognize the ear that received kormenchuk’s parcel from the photograph, which means we need to look for something in common between the recipients of these parcels, there is something that all recipients of the parcels at one time experienced a tragedy, lost a child, and the cause of death of these children ? maniac, how do you know? well, i sat in the archives, i dug around. each family lost a daughter,
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the girls were strangled and raped. did they find the maniac? no, the cases are still not closed. well, here's your version. yes, revenge is a great motive. listen, maybe this little root is that same maniac? and what is it? maybe ruslan is being tortured there somewhere right now, and instead of looking for him, you labeled him a maniac, this is just a version, to hell with your version, i lived with this man for 15 years, soul in soul, you’re telling me that he kills women at night, please, lord, your dog, it’s true that he’s yelling, calm. at least you don’t scream, you ’ll allow a pillow, well, of course,
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it’s yours, no. without a doubt, all the jewelry belonged to the dead girls, firstly, the parents identified it. and secondly, on one pair of earrings there were particles of the victim’s dna, so you live, live and don’t know what’s wrong with the psycho, i
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can imagine that well. yes, we still have that maniac lying there, no, i mean you, mm, uh-huh, obdepos, when he left with lyani, yes, he was sleeping in an embrace, lenok, his maniac, got the hang of it, and what, the dog still doesn’t eat well, uh-huh , and these he gave these red pills from gnezdilov, you found out why, yes, you were right, this is a drug... that suppresses appetite, oh , not for sport, i think gnezdilov also fed them to the dog, because i can’t find any other explanation for the loss of appetite , i also experimented on animals, milk, listen, and you still have these greens left to increase your appetite, yeah hmm... well, the last
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question, just to broaden your horizons, how to make this red, i’m not sleeping, i i'm not sleeping, i was reading this killer's diary or something the diary, that’s it, stalking me like a maniac. it happens, but you will, oh, give me something tasty, you don’t need it, your appetite is already fine, i read something interesting in the diary, can you imagine, there were not four victims, five, how is this, we didn’t know the fifth, can you imagine , and where is she, but there is no body, the maniac
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was not allowed to finish, he was started... i understand, so that’s it, i won, even the days of weeks have not passed yet, will you eat yourself? yes, yes, of course, prepare the cognac!
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yes lyosha, tell your mother-in-law that i remember her , i’m grieving, i can’t take it anymore, it was midnight yesterday they were sorting through the berries, i said, that’s enough, i have work in the morning, she says, no, they ’ll be gone by the morning, can you imagine, i sympathize with you, lesh, come on, listen, max, help me out, can i come to you. what are you saying, lena is against it? len doesn’t mind; on the contrary, he says that he will come to cook for us. lena said so. oh, look, lesha, if i ever need your help. please. let's go, i'm frozen, let's go.
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i brought you something to eat, lesh, actually, i was counting on you to ask how i’m doing, how are you doing? soon i will say goodbye to you guys, you’ll leave your mother alone at home, well , darling, she’s trying, well, in her own way, that’s it, that in her own way, she covered all the walls with some kind of carpets, she’ll leave, we’ll rent it, dog, stop it, how much are you asking him tablets? i gave it away,
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it’s only three things, he’s gone crazy, you can’t have more than one a day, oh, i made lights, i filled my pockets full, huh? i wonder how we are losing weight there now?
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you want to try, take it, it’s delicious, no, what are you, no, i can’t, will power, mad, just, well, a little, a little.
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attention, listen to my command, you are all following me, why are you yelling, you will scare everyone away now, do you hear, don’t teach me, you teach your friend, it’s the doctor who ran away from him, i’m generally in shock, check the weapon, and for you have willpower, or something, it’s not for willpower, it’s... for diction, it’s for a commanding voice, well, give it back, you bastard, give me the sausage, i i told you, i told you, give me the sausage, that you are standing behind the dog quickly in pursuit, i didn’t understand, the clowns were staring at me, here, yeah. max, what do you say? anesthea, physical therapy,
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a tool, this doesn’t prove anything yet for lyushenko, he’s a doctor, he just grabbed the house, yes, yes, gnezdilov is already grabbing, that oh, gnezdilov is not grabbing anything or anyone, that’s right, yes, right, everyone will disperse to their rooms, i need evidence, i'm conducting a search in the kitchen. well, that’s exactly what i’m talking about, yeah, where’s the dog, by the way, go, get out of here, get out of here, get out, get out, i told someone, go, get out, brute, brute, he got out of here, hello, no hello, but take away your chapel, it’s preventing me from working, and what are you working on in the refrigerator, so, maksimov, yes, in the house of a criminal, gathering , even in the freezer there may be evidence, but he already ate one, yeah,
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leonidov found something interesting there, you want to look, i can’t, i need to eat it , collect it, but don’t finish the word, i understand, i understand, yes, yes, yes, how many of them came running, how many came running, so many came running, it’s none of your business, everything is under control, prepare the cognac, after all maksimov, weight at this stage does not matter, it is a manifestation of strong-willed qualities, i understand. get ready, let's go, where,
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dr. lavrov rented a large warehouse, so, spread throughout the territory, carry out my commands clearly and futilely, let's go! what are you watching? kronyachuk? lyosh, look, wow, he
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’s alive! lyosh, lyosh, lyosh, lyosh, lyosh, what's the point of doing this, if now it's still a handcuff, right, then what should we do with it, call an ambulance, or what? we need to set up an ambush, lavrov will return to finish him off, what an ambush, nesters, i tore off the locks. anyway, no one should be seen here with locks or without a scare, especially they shouldn’t see this, oh, i don’t need to be pessimistic here, i’ve placed the eagles, the doctors are already on the way, everything is under control, communication is through me, get out, the nearest grocery store , does anyone
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know where the force can’t be made, but i’m fine with that, what am i, i’m in ambush for who knows how long. they will have to sit, well, i ’m right, the boys will sit there from hunger, they are selfish, there is no store here, there is generally a nest, there is nothing, grocery store, quickly! bad, give me some water, i’m dying, give me some water,
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well, why are you taking so long, because someone is eating too much, you’ll go in the back, i won’t go in the back, why, hello, peus? nezdilov called that the security was not answering, something happened to them, where is he? already left.
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mine will die! lavrov’s car is here, and where is gnezdilov, well, you need it, look at the warehouse.
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alive, where is our maniac, he ran there, everything is fine, doctors urgently go to the warehouse. i say doctors urgently to the warehouse, how did you
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find it? by chance, maniacs also do phirographs, but why send parcels? people should know what kind of revenge was this for them? search, search, help, and wait, scream! leonidov! help! are you stuck in a fence or something? no,
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it's stuck in the fence. i agree, stupid question. well, that means you need to eat less or think more, the gate is open there. first of all, i don’t eat, i just have a wide mouth. and secondly, i wanted to take a shortcut. you stay here, don’t yell, save your strength, i have wounded there, it’s simple. in photography, you knew that, that’s why you blame it all on me apelin, she slipped it, didn’t tell you, you don’t even know what i’ve started a dangerous game, if you have enough strength, stop the wedding, i’m taking the pilina, and where are you taking it, to your wife or something , you’ll win, and this is none of your business, oh you puppy, listen, yeah, i promise i’ll burn your grandson. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. return of mukhtar on weekdays at
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8:20. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business? yes, you are a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen. after all, you 're doing everything wrong. continue. in alphabank? the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. open a free account with alfabank you get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. the legend returns, the same one that was brewed from 100% malt. the same taste that the whole country loved.
12:51 pm
i somehow want to invest in health, what do you recommend? there is one company that will definitely work, thank you, good luck, invest
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in the company’s shares. promet, and for breakfast in the old courtyard there are sochenki, oh, my favorite, do you know why they are so juicy, we take juicy okoro, a grain of aromatic spices, simmer juices in the oven, let me show you how i prepare them, boil them, cut them, fill them with an omelette and it’s done, mish, you came up with a great idea, these are all our juices, the old homestead is really tasty, sberbank loyalty program, thank you , it’s updated, pay with any card from bera receive twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback of up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money for free to sberbank from other banks and receive cashback up to 70% from partners, more profitable with subscription with berprime.
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everyone from grateful relatives, oh, already here, what? but it’s easy, but which of you are so muddy in advance that you twisted it, right? i see, they twisted it, i can see from their faces, forward, forward, well, i know how much they are hanging, how many there were 80, but it seemed to me 95, it seemed to you, leonidov, maxima,
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why the hell did you twist my scales, he told me i adjusted the scales, if only you could remove your leg. pointed in the fence, i would have won the argument, i won it, i haven’t lost it anyway, don’t, it’s not sporting, the captain was nesting, i’ll hold it first examination, igor nikolaevich, that igor nikolaevich, what an officer’s honor, smart girl, hmm, yeah. do you feel how good 8 days of silence are, a miracle, this is ours in feathers,
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everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, that’s enough for you, i don’t want you to change, listen, can you even cook a shish kebab in a stone? you also know how much of everything, whoever came to us, don’t you dare, don’t give him a single piece, otherwise it will be rotten, the closet, by the way, needs to be ventilated, yes, i obey, i obey, well, since everything is here , i’ll probably live here for a while too, seriously, yes, of course, i always liked this apartment, this is trish, they don’t know that lenta and i recently divorced, literally about 10 years, but it doesn’t matter, well, let’s start with cleaning, and tomorrow i’ll take care of the dog, he ’s completely out of hand, uh-huh, okay, do n’t worry, tomorrow he’ll be like silk, miracles, well, let’s get down to the meal, well, to your health, and there are pills for mother-in-law, oh good, right...
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oh, beauty, no, after all, my ex taught you something, the main thing is not to suppress. russia is the main threat to... nato announced readiness for a long confrontation. shot. our tank
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units are breaking through the defense line in the donetsk direction and pushing back the enemy. personal income tax of several billions forbes has compiled a list of businessmen with the largest tax deductions. more than half of the rali silk road continues through the territory of mongolia. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello! russia will develop a military response to us plans to deploy its medium-range missiles.


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