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tv   Mentovskie voini-7  NTV  July 11, 2024 4:45pm-7:01pm MSK

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appept can help, it helps restore memory and attention. let's get our head working. make your plans come true, and tebank business will provide you with reliable tools to start your business. register a business in tebank and get 6 months of free service. tebank is a business and the job is done.
4:46 pm
the goat is generally normal, kilono grandfather is dalit , why are we throwing everything down, rushing about, standing calmly, it’s good that it’s not loaded, funny. so what
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now? oh well, we're fine. so, keep your hands in sight, the place confuses me, here this is it. uh-huh, uh-huh, help, what's wrong, what's wrong with you, get up, over here, what's wrong, help, what's wrong with you, let's send him for an x-ray, call the police, call the police. why not, they are me, i just got there, okay, let me, let me, roman georgievich, tell me the date and place of your birth, june 5 , 1973, the city of leningrad.
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a criminal case has been initiated against you under article 286, part one of the criminal code of the russian federation, namely abuse of official powers, expressed in posting on the internet internet, video recordings depicting an unidentified person, somewhat similar to the chairman of the state duma commission pavel ignatievich dubrovsky, well why somewhat similar, that’s him. and i will appoint the appropriate examination to identify the alleged person, and at the same time verify the authenticity of the video materials. we have already carried out an independent examination, the recording has been recognized as genuine, here is the conclusion, we are petitioning for its inclusion in the case materials. your petition will be reviewed. o
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you will be notified of the decision made within the prescribed period, and now read the decision to initiate a criminal case. and now i will interrogate you as a suspect, under what circumstances and for what purpose did you post the video on the internet. was carrying out a task, what task, whose, the state department of the united states of america, well , who said that it would be easy, you would have to run around, travel on business trips. now
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you and i will go for a search, where? to the state department of the united states of america? check out by decree, this is for your apartment. this is for your country house, because you won’t deny that you have it? well, why deny the obvious? complete strangers have been living in roman georgievich’s country house for 4 years now, here is a lease agreement through a real estate agency, a copy of the tax return, a certificate and a petition to include these documents in the criminal case file. i see that you are well prepared, but where should we go? to compete with you, roman georgievich rents an apartment, there is also a rental agreement through an agency real estate, but this does not negate the need for investigative measures, of course, carthage must be destroyed, let's go.
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it’s a shame we came here in the first place, they also gave me the news to some gopnik on the horns, don’t bash me, the main thing is to make a picture, and the rest is my business, the plot will turn out great, you’ll see, well, well. so, do you have crutches? no, sorry, maybe a sprout? what for? well, thank god, his legs are intact, but the crutches would have looked good in the frame, if only he had bandaged his head, and in the meantime, tell us about your son, how he lived,
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how he grew up, how he studied, he was probably quiet and calm, he helped you around the house, right? well, yes, yeah, the teachers usually praised him, yeah, well, it happened, of course, he would come home... my drunk, yes, but it doesn’t matter, and zineida vasilievna, you know what, and then show me his school album, of course, of course, riding on top of a star, not hearing the wind coming towards you, a dream not coming true, spring. lada with a new 1.8 eva engine and automatic transmission. belin is here, i knew she was here, take her away. when were you going to tell me when he was born? couldn't become my husband nor for the children, by the father. it's you and no one
4:53 pm
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tebank and receive 6 months of free service. tebank is a business and the job is done. please, gentlemen, come in. oh! oh-oh-oh, the renovation means, uh-huh, although in reality, this is a staging to complicate the investigative actions, there is a license, so in the office, in fact, i brought them from the street, and at night i pin them to the radiator so that they don’t run away, the laptop, by the way, is also being repaired, yes, hi, mom, i'm sick, well, stay late, of course, stay late, no, it's being repaired, that's it,
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the design project has been approved for a long time, the materials, uh-huh, uh-huh, well, the camera is coming, it's coming , uh-huh, let's film, uh-huh, that means the police took you away, what happened then, well, at the police station, they searched me, found a ring, but it's not mine, i... was learning to play the guitar, and who is he with? and this is him with a friend, classmate. we will
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monitor developments and conduct our own independent, objective journalistic investigation. don't switch. at your place was? yes. wow. just don't say it's your new one. sorry, we won’t get anything for this,
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but why, on the contrary, we’ll announce a fundraiser for the treatment of your son and give you an account number, you’ll still get help, that’s good, we really need money now, take it. call right away, yeah, goodbye, let's go. so they didn’t even give you a subscription when you left? no, they are probably waiting for instructions from moscow, well then stop hanging around idle, i’m taking the department back, but i just started repairs, that’s how i started, so you’ll finish, but what if i
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they’ll close it in a week, but if they wanted to, they’d have left for the prison a long time ago, they’ve only just... stirred it up, dubrovsky has not only friends there, everyone saw your recording, so come on, look at the footage with the order ahead, wash it away, so to speak, with blood to blame, a commission with general konev at the head is coming from moscow, i heard about this, i heard, before moscow i ruled in the north caucasus, yes, a formal reason for the inspection, your loud speech about dubrovsky and not... normal, konev has big disagreements with the new minister, perhaps his business trip is a way to get rid of him, maybe they think he ’ll break his teeth here, and me, and why doesn’t the minister just fire him, that means he can’t, well,
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wait a minute... “we will monitor the development of events and conduct our own independent, objective journalistic investigation, investigator, so that you are already aware of the scandal, so in general terms, figure out what was there, why me, and not the css? because when konev arrives, he will get into this story, because for the head of our css. employees are latent criminals, and i need a real picture, because but the head of our css worked with the horseman in the caucasus, is that enough? go to work, yes, i
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’ll be right there, oh, well, what did the boss say? he said that without me it was boring to put me in the position, i should resign, listen, did you meet kodim in the caucasus? listen, well, when i arrived he was no longer there, but the guys respected him, i can ask around if anything happens. i don’t know, come on, let me call, shilov, katya, hello,
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they detained me, brought me to the police station, searched me, there was a ring in a cigarette pack. this is how things are, shivov. and the ring is not easy, you know, not jewelry, they asked where it came from, he began to order, we pierced the tchotchke, it turned out to be from robbery, well, we started stabbing, and we overdid it, right? no, no one touched him in front of me. what about without you? i don’t know, i didn’t hold a candle, but the guys who worked were sane. let's hope so. well, what does he say about the ring? and, he says, he was drunk, he doesn’t remember a damn thing. then he says that he seems to have found it near the metro, and then told the investigator that the guards dropped him off. and
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the investigator let him go, right? yes, i kicked him out, idiot. oh. and left on his own two feet with a normal face, i saw it myself, but no, i left earlier, maybe stop tormenting the guitar, mine, somehow quickly... that they returned it to the department? did you want him to be shot? peck you, you know the system, right? yes, i know, and that the fact that they need him, uh, they need him like... did it bother anyone, i think donchenko defended, for now, just for now, actually donchenko is a hammer, but roma can stand now, i think, it wasn’t
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that simple, yes, the main thing is that they return him not in order to then beautifully dump him, someone will have to be handed over for moscow inspection, this doesn’t look like donchenko, nothing i wouldn't be surprised. i know that you can’t leave anything in the car, “hello, good afternoon, of course, i really didn’t want to drag my bag with me,
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i thought what could happen in 10 minutes, well , i see, i see, what do you think?” the chances that the bag will be found are 50 to 50, there were so many important documents in the laptop, i can’t imagine how i’m going to restore them, maybe let’s go to my car and you ’ll write a statement there?” of course, i understand that you have more important things to do, but if you helped me, you probably have all the local varieties you know, then i could pay $300, well, $ 300 as a bonus, although i of course understand that this is not much, but help me, i ’m afraid that i won’t have time, tomorrow is my last day of work, so alas, we’re going on vacation, but no, i'm quitting. well, why did you detain pushko? yes, you see, he twitched when we pulled up, i mean he twitched, well , he put his hand in his pocket, i thought maybe the gun was too small, so i shouted
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to him to hold his rake higher, so we searched him, found the ring, it turned out that it was a robbery , well, you probably already you know, well, in general terms, what kind of robbery? yes, the day before, sorry. sorry, the day before a woman was robbed, she was on her way home by taxi, her car stalled not far from the house , she was walked over and hit on the head. lying unconscious, they took her bag, earrings, ring, i talked to my husband, showed him the photo, and that my husband, well, says her ring,
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he gave it to her for some anniversary, so he made it with a gun, but it’s not a fact, maybe he i really found this ring, but no, it’s definitely him, he’s shady, arrogant, arrogant, i shouldn’t have let him go, listen, maybe you’ll find him finally... they added it, well, just for the sake of formality, no, i left for an application, but the guys shouldn’t, they’re experienced, but you ask them yourself, let’s go, well, let’s go ask, the best deposit in sberbank is up to 18% per annum, open it in sberbank online , stars on weekends at 22:10,
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5:14 pm
did this gun still glow somehow? on our land, no, it’s clear, they pricked, pricked, pricked, why do we need these problems? when were you released? well, i finished the track. i see, okay, good luck! hello, light, listen, break for me,
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please. pushko sergei valerievich , born in 1985, everything that is quicker, okay, yeah, this glavkovsky came about pushko, so what, we didn’t touch him and didn’t throw a ring at him, but we’re not us, they’ll make someone extreme, in short, i need to go on sick leave, let’s do it right away. after my shift to the doctor, i was already getting ready to go to the doctor, i wanted to tell you later, but we’re going to have a child, motherfucker, it’s just like everything is at the wrong time, that it’s not on time, the child, and all this fuss with this gun, they also say, check comes from moscow, so, oh,
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the next story is dedicated to another victim of police brutality. watch the report prepared by our correspondent petr bessonov. sergei pushko was detained yesterday and taken to the 128th police department, where he was tortured to force him to confess to a crime that he obviously could not commit. this outrageous case received wide public outcry. the commissioner for human rights, vitaly semyonovich, became involved in the case. krutikov, yes, regarding this fact, i have sent inquiries to the prosecutor general and the minister of internal affairs. i think, that all instances of police brutality must be suppressed in the most decisive manner.
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thank you. we will monitor developments , stay tuned. well, now is the time for weather news about the current situation in our region, leonid novikov will tell you. what's the matter, why did i... what did he ask you about? this is so you don’t get dizzy, go see who’s there, aunt
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raya probably promised to stop by, hello, i ’ll explain everything, let’s come to you now. no, you 're crazy, you can't come to me, they'll set us on fire, but i'm not crazy, i said, no, you have nothing to live with i'm tired, then where do you suggest, now, now, wait, i'll think about it, let's go to the subway in an hour, okay, come on, who do you want, my name is shilov, roman georgievich, i'm from the police, so what do you want? i would like to talk to your son, mom, don’t let me in, go away, otherwise i ’ll call the editorial office now, we just need to talk, we have nothing to say, i know you’ll try to persuade
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me to change my testimony, what testimony, sergei, let’s calm down let's talk, we'll figure it out, there's nothing to talk about, sergey, i know you have a problem, i can help, i said, go away, mom, let me i need the phone number of that journalist. the famous tv presenter and very good housewife angelina krushnikova tells her recipe for making carp. will they really give us help? i don't know, it's unlikely. then we ’ll get you a ticket to a holiday home. you've never been to a holiday home. grate a little and place the polina greased with vegetable oil, decorate on top with onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers, also
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add a little salt to the vegetables, twist the ends of the foil and place in an oven preheated to 200° for 35-40 minutes, it turns out beautiful, very beautiful. and help, help, help, help,
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help, help! my son was now taken to the police, grabbed and taken away, just like that. what is pushko sergey? yes, the same one, address, malaya posadskaya 10. that is, how did no one detain you? yes, with my own eyes.
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good hit, thank you, come again, the game was very interesting, great, have a good rest, well, give me another game, we’ll organize it, but when, maybe tomorrow, definitely not tomorrow, i’ll call you. congratulations, i always
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said, you won’t be left without a piece of bread, but you don’t envy, it’s a sin, but i don’t envy, you’re our righteous one, but what about your washing, you’ll win, but what about going to work with a sober head, it’s tomorrow, it’s already tomorrow, ksyusha, listen, i understand, i’ll call you back , come on, “forgive me, rom, why did you and ksyusha break up, how did you break up, decided to live separately, just don’t say that it all begins with this, i won’t say, because it all ends, it’s a pity, she’s a good girl.
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” if i bother you with something, tell me straight about it, okay, if something is wrong, so that i don’t feel like a fool, i beg you, i beg your pardon, you’re on your way now, check the address, there’s a freak there, maybe he was chasing his lip, i heard that one that jumped out the window from you, oh, not just from us, okay , you 're lucky, he has a woman who lives there, okay, so explain, excuse me, i have to go, they're waiting for me, and i've been waiting longer for you"?
5:25 pm
okay, i'm patient, go, catch your pragun, let's go, here and here, girl, who are you talking to, and i’m on a personal matter, but wait, then i’m still your patient with this, what kind of patient, this kind of patient, some kind of patient, should we have water? november 10, it’s police day, the boys won’t understand, but communicating with patients is not your strong point, it’s simple, you cut things, they are silent, you can start with everything, you don’t need everything, guess i forgot, i’m in a hurry to get back, the obstetrician is on saturday 20:00 on ntv, stars on...
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5:30 pm
5:31 pm
only he doesn’t have enough sign, i complained to the police, nothing, without a sign everyone will draw conclusions, okay, i’m coming to you, now they’ll call from moscow, let’s all go. repeat again.
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yeah, i don’t know how it was there, brothers, but in such a crowd of people, someone will start speak the way they want to hear from him, then everyone will be put, as you said, khmelov ’s apartment, well, yes, on komendan, i myself heard how they broke through, which means they don’t know her new address. okay, i'll go, let's get in touch, it's easy to go get a drink. go to the theater,
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man, man, who are you, why are strangers at the scene, coming with me, it seems like everything is here to watch. what's happened? it happened, katya. pushko was killed and the css is going after your soul. i won't run. kate. i said i won't run. it's necessary. oh, thanks. rom, thank you, yes, well, bad things, according to
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there's a gun on the ground for the corpses, a police button, in general, it's a lousy situation, and if they keep going on magazines, something like this will happen, i understand, i heard, yes, now they'll definitely pin everything on you, they'll put you in prison, and because of bars you won't be able to help your people. katya, it’s time, okay, come on, go there, they’ll sort it out, repeat the requests again, move, let’s go and talk, you ’ll climb into my window again, i’ll kick your legs, i understand, what are you doing, let’s go in, well -okay, well, ryzhikov, are you free or should i wait until tomorrow? let's go to. it's time
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dot all the points? it's time, it's time, it's time that maybe you're afraid of me or hate me? or maybe you're just married? well, show me, show me, show me, hands, show me, stand up, why are you making a scene here? what scenes? what scenes? what? maybe you 're embarrassed of me, huh? are there many spectators? well, why are you staring at me like a sheep? what are you staring at? ryzhikov, what difference does it make who my dad is, it’s big, but you weren’t treated, in my opinion, it’s me, it’s me, of course, and i live my life, well, i understand, let’s check, you’re silent, okay, oleg, yes, go here, an application for you, that you are watching, well, in the american bridges,
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something operas to be just a woman.
5:37 pm
well, aidara, receive guests, hello, ekaterina mikhailovna, a thousand years, yes, it’s a pity, you just have to meet under such circumstances, well , nothing can happen, it can be worse, well, go ahead, thank you. cirinti, hello.
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something happened, it will be better if you find out about everything from me.
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5:43 pm
22:10 on ntv so, well, everything is clear on the street. well, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, listen, but people saw when you climbed into this hut on the forest floor, how you didn’t break your neck when you fell from the balcony, but maybe you hanged yourself, or hanged, what the hell, now they won’t leave us, there are westerners in the yard. wait, what did you take? mamedov is there, he and i studied together, he came for us, and if they take us, the authorities won’t even listen
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, in short, we need to get into the sand, and then we’ll see where you get in, i’m telling you, they are there on every corner. in general, you have 5 minutes to write a confession, or i hurt you very much, i understand, yeah, write it, fraer.
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stand osb, stand, this is not ours. quickly to the department, everyone stand osb, last name, i shuffle, call here quickly, i need to report to the boss. they will bring the head of your court, call, their radio in the car is malfunctioning, so do something, louder, 429, answer, muzaleva, yes, there’s no one
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in sight, where is the drunk, go out and look, huh? there's no rowdy drunk here, let's go, 429, 429, can you hear me, let's go, 429! can you hear me, answer 429 429, 429, answer, don't, please don't, 429,
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429, answer, 429, answer, 429, what happened to you, are you okay? 4 2 9 you're fine 429 answer 429 429 you're fine, damn it, keep on slowing down.
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lieutenant murashov, your documents, please, your fifth special battalion, good luck, and you, why did you let go, yes, they were from ours, yes you. no, it seems he was lucky, this time, that’s for sure, so there’s a garden here, remove the people, it’s clear, an eye for an eye, a subtle observation, of course i didn’t solve so many murders, but in my opinion it’s obvious that they took revenge for the gun, yes, but what if it had been written there:
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one had something strange in his hands, a machine gun? he didn’t notice, listen, and there are chickadees grazing under the bridge, well, yes, i lived there once, almost crushed them, let’s go and ask, take it there, sorry again, nothing, i can’t right now. in general, i’m not sure that this
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gray ford mondeo had arrows, the car is imported, if i were in their place, i would have taken something simpler, they, that’s not the point, so in which, well, even if the traffic police officers saw them, they didn’t remember the sheet, well, it’s not a fact, but a fact, i have an acquaintance who, for the sake of fun , made a photo of his beloved dog sharik. pinched, drove for 2 years, and you say, so maybe he looked like a ball, you can also sculpt any photograph for your license, even a monkey, even a bear, he’s good, but maybe he’s not really rum, they avenged the gun, who is robinhood i came out of the woods, well, no matter the day, then a drunken cop will crush the stop, or take a sober bribe. maybe i got someone
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got it, zheka, well, people, people, zheka, i don’t know, a person with the last name people, every people, zheka, deserves the police that he can tolerate, so i think zheka is happy with everything, now we’ll drive up, we’ll find out who drove up, it’s clear who the documents are, the city’s press service, let’s go, in the car. take it off, take it off, comrade general, i’m flying in this morning general konev, can you imagine what a gift this is for him, but there was no need to return shilov, the horses fly in first on him, don’t return it, but reveal who it will be, you, or what, who let them in here, the press service said, what kind of press service, they showed an id, what the hell kind of id, make candy wrappers, and you kept your mouths agape? figure it out, yeah, i’ll organize
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the work normally, move away, you’d rather not catch us, but catch these partisans, i’ll figure out who i should catch, boy, you killed poshko, fuck you, new, shocking details. channel the whole truth about this crime, watch the special episode, only on our police officers.
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don't remember your last name? no, who would doubt it? can you identify it? certainly. and you say ball. clear. thank you. i took mine. whose house is this? who cares? the main thing is that they won’t look for us here, the gestapo have already taken ryzhikov, he’s drunk on the run, damn, red-haired, it’s a pity, it’s a pity that you want to be in his place, okay, something, he was one of
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our own, but a stranger, now you need to think about yourself, oh well, we’ll get out of it somehow, maybe the version of the murder of guards for reasons of location for the murder of pushko certainly suggests itself, but it is this that raises the most questions, yes and most importantly, how were the criminals able to so quickly figure out how to lure the guards into a trap, because from the moment. i can do it in about an hour, but what if the general showed up and demanded blood? do you know what
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i heard about this check, yeah, that konev specifically asked to go on a business trip, supposedly he got really hot in moscow and decided to sit out here, but we have a resort here? just shoot a little, right? well, by the way, this story is beneficial for him, now he will have room to turn around, because your donchenko worked with the new minister? well, when was it 100 years back. however, any misstep by donchenko is an indirect blow to the minister. and any failure of konev is a blow to konev himself, because his mission will be failed if, in his presence, they continue to kill robber guards, i think so. i have a question about the murder of pushko, yeah, not a single patrol car should have been near his house at the time of the abduction, the numbers on the handcuffs were cut off, the cause of death, he was stunned, he was strung up, yes, but if you think that all this was done by the tits on sharkov the fugitive
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pen, and khmileva stood on watch, then you are mistaken, because then it all becomes like the orient express, by the way, you have a button, a button, well , which... was found under the corpse, but look, the button is old, worn out, and sharkov’s uniform is new, because he only wore it three times, which means that the button was planted in advance, guided by the theory of probability, i think that sharkov’s uniform is worn, and no one will notice the difference, for sure. that's all, are you gentlemen policemen completely crazy,
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and i don't give a damn about your gun, myself he pulled back, or they helped him, that’s where he goes, who killed yours... but also their protection, if they are in danger, or have you forgotten about it? shillov, i 've heard a lot about you, shillov. consider that the moment of truth is coming for you, or your chest is covered in crosses,
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or your head is in the bushes, you understand me, well , i have enough crosses, but i value my head too much to throw it around the bushes, cord, well, let’s see what it’s like you're in business, comrade general, allow me to contact the head of the main internal affairs directorate, please contact me. comrade general, i took a certificate from the hospital from a more precise diagnosis. what certificate? with what diagnosis? regarding the district police officer ryzhikov, who fell down the stairs 22 times during interrogation, but did not say anything. and, by the way, i have a witness who saw him before and after his arrest, there was not a single scratch on him. i'll deal.
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roto rise, well, how do you like it, general of moscow? well, it’s okay, he’s a bit of a tyrant, wesbeshnikov stood in the pit, you think it was worth it, but what, ryzhikov needed a pistol, and even throw a rope, and at the same time. and let us see whether the barn is the man of the horse, as donchenko suggests, well, maybe you’re right, right, right, zheko, always right, except for those moments when i’m wrong, take pasha and check all pushko’s connections, start with this khomutovsky, who was with him during the arrest, and if i i’ll save the pioneer, don’t touch her, she’s taking care of pushko’s mother, right? that number won’t say anything, especially if she’s telling the woman, why, if she has something to say
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, she’ll say, i think so, everything will be fine, i say, it’s fine, it’s not my fault, it’s a setup, that’s it, that’s it, i’ll call you back, my mother called, they came home with a search, they broke down the door, that they found something - i’m not a fool to keep an article at home, look, new, shocking details in the case of the murder of sergei pushko, watch the special issue. police officers do not comment, but as we know, the dead are sergeants of the patrol service who detained sergei pushko a few days ago. details in a few minutes on our channel, don't switch. yura, hamut,
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we need to talk, stop, where are you going, stop, i say, you run like shit, infantry, you should have bought skis, police, no need, no need, yura, no need, client asks for the wrong thing, says whatever you say, well , i’ll say that i don’t care, we can bury it now, or we can try to talk. thus , of the six police officers who were directly related to the story of sergei pushko, two died, one was detained, and the location of the opera the authorized representatives of zvarich nosov, the deputy head of the police department, khmeleva, do not know whether they are alive or whether they, too , were overtaken by the hand of these avengers, these neva partisans. we'll keep an eye on it. don’t switch to the development of events, great, i forgot about the neva partisans, i came up with it myself, otherwise
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by analogy with the primorye ones, you need to get a patent, sorry, connections, hello, this is nosov, we are alive. yes, zheka, the client came to us to confess, to admit that he stole the girl’s chain. wow, the chain is good, what about our business? he swears that the guards are not his job, but i believe him, he’s a little thin. what about connections with pushko? pushko has one classmate, a lifelong friend, his name is misha rogov, he works in the traffic police. gaita, okay, listen, let’s formalize it, and i’ll go to the personnel department and see what kind of horns it is. eat. yes. best contribution to
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800 200 exactly 7 567 call in russia without anyone, girl, hello, i'm from the newspaper, let me in, come in. how i felt, how i knew that
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something was wrong, i also asked this journalist, but what will happen to us, and he, what else will you get help, but you got it, but did sergei have any friends? friends, they are not friends, gopniks, tomorrow they will forget to call you, there was only one person close to seryozha, who was terenty, adamov, the husband of my sister, my ex, they broke up, i don’t blame her, my sister is very sick, what kind of wife is she? , let me do it myself, yeah. and who is this adamov? still friends with
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you, right? most likely not with me, seryozha. he was like a son to him; god didn’t give him his own children. and what does he do, this terinte adamov. are you a daughter? why on earth are you interested? forgive me, i have a job, questions ask, nothing, there is no such special secret here, he has a business, a business, well , something in the construction part, he wanted to give seryozha a job. but it didn’t work out, but adamov, he knows what happened to sergei, he was the first
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to find out, that’s it, daughter, put down your notebook, listen to me, your report is of no use to me, you won’t return your son, i’m important. i want to say, i want to give my apartment to the one who finds the killer, and i will move to my sister, i will definitely give the apartment, whoever catches this monster will get it, you write about it, you promise, i will try. and he graduated from the thirty-ninth high school, can i take the photo card? take it, it’s time to write the matter off to the archives anyway, to the archives, but why? well, he
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was fired, see, an extract from the order? but i didn’t pass the test, it’s a pity, what’s the matter? there were probably signals, hello, sorry, well, i’ll take the photo card anyway, thank you very much. id, no, the bastard didn’t turn it in , well, let’s have a bite to eat, let’s film, it’s time, tell me, he passed his id, answer the forty-eighth to the eagle, forty-eighth, they won’t give the forty-eighth connection, accept the intruder is a black bmw, license plate alexander 282 is coming at you, i understand, well,
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let's go, we'll take the machine gun, yeah, take another grenade, they told us to accept it and not shoot, okay, i 'm off, you move the car, okay. stand, continue, and we drove off, they put the car on the wanted list, but of course, we know the owner,
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it’s breaking through the light, right? i just don’t understand why they killed them, or maybe they were cleaning them up, they cleaned them up just in case, somehow stupidly, why not yesterday, again, the car is noticeable, but why stupidly, maybe cunningly, it’s unlikely to be a cleanup, but you still have to break through, yes, light, speak, i remember, yeah, i got it, there is the owner’s address, let’s go and drive it, i would like to take a look at your car, but no, it was stolen, i indicated everything, where did they indicate it? didn't you read the police papers? no, i don’t understand, but how? where was it stolen, when and how? i wrote everything, so i have to repeat it. hey, listen, why repeat? yesterday i parked the car under the windows, then went to bed, in the morning i looked, there was no car, i called the local police officer, wrote a paper,
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they set the car alarm, right? of course i did. can i see the keys? now. and here. here. so it doesn't have a battery. there are already a thousand with this keychain no one has used it for years. it's clear. are you putting in spare ones? no, what kind of spare? what are you telling me? who did you give the keys to? listen. two policemen were killed from your car. i believe that it’s not you, but if you say who, you’ll go as a witness, if not, an accomplice, no, okay, ok, go to the department, look at what he wrote there, i understand, pash, you have a search warrant, well let's go, hey, wait, in short, this is the case, my fellow countryman arrived, well, i gave him the car for a ride, last name, first name, salakhov,
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when he doesn’t know his phone number, yeah. hey, is anyone there?
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listen, we didn’t plant anything on this gun, didn’t torture him, and certainly didn’t kill him, i understand, we were set up, guys, i ’m not your judge, my job is to listen to all points of view, maybe write it down. and you will tell everything in detail, but that’s what we’re talking about,
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yes, hello, this is the administrator, please vacate the room, you haven’t paid, now, listen, i forgot to pay for the room, go, give me the money, where, there, in the jacket. do you even remember what you did yesterday? come on, the cops, assholes , should be praised for everything, and i will too, you fool,
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let go of your hand, let go of your hand, ours, you know that it happens to those who kill policemen, you know, triska, what happens to those who kill policemen, it’s him, really, he’s sticking out on his claw, yesterday it was all boom, he was driving like crazy, i thought we’ll crash, here’s this traffic cop , damn it, i even made him happy, i didn’t know he had a gun, bastard! you shot, me, and now you’ll find out that fuck you, i have friends, they’ll decide everything, i ’ll decide with you now, zheka, zheka, friends’ phone number,
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kazamat earn like azamat stars on saturday and sunday at 22:10 on ntv. sign. where is your client? works. you probably know what 's happening in the city now? in general, i am only interested in the facts that are relevant to my case. such dedication is rare these days. check it out here. the results of the examination have arrived, the video posted online
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by lieutenant colonel shillov is falsified, yes, you did it quickly, you probably very clearly outlined the task for the expert, you are questioning the non-bias of the investigation, no, what are you doing, and what about? for the work carried out by us, your request to be included in the case materials was rejected, and what was the reason for it? you have the right to appeal my decision. open it, let's go. who are you? maomedov usb,
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and you? arnautov, homicide department, are you following him? is there a problem behind him, my fellow countryman? yes, your fellow countryman, two traffic policemen, from this pistol. it killed what do you think is here problem, wow, what are you, timur, well, you know me, solve it, keep quiet, you’re the only one, yeah, reported, no, not yet, let’s do it, you ’re silent about him, i’ll solve the rest, but what about two corpses, yes, everything will be fine, fine, yes, but you forgot about the barrel... well, who should i put the barrel in, i’ll find it, a couple of hours is not a question, well
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, i don’t know, i don’t know, but whatever, let’s really close the topic, uh you will be discovered, plus a bonus, the rest will come later, i understand, it’s a serious matter, two corpses, you can’t even imagine how serious it all is. can you imagine, he
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will be pinned for the murder of all the cops over the last 50 years, and if your superiors hear this recording, i think you won’t have a wet spot left, why do you need all this, now it’s like this everywhere, everywhere, but for some reason it doesn’t bother me like it, and what are you going to do, we’ll take it, he’ll answer in full, and i and you? bye, please, and this is your gestapa bonus, go, go, doctor, she will come to her senses, well, one of two things, i’m not in the mood for jokes, i understand, the fact is that she has a very serious injury, but... but i i think that within 24 hours she will come to myself, i can ask you, yes, of course,
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when it starts, please call me, this is very important. let's go and sort it out, listen, ksyusha, i can't talk right now, i'll call you back a little later, okay, i want to repay you, great, maybe after all, no, it can't, i'll go call you, yes, roman georgievich, light, well, what’s new for you, we have something, come on, what do we have , just a second. so now rogov was fired from gaya not for bribes, but for unjustified violence, once he beat up a driver who spoke rudely to him, the second time, the entire store was shot at by a car that cut him off on the road, the drunken son of some deputy was in the car, his father didn’t leave the matter like that, but someone gave him a horny excuse, especially since by a lucky
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chance no one was hurt, yes , but i didn’t find anything else about him, except that he and pushko’s friends are recorded on all social networks. don’t lose momentum forward, forward, forward, oh, and i thought all the traffic cops live in moscow on the ruble, but he doesn’t work anymore, he’s only
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worked there for two years, oops, bro, maybe shall i smoke you for a second, no, i don’t smoke, whose will you be? local police officer, in apartment thirty-six, who lives? i just got there myself, let’s go for a walk, gleb, nice, perch, i haven’t seen you for 100 years, well, hello, you left us so quietly, the squad didn’t notice the loss of a soldier, how are you in a new place, if only you’d invited us for a visit, but come tonight, i'm just... just about to make up my mind about leaving, you mean? i'm leaving, where did i come from? to civilian life? i see, but maybe it’s for the better? yes, of course, for the better, don’t use the same water twice come in, you should have understood everything right away, so you wouldn’t have made so many mistakes. do you have a new job? yes, in the security service at the bank, there
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are many of us there, i will know who to contact for a loan? oh, do you really have someone to borrow from? yes, well... well, will you come in the evening? yes, i don’t like to say goodbye, gleb! bye, okay, bye. this rogov flooded the neighbors and came. to block the entire riser, we waited for 2 days, we were patient for him to appear, but he never appeared, well , we had to hide the apartment, when he was last seen, the neighbor was there for three or four days ago, and for life, what is he like? i don’t know, there were no signals,
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now, yes, kolya, yes, i’m still in this house, well , there’s a tv, but what? which channel? yeah, we just honestly did our job, caught and detained criminals, now we are trapped in our own system, which turns out to treat its employees even worse than ordinary, ordinary citizens, and now we cannot prove our innocence, because that the system and the public have already passed a verdict on us, but he is right, thank you. anatoly, what sergei pushko took the secrets with him to the grave, who benefits from his death, who is hiding behind the mask of the neva partisans, we will continue our investigation, don’t switch, roman
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georgievich, okunev, and gleb, mila didn’t tell you anything, no, so what? i’m introducing myself about the move, maybe you’ll come over? only in 2 hours will i be able to drive up, i still need to drop by the department, but i understand, roman georevich, i understand, i’m waiting, waiting. yes, roman georgievich, hello, hello, they asked me to say hello to you, who? pyotr sergeevich, wow, he’s got some bad stuff too, you! what did you ask me to convey? yes, there was a conversation about adamov tirint palych. yes. so, he said that this man is interesting, serious, does not betray his people
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and supports him in every possible way, so he kept this bloke close to him, although he somehow did not have any special hopes for him. but he didn’t say anything, how can this bastard act in such a difficult situation, will he snuggle in? he made no predictions. uh-huh, uh-huh. and further. he asked me a question, what kind of car, well, imagine, a car is driving, another car is blocking its way, what to do? well, i don’t know, maybe go out and talk to the driver, go around, but there is another option, press on the gas and ram, this terente adamov would do exactly that. i see, thank you. and pushko’s mother was planning to sell the apartment. for what? well, to pay a bonus with the proceeds. whoever finds his son’s killer, well, that means we just need to prevent this, watch at 19:00 on ntv.
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to maintain a dominant position in the world, the west resorts to force and blackmail, vladimir putin said in st. petersburg at the brix parliamentary forum. according to him, the elites of the countries of the golden billion are fiercely resisting a just world order, the key element in the creation of which was brix. joe biden announces the start of a new arms race and accuses china of military assistance to russia . long-range american missiles will be deployed in europe as early as 26. how will moscow answer why the anniversary nato summit in washington has already been called a medical examination, which the decrepit biden did not pass. the main news of the day at 19:00 on ntv on the website in the application now. stars on weekends 22:10.
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20:00. on ntv. petrovich, accept it from me, i give up. gleb, by the way, go ahead and apply. burglary, eighth line, building 13, corucus 5:30. what application, do i have an order? yes, the order is tomorrow, well, there is no one to send me, help me out. yes, my people will arrive now. yes, people will wait, it’s just a holy thing. okay, i'll go. i'll hang you a cook, but this is my last job. not the last, the last. if you open it, talk to the person, maybe there won’t be any application, by the way, do you want me to send an intern with you? no need, intern, alone, me i can handle it faster, the man is lucky, he leaves, well , what’s up, well, well, he immediately put himself firmly in line with the locals, yeah, that’s it, but he covered his own, there were a couple of purges, well, with
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consequences, yeah, so he didn’t give up his own, saying with consequences. because of this they recalled him, that is, tough, but fair, yes, well, something like that, well, thank you, listen, the perch is marked there, will you go, no, i’m going to training, some master from siberia came there, he’s generally cool, i'll go have a look, okay.
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we don’t touch the intentional ones, understand? quiet, behave and everything will be fine. who's there? police duty station, where the perches went, i don’t understand, he went to the application and disappeared, neither heard nor spirit, but you can call him, but he already called, who is the husband, and the ex-husband, what is he eating there? well, don't
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let him in if he's not registered. where did the application come from? 02 has passed, the city has already taken out all my brains, i say that without answering the operatives, it’s them, what is the address, eighth line 13, building 5, 30, theft, broken, well, the investigator says that there is nothing to arrest ryzhiky on. yes, he’s right, we need to look for these people, not opera, and ryzhikov is a district police officer, he is a stranger to them, especially since he recently transferred to the department. if we can come to an agreement with them, they will load ryzhikov to the fullest, that’s right, that means, in an hour the operation plan will be on my desk, i obey,
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i wish you good health. you're scratching, sit down, vasilich, since when have i known you, since 2000, that's right, the first business trip to the caucasus, remember how a spy was caught in mazdak? “did you understand me correctly when i came at you at the meeting? that’s right, once you understood, then listen further, they sent me here so that i
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i broke my neck, war of clans, ministerial wars, i will attack donchenko, donchenko will complain to the minister. i heard that the damn partisans played as if ordered, not earlier, not later, at the moment when i appeared, if they are not taken, donchenko will say that it was i who paralyzed all the work, disclosure is needed. what can you say about shilov? he's lucky. prepare everything you have for it. and i will make him an offer that he cannot refuse. be
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healthy. “so, now you’re going to tell me about yourself on camera, why, i won’t tell you anything, are you sure, not origat, not origas, speak to the camera, speak to the camera, how good it is that you’re ready now? what you need, for starters, imagine, okunuv, speak louder into the camera, okunuv, sculpted
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yegorich, position, i don’t work, today is the last day, add to it, you will open your mouth again, not on business, consider it exactly your last day. place of work, rank, position, captain, oh, okunev's car, it seems so.
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i'm the first, here we go. thank you, it won’t be worse than it was, and if they come again, well, we don’t have such luck, calm down, let’s remember again, how it was, tell me, so you were sitting at home alone, the doorbell rang, yes, i asked who, they said, the police. i looked and looked, he was holding a book in front of the peephole, well, an id, i didn’t even see his face, when i opened the door, they were both already wearing masks.
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there were two of them, they burst in, one immediately put his hand over my mouth, tied me up, and then, and then your employee came, i was even more scared, i thought the shooting was going to start, they went out and closed the door behind them, if they wanted to hit him, they'd kill him here, why would he? i had to carry it somewhere, or just wait at the entrance, i don’t even understand why they needed the perch. goodbye, hello, hello, telegram codes to moscow, urgently, okay.
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hello, there is news, if you want something done well, then do it yourself, but i myself cannot find the partisans, and if they are not taken in the near future, it will hit me harder than you think donchenko. i need an ally, but zhitnik is not your ally, zhitnik, zhitnik is more a staff officer than a detective, but nevertheless he firmly took hold of the district police officer, the question about your local police officer is closed, let him get treatment and leave the service, how simple it is with you, no, not simple, this is the simplest question, your problems with dubrovsky are much more complicated. to resolve it, you can’t
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overwhelm it so easily, the investigation is not shaky, not a roll, the balance of interests, but i can upset this balance, i hope that for this i will not have to pledge my soul to the devil, our souls have been pledged to him since we acted for this job, i need partisans, real, not appointed, alive or dead, but with evidence so that the mosquito on the nose does not... what for this you need, and as always, so that they don’t interfere with your work, they won’t interfere, you need help, contact me, i don’t require you to report on every verified recidivism, but i need to know the basic facts of the direction of the search, you want to be sure that you don’t it’s in vain that you’re saving me from dubrovsky, donchenko could have covered for you, could he have turned to the minister? “we understood
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each other correctly, especially about the pledge of the soul, and we’re not joking, you only have 12 hours, that’s all, it’s taken, well done, you can do it whenever you want, what now, don’t be fussy, think about it, cop, the whole country will see you"? i’ll go and send the materials, and you tidy up here, yeah, i really ask my leadership to fulfill all the demands that these people make, and we demand that leva and her two feathers, the culprit
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of the death , be extradited to the head of the 128th police department sergei pushko. listen, why didn’t you cut off the clips here, but this needs to be aired urgently. yes, we demand that we hand over the head of the 128th police department, khmileva and her two officers, who are responsible for the death of sergei pushko, our comrade. otherwise, we will not take revenge. , we cannot broadcast this on our own behalf. why? our ratings will go through the roof. our problems are going through the roof. do you understand what this is? like that, that is, stick your tongue up your ass, or what? no, you are now leaking this somewhere on the internet to a leftist portal, and then we take this material from there and broadcast it, which means we have nothing to do with it, but we took the information from the public domain, that’s right, only us must be the first, so act quickly, coolly, the warbler will simply shoot himself, so what? these images are shocking, i warn you,
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this is not staged, please take the children away from screens. i really ask my leadership to fulfill everything that these people are demanding, yes, we demand that 128 police be handed over to the chief, in general, you know, we keep in touch through a journalist, but if i knew,
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let me remind you that there are less than 12 hours left before the expiration of the ultimatum. if the ultimatum is not respected, the consequences may be irreversible. follow the developments on our channel, do not switch. yes, rom, it's me, great. she went where she didn’t say, she watched the report about the kidnapping she left, then i think i know where she is look, well, it’s normal, they called you on the landline, who’s the woman, i said you won’t be long,
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she’ll call back, hmm, she, hello, hello, hello, good sleepless, bessonov at the phone, my last name is khmileva, does that tell you something ? says something, i listen carefully, tell your heroes that i want to meet them, you understand who i mean, yes, but i have no connection with them, then goodbye, wait, i'll think of something, okay, tell me , let them hurry up, the meeting is on my terms, i’ll tell you the time and place later, okay. looks like we have a new bomb, hmm, great!
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let me in, you freaks! hello, you are there, don’t go anywhere, i have a bomb,
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salam, salam, babay! totarstanda gaslashtyru ishhi kayin zhayildirilgen zanger yakulykyn karaganda yes kobіrek kol aken. niyaz ilshiramyz.
7:00 pm
china firmly supports russia, iran will continue to cooperate under the new political leadership. vladimir putin held a meeting with legislators and spoke at the tenth anniversary.


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