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tv   Opekun  NTV  July 12, 2024 12:50am-1:41am MSK

12:50 am
your favorite show is the duel star marina fidunkiv, and i decided to be beautiful, i have the right to cognac, against dmitry malikov, i apologize in advance for this mess, ah, i still found the key to victory, and alexey chumakov, raspberry , musagalieva, i know how to beat them, i’ll just take it when the jury announces the points, i won’t announce them all. in order to defeat this azamat, you need to think like an azamat , he even gets angry, somehow awkward against azamat , earn some money, stars on saturday to sunday at 22:10 on ntv. kingfisher, new season, tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to go to domklik
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to find housing to suit every taste! with a mortgage for building a house, a new building or a resale? choose something that everyone will like. at domklik everyone will find housing for themselves. 2 days before the vk fest. buy tickets to the main event of the summer at flukostar or flucovac flukostar. capsules, and flukavac - vaginal suppositories. both drugs are able to influence the causes of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after a single use. flucostat or flucovac, everyone has their own way of getting rid of thrush. our new name is tebank. opening a business requires thinking through everything. i will open such a fitness club here. you'll rock. make everything you dream come true. and tebank business will provide reliable and convenient tools for starting. your business. register your business with
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tebank and receive 6 months of free service. tebank is a business and the job is done. knee pain, back pain, neck pain, maybe. pentalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. june 28 parade of planets. get ready for an expedition to the arctic. i have 28. nuggets, and the twenty -fourth, the twenty-fourth, a chicken burger, a delicious calendar at a delicious point, every day, a new favorite product at a super price, only in the app it’s delicious and a point to get down to business, almost everyone is waiting for the right moment, the glue moment is with you so that you were not afraid to start and finish what they started, look for inspiration, create, the rest will be done by the moment, the moment for those who get down to business!
12:53 am
for headaches, ascafen p is available at an affordable price price! and ascafentra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. i found out my credit rating and chose the right loan. check your credit score on the compare website or app. it's free. and we will select the most profitable loan, taking into account your current payments and credit history. i found out, compared, chose. on your side magnet young potatoes 4990 people with long-term anxiety often hear advice: calm down, don’t be nervous, you need to sleep, but in fact anxiety can be treated, new, afabazold with the gradual release of the active substance allows you to take just one tablet per day, vabazol anxiety can and should be treated. touch the croque to the star of burger
12:54 am
kings, vatter, on fire, delicious, our new name is tebank, oh, cashback has arrived, how much, but it drops for all purchases, dad, with a black card for everything cashback, peak everything, cashback for everything. that's it, dad, nothing complicated, repeat after me, peak everything, peak everything, you get cashback monthly directly to the card, in real money, it's that simple, peak, that's it, to do, apply for a black card from the bank and receive cashback for all purchases, tbank, it’s the only one, what did you do 3 days ago, if the question seems difficult, it can help in the apept, it helps restore memory and attention , so that the head works, are you disgracing yourself, chaliapin,
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mukhtar, what- something interesting, the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtar. tomorrow at 8:25 on ntv. kolya, baby.
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seal the door of the networkers, it’s unlikely that it will be interesting to return here. where is he now alone, the pig will find dirt, in the yards, by the way , walk around, look, cars take a look, he’s hiding in a pickup truck, stand there, sit, what do you want here, and you’re like me for nikolaeva, well, i’m keeping an eye on this nit, it just means that you and i are allies now, come on, quickly get the car behind the wheel, come to me. quickly, i said, quickly, okay, i’m going to the shell, in case he comes back again, call bobrovo, you’re the boss, if he asks about me,
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tell me, i don’t know where i am, i understand, i understand, fill it up. let’s follow her and keep your distance, i understand, well, the anger has passed, the grievances are forgotten, listen, i’m not in the mood for jokes, where are you now, i’m on my way to mishcherikovo, that little alina. wonderful as you come, lock yourself up there, don’t go out anywhere, i’ll come to you soon, and why are you scaring me so much, i’m not scared, listen, i ’m not joking with you, i
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’m talking to you seriously, do what you’re told, please , fine. hello, don’t run away, nikolaeva, and you’ll die tired! well, nikolaeva, that ’s all you think, if you kill me, everything will end for you, yes, but we won’t kill you right away,
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you’re beautiful, albeit stupid, first we’ll sign you, and then we’ll strangle you, well, who’s first? well, doll, it's ready, come to me, chick, oh, again, the sieve wets her.
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you’re like, well, you’re a little bit late, a little bit doesn’t count. of course, you
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should have been punished, why am i the last to know about everything, why didn’t i call back right away, i asked a question, by the way, i was confused, confused, i would never believe it, or you didn’t tell me everything. that’s it, maybe i wasn’t alone, maybe someone helped, but i was alone, i need to sit down, so, it turns out that the case of the robbery of the heraldry museum is closed, practically, the exhibits have been found, all the main defendants are dead, i will explain everything in detail to you in the rapport later, yeah do it nice and this sitnikov is wanted, well
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, where will he go on temples and legs, especially since this is a special omen, hello, this is sita, i have problems, yes, big ones, i urgently need new documents, yes, this phone is clean, can i... . call, that’s it, i’m waiting, oh, kolya, kolya, i could have buried this carrion, i don’t know what the osb officers dug up for you, but i think they don’t judge the winners, here, hold your id, start fulfilling your official duties. thank you, health, georgy
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ivanovich, i have a request for you, alla teplova and alina shalima asked for help restore allah's rights. thermally, with thermal it’s not so simple. firstly, her legal capacity can only be established by a court, and secondly, it looks like she was murdered. murder, yes, in the village the corpse of the head of the hospital’s security service was found with a knife in the side, there are thermal fingerprints on the knife, yes , yes, it turns out that she should be taken into custody immediately and sent to a psychologist for a psychiatric examination, if only you they knew what a bastard the head of security was, alla told me, she probably had a reason to kill him. well, all we can do is wondering what really happened there. do you have any more
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questions for me? no, then go and work. thank you, wear it to your health. good morning, good morning, what's there? why is he hanging around in the morning? who is this? a man, wearing a hat, he’s sitting staring at the house, but in general it’s strange, is it somehow? and i say strange, maybe the police have been called, so hold on, now i’ll go and ask,
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hello, igor sergeevich, hello, i called you, you didn’t answer the phone an hour ago, i forgot my phone at home. sofia konstantinovna's birthday should have been today, it's me it’s my fault, i shouldn’t have dragged her with me. how are you doing? great, i’ll think about how i’ll live next? let me talk to our people. with whom? i recently heard that the battalion commander
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is looking for a hand-to-hand combat instructor? vic, are you offering me to join the army? so what? you're not small, all sorts of allowances, thank you, vika, you're a real friend, but somehow i'm on my own, i'm doing fine, you go home later, let me give you a ride, no need, oh well, i'll go, bye, but i'm yesterday made an offer. one guy from the service is asking me to get married, a good guy, a special forces captain, i’m thinking what to do, no think, go, you are still an amazing blockhead.
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hello, we are working. hello, olga olegovna. and bobrov changed his anger to mercy today, again your boss. are you happy? santi.
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and are you talking about the search of usit again? yes, san, have you become a coward, or what? yes, yes, i got scared, because i was the one who did the search, because all the documents have my name and my signature on them, and if all this comes out, i might get hysterical, yes, i understand, what i did was wrong, why? well, daisies, well, because siznikov is a murderer and a bandit. "i understand it, and you understand this very well, and you prove that he escaped, you dug in the fluff in the blood, by the way, his bandits shot at you, it’s still wrong if every investigator changes the laws to suit his needs and rivets stupid charges, listen, go you, hand me over to bobrov, the best one, you know,
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olga olegovna, i will stick to my opinion." nikolaeva, yes, anna ivanovna, greetings, nina borisovna, hello, andrey, i’m coming to you again, again without a call, sorry, what’s wrong you can’t help it, i came, i came so i didn’t. it turns out that you and our olya are like that, you know, i know, i know, i’m on a different topic, i, actually, about oleg viktorovich, oleg viktorovich, i don’t understand, well, you know that your husband was my scientific supervisor at institute, then in graduate school, yes, i know, you were his favorite student, but yes, nina borisovna, let’s have some tea, i’ll tell you everything, well,
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come in, actually, it’s a strange thing, to make a will to bury yourself in the middle of nowhere. forest with some woman, oh my god, it's a woman, well, yes, these bones belong to a female skeleton, and wait a minute, who is this lady? the legend says that mishcherikov’s wife drowned on some trip there. well, olechka, i don’t know what the legend is, but look, this hole in the left shoulder blade looks like a bullet. “i think so too, and what happens is that mishcherikov’s wife didn’t drown, it turns out she didn’t drown, well, you’ll undertake to investigate the murder.” yes, viktorovich somehow had a special attitude towards teachers in our department. oleg
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knew how to convey this to his students with his science. yes, my husband was a fanatic of his business in a good way sense of the word. i remember one day he had to spend the night in a field excavating another grave, when it started to rain, he took off his jacket and covered it with it. well, i decided to dig up, yes, then oleg viktorovich gave me a very interesting topic for my dissertation, and i went into business, started spinning, spinning, and, well , tell me something, you know everything, yes, i know, there was
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a promising young scientist historian, and he became an oligarch, what an oligarch, nina borisovna, well, so, a businessman, average, well, so average, olga said that nina borisovna, forgive me. maybe you still have notebooks with oleg viktorovich’s notes; they would be very useful for my dissertation. notebooks? yes, i would use these notes in the table of contents and indicate the name of professor nikolaev as my teacher. oh, wait, yes, there are some notebooks, i ’ll look now. yes, hi, we need to talk, can you meet? hi, i can't right now, i'm busy. come on in the evening, i'm busy in the evening. let's meet now, i can't now, do you understand this or not, we need it now, especially since i'm already here, hello, what's here? you're doing it, you're being nasty, and the duty officer, how did he let you
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through, well, let's meet again, police major igor sergeevich mishcherikov, i've been working undercover for the last year, and i'm scratching my head about how you can walk around the city so calmly. he organized a pass for me this season, but just don’t be angry, okay, i’ll tell you everything, but i’m not angry, i’m just so surprised, we need to talk, let’s go, thank you very much, thank you, let’s go, it’s true that you are the strongest girl in russia, it’s true i have 20 records, incredible talents await us, you are the best voice earth, yes, we are two-time russian champions in dance sports, i filmed in minus 20, right? this is not a competition, there are no prizes, no judges, we have a cancellation, only amazing children, i won the moscow cup, but what is it
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called samokatman, samokatman, you can play the harmonica for 5 hours, well, yes, we found the coolest, except knives, are you doing something else, oh, i have so much work, i’m chasing potatoes for my mom, we’re trying to figure out what you want to become when you grow up, the president of the republic of belarus, or the russian masha federation. each of them is a small, big miracle. do you ever use the following phrase: we have a crime, perhaps a crime? yes, great talents, sometimes less than you think. i would like to present you with a medal from the russian book of records. miracle with arseny popov. new show, coming soon to ntv. cop wars. tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. pain in the knee, back pain, maybe in the neck, pintalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation, pentalgin extragel, our new
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name is tebank, oh, cashback has arrived, how long, and he for all purchases it drops, dad, with the black card there is cashback for everything, peak everything, cashback for everything, everything, dad, nothing complicated, repeat after me, peak everything, peak everything, you get cashback every month directly to... a card with real money , it’s so simple, it’s all over, get it done, get a black card from tebank and get cashback for all purchases. taebank, he's the only one. flucostat or flucovac? flucostat are capsules, and flucovac are vaginal suppositories. both drugs are able to influence the causes of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after a single use. flucostat or flukovak. everyone has their own way of getting rid of thrush. don't wait for the right moment to get down to business. i often hear advice with anxiety. calm down, don't be nervous, you need
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to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treated. new. afaba retard with gradual release of the active substance allows you to take only one tablet per day. and in abazol, anxiety can and should be treated. 2 days before vk fest. buy tickets to the main event of the summer on find out your credit rating. chose the right loan. check your credit rating online compare or.
1:17 am
as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. toufon was created to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes; it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months. touphone is now in new packaging, specifically for course use. siès. professional hair restoration. shampoo balm sios turnip. the intensive formula with keratin amino complex deeply restores the hair structure and seals the split ends. ends, hair restored, strong, smooth. siès. hair like after salon, every day. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is. regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain
1:18 am
. our new name is tebank: when opening a business, you need to think through everything. i ’ll open a fitness club here, you’ll get pumped up. implement everything you have planned, and tebank business will provide reliable and convenient tools for starting your business. register your business with te-bank and receive 6 months of free service. tebank is a business and the job is done. just an asterisk. my legs just go numb. these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angionrm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angion, keep the blood vessels normal. forest fires occur due to human fault. stop defeating the fire calling the strong. forest firefighters
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of the rosleskhoz aviation forest protection service. 90 years guarding the forests of russia, this is all that i managed to find, there may have been more, but i just did, it seems to me that this is what i need, thank you, and you should go to the institute department, maybe some of his papers are preserved there, yes i was with them, there’s nothing there, so, stop, my wife is at the place of death, count. cheryakov ordered the installation of a chapel. yes, that's what you need. nina borisovna, give me this notebook, i will return it to you, i swear. yes, of course, take it. thank you. well, maybe some tea now? of course, tea. yes, a dark story, this is your major nikolaeva and ours, chief security services. i’m afraid that, really, we
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’ll never know, but what do you think, dmitry sergeevich, nikolaev and this security chief, arkady pavlovich, yes, arkady pavlovich, they could have had a criminal conspiracy, i now think that he not only could , he definitely did, it was a conspiracy, otherwise how could they kidnap a person from a facility with such security, why did arkady try to kill me, he miraculously survived. and you know what i want to tell you, all these ridiculous and even tragic events began after this major nikolaeva of yours came to irinina, you should have interrogated her, that’s what she wanted there, we will definitely interrogate, well, dmitry sergeevich, i found out everything i wanted, thank you for the information, please, i’m always ready to cooperate with the investigation , you can go, yeah, yeah. yeah, you know what, you
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call, do you have any questions, okay? “i was working in ubob in the region back then, yes, yes, i read your personal file, you were fired later, but why? i wasn’t fired, i quit myself, the circumstances turned out a little differently, the security officials screwed up case, as a result of incomplete official service, suspension, plus i released a man who was suspected of murder, but was not guilty, well, damage. in the interest of the investigation, i was looking for family jewelry, that’s what they were pressing you for, and so i found it, not everything, you’re talking about a bag of diamonds, yeah, there’s a real hunt for this bag now,
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there’s only one thing i can’t understand, my aunt managed to tell me before her death, that only the two of us know about the stones, but i have the impression that everyone already knows, i know two of them, three of them, i feel sorry for her such a terrible death. “she was like a mother to you after your parents died in a car accident? yes, kingdom of heaven, listen, now i’ll tell you something you don’t know, because for the last year i worked in a large criminal group that was engaged in the export of historical priorities abroad, but i know about this channel, a lot was taken out, enough, the channel was set up well, but what you don’t know, then you..." absolutely by accident came very close to the main person of this group, which organized everything. the system has failed, i i left the game, i was taken out, i don’t know, but all those who came so close to this person
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have long been corpses, so you are in great danger, do you understand? what did you do yesterday? where? how alla nikolaevna feels, yes, as she should, she feels, i don’t understand, forgive me, i actually understood, you are a notary on your grandfather’s inheritance, and they finally calculated the percentage, but how long can you wait there, how long
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can you wait, i’m not a notary , i’m on a completely different issue, this is on some other issue, hope, i know that... and profitable, yes, who is this person? i don’t know, because i already heard about it, from whom? well
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, both arthur shelmak and my ex-husband told me, what does your ex-husband do? trades on the currency exchange with air, a speculator is rude. speaking, listen, you are now really in great danger, you need to leave the game, lie low, then i myself, you speak just like my andrei, maybe you will offer me more money so that i can go abroad, who is andrei, my ex-husband, his last name is the same as yours nikolaev, no, savelyev, i’m nikolaev on my father’s side, savelyev, that’s a familiar surname, you think he wants to kill me too, out of jealousy, although there’s probably already a line of people waiting. so the documents you have a passport there, otherwise you know anyone’s hat can wear everything of course, so it looks like let me give you a ride where
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is nikolaevna no? you know that you better tell me what business you have with her, tell me, otherwise anything can happen, that you remain silent, divide the good. and hide it from people, well , it’s logical, but the apartment is just an apartment, three-room, two lodges, european-quality renovation in center, and how much does such beauty cost, beauty, windows overlooking the river, air, how much? for alla nikolaevna, not at all, it’s like it’s not
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a penny, yeah, you’ll ask for something in return, yes, yes, that the house and her father-in-law, listen, are you going to take some measures? you can’t escape fate, listen, i don’t really like your fatalism, that you could simply be ruined, if they ruin me, will you pay for me or something? i’ll tie you up now and take you to kolovanovo, this will end, i’ll put you under lock and key there, you won’t sit there, i’m not joking, but i have a different plan, if you again cop, maybe we’ll carry out a special operation, i mean, i’m catching bait, i’m ready to become bait. “i
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’m very glad that you understood me, very, oh, yes, i understood, i didn’t understand, that’s not the point, i ’ve been wanting to talk to alla for a long time, yeah, it’ll be hard for her, she’s not of the right kind, girl, it’s hard to run such a household, well , you have to manage all this somehow, yes, of course, but lana can’t even screw in a light bulb, even though we’re a tree, second question, alinka, yeah, she needs to study, september is soon around the corner, but the school is only right in the district center, hope ivanovna, now the most important thing is to persuade alla nikolaevna to go look at the apartment, so what could we do without this, of course? look, help, convince her, my gratitude
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will know no bounds, it’s like 500 dollars , hello, yes, everything is in order, how are the documents, and for the grand passport, great, tomorrow for... well, that 's it, please come here, oh, little alochka, i see you feel better, yes, it seems better, thank you, good afternoon, alla nikolaevna, good, allochka, how is it with you, pykhtin, dmitry sergeevich, it’s very nice, it’s that, this. a man in a hat from a car, and you and i
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have never met anywhere before, no, we ’re seeing each other for the first time, that’s absolutely certain, comrade, he wants to talk to you, yes to talk, yes, it’s a very serious matter, allochka, maybe it’s into the house, the seagull, of course, of course, to pass, here, there the general was killed, yes, you live happily here, comrades, maybe you should betray this beetle, let him tell you everything, if you give it to him, he won’t tell you anything, that’s how it is so quickly necessary? our technique is new, you just thought, and we are already here. cop wars,
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tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. kingfisher, new season, tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. there may be a fight in the knee, a fight in the back, or in the neck. pental extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. find out your credit. credit history is better than you think, compare on your side. flucostat or flucovac? flucostat are capsules, and flukavac are vaginal suppositories. both drugs are able to influence the causes of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after a single use. flucostat or flucovac. to each your way to get rid of thrush. 2 days before
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the vk fest. buy tickets to the main event of the summer on! pintalgin is a remedy against various types of pain. pintalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. our new name is t-bank. oh, the cashback has arrived, how much, but it drops for all purchases. dad, with the black card you get cashback for everything. peak everything. cashback for everything. that's all. dad, it's nothing complicated. repeat after me. peak everything. peak everything. you receive cashback monthly directly to your card. alive money, it’s so simple, peak everything, business, get a black card from de bank and get cashback for all purchases. taebank, he's the only one. tufon eye drops are created specifically to nourish and restore the youth of the eyes. tuufon - triple action for eye health.
1:33 am
siès. professional hair restoration. the shampoo and balm ate the turnip. the intensive formula with keratin amino complex deeply restores the structure. hair seals split ends. hair is restored, strong, smooth. siès. hair looks like it came out of a salon. every day. human with long-term anxiety, often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous. i need to sleep. but in fact, anxiety can be treated. new. afabazole retard with gradual release of the active substance allows you to take only one tablet per day. and vobasol can and should treat anxiety. find out your credit rating, choose the right loan, check your credit rating on the compare website or in the app, it’s free, and we will select the most profitable loan, taking into account your current credit history payments. i found out compared, chose, compare, on your side. pool in the knee, more in the back, maybe in the neck
1:34 am
. pintal extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. votter. it tastes better on fire. burgers. just an asterisk. such bells may indicate bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angion helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angion keep blood vessels normal. our new name is tebank. when opening a business, you need to think through everything. i'm like this here i’ll open a fitness club, get pumped up, implement everything you have planned, and tebank business will give you reliable and convenient tools to start your business, register your business with tebank and get 6
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months of free service, tebank business and the job is done, the pain can be different, no matter what happens cause of pain if there is pintalgin. universal remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin. let's do without pain. even when the going gets tough, life goes on. everyone has their own mission, ours is to help. we are where people need care. so that it wouldn't be so scary, so that hope and love live in the heart, so that life continues. it is so important to help someone in trouble. join us. good deed on the website pomoćvbede.rf. your favorite show stars in a duel marina fidunki. and i decided to be beautiful, i have the right to this cognac. against dmitry malikov. i apologize in advance for this confusion. ah, i finally found the key to
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victory. and alexey chumakov, nalinka berry. disgusting costume, he even gets angry somehow awkwardly, against azamat musagaliev, i know how to beat them, i'll just take it when the jury will announce the scores, i won’t announce them all. in order to defeat this azamat, you need to think like an azamat and earn like an azamat. stars, saturday to sunday at 22:10 on ntv. oh, meshcheryakov, great. “hello, comrade colonel, where are you wandering, i can’t reach you all day, you should get out of the habit of such liberties, yes, again a man, sovereign, after all, excuse me, i left my phone at home, did something happen?” " "tomorrow, as part of an investigation team, you will go to the neighboring region, there is a high-profile murder there, a business trip of about for a couple of weeks, tomorrow, yes, the matter is under control
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at the ministry, so i’m sending the best, thank you, but i’m not familiar with the deal, and that ’s okay, you’ll get acquainted with it on the way, you’re a professional, in short, tomorrow at 7:00 departure from the regional police department building, the order is clear, that’s right, that’s great. let’s sit side by side, talk, as they say, in a tray, oh, now alochka will come, sit down, alochka, i’m listening to you, yes, alla nikolaevna, yes, you tell it like it is.
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exchange, windows overlooking the river, fresh air, well, you and alinka go there, and they, that means, everyone kagalam here, you understand, yes, allow me, come in. read what is this? read, read.
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romashkin made his choice. it was not romashkin who made the choice, but you. you, nikolaev. and what do you tell me to do now? put him on trial, shoot him. you understand that after this report your entire case against sitnikov is not worth a penny. the lawyers will tear us apart and do the right thing, what are we going to do? i don’t know, ah, i think this is the right thing, this is a very good thing, just judge for yourself, it’s warm now, summer, but in winter it’s all will freeze, and you two, here is lev markovich, of course, he was old, but he was still a man, besides, these peasants, hard workers, hung around there all the time. around him, well, no matter what, it’s still protection, of course, well, but you won’t let these peasants into the house, you won’t
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invite him, well, how can it be, and then, allah, well, i won’t be able to go every day in winter to you, school, but the most important thing is alina, she needs to study, well, she needs to finish school, well, how do you imagine this, will she walk to the city? "well, well, you you understand what i’m saying, al, where did you get the father’s, which planted sitnikova, one person gave them to me, he also served in the police, i didn’t know about it at that time, that’s it, i’m tired of this nonsense, to the end disciplinary proceedings , you are removed from work, go, where?" "and wherever you want, you can immediately write to the osb, cleanly.


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