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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 13, 2024 5:15am-6:06am MSK

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like this! hello, are you oleg? oleg, i’m vika’s brother, this is her father, we came for the money, my fee, you promised to reimburse the expenses, cat 1812. i didn’t understand,
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well, let’s talk about the purity of russian football, and you can put it in, yes, let’s just go quietly .
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it’s a pity that uncle fete will never return, yes, mishka, but we will remember him when mom returns, sooner or later she will return, but for now we will live as we lived, i understand.
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left. so we have for the city dweller
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konstantin, born in the ninety-eighth year, a full 14 years old, permanent complaints for hooligan behavior in a communal apartment at the address srednyaya podelcheskaya building 7 apartment 39, everything is correct, the authorized representative volkov, that is, me, has repeatedly carried out explanatory work, but no changes in behavior on the part of the citizen were found, besides, he was at his last arrest. .. used a weapon, a homemade, homemade weapon. in the future , this citizen does not promise to behave exemplary. according to article 118 of the ukrf, the townspeople konstantin evgenievich is sentenced to capital punishment, without trial. 9 june 2013 at 12:00 the sentence will be carried out. the townsman got acquainted with the verdict. the signature of the performer, that is
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, mine, the prosecutor, well, i’ll do that in the evening, yours is here, you take the napont, you, why, don’t do things like that. now let's see, sign, no, yeah, let's write it down, sign the document, refused, get up, and if i don't get up, get up, get up, city dweller konstantin evgenevich is found guilty of fictitious hooliganism, i don't confess, and is sentenced to... punishment by shooting, what's wrong? the sentence will be carried out at 12:00, which is this yours? it’s good to cry, let’s go
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write an explanatory note. well, what have you become there? come on, come here, drag your carcass here! hello, i’ll call you back now, we have specially trained people for this, what kind of people, what do you want me to communicate with your riffraff, you go yourself, okay, okay, let’s go, i’ll call you back, i’ll call you back, you understand what you’re wearing, you distracted me from important matters, i owe half a day for this nonsense, well, the application has been received, your number is indicated, and what application, what number is registered in your name, and what is registered, what’s this woman’s name, so you’re a criminologist, so me?
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yeah, well, between us, did you play for a point? who? are you calm with me?
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well, property has been discovered in germany, oh, that’s what i see, the authorities have come in large numbers, yes, oleg gerodich, you see, the general is standing, i see, he’s from moscow. arrived, deputy for operations, well, our boss, what can we expect now, i don’t think anything good, okay, i’ll go to the department, i won’t interfere with you, well, what can i tell you, comrade colonel, you needed them, i have contacts, and report back tomorrow, yes, igor, igor, then come to me, yes, definitely, you'll show me. he didn’t even come up, didn’t say hello, well, who are we to him, he didn’t shake hands, the old man was upset, listen, i didn’t understand whether there was an accident or not, but there wasn’t a fly sitting on it, criminologists are even behind this thing, which is the thickness of paint they measure,
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they went, not a single painted element, uh -huh, why did georgivich call, you copied the witnesses, what a whole platform there is, okay, rewrite the data, record for... they won’t say anything new, well, it’s clear, now what, now , here, do it a copy in the sea, give the original to volkov, find out in more detail what really happened there, and finally get through to andryukha. got it, my wife, who will tell? well, heads, tails, as always, please sit down, hello,
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hello, allah, please do it for me, slut. that is, you already know, yes, alla said that you are with the police. yes, lieutenant colonel sylovets. no, i believe you. my friends called me, they were also shocked. you know, i, i don't know. what, what should i do? i, i probably need to go somewhere, i think not, your husband’s body was only recently taken away from the crime scene, apparently there hasn’t been an autopsy yet, thank you, well, yes, she was standing in this row, you drew up a diagram from her words, and who cares. witnesses, what witnesses, are you laughing? wait, how is it described? in your report it says: caused
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a collision when changing lanes to the right, she says, she was driving straight from a traffic light, didn’t change lanes, there was one milk-weather from the left lane behind him, there was a car in front of him, he didn’t slow down, he tried to go to the right, well, he caught it, then only him and they saw, i drew up a protocol, called a tow truck, they loaded the car in front of you, in front of me, well , basically everything is as usual, okay, wait, just a second. it’s strange, there are no traces at all, there’s mine, yeah, yeah, damn, well , how can this be, look, the car is a chevrolle lachety, number e174 ot belongs to you, oh, what’s my number, now, well , everything is correct , yes, this is your car, mine, but as you can see, it was not in any accident today. citizen, can you show me the documents for the car? i can't, i have 3 days ago, the bag was cut in the store, everything
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was taken out, passport, money, documents for the car, everything, it looks funny, very, excuse me, show me your certificate, please, i’ll show you now, some kind of nonsense, that’s it. georgivich, it looks like we have problems, call volkov, he is now talking to the inspector, well, he was filling out a protocol, all lights out, say that i ’m not there, sorry, so what about threats or any problems in business, well, my husband was running his business himself and he didn’t let me in on his affairs, i mostly took care of the house, and this morning there was nothing, so could you? call it unusual, well, when he left, my husband usually leaves around 9 in the morning, yeah, and i only
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get up around 11, of course, do you know what condition your husband was in? well, of course, a 75% share of telecommunications invest, blocking a twenty-six percent stake in central communications invest, so are you aware of your husband’s affairs? well, of course, but how? i see, have you talked to any of his colleagues? no, only with sergei petrovich. and who is it? this is our lawyer, he handles all our affairs. when you leave, allaa will give you his phone number, but you also have hers will you call for interrogation? yes, of course, i’ll pick you up in the morning. thank you, good bye. are you a number? did you check the body? no, yeah, just, damn,
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fake documents, let's go, oh, thank you very much, but no way, i would never have managed it myself, if you please, as a souvenir, yeah, write it down, no, photo, photo, oops, look, she’s, no, nothing in common, she’s a completely different person. she was older, no, not her. igorek says that he checked her certificate, and the body number with the certificate happened. your company occupies the last two floors. what? i i say, these two floors are yours, but are you talking about those floors that grew on the roof of this skyscraper? yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
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there are someone's footprints on my floor on... no, he will work under the same conditions, yes, yes, on which we agreed, no, no, no , no, well, i said, well, within a month, yes, well, that's it, until the weekend, excuse me, work, sit down, sit down, so, i'm listening to you, when was your last meeting with baltimore? with baltimore, with baltimore, with baltimore, with baltimore, and you know, i don’t have to answer your questions, we don’t divulge the secrets of our clients, we honor them, so i don’t know who baltimov is, his wife, widow, nadezhda aleksandrovna told us, ah, nadenka, yeah, well in that
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case i i’m ready to answer all your questions, now i’ll see where she should be, here you go, 3 days ago... was my client, i understand that you are surprised that i don’t remember when we met, and you all remember what happened to you 3 days ago, what’s the story with real estate, with real estate, with real estate, but no, you have a warrant, call me, i will answer all your questions, listen, but for some reason you don’t write anything down, you probably have a recording tape here, you remember everything, listen, well, in the end, can you? what's going on, so that i can understand whether my jokes are appropriate or not, tell me what amount of money will be received in dova after blatimore's death, huge, specifically, you know, judging by your salaries, it is simply fantastic, we cannot disclose the information of our clients, we we keep it secret, yes, then you can find out everything yourself,
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thanks to your profession, i don’t have to talk to you at all... tell me, what was your last conversation with baltimovov about? we spent 3 days drawing up the deal, signing various papers, and formalizing it, we write everything down on pieces of paper in the computer for safekeeping. he didn’t get it, don’t you think it’s strange that baltimore was killed just after that, it’s possible that one of your employees , having access to the information, divulged it, or you yourself, yeah, my working day is over, i was glad to see you, i think i answered everything
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your questions, yes, you made me happy with your recording device, but you upset me because your recording device accused me of some incompetence. well, in that case, we'll have to call you to the department. i will be glad. i look forward to meeting you. yes. and stop trampling on my floor. thank you for agreeing to meet with us. to your health. goodbye. guys, come here. come on, look. look, it looks like the same color, although that one’s bumper was turned out more, well, show me from here, well, she’s a phone the owner stayed, now i’ll take a look, the computer thinks slower than me, go and make an identikit, the duty officer will show you the office,
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guys, it’s football today, it’s already 7 o’clock or something, especially hurry up, you’ll leave straight home. so phone, let's go, thank you, call, we'll call on the way, otherwise we won't have time, call , i say, strike while the iron is hot, take advantage of the fact that you are senior in rank, obey, can you, hello, senior, funny, maybe i you should worry, just a little, but everything is fine. okay, they staged it, yeah, that’s it, thank you, thank you, well, andryukha, well, georgievich, firstly, the end of the working day, secondly, football, i ran, i’m talking about the car. but we have an interesting story with this car, the day before yesterday it was already being sold broken, the contract was drawn up in a simple handwritten form, the buyer is someone terenkova, not real,
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apparently not, this is what the traffic cop described to us, and what we get, well it turns out that they bought this car, brought it to the place where they staged the accident, called a traffic cop and said that he was cut off by baltimurov’s car, yeah, that one they pulled it out at the dismantling site in mreo and handed it over there, smart. there is no need to keep track, there is no need to draw up schedules either, they cast a fishing rod and waited, well, andryukha, why am i ready to look for a woman, i’ve been ready for this since the seventh grade, and i’ve been since the fifth, so you have a camera from the place where this beauty she was scamming our inspector, i understand, tomorrow, today, georgievich, football, today, today, so today, and do you think that’s enough for that? on the basis, well, we have not yet carried out an inspection in terms of professional activities, but a personal motive, as they say, is obvious, but he had a will, it is still unknown, the lawyer is silent, uh-huh, and other possible
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heirs, no, he was married twice, but there were no children left from either marriage, how much will she receive? according to the latest declaration , there is property worth 29.5 million euros, this is only in russia, there is probably also property abroad. well, an apartment in miami for sure, he’s planning to go to america, maybe not alone, there’s a suspicion, there’s someone in mind, okay, i’ll give you some operatives, yeah, not a lot, you know, there aren’t many of them, about wiretapping, i’m making an agreement with the investigator, thank you , gennady antonovich, excuse me, uh-huh, yes, yes, i’ll get there, okay, well, you go, and i’ll walk. the weather is good, i've been sitting in the office, good, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow,
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hello, boy, give me the keys, please, thank you. hello, aren't you used to getting up so early? no, we just finished late yesterday. ask! so, this morning everything was as usual. yes, the most ordinary morning. roman arkaevich was always out of sorts in the mornings. apparently, that’s why nadenka preferred to get up later. yes. what kind of relationship did they have? normal. although, what? roman arkadyevich often shouted at her, before, she was worried, she cried, then she got used to it and began to act calmer, but because of what? in any case, that is, he raised his hand,
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this happened, maybe it happened a couple of times, but it didn’t, and because of what, i won’t lie, i don’t know, but she cried for several days afterwards, and he? he apologized, brought flowers, then took a vacation. they were going to miami, where to miami, he has a house in miami, a very nice one, on the shore, there he somehow calmed down, was distracted from all his affairs, blossomed for a day, it seems to me that only there they were truly happy, so they that they took you with them, but what, how could she do without me, and what can you say about semyonov, he has a nice cologne, nothing more. i see, georgivich, will there be ram for today? no, it won’t, they called upstairs, upstairs, yeah, well, well, thank you very much, you can go, find you
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a patient, what a patient, such a patient, some, such a patient, we are due to give birth on november 10 , it's police day. the boys won’t understand, well, communicating with patients is not your strong point, in the operating room everything is simple, you cut, they are silent, you can start with all yours, you don’t need all the skalty, you can guess why i need you, i’m walking, i’m in a hurry to retreat, the obstetrician is today at 20:00 on ntv. yes, sasha, don’t think that i’ll be free soon.
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come, win, of course, i didn’t know anything, i’m telling you honestly, well then, just a second, wait a second. i’m listening to the broadcasters, gennady antonovich, i have an appointment, wait a second, yes, really, sit down while i invite you, so, well, some kind of nonsense, listen, i... well, admire,
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look, they brought the car on a tow truck , that’s how it’s broken, yes, it’s broken, now it’s already 2 hours later, the tow truck is the same, so, well, what does this give us, it gives us the tow truck and its number, well, the number is bullshit, they screwed it up, but the tow trucks are still in the city of prutprud, in general, this does not give us anything, you already called the victim, of course he called, the phone is turned off, so move to the investigation, the investigators will help you quickly get a resolution for cellular operators, okay, using phone numbers, we’ll figure something out, but why not, she probably threw it off a long time ago, well, she threw it off, i didn’t throw it away, but there are no other options, let’s work,
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sorry, could you ask. well , you see that he hasn’t called yet, when he does, i’ll invite you, lord, yes, alexey nikolaevich, of course. come on, alexey nikolaevich will receive you, yeah, comrade major general, on your
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orders, colonel firsa has arrived. hello, gennady antonovich, i wish you good health, i wish you good health, without formalities, let’s have a seat, please , please, thank you, you are probably interested in the state of affairs in the territories entrusted to me, well, of course, but later, first of all, i would like to say, gennady antonovich, that meeting you is an honor for any employee.
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young people, and who, excuse me, from the management had such an opinion, i, i realized, well, you know, i myself was going to submit a report, well , in two months, three at most, no, no, no, this is too long, you do you want me to write directly now, yes, i obey, excuse me, who will come to my place, and i will introduce you. gorodikov igor sergeevich, he came with me from moscow, worked in central apparatus, a very promising young colonel. well, we’ll be looking forward to the young, promising colonel, we need to bring him up to speed, well , yes, of course, you’ll start working orderly from tomorrow. no, you don’t need to write here,
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go to the secretary, she will give up your seat, at the same time leave a report for her, she will register everything so that everything is honorable, and we still have some... business, i understand, i obey, goodbye , goodbye, all the best, this is impossible, so you need to write a report, shut up, baby. to you i'll help give, give.
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i really wanted you to come closer, please , come here, please. you are ready? ready. is this your husband, roman arkadievich baltimov? this is him, nadezhda alexandrovna. well,
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i’m telling you, it’s him, come on in, come on in. and why did nadezhda alexandrovna need to be injured? could you get by with my identification? let me sign, please, yeah, and what's where? yeah, calm down, i understand, that’s it, that’s good, sit down, yeah, let’s go! so pay attention, silver jaguar number 009 nikolai konstantin, don’t let him out of sight, yes, accepted, all lights out.
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i understand, thank you, they drew up a will so that baltimore would present her rights to the inheritance, everything, yes, i’m listening, that means the number is registered, kurkulova, kurkulova, dzha, of course, dzha. and so eight, yeah, still registered on the network? interesting, and what is not moving anywhere? it’s been a day already, is it a corpse or what? well, yes, if there was a body, they would have discovered it long ago, okay, thank you, if you have some connections,
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buddy, come on, why, it seems, our witness and her number were found, now we ’re going to rush there, oh, not always good be long. slav, they say the prosecutor has filed a complaint against you, but what is it? well, like, you sentenced a guy to death, the internal ones began to stir, they came to check, everything seems to be clean, what does the prosecutor say, he says that they shouldn’t pester him with any bullshit, well, he’s right, do you believe it? why didn’t you do this? of course not, what the hell is this? didn't i do this? ok,
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so what do we do next? who the hell knows? i will hear georgich's voice again, and georgich
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says that the end of the working day is dangerously close, and beer and football beckons the criminologist home, stop, listen, thanks for reminding me, it’s football, so that’s it, i ’ll just take prints from the outside today, i’ll be poking around inside tomorrow, so tell georgievich, no, no, no, no, georgievich says that rydanov doesn’t care to you all the intestines are washed out, because... he sent it specifically for this, well, that’s an argument, but what about, yeah. did you see what rodanov sent? yes,
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twice convicted of extortion and robbery. yes. but i’m wondering what the rezansky recidivist could possibly need in st. petersburg. but this is the most interesting thing. the thing is that he is married to alla spirkina, the house of the worker baltimurova. oops, well, everything worked out for us. semyonov and baltimorova decided to rob her husband of her husband’s money, having previously decided on it. she, because he is a terandespot, and he, because baltimov has a lot of money. the workers turned to their house.
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reported that a baltimore housekeeper was coming here with a whole bag of groceries, okay, we'll wait, yes, i almost forgot, and he promised me a bonus for finding a tow truck, a bonus for you, when i found it, i found it, and a bonus for you, okay , i’ll share.
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get up, hold on, georgivich has come, you'll be yelling again, i see, these are our bonuses, yes, your bonuses will be for you, of course, for retirement, yeah, what have you got, well, they're walking around, probably celebrating a successful operation, a long time ago, yes? look how much gas cost me? listen, it turns out that it’s cheaper to drive a car, especially yours, so what are we going to do? well, was the regional amon shot dead on the way? well, i suppose that they are not going to leave here anywhere, of course, they will probably spend the night here, okay, i’ll go and look around, georgivich, i’m
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with you, otherwise something is already completely chopping, well, i i’ll sit, thank you for what i didn’t go , i stayed in the department, waiting for information from us, if we... evening, good, hello, good evening, who are you, what are we doing here, we breathe the air, comrade wind, it hurts that you have good air here , it's true. but there are some documents, i’d like to see, you have a passport, what happened, but nothing so far, only the locals are stinging, some strangers are walking here, is it us, maybe we can have some coffee, well, if you don’t have documents, please come to us to the police station to establish, so to speak, identity, so
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guys, calmly, quietly, that’s it, leave. why almost got arrested? let's get them quickly! igor, the gas is at zero, we won’t last far, and in general we need to stop it, otherwise it will hit someone, come on, jump, it’s not funny, get behind the wheel, i’ll jump myself, snuggle closer to him, come on, come on, come on, come on,
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calmly. well, a clear sea. what are you doing?
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stupid, but sit down on the path, um, for eight years, alla evgenievna, i won’t hide it from you, we need a customer, sit, sit, gentonovich, please, thank you, in short, yeah, if you admit your guilt, write a purely
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heartfelt confession and give out the customers, i i promise you a special procedure for considering the case and a more lenient sentence in relation to you and... your daughter, what other customers? well, those who benefited from it, you mean nadenka or semenov, you know better, no, it has nothing to do with it at all, it was me, i wanted him to die, i killed him, i organized the murder, explain, explain, alla evgenievna? i would not advise you to take all the blame on yourself, you acted on behalf of semyonov, but just don’t lie to us, here are the papers that semyonov sent me at the request of nadezhda alexandrovna, here please, there was timorov, i took it.
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but while nadezhda alexandrovna is alive, all the property remains with her, and the money that she has in her account, and she is seriously ill, that is, for the sake of this, for the sake of this, you tried, igor, give me some water, i don’t want to live in this country. in this dirty bastard country, i don’t want to see all this, i don’t want to see you at all, holy
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god, i thought nadezhda alexandrovna would leave, she wanted to live in miami, so where it’s good, where people are normal, she would take me with her , that is, you organized the murder in the hope that baltimore would take you with you, right? i would then drag my daughter and my husband there, but now, now what, i can’t be here, you know, well done, guys, they did a great job, you know, that, on the one hand, of course, a woman can be understood , who doesn’t want to have a house in miami cadillac next to the fence, but you know, gentlemen officers, i decided...
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in general, i wanted to say that you acted harshly, but thank you, i entered the school out of fear, yes, you me , of course i’m sorry, but with you loafers there’s no other way, come on, all the best.
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what's a lower name to call you? come on, come on, i know you can, well, well, well, well! what should i call you anyway? kristinochka? christy, christy, christy, no, not christy, veronica, come on veronica!


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