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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 13, 2024 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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the flight recorders have been found and sent to mak for decoding; mak is investigating the reasons for the crash of superjet 100 under column. the space of peace is cooperation on equal terms. what does eurasia do? and how a non-profit organization helps to get to know russia, and also to put nine-year-old nastya from the belgorod region on her feet, she urgently needs help. this is the program today, in the studio of dmitry zavoisky. hello. the interstate committee is beginning to decipher the flight recorders from the crashed superjet 100 in moscow region at the site of a plane crash near the village of malae karaseva. law enforcement officers and the rescue services headquarters are still working.
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roads in the surrounding area are blocked, and residents are not allowed to go to the accident site for safety reasons. eyewitnesses spoke about their reaction in the first minutes after the crash. i was sitting in my room, listening to the radio, then i heard a plane fly by, an explosion, which is interesting , i didn’t hear, but the house shook so clearly, like, well, i don’t know, i certainly didn’t experience an earthquake myself, but they all came out with something similar outside, look at the smoke, mushroom there is black smoke, i say that it’s him telling mom, it just... flew off, just like that, he fell, the child is of course in shock, after 15 minutes the ambulance, the police, the fire department rushed there very quickly, the plane was flying now, super jet 100 crashed in the moscow region, the day before at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the airliner of a civil airline was performing a ferry flight after repairs from the plant in lukhovitsy to vnukovo airport. it was established that already 4 minutes after takeoff, at an altitude of about a kilometer, the crew sent a distress signal, and 7 minutes later connection...
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of different programs of an autonomous non-profit organization, promoting the development of international cooperation - eurasia. there are no analogues of such an ngo in the entire post-soviet space. the main task is the integration of countries while preserving national identity. one of the large-scale projects get to know russia. it gives young people the opportunity to express themselves in business, sports , cultural events, and also go on excursions in moscow. it is expected that 10,000 real people will take part in the program this year. ambassadors of peoples' friendship,
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met guys from kazakhstan, from uzbekistan, very nice guys, friendly, kind, such a friendship, we visited vdnkh today, we also went to red square, it’s very beautiful, we sailed on a small boat in the moscow square, very beautiful, very kind people, everyone is waving, smiling, very cheerful, i came to the leader of eurasia from sunny yerevan, guess what, i won a grant, so i want to tell you all. the caucasus, where the armenians started their folk jazz, so we invite everyone back to armenia. nastya, young a resident of the belgorod region, today she is learning to walk again, the girl suffers from a serious neurological disease, the parents and doctors put the child on her feet together, but all their achievements were virtually reduced to zero. ukrainian shelling.
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nastya needs a rehabilitation course; her parents cannot pay for it on their own. how to help? olga chernova knows. the village where the large nalitov family lives near the russian-ukrainian border. shelling several times a day. during a missile threat, they hide in the bathroom. parents and the brothers are most worried about their nine-year-old sister nastya. she has a serious illness, stress and fear provoke epilepsy attacks. when shelling happens here, we always turn on cartoons and louder. so that she doesn’t understand that this is happening, we always say that it’s thunder, gosh, when there’s a missile danger, what’s the purpose of the nose, to bleep, just like that, we just try as much as possible to distract the children from this noise, in the year nastya was diagnosed with cerebral palsy , she sat with difficulty, could not get up, but her parents we constantly took care of our daughter at the age of 2, she took her first independent steps, 8 years after a genetic analysis, it turned out that nastya had rett syndrome, a disease that affects the central nervous system. the girl's deterioration sharply
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deteriorated over the last six months, she stopped walking on her own, after her birthday on december 30, when a lot of people died here, after that nastenka started having seizures, this... philanthropists helped a large family leave the front-line zone for novorossiysk by paying they have housing for a month and a half, no matter how hard i tried the head of the family to earn money in a new place, there was not enough money, and the nalitovs had to return home so that nastya could start walking again, a comprehensive rehabilitation course of treatment with fixation of the spine and correction of the legs is needed, but the large family does not have money for this, a charity fund announced a collection for nastya gulf stream, if today 3,000 people donate 200 rubles, then we will collect the required amount in one day. we are just collecting. money to buy her a cane stroller, because she can already move long distances on her own can’t, and we also need money to buy her a brace, experts say we can’t postpone the treatment course, otherwise nastya will completely lose the skills that she has been developing for so long, her illness requires
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daily support from both specialists and parents , yes, so that we work as a team and so that parents also do homework on their own at home . thanks to regular exercises , it was possible to reduce the severity of nastya’s attacks, she became calmer, remembered how to hold objects, fixes her gaze on moving parts, and for her this is already a great achievement, a chance that nastya will start walking and eating again, the main thing is to start treatment faster. we are trying to work with the child so that she does not fade away. reth's syndrome is such a gradual decline, maybe there will be some kind of sudden regression, but i hope that nothing worse than epilepsy will happen. a mother with many children has a magical one. music that always helps my daughter, and if nastya enjoys life, then the family is happy, no matter what situations when she feels bad, when god forbid she has an epileptic attack, i always sing, olga chernov, oleg zoltarev and andrey ostroverkhov,
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ntv television company, belgorod region. in the irkutsk region, a new type of recreation from the local zoo, in collaboration with siberian athletes, is gaining popularity after spring. after the baby boom, zoologists came up with an idea on how to accommodate many goat kids for public benefit, and now passers-by can witness a picturesque picture of yoga fans relaxing surrounded by bleating babies, and as our correspondent vlada kopylovska, this type of recreation is incredibly popular. the instructor lays out a green delicacy near the mats, the scythe is launched onto the site , the active phase of training begins, and the delicious crunch and glistening mingle. a bunch of goats, yoga, bending over. kozo yoga has been practiced at the irkutsk zoo on weekends since the beginning of summer, and the classes have gained fans. initially, the park staff laughed at the idea, but decided to try it, and the yoga instructor liked the idea. not adult goats were selected for training, but those
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who is smaller, so that no one gets hurt from the stomping of hooves. they are having fun, because they are also very playful, that is , during classes there they can jump on you and crawl somewhere, that’s why. the kids are just an ideal option, their horns are still small, but at the same time they are very energetic comrades. after the lesson program was tested on the zoo staff, visitors began to come to kozoyugi’s group, at first they got used to it, tried to relax, then mothers began to bring and children, i think, now they will allow such huge scythes, they will almost walk on you there, well, it would be so scary, of course, the small-horned sport became popular several years ago with the instigation of the american lainey morse, the owner of the farm somehow realized, that... it's not only valuable fur and milk, but communication with them helps to cope with stress. the first lesson was such a success that soon thousands were lined up for yoga, people were ready to practice even during the cold season. there are few safety rules, goats are not they love sudden movements and strong odors, and
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both can be expected from the horned ones. those who practice yoga with animals are not embarrassed by awkward moments, and the instructor says that there are purely practical benefits from the presence of bones nearby during classes. people lean in. people, for example, have a tug somewhere, something hurts, they stroke the goats, and naturally the pain goes away, they forget about this pain, they already think about the goats who are next to them. now the training is scheduled until the end of the month, they plan to extend it throughout the summer. most often, those who are just discovering yoga come here; closeness to nature serves as additional motivation. it’s very relaxing to interact with animals and gives you energy for the whole day. this is a very pleasant activity, and besides, health and stretching. i feel love. there are many different animals in the park, theoretically you can involve someone else in the activities. rabbits, of course, are cute, but small, as if they wouldn’t be crushed, camels don’t give a damn about people, but marketers have long been selling even the seemingly incompatible beer yoga, enlightenment with a jar of light, but in general, if a person doesn’t want to practice, no
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bullshit will drag him into yoga, but for those who want, nothing will interfere at home, it’s been tested. vlada koplovskaya, vlad rybakov, svetlana zakharova, ntv television company. siberia. the eighth stage of the legendary silk road rally has ended in mongolia. it was significantly different from other parts of the marathon. this time the racers actually moved in a closed ring. the finish line was right there. and start, in addition, the cars had to overcome a total of 100 km of sandy dunes, vladimir bogomolov watched the sports drama that played out in the sands. the roar of engines echoes through the gorge, ahead of the cars, while heavy trucks plow the track at the finish line, unexpectedly, the first athlete. ilya shcheglob took only the start and finish points, bypassing the main one. off-road, deliberately decided to penalize the accrual of penalty time due to technical malfunctions of injuries, a dentist
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by profession, a winner of the past raleigh, broke a rib and leg, but does not plan to stop. i've almost reached the start of the special stage, 10 km was a little short there, the guys took me in tow, took me, i had to do the start-finish in tow, well, at least so as not to leave the race, the finish is at the camel station, these ships. born for sand, which cannot be said about wheeled vehicles, on a section of 314 km, almost a third are open dunes, a stop in which not everyone decided. it rained, they became very viscous and it was not a fact that we would leave, that is , we will work on it, so we decided to pass them a little by the side, so a sports drama played out in the sand, sergei’s crew vizovicha, who took the lead based on the results of seven stages, broke down in... the first number of the belarusian team mas, the winner of the last raleigh, risked hopelessly falling behind, but
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his comrades came to the rescue, two more massportauto crews, everything went, went, everything is fine, fine, they themselves proposed to remove the steering gear from their car, despite the fact that they are probably running their best race in their careers, and in order to maintain a podium place in the overall standings, the co-driver of the team from turkmenistan. after the finish he proposed erecting a monument to everyone the participant was rewarded for completing what he considered to be the most difficult routes. previously, i was in russia and found a way, and we were in kazakhstan, we were in abu dhabi, but mongolia is a very difficult route, and we really liked it. fans, these motorcyclists from russia, also follow the athletes along the silk road. the route of their marathon and rally coincided by chance, but now they try to stop by each finish. we are one of the people who drive this route, because we understand what kind of work it is, that is, we
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can’t even imagine how a kamaz can drive in this desert 120-130 km/h. the athletes still have 1,500 km of mountains, steppes and sands ahead of them. the views of mongolia are mesmerizing, but the crews do not have time to admire the scenery, there are only three stages left until the end of the rally, the task of the leaders is to simplify their leadership of those lagging behind, to minimize the gap, but we must not forget about safety, therefore, for example, a speed limit is set for trucks, the speedometer needle should not cross the 140 km/h mark. vladimir bogomolov, roman vekmanes, ntv television company, mongolia. vitebsk these days has become a force of attraction for the slavic the annual slavic bazaar is taking place in belarus for the thirty-third time. this year the festival has become even more international; traditional participants from eastern europe have been joined by guests from india. china, colombia and even africa. representatives from 22 countries participate in competitive programs, and
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15 countries participate in a separate children's program. well, today the main creative event begins at the festival - the pop songs competition. the participants will perform slavic tunes, and on sunday - world hits in their own interpretation. we ourselves are vitebsk residents we go to the slavic bazaar regularly, it’s a holiday for everyone, a holiday for the city, so i’m very happy to be at this concert, actually for the first time. yes, we live nearby, well , here we are for the first time, yes, we want to see how it will all be, a special place in the program of the slavic bazaar is occupied by the program “days of the union state of russia and belarus this year in a special program of a hola concert, performances and the musical sadko for little ones spectators." that's all for now, thank you for being with us, see you later. poisoning, intestinal infections, there may be help come available powerful filter smart,
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look in this direction there is already north korea, just above china, but our path lies straight to furugelm island. furhelm is the southernmost island in russia, the real edge of the earth. they allow a limited number of tourists per year with passes in order to preserve the pristine nature of this island, the real owners of which are: pizzas, to be honest, the name of this island is furugelma for me.


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