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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  July 13, 2024 7:35pm-8:01pm MSK

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fourth chickenburger delicious calendar at a delicious point every day a new favorite product at a super price only in the app delicious and period still thinking about the ideal housing, it’s time to go to domklik to find housing for any daring taste with a mortgage for building a house, a new building or a resale, choose something that everyone will like at homeclick: everyone will find housing for themselves. the first meeting took place in a friend’s apartment. svetlana didn’t ask any unnecessary questions, she simply left, leaving inga in the apartment, and the next morning she found her in tears in dismantled bed. inga confessed to her friend that she decided to commit adultery for the sake of her husband. later, during interrogation, svetlana told
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the detectives: inga sazonova met with the tv man in her apartment several times. why were you silent when she was killed? this is the understanding of friendship. i didn't want them to talk badly about her. that ill-fated night , svetlana again let inga spend the night and went on a visit herself. when the hostess returned, she didn’t find anyone in the apartment, the bed was not made, but the strangest thing was that inga’s shoes were left in the hallway, sazonova was without shoes, we had shoes they never found it, it turned out that she left the apartment basking, but what made inga leave the apartment barefoot, maybe she just had to run, but from whom, from kamynin? or from
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a jealous husband who could find out about everything, he knew where his girlfriend lived, he could follow his wife, the detectives remembered again. in the dark hair that the dead woman clutched in her hand, it was necessary to compare it with the hair of the murdered administrator kamynin, an examination was carried out , and a breakthrough was outlined in the case. in the last seconds of her life, inga was next to tv personality it turns out that it was he who gave his mistress poison. but who dealt with him himself? such cases, when there is a motive in the form of jealousy, one of the deceived spouses can kill, inga’s mother could clarify the situation, but tamara vysotskaya was still in critical condition, was this cruelty really the work of a mediocre actor.
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arkady sazonov needed to be interrogated, but he was neither at home nor at work, the suspect was put on the wanted list, and his photograph was shown to the employees. it's the olympic corps, it was built
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to ensure uninterrupted broadcasting during the moscow olympics. this building is also famous for the fact that a favorite new year’s fairy tale was filmed there. that who builds like this, who builds like this, who builds like this, by the way, the phrase who builds like this was not in the script, it was invented by semyon
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foroda himself, one day he got lost in the remains, but was not immediately able to find the film crew, sorcerer, who? then he will find me, in the labyrinths of the television center it is easy not only to get lost, but to hide, this was the case in our story, on that day the cleaning lady was cleaning the staircase when noticed a lurking man, he was nervous, every now and then straightening the lapels of his jacket, the woman continued to rub the steps, and soon she saw two people already going down the stairs. to the question: could a man hide a knife under a petjak? answered in the affirmative. these two deceived husband arkady sazonov and administrator viktor kamynin. there were
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less and less ambiguities in the case, only one important question remained: who attacked inga sazonova’s mother for what? and then finally. tamara vysotskaya woke up from a coma and accused her own son-in-law arkady of the attack. it's him, you bastard there is no one else. why did a man need to cripple his own mother-in-law, and how does this relate to the death of his wife? the entire police force was alerted and soon a message was received. the wanted man heads towards the river station with a determined look. the fugitive has a heavy bag in his hands; contrary to the detectives’ expectations, he bought a ticket not for a scheduled ship, but for a pleasure boat. the water bus
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is perhaps the most romantic form of public transport. as in soviet times, so now. the ship moves slowly, from the water you can look at the panoramas of yaroslavl endlessly. center of yaroslavl. almost. the pristine valley of the kotorosl, there are ancient boulevards, a classic layout, we go first to the arrow, this is the idea, where the kotorosl flows into the volga, then to another river, the tolger, it only takes about an hour and a half, did the killer really want to unwind,
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take a walk, what he planned. the operatives noticed sazonov from afar, he went down to the pier and boarded a pleasure boat, looking around intently. there was no rush to arrest sazonovo, there were tourists around, you never know what might pop into the criminal’s head. decided wait. observe. suddenly arkady dove headfirst into the loop of the bag handles and jumped over the side with the weight around his neck. masks are off. you can't leave. what is the main witness hiding? how hard was it for her to keep it all to herself? and who really is the killer? kase is a nit. criminal. self-sacrifice, you ruined your life,
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about exorbitant ambitions and a tragic idiot, in the film from the series of investigations were carried out with leonid konevsky, you just need to find the right person who will help, here is happiness, around laughter, around death, the outcome through a few minutes on ntv, find you a patient, what kind of patient, such a patient, some kind? such a patient, we are supposed to give birth on november 10, this is police day, the boys won’t understand, well , communicating with patients is not your strong point, in the apperation room everything is simple, you cut, they are silent, you can start with everything, you don’t need a rolling pin, can you guess why iago need to pour water on me to walk, what to say, obstetrician today at 20:00 on ntv. kingfisher, new season, tomorrow at 13:00
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affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to.
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will announce the scores, i won’t announce them all. in order to defeat this azamat, you need to think like an azamat and earn like an azamat. stars. today at 22:10 on ntv. eighty- second year. a young wife is trying to make her husband a tv star. plunge into the atmosphere and
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see famous artists live. for this purpose, we are introduced to the administrator. down, for several minutes he struggled with the drowning man for his own life and the suicide was
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saved. the actor cried unfeigned tears, after the shock he suffered, revelations flowed like a river. murderer. arkady sazonov reproached himself for his selfishness, he was too focused on himself, and took the care of his beautiful wife for granted. for his sake, inga left the stage, for his sake she committed adultery. the result of this was an unexpected pregnancy and subsequent secret abortion. the mother was the first to suspect that something was wrong with inga and called her daughter for a frank conversation. how hard it was for her to keep it all inside hold? i don't blame her. inga took an oath from her mother, not a word to arkady, but tamara did her own thing in the heat of another quarrel and told him
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everything. you ruined your life, you idiot, because of you it went down the drain. at first, arkady didn’t believe it and decided that his mother-in-law was slandering, but soon inga was found dead, and the grief-stricken comedian guessed who had dealt with her and decided to take cruel revenge. through his acquaintances , sazonov obtained a pass to the television center and carried a kitchen knife in his inner jacket pocket. he had no intent to kill, just i wanted to scare you and confess everything. bad artist. managed to play perhaps the best role in his life, convinced kamynin that he was his colleague from another tv show, the dapper administrator behaved arrogantly, and spoke humiliatingly to women. they say he has about two dozen of them who are ready to do anything, but there really were a lot of such naive people, they believed in the omnipotence of the administrator.
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sazonov volunteered to keep a new acquaintance company; finding himself in a deserted place, he took out a knife. repent, you nit, the cowardly kamynn spoke. ah... poisoning. that night kamynin i came to someone else’s apartment, as usual, to have fun. but inga refused, began to cry, admitted to having an abortion, and the woman demanded a clear answer. will he help her husband or not. kamyn offered to make coffee. while inga was tensely waiting for an answer, the bastard threw several tablets of a powerful drug into the drink.
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coffee grinder, experts found traces of that same drug in it, but that was not all, the results of kamynin’s blood tests came, a rare fourth group, the same one that
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was found under the nails of the beaten tamara vysotskaya, it was he who attacked inga’s mother, she did not see the face of the criminal, and vysotskaya simply slandered her son-in-law. for another six months, the detectives sorted out the intricacies. this story, although of its three participants only one survived. it seemed to the naive actor sazonov that all he had to do was get on a tv show once, and his life would completely change. his no less naive wife believed that you just need to find the right person who will help, that’s happiness. to some extent they are right. blat was a happy accident in the soviet years. could have created a miracle, but only on one condition, if talent was attached to it. arkady sazonov was sentenced to nine years in prison.
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while in the colony, he discovered his talent as a woodcutter; when he was released, he got a job in a workshop. however, this is a completely different story. but i will remain the one who is not your target, not maria netka.
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sonechka, eat, eat my good spoon, well, eat some more, let's go, you haven't eaten at all! i sent her to the beauty salon, come on, do you
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mean hairdresser?


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