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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 14, 2024 5:15am-6:06am MSK

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i’ll shoot everyone, get out of here, get out of here, i said, huh?
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well, i’m wondering, this guy didn’t call you, well, if he didn’t call you, what article will he call us with, and is he even here, yes here, i checked with the duty officer, well, let’s go, let’s go guys, let’s see , what kind of fruit is this, no, i’m a criminologist, i ’ll meet him personally later, come on, come on, go, i wish you health, comrade colonel, i wish you health, we wish you hello, gentlemen, usually at this time the previous leadership held an operational meeting, an operational , well, take a seat, or at least let’s do it differently: you, oleg georgievich, will stay, and the rest are free, the authorities will inform you of our decisions.
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such rats, this means that we will continue to work, you have no legal grounds to dismiss either them or me, grounds, i thought that you were smarter, you know, god forbid you make a mistake somewhere, you are free, i have, i heard, it seems that i’m giving our souls,
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igor, sit, that’s it, jokes aside, if we want to survive, we’ve collected the maximum.
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well, what else could i do, how could i still hurry them up, like who else they have, on the execution was transferred to the elbow department, yeah, wait, alexander maksimovich, i think so. "hello, maksimich, great, kisser, listen, i wanted, what during the operation, what operation, are you catching a computer virus there, or what? well, where are you now? oh, so it’s two steps away from us, now i’m i’ll come up to you and we ’ll talk, it’s all over. igor, what do you have? i’m waiting for orders, you know, it feels like i’m working alone for the whole department, really.” i need to kick you all in, yes, georgievich is nervous, nervous, well, well, i came up, where are you, i don’t see, come on, come on, come on quickly,
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everything, i see, is great, right on time... yes, this takes a long time to explain, oleg, this is now a means for the relatively peaceful taking of money from the population, and you ’ve been sitting here for a long time , the fourth hour, great, it turns out i ’m also entertaining you, but i’m not really here to have fun, i came to swear, my soldiers gave you the decree, alexander maksimovich, refuse to go,
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get ready.
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let's get into the car! slava, drop everything, gather whoever you can from the department and go to pioneer 34, i think expressed himself clearly, without any objections, and the criminologists came here, the court of bekspert, lights out.
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oleg, why didn’t you shoot, i’m without a weapon, what’s without a weapon, i say, how come without a weapon, oleg, san, i came to talk to you, not to shoot, and damn it. it’s because of you that i am now a chimera, wash a lion,
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a snake and a goat, yes, yes, okay, not a goat, well, where have you seen at least one reasonable man, well , where, will i really throw myself? difficult situation, thank you, i didn’t expect from you, you thought that i would miss the opportunity to spend the night with you, it looks like stomach bleeding is urgent, it’s not blood, what about chocolate?
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we decided to dilute this country story with modern items in furniture and decor. we have a lot of accents, namely modern ones. it was important for us to fill this interior with as lively textures as possible. country answer.
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caught, but it doesn’t happen, they have weapons, you know, well, it doesn’t happen, well, these guys had an operation or something, we already have a whole arsenal of fifty of them, well, it shouldn’t have been, oleg, it’s very difficult to pin them down, they have thousands of ways to get out , you know, get away from this problem, sometimes one fool is guarded by two was burning, but as if all the time without a weapon, you know, listen, what is it, this one is like his skimmer, and then i’ll explain, i don’t want oleg about this now, okay, sorry, okay, oleg too, it’s a pity, of course, so , wait, these
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cameras are ours, they don’t work, a week ago they called a person, made an application, he never came, yes, well, as always, it would be a perfect view from here, okay, thanks, of course, i’ll go and please the boss . well, in general , somewhere in the small area they broke away, wait, it’s somewhere nearby, well, yes, let’s go further, there are other outfits connected, here, and where are they, guys, come here, what have you got, all the cameras that you have collected around you, these two, which are on the corner, you see, they don’t work, ugh, i’ll go look at the testimony of witnesses, well, how did you miss them, they pierced our wheel and radiator from the pump, we were still driving for a while, then the radiator started to give off, well, this steam, in fact, i’m driving right into my
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window, and the speed is about a hundred, if i hadn’t stopped, i would have done something bad, but they definitely took a small turn, yes, yes, yes, so it seems, or yes, yes in that direction, but it seems to me that they left yards earlier, it’s clear who it is, udas, rydanov, clearly, we need to contact the central one, they had a number there, yes, immediately tell them that they found it, i feel that she, suddenly it’s not her, yes, it’s great, it’s her. and it’s not often that we have cars scattered all over the city with hospitably open doors, and bullet holes, where? here, yes, there really are holes, like from bullets, well, of course there are no cameras anywhere, so there won’t be a movie, pass it on, pass it on, central sixteenth, discovered the alleged car of the criminals according to your orientation, come on, be healthy, yeah, got it, well done, eh... now i’ll send criminologists, listen, radanov, i found the car, it’s somewhere in between, i heard, they’ve already reported it,
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listen, well already once today, let's send the criminologists there, okay? come in, please report how come to my office when, right now
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, the investigation into the murder of two employees of the department is progressing, what are you doing? to send you to all four directions, i am your immediate superior, if you don’t like something, put the report on the table, i don’t like it, but i won’t put up a rapport either, so report on the state of affairs orally or
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in writing, i don’t have time for writing, i have... free time, i’m listening to you, well, in fact, this is a skimmer, it’s installed at the atm, right in the very place where you stuff your cards, uh-huh, uh-huh, this is a video camera, it’s stuck in a niche, the skimmer reads your card data, that’s it, now the criminals have a clone of your bank card. well, how much can this camera record? for about three hours, she doesn’t write all the time, but reacts to movement. well, like this, this means we need to track down everyone who took pictures, compile a composite photo and place it next to the atms; these are probably the same people. the fact of the matter is that they withdraw money from the card abroad. in europe , romanians, albanians, gypsies do this, but ours, naturally, are not the last violin in this
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business. yes, by the way, yesterday during a search in the apartment of the skimmer i killed, i discovered it. so, what do you have here? expertise? has not been carried out, so you can look if you want, but what is it? and this, this is just such an overhead keyboard, if it’s impossible to install a video camera, then it’s attached, it remembers the press, so they find out your pin code, what should we do, they transfer our salary to the card, by the way, yes, that’s the point, there shouldn’t be anything extra on the atm, well, pull the card reader, touch the keyboard, well, guys, you need to be more careful. more carefully. well, you see, it turns out that we can find a common language. i can go? wait, do you remember complaining about your department being understaffed? i 'm not complaining about anything, we're doing just fine the composition that exists. the best in the city in terms of
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basic indicators. well, one of the best, but that’s not the point. i will help you with staffing, no, comrade colonel, it’s better not, we can handle it, and if a worthy officer appears, i will notify you, it’s up to me to decide what is best and what is not, this is not discussed, comrade lieutenant colonel, let me go, and you don’t want to find out who the new employee will be, you know, if his candidacy for the department is not discussed, what difference does it make? well, yes, well, that's it, guys, happy everyone, bye, bye, come on, come on, what are you, yeah, cameras you look, well, yes, yes, to speed up
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the process, they gave everyone three supervisions, look, georgich, it’s you, in my opinion, where is... i didn’t recognize you, georgich, come here, what, look here, so what, no damn thing, well, that’s it, the shooting started, so, what’s next there, then they turned around through a double solid road and left, maybe it’s the security, no, no, no, rather the opposite, it turns out, one gang took another gang as a gopstop, what a gopstop, they didn’t have any money with them, but what about the skimmers given there? cards? if they knew how to use them, they would have installed their own, why open fire? so maybe they were going to bomb something else, what to bomb on this street, take a bakery with a bakery with three kalash rifles, so andryukh, take the car.
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so the loktiv guys sent information about the murdered bandit, so interesting, aircraft kirill pavlych , born in the eighties, not married, no children, was released 3 years ago, before his arrest he worked in a company repairing and servicing atms, well this should have been expected, these are like their skimmers, they ’re not just sold in stores like that? that's it, it's time for lunch, since we're all here, shouldn't we go have a snack, let's go, this is a show of stars,
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duels, lera kudryavtseva, that's what the star's project did to me, now i'm also limping, today they saw her leg, tomorrow what's on your right hand? will appear, then a parrot against alexander revva, ap-69 serum, arthur pirozhkov, sit, sit, autographs later and miguel, work permit, we have it, i’m actually miguel from the station, okay, at mr. miguel istantseva, i have a work permit, against dzhigan. i thought that we have a kirkorov star, stars, today at 2210 on ntv, oh,
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please, excuse me, gentlemen officers, this is how operational meetings should be held, why are you yelling in decent places, then the new boss will kick us out with his knee, and who will work buryadyn. oh, girl, wait a minute, this is why i gathered you, friends, uh-huh, tomorrow we will have a new employee in our department, better yet an employee, well, one more person won’t hurt, where did you get him, i didn’t get him, our new one boss as a gift, yes, yes, girl, accept the order, please,
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let's impale him, this is not a joke, andryukha, this is serious, otherwise we'll all be screwed, girl, call the police, accept the order in the end, so yeah, we got it, eh well, what do we do there, look, they came from here, got to this intersection, well, yes, the camera captured them perfectly, but they couldn’t drive straight. what, an ex or something? no, if my ex, the investigators got me, and i owed them a printout from my phone and laptop about the murder
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sinitsina, this is a local shooting, now computer scientists are doing just that, the investigators don’t give me rest, they’re so sneaky, and finally, i’m thinking, maybe they turned into the courtyards, two steps from the crime scene, but why the shootout? there was a surveillance camera there, they couldn’t go straight, and their car wasn’t visible. definitely didn’t light up, absolutely, i ran this fragment five times, i think we need to call our department, let the patrols rush, wait, let’s go see for ourselves first, let’s go, yes, i’m busy, busy, i, i’ll be free, i’ll call you back, that’s it, georgich, look who came to visit us, kira, you idiot, this is it, wow, yes, well, moskvich, what fate, yes, that’s it, no longer moskvich, like everyone else, they were transferred to relatives pinatas, welcome back, well, my dear, yes, yes,
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welcome back, well, welcome back. as they say, i’ll put it down, that’s right, that ’s right, well, how they prowl, you know, the gangsters don’t let us get bored, wolves, wow, well, of course, this was to be expected, so what’s with the patrols, yeah, right, i understand, let's hang up, what? yes you say that by car with machine gunners unscrewed the license plates from some kind of infinity, it would be strange if they went to work on their license plates, hold the drone, come on, come on, come on, what are you staring at, everything is fine, everything is fine, andryukha, look at the plates, but my memory is bad, and my eyesight is bad, oh, uncle, give it to me, yes, let's
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be more careful, guys, what about the car? i'm bored, so where are you going to get a job? i mean where? well, if you don’t want to, don’t say anything yet, and just move everything to our chapter right away. why, your man will be there, normal, prick now guys, whether? no, what? what are you saying, i’m coming to you, eorgivich, i’m coming to you, how are you, why didn’t igor grodovikov say anything? no, he said, but he didn’t warn that it would be you, great, we’ll work together again, yes,
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andrey, yeah. yeah, i got it, okay, it’s radanov, say hi, it’s late, so, slava, organize outdoor activities, do whatever you want, but organize, okay, radanov and krymov are on their tail, i’ll come to their aid, here it is, life it's starting, listen, you should just go and fill out the paperwork, you think, right now, i'll go, yes, what is this, well, i need a car now, pull it out from somewhere, where do you need me from? i’ll pull out georgivich, well, all the cars are in acceleration, why are they always in acceleration, well , find some cossack, what are you saying, georgivich, we haven’t had cossacks for a long time, the second one came up, get in the car, come on,
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young man . why are you standing here all the time? well, about the young man, you ’re flattering me, you’re really a young man, but also very charming, but still, you’d better leave here, otherwise i ’ll have to call the police, and by the way, that would be... that’s okay, citizen, go home, why are you so worried, i’m not a criminal, so how do i know that you’re charming, but you’re criminals, and you don’t know how charming people can be, i showed it on tv yesterday, yes, yes, listen, they've gone, it looks like they're heading in your direction, don't disconnect, they're definitely coming towards you, let's get in touch, bye, listen, i'm going to scream now, i'm going to scream, young lady, it's too late, really, what's the point of trying now?
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how long have you been leading him? now they'll draw it. okay, keep watching. let's go left to reversal you're from the police, there's a double solid, i'll even get you out of the triple, as if from the police, from the police, id, real, real, real, gun, you see, and the gun is real, real, let's turn around.
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can you go a little faster? what is he, a criminal? why do you think so? well, what if you're a police officer? are you flying after him at that speed? well, yes, we are rushing at such speed, the main thing is that we are not noticed, accepted, you can let go, as i understand, i understand, excuse me, you can slow down, but why? professional outdoor equipment has arrived.
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well, georgiy, can you drive up like a breeze? well, good andryukh! it’s me, it’s him, uh-huh, he probably asked me to drive slower, that’s enough, okay, what are we doing next, we’re waiting for information from whom, from krymov, uh-huh, he’s now in an operational vehicle with a walkie-talkie, he’s got all the coordination on where we’re going, listen, let's eat, did you have lunch today, no, of course, when there's not a second, let's go. are you kidding me or what? georgivich, how do you like it? yes, go, let's go! yes, yes, will you unstitch it? yes, well, everything
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is fine, i went around everyone, here is your last signature left. come on, so, where is the visa? solovets? and he's on a mission somewhere. well , i can’t do anything here without solovets’ signature. what do you think, he won’t sign, or what? well, why won’t he sign? have you talked to him? yes, so what did he say? i was happy and said that i was glad to be returning. i ate my ass off with these guys, as they say. well, you know, times change, but not here. this is how his deputy, zama, would sign it. so volkov is also on a mission, he’s running around there because of this murder yesterday. have they made any progress with it? so that someone from georgivich left, it’s unlikely, your grandson will marry my niece, right, of course, at the right moment we will do this, shimmus is perfect for me, this person is not a match for you at all,
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admit it, you are taking revenge on me for marrying suna, so i won’t marry this man, if you leave this girl, i was kicked out like a dog, i’m like that... i’ll forgive you, i asked akesh to send people to istanbul. from this moment i begin my resentment. kingfisher, new season, today at 13:00 on ntv. thank you very much, anything else? no more do not need anything. i understand. well, is he still skating? the girl is already howling. i wonder why he is there? well, apparently, he wants to make sure that there is no surveillance. georgievich, maybe he can organize it for him.
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hello, traffic police, please show your documents. are the numbers fake? no need. i'll treat you, thank you, milk.
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they'll probably install skimmers, sure, it's good. i arrived that you have nothing so far, they are sitting in the car, no one was following them, no one seems to be hunting for these, and i have no idea how many atms there are in the waiting room, attention.
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georgivich, maybe amon is calling? we can handle it ourselves. sure? no, everyone is armed. hello, of course, to the point. listen, you can block the atm on different 97. well , as, as, as usual. thank you, go ahead, that's all.
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that’s not it, citizen-boss, don’t bother, citizen, boss, i said, don’t bother me at night, don’t bother. i’ll show them, they’ve created a fashion
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for messing around with detainees, i’ll teach them how to conduct interrogations, the cultural capital, mother, now you ’re going to start singing with me, you nit, well, admit what you did at the scene of the shootout, there’s something i don’t understand, what are you saying, no you understand, and you understand that these bastards of your policemen... lived and heard on the news, i heard, you’re telling the truth, that means you’re refusing, i ’m telling the truth, i went to the atm to withdraw money, and i saw that guy with a gun for the first time, and the fact that you came in the same car is nothing, i stopped, there people were already sitting, it turned out to be a cheap scrap, what are you driving away, you were driving a car, then i ’m going to come in, stop saying, i’m about time comrade colonel, yes yes igor sergeevich, you ’ll kill him, calmly, that’s it. "calm down, sit down, that's it, i won't tell you anything, it
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's disgraceful garbage, don't bother, why don't you, shut up for my own health, i’m better off, as it is, well , you’re already my friend, you won’t make it even better, if my memory serves me right, so i’ll go for a cheat”? for each article, according to the top bar, one thing i don’t understand is why you’re against the now deceased airplane harbored a grudge, but i didn’t kill him, i know that, our elbows killed him, it was his guys who carried out the operation, but for some reason samoletov’s friends turned out to be armed to the teeth, you don’t know why, so you’ll be silent, that’s it, that’s it, quietly, comrade colonel, calm down, okay,
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where did they come from from their nets? there’s a big division there, that’s where all the scum comes from, you’re like storekeepers, give me these beards, there’s blood on them. guys, two of them were dumped, and i’ll think about what can be done for you, you know, as they say in the east, the enemy of my enemy, friend, okay, they’re outside the city, they live in a private house, but it’s unlikely that
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you’ll be able to take them, why, they dumped they are today. “take the detainee away, comrade colonel, we must try to take them, no, what’s wrong with you, with me, what’s wrong, you have zero information, we have witnesses on hand testimony, we know the location of the killers, it seems to me that i clearly heard that the gang is no longer at the address, that is, you are ready to sacrifice the entire operation so that my information does not go into business, oleg georgivich. “i am your boss, and i am not giving the go-ahead for this operation, you understand me, i understand, very well, andryukha,
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don’t drive like that, i said it myself, go as quickly as possible, he said, but within one time.
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so, andryukha, with igor, let’s go there, eat, and we, and we
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’ll go somewhere more carefully, just got a new blanket, equipped the kitchen, more quickly, you should just eat it, before you had to think, before the cops were overwhelmed,
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take the car, you might think it was written on them that they were cops, and you shut the hell up, where did the gray one go, the gray one! well, on the ground, on the ground, lie down, lie down, okay, yes, everything is fine, pack these hands, oleg, i’ll go check, i’ll look at the skimmers, hands, let’s go back. come on, like this, like this, stand up, forward, stand, filthy cops, trunks on the ground! where is the place,
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and not, georgivich, i’m done, i’m getting busy with business on my transport, there’s gasoline in the field, a car is suffering, why are you grumbling like an old grandfather, but you will be a fighting swallow, by the way, you were the... same bastard who killed valerik then, and you didn’t see him there, or what? you won’t believe it, i didn’t pay attention, yes, san, thank you, okay, guys, we’re doing one thing, as you sin, oleg, the enemy of my enemy, is also an enemy, yeah, well, let’s go, i’m back on my transport, andry by the way, there are pipes on your car.
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storage location and password, you will kill me anyway, but they will remain alive. can i have some water, 20:06, that's for sure, it's my birthday daughters.
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well, great opera, great kira, 84, why don’t you put 78 in its place, no, i won’t try. "great, great, glad to see you, well , meet igor, this is kiril, very nice, mustache, beard, captain krymov, captain parakhnya, wow, what did you want, so give way to the captain, life is unfair, okay, right, well, georgivich, listen, that’s it, i signed everything, only yours remains, well, come on, we’ve already met, yes, great, well, well, let’s go to the authorities, and then go to student number 21, they called from the fire department, it looks like they have a corpse there that was burned? well, you’ll go and figure it out yourself, oh, the day begins, okay, everything until the evening, in the evening it’s
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all gone anyway, work, work, kira, beard, captain, bearded, bosman, just, pash, hello, hello, you’re like, well, to be honest, it’s terrible, do you sleep at least a little, yes, what is it? listen, when was the last time you ate? i don't remember. pasha, i really need to run, i spent half a day in the police, i have to be at work from 11, i won’t have time to pick up the semolina, listen, calm down, calm down, let’s go have some coffee, here you look like you ’re about to faint, come on, come on, come on, you’ll do everything in time.


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