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tv   Rossiiskaya diplomatiya  NTV  July 14, 2024 7:00am-8:01am MSK

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russia, but according to documents the russian tsar peter is not among its members, instead of the monarch , russian plenipotentiary ambassadors look favorably from their seats at the celebration. few knew that among the spectators there was one person who was particularly tall, a simple sergeant of the preobrazhensky regiment pyotr mikhailov, but who was this person really, why did a great embassy go to europe for the first time in the history of russia?
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after peter’s azov campaigns, this task was not completed; there was still kerch, which closed russia’s exit from sea of ​​azov to the black sea, and turkey was not at all bled dry by this war, it was strong and thirsted for revenge, but it was difficult for russia to cope with turkey alone, in fact, for this purpose the great embassy to europe was organized, unfortunately,
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the task of creating a coalition to fight against turkey was not achieved, because austria and holland, so to speak, refused to participate in this coalition, but perhaps even unexpectedly for russia , a common language was found with poland, because poland had, like russia, interests in the baltic sea, and accordingly during the great embassy such a transfer occurred. he sends a grand embassy to europe, the first large-scale diplomatic trip in russian history, designed to solve problems with its allies. the first task of the embassy of peter i and his comrades was to hold the various countries of western europe. from attacking
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their allies, the second task is to keep the allies, especially austria and venice, from leaving the holy league, given that they have already received the conquests they wanted, according to the embassy order, they conducted separate negotiations with the turks. the great embassy sets off on march 9, 1697 . it is led. although it would have been more correct to hide tsar peter alekseevich himself. the ordinary constable mikhailov, under whose name it would be said that he headed this embassy . the official presence of the tsar as part of the grand embassy would create insurmountable problems with the ceremony. the fact is that throughout the 18th century, russian diplomats sought recognition of the highest imperial status. russia, this was not possible everywhere and not
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in full, but if insulting a russian diplomat by not observing these ceremonies was an element of the diplomatic... game, then failure to observe the proper ceremonial regarding the tsar would become a belli incident. peter did not want to take such a risk, so he was present at the embassy unofficially. the first point on the embassy's route was the baltics, then the ambassadors were going to go to courland, the west of modern latvia, from there to brandenburg, now the land around berlin, and from there to go down south to austria. however, peter's plans will change right in the process trips. and the embassy itself will begin with an unusual curiosity. in the first major city on peter's route, in riga, which was subordinate to the swedish crown due to bad weather and forced delay, peter decides to inspect the city fortress. he orders accurate measurements of the plan
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of fortifications to be made. at the same time, in the excitement of curiosity, peter himself jumps into the ditch to measure its depth. the governor of the city himself finds out about peter’s tricks and personally gives the order to apply it. force to the russian tsar, guards surround the russians, and especially the retium tsar's soldiers even have to be dragged off the fortifications. the information obtained would be useful to peter the great later, when the russians took riga in 1710. next, peter heads to brandenburg, where for the first time in the history of our diplomacy, he agrees verbally without signing documents with the local elector that if one monarch starts a war against anyone, then... the other will support him. at that time we were talking specifically about sweden. realizing that the baltic problem can also be solved, peter changes the embassy route instead of austria, goes to holland, and not only for high-level negotiations. to begin with, he, along with several of his associates, including alexander menshikov, gets a job as a simple
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carpenter in the east indian trade. many testimonies have been preserved about the curious incidents that happened to peter during the embassy. they show his spontaneity. sophia of honovers and her daughter sophia charlotte, who invite him to the ball. the emperor walked in wearing dusty boots and a camisole, which greatly surprised everyone present. he's clumsy bowed, which also caused cheerful laughter from those gathered. then peter passed the cup of wine around, drinking from...
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before that, all these countries enjoyed security from the turks for 8 years, the fact is that they all promised military assistance to russia and all abandoned it in a terrible, huge, multi-year war with the ottoman empire , but in 1681
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, tsar fyodor alekseevich, peter’s elder brother, made peace with the turks, and the turks rushed at russia’s faithless allies, most of all he suffered himself...
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so that foreign specialists teach russian children those specialties that are not here it was in russia, well, for example, in watchmaking. peter deepened the hiring of specialists by personally understanding the level of certain knowledge and hiring specialists with the most advanced skills and technologies. one of the main diplomatic successes for peter.
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since it was not possible to conclude an alliance with holland, you can at least learn how to build ships from them, here peter again changes his route plan. the monarch's interest was attracted by the british, it was they, and not the dutch, who were scientifically... the most effective ship structure diagram. instead of austria, peter goes to britain. here he not only observes the construction of ships, but also learns drafting. wilhelm ii. the king of england gives peter a small but luxurious ship with several cabins. a yacht called the royal transport, which is considered the fastest in europe. this is where the russian tsar first sees the huge one-to-one ships. they make an impression on him. indelible to the accompanying admiral, peter would later remark that if he
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had not been the russian tsar, he would have wanted to be an english admiral, but very soon this charm of peter’s britain will sink into oblivion, it’s because of you, i’m now a chimera, mixed with a lion, a snake and a goat, yes, yes, okay, not a goat, where have you seen at least one reasonable man , well, where, am i really going to leave myself in a difficult situation, thank you, i didn’t expect from you, you thought that i would miss the opportunity to spend the night with you, it looks like stomach bleeding, the father is urgent, this is not blood, but what about chocolate, yes , for some time i took one day and went to the beach, but not for a second you can’t one thing, but i'm afraid of loneliness, obstetrician today at 20:00 on ntv, kingfisher - new season, today at 13:00 on... tv. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their
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strong, smooth. siès. hair looks like it came out of a salon. every day. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pintalgin, let's do without pain, our new name is tebank. when opening a business, you need to think through everything. i ’ll open a fitness club here, you’ll get pumped up. embody everything planned. and tebank business will provide reliable , convenient tools for starting your business. register your business with t-bank and get 6 months of free service. t-bank is a business and the job is done. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price. and ascafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. contract military personnel receive regional support measures.
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combat veteran status. exemption from land tax. compensation, payments for housing and communal services, vouchers to a sanatorium, vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state, it’s not easy here, but here everyone is united, here everything is for the sake of a common cause, here everything is fair, serve under a contract. peter’s interests are not limited to the fleet alone; it is believed that peter i saw one of the prototypes of the academy of sciences in england, having attended meetings of the royal scientific society. moreover, the king observes the meetings of the british parliament, but he will not receive any aesthetic or political pleasure from this. the very fact that a crowd of men gives instructions to the king; he
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will not like it at all. the recruitment of foreign specialists continues in the british isles. peter hires a master. unlike the academy of sciences, here the majority of student teachers were russian; moreover, there were not dozens of students, but many hundreds. a very important aspect of the navigation school was practical classes in artillery, engineering, architecture, and so on, mining in russia and
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abroad. and finally, peter made a real revolution by persuasion. aristocrats to send their children to this very engineering school, before that technical specialists considered the aristocracy as servants, but now the children of the most noble families went to study, the main task of the embassy - an alliance with the europeans against the turks - has not been resolved, here on the way back from england to holland, peter finds out that peace negotiations between austria and the ottoman empire are being held behind his back. and all this through the mediation of britain and holland. this infuriates peter and forces him to curtail the activities of the great embassies. having received yours. instead of temporary trips of ambassadors to europe,
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permanent missions of the country are opened there in the midst of these events, count matveev. andrei artomovich matveev was the brightest personality of new russia, the son of a chancellor who rose from the bottom and scottish hamilton, he received a brilliant european qualification even before any of peter’s reforms. education. andrei artamovich fiercely hated chancellor galitsin, but after the overthrow of galitszen he continued his diplomatic offensive in western europe. he created for the first time a network of permanent diplomatic representatives of russia in western europe. he established a permanent hiring of specialists. purchase of books, primarily scientific literature. and finally, matveev waged constant counter-propaganda against the western idea that russia is a barbaric country. count matveev is sent
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to gaga as ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary to the dutch states. its main goal is to strengthen russia's international prestige. matveev is tasked with inflaming the anger of the british and dutch against the swede, and also putting pressure on the dutch so that through their constantinople resident. the mission will lay the foundation for a permanent russian diplomatic presence in western europe. matveev's direct diplomatic activities covered holland, england,
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the austrian empire and some german principalities. but in reality his influence in europe was much wider. at the beginning of the northern war , western europe represented an absolutely united front on the side of civilized sweden against.
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doubts, the performance is cancelled, but in the evening peter still decides to come. what's it like petra decides to visit the court theater. was peter irritated because of the cancellation of the performance? he demands to be immediately taken to the danish king. the courtiers begin to politely send the king away, assuring him that fryderyk is sleeping, but peter breaks free, he is unstoppable and independently enters the king’s chamber, finding fryderyk awake, and even surrounded by a dignitary. peter's anger is so strong that frederick has to apologize and calm the russian tsar. and almost all of
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peter’s diplomatic activities proceeded in an unusual setting, he received diplomats and talked with them about international affairs, at a lathe, in shipyards, on the march in war, that is , anywhere, but if the ceremonial side of peter's business. with sweden three times during the 16th century, each time these were difficult wars, each time they ended in victory for russia, but do you understand
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what the thing is? this is several decades, decades of wars with sweden. the last naval battle of that war decided the outcome of the matter. july 27, 1720 off grenham island mikhail golitson, who had 61 boats and 29 boats at his disposal, defeated the swedish squadron. sweden collapsed in early september 1721 , and a non-state peace was signed on russian terms. the non-state peace was a crushing defeat for the obvious enemies and unfaithful allies of russia, it was concluded by the scotsman of the royal family jacob bruss and the german andrei asterman, who found a better homeland here in russia, and bruss with this peace hit the face of england hated by him, which stood behind all the actions sweden
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against russia. and the english fleet in the baltic was supported by the swedish fleet from behind, and sweden received finances for the war from england, and the anti-russian league in western europe was created by england, all of this collapsed in one moment. moreover, russia bought estonia and latvia for 2 million in silver. such favorable conditions are now obtained not only by force of arms. but by the power of diplomatic persuasiveness, well, from the moment peter ii proclaimed himself emperor in 1722, russia has already firmly occupied one of the central places in the global international politics, this is a considerable merit of russian diplomats. your grandson will marry my niece, that's right, of course, at the right moment we will do so. chikhmus is perfect for me , this person is perfect for you. not a couple,
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it was a new era, since russia, having lost such a titan as peter ii, was forced to behave somewhat restrained on the world stage, well, plus everything, peter, being quite such, one might say, a tough ruler, in fact, at the time of his death he had an alliance with only one side
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of sweden, and the alliance for the swedes was forced, since peter ii defeated sweden - in the northern war, well, in general there were no other alliances, therefore, all the way back to elizabethan times until... this union played a very important role for russia’s entry into the european system of international relations, since austria was one of the leading, one might say one of the great powers of that time, provided assistance russia stated that it was precisely to its advantage... for russia to enter the european system as an ally of austria, it was ready to provide russia with the necessary assistance. new sovereigns appeared not only in russia, elizaveta petrovna, daughter of peter the great and successor of his ideas, but in austria, maria theresa, in prussia,
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frederick ii. a conflict broke out between the last two, dragging on the whole of europe. elizaveta petrovna watched with alarm the development of events. petersburg did not like the settlement of prussia. anti-prussian sentiment empress. was supported by the head of the foreign policy department, bestuzhi fryumin. alexey petrovich bestuzhi fryumin, one of the most prominent diplomats not only in russia, but also in europe, of the 16th century. he himself came from an ancient russian family, was sent to study by peter i, studied abroad, and studied diplomacy. he was the russian representative mainly in the northern countries, then after the accession of zaveta petrovna he was appointed vice-chancellor. best of times proved himself very well, being like this. like a real diplomat, rodia about the interests of russia, he drew up his famous foreign policy program, which in historiography is called the system of peter the great, it was aimed at creating alliances with european powers that could help russia, these were maritime powers, that is, it was great britain and
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the republic of the united provinces, as well as austria and saxony, these allies were supposed to help russia control sweden, control poland, carry out profitable trade, like the british and the dutch, and... then, when aleksey petrovich bestuzhego freeman was vice-chancellor, a new threat appeared, the threat of prussia, the merit of the cold-hearted freeman was that he recognized it in time, all further actions that led russia to the seven-year war. war against prussia, they were precisely the initiative of the then chancellor alexei petrovits bestuzhey ryumin. we can say that, in principle, he was not mistaken, and the first and second world war, which russia just waged with the heirs of frederick ii, that is , the state center in berlin, they proved the rightness of bestuzhy ryumen, who sought to exclude prussia from the list of great powers so that it would no longer create problems for russia. russian-prussian relations became worse and worse. bestuzh’s role in changing the course of the russian government was great, but the main thing is that...
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having almost simultaneously become part of the great powers, russia and prussia were in the same region and had similar spheres of influence. therefore , back in 1745, lizaveta petrovna, at a meeting with her advisers , decided to reduce the forces of the prussian king and return prussia to the rank of its former ones. second-rate states. this required any european war in which russia participated against prussia and participated under the hidden guise of simply providing assistance to the allies. since aggressive intentions were then not in honor of manifestation, frederick ii himself was accused of this, elizabeth wanted to act from behind such a screen as her allies. when the prussians attacked saxony, it was a wake-up call for st. petersburg. the invasion was seen as interference in the sphere of russian interests, because the saxon elector - this is our polish king. saxony turned to russia for assistance. elizabeth hesitated, but bestuzhev convinced her. any aggravation of relations in europe. made russia want to intervene there and stop
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this growth in the power of the prussian state. the achilles heel of the prussian kingdom was eastern prussia, köniksberg, which could not be defended by the main forces of the prussian army. this will show further events of the already flaring seven-year war. the causes of the seven years' war were colonial disputes between england and france, primarily in north america. these were the two most powerful colonial powers of that time; in general, they collided. in north america, since the future united states, which grew out of the english colony, needed to advance further along the american continent, which was hampered by french possessions, so they quite seriously increased the pressure on french settlements, the french settlements naturally did not want to let the british go further, hoping that in the future it will be possible to develop in the same way successful as the english, but in general , masses of immigrants from france were also expected, although the french immigrants were numerically inferior to the english, in addition to...
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selesia is a rich populated province that the austrian sovereign maria theresa would like to return back. russian-prussian contradictions were also mixed in with this. in the first, the conflict was aggravated by frederick ii in 1756, attacking saxony and capturing dresdon. the seven years' war would become the most significant foreign policy event under elizaveta petrovna. cherchel called this war the first real world war, since it was fought not only in europe, but also on almost all then known continents, that is, asia, india and even the philippines, and north america is canada, the caribbean is the caribbean islands and africa, that is, this is such a colonial war between the british and the french, which really turns this war into a world war. and not only the european, but also the global aspect is also sufficient here. tangible, the results of the seven-year war were complete
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the victory of the british in the colonies over the french, in fact we can even talk about the liquidation of the first colonial empire of france, that is , the french are losing canada, the french are losing possession in africa, and in fact we can say that the french possessions in india are now under the control of the british. russia gets nothing, as we know, since it withdraws its troops and even concludes a separate peace, which was approved later. catherine after peter ii, prussia retains all its possessions, this can also be calculated as victory of prussia, since the plans of its opponents were to dismember prussia and reduce territories, austria is losing this war, that is, it does not achieve anything, does not lose any territories, but now it will have to forget about tears forever. the seven-year war itself, it comes to the fact that in europe five great powers remain, which throughout the 19th century, we can say until the end. war is war, but you also need to
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use diplomatic leverage. emperor peter ii had a difficult time. but alas, all of it is outwardly political the decisions turned out to be unsuccessful. peter ii was a german by origin, in general, as contemporaries and foreign diplomats noted, he still remained a german, even after ascending to the russian throne. for him they were paramount. he considered the interests of his small homeland holstein about russia as such a strong appendage to it, a country that could be used to achieve his own holstein interests, holstein interests lay in the return of territories that during the northern war for... holstein denmark, and peter ii, fulfilling the will of his father, who died just like that, not having time to achieve the return of the second half of his duchy, tried all the time to return it, and just having come to power, he was going to start a building war in order to recapture these possessions , use the russian army for this. the seven-year war itself, into which he unexpectedly entered, having accepted
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the throne from his aunt elizaveta petrovna, was a foreign war for him, that is, he did not understand its reasons, peter ii was probably sure that that he fulfills all requests. russian nobles in domestic politics, foreign policy is his, russian nobles are interested in foreign policy, so here he can wage any war he wants, in order to quickly end the war in europe, in order to free frederick ii to help him in the conquest at dani schleswig, peter ii even tried to push turkey against austria, that is, so that, under the threat of a large-scale turkish invasion, the austrians would quickly conclude peace, and he even ordered the russian envoy gabretsky to constantinople. such instructions that he would carefully tell the turks that russia does not consider itself bound by an alliance obligation with austria if turkey attacks it. because of his fatal mistake in foreign policy, which was perceived by the victorious russian army as a betrayal of russia, peter ii reigned for only one year between the two great sovereigns of 16th-century russia, elizabeth
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petrovna and catherine the great. already from the position that catherine took regarding the consequences of the seven years' war, one can understand that what... was russia's new foreign policy course, from that moment on russia could and should follow its own principles, corresponding only to its interests, and not to its allies. the foreign political factor had a fairly large role in the overthrow of peter ii, as is known, the first manifesto signed on behalf of catherine stated that russian glory was given to the reproach of her main villain, that is, peace was concluded with frederick ii, blood was wasted, and well we can tell secrets such reasons that russia. i didn’t want to fight with denmark at all for foreign territories, well, she absolutely did not want to ruin her alliance with austria, so the first orders that the new empress catherine ii sent to foreign missions were the renunciation of claims to denmark, and the assurance that russia was still continuing its an alliance with austria, and obrezkov must stop these
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attempts to push the turks against the austrians. turkey at the end of 1768 declares war on russia, resulting in the prussian king. frederick ii immediately openly came forward with the project of the partition of poland, supported by the turks. catherine ii is not is in a hurry to give a straight answer. and only austria’s conclusion of a defensive alliance with turkey forces the russian government to decide on the division of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. russia receives the polish part of livonia and part of eastern belarus. russia also wins the turkish war, which ended peacefully in 1774. russia receives from it. it was he who proved to his wife catherine
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the great that without the annexation of crimea, all russian possessions in the northern black sea region would not be safe, that without... the annexation of crimea, the dominance of the russian fleet on black sea. moreover, it was potemkin who led the practical annexation of crimea and kuban to russia, the expulsion of the turkish army and turkish fleet from there, the construction of sevastopol, and the construction of the russian navy. and only after crimea was fortified and firmly assigned to russia, he agreed.
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more than the crimean tatars, and accordingly, if a war breaks out with turkey, we will act only against the turks, it is more convenient. based on your feedback, we know that many viewers are especially interested in the remakes in log houses, the bone house should be warm, cozy,
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even ruled under catherine the great. catherine in 1779 concluded the peace of teshen in western europe, a real triumph of russian diplomacy in general and personal catherine, because she acted here not only as an intermediary, but also as a guarantor of the order established by the contract.
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france guaranteed and sorted it out. this time, ripnin, without any embassy ceremony, explained to everyone that the guarantor of peace in germany would be russia, not france, it was russia that guaranteed the security of saxony from both austria and prussia, and everyone agreed to this, that is, russia became not just a great european power, a superpower. from 1780 russia. england's peak is moving closer to austria. through an exchange of letters an agreement was concluded defensive alliance. austrian diplomats manage to win russia over to their side through political concessions. after overcoming the powerful resistance of the viennese court , preparations began for joseph ii's trip to st. petersburg, where he and catherine ii solemnly sealed the russian-austrian union with their signatures. in 1780, the austrian emperor joseph ii.
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came out from under the influence of his mother maria theresa, who guided him all his life. mother died, and joseph immediately rushed to catherine the great in st. petersburg. he saw in catherine an example of an enlightened european monarch. but his dignitaries were horrified, because they were afraid of the destruction of austria and russia, which happened literally in the next eighty years. year, they did not accept the waterfall of progressive reforms that joseph, in consultation with catherine the great, brought down on his empire; finally, they really did not want to lose french money, on which they all lived, allowing france to steer all affairs in central europe, and osif believed that
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only russia could be the guarantor of the security of central europe. but after 5 the letki, with the support of england, again declare war on russia. austria is our ally, but then sweden unexpectedly enters the war, and england and prussia do not allow denmark, russia’s ally, to intervene in the swedish-russian war. russia is in serious danger. sweden, filled with the desire for revenge, filled with the desire to take away those lands that had previously been annexed to russia, prepared a magnificent navy, a large one. army and really threatened st. petersburg, while russia was busy fighting the turks in the south front, and i would like to remind you that in this war russia waged an uncompromising struggle at sea, and russian diplomacy dealt to a very large extent with maritime issues, who would
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own which port cities on the coast, on what terms to conclude a peace... participating in the battle, almost the largest battles in the world naval history, in terms of the number of forces and combat units, historians say. the massacre for the baltic ended in general with sweden not achieving its goals. potemkin wrote to catherine the great about this: european powers have all their borders together and
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are easy to defend. our borders are growing. over a fairly large area, and if the existing army went south to fight turkey, it was at that moment that this happened, then st. petersburg. will be taken during this war, because there is no one to defend themselves, catherine wrote to the south that she had to
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take officers from insane asylums so that they could command these rather thin regiments, at the very height of the war , alanets carpenters came to help the st. petersburg shipyard, their no one called, they just came. because it seemed like there weren’t enough ships, the fact that the war was actually won and was brought to naught, that it was possible to come to an agreement with sweden, this is a great miracle, in fact, a great miracle of strategic play and favor towards us from above. as a result, according to the peace of werel in 1790, sweden refuses any change in borders. peace of jassy 1791. will only advance russia’s borders to the dniester and approve a unilateral act of annexation of crimea. international alliances and coalitions have become the main way to solve international
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political problems in the 16th century, but the 19th century is already on the threshold, which will bring new difficult trials. ahead are the napoleonic wars, the burning of moscow and a new revival and strengthening of russian diplomacy. but that is another story.
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assassination at a campaign rally in pennsylvania. the ex-president is wounded. there are no culprits. sweden has put an end to the investigation into the terrorist attack on nord streams. a teenager from almetyevsk needs our help to get rid of a headache. well, also in zenith of glory. the football club from st. petersburg again won the russian super cup. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zaboisty. hello. on the front pages. today's world publications have news about the assassination attempt on donald trump. the ex-president is alive, but was slightly wounded. the shots were fired during his campaign rally in pennsylvania. one of trump's supporters died.


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