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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  July 14, 2024 5:15pm-7:01pm MSK

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the topic is antarctica, the bets are in, here’s the question: in australia they take into account the historical precedent, australian doctors must leave for the winter in antarctica without this.
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time is up. well, let's find out the answers of our players. igor's answer. no appendix. could you please explain? eh, there was a famous case when a doctor had appendicitis during the winter, and he removed it himself. absolutely right. it was in 1961, and his name was leonid rogazov. the australians, accordingly, do not want to get into the same situation, bet 5.700, worthy, answer vitaly, the correct answer, the bet is exactly 2.0 and what do we get there with an advantage of only 400 rubles. vitaly vitalievich wins our game today. vitaly vitalievich.
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fedorov, the personification of the year 2000 in our tournament. in the second round of our tournament, all 18 players who reached the second round will play two games with different opponents. so, we are not saying goodbye to igor, vitaly, or valery, who left our game after the third round. dear friends, thank you very much for your attention, all the best, see you, bye. right now leonid konevsky is on fortress island. kronshtat is a special city in every way. and the cold summer of '53 .
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watch it now. fifty-second year, kronshtat. that day , the police and an ambulance were urgently called to one of the houses. the woman on the phone
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couldn’t explain anything, she just screamed hysterically: “lysenka, she’s dead!” but the doctors couldn’t help. lyusenka turned out to be an eight-year-old girl from apartment twenty-four. she was lying in a bathtub with water. the child was found by a neighbor communal apartment, olga. she called the police. tell your mother. the first impression is a tragic accident. the girl, while her mother was away, decided to go for a swim and drowned. but it's strange. the child's clothes were not in the bathroom. it accumulated during the inspection.
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there are many suspicious inconsistencies, it looks like she was strangled, the detectives suggested that someone killed the girl and staged it. an accident, but what kind of monster would raise his hand against a child? found, mother, lucy's mother was found in the neighboring yard, the woman said indifferently, that half an hour ago i was at home, and lucy was no longer breathing. maybe the poor mother simply went crazy after finding her child dead. or did she kill her daughter herself? the detectives were sure that the investigation would put everything in its place, the criminal would be punished, but this case became one of the most mysterious for the leningrad
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police. no one knew then that the death of the little girl would become the reason for another murder. granstatt: the oldest naval fortress in the baltic. city fortress. city of sea
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glory. the city is the dream of all travelers. it's all about kranstatt. kronshtat is a special city in all respects, in terms of population density, it is, as they say, ahead of the rest of the planet, is it a joke, per 1 km there are 10 times more people here, almost than in leningrad, mostly military, which is
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why in the soviet years kranstatt was a closed city. entry is only with passes, but even under such strict conditions, a mysterious emergency happened here. 53, city of kranstat. on that day , a young officer andrei kulikov came to the police station and filed a statement of disappearance of his wife olga. said that 5 days ago she left kranstatt for her older sister’s birthday in leningrad and did not return, her concerned husband started searching and it turned out that olga did not come to her sister, where could she have gone? the detectives took on the identity of olga
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kulyakova, a twenty-two-year-old student at a cooperative technical school who got married 2 years ago. anatoly volkov, honorary employee of the prosecutor's office of the russian federation. olga took the new thing with her to leningrad on the fateful trip. the boats were going to show off at a birthday party, hungarian
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i wanted to give the linen to my sister. it turned out to be not enough for olga herself. detectives suggested that the league was unlikely to escape. judging by the reviews, she adored andrei. the couple periodically appeared at dances, at the officers' house and attracted everyone's attention.
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the only jewelry i have is a wedding ring. maybe this simple gold object attracted the attention of the intruder, and he killed the woman. the detectives checked the incident reports and found out. recently, a gang of teenagers appeared in the vicinity of the piers. three boys with their eyes drawn caps. and huge jackets from someone else's shoulder , they attacked young women and demanded money
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for jewelry. take off everything, the chick couldn’t catch the nimble robber boys with a pick, and the victims couldn’t even really describe them, well, they’re not that tall. what if these young raiders not only rob, but kill? wanted the operatives decided to catch a gang
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of boys with live bait. the task force included two detectives from the leningrad criminal investigation department and a young female investigator. for reinforcement, they also called a local police officer from kronstadt with them, yuri mazin. closer to night we moved to the pier. the girl walked ahead. the operatives and local police officers sneaked behind them without releasing the bait. out of sight, then three short figures in caps and jackets emerged from the darkness, slowly, chick, the detectives began to carefully enter from different sides to surround the gang, suddenly the local police officer shouted, stop, the police, the boys rushed into the scattered, operatives behind them, but the district police officer collapsed like a tree.
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they figured him out and decided to tell everything honestly. through kronshtat during the war on ice
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there was a small road of life that not everyone knows about. it was through this that kronshtat sent almost all of its food supplies to leningrad, designed for 3 years across the ice. blockade ration, 125 g of bread made from cellulose and mill dust. in kronshtat, the blockade ration for children was only 100 g, a quarter less than in leningrad. people exhausted by hunger used stickleback to save themselves. no taste. smelt, but a small weed fish with bony plates instead of scales. even at the beginning of the war, the city leadership planned to evacuate everything peaceful population, but the plans could not be realized, the nazis began brutal bombings.
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here, instead of three large houses, a giant crater formed. this tragedy played a fatal role in our history. for many years now, mazim, a local police officer, has been remembering the same terrible picture. when he returns from duty, instead of a house there are ruins, and children’s crying can be heard from there.
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it turned out to be extremely difficult for all police officers; then, under an amnesty , thousands of dangerous criminals were released. mazin realized too late that something was wrong with his son. senka he began to wring his cap wildly, and criminal words appeared in his speech. you squeezed my pen. the local police department followed my son and
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found out that he was curling up. around kasyan, this repeat offender returned after an amnesty to the neighboring yard. there was nothing to find fault with him, but little by little young people suddenly began to rally around him. the police officer tried to pull his son out from under the influence of the criminal, persuaded him in a good way, threatened him in a bad way, scared him, and unsuccessfully tried to pin kasyan himself. and meanwhile senya had already set foot on the path of the gopstop, such a short guy, mazin the eldest was ashamed and scared, and he was going to send his son to his relatives, but at that moment the young man fell into a police trap, then mazin thwarted the arrest,
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the police stood by. the detectives asked a reasonable question: if your son killed a woman, olga kulikova, continue to shield him. the policeman started to fuss, senko is not like that, a hooligan, yes, but he can’t kill, he only scares with a knife. and mazin made another confession. i know where olver is. ilya, come here. 14:30 why are you on the street where you should be at a music school, and you’re on you’re chilling in the street, but i’m already walking, but not already walking, but already running a march. in 1953, the regulations on out-of-school children's institutions were approved; now every child must be involved in extracurricular activities. 10
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thousand members of the circle study 126 specialties and professions. and maybe they will choose the 12th seventh, the one that is not in the program yet, so girls, come here, come here, so why are you disturbing, marina has a youth class, come on, yulia, drama club, so, natasha, oh, natasha, i almost have it written down, yes, at least go to library, they sent me to the store, no stores, go ahead, read the story on bianchi, generally improve your cultural level. few shirked classes, only those who were enrolled in five or six circles at once. citizen, what kind of business is it that you are taking my granddaughter to the library?
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i took my son into the forest, it’s because of you, i’m now a chimera, fuck, a lion, a snake, a goat, yes, yes, okay, not a goat, well, where have you seen at least one reasonable man, like where, am i really going to abandon myself in a difficult situation, thank you, i didn’t expect it from you, you thought that i would miss, the opportunity to spend the night with you, it looks like a stomach bleed, father is urgent, it’s not blood, but what? cola and simnogo in the nick of time i took one day to go to the beach and i can’t leave you alone for a second i’m sure and i’m afraid of loneliness obstetrician today at
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20:00 on ntv kingfisher - new season tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. toufon was created to nourish, restore and preserve the youth of the eyes, it is recommended to use daily for. 3 months, phone now in new packaging, especially for exchange rate use, the business needs acceleration, exactly, open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb, we help things. series wink. this is what pain smells like. behind the smile of a powerful woman, i will punish. a terrible secret is kept. who leaves mother? she takes terribly, mercilessly revenge. freedom, it's not there. freedom. it's here, clean, look naving, we at persil take stain removal to the next level with depclean plus technology. persil enzymes
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work on the surface and inside the fabric, let the memories remain, not stains on things. once i've been persistent, i've always been persistent. the choice of a professional. exactly. amyllatex gay. act precisely at the source of pain with care for those closest to you. the exact solution is free movement. oh, it’s already started, our money will fly away too, no, not here, in none of the 185 countries, the same condition when roaming with beline in 185 countries, your balance will not go into the negative, or we’ll return the money, maybe we’ll go there, it’s safer there, beline is the safest operator. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, it turns out you can get under 20, i thought about opening a deposit in one bank, but it turns out you can do it in different ones at once, for
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money you have your own marketplace, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. kingfisher, new season, tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. a woman intuitively feels whether you have what she needs, just one glance is enough. real masculine energy drives you crazy, attracts and attracts like a magnet. tankatali premium. a natural remedy for men, it gives bright and unforgettable sensations. maximum sexual energy, maximum confidence, maximum endurance, strength of a man.
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you decide how events will develop, with age, under the influence of stress, poor nutrition, even a real man has a moment of self-doubt. tanca otli premium contains natural ingredients that support male energy. and the main secret is in the legendary. malaysian tonkat root, which has been used for centuries for male attractiveness. this natural aphrodisiac increases physical endurance and fills with masculine energy. the pleasure can last as long as you want it, and even more. when the goal is desired and so close, nothing should stop you. tankatali premium. a symbol of male
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success and maximum sexual energy. get the atali premium tank right now for free, find out how by phone. 8800 2001 678. all conversations are confidential. cop wars, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. fifty-third year. the ussr. cer continues to recover after the war, everyone is trying to follow the principle: life has become better, life became more fun. a good radio receiver is an expensive purchase; nevertheless , more than 400 radio receivers are sold in a day in gum alone, but look how many people want it. in moscow, after a many-year break and restoration , the country's main store is opening. hum. the largest department store
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in the capital - what do you think, how many purchases are made here every day, on average 135. a separate legendary section, which opened immediately after the restoration, only a select few, the leaders of the country, their wives and children had access to. and, of course, members of foreign delegations. and the assortment and prices of the two hundredth section included legends. there was literally everything here. and very cheap. at the same time, the rest of the country was desperately short of either food or manufactured goods, a difficult period. the police officers then worked literally for pennies, but they worked conscientiously. after all
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, the majority are former front-line soldiers. leningrad detectives continued to investigate the murder of olga kulyakova. the son of a policeman, fourteen-year-old senya mazin, who lived in street robberies, was under suspicion, but his father convinced his colleagues that he had already checked his son himself. grave in the forest. mazen, the elder, without explaining anything, led his son to the grave found in the forest, he himself closely monitored the boy’s reaction, if his son was involved in the murder, he would give himself away, then he would not live. noticing a hand sticking out from under the ground, senka got scared. what's this? the teenager backed away and suddenly noticed a gun in his father’s hand. and mazin
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sr. realized. the son was not involved in the murder. fifty-third year, city of kronshtat. detectives checked the district police officer's story in detail. senka mazin had alebi for a moment murder of olga kulyakova. but a criminal case was still opened against him for robbery. and his father was charged with concealment. he shielded his son and did not report the woman’s corpse in the forest, he loved his son very much, he had to choose between his son, as they say, the law, he chose the sorry child, and meanwhile the experts examined the body found in the forest and came to a conclusion. olga kulyakova was strangled, there were no signs of rape, who killed her
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and why? could it be that the reason for the attack was the lace underwear and women's shoes that olga was carrying? with them, but usually robbers. crime against young lucy. andrey antonov, veteran of the leningrad criminal investigation department, writer, publicist. a year
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ago, an eight-year-old girl was found dead in the same communal apartment in van. experts found out that someone strangled the child and then faked an accident.
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it was she who called the ambulance to the dead girl and experienced this tragedy even more than the child’s mother. olga was attached to lyusa, as if to her own, treated her with sweets, braided her hair. lyosenka, how beautiful you are today. when the girl died, olga seemed to go crazy, cried, suffered, and began blaming the girl’s mother for the crime. that's her.
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i couldn’t improve my personal life, nothing, you will also have a dad, but then someone strangled lucy, and a year later they strangled olga, a neighbor from the same communal apartment that was happening here, both yellows were strangled, but they could only strangle, as they say, both here and here are neighbors. wow, this is the corridor of a communal apartment, it often resembles a real warehouse,
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you can’t walk through it, hello, hello, please call your mom, she's sleeping in the bathroom. in the bathroom? yes, very strange. in communal apartments , every meter counts. sometimes more than twenty people lived in one apartment, so they had to take the bath. where's dad? he's in the toilet, reading. is reading? here's how. an unusual situation. in communal apartments it is impossible to occupy a bath or toilet for a long time. queue, where are the neighbors? in our room. now everything is clear, they are watching the program.
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a typical situation for the fifties, one tv for the whole apartment. neighbors live amicably in this apartment. unfortunately, this happened not always. olga was sure that the child was strangled by her own mother and began to harass the neighbor. he would either add salt to her pan or turn off the light when galina was in the toilet and once brought her neighbor to a nervous breakdown. that day, galina was drying washed clothes, and when she went out to check on them, she noticed lucy’s dress on the rope. everything is covered in blood. no no. olga’s husband, andrei kulyakov, saw the frightened woman. that's it, galya, that's it, calm down, there
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's nothing. then, for the first time in his life, he gave his young wife a dressing down. rubbish. olga tried to justify herself. it’s not she who is cruel, galina, she killed her own child and lives as if nothing had happened, even throwing away her daughter’s dress. i took it out of the trash. i can't listen to this nonsense. what if galina is really a murderer? first she sent her daughter to the next world, then her nasty neighbor, olga kulyakova, the handwriting in both cases was the same, the victims were strangled. the case of the murder of eight-year-old lucy karavaeva has been resumed. a new investigator took over and noticed the mistakes of the previous one. colleagues, he did not interrogate all of
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galina’s acquaintances, for example, he missed valery korobkov, but according to rumors he was caring for a woman, this mistake needed to be corrected urgently, obstetrician, today at 20:00 on ntv. pentalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. share cheap air tickets on aviasles, don’t
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one more detail: a couple of centuries ago the city had a reputation as an island of love and
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revelry, with 12 brothels. i was waiting for the girls yearning sailors, in our story there was a thirst for true love, but it played a fatal role, a year ago, korobkov said, he actually accompanied galina home a couple of times, and once stayed overnight with her. and in the morning valerie woke up and saw lucy next to her bed. leave! valerie did not attach any importance to the child’s words, left, but realized that he had forgotten his cap and returned. everyone said that galina was kind, such a kind
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woman, then he saw her evil. galina shook her daughter by the shoulders, you want to ruin my whole life, i need you. husband, and you kick him out. galina was summoned for questioning. the investigator started a heart-to-heart conversation. killing a child is very difficult. how to live with this? galina burst into tears and confessed. i can not go on. the woman said that a year ago she made a fatal mistake. when i brought valery korobkov for the night.
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grabbed, or maybe she didn’t even want to, by the throat and strangled her, because of a man, because of a man, she got in the way, stood in the road, daughter, she killed her, but i didn’t want to, what happened next was like a fog, galina pulled her away lucy went into the bath, and she rushed outside and...
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carefully studied all the materials of the case and put forward a version: the murderer, the husband, andrei kulikov, but trying to get a confession from him is useless, first you need to find evidence, they decided to start with correspondence, to the point, at the post office there was a letter addressed to andrei kulikov, from the village of martyshkino, leningrad region. andrey, how are you doing, are you preparing for the wedding? i can’t wait, your elya. this means that kulyakov has
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a mistress, but who is she? we turned to the local district police officer, and he found out: elya is klava kuskina, she works in forestry, when she meets men, she calls herself elley. it seemed to her that ellya was more like this, or this... by the way, martyshkina, lomanovsky district, is very close, so to speak, from koronshtat,
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you can sail there by boat. elya, aka klava, turned out to be a simple girl, and there was nothing to hide. andrey proposed to her a month ago, and recently gave her pumps and lace lingerie. klava was on the seventh. she was in the sky with happiness, she had never had such luxurious things, there is such a nuance here, when his wife disappeared, she was bringing gifts to my sister in leningrad, the shoes are imported and the underwear is also imported. the naive girl didn’t even suspect that her chosen one was married. stars today at 22:10 on ntv. oh, it's already
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the connection may be interrupted. uncle on the table. behind signal, there is something more convenient than stalba, beeline’s smart network, with it you remain connected even where there are a lot of people. beline is the safest operator. series wink. i want everything to be beautiful, love and passion, how i want to try. this could end badly. tell me you don't love him? i'm telling him to hell, i don't need him. clean, see naving. vlitrest more than a million audio books. books and podcasts, and i always know what to read next. litres, that's how i read it. read and listen for free for the first month. sensoy. sensoy. sansa. this is what asian tastes like. does your business need acceleration? exactly. open a current
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account at and transfer money to any bank. at perekrestok or pyaterochka, i didn’t forget to get cashback up to 50% with the service package, i didn’t forget the discounts and i didn’t forget my chance to win prizes, so you seem to have forgotten something, you forgot, show the card, use the x5 club card, get more more benefits with every purchase, x5 club card, you won’t forget such benefits, nikita panfilov, this is not a maternity hospital, this is
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a madhouse, an obstetrician, nothing. polishing in women not you see, well, this is something in medicine , today at 20:00 on ntv. colonel markelov decided that now kulyakov can be interrogated. and he repeated the already familiar story about his wife’s disappearance. all the hospitals, i ran around all the morgues. and then markelov threw the newspaper off the table, under it lay lace underwear and pumps. olga had them. on the day of the disappearance, but soon ended up with klava in the village of martyshkino, it’s time to tell the truth, the stunned officer glared at the objects and began to cry, it was i who strangled olga. ulikov said that he loved his wife, but she just became
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unbearable, and who needs these things like that? for a serious conversation. i met another woman. olga first cried, and then began to threaten. she will not give him a divorce, but will inform the head of the political department of the unit about the officer’s immoral behavior. everyone will find out that he is some kind of communist, he will be deprived of his party card, expelled from the party and, so to speak, expelled from the special composition of the fleet.
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andrey's head went blank. and he attacked his wife. kulikov came to his senses only when she was no longer breathing. i ran to the unit for a sapper shovel and secretly buried the body. and after 5 days he went to the police with a missing person report. he didn't have enough conscience, but he turned out to be a coward. i was afraid of responsibility. i thought that somehow they wouldn’t find her, i hid her, but olga was found, and the killer was identified and forced to answer for everything before a military tribunal. back in 1904 , an officer’s code of honor was drawn up, and it is still relevant today. there is this line: take care of
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the woman who trusted you, no matter who she is. kulyakov forgot what officer’s honor is, my dear. strange grimaces of justice of that time, however, this is a completely different story.
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a cruel toy for a prank or a prop for filming a movie, but why is the door open? the task force enters the apartment. at first glance, you can see that the owner of the apartment sews with passion, a creative mess, fabrics, patterns, and even a mannequin, but
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there are no traces of a crime anywhere, there is no one at home at all, is it really a false call, who then became sick? salad, but where's the knife? did olga take it with her? where? why? or the killer took the crime weapon with him, but then where? injured? this story was just beginning,
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it contained hatred, envy, self-interest and a cruel, cunning crime. the district police officer was tasked to talk to neighbors and check once a day to see if the missing person had turned up. and a day later , larisa petrovna returned from the hospital, the same one who heard the tone called the police, the woman
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entered her home and almost tripped over the corpse. it was the missing olga pegova. first of all, no marks. judging by the handwriting, the crime was spontaneous. evgeny komarov, eighties, criminal investigation officer. first, the girl tried to stop the bleeding on her own. she took a bandage and covered the wound. obviously she was in a lot of pain, she moaned loudly. realizing that she was losing strength, olga went to her neighbor for help and didn’t even know that... petrovna at
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that moment was at the pay phone calling the police. the door to the neighbor’s apartment was unlocked and olga entered and immediately lost consciousness. she soon died from acute blood loss. now that the picture of the crime has become clear, the main questions: who killed olga pegova for what? the detectives were studying the personality. deceased, we talked with her parents, who had aged 20 years in a day, there may have been conflicts, enemies, envious people, olga, olya grew up in an ordinary soviet family, her mother was a library, her father worked at an automatic telephone exchange, a telephone exchange, no cronyism, no connections, but olya, like many boys and girls of that time, was sure that they were open to her. all
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roads, you just have to try and not retreat. elena zagorskaya is a friend of olga pegova, they studied in the same class and dreamed of after school go somewhere together. then there was already a fashion house of vyacheslav zaitsev. olya always dreamed of becoming a fashion designer, designing different clothes, beautiful, fashionable. but how can you get into this magical world, where under the spotlight and camera flashes, beauties parade in stunning fashion? the autumn that awaits us does not want to seem like a motley dwarf. she will be characterized by sophisticated, refined, elegant tones. dreams and reality, as often happens, did not coincide. olya had every chance to repeat the fate of many thousands of soviet girls. after eighth grade she entered in a vocational school, where it happened. i specialized
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as a tailor, well, i stayed at school, then entered the institute of soviet trade, but we continued to be friends. after graduating from college, olga’s path lay in production, where she could have sewed dull, unfashionable clothes for many years, but she was lucky. investigating the strange murders of olga pegova's partner, detectives found out that the girl had graduated from vocational school.
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ramualt, that day a strange client appeared in the studio, an elaborately dressed young man with pathos. a petty person, picky and united, but behind the external extravagance this time, instead of the usual sarcastic comments, he suddenly began to lavish compliments on the new employee. i am sure that such a beautiful girl like you sews only the most beautiful things. it became clear.
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i really liked it. the boss of the studio entrusted a malicious client to a new girl. from that moment on, ramuald began going to the studio as if he were going to work. sometimes he would watch over a girl near the entrance to the studio and offer her a ride in a car. with the wind? i'm busy, but ramualt didn't let up. and one day i got my chance. that day at... accidentally ruined an almost finished item, the mannered client scowled, well, let's call the director, or we'll still go for a ride... in the car, basically blackmailed this girl into going on a date with him. oleg grigoriev, in the eighty-ninth year, detective commissioner of the criminal investigation department. ramualt pressed, and olga steadfastly held
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the line. she didn’t have the courage to admit that she already had a boyfriend, and she didn’t need a new boyfriend, even if he was so wealthy, that he could ruin her life, and that alone. sergei pulled the self-confident major into to the side and, as it was later written in the police report, beat him up. ramualt whispered as he sat down in his personal seat. answer: you are both dead, gone. shortly after this, someone killed olga pegova. was it really the crime that brazenly ramualt committed , or was it her
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boyfriend who dealt with the girl out of jealousy? they made inquiries and found out that sergei paid severely for the fight. a day after the brawl, he was arrested and charged with criminal mischief. grievous bodily harm, criminal article. the certificate was probably fabricated, because when applied serious bodily injury, the person is injured and spends a long time in the hospital. then the operatives took on ramahualdo, who he is and who patronizes him. the information received was puzzling. ramuald turned out not to be ramuald at all, but that didn’t make it any easier. roman kireev, 26 years old, a graduate of the institute of foreign languages, his father holds a high position in the council of ministers of the ussr. of course,
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an influential father is unlikely to save you from murder charges, but you need proof. and then the detectives remembered what was found on the spot crime, scary toy. experts took fingerprints from her; all that remained was to compare them with kireev’s fingers. but how to do this without causing a fuss? operational ingenuity came to the rescue. operatives established secret surveillance of the suspect. soon, roman kireev used a soda fountain, and employees seized a cut glass with traces of ramu’s fingers. compared them with prints on a creepy toy, the traces completely matched, of course, something serious was needed, a crime weapon, things stained with blood, the detectives collected
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information about kireev, the boys were majors, they did not know what a deficit was, and life was infinitely far from the everyday life of the common people, imported... clothes, foreign toys, then equipment, personal cars and other attributes of golden youth. it’s possible that influential parents will help, get you out, hush it up. in such cases, often even a protocol was not drawn up, so it was difficult to check what he had in the past, or maybe he committed an attack on people, but no incriminating evidence on naromuald could be obtained succeeded, he was listed as deputy director of the joint venture. but he hardly showed up at work, spent time at home with a vcr, but once a week he went to visit his parents, he didn’t meet girls, didn’t bring anyone to his place, he looked depressed, was tormented by a feeling of guilt,
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how to get to him, the detectives went desperate step, secret penetration into the home, well, simply secret penetration into the home of an apparatchik, a party leader, was simply impossible at that time. kireev lived in an apartment, registered as his grandmother, this made the task easier. we waited for the moments when ramualt left, it was time. the operative entered the apartment and began to look around to see what he hoped to find. a knife with traces of blood that disappeared from the crime scene is naive. and suddenly the door lock clicked. kireev suddenly returned, the detective rushed to cover and hid. ramualt brought a bottle of vodka and... drank straight from the bottle, without taking a bite, he was clearly going to get very drunk, which means
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the operative had a chance to leave the apartment when kireev fell asleep, but he suddenly spoke: i don’t know how to continue to live, i idiot, coward and nonentity, saw the killer, could have stopped him, i will never forgive myself for this, then the operative realized, it’s time to take him lukewarm, the detective came out of hiding, it’s time to tell everything, ramuald pushed him away and rushed out of the apartment, this is a show of stars, duels , lera kudryavtseva, this is what the star project did to me, now i’m also limping, today you can see her leg, tomorrow what, a hook will appear on her right hand, then a parrot, against alexander revva. serum ap69 arthur pirozhkov. sit, sit, autographs later. and
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miguel. do we have a work permit? i'm generally a miguel from dancing. okay, does the gentleman from the dance miguel have a work permit? against dzhigan. i thought we had a kirkorov star. stars today at 22:10 on ntv. obstetrician. today at 20:00 on ntv. oh great. the supermarket is now kuoper. the supermarket is now cooper's. super. super. the supermarket is now cooper's. the supermarket is now kuoper. and what
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has changed to begin with the name cooper delivery is super, when you are an adult, it is so easy to forget that joy lives inside us, but this a real superpower, more joyful moments with holy spring water, with fruity flavors, the source of joy in you, exclusive from your favorite brand bifree, summer collection for your beautiful images, hurry up to buy nazon, limited quantity, wing series, please again. st. petersburg has always been full of terrible secrets, this sweet young lady is not
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another second, the fugitive was neutralized. detectives are great. understood that they had very little time, soon the influential father ramualdo will find out about everything, which means it is necessary to stab the defendant until he comes to his senses, soon kireev spoke: on the day of the murder, after a fight near the studio, kireev felt anger, jealousy and unbearable lust, you are both dead, he decided to go to olga and really scare her. i took with me a foreign toy in the form of a severed finger, let the touchy-feely one think that this is part of the body of her arrested boyfriend, look, your young man’s finger, if you don’t give in, we’ll cut him off every day on the finger, but everything didn’t go according to plan, seeing a cut off finger on kireev’s palm, olga laughed, it’s a fake, you would
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n’t even pick up a real one, because you’re a coward, the girl took a toy.
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from that moment on, he blamed himself for everything that had happened, although he did not understand at all why who was bothering the young seamstress. and now kireev gave his testimony, repeating it every now and then. i'm guilty, but i didn't kill. most of all the detectives were interested in the woman who came out of the entrance. the killer, what did she throw on the visor? they immediately went to the yard operatives discovered it. the crime weapon, it was a kitchen knife from the apartment of the murdered olga pegova, although no fingerprints were found on the crime weapon, the rains washed away all traces, there was hope that roman kireev would be able to describe the mysterious woman, but oh, greetings,
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colleague, you know, when i here... the whites are coming at us, i can’t figure out if these are mushrooms or people, but you don’t think about the float , when fishing, the float is not the most important thing, but you know, colleague, that fish have the best eyesight in the world, why is this you took it, i've been walking for 30 years here for fishing, i’ve never
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caught a fish in my life while wearing glasses, in the soviet years, however, as now, i wore glasses... but he carefully hides it. his father got his driver's license, bypassing the medical board. ramuald did not see the woman who had gotten rid of the knife. but he was sure that he could have captured the criminal if he had realized in time. and then it dawned on the detectives. what if the killer was there from the very beginning? whoever screams the loudest, hold on. when the criminal himself helps the investigation. larisa petrovna shelko. she was the one who raised the alarm i called the police and almost immediately, calling
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an ambulance, ended up in the hospital. tricky move. it was in the apartment of an elderly woman that the body of the murdered girl was later found. but where is the motive? hostility between neighbors? what could a young pensioner partner not share? who was listening to music loudly or the sewing machine was making some sounds, a domestic conflict arose on this basis, the detectives began to develop this version, but suddenly larisa shelko herself called the police and reported that at night someone had torn the seals from the door of the murdered woman’s apartment, paper tapes with a stamp, these are all the fillings that are still used this way. maybe the boys tore them down and just misbehaved. the lock has mechanical damage. so someone used master keys. the killer returned to
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the crime scene. what did she need? cover the tracks you left in a hurry. detectives examined literally every centimeter of the apartment. nothing suspicious or missing anything. at first glance, there is nothing here. has not changed, but the operatives were real professionals. contrary to sometimes prevailing practice, the investigator made sure that so that the track chosen for the service dog is previously recorded. in case the dog damages or destroys this trail. the forensic expert took photographs of the entire situation for the first time. excuse me, i used to hang it on a mannequin. a woman's jacket, now it's gone, did someone really commit a crime for the sake of some rag, this mystery became
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key in our today's story, the detectives again turned to the director of the atelier. lydia chernyshova carefully studied the photo and categorically stated: “the geese is curious, but nothing special." shurpot, why was she taken from the apartment, there were traces of a criminal on her, or this thing could lead to the killer, the detectives did not calm down and turned to the fashion house for advice. demonstration of new clothing models. creative report of a large team of modernist artists, designers, sewers. the answer received was discouraging: the jacket is an exact copy of the latest collection of one of the best european fashion houses. why
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did lidiya chernyshova call it consumer goods? did she stop following trends? deliberately told a lie? shurpotreb. lidiya chernyshova, successful, very wealthy, with a huge elite clientele. why should she moralize herself... at her own expense, she moved to live with her brother, elena thought that no one would find her, but she was wrong. elena and olga. having fluttered into
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adulthood, the girlfriends met infrequently, but that day lena suddenly saw olya in the yard. she was not herself. lena wanted to invite her friend home, but she categorically refused. refused, there is no need for us to be seen together, well, such paranoia, the terkannaya was constantly turning her head, like as if she was afraid of something, perestroika stirred up public consciousness. change has taken over all aspects of our lives. economic reform and reform of the political system are in full swing. perestroika, new thinking, glasnost, democratization, unusual words
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after all these historical plenums. and fateful decisions. from the high stands it was firmly stated: “we do not reject socialism, we are simply making it better, more flexible, closer to people.” perestroika euphoria. the economy of the soviet country has entered a phase of serious restructuring. this is caused by the need to speed up the process of intensifying the national economy, increasing efficiency and quality. labor in 1989, the first soviet casinos opened in tallinn and moscow. newspapers begin to print advertisements. the cooperative movement is expanding. joint ventures are being created.
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evil tongues say that the introduction of private property is just around the corner, and this already smacks of capitalism, big money, big problems. this is how it turned out in our history. olga considered her life a fairy tale. yesterday's the vocational school student suddenly found herself on the staff of the best moscow studio. and her mentor is a real legend, among the clients are famous artists, artists, pop stars, they need the best things, she, olya, knows how to sew them, she had talent, that’s why she was hired to work in this hotel. true, there was one subtlety, the most exquisite expensive outfits were decorated in the studio as simple things, and the difference in price went into the boss’s pocket, she shared
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with some workers. but olya worked exclusively for a salary and didn’t even think about it. admitted about left-wing money. she just really loved to sew and she did it very well. one day the owner of the studio fell ill, and olga herself designed another exclusive item. she was very proud of the result. and i had no idea that her talent attracted the attention of very difficult people. within a week, she received four new orders, and this caused obvious displeasure of the owner of the atelier, lydia chernyshova. baby, are you taking control of yourself a little? olga was about to quit. at that moment, a self-confident man appeared in the studio the big man introduced himself politely. vova, little one. least of all did this thug resemble malov. well, shall we work? this standard phrase
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meant: from now on the enterprise had a criminal roof, with its irons, soldering irons, they taxed the daniurators, it was still so primitive. got down to business, explained that if you go to the police, you will have to answer for the left-handed income, so everyone gets to their places and gets to work. they brought the greatest profit. extremely important for the investigation, the detectives made inquiries and established the identity of the bandit, then moscow, the information received turned out to be the origin of his nickname became clear.
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vladimir maloy, 31 years old, was suspected of extortion, is a professional boxer, may be armed with firearms, where there are racketeers, there is always bloody showdowns, but whether he had little to do with the murder of a talented partner, why should he cut up a chicken. laying golden eggs, he must , on the contrary, protect her. in addition, the witness described a certain woman who got rid of the crime weapon. the guy himself rarely appeared in the studio, but the detectives managed to quickly find him. forceful detention with a weapon, handcuffs and intimidating screams. lie!
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previously, this only happened in movies, and only in foreign ones. now the soviet police were trained with exactly the same techniques, because the enemy was becoming. stronger and bolder. and more and more often, during an arrest, one could run into a bullet, or even a grenade. this happened in our history. they managed to find the bandit in one of the bloodhouses, where he was relaxing in the company of a girl. as soon as he saw the operatives, the little guy pulled out a pistol. it's because of you that i am now a chimera, wash a lion, a snake and a goat. yes. yes, okay, no goat, where have you seen at least one reasonable man? well, where? am i really going to leave myself in a difficult situation? thank you, i didn't expect it from you. did you think that i would miss the opportunity to spend the night with you? looks like stomach
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bleeding. father, urgently. it's not blood. what, chocolate, yes, that’s great. some time ago i took one day and went to the beach. in general , i can’t put you alone for a second, i’m sure. yes, i'm afraid of loneliness. obstetrician. today at 20:00 on ntv. kingfisher - new season. tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. oh great. supermarket now cooper? the supermarket is now kuoper. super. super. the supermarket is now kuoper. bbermarket is now kuoper. super. bbermarket now. and what has changed for starters, the name cooper, delivery with super, pizza, pizza, and where
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is the cheese, cheese, cheese here, try chiba pizza from the hot thing, even more juicy toppings with tender mozzarella baked chicken, mega sybu pizza from the hot thing in the new day. no, business needs acceleration, for sure, open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb, we help business. tv series wing. all of them are not real girls, they are all pretending, pure. see noving. the unique nature of siberia, the energy of clean water, wild plants. siberian nature is the best of nature, enhanced by science. micellar. lab biome water with natural extracts, hyaluron and probiotics, gently cleanses and supports the skin microbiome. lab-biom from the nature of siberia. i wanted to open a deposit at 18%. it turns out that you can get under 20. it turns out that there is a marketplace for money.
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financial services is a financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. say no, silicone enslaved. and yes, shaoma shampoo. 90% ingredients of natural origin for healthy, beautiful hair. take care of your family with shauma. shauma - care from roots to ends. i'll rent an apartment. attacked by credit card debt? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and don’t forget about purchases in installments. halva - simple installment plans. a fairy tale chicken is needed for sweet dreams. rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers in a delicious period, new curry sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit curry, try it in delicious period,
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sensoy sensoy, sansoy, that’s what asian sounds like. how do you like it, class, but for a subscription, save up a vtb savings account, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 18% vtb, together everything will work out, moloyev threw off the pistol, misfire, another one, the bandit was not given a third chance, it was clear to the detectives, he did not kill olga , who did it? maloy said sadly: “it’s a snake.” lydia: lydia chernyshova is accustomed to
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a well-fed, very comfortable life. yes, i had to work a lot, but it all paid off. when she managed to discover a young, talented assistant, the woman began to make far-reaching plans. open a cooperative studio and, as they say, work for yourself, earn big money, and win over the clientele. fashion is not only fleeting, but also multifaceted, and in order to leave the house tomorrow with your head held high, you need to be able to look into this tomorrow today. everything began to collapse suddenly, bandits appeared and took over the studio, taking away half of the proceeds. and the most most importantly, lydia began to suspect that they would soon get rid of her and hand the whole matter into the hands of this young upstart. clients like... one asked for the talented
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olga to sew things for them, fear appeared, then anger, something urgently needed to be done about this. one day, when olga didn’t show up for work, the boss went to her home. what are you doing? do you want the little one to come for you? the girl methodically planed vegetables, and lydia struggled with growing irritation, but convinced olga that there were ways to change everything, to do it as before. for what? she put down the knife and monotonously she told me in a voice: my boyfriend is in prison, i work for bandits, and this ramualt is also interfering. i do not want anything anymore. and then the doorbell rang. ramualt appeared, easy to remember. lydia heard the entire conversation. get out of here, that slug. and suddenly it dawned on her. if this girl dies, everyone will think of the arrogant major. and lydia.
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the killer did not know that the victim herself tried to stop the bleeding, and then went to a neighbor for help, where she soon died. but who opened the door to olga’s apartment and took the woman’s jacket? the answer to this question was given to detectives small the bandit admitted that olga sewed this little thing at home, especially for my bride, but did not have time to give it away. don't let the goodness go to waste. their impudence, of course, was already off the charts; they felt their impunity. lydia chernyshova was arrested on the same day, but to prove her... the experts did a great
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job, found prints of lydia’s shoes and fingers in the apartment, even found witnesses who confirmed that the woman was leaving the entrance, but to prove that it was chernyshova who dealt the fatal blow failed. it seemed that evil would escape retribution, but to investigate obhs employees got involved, and a lot of work was immediately found for them, concealing part of the proceeds, accounting fraud, and, in general , theft of socialist property on an especially large scale. execution article. olya could become an outstanding fashion designer, or someone else’s. a loving mother, grandmother, could
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leave a mark on the history of clothing design; it remains only in the memories of her loved ones in photographs, materials of a criminal case. and all this due to petty malice, stupid envy and boundless greed, close-minded, although talented woman. lydia chernyshova was not shot. she was not even sentenced to 15, but only 8 years of imprisonment, she was released in the midst of the nineties, they say that a year later she was seen in her home yard, collecting empty bottles, however, this is a completely different story.
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hundreds of languages, cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers.
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an assassination attempt on trump, the ex-us president was shot during a rally, a bullet hit his ear, details of what happened with alexei veselovsky. in the northern military district zone, the village of urozhaynoye was liberated today, in a week, the ukrainian armed forces lost 1,400 militants. the russian military is expanding its use of modernized drones. two days that strengthened the multipolar world. following the visit to moscow of the prime minister of india, report by roman sopol. additional measures to support families with children, a progressive personal income tax scale and extension of the family mortgage. parliament adopted new laws. the far east celebrated 50 years since the start of the country's main construction project.


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