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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 15, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

5:40 am
i’ll promise you, comrade policeman, okay, i’ll call tomorrow, maybe i’ll give you a lift, no, thank you, i’ll get there myself, i want to go for a walk, wow, uh, we still have to let lupar and amar go, it’s okay, let them sit, it’s not the first time for them, yes by the way, amarov now has something else to drive in the thieves’ environment, what kind of dancer.
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well, let's go, let's go, i hooked the major. who is there, who is there, it’s assigned to me, help, help, wait,
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he assigned me to 10, and i’m waiting, now, house 18, apartment 39, now, i ’m about to leave, i’ve already been waiting for 40 minutes, he’ll accept, no will accept, from ten. can i have some water? yes, and how the pressure changes, angina pectoris, the heart, thank you, otherwise the heart, go ahead, thank you, oh!
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oh great, hi, where is everyone? let's go out. where can i go with them? kir, better help nicole sort things out. because your moscow colleagues threw in so much work, i literally write a piece of paper for every sneeze. that's it, work. so, sign here. thank you. listen, andryukha, the late nikhilo took a walk yesterday, is he smelling of fumes? this is a lie, alcohol defiles the body and destroys the mind. have you heard? he that’s what he said, he didn’t drink himself and didn’t let others. excuse me, but was it you who discovered the body? yes, do you live in this apartment? no, i, this.
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i live below, igor, yes, i see, do you have your passport with you? he's in my apartment, can i go? no, no, what's your name? anna leonidovna mokhodkina. so you're saying that you were the victim's housekeeper? well, you can say this, but theodosius was like a father to me, what kind of theodosius? well, here he is, yeah, he healed under this name, saved thousands of lives. but did this healer have a medical diploma? it’s interesting, you know, theodosius pulled me out of the grave without any diploma, all the doctors refused, but he took it, said, annushka, he says, all your illnesses come from here, you tell me, believe me, then everything will pass, it will scatter like smoke in the wind like smoke in the wind, yeah. anna leonidona, please answer
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a couple of questions. i do not know anything. so nothing. igor, look how interesting it is, there are red crosses next to some of the names. look, well, yes, i see, anna lyadinovna, look what it is, at first there are few of them, but then more and more often, more often, more often, these are patients who could not be saved, that is, you want to say that these are people who died, you think that the healer was threatened by one of the inconsolable relatives, it is quite possible, quite, well, understandable, but look who's the last one there with a cross, as you say, well...
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the cleaning lady didn't have time to clean the entrance on the weekend, but do you know how much he charged from each patient, how much? a thousand rubles per visit, yes, yes, yes, oh, let’s go, i’ll tell you everything on the way, well, let’s go, something’s not working out you, girl, dear, people were pouring in, that means he was helping people, ugh, don’t you know our people, we drink, smoke, eat in three gulps all our lives, and then ran to the healers so that they could work a miracle, because hello , because health. no, but we need to save our health, we ran to the healers, but if the healers don’t save us, then we are ready to get into a fight, it’s so unfair, he says, yes, yes, let’s get into a fight, hi vasilina, hi, what are you doing, yes we let's walk, let's go, let's go, yes, you
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can imagine a fight, here are the russian people, here more details, please, about the fight, why more details, get out of here, i was here alone last week, yes, i went to see feodosius, eight 911 911 let's happily, goodbye, so the last time you saw your healer alive was last night, yes and yes,
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the patients all left, i washed the floors and he let me go, but he didn’t say, maybe he was waiting for someone to visit, no, he didn’t say, anna leondo, do you think he could have enemies? enemies? he had one enemy. human weakness. and he fought with this enemy all his life, fought tooth and nail. among the saint lived for us, do you understand? i see you like working with papers? i generally like to work, problems? listen, tell me, has it ever happened to you that you return to
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some place where you felt good, it once was, only everything is different, well, literally everything is different, you somehow like trying to bring back yesterday's days? everything is past, no, it wasn’t, i live for today, listen, leave me alone with your philosophical thoughts and conversations, you’re a tough girl, tough, but beautiful, not about your soul, we’ll see. i’m wondering if in the last month you’ve seen a patient named konoplyov,
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konoplyov, yes, i don’t know what year he was born, yes, okay, i’ll wait, did he do that, when? i don’t know what year he was born, i only know that he was very ill. perhaps he has already died, please specify your address, uh-huh, uh-huh, thank you, thank you, thank you, i found it, it seems, for sure. thank you, goodbye, hemp, mikhail ignatievich , born in the fiftieth year, two weeks ago he was admitted to the ambulance, a day later he died, well, we have to go, we have to go, wait, wait, and go where, georgivich, it’s a long story, but you , in short, friends, the authorities are so furious that i literally report for your every step, in short, the victim was a folk healer, he treated people with herbs, as we expected, one of his patients died recently in the hospital , we want to calculate. his relatives, since it’s possible that one of them was involved in the murder, yes, and this is definitely a murder, what the expert says, well, i should have gone
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and found out, otherwise i’ve buried myself in papers, i’m not tired of it myself, i’m tired of it, where’s the fuss? , yes from where i know where the guy is, now i’ll call him, i’ll arrange it, let’s arrange it for him, now i’ll arrange it, arrange it, arrange it for him, arrange it, arrange it, okay, when i get through to you, i’ll send him to help you. why does captain porokhnya hang around the city during working hours? this is his personal initiative, comrade colonel. don’t forget that the negligence of your department’s employees will primarily affect you. i do not forget. and i will take appropriate measures, you try, and i will try,
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get up quickly, let's run, run, konoplyov arrived to us on the night of 12 to 13, diagnosis myocardial infarction,
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here is house five, it seems quiet, but what kind of apartment should it be here, some grandmother called and said that she was killing, they were cutting someone, oh, what is this, blood, or something, what kind blood? someone old must have spilled the wine. okay, let's assume that the call is false, let's go, let's go. wow, who
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is this? come on, let's go, guys, wait, let's go, not long before his death he was beaten, there is a superficial hematoma on his face, on his chest, on his stomach, but this is not what he died from. and from what? you see, on the front there are microscopic chips in the teeth , there are abrasions in the oral mucosa on the tongue. i understand, here’s a blood test: the alcohol content is 3 miles, which corresponds to approximately a bottle of vodka, so he died from alcohol poisoning, not entirely, the patient suffered from a stomach ulcer, alcohol was strictly contraindicated for him, even a small dose could cause severe internal bleeding, but the dose was very large,
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so he died from blood loss, and alcohol... poisoning only accelerated the matter, so it turns out that he was beaten, tied up, and then they forcibly ate vodka, well, like grease, only it was not vodka, but which, judging by the presence of essential oils and some specific substances in the contents of the stomach, was more like a tincture of some herbs, which means they killed him, rather with his own medicine everything, kazym just kidnapped sairan, do you understand what you are like? you say, this is a matter between father and daughter, you have nothing to do with this, especially since you will get divorced, how can you send the left woman to bed with your future husband, i sent her money, the amount was not small, we must prove that my father has become insane, if he sees the bills, i will immediately go to the bottom, and you are
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a kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. who is he, whom did he bring? this? yes, the guys went to respond to a call at pushkarskaya, they arrived, and there was no one there, only him, he said that he was a police captain, he had no documents on him, he looked suspicious, hey, lieutenant, what do you need, i’m a captain from the interdistrict, call colonel gorodovikov , will confirm which gorodikov, he was recently transferred from moscow, well, okay, from the capital, where is he from, too? everyone is from moscow, yes, i’m also from moscow, why is it difficult for you to call, or something, my documents were stolen, they robbed me, i say, we’ll sort it out, well, igor, how are you, getting used to it, how are our solovets and the company, reveals,
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alexey nikolaevich , reveal, nothing. you say, the opera works well, stays in the department until the night, the lieutenant colonel is always at work from the very morning, in general, you can’t complain, but not everything works out as well as we thought, well, igor, think with your head, if you want to have your own in the department, let me show you fantasy, it’s not for me to teach you how to turn the situation in your direction. what's with the parahnya? i think you had some plans for him? there are plans, but i didn’t let him in on my plans. he’s really friendly with the department, but you should make sure he’s not friendly, especially since being friends with the head of the operations department is 100 times better than being friends with the detectives. that's right, got it, sorry, bastard. yes,
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he’s listening to the townspeople, what’s going on? okay, i 'll be right there. so, golubkino, hang up, 2 minutes penalty, speed up, speed up, breathing, watch your breathing, stay behind, come on, come on, well, anton mikhailovich konoplyov, hello.
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why do you think that we are talking about a beating, yes, what are we talking about, about murder, and you are our main suspect so far, comrade colonel, i acted strictly according to instructions, the person is suspicious, good to chat, open up, free, healthy , i wish, it doesn’t look like they beat you up, hit you on the head from behind, did they take ksiv’s weapon too? yes, it’s no wonder i left it in my jacket, i put all my weapons away in the morning, but it’s easier, let’s go, thank you! big, now we are going to the medical unit,
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where to the medical unit, why, stupid question, captain, i forgot my glasses, these are not mine, then they are mine, we can stop at the bank, what for, i want to block the card, your account is where in petrobusiness, right? and i have a phone number for you to call, thank you, girl, hello, and i would like to block the card, who can i talk to, thank you, hello, i would like to block the card, parakhnya kirill evgenievich, adicia number eight, seventy -four, yes, thank you for that, tell me, and they they took no money from me, how , they don’t know the kick, oh well, i understand,
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thank you, goodbye, well, we’ve already done some shopping at the hypermarket, shuster, well done, don’t worry, money is a matter of gain, i’ll find it i’ll put you in jail, it seemed like you were going to quit. or i change my mind, i’ll find him, put him in prison, and then quit. what are you doing here? what? turn it off please. i can not hear. i'm asking, what are you doing here? how? cleaning up?
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you can't go in here, this is a crime scene. don't you understand? so i didn’t let anyone in. you can't do that either. let's get out of here. what about cleaning? i was paid a month in advance. what kind of cleaning? the apartment is sealed. theodosius died. he doesn't care if it's clean or dirty. come out. yes, yes, i understand, he died, forgive me, please, i didn’t want to offend you, but well , you really can’t come here, you know, maybe some water, no, now. was he kind, theodosius? yes, i feel bad without
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him. now, then you must help us. the fact is that we suspect that feodosia was killed by the son of one of his clients, named konoplyov. remember hemp? konoplev. konoplyov, yes, he complained in his heart, theodosius asked him to stop drinking, but he didn’t stop, he would have listened, he would be sitting alive now, and the neighbors claim that just one of the patients had a row with theodosius, threatened him, we believe that this was konoplyov’s son, how people don’t understand simple things, if you came to...
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that is, annushka, let’s go to the office and draw up a protocol. slight concussion, i’ll live, of course, listen, kirill, i won’t sign your report, just know, i don’t understand, do we have a slave system? if i don't i want to work, i talked to general merzlyakin today, so he wants to put you in the future, the head
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of the homicide department, me? yes, cool, but what about the kiorgivich increase? well, don’t think about it, other people will think about it, your job is to write everything. what application? a statement to your own security service that your comrades beat you on the direct orders of lieutenant colonel solovets, you will attach photographs and a certificate. yes i am, guys. i’ve known it for 10 years, it’s such a meanie, listen, it’s your business, of course, no one in the village will force you if you want to leave, i’ll sign your application, i’ll sign it, but just keep in mind that you’re unlikely to work in the ministry of internal affairs system, merzlyakin has enough leverage for this, but what can i think, kiryush, what have you
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done just now? you have a day. tanushka, we will keep you posted. thank you for coming. andryukh, get treatment. let's. goodbye. goodbye. anna leonidovna, give me your pass. pass? oh, yes, the pass you used to come here. here it is, please. if anything happens, we 'll call you, you can be free now, goodbye, goodbye, what do you have, my head is splitting all day long, what are you doing, this is chemistry, you understand, only madmen consume this chemistry, theodosius told you this, and what should i do now? my head
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hurts, i will now heal you with my own means, you want to poison me, heal me, that this is an elixir of youth, infused with twelve herbs, drink, oh, well, well, i’ll have to treat you with folk remedies, since the pills were taken away, thank you, you can be free, until goodbye, goodbye. where to go holy simplicity, let me take you, come on, anna leonidovna, you know, your tincture really helped, my head stopped hurting and overall vigor appeared in all vital organs, and i’m
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very happy for you, but you know what? if you start using something other than traditional medicine here, i ’ll give it to you, mate, well, thank you, please, but what’s there, if it’s not a secret? well, i don’t know, only theodosius knew the exact recipe, uh-huh, thanks again, please, goodbye, goodbye, we’ll figure it out. there is definitely alcohol. we have historically defended our borders, our people and those who need our help. although our enemies spoke different languages ​​had different weapons, the goals were always the same: to destroy the country, to take away our freedom. but we have always stood up courageously and steadfastly in battle. history remembers
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more. and better in price. and now about the weather for today. tatyana ermilova is with you. in the far east there is a cool north and a hot south, and comchatka is on the border of two air masses. in the north of the peninsula there is sediment. and cool, in the south it is warm and sunny, there is a lot of sunshine and warmth from the amur river to baikal and in yakutia, but there is minimal precipitation, fires continue to flare up, in the south of siberia there is also about thirty, but here it will still rain in places and there will be thunderstorms; in the urals there is very little rain and thanks to the north wind it will be very comfortable 24-27. on the european territory of russia it is warm everywhere, a little easier in the north up to 25, in the center up to 30 and above, in the black earth region up to 35, but in the north. in half of the region we are expecting refreshing rains in places with thunderstorms, but in the south, where the air is heated to forty, not a drop, only in the sochi region is it more tolerable. in st. petersburg today it is 23:25, precipitation is unlikely during the day, in moscow too, here again it’s about thirty. give me a pick, nothing,
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i was about to leave, to talk, well, let’s talk, it’s a bit strong. bori, close the office, that's it, bye, bye, what, what, either i have to appoint you, or you yourself understand what will happen to me, yes, the choice is not easy, but you know, kir, you, somewhere you are to blame, that's what you were carried away to moscow, but don’t you know what choice i had? i thought i'd be back.
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“hello, are you maria konopleva, yes, don’t worry, i’m from the police, senior lieutenant rydanov, homicide department, we can talk to you, yes, after dad died, i i talked to the doctor at the hospital, and it turns out that if my father had been treated by a normal doctor, and not by this amateur, he could have lived another 20 years, or even more, so, then you shouted at feodos, then you decided that this was not enough, they came to him at night, knocked him down, and didn’t..." they just beat him, then you tied the healer to a chair and gave him his own tincture until he died, the poor fellow, i didn’t do it, well, who did it then, i don’t know who, okay, where were you on the night from tuesday to wednesday, like where at home, of course, you started bleeding, and you
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i’m telling you, anton was at home that evening, why don’t you believe me, the neighbors say that they say that they give chickens, but you don’t even want to ask what it’s about? there will be something there, will you involve me for it? yes , for god’s sake, keep quiet, yes, andryukha, you’re there in between, ask about someone named valera, but it’s not clear, maybe a lover, maybe someone else, i told my wife’s name, she fussed,
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what are you doing, yeah, thank you, go ahead bye, please tell me who valera is, this is my half-brother. so stop it, it's them, yeah, what did they buy? a plasma panel, a laptop, and so on for little things, for just over 70,000, what a bummer, i wanted to buy the same tv, but i didn’t understand something, how did they let them go without a pin code? a pin code is not necessary, it is enough to have a passport and a card, well , the passport contains my photograph, not theirs, where did the cashier look, then the signature is not mine at all? “we apologize, the money will be returned to you, the money will be returned to me, listen, and if this is not just sloppiness, but if
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we assume that the cashier is also involved in this matter, i have already ordered an internal investigation, who was the cashier, cashier?" " kiryushina, she takes over in the evening, i need her address. listen, we went to yelagin yesterday, and how many times have we done it, don’t worry, what’s it like there, there’s a festival of children’s theatres, not children’s, these street ones, it’s interesting, probably awesome, i’m just on edge, are you sure everything’s fine it will be, mom, well, oh, what a waste of time i contacted you, mom, what are you starting, you don’t want to help us, don’t, we’ll find another cashier, who said i don’t want to, okay, okay, come on, call
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if so, drive off somewhere so as not to block the road, here, on the second floor, or maybe i’d better, let’s go, let’s go. give me a chance, uh-huh, valera, valera, it’s me, open, here, stand up, great, what’s needed, criminal investigation department, lieutenant colonel, solovets. open the door,
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open the door, i’ll get dressed now, uh, open the door, you fir trees, open the door, stay here. stand, pariera, stop, stop, i say, stop, stop, i’ll shoot, damn it!
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well done, you did a good job, listen, this number won’t work for you, someone screwed the grandpas at me you want to hang the corpse, calmly, pryakhin, according to your half-brother, you entered the victim’s apartment together at night, you went to feodosius alone, then returned with traces of blood on your hands, gave him a light punishment for killing your dad, and what should i do? , forgive me, i wasn’t at full strength, it means you beat him, yes you beat him, then what happened, then i left, you left, and the man you beat died. yes, he was alive, alive, i didn’t kill him, don’t believe me, not really, but fuck you, i’m
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a reasonable person, what’s mine is mine, i admit, i beat my grandfather, i robbed your cop, by the way, i didn’t know that he was a cop, i wouldn’t have gotten involved if i knew, but i don’t have any marks on me, it’s my father’s grave, i swear, oh guys, i’m sorry, i didn’t sleep well last night, maybe later come in, no, no, come in, come in, what is it , my friend admitted, well, only to infliction of moderate bodily harm, he didn’t admit to murder, well, nothing, he admits, the expert called me half an hour ago, there are no pryakhin’s fingerprints at the crime scene. and what is there, well, just the grandfather and his housekeeper, that’s all, or what? that's it, listen, maybe he was wearing gloves, pryakhin? well, maybe with gloves. we need to chop down this proud fusel, put the squeeze on pryakhin, it’s all rubbish. wait, wait, as you said, andryukha, knots. look, nothing bothers you here. what should bother us? pryakin served in the navy, right? did you tie the knots? womanly, but not a single naval man ties such knots, knots are like knots, good, but
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if pryakhin goes to court, we have no proof, no, that’s it, andryukha, take krymov, go to feodosius’s apartment again. alexey nikolaevich, you know, i’m sure the guy understood me correctly, he’ll do everything right i need it, excuse me, i'll tell you now. i’ll call you, yeah, yeah, well, i wrote it, exactly who to give it to, give it to me, i’ll personally give it to where it’s needed, allow me, go, yes, go, and kirill, rest assured, you made the right choice, and i didn’t i doubt. andryukh, can you explain what
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we are looking for here? how do i know what we are looking for, i started looking, so we have to look, look how much junk i found, oh, all sorts of photographs, jars, bottles, igor, he has a whole bunch of pills here, our feodosius was like a folk healer, but accepted pills, it’s strange, but you and i won’t find anything here, this annushka also decided to clean up, god, dandelion, holy simplicity. by the way, do you know where this came from, holy simplicity? holy simplicity, when jan hus was burned at the stake, it suddenly began to rain, the soldiers could not light a fire, so one grandmother felt so sorry for them that she decided to bring a hump of dry brushwood, it turns out that the one who fought
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for her rights, she helped to burn, truly holy simplicity, well, what are you getting at? i'm thinking that we need to call georgivich, let him take out a search warrant, let's go and have a look. this holy simplicity, i agree, you read it yourself, no, read it, it’s interesting, come on, come on, out loud, to the head of the internal security department for the city of tyr. report: i declare that the city colonel, threatening with dismissal, forced me to knowingly commit, come on, come on, read, a false denunciation against my comrades, i’ll kill the creature, well, on the left.
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cheese, uh-huh, oh, hello, good afternoon, well, anna leonidovnasti, here is a warrant to search your apartment, come in, hello, will you have some tea? we will, if possible, with your miraculous elixir of youth, uh-huh, george, look, the rope is not torn, cut with a knife or scissors,
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the knot is the same. come on, i’ll help you, come on, anna leonidovna, you didn’t want to kill him, did you? you, you wanted to cure him, am i right? dog, dog, we have your dog, do you want to return him, the dog urgently needs reinforcements, the legendary detective is in a hurry to help, bukhtar, mukhtar, mukhtar, don’t miss the loudest return of the summer, criminals
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already miss you, worry that you can’t catch them, mukhtar’s return from the very beginning, these are not just dogs. weapons today at 8:25, at 11:00 dog on ntv. what do you have on the murder on teresa avenue? well, the killer confesses. great job. thank you. oh, by the way, did you reprimand porakhna for being absent from work yesterday? you yourself know perfectly well where prakhnya was yesterday. moreover, they took it themselves. the good opera lady yesterday helped with the capture of a criminal who was trying to escape. all my operas are good, so you don't have to blush. i felt like i lived in paradise with vijadusiya, i didn’t know grief, as they say,
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only a year ago everything changed, what changed, they started dying, who are the patients? well, yes, more and more often, at first i didn’t understand what was happening, but a couple of months ago i was cleaning his office and found pills, ask. from him, where? he says, the patient, he took it from the patient, didn’t have time to throw it away, but i believed it, and then i spied it somehow by accident, it was his pills, he took them, then i understood everything, so what do you understand, he became different, his illness changed him or greed to give money, i don’t know. “then, i remember, i cried all night, i
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felt so sorry for him, you know, he lost his gift, now he’s not like others, he couldn’t cure himself, tell me, how did theodosius die? i, i woke up at night, as if from a blow, well, it seemed like something terrible had happened.” “so, i got dressed, went out to the stairwell, then i did everything very quickly, ran to my room, took a rope, dragged theodosius into the office, tied him up, found the elixir on the shelf, and began to give him something to drink, he screamed terribly, but i i understood that it wasn’t him screaming, it was his madness, i gave him something to drink and drink. until he fell silent, i swear, i wanted to cure him, but when
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i realized that he died, i felt relief, you see, he lost his gift, he became a deceiver. all kira beer go home, i agree, about what we said, in short, i thought, but they are reasonable, let’s go home and have something to drink, it’s easy with you, i see your life has taken on new colors, you know, when you next to anyone, life will sparkle with new colors, okay, okay, let's go, yes no, i have things to do, good, i won’t go without you, okay. let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go,
6:30 am
we wish you the best morning, next in the program. we are clarifying the details of the emergency. we analyze ambiguous cases in the first program. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. unjustified expectations, the business coach let down her subscribers, they contacted the police. this success story , as they say on the internet, crashed after buyers of a real estate investment course lost their capital never multiplied.


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