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tv   Pyos-2  NTV  July 15, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm MSK

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well, okay, that's it, that's it, i got excited, come on, let's agree, i'll return the car, well , you and i are of the same blood, i 'm crazy too, you don't believe it, you don't believe it, look, the air has run out, they'll kill him without you, he's for the people i owe money, so leave erodio, come here, storyteller. take
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hu, mother, come here, they will still mock, oh and hari, and there are two more after me... two of the same are chasing, maybe they will be killed too, but what about self-defense, you will help, i helped you, yo!
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you give me a lift, and what’s in the car, it broke down, and i told you, you know why the owner they don’t say hello to the range rovers in the office, that the service department already said hello to them, funny, goat, what? you have one day left to pay off your loan, no way in hell i won’t pay off anything, no car, no loan, goodby, as the french say, the fact that you burned your car does not exempt you from paying, otherwise your apartment will have to be taken away , so what are you, the same?
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come in, you brought a petition, how much do i owe you, i brought you bad news, today you will die, i hate blood, keep quiet.
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did you order pizza? peace is just a dream, don’t say murder, the guy seems to have been strangled, seconds, wait, do n’t leave, but wait, i say, yeah, telerobbery, but it’s unlikely, wallet, phone, everything is in place, but i’m telling you, it’s just a little, that the nest is raging. he’s happy, he solved the case, and
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this is a witness or a suspect, yeah, let’s go and talk. it’s good to treat me, i ’ll ruin you at the very first interrogation, so come on, come on, confess it yourself, but i called you myself, why should i do this if i’m a murderer, simply in order to create an alibi, this won’t work with me, i realized you ’re crazy, this question interests me too, go, go for a walk, i have a short day, well, wait, it’s not lunch yet, wait, button, i saw, yes, it’s his button,
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sometimes even the best evidence can be argued in court, so resuming is not for you, i get it, i get it, just a presumption that you’re being clever to me here, bespectacled guy, that’s
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a good job. i didn’t have time, this turns out to be traces of our murdered man, and this is the killer, so fuck off, trample all the evidence for me here, just don’t touch the fence, smart guy, don’t be smart,
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go back to work, he’s half gone, we need to call the experts, otherwise this one ’s about to take a photo, wow, it looks like we have another friend, yeah, it’s a cyclone, i have to be the first to look at everything, but get out of here, go, i told you, fuck off , well, i’m stating a fact, the pipes are not fresh, at least a week, which i can determine with accuracy by the smell, but on the contrary, who knows, why come to me,
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and what, you’ve been here all night or something, yes, yes , yes, i live here, which is wonderful. well, i saw the hat, oh, well, the hat - that’s irrefutable, of course, are you crazy? whether? yes you yes who are you? yes, in short, you have a suspicious face, ugh, well , suspicious, rest, they will come,
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wake up, in broad daylight, they will insult you, in short, it was my house that was broken, you shit on him, homeless person, he has my face, the main thing... i remember, listen, he saw his own face, i looked at his own face, such witnesses. it’s hot , look at him, i don’t understand, murder isn’t enough for you, but also theft, but now i ’ll put you in prison for life, with compensation, for what, for what, what the hell are you doing to my car, actually, it’s my car , what? once again recognized as better by independent experts,
12:11 pm
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12:13 pm
the boat, i was so selfish, you bought me a new phone, but if it weren’t for the 50% discount, i would only buy it for myself, how long will you last , with such charging for three days, but with such a thread, thank you, because of the phone too, thank you, only in the salons of the mts ecosystem, buy a redmi 12 smartphone with a 50% discount, when you connect communication services or an mts premium subscription, etok mts smartphones. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing, for a new building, secondary housing or building a house. what is this square? let me show you, this is a marking code, an honest sign, your assistant for safe shopping. the cash register checks it and does not allow suspicious goods to pass through. this is an honest sign. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. hi, great, why are you so happy? yes, i
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spent the whole night again today, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i wouldn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’ve already started to forget how it happens, maybe i’ll also buy what’s there, what is it called, prostatricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times, what? what, i don’t think, i know, you’re dark, of course, now i’m my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how to take it, call, everything is simple, when you order everything they’ll explain in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay. i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what should i think, call, be sure to order, remember,
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i learned something, i can see from your face that you are interested in this, the victim is alexey samoilov, he brought him into at the institute, an affair with a certain katya, and timur liked katya, the classic love triangle, what have you got no more, again timur, maybe we will be banned from this name in the city, maybe then there will be fewer criminals, well, since the reputation is bad, that means timur, two arrests for fighting i stayed at the institute only thanks to my dad, and so, according to rumors, this timur was seriously angry with samoilov.
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why is it that you are so curious, but why are you not interested at all? i don’t, lesh, i’m not interested at all. what is it that you are staring at me, why the thing is that there are some problems, i’m asking , the problems have fled, excuse me, yes, the nest, moronism is a problem, and not only for you, you hear, i’m just fine with moronism, and if you care about me - you’re getting too excited, these are your problems, well, what
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can we do to get you excited about, maximizing murder from business, right? you, this one with your spy tricks, have hesitated, who are you, you want to trick me into a vocation, well, you are naive, well, in general, i agree with igoryosha, he is not capable of murder, he i’m not capable of anything at all, here, listen, listen to a smart man, yes, i agree with the smart man, the schmuck is a weakling, why should he kill him, that’s what i’m saying, i’m not a scumbag, if necessary, i’ll kill anyone. so this confession was just now, yes maksimov, fuck off, fuck off, you leonidov said, said, that’s it, that means gnezdilov is innocent, yes, in what way, he needs to go through all the leads, i’ll take care of your innocence, yes, do what you want, yes, i won’t say that right away, this is a rather intimate
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question, come on when we meet, but look, here... he’s mine, so well, stand there, well, forty-three, and why did i take him, fuck him, get him, guys, calm down, police, come on, come on, what? yes, i see that you are capable of a lot, yes, i could handle it myself, thank you, of course, but i could handle it myself, i would just wait for the right moment, hello, fuck off, i have a short black belt, let me show you, oh, oh -oh-oh, i
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also have a trick for you. dad paid for the train too, but it’s a monster, what a criminal experiment, let’s shoot, shoot yourself, i’m not involved, i’m not involved, who’s with him all the way he was a dog, and i said he was a dog, don’t bother me there, okay, at 10 yesterday. where were you? at samoilov’s house, well, i wanted to talk like a man, so that he would leave katya behind, you won’t talk. you wanted to kill him, no, just beat him, but he never showed up, this is a confession, well, yes, if they hadn’t killed him at the other end of the city, i heard that everything matches,
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you deliberately went to another area and strangled him there, yes , some kind of crap, crap, i put on boots, size forty-three, to make it easier to catch up, well, i always found boots. a this means that you are always ready for an attack, i saw through you right away, i immediately realized that it was you who killed him, i can’t even help a snail here, that’s true, but what about the presumption of innocence and the words i learned , and this it means he was preparing for interrogation, which means he’s guilty, but he’s definitely a real policeman, no, of course, how are you? we suspect, he’s trying to get out of it, i understand, you ’ve gone crazy or something, what are you, well, did you find out
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anything? max is still interrogating the suspect, i’m not asking about that, maximov has someone, yes, you know, appeared? i’m just not going to keep an eye on maksimov’s intimate life, you know, he’ll want to tell everything himself, including you.
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you can't ask that anymore. the murderer is timur, and once the murderer is caught, that’s it, he needs to be removed from his nest. podozhya, this is a size forty-three footprint at the crime scene, like carrying nests, where? this print was given to you, by the way, i found the evidence, so i want to use it, i want not, what do you want from me, what does he want from me, you say that this is his print and he uses it, who is he, what is he uses it, so what? he can, he can’t even rip my raincoat anymore, he’s on his last legs, he’s a lazy bastard, it’s high time to fire him, no, well, the main thing is he’s a nester, he’s the only one working here, and he’s being put on the waiting list at... it was in the evening that he delivered pizza to the address at to whom he
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was killed, the dead end of denis rodnyansky 2, denis rodnyansky, what’s familiar, that’s it, he went to take the killer, what the presumption of innocence does to people, he was killed either by timur, or his team, or the bespectacled man, or the pizza delivery guy, exactly, the pizza delivery guy, and pizza is so for
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cover, by the way, someone sees the pizza, and where is the pizza, there is no pizza, that’s all, don’t look at me like that, i have an alibi, wait, if the pizza delivery guy killed him, who then killed the pizza delivery guy, and i’m asking you , i ’m asking you, and i’m working on it, i think, it means the piz became a random victim, he came, he saw, he ran away, so, it’s practically right off my tongue, and the killer caught his fence, that ’s right, and the bespectacled man slammed his button , remember, a button, that’s it, lesha, look, what is this, a game, can you tell me what it is, what no, nothing, no damn thing, but how is it, but how is it... i’m also interested in what your hat is doing at crime scenes? this is not my hat, this is not my hat, is it written there that this is a nester’s hat? and where is the hat that is signed that it is nesting?
12:26 pm
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magnet cosmetics and application magnet stores have a big sale on clothes on ozone. adidas sneakers for 4.499. heldi hair set for 279. pair of chicken premiere and chicken hit with new kari sauce at a bargain price. this credit is simply kiofconkonke. we take loans. i manage my income, i choose how to deliver orders and decide when to receive money, even every day, and i even manage with this video, become a courier.
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this is a loyalty program for entrepreneurs; open a free account with alfabank and receive up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank is the best bank for business. be careful not to enter gnezdilov. what's wrong with him? he's having a nap during the day, so he's lying down.
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a date with maksimov, a date at home, no, a date, but we don’t know with whom yet, damn it, why do you need this, and even if sdilov weren’t
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scared of your jealousy, lesh, hello, how much is opium for the people? or are you selling organs, figure it out, yeah, just like that, i understand, get out of here, get out of here, get out of here,
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what are you selling anyway, nothing, nothing, ah, and why didn’t you help your friends, then take the dog away, okay, let’s go to the police station, let’s continue the conversation, you, little suitcase , take it with you, come on, come on! we had no idea that he was dead, we were planning a business meeting, a business meeting at night, yes, we wanted to talk without witnesses, okay, let's say. orekhov had to sell us part of his business, illegally, legally, he just didn’t want to tell his partners about it, that’s how it turned out, a meeting like as unofficial, but i don’t understand anything, why did they run, and we had
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a lot of cash with us, so we thought that you were robbers, calm down already, stop it, you come here. damn with his death we lost a good deal, here is our lawyer, he can confirm everything that i said, hey, uncle, can i have another lucky one, eats them, please, this is mine, i will eat it, i hope... "nothing nothing terrible didn’t happen, well, like two murders, already evidence, yeah, tampering with evidence, but in principle there’s nothing terrible, yeah, yeah, i’ll probably take a couple of days off,
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somehow i’m completely unraveling, what are you doing, we can’t do anything without you, well , of course, you’re our only suspect, for now, well, yes, where are you going without me, okay, let’s work, work”? well that, i agree with you, this one of yours, what’s-his-name , gnezdilov, there really is enough evidence against him, this gnezdilov is generally a strange guy, he inherited a crime in one place, left his hat in another, was identified by two witnesses and one homeless person, yeah, maybe something else, early from the clock the detective is sure, yes, yes, yes, here is the phone number, lawyer and victims, so, if he... finds out the bottom of the case, then he’s finished, yes, i urgently need to call a lawyer, no, not about this case, it’s just, well , my friend is shit, haven’t seen each other for a long time, next to
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where we’re going, on meeting with one lawyer, i think he will tell us about the motive to kill. here you sit in the car, who lives richly? fucking mother, huh? it looks like we were late, please dial, you see, they hit him bluntly on the head with an object when he got out of the car, he didn’t lose his mind, of course, then they strangled him until he regained consciousness, there are no surveillance cameras here, yeah, so sucker, come on, give it, give it, give it, give it, give it, give it, give it, give it, give it, give it, give it! give, give, well done, it looks like the victim’s phone,
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wait, oh, semaphorite, let her through, what did you want? you know, i saw a man running away from here, what kind of man, can you describe him? yes, to be honest, he ran so fast that i didn’t see his face, and i didn’t notice any complexes either, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, it’s a great pity, but he was wearing a raincoat, just like that. oh, so, interesting, tell me, the coat was buttoned up, like it is now, well, yes, uh-huh, and the collar was raised, well, yes, thank you, you are free, thank you, eh, i thought at least today there would be someone in the nest, i was going to become a... witness, well, a witness about
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nest could have been blunt, in general, so, i ’m starting my own investigation, oh, how menacing, against whom, nemaxi, tupimov, nemaxyu, against gnezdilov, of course, but it seems that gnezdilov is involved in all the crimes, all the evidence is against me, the evidence is against me, igor, look. they have an open day today, maybe you ’ll ride with them until they’re crazy, come on, you’re right at home there, i’ll find out now, come on, come on, drive by, rest, so, a businessman and his lawyer died, as well as a pizza delivery man, of course, this was a random victim, but they didn’t have any business problems, this is a personal motive, a personal motive, sorry, without asking you. uh-huh, have you ever thought that
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the second third of the victims are similar, by the way, what are you getting at, well, because it seems to me that the main target was a lawyer, but they just got mixed up, so, so, so, so, listen, that two random victims , no, well, everything can be, of course, but then this criminal is a complete moron, which again brings us back kverstiy about gnezdilov, yes, but gnezdilov may be stupid, yeah. well, i’m not deaf, listen, give him some reassurance, no, i already said, leshenka, the big day is tomorrow, that ’s good, this is a bit of a military blunder, we need to analyze everything in detail again to find additional evidence against the nest, that’s it, let’s go to work, i went, oh, well, since you went, then we’ll probably stay, yeah, look. further away from us, but as if he didn’t get lost, where? i looked through the biography
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of the third victim, there are clues, there is one, he booked a room in the same place every week same hotel, look, there are the dates seventeenth, tenth, third, well, i ’ll say it again in the number, seventeenth, tenth, third, i must remember, well, you see on these dates it’s the same.
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she obviously doesn’t know that mikhail has died, you can send her an sms, make a date, meet at the same hotel, and born intriguers, you can make a date, hello, good afternoon, how can i help you , hello, help me, man, you know? yes, i know, he often books a room for newlyweds, for newlyweds, what is his number 401, young man, number busy, but nothing, nothing, i’ll agree, young man. he doesn't give a fuck, he's a barbarian, he's an asian, tell me, have you seen this man, hello, don't worry, i'm from the police, i'm about to undergo police operations, so please pack your things
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for andrey, there's a stranger here, what did i say, listen, man, what are you doing, girl, operation, pack your things to go, live, wow, what a witness she has, girl, wait, i urgently need to interrogate you with passion, oh you idiot, you, come on, yes, what the hell?
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hey, uncle, get out of here, you're insolent, he'll come our young ladies, you'll whistle, get out, you stinker. open, misha, hello, hello,
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who are you? and the police and i, you sit down. where are you going? yeah, where's misha? misha was killed, that’s why i told him to sit down. but did you see this? no. i see this face every day. i don’t understand, are you covering up for a criminal? nest. go finish what you started. stati. i can’t believe it, there is an assumption who could have done this, of course, there can be no other options, it was stepan who killed him, your husband probably found out about our connection,
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very scary person. i wanted to get a divorce for a long time, but i was afraid. interesting version. he may have killed two more. my god, i hate this man. i have long dreamed of escaping, but i didn’t dare. true, we don’t have enough evidence. your help. i need it, okay, i ’ll help, i’ll send you an sms from my phone, mikhail, but supposedly he’s in the hospital, and you make sure your husband sees her, okay, okay, i understand, a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, amount up to 30 million rubles.
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simple, only at sofcombank. not just a loan, a hit. do you hear, that’s it, give me your finger, it doesn’t hurt, that’s it, you ’re here, and i, and i’m here, i’ll back you up, hmm, and if you’re a murderer, so what, i can’t back you up or what, that’s the main thing , so that claustrophobia doesn’t attack me, close the door, and what’s over your shoulder, close the door,
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yes, why do you have a head made of iron or something, what if you’re still alive? do you think you're in pain? no, it hurts - it’s when your wife walks around, you’re silent, do you know how many people i beat up, thinking it was you? you don't know, well, nothing, because now i’ve decided to kill you, here i stand for such a time, well, you’re theorizing, i understand, but i can’t stand blood,
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now i’ll knock him out, he’s afraid of blood, are you a fool, bitch, yes, you don’t understand what it is, when your wife cheats on you, i understand what and what, what you did with him, nothing, he remained my only friend, how did he know, yes everyone knew, i’m the only naive idiot, i offered my hand, friend, mother, that’s who, the real one friend, won't sell. you know, here’s
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a beret, what was the name of our first victim? otherwise he’s a smart guy, our smart guy, that’s him opened the door for the killer, the door, you're a fool, because you thought it was a pizza delivery, crazy. killed by mistake, and then the delivery guy came for what? killer, the killer caught up with him and killed him as an unwanted witness, and then only on the third attempt he killed his wife’s lover, smart guy, well, you see what they are like, listen, guys, it happened in the hospital that i don’t know, i don’t
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remember... they took the murder ? no, they didn’t take it, but all the evidence is clear, yeah, who’s the murderer, who’s gnezdilov, oh, i told you, i told you from the very beginning, good girl, but you’re us understand, some pouring had to be thrown in, you understand, yes, otherwise how will we take it and this is understandable, i myself have always thought so, and now, what’s the matter with you, that’s all, the final comedy. yes, they’re already coming for you, our dear, nuk, drink up, don’t move anyone, don’t move anyone, let me leave, lenka, let me leave, otherwise i’ll shoot your best cop, don’t move, igor, igor, don’t
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forget , no agreements with terrorists, yes, so you don’t have any doubts, come on. leov, don’t come, don’t come, he’ll shoot me, leov, and no, i haven’t allowed it yet, i propose to apply the most severe form of resumption and innocence to me, i will say that it was manslaughter, i can’t do it anymore , it’s done, i’m about to have a stroke,
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you will, shut your mouth, you will also be a witness my false witness, lenka, lyosha, please testify, here is your false witness, vakhtanka. and you are a ford. who is max dating? and this is not
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a date with maksimov, with the dog. max brought his mate, funny, right? are you following him? lyosha, haven’t you been following me? am i still your husband? well, maksimov, our friend. hello, who are we following? and we're just taking a walk here. yes, i noticed. i couldn’t immediately say this about the dog. so i, and this is his secret, not mine, ask him. okay, you won't get tired, just walk. a...
1:00 pm
to extinguish a forest fire near novorossiysk , additional helicopters were called from gelendzhuk and sochi, the authorities turned to volunteers for help. missile attacks of the ukrainian armed forces in the southern donetsk direction are repelled by russian beeches. since the beginning of summer, dozens of khaimars flying to the cities of donbass have been shot down. how it goes rastislav skidan saw anti-aircraft gunners from buryatia on combat duty. a blow to the image. demonstration. square, what would be humiliation? what else are they afraid of in the west after the transfer of f-16 aircraft to ukraine? will the image of a martyr bring him to the white house, how the assassination attempt on donald trump could affect the course of
1:01 pm
the election campaign, and 33 m2 in russia launched a preferential price.


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