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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  July 15, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] aleftina marchenko knows that she told the investigators that she was always there. this story shocked everyone who was in one way or another familiar with irina shatova, an outwardly soft, intelligent and quiet, thirty-four-year-old woman who doted on her only child, or so it seemed to everyone, she adored and almost never let go of her voice , they say, she will never be promoted, but he addressed her only as mommy, which makes her confession even more monstrous and incredible what they did? killed her own son because of guilt you admit to committing a crime, yes i admit it completely, somewhere on the second day of the temporary detention center, the woman began to tell how she strangled her nine-year-old son, how she loaded him into a large black suitcase and rolled him around the city half the night, was looking for how to get rid of the burden, stopped near the embankment of the kama river , i wanted to throw it away, but the fragile woman was unable to lift 30 kg, so she dragged it to the nearest trash can and left it
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there, look how... i have a new wheel alignment. i came across a terrible discovery the homeless man, when he was rummaging through the container, opened the suitcase and was stunned. in addition to signs of strangulation, the police who arrived to the call found stab wounds on the body and began a search. using surveillance cameras to identify the woman with luggage, we traced her route , it turned out that irina, having thrown out her dead son, hid in the attic of one of the hotels in the city center. do you have any statements regarding the arrest? no, her face is stony without emotion, only when the investigator says what exactly she is accused of, she frowns as if trying to understand what’s going on, at first irina claimed that her son was killed, allegedly by collectors, she found herself in a difficult life situation with debts, lonely, in her arms a difficult child, white, pretty, hello, hello, that is, he was talking, well-mannered, everything is fine, that is, no deviations ,
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as some say, he had no one. cursed like others, didn’t make a scandal, so that there , like this, it’s always levochka, come in, levochka, come in, levochka, here, irina broke up with the boy’s biological father a year ago, according to some sources, the man is now is in prison in the usa, he crossed the border illegally, for which i was detained, maybe the couple dreamed of reuniting for orbezh, but the plan did not come true, and the woman moved into her parents’ three-room apartment, but lived alone with the child, grandparents we were always at the dacha, pretty girl. so pretty, in general the family is good, the parents are very good, their children are smart too, she also seems to have a higher education, you go out to your neighbors, you come home from work, you see your neighbors, but i’m practically her i didn’t see my son, i never saw her at all. irina and her son almost never went out; they always ordered delivery even to the grocery store, that is, they lived like hermits. there were versions that the woman could
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have joined a sect; they also allegedly saw someone new. roommate, but so far such assumptions have not found any confirmation. during the next interrogation, the accused fully admitted guilt in the crime she had committed. witnesses are identified and questioned. the necessary forensic examinations have been carried out. shatovo will be elected soon preventive measure, she also has to explain her behavior to the investigators in detail, asks both the boy’s grandparents if they noticed anything strange in their daughter’s behavior, whether there could be depression or... another nervous disorder that led to the tragedy. aleftina marchenko, valentin lyubimov, ntv television company. a circus performance in rostov -on-don ended in tragedy. while performing a dangerous trick , a tightrope walker on a bicycle lost his balance and fell from a height of more than 4 m. it all happened in front of numerous spectators who ran out to arena colleagues were unable to bring the artist to
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his senses. what are you, that's it, he died, he died, a nightmare, that's it, from the scene of the incident he was taken to the hospital, where he died from his injuries, a criminal case was opened on the grounds of a crime provided for in part two of article 143 of the criminal code of the russian federation, violation labor protection requirements. the deceased forty-four-year-old acrobat from colombia from sichsta chivara, his act was one of the main ones in the circus show. it is known that a foreign artist performed without insurance, this was his signature style. yuriy postushenko tried in every possible way to evade responsibility. a man hit a seven-year-old boy at a pedestrian crossing. pastushenko was drunk, driving too fast, and when he hit the child, he simply ran away from the crime scene. together with the lawyer, they came up with a story that everything was not quite like that. they tried to make
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a positive impression on the child’s relatives, even... footage from a road surveillance camera: a white foreign car at high speed passes through an intersection on red, and this is already with... a couple minutes, the same car hits a child at a pedestrian crossing, the boy is thrown onto the sidewalk, the reckless driver brakes and gets out of the steering wheel, then grabs the victim in his arms, carries him from side to side, and then gets into his car and disappears, he could help me, well, take me to the hospital, the first aid seemed to show how it would be like an animal to leave a child like that, i understand that he was also in a state of shock, but... anyway, maybe, maybe he lived, the driver was detained a few hours later, how it turns out he was driving the foreign car was forty-six-year-old yuriy postushenko, already during interrogation he said that he allegedly had a strong fight with his wife that day and decided to go for a ride in the car, until the last
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he convinced the investigators that she had not even taken a gram of alcohol, from the scene of the emergency he went to church, there he prayed for the health of the downed child, and then he drank, and that was because of stress, but the examination showed otherwise. it was established that on august 6, 2023 , pastushenko, driving a skoda yeti car in a state of intoxication, was moving along krasta boulevard at a speed of 112 km/h, significantly exceeding that established for this section of the road. a seven-year-old child had practically no chance of surviving an impact at such a speed. the boy died in the ambulance . the injuries turned out to be too serious. the relatives of the deceased, even a year later , cannot recover from the shock; to this day they
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mourn the death. he came up lumply, let's take a photo, i said, okay, son, and we took a photo, because the woman now only had photographs left of her beloved son, postushenko tried to apologize to the dock and even admitted that he ran away from the place from fright after what happened, but as soon as he heard his prospects for the coming years, he immediately stopped monotonous long speeches with instructions from him too. admitted partially, together with the lawyer they tried to prove that the boy crossed the red traffic light, however, the fimida was not convinced by their arguments, as a result, the court sentenced pastushenko to eight years in
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a general regime correctional colony. deana shribkin, nadezhda zypkina, aislan mongush, alexander tutarinov, ntv television company. in our telegram channel we have posted the full surveillance camera recording. which recorded the tragedy that occurred due to the fault of yuri postushenko. for more than 3 minutes after hitting the child, he walked near his car, grabbed his head, feigned shock at what had happened, and then calmly got into the car and drove off. our telegram channel can be found using the qr code that you see on your screen. point your mobile camera at it or type chpnttv in the messenger search bar, you can leave your comment under this and other publications. and continue to fight the fire under novorossiysk, a serious fire that raged over an area of ​​more than 60 hectares was brought under control, hundreds of people were evacuated, tourist centers were damaged, now volunteers are helping rescuers,
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investigators are working on the spot and have opened a criminal case, but the fight against the elements is complicated by gusty winds and dry weather. for some tourists, this powerful fire near khuttor durso near novorossiysk only recently seemed like something far away. not dangerous, listen guys, but we have a small fire, here are the monstrous shots taken by volunteers and rescuers right in the epicenter of the disaster. 28 and 2.97, we leave, for the second day local residents, firefighters and concerned people are trying to cope with the fire, dry weather and strong wind are doing their job. a small fire that flared up yesterday has already engulfed more than 60 hectares today, the crown fire is the most terrible of all possible, the wind was affecting us, in short, this is it, that’s all. it will also be possible to extinguish it by helicopter. in just a few hours , the fire came close to the recreation centers. tourists had to be evacuated by boat by sea. all roads were cut off by fire. here, in terrible, precise footage, is what remains of one of the tour buses. all the houses
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burned down, there were cribs there. oh, here are the houses, beds, as you can see. it seems that everyone who can has come out to fight the elements, trying to put out the fire. with backpacks and bottles of water, you need to climb the mountains in the heat and breathe fumes and smoke. and it’s hot, like in a bathhouse, it’s burning, okay, let’s put it out further, local motorcyclists also got involved, they take people to a safe place, away from the fire, someone conquers the slopes at speed and carries water for rescuers, there is no water up there, it runs out quickly, dan, handsome, there is water, no, everyone who found themselves in the area of ​​the fire did not remain indifferent, so random
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drivers help the employees... but one of the volunteers pulled out fire dog. the puppy was clearly scared and even refused the sausage given to him, but the main thing is that he is alive. the damage from this powerful fire has yet to be assessed for nature, it is colossal for humans, so far 68 buildings, victims, fortunately, were avoided only by miracle and the efforts of firefighters volunteers charred furniture, tiles, etc. this is all that remains of the house where tourists rested a few days ago. the fire destroyed the building to the ground, and fires are still burning in some places. at the moment , it is known that the spread of the fire was stopped, now it is necessary to extinguish local outbreaks; law enforcement officers have already put forward the version that the raging natural disaster is the work of man. police are considering several versions at once: deliberate arson or careless handling of fire. guard order, a criminal case was initiated. sergey potyakov, pavel kuznetsov and nikita zaborov.
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next, the dream was taken away in the kirov region , developers stopped the construction of ten houses at the foundation stage, what should deceived investors do and how the builders explained the force majeure that happened, you will find out about this, but after a short advertisement, hello roman georgievich, well, what is your official version, revenge is not a thing in pursuit, yes, really, the boss is butting for the chair of the ministry, i beg you very much, be careful, i’m very careful, you you know. you guys are working, cop wars, so what are you saying, you don’t know anything, so maybe i’ll go get a soldering iron, a purely heartfelt confession, that’s good, but what’s the real reason, today at 1645 on ntv, the sberbank loyalty program has been updated, thank you, pay
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brain. 8.800, 100 exactly 1985. 8.800 - 100 exactly 1985. the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs, but with age we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs . this year , a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese mozgterapy, which contains all the phospholipids that contribute to brain restoration. brain therapy is produced in japan and brain aging is possible. return to sleep and it will again serve you faithfully, prolong the youth of your brain, 8800, 100 exactly 1985, 8800 100 exactly 1985, learn more about the japanese brain therapy product, kingfisher, new season, today at
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14:00 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air and we continue our broadcast. no one came to support uvik madayan in court; all his relatives turned away from him. in front of family members and friends. he killed father-in-law an elderly man tried to protect his daughter and children from madayan. and vic mocked his wife, beat the woman, and at some point decided to deal with his father-in-law. the murder itself was captured on surveillance cameras, and madayan never pleaded guilty. diana. quanda is broadcast from the courtroom where the criminal was sentenced. entering the meeting room, hovik madayan probably did not expect to see either his ex-wife or children there, who, after what he had done, changed their names and abandoned their father, he was fine alone, on the bench the defendants lounged imposingly, after so many hearings he had become accustomed to this place. i ask
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that my children be treated in such a way that dad is not a murderer, madoya is a new grubenovich, there is always order. from these words it is clear that he still does not consider himself guilty of the death of a person, a person whom he stabbed to death in front of everyone, a person in his life, a non-random, relative, father-in-law, who until the last tried to protect his daughter from a tyrant husband and all the blow took itself, uh, no business, no business, these shots were taken by the cafe employees, next to which the murder took place, in order to later hand it over to law enforcement officers, they themselves were afraid to interfere in the conflict, the aggressive madayan could have pounced on them, making sure that mihaka kurkchanu, that was the name of the deceased, nothing would help, he fled in his own car, the man was killed, but not killed more, wait, wait, lord, be patient! hovik madayan wanted to return his wife, who, due to constant scandals and beatings, took the children and went to live with her parents, and mihak kurkchan, her father,
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prevented communication, then madayan waylaid his father-in-law at his car and putting a pistol to his head, he ordered to lure his daughter into the car and take her away. towards the region for a conversation, realizing that in this case their fate with lianna was decided, the kurk residents decided to save at least their daughter, turned towards the center and dropped her off at the cafe, here are the shots of a frightened woman running into the establishment, and the doors being blocked behind her, cuts, seeing how blow by blow her husband kills her father, liana was hysterical and her screams could be heard on amateur videos, but the cafe employees did not dare to let her out into the street alone, after what happened she and... left surgut, but she is not much calmer in her new place. if there had been a normal, adequate person, probably at least one person would have been present in court from his side, well, they themselves saw, for 20 years, they saw almost all of this with me, how he treated me, as with the children, as in the future, with
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my parents. madayan burned his car, he himself was hiding in the hotel, his children also listened to all the terrible details of the murder at one of the meetings, we cannot show them. pour poetic considerations, they also declared if the grandfather had not taken the blow himself, then madayan would have dealt with their mother. and there were a lot of such situations, always, absolutely always. at the last word, hovik madayan asked not to isolate him for a long time, they say he wants to raise his son, but this is unlikely to happen, madayan will spend 18 years. maximum security colony. diana kovando, oksana goncharenko and mikhail odinokov, ntv. the dreams of living in a country house did not come true for ten families from the kirov region. they trusted the leaders of the construction company, which promised to build cottages, but it all ended at the foundation stage, how the developers
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explained such force majeure and whether there is a chance to get their money back from deceived clients, daria vezovaya knows. right now , in this very place, alexey stupnikov was supposed to behold his own dream home. this is what a small cottage looks like in the construction of which the family invested all their savings in the pictures, and in reality. the developer promised to do it. quickly and efficiently, but as soon as the foundation was poured and an advance payment was received, the company’s employees disappeared, and now there is no time for them call, the housewarming party has been postponed indefinitely, so we don’t have anywhere to live, we’re living now while my mother is at the dacha, in october we should have looked for either a rented apartment, or somehow tried to do all this before october, i don’t know, you’re thinking , this is really not the case, the couple wanted to move closer to the city so that the eldest son could walk safely. favorite school, but for now, together with two children, they are forced to huddle with their grandmother, five of them, 40 km away. we have so little space that
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we literally live out of suitcases, because there is simply nowhere to place your things. the family found the company on a free classifieds website, everything was beautifully designed, with a lot of positive reviews, now not only the stupnikovs doubt their authenticity; the victims, as it turned out, were more than a dozen people, all of them entered into an agreement with one company, or rather its director alexei. the foundation of his future country house, so bought into the fact that the contractor quickly filled in that there were no questions about extending the contract, even when the contractor was suddenly required to pay the entire amount at once, without while waiting for the intermediate results, he told me, i will never forget. uh, you’ll come on thursday, uh, nothing, you’ll come on sunday, your walls look like, well, everything is fabulous, everything is beautiful, but as soon as the work
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stopped, the clients demanded their money back, in alekzhani they immediately changed their tune on the blacks , they say, the victims in correspondence with the deceived people even allowed themselves threats, because i was in a hurry with the construction, it was necessary to hand over the object - since it was mortgaged to the bank, when i hurried in response, i received threats, what... don't mind your own business, if you interfere, i'll break your head. after one of these conversations, anton korzhavin realized that he would have to learn the profession of a builder himself, but there was no money left for the services of workers. in order to build a house, he took out a mortgage and invested his maternity capital in it, now he is forced to pay off his debts, and the company employees, apparently, do not plan to return the funds, even though a criminal case has been opened against ivan chernykh for fraud . director alexey velikzhanin appears in it as a witness. at the same time, the company,
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parties were held during the day, a completely different atmosphere reigned at night. ivan gubin will tell you who the special forces found in the sauna and what questions arose for the sixty-six-year-old administrator of the establishment. reach nirvana for clients of the sauna of the same name in norafominsk was prevented by amon. the fighters burst into the room with leather sofas in the midst of an event with several half-naked men, but their call companions did not have time to undress, although they had already received payment. who took the money? of the three of you, girls, in your purse there is a modest ladies' essential set, hairspray, a bottle of perfume, deodorant, in general , everything to quickly get yourself in order after the trip. today, when you arrived in maraffaminsk, i today prirofaminsk, when i arrived, today, today i arrived, where from,
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who called you here? this is this one the sixty-six-year-old administrator of the complex knows his job descriptions by heart; he gave tours of the spa center to ordinary visitors, families with children, retirees and companies who came for an ongoing vacation. we start saalnova, explain how to behave here, what needs to be done, how to use everything. but for guests interested in something spicy, there was a pre-list with special services. girls, who called here? well, they left the phone here, who called? part-time job, it’s unclear, in his opinion, it was just a nice addition to his pension. 1.0 rub. what do you get, for each you get,
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for an hour for each 1. did the sauna management know about this scheme, perhaps the administrator is only a performer in his years, the law enforcement officers will figure it out. three women aged from 23 to 36 years were detained. administrative offense protocols were drawn up against them, and the operatives on the spot detained the organizer of illegal activities, who was looking for girls to provide intimate services, agreed with clients on the cost and time, and also kept track of funds. a criminal case has been opened against the administrator of the sauna, until the trial he will remain free under a written undertaking not to leave the place, but the man will most likely have to change his job. ivan. more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel.
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that's all for today, thank you for your attention.
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kingfisher. he's ready, he's getting dressed, ferit arrived late, but he still arrived, he's trying, you know, last night something happened with... again a little overdone, let me in, here i am. grandpa is here,


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