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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 15, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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black forest, firefighters, military personnel and volunteers have been fighting the fire for the second day on the outskirts of novorossiysk, recreation centers have burned down, dozens of hectares of forest have been lost, rescuers call the situation difficult, but controllable. police have launched an investigation into the cause of the fire. achp. in the south of russia, svyatoslav gordin. while the fbi is trying to establish the motives for the assassination attempt on trump throughout america, they are already obvious. alexey veselovsky, about the overwhelming political hatred in the usa. an industry of strategic importance on which the growth of the national economy depends; reliability defense capability. on the eve of metal day , the president took part in the launch of new production facilities in the dpr, chelyabinsk and nizhny novgorod regions, and here there is steel.
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about how the french authorities are preparing for the olympics and the ban on the russian tricolor from paris elizaveta. is 10 years old, what has changed during this time, what technologies and people help patients recover after severe heart surgery. alexey kvashenkin visited. hello, i welcome you.
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dozens of buildings, including residential buildings, in the deputy head of the ministry of emergency situations and the governor of the krasnodar territory flew out to the disaster zone. now the situation has stabilized a little, the spread of the fire was still stopped, aviation, an il-76 plane and 5 helicopters helped, but strong winds can change everything at any moment. svyatoslav gordin is monitoring the situation. he's handsome! volunteers, they are where tourists were just evacuated from.
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we arrived in the near future, in principle, with the fourth ministry of emergency situations vehicle. the first reports of a landscape fire and the evacuation of vacationers appeared yesterday afternoon and since then all the news from novorossiysk was literally hot: tens of hectares of forest were on fire, in some places smoke was spreading over the sea, the wind was carrying the flames quickly and far. they knocked and said, we’re on fire, grab everything, grab everything for the beach. the dry crevice area on the outskirts of novorossiysk, there are many resting bass here and several of them burned down. at least one
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of the bases was completely destroyed. all the people are already passing the third base to escape from the fire. the fire is spreading very quickly. footage taken by eyewitnesses shows burnt-out cars and hundreds of people who came here rest, evacuated, all in a hurry. we have now returned to look at the house, of course we didn’t take everything, some things were burned, my husband’s documents were completely left there, they were burned. nearby there are children's camps and the utrizh nature reserve. 4 years ago, almost 5.00 trees died in a fire there, to the obraud tourism center. emergency response center, firefighting helicopters in the sky, cars on the ground, hundreds of rescuers and volunteers working, additional forces from the ministry of emergency situations from anapa and gelendzhuk, the ministry of defense were sent to extinguish the fire provided the helicopter with the il-76 aircraft. i ’ve never seen anything like this before, i’ve been working for 9 years, it’s just some kind of nightmare. the flames reached the road,
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moving very quickly due to the strong wind. this morning the situation was called difficult, but controllable, then it seemed that the flames would go further towards khutra dyursoo, which is only a few kilometers away. the wind is upon us. in this case , two temporary accommodation points have been deployed if ders has to be evacuated. rescuers warned people about possible developments through loudspeakers. attention, attention, threat of forest fire, for not being ready to catch it. the beach of the farm became one of the gathering places for evacuees. people were gathered here and then transported to safe places on boats. there is no threat to residential buildings or populated areas and continues. experts talk about colossal damage to the nature of the region, relict plants were destroyed, animals died, and
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it will take centuries to restore the ecosystem. well, since almost all living things in this area, both animals and plants, burned out, the area is very high, then the recovery period will be very... the fire can be quickly identified and responded to. now we are talking about round-the-clock monitoring in potentially dangerous places. one person was injured during the fire and suffered burns to his hand. volunteers rescued a puppy during one of the raids. the fire broke out near tourist centers. the police are now interviewing eyewitnesses and experts are working.
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a criminal case has been opened into the fire. now in the south it is very hot in novorossiysk, well over 30. the fire could have occurred for many reasons. the air is residential buildings on the outskirts of novorossiysk are normal, so they say. specialists. svyatoslav gordin, maxim smagin, ekaterina belousova, sergey polyansky and vitaly minin. ntv television company. today, new details have emerged in the investigation into the assassination attempt on donald trump. it became known that twenty-year-old thomas matthew crooks, who shot at trump a few hours before the attack, purchased 50 rounds of ammunition. this was reported by cnn , citing sources. according to the associated press, an explosion was found in the criminal's car at home. chat, and his face found in a commercial for a well-known investment company. according to preliminary data, he had no connection with the terrorists, but the attack was carefully planned. in this regard, many questions arose to the secret service, which was responsible for security. reports have emerged that some of
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the employees who were supposed to guard trump at a rally in pennsylvania were transferred to another event with the participation of first lady jill biden. trump was left with only two snipers, and several more. rally participants they say that they saw a suspicious man with a weapon on the roof of a neighboring house and reported this to the police, but they did not react in any way. trump himself said that a miracle saved his life; the bullet flew literally a centimeter from his head; if he had not turned a little to the right to read the data on illegal migrants, the result would have been different. trump also said biden called him to check on his health. today trump is going to speak at his party's convention in wisconsin. there must officially announce the name of the candidate for the us presidential election from republicans. no one has any doubt that it will be trump. the bullet that should have destroyed him only added to his
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popularity. and according to the latest data, the federal court for the southern district of florida has cleared trump of charges of improper storage of secret documents. this is minus one thing. a criminal case, which representatives of the prosecution, by the way, considered the most promising. meanwhile, the biden campaign is discussing a change in election tactics after the assassination attempt on trump. and now, according to the wall street journal, democrats have suspended the show propaganda videos. they think whether it is worth criticizing their opponent right now. republicans believe that it was the atmosphere of hatred and constant threat from the democratic party that led to this assassination attempt. about new turns in the election race in the united states. after the assassination attempt on trump in america, only the lazy, perhaps, now do not condemn political violence; not only republicans and supporters of the ex-president of the united states speak out, but also his political opponents, democrats, also unanimously repeat that such unacceptable, president biden, for example,
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has been talking about this to the country for 2 days in a row. i want to talk to you today about the need to lower the temperature in our politics. although we may disagree, we are not enemies, we are neighbors, we are friends, colleagues, citizens, and most importantly, we are americans, we should be together, all of this sounds of course very true, only... "donald trump, the real threat to this country, he is a threat to our freedom, he is a threat to our democracy, he is literally a threat to everything america stands for, and 24 hours before the assassination attempt on trump, president the usa published the following post: america wants a president, not a dictator, of course, by dictator we mean trump. almost 8 years liberal."
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they sculpted a real monster out of trump - washington post headline. yes, it’s normal to compare trump with hitler. this is when he announced his participation in the elections, and then they followed suit. american fascism, the big lie of trump and hitler. they became trump portray with a hitler mustache on posters. this is
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a lot in the campaign against him and a couple of biden’s speeches cannot cure the disease. after all, it is precisely this kind of criticism of trump that the us president’s election headquarters has so far decided to refrain from any campaigning and has postponed all of biden’s trips around the country indefinitely, while trump, meanwhile, went to the republican convention in meluki, where he will of course be...
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metal is needed for re-equipment of the army and navy, for civil aviation, astronautics, for mechanical engineering and medicine. vladimir putin noted that the industry is becoming more and more high-tech. advanced developments make it possible to produce metals with special properties, which opens up new possibilities. and according to the president, modernization must be continued and the state will support enterprises with investments. nikita korzin, more details. july 21, third sunday.
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metallug day. congratulations are arriving today. we are proud of your achievements, your significant contribution to the development of the domestic metallurgy, which is of course of strategic importance for our entire country, for increasing its industrial potential, implementing large infrastructure projects, and equipping the army. that is, for the further growth of the national economy, reliable provision of defense and security of the homeland. the president launched production in three regions of the country at once, which will provide jobs and produce critically important products. in the donetsk people's republic , the fifth blast furnace was put into operation at the yenakievo metallurgical plant. vladimir vladimirovich, allow me to start producing pig iron with the fifth furnace domino. of course i allow it. air with a high oxygen content ignites the coke. a sheaf of sparks, like a fireworks display
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symbolizes the return to life of the stove, which has stood idle for the past four years. this will allow us to increase the production of cast iron and continuous cast billets and ensure steel production of more than 1 million tons per year. in general, the first cast iron was smelted at the yanakievsky plant in 1897. a fact that emphasizes the importance of metallurgy for the region. today, about 18 thousand residents of the dpr are employed in the industry. and the authorities take this into account, including the region into the single economic space of russia. particular attention is now paid to the revival of the metallurgical industry donbass complex. we have detailed plans to restore investment. and integration of enterprises into nationwide cooperation chains. last year they increased production volumes by 30%, to 2.5 million tons. and they plan to achieve similar dynamics this year. and the nizhny novgorod region got in touch with the president. at the ruspolimed enterprise, vladimir putin’s teams were waiting to launch the vacuum-arc and electroslag remelting furnace. with great
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pleasure he allows it. thank you very much, we, together with the governor, are pushing this. button, we give a signal to our operator, the spark plug complex has been put into operation, which means that the nizhny novgorod enterprise will be able to double the production of heat-resistant steels, alloys and products made from them, in particular those used in aircraft and shipbuilding. i congratulate you on today’s event: the company employs 3,500 people, the average age is 40 years, that is, in terms of age, the composition is simply wonderful, already mature. the workers are still young. in the chelyabinsk region, the launch of industrial and social facilities specially for metallurgist day was called a tradition, welcoming putin from the main control post of the new coke oven battery. the famous magnitogorsk iron and steel works has launched the production of dry coking coal. allow us to begin dispensing coke from the new coke batteries. of course it starts. thank you. from now on, the magnet
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will be able to produce 2.5 million tons. plant employees. last year the company produced 13 million tons of steel. an excellent indicator. great. in general, in 23, russia , vladimir putin said, took first place in the production of high-grade nickel, second in aluminum production, third in the production of titanium products, fifth in steel production volumes. in general, the metallurgical industry in russia. the president was asked to take part in yet another launch that is not really specialized; for several years now the magnitogorsk plant has been developing an attraction park in the city, there is already a place to roam, bridges, attractions, ski
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slopes, there will be a thermal complex and a hockey academy, but today the head of state was asked give the go-ahead to start work. ice jets rushed upwards sviridov's time forward, written based on the music for schweitzer's film of the same name, the film tells about the construction of a magnet, about the character and exploits of people whose professional holiday is already this sunday. nikita korzun, yulia letunovskaya and oleg damer, ntv. there are fighters in the kharkov region. northern troop groups defeated units of four enemy brigades at once, including air assault, marines and the national guard. according to the ministry of defense, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 200 people, as well as several tanks and howitzers. american made. without western equipment, the nationalists remained in the zone of action of our southern group of troops in the area of ​​​​the village of ilyinka, russian troops
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destroyed a british ac-90 self-propelled artillery unit. there are more staff. the targets were taken from the air and published by the ministry of defense. in the avdeevka direction, our fighters expanded the front of the offensive with artillery groupings of forces in the center , covering the assault groups, and hit the area where the ukrainian armed forces personnel and equipment were concentrated. combat operations in a wide the use of drones against enemies is a mandatory stage in the training of our fighters. experienced instructors teach them to rely not only on the air defense system. stormtroopers under attack from drones. must act in such a way as to reduce losses to a minimum. evgeniy golovanov visited the training ground and saw training sessions that were as close as possible to real conditions. combat training at the training ground for attack aircraft often begins without warning. grenade, grenade. i'm already angry, me too. stun and shellless grenades, instructors
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every now and then they throw things at the fighters for no joke. they must be ready for real shelling or airdrop at any moment. and they are not afraid of them, well , one will be blown up, the whole squad will be blown up, everyone starts to panic, the head should be cold, a grenade, this is an element of preparation like that, yes, of course, well, that is, today it unexpectedly happens, the same reset, it can fly up, you you don’t even hear it, you hear a click, you run away all at once, mechanically fall, that’s it, ukrainian nationalists often release whole swarms of drones with drops at attackers.
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with small weapons, storm fortified areas using machine guns and machine guns; on the second, they work with heavier weapons. so, every day until their movements are brought to automaticity. a machine gunner is a valuable fighter in an assault group, but you can’t penetrate armor, and getting close to armored vehicles to throw grenades at them under heavy fire is a difficult task. this is where mobile artillery comes into play. grenade throwers work in pairs, one carries a bull and identifies targets, the second fires. in forty-degree heat under scorching under the sun, in dust and constant noise, they will again practice every element
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of the offensive, covering kilometers around the training ground in full combat gear. in this regard, it is easier for motorcyclists. our soldiers began to use motorcycles during assaults relatively recently and very effectively. the main advantage is high speed and mobility. the enemy sometimes does not even have time to aim or raise artillery at the attackers. drones, the enemy does not expect that we will appear from somewhere not along the usual road, where equipment goes there, but from somewhere on the grass from the field we appear, we break in, the enemy simply does not expect an attack from the flank, here we are here and we are winning, they are taught not just to fight, but to win ; dozens of liberated settlements were awarded to the account of the assault detachment of the first slavic brigade; several soldiers who distinguished themselves during the assaults today were awarded right at the training ground state thank you again, guys, for your joyful work, for all the work you do for our great russia, evgeny golovanov, maxim belikov and
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yuri krivosheev, ntv, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special military operation. in moscow today, a memorial plaque was unveiled in memory of military commander rostislav zhuravlev, who died in the special operation zone. the ceremony took place near the building of the russia today media group, where did he work and from where? left on his last business trip. the agency's management also approved scholarships named after zhuravlev, which will be awarded, including to the best student of the faculty of journalism of moscow state university. in 2022, the year the special operation began, rastislav zhuravlev won the golden pen award for courage in fulfilling his journalistic duty. he died last july in as a result of ukrainian shelling in the zaporozhye region. there he prepared a report on the application.
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and people help patients recover from major heart surgery. alexey kvashenkin visited. lift 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lift 52 is an expert in liver cleansing and restoration. this is a simple loan, only at sofkom bank. i help you buy with maximum profit
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at the megamarket, for example, a cordless screwdriver for 779 rubles with 25% cashback. the series wilk, who leaves mother, is scary ruthlessness, pure, look navink, a fabulous chicken is needed. for sweet dreams, rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, and the most tender chicken for burgers at the delicious point, new curry sauce in chicken premier and chicken hit carry, try it at the delicious point, gotcha, feel the silky softness of the absorbent pads for the most delicate skin, the pharynx is good where there is concern, symptoms of hemorrhoids can be pain, tooth, thanks to its complex action, proctoglevinul can help cope with the symptoms of hemorrhoids, helps reduce inflammation and improve vascular tone - your assistant in
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the fight against hemorrhoids. it's all about fermentation, extra broth, moscow coffee shop on the waist, taste, pleasure, love, recommend, one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge, and now she’s on the internet all the time, have time to connect megapower to unlimited before the end of summer so that the internet ... it didn’t end there will be jago-jago only in a megaphone business needs acceleration just open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb we help with action. oh great. is the supermarket now cooper? is the supermarket now cooper? super super! the supermarket is now cooper! supermarket!
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now cooper, super, zbermarket is now cooper, zbermarket is now cooper, and what has changed, for starters, the name, cooper, delivery is super, elena vasilievna, dmitry, come in, come in, veda vasilievna, i feel great, but somehow i want to invest in health , what do you recommend, there is one company that will definitely work, thank you, elena vasilivna. for your health, invest in promomet shares. obstetrician: on weekends 20:00 on ntv. weather sensitivity, dizziness, sleep disturbance, weakness, increased anxiety, all these can be signs of vsd. eltacin is an assistant in the fight against vsd. start your business journey with sber support. they will open an account in the sberbank business, help with accounting, legal issues and
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connect online. deliver orders and decide when to receive money, even every day, yes, i even manage this video, become a courier with yandex food, manage your income, stars on weekends at 22:10 on ntv, this is a program today, we continue our issue, the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban
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, continues his... peacekeeping mission to resolve the ukrainian conflict, and he is planning new foreign trips, in addition to those already made to moscow, kiev and beijing. this was reported today by the administration of the head of the hungarian government, where they emphasized that budapest will use its presidency of the council of the european union to create conditions for peace negotiations on ukraine. and orban’s plan, which takes into account a realistic assessment of the situation, is already on the desks of all heads of state eu. the activity of the hungarian leader was expected. perelog in brussels, european officials have already begun to put a spoke in his wheels. an informal summit of eu foreign ministers is scheduled to take place in budapest in august, where they plan to discuss ukraine. but the head of european diplomacy, barel, in order to disrupt this, as orban’s propaganda show was put in brussels, decided to convene their summit of foreign ministers of european countries on the same day in order to prevent them from coming to hungary. well, for now the european bureaucrats are trying to interfere
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with anyone. initiatives that do not fit into the notorious kiev peace formula, they predicted a twofold reduction in the population of ukraine, as stated in the organization’s report, in a quarter of a century there will be just over 15 million ukrainians left, and in the meantime, more and more tourists are refusing to travel to paris during the olympic games, the european press writes about this with reference to the country's largest airline. viewers do not want to go to the capital of the fifth republic because of the terrorist threat and social tension. high prices and banal hygiene problems. economists have calculated that these starts were too expensive before they even started. they spent more than 5 billion euros on the games, this is against the backdrop of a budget crisis; paris is unlikely to be able to recoup its investments; the rights union is threatening to disrupt the olympics if the mayor’s office does not listen to them. it is expected that protests and pogroms will sweep into the capital of the fifth republic and outside the olympics, all this after the parliamentary elections, which only weakened the position
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of the current government. about problems of an olympic scale, elizaveta gerson. there is concern that some players at the summer olympics in paris will be on fire. in solnechny. british sustainability association. the sport and the organization published a report in rings of fire. they warn that the july-august heat can lead to a breakdown of athletes or their death. british scientists, who are not experiencing a decline in research forces, promise one undoubted world record at this olympiad - heat, and a quick renaming of the summer games into spring or autumn due to global warming. the minister was surprised by the wetsuit.
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obviously i don't want russian the delegation was in paris while this war was going on. what if under a neutral flag? in fact , it does not exist; sometimes there are dissident athletes who compete under a special flag, under the flag of refugees.
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the refugee team at the paris olympics will include 36 people, representing 100 million displaced people. displaced people can be seen right on the streets of paris; on the eve of the olympics, authorities evicted them 101 km away. thousands of homeless immigrants. the olympic village and stadium are located in the helde france district, where two of the three residents are migrants. in in 2015, a terrorist attack was committed at this stadium. three suicide bombers blew themselves up at the entrance. then, as a result of coordinated terrorist attacks in different areas of paris, 130 people were killed. and now the threat of terrorist attacks remains relevant. 20 thousand soldiers and 40 thousand police will be deployed on the streets. some roads will be blocked. many paris metro stations. during renovations, residents are afraid of a transport collapse and are leaving the capital; according to one of the queries, 44% of parisians think the games are a bad idea. i think the city will be a complete mess, big number of roads blocked from developments. i don’t
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think i’ll stay in the city, i’ll take a vacation and leave. neither biden nor the expected number of tourists will attend the games. athletes from israel will compete at the olympics; most russian and belarusian athletes were not invited. here at the olympic stadium in paris, our tricolor is prohibited on any media, journalists, athletes, spectators. not only our anthem was banned, but also tchaikovsky’s first symphony, which became the unofficial anthem, it irritated the international olympic committee and... instead of tchaikovsky's first symphony, it would be useful for the international olympic committee to listen to his 1812 overture, it
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is dedicated to the victory of russia over france. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin and maxim zaichenko, ntv television company, paris. at the strategic session of the russian government today.
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on the initiative of the head of state, within 6 years , a network of twelve advanced flagship schools will be formed in all districts of the russian federation; modern teaching practices will be used in them. the main objective. we will make sure that children receive knowledge in a comfortable environment, can try themselves in creativity, science, and sports, and we will focus the education system on helping to unlock the potential of each student. today messages came again that
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arkady volash may return, but of course not to the russian yandex, to what is left of him abroad. today yandex announced that the procedure for changing owners and dividing the company, which has lasted for the last 2 years, has been completed, the former parent structure of yandex, registered in the netherlands yandex nv sold its russian business, it is reported that it completely withdrew from the shareholders and until june 31. this year will change its name and stop using yandex brands; as previously reported, the transaction amount was $5 billion 200 million; for comparison, in the forbes ranking of the most valuable runet companies for the twenty-second year, yandex was valued at $17 billion. the new owner of yandex is the closed-end investment fund consortium one, which will include the company's managers and four more shareholders, from the list of which the mass audience will probably most. yandex itself stated that after
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the transaction it will remain private and independent. today alexey kudrin announced that now only one yandex will remain, that trading in the company’s shares on the moscow exchange will begin on july 24, he himself remains in yandex advisors. as for the dutch yandex nv, which was the parent company of yandex for 20 years, now this company will include several former foreign businesses of yandex. presumably yandex. and the central bank announced today that
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it will no longer publish daily data on volumes of over-the-counter trading in us dollars, euros and yuan against the ruble. official wording to limit the impact of sanctions. the caucasus investment forum opened today in grozny. the title of today's plenary session: the greater caucasus from sea to sea. deputy prime minister alexander novyk clarified that this meant the black and caspian seas, said that... this is an ambitious task, it is being carried out
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at an accelerated pace in the north caucasus, well, the key investments, according to alexander novyk, last year in the north caucasus increased by 17%, which is significantly higher than the national average. today the so -called qualifying pool for participants from the city of onadar began at school 21 sber. sberbank says that at school 21, anyone can get a profession that is in demand in it. those who pass the selection will work in teams, both online and offline, together with participants from other regions. zber says that this format was developed specifically for hard-to-reach and sparsely populated regions. opening of a high-tech technology in chukotka campus school 21, i think this is quite a significant event. i am sure that you have a large number of talented young guys who definitely want to keep up with the times. and it doesn't even matter. what they want to do in life, it’s just that today
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you can’t do anything modern in life if you don’t master digital technologies, between the government, today sber signed an agreement with the kemerovo region, school 21 will also open there. german greb says that this is an important step in diversification economy of the region. from today in russia begins an experiment on preferential mortgages for officials, or as formulated in the government resolution on providing housing for civil servants. on mortgages at 6%. the experimental mortgage for officials also looks very targeted, only 90 people will be able to participate in it, 18 from each department, and so far only five have been approved: the ministry of finance, the ministry of trut, the ministry of construction, the federal tax service and the federal treasury. moreover, to participate in this program, an official must be under 35 years of age inclusive,
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and he must be especially distinguished, for example, have a state award, a certificate of honor or gratitude from the president, or encouragement from the government. in such cases, the state, at the expense of the budget, will compensate for the cost of the required 33 km according to the standard, of which one part will go towards the down payment, and the other part will be completely covered by the amount of the principal debt; also, the budget will partially compensate for interest payments on the mortgage, everything that is more than 30 to 33 km will have to be paid by the official pay for it yourself, as the kommersant newspaper notes, in the office of deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko explain the program by desire. the rehabilitation center for children with heart defects turns 10 years old, what has changed during this time, what technologies and people help
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patients recover after severe heart surgery, alexey kvashenkin visited. you can immediately use your own marketplace for money, it turns out, open a deposit with a rate of 20%. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. choose your favorite brands on wildberries. polarris - convenient and technologically advanced, everything for the home and kitchen. create a cozy atmosphere with smart technology polaris cookware with discounts at valberries.
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shameful, great. and yandex travel is also profitable. up to 20% discount on your first hotel booking using the promotional code summer. our new name is t-bank, where you can still turn dance into a world heritage. sport is an invincible machine. let's go, go into space and send mom a star from the sky. be the best for your own. for everyone in the world, turn a department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work into a dream, tradition into
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innovation, only here you can change your name without betraying yourself, remaining yourself in a country that... never comes over sun, he's the only one. pairs of chicken premier and chicken hit with the new kari sauce at a competitive price. does your business need acceleration? that's right, open a current account on and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb, we help business. oh great, is the supermarket now cooper? the supermarket is now cooper, super. great, the supermarket is now cooper. and what changed to begin with, the name kuoper delivery is super, i wanted to open a deposit at 18%, does it work? it turns out that money has its own marketplace. financial services, financial marketplace from the moscow exchange. this is
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the program today. we continue our release. complex medical problems are solved today at the bakulev rehabilitation center in moscow. this is the world's first specialized clinic that treats children with defects. according to statistics, approximately 7,000 babies are born in russia every year, with this congenital pathology, many almost immediately undergo emergency operations and after them patients always require recovery, which is usually difficult, this has been done by the doctoral center for 10 years now, using the latest technologies and techniques. alexey kvashenkin, more details. there are different heart surgeries, some take place in a matter of minutes and the patient can go home in the evening. but it is impossible
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to correct all heart ailments with minor intervention. surgeries on an open, stopped heart can last for hours, and there is often one such not enough. at our institute of cardiac surgery named after vladimir ivanovich burakovsky, approximately 2600-2800 operations are performed, which is a lot. the rehabilitation center for children with heart defects has been operating for 10 years now, this is their first anniversary, i must say that the work organized here is not as simple as it seems and not as obvious. fly, fly, petal, through the west, to the east, it’s in a fairy tale, you can make a wish, and the disease will disappear forever, and the healed child
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will rush off to play catch-up, but the prohar knows that in life everything is completely different, and now look, you come back here with your face like this and try to do the next movement, he undergoes procedures such as exercise therapy, that is, he does physical therapy, he had a special massage so that fluid does not accumulate . i must say that 10 years ago, when the center was created, there was not so much equipment here, an imitation of a mountain slope or devices similar to exercise bikes, but with biofeedback, well done, everything is very good, i got the perfect rhythm. on the monitor specialists display the indicators of each patient and the device adapts the load individually. well done, everyone, each of them has been given an individual load, everyone fits into this load, everyone is disciplined, everyone maintains the necessary speed, so they feel
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wonderful, and if the purpose of the equipment in some rooms is quite clear, then others evoke a feeling of nature in an outsider, you need will take this sphere and throw it somewhere far, far away, as if it were some kind of ball there, for example, what relation can virtual reality glasses have to recovery, however, if you look closely,
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go for a walk, play, communicate, let’s say, children communicate with each other, this, i would say, is more, it’s like a sanatorium, that’s why so much attention is paid here to simple children's activities, draw together, play, participate in activities, forget that just recently someone was on the operating table, and this also works, it’s just very difficult to measure rehabilitation in anything, yes, in some numbers, unlike, for example, the same covid, the second moment, rehabilitation, sometimes... you don’t feel why this works, and this doesn’t work, yes, it’s not like we give the medicine, we understand what the mechanism of action should be, but you do everything
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possible, we do everything is possible, that's true. recently, by the way, there was a match between patients and staff, and the patients, characteristically, won. this is probably one of the best evidence that rehabilitation here is going as it should. alexey kvashenkin, alesya selivanova, dmitry smirnov and vyacheslav nosov, tv component. in the capital of mongolia today we met auto and motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the world. volanbather finished the final stage of the multi-day rally raid, the silk road. its participants covered over 2.0 km more difficult. routes through the taiga, mountains, deserts, some crews drowned and even burned, but everything worked out and today they honored those who were able to overcome obstacles from mongolia, report by vladimir bogomolov, everything is drawn out, everything is fine, just check and relax, let's go. on the night before the finishing section at the bivouac, the parking area is much quieter than usual and not crowded. the crews repair the vehicles themselves. according to rally rules, athletes must complete
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the final marathon without the help of numerous mechanics. support teams remained hundreds of kilometers away in the past bievaka. i’m glad for the guys that they have one day of rest, because they worked like that for 2 weeks that they don’t know what date and what day of the week it is, so let them rest. each mistake could lead to a breakdown and elimination, but those catching up did not spare the cars and tried to minimize the gap from the leaders. had to fight not only with difficult terrain. mongolia is a country of millions of roads and, what is a special stage for athletes, for local residents it can easily turn out to be a completely everyday passage or a pasture, as in this case. these goats and goats are in the way of the oncoming caravan, and we will try to drive them away diplomatically. gifts in the form of canned borch did not help overcome the language barrier. a helicopter from raleigh organizers arrived to help. we
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were given leaflets in mongolian. the shepherd realized the danger and took the animals away. from under attack. there was no sensation in the truck classification. pilot maza, last year's winner, broke down in the sand on the eighth stage and lost too much time. the first in the general classification was the crew of dmitry sotnikov. the five-time winner of the silk road rally is already at the finish line. the kamaz-master pilot is as serious as possible, thinking not about celebrations, but about working on mistakes. yes, there are a number of technical issues related to the subframe, here. there were a lot of problems with transportation, so we will mainly deal with this, because it gives speed and should not cause problems with stops. not all those who started from tomsk reached the finish line in ulambater, this was due to injury and breakdown; sergei koryakin’s crew first sank, then burned, but still reached the end and ended up first in the stage. there was water, there was fire, there were no copper pipes, thank god, even if you can imagine how it could have been, but we are at the finish line, we
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covered the entire distance from start to finish, 100% in kilometres. and what is important to say is that this is the first car in the world of a new generation, who drove the rally marathon for such a long time, before these cars broke down, our team managed to perform a miracle again. the foreign part of the rally was able to surprise even the mongolian athlete. for a long time, murun purivdor was in the lead on an iron horse, but closer to the finish line he lost to the russian motorcycle racer alexei naumov. there were big dunes, very impressive. to be honest, i have never seen these in mongolia, i didn’t even know that we had them. i will definitely come back here after the race. this is rali, the fourteenth, in a row. one of the most diverse in terms of relief changes. forest, taiga, then mountains, then, then the dunes began, then rocky mountain areas, canyons, many even joked, well , in general, everything is there, only well, only palm trees are missing. throughout the urals, the athletes were accompanied by loyal fans. this family
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from novosibirsk was at several finishes of special stages.
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temperature anomalies in the center of the south of european territory will most likely last until the end of the working week, but for now it has become easier only in the north, where it is closer to 20° and a lot of rain. in the west there is light rain during the day around +27, but in kaliningrad it is above thirty, and a day later also in other areas of the region. in the center tomorrow it will again reach thirty and above, a small cyclone will shed thunder showers in the kostroma, ivanovo, vladimir regions, and will also fall in the moscow region. the more southern regions, the chernozem region, the volga region, will not get the saving moisture, and there in some places it is up to 35. and for the south , languishing in the forty-degree heat, there is no rain in the forecast. the situation with...
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even more and better price. meola valar - fungus treatment without overpayments. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be about 25°, no precipitation during the day, in moscow short rains, thunderstorms in places again 30-32. almost the same on wednesday. on thursday we are expecting heavier rains, which should turn the situation around. at the end of the week, according to preliminary forecasts, it will no longer be higher than 26. well, +30 suited me, i’m still as old as i am. with the weather forecast, well, these are the main news for this hour and we, elmira iendieva and vladimir chernyshov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye, yes, lyuban,
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i’ll be there soon, prepare, well, prepare something, fry some meat, wait, second line, okay, that’s it, come on, bye, mommy’s calling. yes, mommy. if you do everything right, your mother won't get hurt. give her the phone. roma, he has a gun. dad, where? and he hasn't returned yet. is he alone? do you have a bullet for the murder of a gajnik? let's say. they'll call you back now. do what they tell you. and your mother. will not suffer, what are the guarantees, we don’t need you to have a personal motive to look for us, i will still look for you, yes, but not like that, wait for the call.
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yes, why didn’t you answer for so long? chief in the office came in. you didn't want him to hear our conversation, did you? i had to answer so that i could hear. your conversation. okay, next time i'll keep that in mind for the future. okay, pick up the phone.


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