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tv   Melnik  NTV  July 16, 2024 2:30am-3:31am MSK

2:30 am
what's going on? ira, well, i'm tired of explaining. i can't not see my wife at all. i must somehow take part in family life. this is so don’t talk nonsense, just yesterday you were not at all interested in family life. tell me what happened, what kind of fight was this with pavlov? you don’t look like yourself, where are you running in panic? it’s my business, where am i running, why am i flying? i don't have to answer to you. very good. have a good flight.
2:31 am
so who's there? this is botey, come in, i advised you kritsov. i hope i would also tell me something, tell me a little more than i wished, don’t get carried away, it’s just a drawing, well, well, well, well. wiring diagram for
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controlling security cameras, do you want to control it from a computer? let's agree, lefty, questions are only relevant, i pay, you do how i will manage, my business. no questions, you’ll get the second half the day after tomorrow when i come for the order, the day after tomorrow, okay, don’t hesitate, i’ll do it, it happens, right?
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here you go, don’t cry, your bag is intact, to hell with it, no, i’m not going anywhere with these, we’re from slightly different clubs, i’m just not used to taking someone else’s, sorry, i’m not in shape today. wow, out of shape,
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i saw how you hit this guy with a bag, if i hadn’t saved him, you would have killed him, i’m somehow worried about you, you’re crying and laughing, let me see you out, but then yours, i see the area here is not very good, show me out, please. well, your friend is the boss, we only agreed to scare you, what can you do, she wasn’t afraid of you, the costs of the profession, and he hit him so hard, you should throw a couple of grand at the treatment, so to speak, you can throw it on.
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lost, lost everything, and then i met him kazamata, in 1994 at the station,
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he was begging there, stealing, well, i took him in, fed him, he followed me. i went straight away, what else did he need, to eat, sleep, wash, and then i straightened out the documents for him, that he was my son, this station ruined him, he became bitter, i thought that with kindness... you can heal all wounds, apparently not all.
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you are an amazing woman, secretary, assistant, i don’t need such a secretary and bodyguard, yes, but by the way, i still don’t know your name, irina, irina, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman, by the way. let’s not, i need him badly, by the way, i ’m in business myself, i’ve been a solid businessman,
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for 5 years, but let’s not talk about it, let’s meet a teacher or a doctor, a public sector employee, in general, by the way, i also know how to be personal. including mental wounds, do you want anything, can i cure you? thank you, this is my apartment, you know, i have a feeling that i saw you somewhere, maybe it’s fate? goodbye for everything, yes. may it’s a bummer, andrevich, in general, all efforts
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are in vain, uh-huh, yes, that’s it, i just have one thing and... it’s true, i’m not feeling myself, andreychik, seplyarsky without me, come in, sergei vasilyevich, when he comes in, behave calmly, immediately invite him to sit down, please do no harm. neither for himself, nor for him, no significant movements, guys, fire will immediately open, yes, i understood, i understood everything, i understood everything, and you called an hour and a half ago, you can get to any point in st. petersburg here in an hour,
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we’re waiting. they stood over my soul to the phone, they took the phone number, return it, but no, no, i didn’t
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warn you, but you saw us, remember, when we were at pavlov’s house, it seemed to me that someone is looking at us from the forest, but you copied us, but what about a declaration of war or something, more like a challenge, they say, catch me if you can, he is confident that he will win, and we ’ll see about that, but for now 1 :0 in favor of dad, andryusha, sit down, dear, how many years, how many winters, and how many years have we not seen each other, and yes, at least 100 years, what can you say from the bottle, arkadvich? well,
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clofilin was found in bottles washed off, so, well, not so, the fact is that the glass of this substance is only a fraction of a milligram, which means that the dose it was minimal, god forbid they euthanize one, but not five, and even more so, from such a dose it is simply impossible to send them to intensive care, well, he also says, the symptoms of poisoning suggest the presence of some other drug, and why then was clofilin mixed in to distract the eyes, working version, you understand, the regional laboratory would not be able to establish the amount of the substance in any case, but it would be able to issue the necessary conclusion with the necessary word clafilin, that’s what happened, then what did they poison them with? well, to this question, andryusha, i’m afraid you no longer have anyone
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will not answer, in any case, the blood should have been taken immediately, although if there is nothing in the blood, then the timing does not play a role here, so the question of what they poisoned you with will only be answered by the one who poisoned you.
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“hello, hello, milik, are you someone who burned the car, what are you talking about, that’s it, i can’t talk, come on, bye, damn it!” nice to meet you, the captain of the criminal investigation department of grom, he's not good at picking pockets, what else was lying on the bed, thank you, at least the name is real, but why are you leaking, you yourself yesterday wanted a state employee, well, a doctor, there are teachers, well, i'm a policeman, what a the difference is i i remembered where i saw you, yesterday in a restaurant,
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and secondly, if i didn’t like you, if your boss had ordered at least half of his friends, i wouldn’t have approached you, he didn’t order anyone, do you understand? i understand, i understand, why did they fight in the restaurant yesterday? it's none of your business, do you have any other questions? eat. alone, i'll see you tomorrow, i don't want to see you, never, well, okay, if you change your mind, you have my phone number,
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get out, as you say, listen, brother, don't flash the money, then these chains will rob you, you won't even notice, oh, what kind of money, i don’t mind such money, i wish i could take it now. yes fall into the hut, and it’s still unclear how long we’ll be steaming here, well, yes, the boss just quarreled with his last time, we hung out here until the morning, listen, we want to eat, but to keep the kolyans, look, people are worse off than
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open for us, who? hey, you, let's get out of here, you'll get out of here in the morning, but he won't go into the city, there's a lot of risk, there's a camera at every step, and a mansion. most likely this is on the way out of the city on the way to his cottage community. this means that tomorrow we will go there and study the situation on the spot.
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i hope the whole group will be assembled and thunder coutru will be able to achieve his goal. by the way, they say, the partner ordered, the granny took a lot, as long as you can talk, let's go, girls, now we'll go, now, beauties, go for a ride, here, by the way, is my light car,
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now i'll open it, we're not seeing you, here's how i ordered everything , i really had to tinker, in such places you make an appointment in baht, i’ll make a vermitage appointment, more
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fuss, less attention to us, usual psychology. thank you for your work, thank you, take care of yourself, in general, rum, it turns out that the big guy didn’t lie and didn’t lie, there was clafilin in the bottle, this. “the trace still remained, i gave the bottle to ensign lyadov, and told him to give it
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to the worker at the station, if you don’t create phantom theories that someone stole this bottle, then it could only end up with the convoy with the help of ensign lyanov, and now i have..." a lot of questions for this ensign, nothing, let's get the address , ask everything you need, and then we'll ask, oh, text message from svirinov, where are you, that's what i told you, well, thank you, livsha, that's a pleasure , so pleased, endoscope, yeah, information shift, it’s transferred to the tablet, control is from it, you’ll check it, yes, i will, come on,
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what’s so sloppy, huh? shot out of you, i knew that you would check, i didn’t think that it was on me, now about the payment, sales, the parts cost twice as much, plus the urgency, and the same amount and we are in the calculation, of course, right, how they say you get paid according to your work, right? and you slept,
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now explain what it was, vadim alekseevich, yes, it’s some kind of janitor, he came up to take the garbage into the trash can, and then took out the trunk of what, uh, what did it look like, yes no way, chock, kind of dark-skinned, like all of them, and chock - is that you? the janitor used a veterinary pistol to kill your healthy forehead like a sick cow, should you have shot him in the head? vadim aleksimyevich, the papers need to be signed, ira, not now, well, it’s urgent, dezhnev asks you to send everything with signatures, they’ll wait, they’ll wait, let me talk, one more mistake, and you’ll go to the streets of revenge yourself, okay? freely, judging by the descriptions of the guys, this janitor is the baht, i already understood that, what should i
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do, as soon as he kills pavel, he will come to me, he knows that i ordered this freak, and what’s worse, he knows that i handed him over to the cops, he will shoot me too, we must try to intercept him, either before the murder of pallova, or after, you’re going to paris tomorrow fly, well, here we are... working, i still have to live until tomorrow, maybe i should warn pavlov, and i have a taste to formalize me for the joy of pavlov’s investigative committee, after yesterday’s prank , i don’t owe this asshole anything anymore, i understand, let him he's dying, ira, come in with dizhnev's documents, dad, don't, let's not discuss it now, just do as it went. do you remember the apartment on vasilevsky? yes, where did i take you when you were silent without addresses? open the hiding place in the yard where i hid the school diary from you when i received
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bad marks for behavior, there is a duplicate of the keys to this apartment, take them and leave immediately, right now, that’s it, see you. this is the only road from pavlov’s mansion, well, yes, there are no other options, okay, let’s get started. start here, there's a good range of fire here.
2:56 am
zhenya, the tranche will arrive today, so go yourself go to the bank and check everything yourself. what about the assassination attempts? everything is calm, everything is calm, don’t twitch, no one will lay a finger on you, i went through my channels. why did the cops come then? oh, these are not cops, there are no such police officers. rocketeers, these are some unfinished ones, they wanted to take you out of fear, but you fell for it, you’re getting old, zhenya, you’re getting old, you go to the bank, do everything right, otherwise you’ll be punished with us for a mistake, you know what i’ll do, yes, i understand, i understand , i’m going, well, the places are great, there’s room to turn around, especially this intersection, yes, an intersection wonderful, shoot from any point, what...
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is going to fall on the car, armor, maybe explosives, andrevich, he’s a killer, not a partisan, yeah, that’s it, because you first have to stop the car, then lure pavel out, and then shoot, so i understand, thank you, that means the mashinopalova returned from the gas station, there was movement in the house, apparently they are going somewhere, so, andreevich, the village, let’s go there, let’s go.
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oops, let's go, i left, i don't like this fuel truck, and i don't like it. sweats and do not repeat, 4 years ago, at a crossing, he shot one former authority figure, blocked everything and shot him.
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3:00 am
to the ground, roma, roma, how are you? “romych, it was a distracting maneuver, but it was a bogus, which means you missed the boats, with the whole camp of four people, and your vaunted miller too.
3:01 am
general, if it weren’t for major melnik, we had one more work, your heroism is a consequence of your own punctures, at the top they think that... but keep in mind, fellow countrymen - your last chance, you have a bad cough, major, you were wounded a long time ago,
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3 years ago, yeah, you should do a computed tomography, after such a blow, there may be internal bleeding, i don’t know, i feel as usual. it 's normal for you to choke from coughing. yuri olegovich, you study better than pavlov, but what about pavlov? pavlov may feel bad, but he will definitely live. the brain was not hit, the bullet went tangentially, that’s your problem? listen, you know, i have so many problems, you still can’t solve them. you better think about secrecy, how to make sure that pavlov survived? nobody found out for at least a day, now we have urgent news, it became known about the murder petersburg businessman and head of altasbank evgeny pavlov. his car was fired at 45 km near st. petersburg. priozerskoye highway, just near the cottage village where
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the businessman lived. second, says the first. everything is quiet at the main entrance, the object did not appear, like yours? there is also silence here, it became known about the murder of st. petersburg businessman and head of altasbank evgeny pavlov. his car was fired upon near st. petersburg on the forty-third kilometer of the priozerskoye highway, just nearby. so far the police have not been able to identify attackers, but according to one of the agents from the cottage community where the businessman lived. referring to an anonymous source in law enforcement agencies, there may have been several killers. in addition, the car was fired at from both sides at once. what
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issue are you talking about? and i'm after the money. behind me, zemlyakov is not there, what
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happened to him, they knocked him out, i felt that a baht would pass, but i don’t understand how the electronics were there, if he tried to pass without a pass, the alarm would have gone off, the door would have been locked, which means he was pass. a what is it? this staircase seems to be a fire staircase leading to the parking lot through the second floor of the van. vadima used it when she wanted to get away from unwanted visitors. why didn't you talk about her before? god, it just slipped my mind. what's going on here? dima, calm down, this is the police. we are also trying to find out. countrymen? irina, put your phone on speakerphone. so, all i call, we can’t breathe. ira, listen to me. yes, i'm fine. ira, damn it, ira, i don’t have time for questions now, but i don’t have time to explain. it doesn't matter where i am. ira,
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listen, i need money. 20 million. i understand that this is a large amount. ira, i need this money. irina, listen to me carefully, your boss is a little nervous now, it’s just that the barrel is pressing into his side. summer, so i recommend that you do what he asks, within 2 hours you will transfer the money to the account, the details of which i will send you via sms. if after 2 hours the money does not arrive in this account, then i think you know what will happen, you know that, yes, sorry, how should i contact you, no way, okay, i have so much cash i’m not there, no one has it, which means the company has 20 million, but in order to transport it, you need to personally... there must be a signature not only
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of the chief accountant, but also of the head of the company and his personal presence. if you are deceiving me and think that your friends from the police who are listening to our conversation will help you, then you are mistaken. what to do? will he kill him?
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“you’re right, i was also a bastard, just like you wanted more than you deserved, you want to live, so tell me, your secretary is holding me dear, yes, yes, that is, no, i’m i myself included this condition in the contract, in the contract with the bank, so that no one could do it without my
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participation . hospital, yeah, you definitely don’t need to sign the protocol, exactly, exactly, we are in control , thank you, doctor, all the best, well , we got up, let’s go, dmitry, you are free too, i didn’t understand, that is, how the boss was stolen, and i go to the side and wait, listen, bro, i guard the vips myself, well, i mean, i earn extra money, you tell me, of course, i'm sorry, but you've enlightened your boss, so you can relax and enjoy the extraordinary weekend, listen, go, no, listen, you, what's your name, dmitry, you go and don't interfere with the police's work, i understand everything, maybe you what kind of help is needed, look at the camera there, and what kind of cameras, everyone here knows who your boss is,
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for what, or am i wrong. this year, almost all the swimmers learned. good night. dad, sorry if i woke you up, nothing, nothing, i was just watching tv, your tv is good, you know, i didn’t expect it from you like that, i could have warned you about the cops,
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“i saved you, you fool, i saved you from death, from your terrible life, they will kill you, not them, so those creatures with whom you make friends, i’m talking about such salvation for you i didn’t ask, i didn’t ask for anything either, for that time i was and will always be grateful to you , what is this, instead of thank you, here is the person’s phone number, it’s absolutely reliable, tomorrow the money will be transferred to me, a lot of money, he
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’ll help. transfer them to your card. son, i ask you, no matter what you are planning, back off. leave, start a different life, stop taking money for blood, it’s too late for me to change anything, the main thing is that this money will be enough for you to buy a new heart, fuck it if i’m still going to root for you. i have to go, dad, and you can watch tv here as much as you want, take care of yourself.
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yes. ok, thank you. zemlyakov’s last call was recorded in the area of ​​bolshaya pushkavskaya. yes. clearly, i threw away the phone. yes. thanks to the movie, now every fool knows what to do. but our situation is not hopeless. we have a trump card, these are the conditions jar. zemlyakov will remain alive, at least until he transfers the money. yes, pass the phone to malnik, i’m listening to you, aliyev, hello, how are you, tolerable, i didn’t
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hit myself too hard when i jumped off the floor, turn off the speakerphone, boyor. there is a conversation.
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i understand, the roofs are clean, the entrances have been checked. nowhere, no, he should be here, call kochitkov, right, the power of attorney is in order. the signature of the chief accountant is in place, the signature of vadim alekseevich remains, he will be there soon, soon, everything is fine with us, we are waiting.
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i told you yesterday, it's not your concern, you you're ruining the whole operation for us, angels, tattered guardians, quietly, comrades, what should i do, and you go to the bank, quickly, quickly, but without risk. movements, so he was the first to go,
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colonel, it seems to me that i know where the bots, sowing, bots are in the field machine, what is this, or what? i haven’t looked like it for a long time, it’s him, otherwise, for this sprinkler to circle here for 2 hours straight, and even in this weather, tell the snipers to keep this car at gunpoint, and if it’s not him, shoot an innocent person, under my responsibility. mousereception, object driver orange field machine, cotton wool, come out,
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don’t twitch, hold your hands so that we can see them, do you hear me? well, what are you looking at, aliyev, get your hands ready, we’ll try on the bracelets, we can get the bracelets , now it doesn’t matter, the money has gone to me, there won’t be any money, bot, you didn’t fulfill the order, pavlov is alive. you lost the battle,
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it’s all over, the convoy has not started, it’s not over yet. don't shoot back.
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well, that’s it, exhale, it’s clear, your boss, an ambulance, something ’s wrong with him, a veil, a radio signal suppressor , yes, beauty, but i think... what’s wrong with me can't pick up your phone? and i shouldn’t,
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i forgot the address of your senior great-great-great-great-grandfather, so, let’s move out? young man, can you help, the spark has disappeared in the third spark plug, come on, why can’t you help, thank you very much, i’ll turn the starter, and you see if there’s a spark, turn it, yes, i give it, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet , quietly, quietly, and... “dig, by god, guys, we agreed, i did everything
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right, in safety, no matter how much they twisted me, i’m nothing to anyone, i’m.” grave, we're talking about it too, dig, come on, don't, guys, ah, i, i swear to my mother, i won’t tell anyone anything, and i’ll give you the money, i beg you, just don’t, don’t kill me, don’t kill me, the ensign will tell me who you agreed with, who arranged the escape, you, no way, no, corrupt creature, because of you, rakhimov died because of you, who says, i don’t know, i swear, some guy called me and remembered something from my past, i don’t know how he found out, said: “either i should go to my charges in the cell, or, in general, i could not refuse him, then he offered me a lot of money, said what to do, who opened the cells, who opened the cells, i don’t know, i don’t know, he said that there would be a delay in the cabin, and that when you go to find out about
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the dispatch, so that i gather all the guards in one compartment, he said that i..." he planted this bottle in it and put some clapilin in it, but not a lot, he said so directly, he said a little and the dosage, he said, i didn’t know that there would be an escape, i didn’t know that who opened it, i don’t know, we drank this whiskey, and then i passed out, i swear it’s true, but how did you get the money? he, he, he told me the place, near the frunt school on vasilevsky in the courtyard, i came. i came and took them, so i took everything, yes, i came and took them from the hiding place, there was no one in the hiding place at all, no one else contacted me, i swear, i don’t know anything else, i swear, nothing else i i don’t know, you know, there’s only one letter missing from your last name, get up, what will happen to me if you
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don’t tell anyone about this conversation, nothing, you... come on, little one, dig a hole, okay. where are you going, friend, this is for me, i would like to go to st. petersburg, otherwise, well, in general, this,
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you know. they robbed me of money and documents, in general, you would go to a cafe, ask the guys, they would take you, the body is sealed, okay, sit down, and the shushar will take you, he will arrange it, yes, thank you.
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taxi is inexpensive, man, we're going to the city, corporate rate, a little more expensive than a minibus, but to the entrance, and for civilians, how many 800, why tubriks, damn it, what are you, man, a slut or something, of course, there are generally less rubles here, about one and a half no one will talk, ask the taxi driver, well, let's go, let's go, we'll have to wait a long time, that's it, we sit down, we're going, come on in,
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yes, hello, dear. i think in 40 minutes they will, yes, everything is fine, come on, yes, i’ll come and call you, isn’t it straight to the city, we haven’t been to st. petersburg for a long time, a long time ago, we built a ring road here. stop, please, don’t twitch, steer to the point, we still have 2 hours
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to get there. everything is fine, the big-eyed bastard twitched, but we’re not children either, we had to turn it off, move over, stop pretending, andryukha. or you don’t want to see me at all, why did you come then? hello, can't you guess?


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