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tv   Professional  NTV  July 16, 2024 3:30am-4:11am MSK

3:30 am
we still have 2 hours to get there, everything is fine, the bastard twitched, his eyes closed, but we are not children either, it has come. taxi out, change seats, stop pretending, andryukha, or you don’t want to see me at all, why did you come then, hello, can’t you guess? and you
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have aged, so age, 14 years have passed, now you have hardly changed, diet regimen, i can arrange it according to old friendship, another time, well , let’s leave the memory and talk about the matter, what do you know, that’s all, that’s what i thought, this yankee managed to get into the same cell with you, but... why did you come to belmando? play? what was left for me? send you a postcard to hang yourself? it would have been better for everyone, but that’s what stopped me. i have no doubt what you were, remains so. but you went from just a bastard to complete scum. i'm growing. ok, let's say goodbye. hope. without
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kisses, you are still a traitor to the motherland, and i am an fsb colonel. yes, by the way, out of curiosity, how did you escape from prison, and the secret of the farm, you are mischievous, okay, i’ll survive, are you with me, as soon as possible? finish, let me know right away, we understand, sanya, why did you come, you missed me, not really, but someone i had to identify you, goodbye, masyudin, see you, don’t shine here, i understand, sit down.
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well, why are you talking there, let's hurry up, the remedy is new, proven, i tested it on myself, joker, yeah, come on.
3:34 am
how to report the completion of a task? sms directors, phone. there's a doctor here. which subscriber? mikhalov mikhailov. doctor. hello, homeland.
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i will ask our security to check his income, and his wife to go into business, well, yes, it is now fashionable in our office to send their wives into business. "i'll call you back, it's urgent, zubov, in person, and he even looks good, i must note, or rather looked like, wait, you finished everything yourself, no, the guys also need to train, but i’m not worried, but i’m worried.” zubov is a seasoned and professional, but not after 14 years in an indonesian prison, by the way, i’m also a professional and i was also on that mission, confirmation has already arrived, that’s it, you can relax, it’s me,
3:36 am
okay, i’ll be there as a general, be there, hello to arseny ivanovich, the bridge was built a long time ago, about 10 years ago, how long have you been in st. petersburg? i haven't been here for a long time, did you stain your clothes with something? tomato sauce, yeah, never succeeded? snack on the plane carefully.
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you will place two fighters on the second floor, and the first number will meet you, good sir. day, arseniyvan is waiting for you in the greenhouse, you have 10 minutes, the italians are at the entrance, arseniy ivanovich, the question is closed, confirmation received, sit down, interrogated, briefly,
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the situation was not conducive, i don’t understand why, why did zubov come here after his escape? to kill us, as i believe, to restore his good name, is he an idiot, to fight alone, maybe he was with someone in a team, no, i don’t think so, otherwise he wouldn’t have easily he got caught, then don’t forget, teeth is officially a traitor to his homeland, no one would dare to help him, no matter what he said. okay, in any case, zubov is a passed stage, you are great, i can’t stand it when traitors to the motherland walk on our land.
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3:40 am
searching for specific information, our brain does this every day, trying to understand what we are looking at, but without a receipt, trying to help faster and more accurately. process the zabro, transmitting a signal to the clases that run the side three times per second, try to reproduce the search on simple information and mentally a picture in which a person in a noisy conversation should, come on, give it up? there's that drunk in the raincoat, move your legs faster,
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let's get the cars, what the hell is that, i 'll cover him from behind, so he's alive, give me your hand? yes, i almost broke my ribs, they’re growing, give me pockets, i’m a fucking briefcase, so where did i put my money, and so and so, ha, think about it, fsb regiment, they’re giving you a bad time, comrade colonel, let’s go, who are you? somehow a hero has been found, now we
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’ll straighten your brains out, little hero, come on, come here, you freak, what the hell, you killed the freak, they’ll do well. law, we will find him, just give me a detective from the counterintelligence department, preferably
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a better one, why do we need an outsider in this matter, and then that i was taught to kill, kidnap, and not search and investigate, in order to catch a professional, you will need a professional, and i’ll be nearby, oh, masyutin, masyutin, okay, i have one. on the notes that you judge me, by the way. because of you , he turned around, didn’t look, didn’t look,
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missed the traitor, but you believed? and what am i, i really don’t even know what happened in this indonesia? what happened? typical russian story! we were framed, senior authorized major gypsy vyacheslav yuryevich, that’s right, i read about your successes in finding hidden terrorists, in fact, in our office this is a rarity, usually. the best is probably in the police, but your management claims that you are wanted as one
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of the best, it’s true, no way, i’m the best, then to the point, this is your target, andrey borisovich zubov, our former employee, in january 1999 we received information, that the former russian military adviser, aka international arms dealer, anton sergeevich, is going to meet in jakarta with a representative of a terrorist group from...
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that the buyers did not want to come face to face with acdi officers 15 minutes before the meeting , he had to let them go, this was our chance, but we didn’t have it used, yes, i heard that the car, yes, the car in which my group was traveling towards the raf at the appointed time, exploded on the bridge over the river. levunk all died, at the same time the police burst into my room and found cache of drugs, money, explosives. we know that chup recruited zubov. allow the touch general. have a seat. and on chub’s instructions, zubov liquidated his group, and then
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chub handed over zubovo to the local authorities for a reward. but fortunately, alone. members of the group managed to stay alive, this employee was colonel massyutin, then still a captain, it is with them and his people that you will have to work, questions, of course, if forelock surrendered zubov to the authorities, why zubov, in turn, did not surrender forelock at trial, because what to by this time, chuba was no longer alive, left alone without cover... colonel masyutin managed to eliminate chuba, for which he was assigned a state award, and what did zubov say at the trial, he was silent, but this did not help him,
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death row ? oh, zubov is alive, how can he be alive? just without hysterics, this is not what they pay you money for. already knows about me. there is no such information yet. but we need to leave the country urgently. change your documents. i set a task for kras. until we figure it out here. extreme caution, extreme, you for tooth is the only chance, you yourself understand, well, well, well, don’t even think about it, too much
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has been invested in you to lose it because of the appearance of some ghost of the past. but so that by morning you will not be in the country, be healthy, goodbye, i was sentenced to death, but only in indonesia death row inmates can sit in prison for decades, i waited for 3 years, waited for them to get me out, and then stopped. “ no one even came to me from the embassy, ​​you did not officially exist, you crossed the border as a citizen of moldova and then official version, you went over to the side of the enemy, everyone believed it, well, yes, but a year ago,
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an american, a complete drug addict, got into my cell, and so when he saw me, he fell into hysterics, he was simply dying." from laughter, the point is that he worked in langley and monitored the operation on their part, then he was fired for some shady dealings in iraq, he began transporting heroin, but that’s not the point, so this rick told me that our bosses have been working with forelock and the information we received from the transaction confused the mc cards, and you can’t brush it off, and you can’t leave chub alive either, that’s how the story was born: a traitor, the group was cleared out, the issue with chub was resolved. this rick gave several facts, and i realized that he was not lying. who? general didyun,
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colonel karasev, captain masyudin. remember? you must remember, information from our unit about karasho and masyutin. dedyun told us that chub was their topic, because he didn’t lie. by the way, chup also worked in our office once, a good business, i won’t drink bittern, if you haven’t drunk for 14 years, then it’s better not to start while you’re in prison.
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tu chuba, and dedyun? dudun? dudun, a retired millionaire, like me. general director
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of the rus arms company, leader of the party for the motherland, oligarch for especially important money. vitaly andreevich, do you know anything about my family? why was katya killed? mitka, where? where katya was fired from, but you yourself understand that a traitor’s wife cannot work as a secretary, she later went into business, andrey, i drink, sorry, that’s also an occupation. good luck!
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these are our main assistants, the group in which they will set their tasks is closed on them. i'd rather work with my own people. this is impossible, the level of access to information is too high. then i will directly instruct the group. this is also impossible. we cannot declassify them. okay, here's the address program for you. 10 addresses, tasks just take a closer look, we don’t play heroes, carry out our actions,
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and we go to the main address, yeah. “excuse me, but you can’t tell me how to get to the center, you’d better take the metro, well , the line there was torn, you restored it a long time ago, about 10 years ago, okay, thanks, but no problem, let’s get out of here, we need an ambush leave, it's too late, he was already here, why did they take him?" "intuition, go ahead
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. there is no tv, it was broken, but the phone was turned off for non-payment, one tenant talked to tashkent, and then ran away, the bastard, i agree, money for a week in advance, and don’t make any noise, otherwise my grandmother is here behind the wall and it’s time to go to the police. a key and no boilers, otherwise they almost burned me here once, okay, where are you from, from jakarta, where it’s not far from tashkent, i can already go to the shower or rest, rest, thank you.
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yes, not everyone benefits from retirement, but it was not a bad officer. he has already been here too, we need a car for transportation, comrades, what do you say?
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how long have you been involved in litigation? a long time ago, a lot of disclosures? a lot, don’t like to talk? why? i answer you, yes, now. 328 1 36 wrote down, i understand, that’s it, i have a second line, masyutin, where did they find the corpses of our employees, shall we go there? no, why? because
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he won't appear there anymore. good afternoon, who am i going to? yeah, come! well, we’ve settled in, colonel konev
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has been delivered. but it’s still inadequate, i think it will take another two hours, okay, well, what plans for us? the banker galichev, zubov's childhood friend, is under surveillance, yes, let the surveillance group report to me personally every 15 minutes in detail, every 15 minutes, exactly.
4:02 am
well, stand there, what are you doing and zovsky, who are you, where did you come from here, non- local sashok, non-local, kick him, stomp on him, let’s at least earn a stick from him, and i said,
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where are you going, we open for an application, for what application, in the thirty-seventh house the husband is beating wife, me first. we need to report to the elder, so you let us through, and then report to whom if you want, go ahead, open it, darling, open that house over there, bring it, okay?
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my car to the entrance, uh-huh, oh.
4:05 am
i'm first, welcome, galichev, alexey dmitrievich,
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hello, this is mikhail korolev from nevsky vestnik, alexey dmitrievich, can you comment on your conflict with the novostroy holding? listen, mikhail, you have days off, i think so, so i would like to rest, so call the office on monday, please, okay, all the best, thank you, valer, well, find some music. calm down, but my head is itching, sorry, we'll do it now, alexey dmitrievich, the object has passed control point four.
4:07 am
hello, lyokha, andryukha, windows for what, and why banker galichev, they were friends, zubov had many friends, thank you, but not connected with the system, i looked at the list of connections, there is a lot of stuff from the office, and many.
4:08 am
you took pictures of us 2 days before my business trip, that’s all i have, all your things were with mitka, and where is he on the run now, as far as i know, 3 years ago he and his friends were caught for extortion, well, i the issue was resolved and the case was closed, but now he has some problems with the police again, but he doesn’t call me unless he has to. stood up,
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now he works with antarctica, antarctica, we have one such authority, one of the athletes, a former mitkin coach, and they also say that sports distract children from the street, i’ll take it, yes, of course, andrey, i, well, mitka, in short, told him that you were dead, i tried to dissuade her, but she thought that this was better than a traitorous father, so he doesn’t know about you, we’ll figure it out, lesh, who’s katya killed, i don’t know, she and i opened a store, well, in the building in which there was a shoe store.
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lyosh, give me some money, yes, of course, we’ll decide now, i’ll call you, they’ll bring it.


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