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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 16, 2024 4:55am-5:41am MSK

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why, why is this, hi, oh, hi, hi, let me help you, can you handle it? of course i can handle it, haven’t i married yet? no, not yet, but what do you think, it’s time, i think it’s been a long time, well, you haven’t gotten married yet, okay, well, thank you, no problem, well, come on, bye, bye. “oh, listen, andrey, you know,
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of course it’s not very convenient for me to ask you, but i’ll try anyway, you can’t help me screw in the light bulb, but i’ll give you some tea, what ’s the question, of course, i’ll help the light bulb, now, yes, i’ll come now, ok, i'm waiting for you, uh-huh, uh-huh, bye, there's tea on the nightstand, i've already started, just insure . please, i’m afraid i’ll fall, i’m holding on, i ’ll fall like that. so too,
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it was the last one, help me get down, oh! why did you climb yourself? i was going to help, but did you think i was going to fall? i thought i was going to fall. looking great? thank you. do you run in the morning? just a swimming pool. yes. amazing. join us. gladly next time. listen, i'm changing my bath tomorrow. can i use yours? yeah right now.
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and damn it, i’m late for work, you had a car, yeah, you can’t give me a lift, of course, that’s it, i ran, yes, so igor, don’t forget, it’s mom’s birthday today, natasha, nothing at all, of course, i didn’t mess it up, yes, and some kind of violin was stolen from a friend of gleb’s, an antique? no, it’s simple, but for some reason it’s the only one, in general, i don’t know, please call, okay, i’ll find out, yes, okay, well, go ahead, bye.
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all reasonable deadlines have passed, you are letting our entire team down in 2 weeks. where will they end up? on the street, or what? well, you also understand me, but during the time that i, when i was leading them, they didn’t have a single mistake, you know, not a single one, it doesn’t happen, it happens, imagine, moreover, i’ll tell you, over the last month they have improved their performance, if i fire you now, they will sue, and of course, they will win it, are you ready to resolve the issue with the court? no, i’m not ready yet, so i ’m not ready, in moscow i could figure it out without any problems, in moscow, of course, it takes time, that’s it, and
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so do i, hello, what issue are you talking about? citizen, who are you? are you crazy? who are you anyway? hello, alexey nikolaevich, hello, good sir, who are you? they should have called you from moscow about me, or will they call? they're calling, hello? yes, yes, it’s me, mr. lieutenant general. “i’m listening, that ’s right, i’m already here, i understand, i understand, that ’s right, of course, we’ll help, sit down,
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well, tell me, it’s a shift, so, at the end of the month, we just fell short of the best department in the city, well, but relax it’s impossible, we continue to work. hello, i’m just getting angry about work discipline. i’m sorry, i have a good reason. well, how’s it going ? natalie crimean, yes, our child goes to music school with yours, hello, so my wife told me that your grandson’s violin was stolen, yes, no, well, of course i
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understand that it’s better to study on the violin worse, cheaper and all that, no, no, you misunderstood me, yes, no, no, that’s not what i wanted to say, yes, i believe that he plays great, but... great, hi, yes, listen, he plays great, plays very well, but i there’s no time now, i ’ll call you back, that’s it, goodbye, now she’s gone, just like she never was. "it's been more than a day, it's almost already two, so maybe she’s with a friend, she doesn’t have any girlfriends, okay, then maybe she’s with an acquaintance, she doesn’t have any acquaintances either, at least those with whom she could stay for
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such a long time without notifying me. igor sergeyech heads the best department in the city, they will definitely help you." there is no corpse, but there is no corpse, there is no case, according to the instructions, if we are talking about an adult, mr. lieutenant colonel, let us pretend that you didn’t say this, and we didn’t say that have not heard, there is, i assure you, if i had not felt, that something terrible had happened, i wouldn’t bother anyone, i was lying under the mirror in the corridor. if you wanted to go anywhere without a passport, right? yes, of course, natalya zaslonova, a pretty girl. get excited at 105. and the base? based on my personal order. who will handle the case? senior lieutenant radanov. a senior lieutenant,
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an experienced worker, one day he will become a general. give him a partner who is no less experienced. i obey. so, well, while we don’t have any other versions, we are developing a hypothesis that kurgatnikov killed her himself, we need to find out who natalya zaslona is. where did she come from, where did she live, where did she get her car from, where did she get her apartment, what kind of relationship did he have with kurgatnikov, and what kind of guy was kurgatnikov? natalya zaslonova, born in eighty-eighth, lived in the village of erokhin, tver region, andreapolsky district , a third-year student at the faculty of economics, the apartment and cars belong to kurgatnikov, he is married, his wife’s name is rosa and weighs 115 kg, three children, seven grandchildren. kurgatnikov treated natalya like a daughter, well done! the district police officer with the witnesses is already upstairs, as you asked. code, hash 1180. please.
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okay, that's it, bye. oleg, i didn’t understand something, what is 105? this one personally ordered it, so we carry it out. yeah, boss. won’t calm down, what are you talking about, our dismissal? no, they’re just waiting for us to relax and screw up, there’s no need to give a reason, that’s for sure, you understand, kirill, i’m not essentially a bloodthirsty person, and these guys are apparently not bad, igor, you understand that this almost the best opera in the city, perhaps, impossible, for sure, okay, okay, there is life, i am a team man, kirill, and you , too, by the way, have spoken about this many times,
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in the end, your return to this city and your last title is not only your merit, but the merit of our entire team. i remember this, i remember it very well, i am grateful to you and merzlyakin for this, but you understand, this is also impossible. in moscow, you know, guys from the homicide department are waiting to be transferred here, they are also members of our team. and it is important for us to keep them in the ranks of the ministry of internal affairs. you either don't understand me well or you don't hear me well. i, in my opinion, more than once or twice
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spoke about my attitude towards the head of the department and his employees. in my opinion, i have said more than once or twice that i want to work with them and not to set anyone up, not to sell, not to cheat, i will not, i kindly ask you not to call me on such occasions. let me go, i'm free. well, i think my help is no longer needed here, no, that’s it, thank you, i ’ll take this with me, okay, go ahead, go ahead, happily, thank you very much, what are these circles, and you know, i have a drug addict here on business passed through, was treated abroad in a rehabilitation center, and so they are the same circles were given out, but only the rest, green meant a week without drugs, blue month, red 3 months, yellow six months, white year, well, just in case, listen, then maybe... we’ll send requests to drug dispensaries, we can send them, only there are only 20 drug addicts % is registered, well, just in case,
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well, just in case, maybe she was found, yes, oleg georgievich, no, she was not found, but then another interesting moment arose, they were watching her, yeah, yes, i called kurgadnikov back, he is coming now, and you hurry up, lights out, yes. i'm listening, yes comrade colonel, i have already released kurgadnikov. okay, i'll keep you posted on the matter. wait. listen, kurgatnikov came, it turns out that some guy was watching the barrier. so why didn't he say this before? didn't convey the meaning. as usual, what type? unknown. there is a car number, an airbrush model. airbrush? well, there aren’t that many workshops that do airbrushing, let’s look. listen, take some clothes, otherwise he’s already completely bored. “i’ll take it, of course, yeah, oh, why are you laughing, yes, to be
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honest, i’m glad i got out of the office, i’m not i can actually shift the papers, we just arrived at the third address, i’ll see what you sing, when it’s the tenth, you’ll sing dener, hello, hello, good afternoon, tell me? somewhere around here they draw pictures on cars, they draw pictures everywhere, even on the fences, there are paintings here, well, excuse me, but the captain is a lady, it’s very nice, an expensive pleasure, but not more expensive than money, it depends on the idea, and on the size too, well, on average the price, on average the price is 100,000. square, 200 the same, but there won’t be any problems with the traffic police, it depends on the car, what kind of car you have, let’s go and see,
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there it is, here it is, a good car, don’t you want to sell it? no, thank you, this warhorse will come in handy, okay, seriously, we are investigating, well, in general, we are investigating the disappearance of a person, that’s what we need, we are artists, not kidnappers, in short, we are looking for red silica, from two the monster is drawn on the sides, sporty, do you know anything about this, we know it’s that singer, marat without fire, my daughters were crazy about him for 5 years, the poster is still hanging on the wall in the room, i think they said he was leaving for america. to america, bye, what are you, home, come on , today is my birthday leak, and glory, wait, help me out, what happened, i won’t give you money, yes, it’s a pity, listen, my son is a music student, well, someone from his friend the violin was stolen, and a strange story, the grandfather went out to the store to buy groceries, during this time the violin dangled, that’s all, nothing more, yeah, well, yes, the phone,
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i’ll call you, it’s not an antique, but it’s not just that you bought it in the store, come on. i’ll run, to no place, not to america, he lives nearby, we got the car number plates, wow, but the car he painted it, it’s expensive, the owner has nothing to do with it, it’s the fan club who tried, they stole the car, painted it at night, returned it back, they expressed love for the idol like that, and he, i don’t know, was surprised, you probably would have been surprised, i have fortunately, there is no fan club yet, i, today i, uh, lucky, by the way, i knew one more information here. the car was in storage and recently took it off the register without fire. what do you think comes next? put it on the internet for sale? what for? well, do you need to live on something? has not performed for 3 years. why did bes palov stop performing? i'm somewhere i read that he was sick with something. georgievich, give me another 200 rubles. strange. all mentions of
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bespalov for 3 years, then they disappeared into thin air. yes. for me, everything is simple, released an unsuccessful album, had a falling out with the producer , disappeared, well, tomorrow you go, talk in person, with a celebrity, so to speak, with pushkin on a friendly footing, let's go, let's catch up, it's like juice, four fruits, one vegetable, guess what's there, i'll pay for your lunch, grapefruit, orange, apple, pomegranate,
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just like carrots. this is a heavy system of those, hello, is it possible for lyuba, she’s already left, but no, thank you, there is no need to convey anything, and she, okay, goodbye. hello, hello, krymov’s friend is calling you about the violin, yes, krymov, well, probably crimean’s husband, yes, krymov’s father gleb, yes, so i’m
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his friend, yes, i’m also from the rvd, so what? no, i, i believe that he plays the violin well, i don’t have time now, great recording, yes, thank you, thank you very much, and you should also look for a violin in the apartment, usually when children don’t want to study, they come running to such methods, uh-huh, thanks, that’s enough, i ’ll call you back. nice try, but unsuccessful, well there is no one, calmly, niki, we continue to persistently ring the doorbell, well, no,
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hello, you understand correctly, the police never leave voluntarily, you see, stubbornness, but not meaningless, please! together with kurgatnikov’s security , a decent number of people saw you these days, can you say anything about this? marat sergeevich, by the way, this is a serious matter, the girl has disappeared, they suspect me, of course, so far no one suspects you, but you must give an explanation why you were pursuing natalya barrier, just like that, without a protocol yet, about persecution, this is of course said loudly, i just looked at the girl. divided by a girl, where i was recently, there was no woman, when i returned to the city, i saw her near the station and it just
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seemed to strike me, i lost the ability to think and think on my own, love at first sight, well, if to try to explain it somehow, it struck me like a thunderbolt, i was to the point of cardiac arrest, to the point of loss, and you are not lying by any chance, citizen, popular singer? it hurts, it’s beautiful? i i’m telling the truth, someday you will probably understand this, so i’m telling you again, the girl you were pursuing has disappeared without a trace, do you have any thoughts on this? it seems to me that you should have some thoughts on this matter, but you are partly right, after all, maybe i scared her, she hid and is waiting for me to leave, and you are about to leave, of course, where? back to where i came from, back to moscow, about the popular singer, i no longer have anything in common with that person who once
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had fun, made faces on stage, that’s all, that’s all for now, thank you, let's go, what do you think, a dummy today, perhaps a certain one. we're pulling out the empty phrase, but in front of us is a person with an unbalanced psyche, a natural madman, all the signs of a typical maniac killer are there, well , let's write it down, crazy, write, crazy, killer, crazy, maniac, question mark, well, let's go to the university where i studied natalya, let's go, niki, go alone. i have here, uh, of course , sobbing, i need to give you a lift, thank you, i myself, well
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then i ran, lenushka, i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m late, you understand, the work is such a service, so, 15 minutes late, no flowers and no kisses, sorry, but to hell with you? reports from the guards claim that ter moved the corpse from the admiralty district to ours, gathered far away, and what information do you have, so far only guesses, how you learned about money, experience and intuition, weapons on the ground, cop wars, this is not what you are looking for, you don’t it seems like you?
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i’m waiting, ask, firstly, why weren’t you surprised when the police came to talk about the barrier? well, i don’t know, it was kind of cloudy, dark, when i looked at it, i always thought that she would do something illegal, but since they came to her, that means she did it, now, wait, now, she disappeared, and what, you didn’t like her, right? because she didn’t communicate with you, no, because she was a bitch, i thought to myself that it’s hard for a young drug addict to jump off the needle on his own and not get off on his own, right, so
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i made a list, i thought? what's in the dry food? so it’s much tastier, it’s immediately obvious that you’re not married, and by the way, did they tell me that you’re going to get married? i, well why not, i’m a good guy, and you were already married? no, have you ever been married? no, i’m still young, once again, i’ll reach the rank of major and then i can get married, listen, niki, what should we wait to get to major, am i
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single? not married , we've been driving with you for 2 days, i'm not tired of you yet, marry me, listen, great offer, your car is cool, but seriously, i agree, let's go, look, my job is to offer you to refuse, you're losing your happiness, i’m also happy, but hold it, happiness, meter 92, 100 kg. hello, hello, you are from the police, yeah, father nektary will definitely receive you, but you need to wait four hours, oh, you know, 4 hours is a very long time, what can you do, you can’t go against the rules, the service is big, and then the sermon, well in general, we don’t have to...
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talk to the abbot, maybe you can help us with something, the fact is that we are interested in marat bespalov, you can tell something about him, moralist, yes, but it was god who absolutely brought you to me , well, because i, at the behest of father nictaria, constantly do all these i looked after him for 3 years, like... was bespalov really a monk? tried? no, no, he was a laborer, as usual in monasteries. father nektary did not give him a blessing, he asked to become a monk. it’s strange, why wasn’t there any information about this in the newspapers then? there was no information, because such things are not usually written about. well, a man came to church, who cares? after all, how is a person generally considered when he goes to a monastery, that means the end
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of everything, right? ah... actually, this is the greatest mistake, because the monastery does not go from, to god, you know, well, all this, of course, is very interesting, but what does bespalov, maratik have to do with it, he is a very good person, i have understood this over the years, but there is no light in him a penny, no light, no search for light, not given to him, but what was given to him then, not yet given, but yes...
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only by court decision, well, doctor, syumon bolievich, well, i ask you, mr. captain, you know , what is medical confidentiality, and since my institution is still paid, and also has a good reputation, this is also secret commercial, listen, well, you understand that i came to you for a reason, of course, i understand, you have a serious id, i have no doubt that the judge will give you permission, after which i, in turn, will give you zaslonova’s personal file for getting acquainted with... the judge won’t last long with me either, i won’t give you the slightest chance to bring me under the article, okay, can you at least tell me what it’s about? and to the patient about yours, and to the barrier, yes, that was a long time ago.
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sit down, i remember, melting a little, 3 years ago it was with a ponytail, well... what boyfriend? well, the guy did it with her. a second, mikheev pavel, you see, he immediately remembered. what was so different? he was a brawler and a rare bastard, because of daytime, you know, drug addicts, such people cannot be cured, natalie, one year old, they seem to be... from the same town they came to us together, and what surprises you so much? doesn’t anything surprise you about semyon valeevich? your clinic is serious, expensive for very rich people. well, you know, in our time the concept of being very rich has somehow
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been neutralized. i’ll try to explain, it’s clear to me who sponsored the treatment zaslonovy, i’m talking about her boyfriend, well, this is not a medical secret at all, but what is this being done, adult? man, what are you allowing yourself to do? indeed, pavel pavlovich, you yourself have involved too serious forces to treat the testimony so irresponsibly, so to speak. listen, please listen to me, they were drug addicts, they came to conquer the city, but they got to the bottom. actually, that’s how we met her, when after some time i offered her what i offered... i put one condition: break up with this bastard and never see him again. natasha agreed and only asked that he also be assigned to the clinic. how to find this miseev? here is
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a list of phone numbers from her mobile phone, it starts with the letter p. pasha. after the clinic, she never called him, not once. me in general. i don’t know if this freak is still alive, as they say, it’s not the gods who burn the pots, we’re ready, of course, hello, this is pavel mikheev, well, we urgently need to meet, for what reason, for a very important reason, and who are you, who is this, of course you don't me you remember, but i don’t think about... let’s see, come on, listen, niki, but for some reason she left moscow, you already have such a dad there, well, this is the answer to your question, there is some kind of dark past, like everyone,
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didn’t come to spend the night, well, once in the fifth grade i didn’t even spend the night for 2 days, and in the sixth grade i actually left my parents to live in the forest, and i stole 100 rubles from my mother, okay, but i tied cans to the dogs’ tails, frogs, did you inflate it through a straw? and i filled balloons with water and threw them from the balcony, great, and you feigned illness, heated the temperature, and you forged signatures in diaries, forged signatures, of course, who are you, i ’m talking about the barrier, i could sense that it was a setup or an ambush, i ’ve been growing such an intuition on you cops for a long time, i need information that the note was pierced, the queen went off the rails damn, come on, tell me about what? about the queen, i haven’t known anything about this citizen for a long time, listen, you
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have a choice, either you will remember now, or we’ll go to the department, there you will remember,
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you’ll go like a locomotive if something happened to her, do you understand? are you threatening me or what? you, if you have something to present, then present it, look, i warned you. well, wait, wait, mr. policeman, are there any options at all? in short, i have something to tell you about this natasha, but you understand, information is expensive now, listen, i’m wondering what is more greedy or cowardly for you, you decide for yourself, speak up. “hello, hello, yes, hello, i, don’t
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interrupt, listen, now, wait a second, i’m here in one apartment, there are two hundred tablets, and the owner left for cyprus, come, we can make some money because you started singing like that, everything’s in chocolate for you, it seems like i feel sorry for you for being a fool, and i can’t stand them alone, your 25%, finish it, i told you that you’ll come running to me anyway , well, so why, i agree, half point"? "write down the address, go ahead, i’ll remember it, if you don’t show up within an hour, consider that the contract will be terminated, okay, listen, let me write something down, it turns out if we reveal criminal, then this will be my first case, right, our next case, your first big case, but psychos don’t count.
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now, okay, wait, but your car is very comfortable, you like it, yes, my car is great, but in general, you know, a car is everything to me, a home, a woman, a friend, it sounds sad, but i’m speaking figuratively, wait, wait a minute. do, stand, andryukha, stop, andryukha, well, you won’t catch up, anyway, come here, i know that come here, come on, come on, quickly, well, well, let’s go to the criminologist.
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there’s nothing right there, well, they wrote there, then they pulled out the page, and damn, some kind of address, thank you, please. georgievich, here is the address where it is located
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this one, like his mikheev, call the guys, let them go there, but i want to go with you, no, you ’d better get a detention warrant from your moscow colleague, that’ll be help, okay, that’s it, come on, the door is steel, it ’s not like that right away you're crazy, you need to call amon, amon... the traffic jam will take an hour, but are you sure that he is really dangerous? in general , he is an unpredictable person, but what if a drug addict came to him? yes, do you think it holds the victim? perhaps we need to check, so we will call the riot police, where, where are you standing, where, what, what, are you prepared, who? hello, this is nicole, remember from the police? “i’ve already been to you, i forgot to ask something, i brought a photograph of natalya,
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don’t you look to finally make sure that we are talking about the same person, we need to call amon, wait, i said, hold, hold, hold it!" stand, stand, just clever nicole. they killed my wife, hit her on the head,
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you see, no one even paid attention, she was lying between the cars and bleeding, she had 800 rubles in her wallet, below, how do you know that it was them, from the cameras video surveillance, i bought her security guards, wait, what do you mean bought, this is material evidence, a month later, when it became clear that no one would come for the material evidence, i took her to the police, they did not find them, then she had a patron and the case was closed altogether, then you decided to arrange lynching, but i didn’t decide anything, i just went to the monastery, i didn’t want to see anyone, i didn’t want to know anyone, people are disgusting to me, you know, and disgusting, andryukh, call transburg, that ’s all it turned out almost well, father nektary gave me a blessing for fasting, i thought i ’d come back, sell my car, apartment, that’s all,
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goodbye, marat bespalov, hello, aka eremey, yes, what a blessing, i came here that ’s all. for 2 days only to never return here, and the first thing i saw on the landing square was her, she was walking through the passage, all so contented, happy, i immediately understood why i had been waiting all these years, i understood, why did god give me the opportunity to endure, but god gave you the right to kill? no, no, he didn’t give me the right, that means when we were here for the first time, natalya zaslonova was here, yes. stop, let
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me go! hello igor, thanks to you and your friend we found a violin, well, you see how wonderful it is, it turns out it fell behind the closet, now in gratitude for this my grandson will play for you, no, you know, play it, i’ve already
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listened. hello, yes, hi, dad, have you reported yet?


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