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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 16, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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they are extinguishing the land from the air, more than 900 thousand hectares of forest are engulfed in fire in yakutia, a large fire is now raging in crimea, donald trump named the name of his upcoming vice-presidential candidate. elections, what he is known for, why his appointment could turn out to be a disaster for zelensky, fines, confiscation of property and deprivation of a driver’s license, cloners in ukraine today will face new restrictions, as well as the latest news about the situation in the northwestern military district zone. hello, welcome to information.
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upcoming presidential elections. on the meeting also announced the name of the candidate for the position of vice-president. alexey vasilovsky reports from the usa. the convention where he was approved as the party's nominee for the republican party greeted trump with thunderous applause.
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demonstrate that he is not afraid and continues to fight. trump had not yet spoken, he was sitting in the hall listening to other speakers on the left hand of the ex-president, his number two, the senator from the state of ohio, j.d. vance, from now on trump's running mate in the presidential race and the future vice president if they manage to win the elections. j.d. vance, former marine, businessman, writer, who became a politician relatively recently , he was elected to the us senate just a year ago. interestingly, at the beginning of his political career. wentz criticized trump and even spoke very unflatteringly about him, but now they are friends, and vence in the republican party is called even more trump than trump himself. in washington, vance is one of the main critics of american aid to ukraine. here is a fragment of his interview with cnn, seven months ago. the idea that ukraine will push russia back to borders in 1991 is absurd, no one believes in it, so we say to the president and the whole world in general: you must. destroyed
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as a country, we've gotten to the point where we're on the hook and now we have to pay for ukrainian pensioners, rebuild the country, we need to stop the killing, that's what the american government should be doing, not writing new checks to fund the war. however, vance had much harsher statements about ukraine. this is some kind of stupidity that we are fixated on the ukrainian war. i will be honest, i don’t care what happens to ukraine one way or another. and for trump , the main thing is that ordinary voters have a great attitude towards wentz, considering him flesh and blood as their own. i am very pleased that he was chosen. he's from the midwest and we're from wesconsin. how can you not be happy here? and he has this story, he won a difficult election in ohio. i think he will be very good, it will be a great match. trump and jay devens. at the republican convention.
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switzerland, kuwait, bahrain, iran and libya. sergei lavrov is expected to discuss with colleagues on current issues on the international and regional agenda, including the ukrainian crisis and the situation in the gas sector. sergei lavrov's visit to new york was not without unpleasant surprises. russian journalists accompanying the ministers on their trip were issued american visas with restrictions on movement. according to such a document , you cannot go further than 40 km from the center of new york. it means that. representatives
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of the press will not be able to visit washington or other cities, even if necessary. russian journalists face such in practice, this is not the first time, visas with restrictions are also issued. in september last year. in the village of kaktebel in the south-east of crimea, they continue to extinguish a large-scale natural fire. despite the efforts of rescuers, the day before its area grew to 30 hectares. the airmobile group of the russian ministry of emergency situations, as well as mi-8 helicopters, were involved in the fight against the fire. due to the dry and hot weather , five natural fires broke out simultaneously on the peninsula. more than 500 specialists were involved in extinguishing the fires. about 100 units of equipment, four outbreaks already extinguished, several houses were damaged. a large forest fire near novorossiysk was localized to an area of ​​62 hectares. they have been fighting the fire for more than a day, including with the help of aviation. according to experts, the environmental damage that the fire caused
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to the ecosystem of the relict forest near novorossiysk could amount to hundreds of millions of rubles, and its restoration will take at least a century. total in the krasnodar region. there are currently five active wildfires. one of them broke out the day before in gelendzhuk. the fire was located deep in the forest. because of difficult terrain, water had to be transported to it on atvs. by this moment the fire had been localized to an area of ​​2 hectares. and in yakutia, the fire has already burned more than 900,000 hectares of forest. according to aviation forest protection, more than 150 natural fires were recorded on the territory of the republic. 10 of them approached populated areas.
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the situation in transbaikalia also remains difficult, where the fire has covered more than 130 thousand hectares, the conditions are difficult, +30° during the day, -5 at night, strong winds, you have to work for 14 hours, you get used to it, you cope with everything, it happens through force, but you manage, you don’t always find sources of water, it’s good if the terrain allows you to throw water to the paratroopers by helicopter, but if not, they manage. without it, anatoly burmakin’s team was lucky today, from the mine strip to the water 100-150 m, and we extinguished about 8 km in a day, yeah, we met, launched an oncoming
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fire, went to the spring for water. b-200 amphibious aircraft and reconnaissance copters are involved in the fires, but the main people, not only those who extinguish the fire, are in yakutia. now there are more than 1,800 from different regions, but also those who are not allows it to appear. everyone remembers the terrible summer of twenty-one, when millions of hectares of forest in the republic burned out, then the human factor played an important role, and something is still changing for the better. today, all active forest fires, the preliminary cause is a thunderstorm, we track this using lightning detection and taking into account the fact that forest fires are difficult to detect in our country.
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lbov zaporozhye, russian paratroopers stormed new positions, and their advance was supported by crews of the sun. under attack there were fortified enemy strongholds. heavy flamethrower systems operate more often at night, this creates the effect of surprise and is safer for our military, since flamethrower systems remain a desirable target for ukrainian militants. temporary deployment points of the armed forces of ukraine have been destroyed in the zone of responsibility of the west group of forces. this is the result of the work of the isu-34 crew. the bombers fired unguided fap-500 bombs at a given square. the planning and correction module with which such ammunition is equipped allows pilots to conduct
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fire without entering the affected area of ​​ukrainian air defense. and on the right bank of the dnieper, in anticipation of the hurricane, he liquidated strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces. coordinated work of artillery drone operators. made it possible to inflict maximum damage in a matter of minutes with minimal ammunition consumption. another example of coordinated actions was the work of zenichchik in the center group in the vdeevsky direction. positions of russian units from ukrainian combat and reconnaissance drones, in this direction they use a large-caliber machine gun utes and anti-aircraft missile system igla, in short , there’s a gap over there, there was an enemy leleka flying right almost above us, we hit it from the cliffs, it started spinning and spinning and we finished it off with the yugla manpads and accordingly hit the target. without exception, we always have a special regime and full combat readiness. now our military is displacing the enemy from its position on kharkovsky. armored vehicles and artillery in large calibers operate here. in the peschany area, russian troops
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pushed through the nationalist defense line by 4 km and continue moving. together with the people's front, our channel supports the fighters; ntv continues to raise funds for military personnel; to join this action, you need to scan the qr code that you will see on your screens. ilya lyadvin will continue. shot, shot! the western group does not lose the initiative in the kharkov region, after the liberation from the novoselovka thermal zone, the pressure on the enemy is increasing every day. in this sector, our forces came close to the enemy’s powerful fortified fortifications, which reached the outskirts of kupinskaya, these are lines with concrete dugouts and firing points, they are already being suppressed, including by our heavy armored vehicles, each vehicle now consumes two or three rounds of ammunition. this is more than fifty shells per day. sometimes the equipment cannot withstand such a regime, but not the fighters;
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the call sign makar directs the fire; he has already lost count of how many times his crew had to jump out directly to vodka during assaults. so, that's it, let's go, shot, shot! since the end of the twenty-second year, the guy has gone from mechanic to tank platoon commander, with dozens of successful missions behind him, one of the last fire on the moving bradley. but they dropped it there, well, for example, 100 meters from it, well, they caused a little damage to it there, well , then later our attack aircraft crushed it, in order to complicate the work of our forty-seventh division as much as possible, the enemy is transferring reserves, including equipment, regularly our tankmen they are working on m-113 armored personnel carriers with old infantry fighting vehicles, we are already knocking out the enemy from their prepared positions, plus we are now starting to take control of the roads... the carts are already under fire, accordingly they have the situation here is already such a deplorable one, it
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is aggravated by the daily task of the jet fighters - this is a salvo at the same eastern approaches to upensk right at dawn, after several sightings there is a reason to speed up, now all eyes are on the sky, the guys report that the drone detectors have spotted a bird, a reconnaissance mavik. lives somewhere nearby, please tell me, they often try to interfere with drones, very often, very often lately, so always on the alert, always observation, visual observation, this is mandatory, on the last trips crow is more often in total, he works with a fumigator from drones, a twelve-gauge smoothbore shotgun, he must watch the vigil not only for his own calculations, but for his five sons, to whom the fighter promised to return when he signed the contract a year ago, was
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no, well, of course, not just luck, as it were, experience calculations, calculations have already worked
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together as a family for a year already, it is the dense fire of large calibers that is one of the keys to the success of our forces on the approaches to the left bank of the oskol river, not so long ago a critical situation arose with the enemy here in the area peschany, where the depth of our breakthrough was more than 4 km. ilya lyadin, anna ivanova, ntv, kharkov region. the ukrainian authorities have decided. to further complicate the lives of ordinary citizens, now the police will forcibly take away housing, driver’s licenses, and anyone who has not updated their data by today for evading mobilization.
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in response to pressure from brussels, he is not giving up attempts to start a peace process on the ukrainian issue. bilt has obtained a letter from viktor orban to the head of the european council. according to the report, orban called on charles michel to resume diplomatic relations with russia and negotiate with china on a peace conference to resolve the conflict in ukraine. the head of the hungarian cabinet also assessed his recent meetings with the leaders of russia, ukraine, china, turkey, as well as negotiations with donald trump. the prime minister noted that it is necessary to act quickly, since in his opinion, the intensity of the military conflict will radically intensify in the near future. as reported in budapest, orban’s plan is now on the desk of every eu prime minister. however, in brussels, as expected, does not want to hear about peace
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initiatives. moreover, they are trying to punish orban for them. so the european commission canceled the visit of its colleague to budapest. such events are a tradition; they are held in the capital of the country, which has become the temporary chairman of the eu council. the instructions not to allow the board into budapest came personally from the head of the european commission, ursula vonderlein. latvia has banned the entry of passenger cars from belarus. local authorities reported this. the restrictions came into force today. if the owner of the car refuses to comply with the ban, he the car may be confiscated. restrictions do not apply to vehicles used by consuls and... also , citizens of belarus were allowed to return to their homeland from the eu if the cars are not declared as goods. the situation has already been commented on by the belarusian foreign ministry. the ministry's press secretary said that latvia's sanctions will hit ordinary people. first of all, citizens who travel to latvia to visit relatives and tourists will suffer. the foreign ministry called this decision inhumane and emphasized that it has no
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no practical meaning, no legal justification. as the department reported, minsk does not plan to accept. symmetrical measures against riki. in russia, an electric scooter was confiscated for the first time. this decision was made by the moscow court regarding the student. according to the case file, he was driving drunk and beat an elderly woman. the scooter was confiscated in favor of the state; such a model costs over 100,000 rubles. in addition to confiscation, the court banned the muscovite from driving for a year and a half. meanwhile, fans of fast driving scooters in moscow authorities. slow down, as an experiment for a month in the capital , the speed of movement on electric scooters was limited to 20 km/h. they took this step because already 70% of road accidents happen with the participation of scooters. the state duma earlier in the first reading adopted a bill on fines for drivers of personal mobility devices; speeding will cost the violator
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5.00 rubles. for an accident causing harm to health you will be fined 15,000, and for drunk driving - another facility was connected to gas in chechen republic, blue fuel appeared in the house of a large family in grozny. this happened as part of the additional gasification program. the family applied for connection just 2 weeks ago. gas was supplied to the house absolutely free; regional authorities allocated a subsidy of 100 thousand rubles for the purchase of equipment. minister of government alexander novak, head of chechnya ramzan kadyrov and the general director came to congratulate the family on this event.
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barrier, we built gas pipelines for more than a million households in russia, we overcame this psychological built to the border of the land plot, then the federation. in total , more than 46 thousand applications for additional gasification were submitted in the north caucasus federal district, a third of them in chechnya. specialists built almost a hundred facilities, and the total length of the gas pipeline exceeded 1,800 km. with this we say goodbye to the audience. russia, see you on the air. alfabank is the best bank for business. open a free account with alfabank and receive up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank has the best loyalty program for
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a rather active cyclone is coming to the far east, from mongolia, this will be able to fight forest fires, heavy downpours with thunderstorms will occur in the east of transbaikalia and in the west of the amur region, although in the capitals themselves there is no precipitation in blagoveshchensk plus 33, but soon the heat will begin decrease in number after the passage of the front is no longer higher than thirty. in khabarovka. the sea wind freshens the air only in vladivostok, where it is +23. siberian anticyclone controls the weather in the north, and the south is entangled in atmospheric fronts, so rain and thunderstorms are inevitable, especially strong in the south of western siberia in altai, and the temperature, as it was, will remain within 25-30°. in the urals, the preponderance is in the direction of anticyclones, so there is less precipitation and a comfortable 24-27 during the day. on european territory. it’s easy to breathe only in the north, rains there quite often in arkhangelsk only 21, in the north-west there is less rainfall and more heat, in the center again up to...


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