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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara-2  NTV  July 16, 2024 10:35am-11:01am MSK

10:35 am
new mizol in a large package of 50 ml, even larger and more affordable. mizol avalar - treatment of fungus without overpayments. does nail fungus prevent you from putting on summer shoes? mizol evalar will not let you ruin your summer. mizol is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus. new. misol in the largest package. even bigger and better priced. good morning. evgenia neronskaya. territory, the cloudless mood of the anticyclone is now and then spoiled by rare rains, but the path of the vast cyclone is still closed by a wall of high pressure, as a result they only all that remains is to circle off the coast of scandinavia, throwing their atmospheric fronts towards us. one of them, through the middle zone , will reach the south of the arkhangelsk region, the komi republic, as well as the kirov region and udmurtia tomorrow, but the air there will be fresh, like nowhere else, in arkhangelsk in murmansk about +20. the second source of bad weather in the pskov region, but the temperature is even higher. until
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they have an effect, here it’s still 30, and to the south it’s still the same heat, the black soil on the middle volga is 30-35, in yoga in some places it’s up to 40° only on the coast it’s a little fresher, in st. petersburg without precipitation and up to +30, but tomorrow thunderstorms will pour in and bring the temperature down a little. in moscow, the next few days will be hot, 30-32 without precipitation. “sadovsky, were you riding a motorcycle or what? guilty, oh, excuse me, yes, my dear, i’m listening to you, yes, yes, it’s clear, okay, keep working, if anything happens, we’re in touch, okay, well come on, nothing for now, did you have any doubts?”
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there are so many people selling spare parts in the city, don’t worry mom, you can run around empty for a week, that’s all, but what’s wrong with you, well, with a tow truck, well, what’s wrong with me with a tow truck, i’m also looking for it without a clue i’ll tell you, the tow truck in the city is like red chums in china, hello, good afternoon, this is investigator bursnikina, i called you this morning, yes, yes, yeah, i understand, which means that if any information appears, you will call me back, ok, okay, goodbye, tol, you know that maybe you could help artyom, otherwise... it’s difficult
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to work on such a large volume alone, why alone, with mukhtar with him, well, fuck off, there’s no point in turning up your face, people are for it by the way, they pay a lot of money, and you turn your face up, smell it, well, i remember the smell, well done, if you smell someone like that , warn me, okay, that’s it, go ahead. take the dog away, man, your dog, take it away, yes, yes, fly, sit quietly, don’t be afraid, it doesn’t bite, no, you take it away first, then i’ll be sure that he won’t bite, ok, fly, go away, move away, sit, well done, you are apparently talking about spare parts for, yes, yes, i would like to see, unfortunately, a friend was supposed to give me the keys to the garage, but unfortunately, he didn’t show up, so what? will arrive, must drive up,
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yeah, that is, you can’t open the garage, i don’t i can see them, but how can i open it while there are no keys, yeah, okay, okay, then i have a question for you, yes, of a personal nature, senior police lieutenant kolosov, what kind of question is that, what is my duty, tell me, today around 11 in the morning on the street fishing you helped a girl, well, a lady so tall, portly, curvy, well , of course you helped, audi 100, broken tires, tow truck, right? but tell me, like in america, yes, this is sufficient grounds to accuse you of sexual harassment; no one has accused you of sexual harassment yet. harassment, thank god, you are sure that you won’t be able to open the garage, but of course i can’t do it without keys, and when my friend arrives, well, he should drive up, yeah, you know, you’ll drive with us, why on earth, nowhere i won’t go, yes, and you won’t do anything to me. i don’t know, i don’t know, it’s a fly, it doesn’t want
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to come with us, it doesn’t want to, that’s it, i’ll complain, poison people. committing a criminal offense, what kind of crime, criminal, very interesting, criminal offense, but you have no idea what kind of problems you’ve gotten into, yes, we really can’t imagine, you know, since school i’ve been very bad with ideas and
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imagination, otherwise i would definitely write a detective story, and you try, and i’ll try, you know what, let’s not get distracted, the sooner we talk about something that interests us topic, the faster we get rid of each other’s company. oh, that’s right, but i only have one topic that interests me, so why was i detained? please, let me tell you, we suspect you of selling spare parts from a stolen audi 100 car. you wanted to sell spare parts from this car, right? i wanted to, well, you see, where did you get the idea that they were stolen, these are my friend’s spare parts, and he has no time to sell them. yeah, okay, tell me, can we talk to your friend? well, of course you can. well, great. yes, no, oh, you know, you probably can’t, i’ll guess, you lost your phone, yes, how unfunny that sounds, i lost his phone, we can’t contact your friend
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in any way, well, unfortunately, no, now it remains just wait for him to call me, well, okay, yes, yes, and the phone number you used today... this morning to call the ladies for a tow truck, we can look, alas, i’m afraid you can’t either, you know, i had a business card holder, well , it was so leather, cute, can you imagine, everything was in her, sowed, tell me, where did you get the business card, what kind of business card, well, with the number of the tow truck, with the number of the tow truck, you know, the boys are running at the intersection, well, i took it, i think it will come in handy. just in case in the life of shanukaga, everything happens, everything happens, as you said, well, you understand, yes, yes, it is recognized again better by independent experts, a credit sbercard is free forever, apply for it right now.
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there is no evidence, well, he called for help, he didn’t know that i was a criminal, any lawyer would get him off, by the way, a lawyer, he already called, who will be here in an hour, who, well who , who, a lawyer, of course, who else, so you prepare yourself, please tell me, was it necessarily his dog? poison, but no one poisoned his dogs, they can conduct an examination, let them show at least one bite, this is the breed of people, they are ready to bite themselves, if only the police will have problems throw it up, or the lawyer will ask him to bite him, what kind of trick is this, just grab the phone and call the lawyer, it’s possible that there’s a problem, but excuse me, if we’re listening.
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not too many calls, just like that, that is , if we are lucky, then we will find out the number, yeah, yes, and if there is also a mobile phone, how will we find out, suddenly he hangs up, yes, but in this case there is one solution, very non-standard, outlining, uh-huh, where? but listen, no, i, i’m talking about the idea, i’m talking about khrulyovo, he ’ll like it,
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tolik, you smoke, nothing like that, i i don’t smoke, but yes, i need to work. well, if it's in my power, at least it's your responsibility. find me a pickpocket, why do you need a pocket, and how are you going to take the phone from polikov?
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“come on, well, actually it’s difficult, i’ll try to get it out of the neighbors, topic, i’m against it, it’s illegal, we’ll return his phone, and then even if it’s illegal, the illegality is practically invisible, but it’s the same as crossing the street at a red light , well, everyone does this, even you, tyoma, this is a stupid example, don’t persuade me, i already told you, you’re coming with me, i’m going with you only to prevent you from making mistakes before this lawyer comes, remember, there’s a brilliant phrase in the film that goes like this..." clearly, this is really true, but the methods, the theme, so, and where is the fly, the fly, he’s there in the office, in a sleeping bag, but i couldn’t send him to the monkey house, i couldn’t leave him alone in the office, he’s crazy, if he tears it up, the fly will never, if polikov behaves ok, nothing will happen, listen, the fly
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is barking, polikov, he will escape, wait, he has moved away, and that fly, my uncle behaved badly, my uncle behaved well, now you will answer me for this, wait, i’ll file another lawsuit against you with moral damages for poisoning me with dogs, already dogs, a whole flock, ugh, let's not find fault with the words, i ask you, evgeniy viktorovich, don't worry, please, let's walk with me into the corridor and calmly wait for your lawyer and the dog. take it away, well, fly, yes, indeed, it’s too early for you to have dinner, come to me, to me, keep in mind, i won’t forget anything, the best contribution in savings until 18% per annum, open a savings bank online,
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who is the boss now, but i know how i wasn’t here, that i won’t leave it like that, the devil knows what's going on here, i'll you have the right to complain, okay, it will be, brother, are you lucky too, hello, what kind of brother are you, didn’t you recognize lyokha? wait, get out, what do you think, okay, come on, come on, go, stop setting up a circus here, come on, what a circus, it’s a bit of a mess here, let’s go to my office, it’s quieter there, yes, i know yours offices, let's come in, quietly, fly, quietly, well , how did it all go, how did it all go, you offend, boss, everything went like clockwork, you see, like clockwork. great, why do you need a phone? find out the latest calls, well, and then use sadovsky's dictaphone, yes,
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look, nowadays there are only two calls and fuck on one number, our tow truck, there is a landline number, no, a mobile phone, but how do you figure it out? easy, you remember, well, you watched it, the meeting place cannot be changed, the boss’s favorite film can’t help but watch, well , when fox writes sharapova’s dictation, well , well... you know, i personally don’t hold a grudge against you, it turns out that they can work in the police completely normal and even charming people, but explain to me why people
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should be poisoned by dogs, you should not be exaggerating so much, i think that there was just a slight misunderstanding, you see, the fact is that senior lieutenant kolosov, well, by nature, by nature, he is somewhat hot-tempered, i think that he understands everything. and he will definitely come to apologize to you, this one? no, he doesn’t know how to apologize, believe me, i understand people, yes, yes, decide, period captain, can i turn to the suspect, which suspect? and excuse me, uh, viktor evgenievich, evgeny viktorovich, excuse me, uh, evgeny viktorovich. "i was wrong, i admit my guilt, uh-huh i apologize to you, you can write a statement or submit documents to the court, well, you see.


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