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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 16, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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vladimir putin opened a new section of the m11 federal highway, which will be provided with continuous, seamless, traffic-light-free traffic. traffic between moscow and st. petersburg. it's a busy time in crimea, forest fires have engulfed the karadak nature reserve. and in yakutia, fire has already burned out more than 900 thousand hectares of forest, how do they fight the elements? donald trump appeared in public for the first time after the assassination attempt, the republican party convention arrived.
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a new section of the m11 neva federal highway, now its construction is completely completed, motorists will be able to rush from moscow to st. petersburg, without visiting tver along a bypass road. vladimir putin came to test it driving the new avtovaz lada aura model. he highly appreciated the result of the builders’ work and noted that now the journey from one capital to another has become even more comfortable. good afternoon. with the opening of the tver bypass , continuous, seamless traffic will be ensured.
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traffic-light-free high-speed traffic between moscow and st. petersburg, travel time from the north-western part of the country to samara, kazan, yekaterinburg, tyumen will be reduced, additional more convenient ones will appear routes within the international north-south transport corridor, which means travel between major economic, cultural, and historical centers of our country will become faster. new section of the road. these are four lanes, four transport interchanges and two rest areas, and this is also the last element for launching high-speed traffic from st. petersburg to kazan (1500 km) without a single traffic light or intersection. today , another important highway bypassing tolyati was put into operation; it will relieve congestion on the volga region highways. talking about in this regard, putin noted that new roads will make it possible to more fully unleash the export, industrial and tourism potential of the regions. at the same time, the president emphasized that the latest
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technological solutions were used during construction. during the creation of these roads, complex technical structures were erected. including two new bridges across the volga. one is over 700 m long. we just drove along it. built here in the tsver region, the second with a length of more than 3,700 m near tolyati. it entered the top ten longest. engineering buildings in russia. the president noted that reliable roads are one of the key conditions for the dynamic growth of the entire country's economy. donald trump was officially named the republican presidential candidate at the party convention in meluka. there, trump appeared in public for the first time since the assassination attempt. at the meeting, the name of the candidate for the position of vice-president was also announced; this is atagayo senator jaydee vance. in perspective.
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because of what happened, trump thought about postponing his arrival at the convention in milwaukee, but then decided not to. change the schedule to demonstrate that he is not afraid. trump had not yet spoken, he was sitting in the hall listening to other speakers on the left hand of the ex-president, his number two, the senator from the state of ohio, j.d. vance, from now on trump's running mate in the presidential race and the future vice president if they manage to win the elections. jady vance, a former marine, businessman, writer, and relatively recent politician, was elected to the us senate just a year ago. interestingly, vance criticized trump early in his political career. he even spoke very unflatteringly about him, but now they are friends, and wentz in the republican party is called even more trump than trump himself. in washington, vance is one of the main critics of american aid to ukraine, here is a fragment of his interview with cnn seven months ago.
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the idea that ukraine will throw russia back to the borders of ninety-one is ridiculous, no one believes in it, so we tell the president and the whole world, you must explain what we are trying to achieve. we've gotten to the point where we're on the hook and now we have to pay. for ukrainian pensioners, rebuilding the country, we need to stop the murder, that's what the american government should be doing, not writing new checks to finance the war. however, vence also had much harsher statements about ukraine. it’s kind of stupid that we are fixated on the ukrainian war, i’ll be honest, that’s all for me.
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usa. well, joe biden had to justify his words against trump, which, in light of the assassination attempt on a republican, now sound like incitement to murder. a week before the shooting pennsylvania biden called his opponent an existential threat, which, then the difficulties of translation from colloquial english begin, must either be kept in focus or in the spotlight. be that as it may, in the original. this is the center of the target. this was one of the questions in an interview with nbc, a fragment of which has already appeared on the internet. a week ago you said it was time to hit the bull's eye with trump. there was some controversy regarding the content. it's about staying focused. look,
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the point is this. i guess i said this when very few people were focused on trump's words. but did you say apple? there was a mistake, i didn’t say take aim, i said target the bull’s eye, that is, focus on him, on his actions. in the interview, biden said that, despite the resounding failure of the first debate with his republican opponent, he is ready for a new rand, and this time he will definitely not make a mistake, since his mind is still damn sharp. they say i'm old, yes, that's true, i'm old, but first of all, i'm only 3 years old older than trump. and secondly, my mental abilities are damn good, in 3 and a half years i have done more than any other president, but is there any point in getting into this saddle again? and i’m already on horseback, yes i’m on horseback, i’m demonstrating to the americans that i am in complete control of my actions, that i
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don’t need cheat sheets, i don’t need a teleprompter. the full interview will air on nbc this evening. ministry of defense. gunners of the marine corps of the northern fleet from the group report in the northern military district zone in the kherson direction dnieper troops struck a stronghold of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the river. the crew of the uragan rocket system destroyed armored vehicles and the weapons of the enemy's ammunition depot with salvo fire. and north of verbovoy in the orekhovsky direction, crews of the solntsepek heavy flamethrower systems eliminated fortified strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces together with infantry. this provided tangible support to the russian assault unit. when promoting in the zaporozhye region. wildfires are being fought in resort areas in the south of the country for the third day in reports black sea coast near novorossiysk. there is no longer any open burning there, but there are many smoldering fires. in those places it is still hot and a dry wind is blowing, in order to
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prevent a re-ignition, aircraft continue to dump water. he's flying to drop water, there's a helicopter with water. firefighters continue the so-called watering on the ground, and on the roads there are convoys of cars carrying water. in these photographs, what remains of the relict forest on one of the slopes killed birds, animals, where else... it may take, as experts say, to restore the ecosystem more than 100 years, they are calculating the damage at the camp sites, the sailor or the romantic burned down, and he is still burning, in total, six turbos burned together with the sailor and the romantic; the most likely cause of the natural fire in the russian agricultural enterprise was a violation of fire safety rules by local residents. emergency. they are
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also fighting natural fires in crimea, fires in different areas are burning, in particular dry grass on the slopes. the equipment may not be able to travel everywhere; they extinguish the fire from the air; helicopters collect water right on the beaches next to vacationers. kaktybel village, big fire, everything moves to the carodac. dozens of regions, the far east, siberia, the european part of russia, in almost every
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tenth case the cause of fire is careless handling of fire. in yakutia , the fire has already burned out more than 900 thousand hectares of forest; according to the forest protection aviation data , more than 150 natural fires were recorded on the territory of the republic, 10 of them approached populated areas. vlada kopylovskaya, the situation in the region. firefighters in the forests of yakutia are working to the limit, but this is not the limit; the peak of forest fires is expected. day +30°, night -5, strong wind, work it takes 14 hours, you get used to it,
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you cope with everything, sometimes it’s a struggle, but you manage. sources of water are not always found; it’s good if the terrain allows the paratroopers to drop water by helicopter, but if not, they cope without it. anatoly burmakin's team was lucky today. from the mine strip to the water 100-150 m, and we extinguished about 8 km in a day, yeah, we met, launched an oncoming fire, went to fetch water from the spring, b-200 amphibious aircraft and copters for reconnaissance are involved in the fires, but the main people are not only those those who extinguish the fire, there are now more than 1800 of them in yakutia from different regions, but those who do not allow its appearance all remember the terrible summer of twenty, when millions of hectares of forest burned out in...
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view from the air all active fires, residents of the republic authorities warn about smoke, advise opening windows less often and curtaining houses with a damp cloth. vlada kapilovskaya, roman kutukov and viktor melnik, ntv television company. yakutia, transbaikalia. berger prices for gasoline in russia have reached their maximum this year, they are almost continuously have been growing for the last month and a half. business news, denis talalaev. denis, should we expect any reaction from the authorities? yes, igor, obviously, another export ban is getting closer. only half the years have passed, but looking
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at gasoline, it is already easy to notice that it has noticeably stretched out. the day before, on the st. petersburg stock exchange, the price of ninety- five exceeded the level of 71. rubles per ton. this year there have not been such high prices yet, and in general the last time ai95 surpassed this mark was in september last year. then it all ended with the government banned export. gasoline has been rising in price almost every day since the beginning of summer, during which time the ninety-second has already increased by about 20%, and the ninety-fifth 40%. in retail, all this is reflected, but traditionally at a different... pace. since the beginning of the year, according to rosstat, gasoline prices at gas stations have risen by 3.5%. deputy prime minister alexander novyk admitted the day before that the government could respond to rising market prices for gasoline by banning exports again from august. this ban was lifted only on may 20. as alexander novyk described the situation, for ninety-second gasoline the situation with diesel fuel is stable, but
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with 95 gasoline the situation, quote, has become somewhat tense. the deputy prime minister explains everything by repairs. oil refineries that should complete these repairs soon, then the volumes will be, according to him, as before, alexander novok concluded, the market is sensitive, we will reassure it, but the russian stock market, after yesterday’s strong drop of 2%, was trying to find strength this morning for growth, but didn’t find it. the moscow exchange index in its plunge today dropped to its lowest level since july last year. the official dollar exchange rate for today is 87.80. 1 euro 9578. european exchanges are now also in the red, they are under pressure from corporate news that the growth of the chinese economy in the second quarter slowed down and did not live up to forecasts. also about the economic relations between china, europe and the united states, they are of a different kind, cnn reports. according to him, nato countries are discussing the possibility of nationalizing some chinese infrastructure assets in
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europe if the military conflict expands beyond ukraine. 10 years ago china announced economic... program called one train one way, began to build railways, ports in europe, central asia and africa, develop urban transport, but after february twenty-two, china on the one hand and the usa and europe on the other, everything diverged more, and now nato, as cnn notes, believes that the infrastructure built with chinese help in european countries can be used for military assistance to russia. banks expressed their concerns about the launch of the electronic summons system, november, summonses will be sent out through the state services portal, and if within 20 days the conscript has not been taken to the military registration and enlistment office, then, among other things, a ban on receiving loans will be introduced for him. as rbc writes in the national council of the financial market, it unites the largest banks, they doubt how they will fulfill this requirement? the head of the council , andrei ebelin, explains that banks still
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do not understand through what channels information will be transmitted to them, banks still do not have access to the register of conscripts, and it is also unclear at what point... they should be denied to the client. andrey emelin gives the following example: a client was given a loan, he was not on the list of draft dodgers, and then he needs to register a mortgage, and he is already on the list. and from a secured loan it becomes unsecured. and as a result, as they say in the national financial markets service, if there are no clear rules, banks will have to include all men of military age in the high-risk group and refuse them loans more often. egor akonoviki everything. thank you, denis. a court in moscow confiscated an electric scooter for the first time. the owner, being drunk, hit an elderly woman with it, since the violation was repeated, the bailiffs confiscated the transport for the state. rules for driving personal mobility devices have been in force in the country since 2023. last week, the state duma in the first reading adopted a law on fines for violations. the most impressive up to 30,000 rubles. just for
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driving while intoxicated. well, today vyacheslav volodin invited citizens to discuss another appeal that was allegedly received by deputies. a complete ban on the use of scooters on the streets. the survey was published in telegram channel of the chairman of the state duma. over 160 thousand users have already voted, the majority were in favor of the ban. earlier , vyacheslav volodin noted that the number of accidents involving personal mobility devices, which includes scooters, since the beginning of the twenty-fourth year has already been 2 and a half times higher than the same figure last year. next is the emergency program, marad sedikov is with us. marat, you have the floor. egor, mother of many children, ekaterina akubekova will go to prison for 18 years, this is the decision the court ruled, but the woman was accused of leaving her youngest child, a nine-month-old son, alone at home for several days, the baby lying on the floor without food or water. what did okubekova say during the investigative experiment, where was she
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while her son was dying of hunger, who will now raise her older children? more about all this in a few? minutes yes, thank you, emergency, further, and that’s all for now, i say goodbye to you, until the next news broadcast on ntv at 16:00, see you, oh, the cashback has arrived, since, and he drops for all purchases, dad, with a black card there’s cashback for everything, peak everything, in real money, get a black card from t-bank and get cashback for all purchases, tebank, he ’s the only one. what do we bring from our travels with avito? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. thank you sber loyalty program. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on
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t-bank, it’s the only one. on ntv, an emergency program with judge marat sedlikov and us live, just an hour ago in novokuznetsk a man was arrested and accused of murder. it's amazing that sergei volkov committed such a crime, essentially, without reason. the concierge didn't let me into the entrance. a familiar person, this is her job, but volkov, to whom, apparently, that same stranger was heading, took this as a personal insult, attacked the elderly
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woman, while he knew in advance what he would do, sergei left the apartment with a knife in his hands. did this elderly woman think, exchanging words with the tenant of the house, that as soon as he disappeared into the entrance door, the count of her life would begin in minutes? when the porch is empty, another one appears from another door. man, not the ceremony right away. pounces on the unfortunate woman, grabs her hand, pushes from side to side, the pensioner resists, with a trembling voice breaking into a scream, she tries to calm the attacker, because her life depends on how correctly she chooses the words, she has already seen what is in her right hand the opponent has a knife, he delivers blow after blow to the neck and chest, the pensioner tries to run away, but the attacker physically pushes her down...


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