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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  July 16, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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woman, while he knew in advance what he would do, sergei left the apartment with a knife in his hands. did the elderly woman think, exchanging words with the tenant of the house, that as soon as he disappeared into the entrance door, the count of her life would begin in minutes? when the porch is empty, another person appears from another door, unceremoniously pounces on the unfortunate woman, grabs her hand, pushes her from side to side, the pensioner resists, with a trembling voice breaking into a scream, tries to calm the attacker, because... how correct is it? she'll pick it up words, her life depends, she has already seen that the opponent has a knife in his right hand, he is delivering blow after blow to the neck and chest, the pensioner is trying to run away, but the attacker is physically stronger, knocks her to the asphalt and amid heartbreaking screams, help, continues to kill in cold blood, at some point for...
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seconds the woman even manages to get to her feet, her t-shirt is covered in blood, but she doesn’t have time to go to a safe place, the brawler attacks with renewed vigor, there is no one to help her, the yard is empty, 7: 00 in the morning some embroidered from the fourth there was a man with a knife on the floor, she apparently said something, as i understood what to calm down next, well, she turned around, and with a knife , she felled her from behind into a plowshare, that’s all that the locals know about the tragedy, the information quickly spread across community chats, the victim of an inadequate man turned out to be a man whom the whole house knew and loved, the attendant tatyana parshikova. she died from multiple stab wounds. well, it was covered, i didn’t see it, i only saw that it was lying like that, there were already investigative actions there, so i passed by, i think it was already somehow there was some wallpaper, a little far away, so i passed by. the only person who tried to stop the killer was the same tenant of the high-rise building whom the receptionist met at the door seconds before the attack, running out of the entrance. without
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hesitation, he immediately took the knife away from the brawler, even though he himself could have gotten hurt, held the man until police doctors arrived, perhaps at that time the unfortunate woman was still alive. according to investigators, on july 14 of this year, the defendant, while in the courtyard of an apartment building on sverdva street in the city of novokuznetsk, struck multiple stabs with a knife in the area of ​​canciege’s chest, causing bodily injuries from which the victim’s death occurred at the scene before the arrival of doctors. as it turned out already during the procedure.
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mother ekaterina akubekova will go to a colony for 18 years, this was the decision made by the court, but the woman was accused of leaving her youngest child, her nine-month-old son , alone at home for several days. the baby was lying on the floor without food or water, but the long period of time was due to the fact that the investigation during the experiment, akubekova stated that in this way she deliberately killed the child. ekaterina akubekova would perceive any verdict other than acquittal as unfair. a whole year of investigation and litigation, she changed her mind and refused to admit her guilt in the starvation death of her own nine-month-old son, whom she left absolutely alone for four days, went, well , to rest, yeah, well, well, she fed him for the last time, that’s all, for what purpose is that did, for the purpose of murder, the purpose of killing that child, your child, yes, your own words in apartment where he died... akubekova eventually
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called them fake, almost accusing the investigation of using neural networks. the prosecution had much more successful counterarguments on this score. in addition to the video, there is also a written testimony, under which akubekova left her signature. in addition, her lawyer was present during the interrogations, and the mother began to give explanations while still in the car of the operatives who were taking her from another area. today was the third, but the third is a question. and from the third day you are more home. it turned out that all these days, while the child was dying without food or water, his mother was drinking alcohol in the company of her friends on the other side of the city. for 4 days kubekova did not remember the baby at all while he was dying a painful death. the neighbors sounded the alarm, called okubekova’s mother-in-law, and she made a terrible discovery. we felt a smell, just a neighbor on my floor, it turns out two floors below, that a corpse-like smell began to creep up the riser. just.
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akubekova was eventually accused of her own blood and friend in the death of the child. from her words that day to her akubekov’s friend came for financial help, although she herself was stranded, she took a noble step and went to the pawnshop to rent out her own. to the phone. the child was looked after by a friend, who was allegedly kicked out by her mother-in-law who came. finding out about it instead of going home and finding out what was going on. for some reason, the mother decided that the baby was with his grandmother, which meant he could go on a spree. however, this development of events fits well into the picture of the world of okubekova, two older children, a six-year-old girl and a four-year-old boy, photographs from akubekova’s social networks are filled with which her grandmother has been raising for a long time. she still desperately believes that her daughter was framed.
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it is still unclear why she was able to afford to leave the child for 4 days. could it be that the compassionate mother, exactly the way she imagined herself before the court, did not have anything to do with it? however, even at the verdict, akubekova shed only a stingy tear when she heard that she would spend the next 18 years in a general regime colony. ivan gubin, alena kryukova and valentin lyubimov, ntv television company. during interrogation and verification of testimony on the spot, ekaterina akubekova told in detail about the last time. she fed her baby, put him on the floor and left. the nine-month-old baby cried in the apartment for several days, but did not wait for his mother to receive the full recording of this woman’s confession, we published it in our telegram channel, you can find it and subscribe using the qr code that you see on your screen, you can
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point at it smartphone camera, you can also type chpntv in the telegram search bar. under this and other publications you can leave your comment or suggest our news editorial office a road conflict between two drivers in zhukovsky near moscow ended with the death of one of them and the prospect of a long prison sentence for the other, everything was filmed on surveillance cameras , and although the accused tries to present what happened a little differently, the moment of the murder is visible in all details from the scene of dayan shlyubkin’s events. dozens of people, heartbreaking screams, sounds of ambulance sirens, flashing lights of cars... police saw this picture among residents of one of the capital's districts late in the evening. these shots already show the consequences of a road conflict, restore the chronology of events is possible thanks to the recording of a surveillance camera, a gazelle truck suddenly
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brakes behind a foreign car, men get out of both cars. apparently, something was not shared on the road, the driver of the car at some point takes out pepper spray and sprays it in the opponent’s eyes. then he tries to run away, but gets hit on the head and falls on the asphalt. the conflict broke out at the entrance to the courtyard of a high-rise building, the place is crowded, there are shops, sidewalks, a roadway nearby, after a man was hit with rebar and he fell on the asphalt, traces of blood are visible, lying medical gloves, next to flowers that local residents bring in memory of the deceased. sergei kurdenkov, that was the name of the man who received a fatal blow with a metal rod; he died on the spot before the doctors arrived. according to friends. worked as a bus driver, that evening he and his wife were returning from a birthday party, his eldest daughter put his wife behind the wheel, the man was lying with his feet there, with his head towards the puddle, uh, there were also his personal belongings, but they were most likely already removed, here - there was a bottle, it’s not clear whether it was beer or
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whether the class is unclear, a lighter, at the time of the conflict, according to eyewitnesses, the wife was in the car, when she saw her husband falling, she immediately rushed to him, but it was too late, the woman screamed: and the man is already lying, the man died for nothing, no way, this is just terrible lawlessness, twenty-one-year-old rinat medzulumov is now in the dock responsible for what happened, he was driving a truck, dealt a fatal blow to the head with a metal object, during interrogation in court he tells the same version of events, allegedly his car they cut him off, and then the passenger...
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it is clearly visible that the accused is striking him on the head, and not throwing a metal rod towards the man. in the near future, examinations will be carried out to establish all the details. investigators and criminologists conducted an inspection, a. further, between life and death, krasnoyarsk doctors are fighting for the life of a schoolboy who was poisoned by his own mother. the boy reproached the woman for coming home late and being at the same time. drunk, for which she forced him to drink a fat remover.
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tebank and get cashback for all purchases, tebank, he’s the only one. morning is the best, we'll be on ntv from 6:30. sometimes a habitual way of life can be ruined by one small detail. papillomas and other unsightly growths on the skin are familiar to many. appearing locally, they quickly spread throughout the body, creating a lot of inconvenience and depriving us of the opportunity to do the things we love. clariol gel is ready to resist them; its special formula is aimed against papillomas, warts and dry calluses. with it you can forget about the problem of unsightly growths. i found a way out for myself. this is clareol gel. i use it at home and it keeps me clean and smooth.
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7 567 get clareol in total for 1 rub 800 200 exactly 7 567 free call within russia kingfisher new season today at 14:00 on ntv. there is another emergency on the air , we continue our broadcast. a mother with many children was detained in the krasnoyarsk territory for trying to poison her child. investigators determined that the return. home, after night gatherings, the woman began to shout at her eleven-year-old son because he reproached her for alcoholism, then the enraged mother hit the boy, but then poured grease remover into a mug and forced the schoolboy to drink it, after which, no matter how no matter what, i went to bed. what goal did you pursue, why? i wanted to teach a lesson,
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to punish, at that moment the woman’s husband came , noticing her son’s poor health, and asked for help as soon as possible. the child was hospitalized in a regional hospital and subsequently through air ambulance to the city of krasnoyarsk. now the boy is in serious condition. the remaining three children, the suspects, are now with their grandmother; a criminal case of attempted murder has been opened against the woman. a preventive measure will be chosen for her in the near future. damage from telephone scammers last year amounted to almost 16 billion rubles. this will be discussed at the press conference today. according to his numbers. we are talking about the so-called gray words, scammers use telephone communications and substitution of sim cards for crime, which not only scammers, but also drug dealers buy in the thousands; the law that is currently being worked on in the duma should change the situation. what is its essence, asked
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pavel kuznetsov? even in the moscow courtroom , the us citizen was not realized. how to organize a sales business in moscow mephedrone, how he hooked girls on the drug, and then they themselves took bookmarks for the dose. actually, lik’s trail was traced after operatives detained one of them in the center of the capital, the suspect told the law enforcement officer everything about how they kept in touch with clients using the so-called gray sim cards, which not a single drug dealer can do without. according to recent data, the number of crimes using
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unregistered mobile numbers is growing exponentially. gray sim cards are in demand primarily in criminal cases. environment, criminals use them to coordinate their actions, and such cards allow them to make calls and send messages without being tied to a specific person, which makes it difficult to investigate crimes. just the other day, vologda police detained an employee of one of the cellular operators, who put the trade in gray sim cards on stream, he registered mobile numbers for fictitious people on an industrial scale, and then sold them, it is clear that they were buying.
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you understand that such esvharts can scammers take advantage, swindlers, terrorists, foreign service, but when they see the camera, traders immediately begin to hesitate to assure, they are here by chance, will you sell without documents? drug trafficking, telephone fraud, planning and coordination of terrorist attacks, criminals today carry out all this with the help of gray sim cards and they actually leave no traces, an anonymous number... registered to some person who may not know about it, in the end finding an attacker is not an easy task, specifically a person, a person, of course, this is extremely problematic to calculate, especially if he is abroad and has this card, it is the number and card that operators have such capabilities, you need to understand, of course, this is quite difficult, it is not always possible, but in general operators do this, they have there is such a possibility, but it is quite possible
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to go under the radar of the russian special services, if someone issues a sim card for you without your knowledge, during the investigation the detectives will come to you and you will have to prove that this number has nothing to do with you, to minimize such risks, the state duma is currently considering a new bill that will make life more difficult for distributors of gray numbers. firstly, to purchase a sim card you will need not only a passport, but also proof of identity in the unified identification system or in the mfc. secondly, it will be easier for mobile phone users to find out whether any other numbers are registered on them and to quickly block them. in government services there will be a section for my sim cards, if you are an ordinary user. sees the sim card, which he did not issue and does not use, he can block it directly from government services, if he does not do this, attackers will use this sim card issued on... it to commit criminal purposes. this is important even in the current realities; again, according to statistics, in recent years the number of criminals who operate from the territory of ukraine and not only swindlers has increased.
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the independent intelligence services also use gray sim cards, for example, the terrible terrorist attack in crocus city hall , according to the investigation, the traces of the organizers of the attack lead to neighboring states. thanks to the new law , foreigners will also have to provide biometric data to obtain a russian license plate. because all the key platforms. are managed and controlled by the united states and the entire flow of information one way or another flows through the united states, when they can, right up to our video surveillance in any of our cities, invest there and see what’s going on there, and they have such capabilities and are using them, then until we we can control this virtual space, it will have to control from the point of view of the law, if we owned it, maybe... the special services, without requiring legislation, would simply go in there and control how the americans do it. in addition, it makes life more difficult for the owners of anonymous channels
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in messengers; if the number of subscribers is more than a thousand, then the author will have to transfer information about himself to roskomnadzor, otherwise there will be a fine or even criminal liability. pavel kuznetsov, erika ovagyan, vyacheslav ponomarenko, pavel volosatov and alexander tutarinov, ntv. but this that's not all, see below. this is his normal behavior. a resident of a bashkir village explained why he runs after his neighbors with a shovel and threatens to kill him. the conflict has already reached the court, but dmitry denisov does not admit his guilt. the reason for the confrontation in mormuleva immediately after the advertisement. let's destroy them, it's their turn to suffer. i've been there for so long. waited, i don’t have enough words to describe the nightmare that is happening behind the closed doors of their luxurious mansion. tseyrant
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find the nearest rostik in the app and enjoy your favorite taste. rostix chicken like nowhere else. our new name is t-bank. we are changing the name, do not change yourself. tebank. he's the only one. there is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our broadcast, residents of the village of marmulyovo, in bashkiria, argued in the magistrate’s court that he was quite adequate and not dangerous to others. a man in a suit and a white shirt might have made that impression on the judge, but the injured party has several videos.
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where dmitry denisov behaves, to put it mildly, it is strangely clear why the neighbors are simply afraid of him. dinar usmanov with all the details. a judge, a prosecutor, two lawyers, a victim , a defendant, and investigators who had been conducting a criminal case on the threat of murder for more than six months. everyone was brought together by the conflict of two, seemingly adult and civilized men living next door. they quarreled so much that they themselves could not make peace; this proud fuzel had to be cut down by a verdict, the accused at the trial. i never admitted guilt, no, i don’t admit it, i didn’t threaten this citizen, since he was in my garden, i just drove him away, thereby driving him out of my garden, that’s all, and no intent, i’m a sane person , seems to be a really calm, sensible person, but in the case file there is a video that presents denisov in a completely in another world. dima, i'll call the cops now.
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put down the shovel, you idiot, this pre-new year, not at all festive performance was staged by dmitry denisov, who now calls himself a sane person in court, in december last year, before that , a brawler armed with a shovel blocked the path of a neighbor with a child in the car and hit her on the hood , you can hear a frightened baby crying in the cabin, don’t cry, please, but denisov was not satisfied with settling scores with neighbors’ cars, with all the proletarian hatred that played out in him due to three days of drinking alcohol, he chased his neighbor with a shovel to the house, threatened to kill him several times when he disappeared behind the door, smashed everything that came under his hot hand, that he broke our snow blower, but didn’t break the glass , this is inadequate,
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the root causes of the conflict between neighbors... lie deep underground, literally at a level of 3 m. this is a common sewer well, which, due to a dubious design decision by the developer of these townhouses, ended up on denisov’s house plot, almost porch. and if the mine is not maintained on time, the blockages are not removed and the accumulated ones are not pumped out, the houses located down the street begin to drown. but this is not his problem, the irreconcilable neighbor with a shovel, everything is fine in his house, there’s the smell of dirt, which...
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poking around there, doing how much you, damn it, i’m sick of all this crap, frankly speaking, on denisov’s face also traces of stormy showdowns with neighbors, those around were tired of the fact that the department... of the taken individual, a sense of possessiveness prevails over the collective consciousness, they decided to climb over the fence themselves and open access to the networks, the owner met the uninvited guests face to face, fists from the neighbors were used, then denisov grabbed a shovel, but the well can really be moved, and the problem would be disappeared, but the relationship, spoiled by dirty disputes, did not make it possible to agree on who should pay for it, so it all ended in a trial, which should soon be pronounced. sentence and decide what punishment the neighbor will suffer for the attack, well, this will not be the point in the case, the well is the cause of all troubles, so it will remain in its old place. dinar usmanov, ildus lavatulin, valentin lyubimov and oksana goncharenko, ntv television company, ufa. if you
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need help or are faced with injustice, please contact us in the official telegram channel of the cfm. together we will fight lawlessness. tell us about emergencies in your city. our communication office is 24/7, that’s all for today, i’m marat seddikov, thank you for your attention, stay on ntv. kingfisher. lativ bey, it's me and the fact that you're here what are you doing, crazy, what, do you want us
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both to be kicked out, calm down, ifakat, no one saw, you better leave, ifakat, i need your help, are you kidding me, better leave while you still can. ifakat, help me divert my father’s attention from me and from the company, if he sees the bills, i will immediately go to the bottom, and you along with me too, don’t hesitate, don’t dare threaten me, i didn’t spend the money, it’s all because of your abundance of love, okay , ok, us. only because there is no one to replace us, clearly, we need to act while we still have opportunity, ifakat, you understand, we can
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lose everything, we have only one single choice left, what are you talking about, arkhan, you and i have no choice, we must prove that my father has become insane, so we will cover our tracks. who wins the fight?
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adi. well, how about mom, okay, don’t worry, how about you, did you find anything? found, found, i already have the address, she is now in the house, kazym is holding her there, it won’t be easy to get in, you yourself understand how to help us, well, well, let’s sit down and think, no, time abi, who knows what this guy is crazy planned, he didn’t even show sm’s mom to the doctor, do you understand? by the way, don't forget to take her to the hospital, okay? okay, we'll do everything. that's it, we have to go, firit, where are you going?


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