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tv   Zimorodok  NTV  July 16, 2024 2:00pm-3:01pm MSK

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adi, well, as a mother, it’s good, don’t worry, how about you, did you find anything? found it, found it, i already have the address. she is now at cash's house. kazym holds her there. it won't be easy to get in. do you understand? how can we help sairan abi? so. so, let's sit down and think. there's no time, abi. who knows what this madman is even up to? he didn’t even show sm’s mother to the doctor. you understand? by the way, don't forget to take her to the hospital. fine? okay, we'll do everything. that's it, it's time for us. firit, where are you going? wait, what are we going to do?
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without a plan, but say, let’s say i distract people, but how are you going to get inside to seyran, if kazym notices, everything is gone, kazym needs to be distracted too, abi, i can’t wait, i need to act now, who is it? suna, of course, and i didn’t guess, suna should help us, i understand what you ’re talking about, what does suna have to do with it? calm down, i have a plan.
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and you eat and eat, it would be better if you took care of business, you can’t eat anymore, you know that you have always been. you only think about yourself, what’s wrong with you
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today, look at this, it’s all because of you, ok, calm down, we will sort everything out, now everyone will think that i’m dirty. well, everything is settled, yes, even the broken watch twice a day is right, let's start with the fact that it is your fault. it is clear.
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sunakhanim, you must not be seen. everything is ready, then let's get to our place, okay. idiots,
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i thought you really didn’t care about ds iran, that’s enough, okay, that’s it, calm down, son. i thought that my sister was left all alone in the hands of her father, suna, calm down, we found where she is, don’t worry, okay, none of you know what this man is capable of, where he is going could have taken her to someone, i haven’t slept a wink all night, what’s your plan, let me tell you, i’m listening, it’s quite risky for you, if you don’t want to get involved in this at all, i’ll think of something, no, don’t dissuade me, i in fact, don't care about the consequences. what do you have? this is the conversation. our people are ready, they are waiting, let's go. well, it's time to send people to begin our mission.
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no matter what you live, live inside, don’t show it to anyone for anything, hello, we’re lost, i’m the daughter of the goat magi, i came to my father, i don’t know anything, private property. my your father will arrange one for you, call him, go, just try to stop him, what’s
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the matter, turn off the light, turn it off, come on, who is it, you can’t come here, i’m kazymaga, your daughter, where is seyran? suna, what is this? what are you up to? answer! who is this? come out now, come on, come out! suna, your work! no, not my hands, you just have too many enemies. where is my sister? who's there? raran! find him and bring him here! okay, not here, cyran! seiran! where is seyran? enough, she’s not here,
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i don’t understand, are you looking for your own death, so, auntie, it’s because of you that yours will die niece, because of you, beat me, come on, come on, i won’t leave a wet spot for you, and what are you waiting for, i’m... already here, why are you frozen? yes, i raised a real monster, and now i'm reaping the benefits, and don't you be ashamed, suna, no, dad, i just got stronger, and i
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'm not afraid of you anymore, okay, listen, right now i 'm giving you exactly one hour if i i won’t be back in an hour, they will look for me, i have a phone with me, they will find me, and you will sit down. one hour, one hour, one hour is clearly not enough, stay longer, i i missed you, shunno.
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firit, what are you, are you crazy, sairan, don’t worry, we will help you. "hold on, no, please go away, my father can see you, suna is distracting my father, she is here too, we have a plan, now, abe, start, come on, we need to go, come on, you said exactly one hour. time is up , well, so what now, come on, tell me,
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halis karhan sent you, he didn’t deign, he doesn’t know, you hear, i won’t leave without seyran, i don’t understand, you’re so confident in yourself, suna, why is this suddenly instead of that. to ask for my forgiveness, you are so shameless, brazen yourself enter it, dad, that's enough. no need, no need,
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sairan, sairan, sister, why did you come, and your husband knows that you are here, sairan, i was worried, that’s why i came, don’t worry about me, you stayed there. “i no longer have a sister who came to save me from my evil father, and what are you going to do interestingly, you’re pathetic, and you’re all pathetic, father was right!” great, well done, daughter, see your sister off, get out,
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well, what are you looking at, you see, i’m alive, healthy, everything’s fine, i don’t want to see you anymore, tsirran, don’t say something you’ll regret, don’t it’s necessary, that’s enough, “curtain, you’re not our family anymore, see her off, yes, dad, i’ll do anything, the karkhans are no longer our family, yes, let her go. let her find out what awaits her in that
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house, you’re done, yes . quiet, quiet, quiet, look at me, you 're still afraid of your father, right, who is it, who, what are those sounds?
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sairan, we're leaving, pack your things, let's go, sairan, sairan, are you the best ? savings deposit up to 18% per annum open in sberbank online cop wars today at 16:45 on ntv. my back
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gets tired on my feet all day. because of my work, i’m sedentary. lifestyle.
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kaya, don't worry so much. i went to breathe air. by air? where have you been? calm down. answer truth. where have you been? weren’t you the one who said that your husband can’t be out of the house at night, that your husband can’t stay somewhere at night, didn’t you, what are you saying, i don’t understand, why does my wife come home in the morning, but tell me where you were all night with who, who were you with, please, i was seiran, i was seiran, i had to eat seiran, seiran. sairan always needs to be saved and protected, right? why didn't you tell me why you didn’t say what we talked about, suna, that from now on we will be open to
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each other, where is your honesty, weren’t we going to experience all the difficulties together, were we not? i'm just an idiot, a real dumbass, i have no brains, yes, i did, i trusted you, i trusted you, although... you didn't build it, leave me alone, leave me alone, don't get in my way, okay, don't you dare, rubbish, okay, that's enough, stop, stop, rubbish, stop, that's enough. quiet, everything is fine, everything is fine.
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come in, these. sairan, you're probably cold, i'm not it's cold and i'm cold, i need to light a fire,
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do you want anything? i don’t need anything, firit, you wanted to talk, let’s talk, listen, sairan, you don’t need to perceive the conversation as torture. okay, why are you doing this, why such a reaction, sairan, you’re right, i’m sorry, but i really don’t need anything, what happened cannot be called normal, it was hard for me, i know, sairan, i know. and i wish you only the best, you know, here, there’s
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only one bed, it turns out we ’ll have to sleep together, for some reason this doesn’t bother me at all it's frustrating, and you're happy too, as far as i can tell. you smile, don’t hide, well, yes, i laugh, and you remember how it was, a lot has changed since then, firit, we have changed. sairan, your father, what did he say, what did you talk to him about, tell me. you don't
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believe his words, right? i understand you don't trust me, am i right? i wonder why? love doesn't always heal. we couldn't love each other. we haven't learned. we may not have succeeded, but we both tried, tried our best, cyron, i constantly endured your unreasonable jealousy, and you only followed the wishes of your grandfather, i wanted to have a child.
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but look, someone got ahead of the curve, your grandfather ordered to give me medicine so that i wouldn’t get pregnant, sairan, no, i ’m sure you’re wrong about him, really, you know your grandfather, firit, why do you believe him, he all he does is manipulate everyone, deceive everyone. in the end , nothing will happen to khalis karhan, nothing, no one even objects, as i understand it, you like to say that, but what about your own family, my grandfather, who you i don’t like it, he sent me to apologize to your father, yes, it happened after the wedding,
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firit, you became close to your father, you know how to get rid of him when he doesn’t suit you, but when it’s convenient for you, you give him a chance, sairan, that’s not true , i didn’t understand before how your father treats you, i curse myself every day for not noticing this, why, ferit, talk on, allah knows everything, you! i saw all this, but tried not to notice, firit, it was just not in your interests, i tried not to tear you away from your family, from your mother, and i knew that without your sister you will be unhappy, no, firit, you are turning into my father, what else can i
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tell you? “you still won’t believe me, cyron, you have some incomprehensible patterns in your head, and you yourself fit other people into them, cyran, i haven’t turned into anyone, what are you saying, i haven’t changed, well, okay, since for that matter, you behave like your father. you are the same as your father kozym, you see, this is proof.
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hey, hey, come here,
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quick! what? why should i even hold back now? are you tired of making me out? the last idiot, go and swear somewhere else, raised us at this hour, am i not trying to clear our reputation, and am i not trying my best, why did you tell them where i am, what she did to you, what yes oh what are you saying, sairan, sairan ran away and was taken away, suna appeared, distracted me, she immediately ran away, you want to say that you don’t know, i’m... not alone, something happened here, come on, look at me , tell me, are you in cahoots with khalis karkhan, he’s your ex- lover, i don’t know what you have there
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happened in the past, but you are in cahoots with him, how dare you say that, i will curse you, all my life i walk with my head held high, look here, in my eyes, look, look, “i can’t lie to you, did you know?” i, that she would run away? no, i didn’t know that, but of course, dear, you want me to be left alone, yes, that’s why i allowed khalis karhan to intervene, so that at your age i would also be left alone, what are you talking about, i the only one who was always next to you, i sacrificed my life so that you wouldn’t end up on..." what you are still a fool, without me you would have neither a father nor money, no one would even consider you a person, no one would consider you
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a man, and you told me these words, shame on you, shame on you, you shame, aunt, shame, shame! “listen, i always did as you wanted, i never tried to harm you, aunt, but from now on it will be as i say, as i say, so it will be, okay, okay, that’s enough, they’ll kick us out of here now, we we’ll embarrass ourselves again, that’s enough, let’s go.” stop listening to this, let's go, let's go, and let him stay, let's go, like this, okay, like this, like this, let's go,
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hello. oh, yes, yes, well, içimde bir fırtına. var yakar yıkar senle ben savaşırmıyız içinde bir kör kuyu sonsuz
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su sen. seninle ben kazanır mıyız, kalbimde sakladım seni, ilk gördümden beri, alev aldı bütün korkular, savruldum. dört bir yana gerçek yalanlara bu yoluzun sonu varsın sana kalbimde sakladım seni ilk gördümden beri
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alev aldı bütün korkular. savruldum dört bir yana gerçek yalanlara bu yol. sonuzun sonu varsın sana bu yol uzun sonu varsın sana.
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allah, as with a child, i know what you want to say, of course, you will be right, but i ask you, cover me, don’t ask me for this, it’s simple, ferit got worried, went to the master in the morning in a jeep, i’ll come in the afternoon, so tell me, wait, he knows about it, he knows, he knows. of course he knows, i’ve already thought of everything,
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even this grumpy old master helps me, but you don’t help, you ’ll ruin me, no at all, you know, as a child i loved you most of all, thank you, sairan, so i bought you a breakfast, this. mits, there are also, i went to a coffee shop, it’s nice here after the cold street, yes, you’re like a child, and what does this have to do with childhood, all people have different needs, people are either hungry or cold, yes, firit, thank you, when will we be back , what for? hurry, i don’t have a phone, firit, they’re probably looking for me, why
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would anyone look for you, everyone has their own life, cyron, maybe they’re actually glad that you ’re gone, firit, listen, i don’t want to quarrel, cyran, why can’t you and i just talk, solve everything normally, and i’m sorry, firit, what did you expect? what were you hoping for? tell me the truth. will i save sairan from trouble and will she jump into my arms? was that the plan? there was no such plan, but i thought you 'd at least act more reasonable. am i being unreasonable? you just took the documents and ran away. if you wanted to start a new life, you could tell me, i would help you. you can in real life, in real life i
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am strong, and if you ever leave your family, you actually leave, then i will help you, firit, really, you really will help me, you promise, understand, firit, understand already. we can't do it, no matter how much we try tried, it doesn’t work, whether you will be in my life or not, i can’t marry a woman i don’t love, i won’t let my child experience the same thing as me, do what you want, firit. i won't participate in this, but now
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maybe we can go? you need to get back to your family, come in! yeah, you're already ready, why didn't you warn me? i'm really excited about this event today, i hope. brings good to us and firit, he has already woken up, even as he woke up, he has already left, how is it, did he follow that girl, no, everything is not as you think, yesterday at dinner he and suna stumbled, yesterday i let my emotions slip a little, he
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went to the master nejip early, however, if you want, you can call the master, and i assigned him to him. security, great, you talked to suman, talked, she will completely understand, she herself wanted to help, yes, yes, i’m very glad, let’s leave early today, call arhan to go too, it’s clear, let people see that the whole family works hard, it will be done, cool, i overslept, i have to, i have to run, dad, hi, look, what i collected, we flew, well, it won’t turn on,
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you to see me like this, i myself don’t want to see you like this anymore, then watch your actions, i know all my responsibilities as a husband, why can’t you also, i feel sorry for kai." i'm really sorry, if this happens again, you'll regret it even more. that's it, seira, we'll just leave. firit, we ’ve already talked, i don’t understand what else you
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need from me. are you wondering what i need? what's the point? are you only thinking about yourself? yes, firit, yes, for the first time in my life i think about myself. do you just want to? hurt me, is n’t it so, you already destroyed everything when you left home, there’s nothing left, nothing will be restored, firit, if i wanted to hurt you, i would have accepted my father’s offer, well, i would have, sairan, we don't know, maybe he would have slandered you if i hadn't i came, why do you always do this, it’s the same thing every time? you do good, and then you shove it in your face, as if you saved the whole world, at least i’m not so ungrateful, i’m ungrateful, well, yes, remember, when you
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first came to our house, everyone there accepted you, even your grandfather i liked it, sairan, now it’s clear who taught you to love, stop it already, why are you screaming, first look at your family, look at your father, your aunt, your sister, they raised you to... just sell sairan and would have been sold if i had not appeared on time, if it weren’t for my family, you wouldn’t be able to talk to me so easily now, who you were, oh, you were a poor, frightened girl, sairan, don’t you remember this, and i remember how you trembled, standing in front of my grandfather, we treated you well, that’s what you became, sairan. enough, stop reproaching me with my family, you hear, of course, you know everything you are capable of in
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life, firit, is to justify the immoral actions of your family, that’s all, that’s all.
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no no. allah, give me strength. ze zarinkhanim.
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good afternoon, i hope he is having a good day, kazym bey, my brother wants to talk to you, okay, whatever his name is, kazim or kazym, kazym, bride,
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hello, kazym, yeah, hello, listen, i won’t keep you for long, i’ll tell you straight away, it seems that fate continues to bring us together, you know , i propose to combine our forces, what are you even talking about, i ’ll explain now, you had a nightingale in your hands, but you missed it, and i found it, i know where she is, i ’ll give the address, and you’ll go there, so what? , i agree, how quickly he found it, yes, his hands can reach everywhere, but you also helped make a list of their property, i don’t know
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much, thank you, who is this? his gaze is so boring. she was up to something. no, come on. when my brother sent everyone home, we took her to cook food for us. she also worked in the drinking house, she’s her own person, don’t worry. i don't want to see her in my house. dear, thank you very much. for helping to stop my brother, but i think it went too far, it’s a waste, maybe enough of these games are enough, no, i’m serious, where else can i find such a man at my age, two birds with one stone with one blow,
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kazimaga, sverran, sir. wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, sairan, sairan, listen, don't run, don't run away from me, i didn't mean to, dad, i was coming to you, okay, what do i need
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to do? to destroy them, are you serious, i hope this is not a trick, no, dad, no, let's destroy them, it's their turn to suffer, this is my girl, my beautiful daughter, honey, i've been waiting for so long, let's go, let's go, let's go, you're frozen, i never liked kazym, but after our telephone conversation... he seemed to me a respected man. kazym, don’t make me laugh, he’s so unbearable. niket, even donkey has something to love. i'll tell you this. listen, you've been secretly in love with
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me for years, but i'm not a kind person either, and i'm not exactly polite. shikhmus, you are a real man, but like a lion you are hard to contain. please don't compare yourself to him, otherwise things won't get any worse for him. i 'm not comparing, that's not what i meant. i mean that even such an animal can be tamed, given something to eat, it can work and be useful, but i never liked this man, i don’t trust him, i’m always away from him a lot of trouble, nyuket, what kind of stupid prejudices, in fact, he is polite, if you get to know his family, you will understand why he behaves this way, honey, i already know his family, let’s better close the topic, and tell me where you are from you know what a wonderful person he is, and you thought i didn’t notice anything, yes, tell me, where did you get his phone number? well, brother, there’s nothing wrong with that
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year, when the topic of wedding came up, i talked to him so that he would be responsible for his daughters, that’s all, you handled it smartly, bravo, i hope not you're lying, sarin. this is firit’s first work, on the one hand, this is definitely not our best design, but there is such a story behind it, such a tragedy, of course, dad, if that’s what you want. and why am i consulting with you, how can you help me? there’s no point in talking to you, you don’t understand anything else about our business, you’ve given up everything, you don’t
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want to work, and the company is doing just fine without you. you are unfair to me, father, i devoted most of my life to this work. so bad, but you don’t recognize the music art, ah, old song, at least not today,


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