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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 16, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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now an hour faster and without a single traffic light, moscow and st. petersburg have become a little closer to each other, the president today opened the final section of the m1 highway. the united states calls on nato allies to prepare for protracted wars; sergei lavrov made a number of loud statements while presiding over open debates at the un security council. one of the large russian companies paid material rewards to the fighters who destroyed nato equipment in the special operation zone, why will the american abrams spend the bonus on tank destroyers? donald trump
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appeared in public for the first time after the assassination attempt, the republican party convention arrived, his ear was in bents, but he was smiling, he was greeted with an ovation. alexey vasilovsky from the usa. yakhutia and transbaikalia are approaching the peak of forest fires. what fire fighting tools are good and what are residents preparing for? vlada kopylovskaya will tell you. born in the heart of the earth, a diamond is the most expensive mineral in the world, for the sake of which they conquer permafrost, here the precious stone itself is mined from diamond ore, how it turns into a diamond and not only saw ksenia ignatova.
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hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today for presenters elmira efindieva and vladimir chernyshov. today in russia , the most important sections of highways have been opened in two regions at once. in the samara region, this is a 100-meter bypass around togliatti; in addition to comfort for motorists, it provides new logistics opportunities.
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orenburg and tyumen will have additional, more convenient routes within the international transport corridor severyug. the m11 neva toll highway is already worked, but until today not at full capacity, all this time drivers had to waste time either on the m10, or even drive through the city with traffic lights and traffic jams, and now all transit will go with a whistle, including over the volga. the bridge over the volga is the largest construction of the entire northern bypass of tver, almost a kilometer long. this will allow
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large cruise ships to pass here without hindrance, but the tver bridge is not the only one today, there are also connections with the president in tagliatte, here the crossing length is almost 4 km, the volga in these places is much wider, and the road surface here is almost a hundred kilometers long. this route will make car traffic in the region more comfortable and safe, and will relieve congestion from...
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the region from part of the most important transport corridor - europe-western china. the sco countries agreed on the construction of this corridor back in 2014. it is equally difficult to overestimate the site in the tver region, which in the future will connect the northern capital with the urals, siberia and the far east. the object is completed, finally, now it is possible directly, moscow, st. petersburg and back. pride there is some kind of thing that we have people who can build such roads. vladinovich, do you decide to open traffic? i give permission, let's go, the first column of trucks with a signal leaves along the bridge towards st. petersburg, from today
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you can drive from the northern capital without traffic lights, or more precisely, fly at a speed of 130 km per hour without a single traffic light, not only to moscow, but also to kazan, already construction is underway. this highway to yekaterinburg. reliable roads are one of the key conditions for the dynamic growth of the entire russian economy. they allow you to invest in the attractiveness of regions in all other areas. they improve the quality of life of people, as i have already mentioned, give a powerful impetus to the development of cities and towns, and contribute to the growth of domestic tourism. among our other complex system tasks. further development of russia and north-south transport corridors and, most importantly, the creation of a modern road network throughout the country, in all regions, in cities, towns, and rural areas. at parting, the president not only thanked the builders, but also took a photo together, making a promise not to slow down.
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andrey shamin, alexander stefanyuk, evgeny anisimov, ntv, tver and samara regions. which was unleashed against russia in ukraine, the united states is calling on its allies to prepare for protracted wars, and not only in europe, this is the statement made today by sergei lavrov, the head of the russian foreign ministry led an open debate in new york at the un headquarters. the discussion was dedicated to creating a fair world order. russia held it as a country that received the chairmanship of the at the un security council and in the usa, lavov has two more discussions planned, at the ministerial level and several bilateral meetings, and will attend them. discuss, among other things, the ukrainian crisis, the situation in the middle east, and the situation in the gas sector. our correspondent alexey veselovsky joins us from new york. lyosh, but this is lavrov’s second visit to the states this year, it’s clear that everyone’s attention is focused on him. what other statements did the minister make? well, colleagues,
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the discussion is still ongoing, but this is a meeting of the un security council on the topic "multilateral cooperation for the sake of creation."
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when poroshenko, and then zelensky, waged a war against their own citizens in the donbass, legislatively destroyed russian education, russian culture, russian media and the russian language in general, banned the ukrainian orthodox church, no one in the west noticed this, did not demand from their wards in kiev, maintain decency, do not violate international conventions on the rights of national minorities, and the constitution itself... well, according to the russian minister, one destabilization of ukraine, and europe as a whole, is not enough for the collective west; now the nato alliance is moving to the pacific region in africa, as representatives of the bloc announced at a recent conference in
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europe. the war that it unleashed against russia with the hands of the illegal government in kiev is no longer enough for the north atlantic alliance; all the space is not enough for it. the osce, having destroyed fundamental agreements in the field of arms control almost to the ground, the united states continues to escalate confrontation. the other day at the summit washington. lavrov also noted that the americans, in this quote, are putting the entire collective
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west under arms and are expanding the trade and economic war with unwanted countries, actually introducing neo-colonial practices of illegal sanctions, protectionism and restricting access to technology. where are all those attributes of the free market that the united states and its allies have taught everyone to for so many years, a market economy, fair competition, and inviolability itself. we recently heard public demands from officials from the united states and the european union, the chinese people's republic, demands to reduce excess production in high-tech industries, since in them the west began... to lose its long-term advantages, now instead of market principles there are those same
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rules, but the way out of this crisis, according to lavov, is not increased confrontation, but the search for a politician diplomatic paths, taking into account the opinions of all countries, and not the way it is happening now, and the russian minister noted that russia is ready for such a search for a balance of interests. it is necessary first of all to restore. professional diplomacy, a culture of dialogue, the ability to listen, to maintain channels of crisis communication. the lives of millions of people depend on whether politicians and diplomats are able to formulate something like a unified vision of the future; whether our world will be diverse and fair depends again on you and me, on the member countries. there is a fulcrum, this is the charter of our organization, i will emphasize this again, if everyone, without exception, will...
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well, colleagues, this discussion within the walls of the un continues, and apparently, it will be very extensive today, at this meeting security council signed up, representatives of 53 countries signed up to speak, thank you, thank you, alexey vasilovsky sergei lavrov’s speech in new york at the un headquarters. chief of the general staff valery gerasimov visited the group’s command post today. demonstrated in
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battle, gerasimov also listened to commanders’ reports on the situation in the group’s area of ​​responsibility; the chief of the general staff was also shown samples of combat robotic systems that successfully use our assault formations in attacks in this direction. and in the location of the group of troops, the center was feeding the fighter.
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here they are, the heroes of our time, six fighters from the center group of troops, each with at least one shot down abrams, an artilleryman with the call sign kalina with his crew from the mstab howitzer, as they say at the front, zeroed out the nato box with a high-precision krasnopol projectile from a distance of 17 km, weapon. the team came, worked clearly, quickly, harmoniously, and a minute later they told us that we had destroyed, i felt proud. for our country, as if we we can work like this, destroy. also with a krasnopol shell, but from a kimsta self-propelled gun, the gun commander with his call sign turned the overseas underva into a pile of burnt scrap metal, although the abrams is not the easiest target. they have strong protection there, as if they even have protection from krasnopol, all
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the same, the teaching is directed at the target there, and there are also reflecting teachings. they penetrate the armor of the vaunted nato ones. vehicles, our portable anti-tank missile systems, such as the carnet, its guidance is carried out using a communication channel and a guidance laser, well, plus itself ammunition, and the missile goes to the communal unit, penetration is a thousand higher, over 1,100 mm of armored steel, today the commander of the rotepturists, tank destroyers receive a reward for three destroyed abrams at once. birding, and i don’t even remember that it was a nato tank, judging by the heat signature and the firing, it was clear that it was a tank, there was nothing special, but maybe it was comfortable, it was convenient to aim with it, well, i’m not a tanker, i don’t understand, but it burns just like any other equipment, i stink, it’s a hit second, the tank is on fire, the atgm crew under
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the command of gepard is one of the most effective, over 2 years of the special operation they have reduced the number of nato equipment. in the donbass for 44 cars, for which the cheetah was nominated for the title of hero of russia. the crew of the t-72 tank, which was represented by a mechvoz with the call sign kochubey at the award ceremony, destroyed the abrams in the ovdeevsky direction, not in a tank duel from closed firing positions. but this does not detract from their merits. although american tanks are slow and clumsy, you still need to be able to get into moving target from a long distance. they didn’t drive up there, we were already waiting in advance because we knew what was coming. equipment rolls out, well, from a certain point, and we shot it , we were hunting for the vehicle specifically, please, today they are not given state awards for their performance, but material rewards. the management of one of the large russian companies decided last year to support our fighters, paying them half a million rubles for each damaged nato tank. undoubtedly, today
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every fighter who is in the north military district is a hero, yes, which protects our country, people, those who need help, but here. the soldiers decided to donate to support the families of their fallen comrades, and they will also earn money for themselves. and i hope that the performance of our fighters will be many times higher, and thanks , of course, to the support of our friends, who do not forget these guys, these heroes, who really, through their work
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, contribute every day to our common victory. russian company. has already paid the military about 23 million rubles for the destruction of nato armored vehicles. and today i was the amount of payments for the destruction of f-16 fighters has been announced, which, according to western politicians, are already being transferred to the ukrainian armed forces. for the first fighter shot down, a reward of 15 million rubles was promised. evgeny golovanov, maxim belikov and yuri krivasheev, ntv, donbass. support for svo participants was one of the main topics of vladimi’s meeting today. putin with the governor of the tver region igor rudeni. he told the president that there are many people in the region who want to serve in the armed forces. the regional authorities, together with the ministry of defense, increased the one-time payment upon conclusion of the contract. now it is more than a million rubles. the region has its own volga tank battalion. five natives of tver became heroes of russia.
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the president noted that it is important to help not only military personnel, but their families. for families, for the families of our guys who are fighting, we also need to work constantly, provide them with comprehensive support, we are engaged, we made additional payments for the families of participants in a special military operation and also made for families with many children, because you know, there are such moments that dads have many children same they are going to a special military operation, but you have to somehow tell them not to rush there, but there are also participants in a special military operation with many children who cannot be kept at home either, so this is how it is. added that the region helps the children of svo participants with obtaining vocational education. 200 people, regardless of the availability of places , are placed in secondary medical
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schools, students are paid an additional scholarship. our correspondent in the usa alexey vasilovsky did not follow today only for sergei lavrov’s speech at the un, which we talked about at the beginning of the issue, but for his first public appearance after the assassination attempt of donald trump. 48 hours after the shooting at... the party candidate in the upcoming presidential election, no one doubted that this would be the case, the meeting also announced the name and candidate for the post of vice president of the united states. the republican national convention greeted trump with thunderous applause. this is the former us president's first public appearance since the assassination attempt. the right wounded ear is closed bandage, but...
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the president, his number two, the senator from the state of agyo, j.d. vance, is now trump's running mate in the presidential race and the future vice president if they manage to win the election. j.d. vance, a former marine, businessman, writer, who became a politician relatively recently, was elected to the us senate just a year ago. it’s interesting that at the beginning of his political career, wentz criticized trump and even spoke very impartially about him, but now they are friends, and wentz is called “in the republican party” even more trump than trump himself. in washington, vance is one of the main critics of american aid to ukraine. here is a fragment of his interview with cnn, seven months
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ago. the idea that ukraine will push russia back to the borders of 1991 is absurd. nobody believes this. therefore, we say to the president and to the whole world: you must explain what we are trying to achieve. what will 61 billion help do that 100 billion could not do? understand, jack, ukraine. virtually destroyed as a country, we have reached the point where are on the hook and now have to pay for ukrainian pensioners, rebuild the country, we need to stop the murder, that's what the american government should do, and not write new checks to finance the war. however, vensa also had much harsher statements about ukraine. this is some kind of stupidity that we are fixated on the ukrainian war, i will be honest, i don’t care what happens to ukraine one way or another, and for trump the main thing is that he has a great attitude towards the crown.
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after the assassination, donald trump's chances of victory in the elections has increased, 58% of voters are ready to vote for the republican leader, joe biden’s rating has dropped below 13%, and even kamala haris’s chance is now higher. the current us president , meanwhile, is trying to justify himself for controversial statements about trump that he made before the assassination attempt. you called your opponent an existential threat. a week ago you said it was time to get there. bullseye with trump, there was some disagreement about the content, but i think you appreciate it. it's about focus. look, this is the point. i guess i said this when very
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few people were focused on trump's words. but you said it's a bull's eye. there was a mistake, i didn’t say take aim, i said target the bull’s eye, that is, focus on him, on his actions. during the same interview, biden persistently convinced the journalist that he was in excellent shape. can speak without a teleprompter and is ready to answer any questions, however, biden’s opponents immediately remembered all his recent embarrassments. fall at the podium at the graduation ceremony military academy, a handshake with an empty space, a huge number of reservations, a very strange expression on his face after the debate with trump, when his wife ajeel spoke at a democratic rally, and he stood next to him with a frozen smile. of course, they didn’t forget about the cards with hints that the assistants prepare for him in front of him.
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22:10 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. large natural fire. which was near novorossiysk was liquidated, aviation, an l76 plane and five helicopters helped stop the spread of the fire. the damage caused to nature is estimated at hundreds of millions of rubles. according to experts, to restore the burnt forests may take at least a century. it is noted that the vineyards were not damaged. a dangerous outbreak in crimea near koktebel has been brought under control; an airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations is also working there; more than 500 people, including employees, are involved in extinguishing the fire.
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no luck from the mine strip to the water 100-150 and we put out about 8 km in a day, yeah, we met, launched an oncoming fire, went to the spring for water. b-200 amphibious aircraft and copters for reconnaissance are involved in fires, but the main people are not only those who extinguish fire, there are now more than 1800 of them in yakutia from different regions. but also those who do not allow its appearance. everyone remembers the terrible summer of twenty-one, when millions of hectares of forest in the republic burned down. then the human factor played an important role, and something is still changing for the better. all active forest fires today,
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the preliminary cause is a thunderstorm. we monitor this using lightning detection and taking into account the fact that forest fires are detected in hard-to-reach remote areas. there is no human activity. there are no hard-to-reach places for smoke, so it is extremely difficult for aviation forest protection to inspect all active fires from the air. the authorities warn residents of the republic about smoke and advise them to open windows less often and curtain their houses with a damp cloth. vlada kopylovskaya, roman kutukov and viktor milnik, ntv television company. yakutia, transbaikalia. the ministry of digital development proposes to allow russians to top up their mobile phone balance with cash, then... in russia, the fight against anonymity on the internet. today it became known about new ideas on how to make a mobile
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communication in russia is less anonymous. the ministry of digital development proposes the following rules: in order to replenish the balance of a mobile phone in cash only upon presentation of a passport, buy a sim card only after checking your passport. data from the ministry of internal affairs database, the vedomosti newspaper, citing sources, writes that the proposals of the ministry of digital development are now undergoing interdepartmental approval. earlier it became known about another measure put forward by the ministry so that a foreigner could buy a sim card in russia only using biometrics. tightening in the field of mobile communications, power explained by the fight against gray sim cards and fraud. according to roskomnadzor statistics, last year russian telecom operators had 351 million obanyan numbers. of these, 43 million, the department stated, were processed with violations. according to them, roskomnadzor demanded that telecom operators update information about subscribers. today at a press conference, deputy head of the duma committee on economic policy artyom kiryanov,
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speaking in general about the movement towards de-anonymization, recalled another initiative according to which russian users of social networks with an audience of more than a thousand people per day are required to report themselves to roskomnadzor. andrew straight. this year there have not been such high prices yet, and the last time the mark was 7100 and the ninety- fifth was overcome in september last year,
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then it all ended with the government banning exports. gasoline on the stock exchange has been rising in price almost every day since the beginning of summer, during which time ninety-second increased by about 20%, and ninety-five - 40%. in retail, all this is reflected, but traditionally at a different pace. with beginning of the year, according to rosstat, gasoline prices at gas stations rose by 3.5%. deputy prime minister alexander novyk admitted the day before that the government was responsible for the rise in stock prices for gasoline. may respond by banning the export of gasoline again from august, this ban was lifted on may 20, as alexander novyk described the situation, the situation for ninety-second gasoline and diesel fuel is stable, but for ninety- five gasoline the situation, quote, has become somewhat tense. the deputy prime minister explains everything with the repair of oil refineries, which should complete these repairs soon, then the volumes will be, according to alexander novyk, as before. the deputy prime minister concluded: the market is sensitive. we will calm him down. the russian stock market
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continued to plunge downwards all day today. at some point, the mos exchange index touched its lowest level since july last year, but by evening investors decided to pick up shares that had fallen in price and brought the index plus. the official ruble fell in value against the dollar and the euro. the central bank has set the following rates for tomorrow: dollar 88.28, euro 96.26. today. it was announced that yandex co-founder arkady volosh became the ceo of the nebius company. it arose after the day before the former parent company of yandex, the dutch yandex nv, closed the deal to sell its russian business and renamed itself. arkady volush left the post of general director of this company, when it was still called yandex&v, 2 years ago, but a lot has changed. in march of this year, the eu lifted sanctions against it; nebios itself now indicates that it has no ties with russia. the company
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today announced that roman chernin has been appointed its commercial director, and the position andrey korolenko took over as director of infrastructure products. both also worked at yandex before. hebeus is built from several foreign businesses that were previously part of yandex. these are data tagging, educational services, self-driving cars, but nebeos still calls cloud services for artificial intelligence its main business. it is reported that there are only about a thousand people in the nebius team, people from microsoft, amazon, yandex, and other companies, in addition to them there is free 2.5 billion dollars, as the company explains, this name nebius combines the latin word, nebula, and a reference to the endless mobius strip, which, according to the plan, quote, embodies the belief in the limitless possibilities offered by cloud technologies. i have everything, thank you, denis. denis talalaev with an economic review. the main
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day of the caucasian investment forum took place in grozny today. the chairman of the russian government, mikhail mishustin, visited it and personally inspected the stands telling about breakthrough projects. well, then i held a development meeting region where much attention was paid to tourism. the nature of the caucasus is so rich that you can choose a vacation there to suit every taste. hundreds of billions of rubles have already been signed at the forum. alexei. about how the region is changing. almost every step from stand to stand at this exhibition promises investors not even millions in billions in profits. domestic tourism today is stormy, like mountain rivers. and the north caucasus for those who were able to discern the potential of the region is a real dyke clan. during the first 2 days of the investment forum, agreements for 160 billion rubles. mikhail mishustin assessed the investment projects of each republic, noting the dynamics of chechnya’s development. it is very important that everything. is developing according to all the criteria by
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which we evaluate, by investment, the fixed capital you said, honestly the amount is amazing, the mountains of the caucasus range that rise above the black sea coast, the resorts of elbrus, arkhys, mameson, the recreational cluster, tiberda-dambay should make all this accessible beauty for tourists. even today, when a large construction project is still underway in the greater caucasus, people come here vacation for up to 4 million people. we want to make such a large cluster where people can come to... stands, what the caucasus republics are striving for, how the region sees itself tomorrow and in 6 years, most global construction projects should be completed by 2030 . mikhail mishustin asked not to write off the service, which is still lame. grozny international airport, the new veduchy ski resort, is presenting
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a super-spacious cabin, the longest unsupported cable car, now it is being pulled through the orgun gorge. all these are examples of pro... projects that are relied upon not only in chechnya, but in all regions of the greater caucasus, industry, housing and communal services, transport, and agriculture. 3 years ago, at a strategic session under the leadership of the prime minister, five breakthrough projects were selected for each republic of the greater caucasus. the prime minister walked around the entire exhibition, looked into the cabin of the future cable car of the veduchi resort, which was originally made together with the french, noting that it needed to be improved.
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shoes that are going to compete with leading world brands, for example, in the stavropol region are nearing completion of the construction of an advanced greenhouse complex; high technologies will help farmers grow vegetables; all this is experience that needs to be generalized and disseminated. we should not be embarrassed to talk about people who invest their personal funds in the development of our republics, our country; economic activity in the region is growing and growing quickly, thanks to both breakthrough projects. considering the geostrategic position of the north caucasus, it is necessary to establish reliable logistics chains, products that are produced here in the caucasus, in the region, and supplied throughout russia abroad, the potential is very large, to fully reveal it, it is necessary to
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more actively include caucasian subjects in the development of the international north-south corridor. the modernization of two checkpoints on the border with azerbaijan has been completed.
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still thinking about the ideal housing at domklik , everyone will find housing for themselves. this is the program today. we continue our release. in libetsk. today the first hearings of the case of genocide by the nazi invaders in the region during the great patriotic war took place. in the open two eyewitnesses to the atrocities of the nazis spoke at the court hearing. one of them, vitaly rtishchev, said that in the forty-second year the occupier gathered 59 civilian soviet citizens in the house and set fire to the buildings. another witness reported how, before her eyes , several local residents were burned alive in a stable in the village. the prosecutor's statement
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says that during the war , more than 3.00 people became victims of genocide by the nazis in the lipetsk region, and another thousand were forcibly taken to forced labor in germany. meeting of the lipetsk regional court will continue tomorrow. india, which is the world's largest diamond cutter, continues to actively purchase russian gems. the g7 sanctions did not significantly affect the volume of supplies from our country, but the european union, due to the indignation of the jewelers themselves, completely postponed the restrictions on russian diamonds for an indefinite period. today in russia is a professional holiday for workers in the diamond mining industry. and the ntv film crew visited one of the deposits and traced the path of the valuable mineral from the very depths. report by ksenia ignatova. this is the place from. diamond’s journey to people begins, we are at the bottom of the batuobensky quarry of one of the three deposits around the nakin shift camp, its depth is more than
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250 m underground, and... there will be even more, the equipment here works around the clock without stopping, on holidays and weekends, but i don’t know about the drivers, they are familiar people, but all these views simply take my breath away. yakutia, rotation camp nakyn three hundred kilometers from the diamond capital russia, the city of mirny, was founded in 2000 and people come here from all over russia, some work for generations, like, for example, the father and son of the kirillins. theater with my wife, i always drink tea there, i go in and talk to former colleagues, but it’s also not bad here, the pay is good, now sasha works
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as an assistant to a drilling rig operator, one of those who opens rocks under which minerals are hidden. geologists discovered the nakyn ore field in the mid-nineties. it turned out to contain two camberlite pipes, one of them, like it turned out that it even splits into two. these are the vents of ancient volcanoes, through which magma erupted from the depths of the earth millions or even billions of years ago. when it solidified, it turned into camberlite, a rock containing diamonds. dump trucks continuously descend and ascend along the walls of the quarry, as if along a serpentine road. from here they look like ordinary trucks, in fact, each is a two-story building high and carries 150 tons of rock straight to the processing plant. it is important for us to get a rich product, rich in valuable components, in this case we have diamond is our valuable component, that is, the products obtained are enriched in
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comparison with the original ore, that is, the original ore. poor, we got a rich product in diamonds, in order to separate diamonds from waste rocks, the ore is sifted many times in heavy media, first crushed with a crusher, then with jaw crushers, ground in a water mill, finally shaken in a huge sieve, rattling. next is the diamond sorting center in mirny, here the stones arrive divided into six fractions, they are carefully distributed according to several parameters, by size or weight, by quality, by shape... and diamonds are sorted by both machines and people manually. the combination of just four characteristics gives more than 8,500 varieties of stones. and this is the last stage on the path of stones, the largest diamond cutting plant in russia. here they are first immersed in a special selenium immersion glass and scanned to create a 3d model of the diamond. up to 160x
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magnification, we can tune in to any defect. and based on the model they calculate. how many and what kind of diamonds will be produced from stone, the purity and color of the future product, its cut and cost depend on the ideal layout, the cutting of the stone consists of several diamonds, yes, because the diamond itself often has distortion, and even there is some kind of top, and fused into it, you can enter some small, and even smaller diamond, 9 years after the discovery of the richest diamond deposits in yakutia... here in smolensk the first diamond cutting factory in the soviet union is being founded, it sets professional standards for the entire industry, and local specialists, especially cutters, more than 300 of them work here, are valued all over the world for a canopy of gold, or rather diamonds. you need to have some idea of ​​what you are doing, now i have taken out a stone, now i need to cut a shape
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of a certain diameter, if a little larger, a little smaller. if you cut it, you can fly out of the mass, there will be no koratnik. we can see what comes out of the hands of these people in any jewelry store, but only 2/3 of the crystals mined in russia are used for the production of diamonds. their exceptional hardness is used in various industries, from nuclear to construction and, of course, in medicine. this is our natural diamond powder, grade 3. this diamond chips will be used for dental burs, dental drills and cutters, consumption. material for hardware manicure, we use natural or synthetic diamond in our production , depending on the purposes we produce, well, natural is mainly for dentists, for cosmetologists, for nail services, natural diamond has defects, natural defects, yes, therefore, it means that when a bur rotates, due to natural defects it chips, crumbles and, as it were, sharpens itself, more than one and a half million burs are produced here per month, this is 40%
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of the country's needs, they are purchased everywhere. even abroad, deliveries go to 75 countries, from the middle east to america. now they are already shiny and marked, this is the final stage, packaging of hogs, which we will use later. they will drill teeth, each of them contains five hundredths of carats, so it turns out that treating our teeth is really work jewelry, so diamonds are not only uncut diamonds, they are also part of our everyday life, the main thing is that their reserves are not depleted too quickly. ksenia ignatov, sergey krishkov, pavel volosatov, artemy chinkov and olga vailoshnikova, tv company. now is the time for weather forecast, in our weather studio evgenia neronskaya. it’s hot like summer in moscow, even the rains the day before didn’t change the situation much. what's next? next, we carefully monitor
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the atmospheric front, which begins its path in the kaliningrad region. there tomorrow rains and thunderstorms will reach pskov in the evening, and then this front will attack the central region. if tomorrow there is still no precipitation here, above 30, then on thursday there will be thunder showers. very strong in places. squalls of wind and the heat will finally subside. another front will bring rain to the northeast. and in arkhangelsk tomorrow it will no longer be higher than 20. the south, unfortunately, will remain aloof from all the changes, there tomorrow in the next few days it will be under 40, only in the mountains around sochi it will be easier. the weather is dry and extremely flammable. in a few seconds about the weather in capitals. nail fungus makes it difficult to put on summer shoes. mizol evolar will not let you ruin your summer. misol is the most profitable. medicines for nail fungus. new product, mizol in the largest package, even larger and more affordable. what is the best medicine for nail fungus? misola valar is more profitable
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up to 50%. new. mizol in large packaging 50 ml. even bigger and better priced. mizol evalar - treatment of fungus without overpayments. in st. petersburg tomorrow + 27:29, but towards evening there will be a thunderstorm. no precipitation in moscow yet again until 32, on thursday heavy rains, thunderstorms, dangerous winds, not very hot anymore, about 27. by the weekend, nastya will not calm down, there will be rain, but light, during the day it will be about 25°. yes, thank you, zhenya, by the way, i wanted to remind you that half of summer is already behind us, so we are enjoying every day and summer, winter is coming, thank you, zhenya, evgenia neronskaya with the weather forecast, these are the main news for this hour and we, elmira iendeeva and vladimir chernushov, say goodbye to you, see you, goodbye. vakulin,
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dmitry ivanovich, former city judge court, retired 4 years ago due to health reasons, became a lawyer, but almost immediately got a job as a legal consultant at the firm of sergei anisimov, i did not practice law , but what about onisimov’s case? here is a copy of the review certificate, i think you will understand everything yourself, but i think vakulin with his judicial connections will be able to protect his client, the meeting went well, however, pavel andreevich was on my tail, well , it would be strange if he didn’t tried to find out who you are, you solved the question, of course, good, but what about the main problem, it's not a problem, it's a coincidence, so you can start calmly. do you even know who this anisim's lawyer is? and from where, a former judge of the city court, he opens the door to the ministry of justice with his foot.


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