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tv   Professional  NTV  July 17, 2024 4:10am-4:56am MSK

4:10 am
“she hasn’t woken up when my phone rings for about 100 years, what’s wrong with you, let’s go, let’s go away, sit down, listen, you work with all departments in your own safety, unfortunately, yes, we even have caesar’s wife under suspicion, but tell me i'm talking about general karasev's unit." why you asking? in the 10 years that we've known each other, is this the first time you've asked me such a question? because i’m asking because i’ve known you for 10 years, i don’t want you to get into trouble, after the liquidation of the forelock in jakarta, the shares of the karasevsky division went uphill sharply.
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no one stood up for him, screw it up, wait, i didn’t understand, and don’t, you don’t need to understand anything, just don’t interfere, i hope you didn’t write to me, which of us is the head of the gistap, you or me, in general, my friendly advice to you:
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don’t drive the wave, in our country initiative is punishable, okay, i’ll go, otherwise i need to get up, well , that’s all, you saw the rest yourself.
4:14 am
there's probably already an ambush at your apartment, the office guy will take you, inject you with chemicals, and you'll bring them here so nicely, what are you going to do, kill me like witness, no, i need you, why did i take you out of the department, apartment, you don’t need me now, you do. you are the only one who knows about me. tomorrow you gather journalists and tell them that the criminal who took you hostage told you his story, there will be a fuss and it will be more difficult to process you. be patient for a couple of days, and then everything will be decided. how? either they kill me or i kill them. whose else? yes. they will leave you alone anyway.
4:15 am
lawyer esa moreva never showed up? police found her car abandoned in the center. we had a hard time slowing them down investigation, but we will not be able to keep the situation under control for long. this could mean either she is dead or the tooth. she is being held, or she is an accomplice, do not remove surveillance from her apartment, i would like to talk with dmitry zubov, i am working with dmitry zubov now, you know the main rule of working with people, do not let a pack of dogs loose on one bone.
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oh, sorry, please, sorry, nothing. a woman hasn’t woken up on my chest for 15 years, but what about the girl you spent the night with, that’s different, oh, for journalists i i don’t look very presentable, i need to leave, get myself in order, and you
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stay here. good afternoon, these are the materials you asked for from colonel masyutin, please, thank you sergeevna, tell me, you have been working in the department for a long time, 18 years, you knew andrei zubov well, no more than everyone else. sorry, anatoly vladimirovich is waiting for me, of course, so what?
4:18 am
i spoke with simon, he denies everything, hello, it doesn’t look like he’s even ready for a meeting. more unlikely, simon kiter understands that if he does not agree to the meeting, it will immediately become clear that he has a mitigation, he doesn’t know that thresh survived and told us about his people, somehow everything is very simple, maybe someone wants to pit us against us, who, there is no one to pit us against, cancel the meeting and prepare the team to organize. arthur, what else? when it comes to a guy, you can’t keep a cool head, but you could if your son’s life was at stake, hit the mark and prepare the team, that’s it.
4:19 am
her name is lustar, she works at the naboli club, your father has a new life, guy, and you are not part of it, your mother said that she she loved him so much, well, as you can see, this doesn’t mean that he loved her so much, but why did he... contact me, because it’s necessary for work, we ’re adults, guy, all over the world , intelligence agencies use crime, he didn’t need you, it was your capabilities, by the way, the lawyer who stood at the motor depot is already ready to testify, this is just for your
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information, in addition to a reminder that they are looking for you, that is... “if i don’t help you, you are handing me over to the cops, i don’t want you to do this under pressure, i i want you to'. could consciously help us, and at the same time ourselves, it’s difficult to live with such a burden as the unavenged death of his mother, his mother was killed for him, unfortunately, yes, they wanted to use her for one operation, as a former employee of the office, but she refused, you so much years did you know? were silent, you knew who killed my mother, and
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you didn’t do a damn thing, we waited and waited, i understand how hard it is for you, guy, but you must help us catch your father, avenge your mother, comrade colonel, in what's the matter, urgently general karasev? look after him, eat, come in, i hope it’s something urgent, i’m almost done with the guy, and how is he, ours, if he’s serious?
4:22 am
borisovich told me that after escaping from the police department, andrei zubov was an employee of the special services, against whom materials on treason were fabricated 15 years ago, he also told me that after communicating with him, my life is... in danger , the recording of the press conference, which ended half an hour ago, has already been broadcast on three channels. did zubov recruit her? not think. such women love heroes. i got acquainted with the materials of her escape and search. lara croft is resting. this means that this press conference was invented by zubov, i’m sure
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he wants to protect it from us, to raise public opinion, he remembers how we scared the newspaperman in the late nineties, he didn’t take one thing into account, times have changed, we don’t care, we do, but business doesn’t, general before the meeting with the syrians, she won’t like it, don’t bother with her yet, that’s what she’s counting on, you can’t slow down. i have to talk to the general, then hello to him. by the way, if you i forgot, you are also a general, and he is a retired general.
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weapons, tea, green. yeah,
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you're afraid of me, simon, that's right, where's mitka? i don't understand what you mean, i only agreed to meet with you to show that i had nothing to do with what happened to your people. and who has, simon? give me at least one option. who could it be but you? i am not obliged to tell you anything and will not continue the conversation in this tone. okay, maybe you're right.
4:26 am
"i understand everything, antarctica, when something is happening to my son, i also can’t find a place for myself, this is the phone to contact us, the connection will be made by arthur vagnerovich, don’t look for your father, let him contact you himself, remember, your father, although a traitor to the motherland, is a professional, he he will outplay you in any way, your task is simply to... arrange a meeting and inform us, you understand me, i understand everything, i remember the legend for my people, i remember it, but with the cops, how will we solve everything, okay, let's go, otherwise your friends, having lost you, are probably worried.
4:27 am
okay, let's do it now. we certainly had disagreements on the topic of the dumpling factory. your mitya is a hot guy, he doesn’t always know how to listen. we did not find an understanding with him. and in general, i would advise you not to let
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him float freely for now. hot. things can get messy. i'm a teacher.
4:29 am
yes, where were you, we are looking for you, i was in captivity, i was taken away, apparently by those who attacked the base, but they yawned, i made a leg, and where are you, you went crazy, what do you remember? then everything was in a fog, some kind of drug den, they were injecting something, then the cops came, the security ran away, i gave the bobble to the cops so that they wouldn’t pick it up noise, why didn’t they even take your money? it seems to me that there was such a command,
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in my opinion, there is no other explanation, ivanovich, this is how i think, to meddle in the brothel. it makes no sense, this is an abandoned house, there are no ends there, but we need to figure it out, we’ve already sorted it out, the trash survived, he heard people talking to simon, and simon already answered, okay, go rest, yeah. yes, see a doctor, it’s unknown that they injected you there. yeah, well, how's it going, it's fine, take this car for now, yours is still in the cops, why, thanks,
4:31 am
and where did it come from, confiscation, bailiffs in the cafe the novgorod one was confiscated in our favor, ride it bye bye. natalya petrovna, hello, dmitry zubov is bothering you, i hope that everything is fine with you, i’m ready to meet just not now, i’m busy right now, thank you, see you, sorry, nothing, natalya petrovna, read, sign. well, that’s how it is, morio, i’ve been in custody for a long time, but
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i’ve never had anything like you before, a prisoner, a fugitive, a hostage, and everything i’ve ever had the opportunity to be, and i’m sitting here. this is your fate, mikhail petrovich, those born to sit cannot fly, but those born to fly often sit down, good afternoon, hello, who are you? can i talk to natalya petrovna in your office? if you don't mind, of course,
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of course. i don’t know if everything he told me is true, judging by your sudden appearance, no, what are you talking about, these are fairy tales, fairy tales
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of a mentally ill person, my management believes that we should behave differently, but me... special opinion, where is zubov, where is he? i'll put you in a cell, this time you won't get away with it, you'll rot there, i promise you who you are i was in prison, and for 3 months, under guard, if you want to go there again, say thank you, if i doubted it before, now i believe him. go to hell, well, so much the worse for you, by the way, if you want to complain,
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i wasn’t here, the investigator was in charge. i’ve always admired your ability to look cool, even while walking the dog, and i’ve always admired your ability to appear out of thin air, and you’ve changed, everything is changing, and your eyes are different, not the same as before, of course, because i’m a traitor to my homeland, i think not there's no point in asking you what happened. you're in your betrayal, i never believed with me, i always appreciated your intelligence, so i married katya, and i loved her, and you continue to tell the truth.
4:36 am
yes, whatever you want, karasev’s address, i just talked to him, i promise, you know, i ’m not lying, i understand, i’m sorry, i was glad to see you, wait, my. “we’ll see you again, one of the two, you know, teeth, men are divided into those who give a headache and who make it dizzy, you always belonged to the latter, thank you.
4:37 am
you were right, he came, i gave the address, thank you, serge , relax, touch general, in y you can call yourself, it’s urgent, but this is the judge, because most likely he’ll run to complain, i think it will be a call from a pay phone or an internet cafe, stand up, let’s do it, yes, what they’re doing, i’m on my way, i understand, i understand, got it, i'm on my way!
4:38 am
have dinner, i didn’t think that this cafe was still good evening, would you like to have a drink, it exists, i’ve been here, though it’s been a long time. and i remember you, you came with your companion, you always ordered martin for her, ate fish fingers, it’s surprising that you remember me, well, that’s my job, no one is surprised that a physicist remembers all the formulas, and remembering guests is the abc of my profession, like your charming companion, she died, i read the transcript of konego’s interrogation using special means. in a conversation with
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zubov, your assistant vera sirova was mentioned. during preventive checks, it was found that zubov was once recorded together with serova leaving her house. it was crazy to expect him to come to the woman he slept with 15 years ago. but it worked. for zuboi, these 15 years do not exist. everything that happened to him in russia before leaving, it was yesterday. and what does teeth want from faith? my address, apparently, my head is more valuable to him than yours, or i decided to start with a simpler option, zubov received the address of a trap, don’t get screwed this time, and you can be free, rest, i hope your work is finally finished, thank you.
4:40 am
calm down, if you twitch, i’ll shoot you in the head, i took my hands away from the barrel, how many of you are in ambush, two, i
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’m covering, what’s your name? galya, you will do what i say, you will live, galya, you will get in touch, say that you see me, let’s say i’m over there that black jeep in the yard. you see me, but you can’t shoot me, since i’m in cover, you tell them to scare me off, and you shoot me, nod if you understand, come on, flock, i’m an arrow, reception, connections, i see a client. you can change it, he sat down behind a black jeep in the yard, i see part of the shoulder and it’s in the shadows, i missed the approach, motherfucker, we’ll fight later, pull him, he’ll break at my gunpoint, come on, don’t screw it up, we’ll start in a minute, well done , galya.
4:42 am
if i were him, i would come in the morning, classic, we are all in our place, except him, he lives
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according to our laws, yes, we sealed it. tightly, with a voice that he managed to hook, a nit, a mountain too, they would take us away, commander, i’m going, that’s it, it’s over with the tooth, just like that, for every pro. there are a couple cooler, thank you for your service, major, i would like to take a look at him, if you allow, look at him in the morgue, then rest.
4:44 am
well, this is our elusive joe, it doesn’t look like who killed katya, what do you know? you're a fool of teeth, you can't beat the system.
4:45 am
hello, andrey borisovich, i’ve been wanting to meet you for a long time, observation from addresses take it off, let people rest, thank you all, lights out, well, doctor, the wound is non-fatal, your colleague, in some way, well, you see. stay alive, andrei borisevich, not for long, hello, why all this, doctors, hospital, my job is to find you, i must say,
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you work well, i just manage to dodge you, just be careful, in such matters it’s dangerous to be out of the loop, and you off topic, don't worry. save your strength, if i'm a traitor, why not take me alive, arrange a show trial, if you have, why do they want me to shut up, then call. what are your bosses afraid of? i’m connected, you don’t look like a person, come on, who doesn’t ask questions, what have you got, we’re going to the hospital, we should arrive in 10 minutes, who gave you the command to take him to the hospital, what kind of initiative is this? okay, so i’ll now
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send people, hand them from hand to hand straight to me, understand? yes sir. smart guy, listen, general, major richter to me. comrade major general richter, please sit down, it’s zubov, i’ve heard, he’s now being taken to the twenty-sixth hospital.
4:48 am
yes, let me go, rector, your name is in translation, which means judge, on topic, not quite, in german, executioner, scarf-richtor, let me go, work, work. look
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at the magazine, how much is there? kolya, show me, it’s clear, yakov sinovich, we’re coming to you, so it’s clear, in observation room 301, let me let you in ... strangers are not allowed here, i’m accompanying the wound, please wait here, for a long time, well, 15-20 minutes, uh-huh, uh-huh, so, well, blind gunshot, put the tampon away, okay, i think. be patient, it will hurt, it hurts so much, it’s bearable, it’s bearable,
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it means a lot, you’ll handle everything properly, and one and a half cubes of promedol, yeah, good, and after 15 minutes in the small operating room, yes, kovich, be patient, now i’ll give you an injection and it will be easier. “if there is a bullet in the shoulder, you have to cut it right away, so what, but the fact that after the operation he will be under anesthesia, it’s convenient, it’s never convenient with this guy, we’ll come and see, rita, there’s a woman with uterine bleeding, okay, i’ll run, lie down a little, now the painkiller is working, then go to the operating room.
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this is major richter, we have arrived, where to move, third floor to the left, surgical examination room, 301, i understand, follow me.
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use weapons as a last resort, you will stay here with me, so what?
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the blood of the robe, thank you, don’t mind, but you’re welcome, trita, well, how long can we wait, he’s the inspection officer, he won’t let you in there yet, general karasev is calling you, this is an order, that’s it, talk, rita, well, where is the patient with a gunshot, how where? who left here? sanitary talk, warn nilsky, hello, nilsky, hello!
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4:55 am
so i don’t understand, is that all? great, kira, did you receive an inheritance, or what? bonus? what prize? portal, oh, they gave, finally, they gave, they gave, yes, they gave, to me the suspension needs to be changed! and in general, in my opinion, kira was deserved, deserved, by military officers, so i didn’t understand, but i thought they gave it to everyone, strange.


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