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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-13  NTV  July 17, 2024 5:40am-6:30am MSK

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khryapa found out that a robbery was planned, dergachev and khryapa were preparing another operation, that is, when everyone was raked in, and then he and dergachev divided the loot, you want to say that khryapa and dergachev could not divide the money, well, perhaps they could not , although i have a different version about this, dergachev’s partner found out what they were doing, dergachev killed him, the khryapa found out about terentyev and began to blackmail dergachev, and why then, in short, wait, we’re resting, i also want to say, guys , i am many of you i know very much... you can say we just got acquainted with some, but the most important thing is that i want to say, the prize has come, and to me, oh, and to me, and to me, if at least one of you catches the next gap, blame yourself, come on, well damn, be healthy. so the main thing is not
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to fall asleep on some nonsense, you hear me, you hear me, mom, i'm afraid, i, i won't succeed, my girl, you can do anything, mom, i can't, let's just call the police, let's tell them the whole truth, my girl, you don't understand what it will be like i’ll stand with you, it’s true, okay, don’t cry, but i ask you, don’t, we’ll cry later, we’ll still have time to cry, hello, police, phone, i hear you can take it, given. address, come on,
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i’m writing, i’ll be right there, you’re leaving, well, you knew who you contacted, i’ll call. “you’re already here, great, they woke you up too, but you haven’t gone to bed yet, but then it’s easier for you, you managed to find out something, the murdered gleb losev is a businessman, he has his own construction company, so where to go, there, hold on, hold on “i’m holding on, i’m holding on, it wouldn’t hurt to sleep.” great,
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great, the murder weapon, beauty, the killer brought this knife, i don’t know, i’m sorry, i ’m not able to think right now, slav, and you don’t want to tell us anything, i was going to my relatives for a week, i thought it was for a week. there are problems in the family, i had to go back earlier, at night, uh-huh, i go into the house, here, if it passes now, drink some water, uh-huh, tell me, are there cameras in the yard or in front of the entrance, no, we recently rebuilt the house, there aren’t any in the old house there was, in this, where i just wanted to install it, i didn’t have time, i... saw everything,
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this is my daughter yulia, she was just in the house when everything happened, they broke into the house at about two in the morning, i was already sleeping at that time, and who are they, how many of them were there, two, no, three, yes, three, they tried to rape me, gleb stood up for me, you call your father gleb, gleb was my father, my father... died many years ago, sorry, i just noticed, my jewelry is missing, and my money, go make a list of what was stolen , let's go, i ask you, so, well, let's deal with these three, uh, height, one, one was very tall, m, meter 85, uh-huh, hairstyle, shaved like that, eyes, i don’t remember, it seems, it seems,
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gray, yes, definitely gray, this bald guy hit you, uh-huh, yes, he! there are no signs of forced entry on the doors, it’s also empty here, i saw traces there, but they’re mine, i’ve already looked, but that’s okay, it looks like the girl herself let the robbers into the house, do you think she’s in cahoots with them, why does she have a bruise? how do i know, maybe she fell, guys, there are no fingerprints on the knife, norly, maybe she was wearing gloves, no, the girl didn’t say anything, so what did they take? well from the safe in the bedroom there are 12 million rubles, some jewelry, earrings, lesh, do you hear, look at the fingers in the bedroom, okay, so, now i’m testifying that i’ll take my daughter, and you ask your neighbor, stepdaughter, she’s a stepdaughter, not
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a daughter, yes, i know, help yourself, thank you, everything was quiet at night, that is, there were no screams of strangers, like in a tank, okay. “please sign here, that means our gleb andreevich was killed, the guy was running, what do you mean he was running, what an interesting pen you have, mr. captain, i’ve never seen one like this before, for 12 rubles
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bought in the transition, which means he got around to it, well, i don’t know how to be more tactful, the dog was a fair one, our gleb andreevich, just like that , even a what about the wife? well, what about the wife? the wife endured, was silent and endured. did you quarrel? yes, they constantly, no less violently, reconciled. did it even get to the point of assault? what do you? gleb, he was very friendly and attentive. women, why did they love him? why? the way he looks at a woman, she blossoms, he makes some kind of compliment, praises her, notices something that your brother has never seen before. if you don’t see it, write it down and i’ll i’ll write this down, this losev is a former military man, retired major, 46 years old, he started doing business relatively recently, his company is fast construction, it appeared three years ago, during these 3 years
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it has achieved success, you think the reason for the murder is connected with his work, but about that, we find out what happened from the words of his stepdaughter, it looks like she’s lying, why do you think so, because it’s unclear how the villains got inside the house, not a single foreign print, just... good morning, great, let me add another fact, i must say that i should contribute five kopecks, well, no strangers the neighbors did not see the victim around the house, and losev and his wife often quarreled, because losev was very fond of walking to the left. excuse me, good morning, oh, come in, oleg georgievich, photos of the alleged criminals, and don’t you see, this is one of... the same person, the girl realized it herself in the end, she invented this stupid mustache, uh-huh, well that’s all, one to one, yes, i also forgot to say, the doctor who examined the girl found traces of male genetic material on her body, it looks like she was raped after all, like this thought, what if the stepfather did this, but the mother
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was not at home in the evening, and according to the neighbor, he is also the one kabil, well, why he beats and rapes his stepdaughter, then the mother comes, the daughter does everything for her... where is the specialist. yulia, how long ago did your mother marry losev? well, three years already. what kind of relationship did you have? well, what, normal. exactly. yes. it seems to me that your
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relationship was not good. why do you think so? well, he pestered you when your mother wasn’t looking. i may refuse to answer this question. larisa nikolaevna. your neighbor said that you often quarreled with your husband, allegedly because he cheated on you, yes, she’s lying, and what’s the point of lying to her? it was she herself who egged gleb klin on, but he sent her, so she began to speak out in anger. sorry, glory, what do you have? georgievich, act as agreed. got it, come on. larisa nikolaevna, you know what? stop making a joke. enough. your daughter admitted everything. what did i admit, sorry, i don’t understand. in fact, it was your husband, gleb, who raped her, right. okay, you don’t have to talk about anything, on the body traces of male semen were found for your daughter
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and during a genetic examination, the truth will come out one way or another. larisa, tell me which of you killed gleb losev, i killed him, i would have killed him 100 more times if i had had the chance. i arrived at about two in the morning, the train from saratov was so inconvenient, uh-huh, yulia met me at the door, i see her shirt is torn, she has a black eye, i ask her what happened, sweetie, she’s in tears, uh-huh , then you are saying that your daughter just told you that she was raped and beaten. drunk why, where did this conversation take place? in her room, what happened next? then i went
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downstairs, went to the kitchen, so, glip was sitting at, glip was sitting here at the table, right here, yes, i told him that he was a scoundrel, that my daughter and i were leaving his house right away, he jumped up and tried to me hit, i dodged, and that means i took a kitchen knife, stop, stop, stop, take it. hold the knife, yeah, show me how it all happened, he’s here, yes, show me, show me how it all happened, how you beat him, well, more boldly, how you beat him, like this, hit him like that, yes, here just like that, yes, yes, he fell and died immediately, just like that, they hit him, he fell, died immediately, okay, but the money and jewelry are in the safe, money. i took it myself and hid it in the garage, i can show you where, it’s not worth it, that’s it, we’re done, let’s have ours,
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yeah, what’s wrong with your hand, and what, nothing, everything ’s fine, my fingers are numb, i pretended to stab you with a knife, you saw, from bottom to top, you know that the blow was from top to bottom, and the blow was so powerful that not every man from... remembers, you definitely need to complicate everything, there is a purpose, there is a motive, no, what is here no, i see, let's go to the department, let's go, wait, wait, mom, forgive me, please, for everything, kira, take her to the department,
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lyubka is waiting for me, we have a joint dinner planned today, come on, thank you, come on, kurali, hi, hi, but the smell, yes, is nothing special. so dinner, beef with prunes, sounds like music, uh-huh, so, ah-ah, what, hands first, citizen, boss, let's quickly, why, no salt, thank you, sit down, what are you doing,
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eat, okay , not very tasty, yeah, really, why don’t you eat? yes, i tried it when i cooked it, straight up, thank you, you don’t have to pretend anymore that it tastes good to you, i can’t imagine. well, because i really don’t know how to cook at all and i ruined the meat, so don’t pretend anymore, i beg you , don’t eat it, stop, are you crazy, or what? well, it’s true that i’m crazy, it’s important that a woman knows how to cook, but i don’t know how to cook at all and i had nowhere to learn, you know, please, stop eating this,
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come on, well, hello, yes, yes, everything is very bad, yes, they arrested my mother. what restaurant, are you out of your mind, i’m not going anywhere, it’s so strange everything that is strange to you, well, well, i don’t know, if they told me 12 years ago that i would sit like this for dinner, with the incorruptible , strictest inspector volkov, i would never have believed it. if they had told me 12 years ago that i would fall in love with the drunken hooligan lyubka strikozina, poklichsky strikoza, i wouldn’t have believed it either, you used to be thin, just your eyes, wait, what did you just say, thin to your eyes, no, no , i’m not talking about that, you said that you fell in love with me, oh well, i
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didn’t say that, i didn’t say that, i said, come on, what a meeting, this...
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she did this in a state of passion, she, she didn’t remember herself, yul, i don’t know, the court will decide, but you could, because your opinion, the court must take into account, yul, please, can you wait until the morning to talk, really , after all, thank you, yes, excuse me, excuse me, show your hand, very, yes, everything is fine, show, show, no, like that. can you clench your fist? we need to go to the emergency room, thank you, but now it’s a ramp point, yes, come on, come on, what are you doing?
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i’m not listening, i woke you up, or what? no, what are you doing? i , after a day on duty, spent a day running around with i started a general cleaning with this lost, we need to go around, or better yet, go around all the emergency rooms where, theoretically , a person could go with an injury in the area of ​​the losevs’ house, but what are we going to look for? has larisa losyeva been treated with an injury to her right hand in recent months, i understand, listen, in this situation i have three hours left to sleep, let’s get it all out already. what are you doing? what for? never mind. well, i’m sorry, i got into a fight, but that’s not the point, sir, what’s the point? take me home. florisa loseva gave a confession, which was confirmed
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by the testimony of her daughter. thus, the murder of businessman losev can be considered solved. so... i look at you, oleg georgievich, and i don’t understand whether you are so lucky, or what word you know, but i just work, comrade colonel, and i force my subordinates to work, honestly , without fools, yes, yes, yes, by the way, about our subordinates, today they called from their own security service, they received a statement from a certain citizen erokhin, konstantin sergeevich, supposedly ours, well, that is , your employee, that he bought, as they say, but i’m selling, from a person peacefully resting in a restaurant citizen, now the jaw is broken and there is
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a question of initiating, as you understand, the case, young man, young man, are you sleeping or what? no, no, under no circumstances, you need to sleep at home, you can sleep at home, but i don’t care, i ’ll definitely take your advice. here she is, your larisa losya , born in the eightieth year, well done, the whole chapter already knows about this, not only me, you broke this erokhin’s jaw, and he filed a report against you for his own safety, you know me, but i climbed anyway, okay, i have to dig through the databases, maybe there is something on it, but it makes sense.
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“you know what, let’s do this, i need more time to finish the case, glory, the case is over, it didn’t kill, which is why larisa loseva didn’t kill her husband, i think that she took on someone else’s guilt, you won’t get bored, well why did you decide that, yes, hello, what do you want, i would like 16 hours of good sleep, that’s firstly, and secondly, a big sandwich with ham and cheese and coffee with sugar, that’s it, stop fooling around, but seriously, then i was at the emergency room, where i went a month ago
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larisa losva, they collected her right hand in pieces, and what, well, if you remember, during the investigative experiment, she could barely hold a knife in her right hand, the forensic expert said that the blow was inflicted with the right hand, and with the use of significant strength, god knows what, i want to complain, but i would like to sleep, and i’ve been on my feet for three days, okay, go get some sleep, but in the morning, so that you can be, well, okay, i understand, hello, yes, it’s me, like in the hospital , yes, i'm going, i'm going.
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to shield another person, yeah, you 're putting me in a difficult position, that is, with on the one hand, i am obliged to contribute
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to the immediate release of larisa nikolaevna, since she is not guilty, on the other hand, i cannot act against her will, so i understand you, i have this proposal for you, here it is... but i don’t know how you will talk to him. thanks, we 'll figure it out somehow. erokhin, i am lieutenant colonel solovets of the slaughter department. i know you can't talk, but you can listen. so listen to what i tell you. and look me in the eyes, please, otherwise i will break your neck. understood? if you understand, blink. well done, this means that major volkov, with whom you got into a fight yesterday in the restaurant, is my subordinate, and
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besides, he is my friend, so... “if you do not admit as an employee of your own security that you yourself provoked him and do not give up claims against him, then you will become my personal enemy, and to be the enemy of lieutenant colonel solovets, i’ll tell you, it’s also a pleasure, if you understand, blink, hold it!” get well, oh, sorry, nothing, kostenka, dear, who cares about you, oh, it hurts a lot. the building is old,
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built in the 1980s, and undergone major renovations for all of this. time was not implemented, well, you see that everything needs to be changed, the floor coverings need to be changed, our roof is leaking, pipes are leaking in the basement, in such conditions you understand, it is very difficult to work, and why has no one contacted us before, well, why? they contacted us, it’s just that the previous management was apparently not very interested. and we, and you are probably interested, i don’t know what else you want from me, i confessed, i told you everything as it was, larisa nikolaevna, two weeks ago you had your plaster removed, the fracture was very complex, the function of the hand will not be restored soon, well, what does this have to do with it, despite the fact that you were physically unable to deliver a blow of such force, you did not kill your husband, now this is obvious, but you know who killed, i have no idea what
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you are talking about, yeah, of course, you probably feel very guilty, this doesn’t concern you. tell me, you probably noticed how your husband looks at yulia, how he communicates with her, you were just afraid to admit it to yourself. stop it, it’s so obvious to blame your daughter, you still consider yourself to be the culprit of what happened. think about how she will live with such a burden. yulia will almost certainly be given a suspended sentence for exceeding the required defense. as for you, it’s unlikely that you will go to the colonies. your daughter will be to blame for this, completely unnecessary heroism, after what happened she needs you here in freedom, who else can help survive this nightmare if not her mother? well, friends, this seems to be all clear, right? now we have a complete picture of our scientific problems, we must try to solve these problems in the near future, well, several more in the near future branches are waiting for this decision, but you know,
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there is a very good team here. like everywhere else, we have terrible living conditions, just like everywhere else, you know, we have one of the best detection rates in the city, operatives work tirelessly day and night, not sparing themselves, so to speak, yeah, you know, in order so that you can get a final idea of ​​what ’s going on here, i’ll show you any department so you can see the conditions under which we work, well, at least this one, please, okay, please, at least here . it was only my idea to stage the robbery, yulia insisted on a sincere confession, yulia was against lies, read and sign here, now you will go home, spend the night with your daughter, and
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in the morning she will come to us. believe me, it will be best this way, hello, can lyubov strikozin talk to you on the phone? hello, i'm calling and you don't come? yes, i’m not coming, you don’t want to tell me anything, i don’t want to tell you anything. just yesterday everything was fine, listen, i was thinking here, and i think that nothing will work out for us, you have it from me there are only problems that you have, listen, please don’t interrupt me, yes, i’m telling you so, i think that you need to find a girl in your circle with whom you won’t be ashamed to
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go out somewhere. i see, then, you know very well how your colleagues and friends look at me, please don’t say anything, just leave. explain further, i actually slept in this laboratory, can you imagine how i looked in the eyes
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of the commission, i didn’t notice my fault, i will take the most severe measures for the captain of the parakhna, that would be fine, why didn’t you remove major volkov from work as i ordered you. i dismissed, yes, yesterday major volkov, by his own authority , released from custody the main suspect in the losev case, did you know about this? yes, i knew, we found out that larisa loseva slandered herself in order to shield the real killer. yes, it's necessary. i wonder who the real killer is? oh, i don’t hear that oleg georgievich is going on in your department, is there some kind of constant chaos? general merslyakin insists on military withdrawals, i’m still trying to cover for you, but i’m not omnipotent either, comrade colonel, i promise that i will sort it all out immediately, i really hope so, military personnel under
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contract receive regional support measures, the status of a combat veteran, and exemption from land tax. vacation twice a year and other benefits from the state, everything is fair here, serve under a contract, you have to knock, let whoever needs it knock, tomorrow a stranger will be taken to court, the ideal place for a sniper position is the attic opposite the temporary detention facility, i haven’t realized it yet once. offered me a job, i didn’t refuse, i don’t like your vagrant killer, he’s from 300 meters from snipers, cuts off the neck of a bottle, come on, don’t miss, i mean don’t get hit, cop wars, this is not your method, shilov, times
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are changing, today at 16:45 on ntv. what is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus? even more and at a better price. meola valar - treatment of fungus without overpayments. nail fungus makes it difficult to put on summer shoes. mizol evalar will not let you ruin your summer. mizol is the most beneficial medicine for nail fungus. new. mizol in the largest package, even larger and more affordable. good morning. days: thunderstorms the clouds of the mongolian cyclone will pass through the southeast of yakutia and the north of the amur region, it will rain in blagoveshchensk, and there will no longer be 35, but just above thirty. in transbaikalia, the rains will weaken and the heat will also be around 26. and in the khabarovsk territory in the primorye region, the rains will arrive
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tomorrow. in siberia, the main rains with thunderstorms are in the south and almost everywhere it is warm, from 25 to 30°, only in the extreme northeast it is not higher than 15. in the urals, there are no complaints about the weather, about 25 during the day without precipitation. on the european territory of russia, one atmospheric front will move rain from the center to the side arkhangelsk, and the other begins its activity in the west; rains and thunderstorms in the kaliningrad region will reach pskov in the evening. next up is the center, but so far there is no precipitation here, again over 30. in the south it is below 40, near the black sea a little less, rain only in dombay. in st. petersburg -28, in the evening showers with thunderstorms, in moscow no precipitation and up to 32. how to write, stabbed in the left side of the chest or hit with a knife. in the area of ​​the heart, just write, stabbed in the chest, okay, what’s going on here? we write sincerely, we confess to the murder of gleb losev, committed in a state of passion, understandable, sign, withdraw.
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who is this girl? larisa losyeva's daughter, julia. she was raped by gleb losev. she killed him, and her mother took the blame herself. how interesting. yes, what are you interested in? i saw her yesterday, do you know where? in the hospital, with your friend kostya erokhin. what was he doing there? bones arrived. i think they are lovers. wait, wait, this erokhin, aka, what do you have about erokhin? erokhin konstantin sergeevich, born in seventy-nine, professional marriage swindler, pimp gigolo. twice he was brought to justice for fraud, but in both cases the case did not reach the actual deadline. lives in the leningrad region, village.
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homicide department, we can talk to you,
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come in, hello, i’m sveta makarova, come in, sixth room, sixth, thank you, pull it down, i say pull it down, i need sveta makarova, well, that’s all i know, uh-huh, thank you, lyubov evgenina, you helped us a lot, and by the way, if you’re interested, i didn’t sleep with him, that’s the last thing i’m interested in in life. before appointments, for now, this is completely impossible,
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the patient erokhin underwent a complex cervical operation, nothing, there is also a hospital this season, they will treat him there, and erokhin, you have been detained on suspicion of the murder of gleb losev, so let's get ready, that erogin, stop! everything almost worked out, you would have received
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a suspended sentence, and kostya would have received your stepfather’s money, but from the very beginning everything went wrong, at first your mother returned home from her relatives too early, well at least she didn’t find kostya, but with her sense of guilt she ruined all your plans, it seems like we got out of it, but then kostya got drunk , besides a broken jaw, he had a bunch of other problems, complete mysteries, yes, we know kostya, yes we have a relationship and... yes, i love him, but everything else is your baseless fantasies , fantasies, okay, this is what your best friend svetlana told you, you met kostya a year ago, you hid your relationship from everyone because kostya said he was married, that’s right, but that’s a lie, kostya was never married, here’s a copy of him passports, i'm not interested in that, okay, sveta also showed that...
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i, erokhin, killed him, yulia told us that it was you who killed her, so there is your meaning. i must admit, don’t chase the cop, just not yulka, hamish again, i’ll pin you anyway, i understand, oleg georgievich, come to me,
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i obey. yes, they called igor sergeevich, come in and sit down. so, copies of the letter to the prosecutor's office from lawyer konstantin erokhin. lieutenant colonel solovets, oleg georgievich, in order to put pressure on the victim erokhin, born in 79, illegally detained him. to force a change in readings regarding the incident with major volkov, what do you say, comrade colonel, erokhin, the murderer, in fact, he stabbed gleb losev with a knife, listen to what you have on him, evidence, testimony, well, at least
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something, but i’m absolutely sure, no, i order erokhin to be released immediately, you understand, i understand exactly. i don’t hear, i understand, that’s right, carry it out, freely, i’m afraid that the orc conclusions that general merzlyakin spoke about will still follow, but much sooner than you think, yeah, let’s go, where, let’s go, let’s go, so you, so, wait. a where are you going? georgievich, then, then, arkadich, great, great, dirty, understood, glad to see, everything is ready there, of course, ready, souls are not frozen, what are you doing,
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the freshest hog, go ahead, give me the knife, yeah, let's pass. please, arkadivich, wait there, just close the door. it's cold here, why did you bring me here? yul, you claim that you killed your stepfather and his heart with a knife, right? yes, i approve. yes. show me this. if you can easily pierce the chest of an adult, then it will be easy for you to repeat with a pork carcass. come on, bolder, bolder, maybe with both hands, yes, yes, the knife only went a centimeter, and there
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are still five to the heart, damn, damn. damn it, that evening kostya said he loved me, asked me to borrow money, said to develop the business, i gave him everything i had saved for an apartment, 4 million, i haven’t seen him since then, read. here's another thing, kostya promised to marry me, but he needed money, kostya said that he had never met anyone like me, my car was being repaired, i gave him the keys to my audi, that's enough, read, there's a lot more, that's enough, that's enough, yeah, you know what he needed the money for, for taverns, he
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took girls out in them, what kind of girls, i do n't think there's any need to explain, it will happen to you, dear... the same thing, of course, that's enough, he 'll take your money and throw you out, stop it, i 'll tell you everything, let's go, my girl, my beauty, how i would like to take you far, far away from here, so that this brute, yours, won't be able to even touch you if if only you knew how much i hate him, i imagine? he ruined my mother and i's whole life, it would be better if he there was no light at all, honestly, it would have killed him, no need, i’ll kill him myself, what are you saying? “i’ve had enough, you’re my woman, perverts, i can’t even lay a finger on you anymore kostenka, what are you doing, are you serious, tell me,
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do you want to get rid of him once and for all, yes, yes, you want us to get married and leave here , well, of course, kostenka, of course, yes, so, all this requires money, your father owes you something, are you serious, couldn’t be more serious, listen, i ’ll do everything myself, i’ll do everything myself. you just need to do it . one unpleasant thing, what? don’t resist, give yourself to him, and then i ’ll kill him, he’ll get what he deserves, and we ’ll get the money. i agree. write from my words , written down correctly, read by me. you will never understand me, living next to this freak every day. who always lives with you on the defensive, and you can’t say anything to your mother, because, because you just
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feel sorry for her, you can’t judge me, because you, you’ll never understand this, number signature. bor, give me a magazine, please, dirty story, and the girl is good, for this reason, kostya’s mother felt sorry for him, and his mother didn’t notice for 3 years what was happening around him, i’m not even talking about his murdered stepfather, i don’t know, everyone’s life will be judged, it doesn’t need to be decided fairly or not, there’s just one thing i can’t understand as a girl because of this guy i was ready to go to court, thank you, in my opinion, they came to you, bye, fight, hello, hello, i was thinking, comrade major, i think that every real opera needs a faithful friend who will cook for its comfort and
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meat with prunes, i downloaded it so much, you can’t imagine, i know. we wish you the best morning, further in the program. let's find out the details of the emergency. we will arrange a document check in the first transfer. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the marotseddikov studio. from the village of marmulyovo, this is in bashkiria, proved in the magistrate's court that he is quite adequate and harmless to others, a man in a suit in a white shirt might
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have made such an impression on the judge, but the injured party has several videos where dmitry denisov leads to put it mildly, it’s strangely understandable why the neighbors they are simply afraid of him, dinar usmanov with all the details. a judge, a prosecutor, two lawyers, a victim, a defendant, investigators who conducted... a calm, sensible person, but...


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