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tv   Pyos-3  NTV  July 17, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm MSK

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let's go, my friend, everything will be fine, well, it's okay, the wound is small, i 'll bandage the poor thing, everything will be fine, by the way, take dinner out of the trunk, and you 'll still die, run, be patient, my dear, be patient. and didn’t pass, get up, let’s go red-nosed, i won’t drag you to the department, you’re burning, but the powder, i still have 50 seconds, the captain’s nest. getting up
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, i’m not sleeping, please stretch her, do something, mother, why did you leave him, oh, you’re already talking to me, yes, you loved him? i'm dreaming, it doesn't matter he feels very bad without you, he felt bad with me to such an extent that he started drinking, and now everything is in the past, for him, no, but for you, lena, ah... everything is fine with you, yes,
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everything is fine , i just fell asleep, and i dreamed of a dog, and what did he say to you in your dream, you don’t think that he’s really talking to us, who’s talking to us, grandpa freud, well, you almost guessed. people dream of fears, desires, problems that they have been thinking about all day, if you think about something for a long time, in a dream the subconscious mind prompts you with the answer, yes dog, remember mendeleev and his the table, well, only mendeleev dreamed of the table, everyone dreams of the dog, even gnezdilov, yes, even gnezdilov has a subconscious.
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listen, max, let the dog stay with us for another day, why? i started talking about the past, i want to listen to the end, i won’t tell anyone anything else, i asked him, he agreed, if you want to know anything about my past, ask me, bye maxim. don’t you dare tell anyone anything about me, otherwise i’ll shoot you, maybe spaketi, what the hell, what? sit, there
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are snakes here, they are alive, why are you laughing, do you think, this is funny, but take them away, snakes, they're hitting me, huh?
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yes here, here, here, here already. everything is on its way, don’t pester me, excuse me, hello, i just lost my ability to speak, this man shouted that he had snakes in his plate, who are snakes, or what? yes, then he grabbed a knife and started stabbing himself, everything is in the video, i like it,
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doggie, yes, well, if you want, i’ll give it to you? no, i love cats, you see, he did it himself, as if he wanted to kill the ones crawling on him. the snake is terrible, maybe on drugs or crazy, even if it’s a crazy person on drugs, the main thing is what should we do here nah, but at least for me, no one is investigating suicide, but for those who arrived first , look, look, you are waving your hand as if dispelling something, and this one is wearing a hat, something is out of someone’s pocket - i was getting tired of you being a moron. everything is clear, this one is waving in front of his face, because this schmuck in the hat stinks, he’s just talking, it’s clear, it’s clear, can i just take a second, he’s the man standing, who’s that, it’s dima, he stands here every day from morning to evenings, and that is, in principle, he could do everything see, well, yes, but only dima is a little bit like that,
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yeah, and you know him, yes, well, let's go talk, here's dima, hello, tell me, they say they saw today what happened, a man in a hat, they remembered, at first a lot of people ran out yellow ones, yeah, they were afraid, yeah, then black. he did something very bad, dima, he seems to see the aura of people, well, i understand that this is not cool, but a little, well, of course it’s not very interesting , for example, what color is your aura, burgundy, you're burgundy, burgundy,
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angry, and i'm so red, blue, oh solid, who's blue? uh-huh, blue, empty, aimless, constantly lying, constantly, you, are you crazy, or something, do you hear, burn, i say, you don’t scare me as a witness, like a beast, what are you, you say, you remember the face of this black man , i remember, well , then come with us to the police, will you help the investigation, no, i have to stay here, well , yes, that’s right, that’s true, but there is an option, go in a big red car in the back with a dog, how good, well then i'll go,
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we agreed, let's go. we’ve arrived, we’re leaving, we don’t have to hold on, hi, hi, purple, that's lena, and this is dimitri, a part-time witness in the form of the color of the aura, uh-huh, hello, dima. i'm lena, what does purple mean? violet, that means he’s in love, that’s wonderful, let’s go, violet, no, what’s not, the message
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is wrong, you walk on it 150 times a day, stop looking for fleas, let’s go, no, well , no, no, sit, watch out, friend friend, hello, dear mother-in-law, ah-ah-ah, okay, then you’ll tell your boss that i won’t be here today. go for medicine, not true, blue flickers, he's deceiving, do you hear, he's flickering so blue, show me the last challenge, go to hell, yeah, the blue one is flickering after all, yes, let's go, impudent in rooney, fuck off, fuck off, he said, mother-in-law will die , you will know, even if i just wanted to leave, what’s wrong with this, i’m not...
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my pupils are very dilated, maybe an unexpected surge of adrenaline, maybe, or the influence of narcotic substances, i really don’t know what, no one wants to listen , who is our victim, boris kasatkin, 36 years old, owner of a fitness club, no criminal record, but there is information that he is trading in the club... maybe this is why his pupils are dilated, maybe you will retire somewhere already, but then you go to the club, and we will retire, we will do it with pleasure, again recognized better by independent experts, credit sbercard is free forever, apply now. this is a show of duel stars, today
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denis dorokhov and philip kirkorov will meet face to face, it will be an interesting and interesting duel, the king of the pops against the king of the ass, stars, why did you do this, this is a very difficult decision, impossible, impossible, saturday to sunday at 22:10, on ntv. kingfisher - new season. today at 14:00 on ntv. choose your favorite brands on wildberries. super prices for a three-in-one immersion blender. powerful kettle 2,200 w. planetary mixer 3 in one and another scarlett technique. even more profitable with a vb wallet. does your business need acceleration? exactly. open a current account at and transfer money to any bank instantly. vtb, we help with business. magnet. ice cream, russian cold. 79.99. magnet -
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open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. alfabank has the best loyalty program for entrepreneurs. what are the names of everyday products at low prices? goods for sale. buy on ozone. milk village green for 69. what kind of square is this? let me show. this is the marking code. an honest sign, your assistant for safe shopping, the cashier checks it and does not allow suspicious goods through, this is an honest sign. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. hello, great, are you so happy? oh, yes, today i’m up all night again, like before.
12:15 pm
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12:17 pm
i'm sorry i scared you, julia. have a good day. who are you? good morning, colleagues, i am interested in who wrote this report. well, lord, what? no, no , no, don't touch me, help , don't touch me, go away, help, someone help, don't touch, don't touch me,
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help, no, no, no, no, don't touch me, yulia bolotina , 36 years old, head of a construction company, no family, no children . well, that’s understandable, her co-workers say she had a bad character, she came to work, said hello to everyone, then suddenly , out of the blue, she jumped out the window, it’s clear that they got in touch with something, nothing at all, they didn’t even know each other, they studied at different schools, worked in different places, listen, and this weirdo in an old-fashioned hat
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was there, i asked for video from surveillance cameras, and that lyosha and ... what, well, you requested, well, a second suicide, how do you put it together, lyosha, i agree, i agree, two identical suicides in one day, this is a coincidence, of course, maximov, life is hard, people in depression take antiperspirants, no, light , it doesn’t flicker, yes, no longer,
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let’s not lag behind, forward, well, what is it again, eh turnstile, let's go, but no, "i'll stay here as you want, next to the turnstile, you're afraid, it's a valance, a valance, and you're afraid of clowns, airy." balloons, naked sailors, shrimps, calculators, close your mouth, i ’ll wash off one little thing here, it’s so quiet, calm, cozy, there
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are no turnstiles, you’ll feel good there, let’s go, okay, let’s go, let’s go, blue, okay, ok, blue, as you say, come in, look, see how it is here, thank you, please, okay, a meeting with such scary guards. not bad, not bad, continue, left, left,
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work, be more active, be more active in the corcus, come on, come on, uppercode from below, max, this one is eating paper there, well, shoot him, listen, it’s a shame, but it worked out, yes, yes, listen, or maybe igor, out of frustration, you ’ll shoot the closet too? igor, don't, don't, i give up. come with us, or or voluntarily, would you voluntarily come with us in the bag, as i go voluntarily, that’s good, we move, we move,
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pistons, quietly, and where is this colorist of ours, stop, i don’t know, he ran away, he probably chickened out, yeah , wherever he runs away, so fesya, come on, take the little man to the car. igor, where is he? where from? do i know that you have a crush on me? he ran away, he ran at you like that , you can’t stand it, well, you somehow stood it, my uncle is a general, i have genes, wow, someone forgot a mop, oh, how did you get there, but come out, yes, i probably got it wrong, i got the door wrong, i guess i probably thought, i thought there was a way out, and a mop. propped himself up outside, he locked me, who locked you, who locked you, who the fuck needs you, blue, it's you who are blue, blue, you're blue, how do you agree, i'm at the car, blue, you yourself
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are blue, blue, rozak, blue, said the mouth, shut your mouth, shut your mouth, yes, dima, i thought we would be together for 2 months. disassemble, and we finish the second bag, like success, almost finished, are you kidding, no, dima sees exactly which fragment belongs to what, he has never made a mistake, in fragments, with the light of my aura he made a mistake, i’m not mistaken, listen, i ... i love my wife and we suit each other, agree, were you wrong? no, look at it, only if there is an appendix, i don’t understand,
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the purple color can be if the appendix is ​​inflamed, why didn’t you say it before, len, you heard the appendix, but who cares, you are you worried about appendicitis? no, that’s it, the question is removed, well, i don’t have a mistress, maksimova, tell me this, tell me, there’s a lot of interesting things here, the best savings deposit is up to 18% per annum, open it in sberbank online, please don’t believe in fairy tales.
12:26 pm
the kingdom that my grandfather spent years building, you destroyed in one night. the karkhans will take revenge on all of us for this, you will see, we need to deal the final blow to the karkhans. i have everything to become the main one in this house. we need to talk about divorce. kingfisher, new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. cop wars, today. 1645 on ntv. big sale of clothes on ozone. a profitable event this summer. turboslim day-night set for the course of treatment with a 55% discount. discounts up to 70% on school clothes and shoes shuzi. one of my friends connected unlimited in a megaphone completely free of charge. and now he spends all his time on the internet.
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12:31 pm
16:45 on ntv. let's talk in a more relaxed atmosphere, but you have nothing on me, the documents have been destroyed, but you it will take 20 years to restore them from pieces, i agree, i have a surprise, yes, what a good one, i think, we already have a copy, yes, you can tear it up, if you are talking about bribing city officials, about murder.
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i am ready to admit to corruption, but i am not involved in the murder, he is gray, not black, what does this mean, you are suspected of corruption and tax evasion, but regarding the murder, we will still sort it out. go ahead, come on, come on, well, yes, i think it doesn’t have to do with murder, pinocchio, but where is your
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jacket and alphabet, you don’t understand a damn thing, this folk wisdom. i read it on the internet on the website no, onions change the color of the aura, i don’t even say it, at most it changes its smell, you know, but don’t sniff me, i understand why you do this, i never smell it , i i may exaggerate a little, but don’t tear it up. i'm going to the library, come on!
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what the hell is this? i'm sorry i scared you. have a nice day, oleg.
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hey, it's not what you thought, i just want to change the color of the aura, yeah, so the color changed,
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blue. something happened, but don’t pay attention to the fact that we have a dead body again? one more weird? suicide, the guy threw himself under a car, witnesses say that a minute before that he was talking to a man in an old-fashioned hat, yes, but that’s not all, this time the guy survived, it’s just a fartanul that was not told to us, where is he now, now we’ll find out , hospital.
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sit, hello, oleg, and you, and we are from the police, well, i mean, i, and he ’s standing like that for the sake of a picture, you’re not paying attention, tell me what happened, yes, you see, i ’ve been afraid of stray dogs since childhood, here i’m going to suddenly a black giant runs out of work... the dog is lunging at me, that means, yes, so i pulled away from it right under the wheels, and something strange happened before that, how do you know, this is my profession, a few seconds before this some guy came up to me, so scary, his knee is pale and he blew some kind of powder into my face, uh-huh, you know him, no, i haven’t seen heaven,
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but that was about 20 years ago, back at school, then we were friends, but after the camp we almost didn’t communicate, we were very were good friends, so yes, since they are still there, remember, maybe you’ll still tell him what you did to this to the man in the camp, that he is still trying to take revenge on you, nothing, forgive me, nothing? the usual camp is all blue flickering,
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it’s a lie, come on, let’s finish the conversation, i don’t know this person, it’s not true, if you suddenly want to live longer, be sure to call me, but get well soon. and i say, this is an ordinary office suicide, double, you will soon all admit that gnezdilov was right, and what are you doing, an armored helmet or something, you will soon see, yeah. well, let me shoot you in the head, let’s check
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if it works or if you’re stupid, that’s the topic leonidov, this is the cosmonaut’s method, it protects against double penetration, you hear, maksimov is coming, now you’ll see, now he’ll check, hello, that’s it, maksimov, you’re fired, well, i mean, he called and said that you’re fired. in this nursery in the moron’s house, well, can’t you uncover my aura, but you can’t, tell me, in your family everyone’s aura is the same color, and you ask my uncle, hi, lenka, i found out what they have in common these suicides, 20 years ago the three of them were vacationing in the same camp outside the city in orlyonok,
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you believe in another color, yes, but the fact that i don’t have a bruise in my side, just imagine, although i’ll finish it, they gave me one, let’s go, wow! apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive
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12:46 pm
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12:47 pm
there is also a black one here, there are no boxes, well, now we’ll check them. now we compare them, you follow each other, hello, what’s the matter, what do you need? hello, police, as i understand it, the boss here, well, let's play puzzles, i 'll ask you a few questions, if you answer correctly, i won't ask what's in the boxes, how kalson said, advinta! this is the first question: 20 years ago, you worked as the director
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of a health camp, three pioneers were vacationing with you, oleg volgin, yulia bolotina and boris kasatkin, that same year you were fired, do you remember, well, it was a matter of what to stir up now, and what happened? thing, well... the three of them were always weird, they mocked the others there, especially one guy like his radion, well, further, further, well, he was kind of strange, he was not friends with anyone, and this radion has no last name, what was there, everyone called him the scarecrow, once these three locked him in an abandoned basement, yeah, well, they said that he left, and radion stayed there for 2 weeks, well, then he was treated for a long time, this... i understand that because of this you were fired, they tried to hush up the conflict, yes, there are no more questions, but regarding the boxes, tomorrow i will send one pioneer in
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a slightly unhealthy-looking hat, a curious barbarian, at the market his nose was torn off, well, or broken, so what are we standing for? any news? radion roshchin 37 years old. tirata is unmarried and underwent long-term rehabilitation in a psychiatric clinic. due to stress and pneumonia, rodion is almost completely lost his hair. yes. after the clinic, he got a job as a laboratory assistant, but was fired for illegal experiments. there is his address. listen, honestly. “my dear, well , go see a doctor, well, at least go to laziness, well, all jokes aside, it really hurts, yes, i believe, there is no address, well, he is often seen in the laboratory, in
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an abandoned building of a chemical plant, yeah, well, let's go , i can’t, you’re eating, but i can’t, the boss sent me to the ministry, it’s not true, but what is this, well, they clearly write on the internet that copper changes color, so copper, it's yellow"? burn it, hurry up this copper one, blue, blue, so you got the blue one right, i'm not lying right now, there's only one thing on my mind, come on, worgs, chickens, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry , bastard.
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he is here, welcome, i was waiting for you, i apologize for my appearance, i was working, radion rossin, and you were expecting to see someone else here, it’s him, you can call me just a scarecrow, i look like a scarecrow. , really, black, you brought an autistic person with you, how cute, who is autistic, i’m not autistic, i saw him near the restaurant but didn’t think it was him. you can move from place, well, this approach can find for everyone, golden words, this is exactly what
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i’m doing here, i came across a drug that affects... directly on the brain, without leaving traces in the blood, this drug affects the part of the brain that responds for danger, causing your deepest fears. are you expecting applause now? no, isn't this beautiful revenge? they took half my life, stop surrounding me, it’s pointless. take action, put it in place, i never do what i'm told,
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okay, come here, come here, whoever you told. go here, wow, oh you, fell, here, come on, your aura is green, now
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you will have it. i'll kill you like that,
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ugh, ugh! don't look, dog, take it. i'm here, i'm here.
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well, how did it all go, come on, come on, it’s necessary, lesh! are you talking about the operation or the detention? about both this and that. oh, it’s all good, the appendix is ​​caught, the bandits are cut out, as igor would say. and you see that you didn’t believe that my appendicitis had worsened. well, lesh, i was worried and it doesn’t matter at all, don’t be angry, otherwise you’ll turn it burgundy. where is dimitri? oh, listen, thank god for reminding me, sorry, sorry, i also have nesters. in the body, as if it didn’t disappear, come on,
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grandpa, dear, maybe you and i can sew that up a little, igor, but what about flowers, a restaurant, romance, everything will be, we’ll just add some salt first, so let’s fool around alone for now, baby .
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and i’m still watching you at your post, yes, yes, i’m here, that’s right, in general, from the entire department, well-deserved thanks. yes, it was great, that’s not the right word for a long time, so here’s a reward dog, thank you, this is now my friend, here you go, but let’s not interfere, thank you.
1:00 pm
the south of russia is returning to normal life, energy supply has been restored in regions that were left without electricity and water the day before due to a failure at the rostov nuclear power plant. in the southern donetsk direction, operators of the loitering lancet destroyed a rare ukrainian- made artillery system. details in the report by rastislav skedan. the french government has resigned in its entirety, but continues to work. the decision and marketplaces warn of a 15% rise in prices for foreign goods due to the update of the eac customs code. details in business news.
1:01 pm
hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. so, work has been restored in the south of russia.


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