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tv   Segodnya  NTV  July 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the south of russia is returning to normal life, power supply has been restored in regions that were left without electricity and water the day before due to a failure at the rostov nuclear power plant. in the southern donetsk direction, operators of a loitering lancet destroyed a rare ukrainian -made artillery system. details in the report by rastislav skidan. the french government has resigned in its entirety, but continues to work, which explains this decision. and marketplaces warn that prices for foreign goods will rise by 15% due to the update eu customs code. details in business news. hello, you are watching the news
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on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. so, in the south of russia , the power supply system has been restored after a large-scale failure, however, in order to avoid new outages , in some places the light will be supplied according to schedule with interruptions. the problems began yesterday afternoon due to a failure at the rostov nuclear power plant. this nuclear power plant is one of the main sources of energy in the southern federal district. it supplies not only the rostov region directly, but krasnodar stavropol republic of the north caucasus and crimea. the station has four power units, one of them has been undergoing scheduled repairs since june, but yesterday the second one stopped working unscheduled. a false activation of the generator protection system reportedly occurred. as a result, the unit automatically left the general network, but now, after checking the equipment, the system is functioning again. experts say the projection level has not increased. how the accident affected consumers, the shutdown was affected in one way or another.
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it also provoked a series of local accidents; transformers and power lines burned due to voltage surges. in krasnodar alone, more than 100 substations were out of order, and repair crews could not keep up with one call to another. firefighter, people gathered, many spent the evening by candlelight, those who had their own generators were lucky, just working. 5 hours without
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electricity, it’s good that dad is smart, he bought a generator, well, problems with power supply affected the work of pumping stations, as a result there were problems with the water supply, the water level in the reservoirs began to fall, however, by this time it had returned to its previous values, by the way, due to the heat, in the south the temperature in some places is above 40°, consumption of both water and energy is now at a maximum, residents try not to turn off the air conditioners and fans at catering establishments and stores have additional refrigeration equipment. according to the ministry of defense, in the northern military district zone, assault units of the north group of troops captured and cleared enemy positions, capturing ukrainian military personnel. the enemy was detected by drones while preparing for a counterattack on our positions. artillery fire managed to suppress the machine-gun crews of the ukrainian armed forces, and then russian assault groups came in from different flanks and immediately destroyed no one.
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several large enemy strongholds. crews of rszzo-grad and the west group of troops struck at the fortifications of the ukrainian armed forces, eliminating manpower in strong points and foreign -made military equipment with troops on board. in the southern donetsk direction, fighters of the group vostok, with the help of a lansett drone , destroyed a rare ukrainian bogdan self-propelled artillery mount, produced under nato caliber. details from vrostislav skidan. address of the aerial reconnaissance drone of the vostok group in the southern donetsk direction, in focus is the bogdan self-propelled artillery mount, a piece of goods in the arsenal in the ssu. this is the first ukrainian system developed for the nato caliber 155 mm. it was presented in the summer of '18. there is no information on how many cars were produced in 6 years, but there is clear footage confirming it. in the summer of twenty-four, thanks to the efforts of fighters from primorye, the armed forces of ukraine had one less bogdana. bogdana was assembled at the kharkov armored vehicle. shells for it were manufactured
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at the kiev artyom plant. both enterprises have already been demilitarized by the russian aerospace forces. the crews of our lancets are hunting for artillery systems that have left the assembly line in the fields of special operations. lleria pressed it a little, knocked it out, and we hit it with loitering ammunition, it completely burned out, there was nothing left of it, it’s still standing, to no one, as they say, it’s not necessary, it looks like at the same time a drone is like a landset missile, one of the most effective weapons of a special military operation, for example, a week goes on, and this week we destroy at least five targets, they are also called by x-guides for the recognizable silhouette of a loitering munition, thanks to the cruciform wings the lancet can maneuver... even a meter from the target. preparing the lancet for battle takes no more than 10 minutes, but even such an ordinary procedure must be carried out in strict confidentiality. our ixovody is one of the most desirable targets for reconnaissance of the armed forces of ukraine and for their attack drones. therefore, first in a forest belt under cover, the pilots collect loitering ammunition and, already equipped
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, take it out into the open in order to launch. nature plays for the enemy. it’s also easier for ukrainians to disguise themselves now. it’s very difficult to find targets, especially in the summer, when... the foliage is blooming , but nothing can hide from the scout’s eyes, we find and select angles, and still manage to get between the trees with the help of loitering ammunition hit targets. this version of the lancet is equipped with artificial intelligence in the homing head. it looks like this: on the computer at the control center, the operator selects the target at which the loitering ammunition will fly, monitors the execution of the flight mission, but in... tactics the operators say, it’s better to trust your hands, not the computer. artificial intelligence, for example, does not know where, where, for example, a weapon needs to be hit, but we already know where exactly to hit it, we hit exactly those points so that it fails. iksovody peculiar nomads on the front line. today, when
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reconnaissance drones in the ssu are constantly in the air, only a constant change of position can protect against a retaliatory strike. they are afraid of us like fire. they say that it is only on us hamers hamers, but god forbid. invulnerable, we are constantly on the move, movement, movement, we have a minimum of points, maybe up to 30 to 40 pieces. now the enemy is trying to hold back our offensive in the southern donetsk sector by transferring reserves, including artillery formations, to the front line, and this this means that the track record of x-drivers will become even longer in the near future. rostislav skedan, valerian kushnir, anna ivanova and dmitry pisarev, ntv television company. south donetsk direction of the special military operation. the actions of the west are aimed at subordinating the entire world, including the un itself, to their selfish interests. this was stated by sergei lavrov, who is in new york on a working visit as part of russia’s chairmanship of the organization’s security council. and on this platform he called for a departure from
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the world order based on such rules restore professional diplomacy in the world. lavrov demonstrated cultural dialogue in crisis situations by personal example, holding bilateral meetings with '.
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the alliance is no longer satisfied with the war that it unleashed against russia with the hands of the illegal government in kiev, the entire osce space is not enough for it, having destroyed fundamental agreements in the field of arms control almost to the ground, the united states continues to escalate confrontation. recently, at a summit in washington, the leaders of the alliance countries confirmed their claims to the dominant role not only in the euro-atlantic region, but in the asia-pacific region.
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a diplomatic settlement must be accompanied by concrete steps to remove threats to the russian federation emanating from the western euro-atlantic direction. when agreeing on mutual guarantees and agreements, it will be necessary to take into account the new geostrategic realities on the eurasian continent, where a continent-wide architecture of truly equal and indivisible security is being formed. the fact that the west is not ready for this has long been known. at the security council meeting, us ambassador to the un, linda thomas greenfield once again confirmed this, accusing russia of undermining international foundations. today we have gathered under the pretext of supporting.
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complete legal nihilism, the russian minister’s schedule includes many bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the un, another meeting
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of the security council, this time on the middle east settlement, and a press conference on the results. alexey vasilovsky, aviaabramov, ntv, new york. in the american city of milwaukee, where the republican convention is taking place , increased security measures have been introduced after the assassination attempt on trump police shot and killed a man holding a knife . already a guard of order. finished their shift when they suddenly noticed a conflict between two men, one of whom was armed with a knife, what happened next was recorded by a video recorder mounted on a police uniform. as it turned out, the murdered man was a forty-three-year-old local resident who suffered from mental illness; his death had already caused protests among the population. the incident occurred 3 km from the arena, where ... the party congress was taking place. the entire french government resigned. prime minister gabriel otal submitted
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a corresponding statement to the president of the country , who accepted it. the office of emmanuel macron emphasized that until the appointment of a new government, cabinet members will continue to perform their duties until mid- august so that ministerial chaos does not interfere with the holding of the olympics. thirty-four-year-old otal was the youngest prime minister in the history of the fifth republic, but served in this capacity for just over six years. months, salvation from the chaos of the paris olympics, at least the water part of it, was abandoned not only retired prime minister, but also the capital's mayor of sports officials. today , the mayor of paris, anna hidalga, and her support group took a long-promised hay dip to prove that the polluted river is not dangerous for the olympic swim. russian marketplaces warned that buyers may have big problems purchasing goods. in foreign online stores , purchases may become more expensive, and some will be impossible to enter, business news and denis
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talalaev, denis, is the reason for sanctions again? no, egor, this time new domestic regulations and declarations came into play. if a russian buyer orders a smartphone from a foreign online store, he will have to independently organize certification of the device, and if he bought a t-shirt. then marking it yourself in the system is an honest sign, as representatives of russian marketplaces describe possible changes to the customs code of the eac countries. in addition to russia, it includes belarus, armenia, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. as rbc writes, participants in the russian internet trading market say that upcoming changes may make foreign purchases by russians more difficult, more expensive, and for some categories of goods even impossible, because now the goods paid for by buyers on online platforms are foreign. are imported into russia as goods for personal use, and now they are going to separate them into a separate
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category, for which there is no regulatory framework at all yet, conclude internet market participants. an azon representative paints the future like this: for every product ordered, the buyer will order the same package documents, like a large business prepares for a commercial consignment. registration of all certificates, notifications, declarations, according to him , will take up to 3 months many times the cost of the goods themselves. the ministry of industry and trade, in response to all this, assured rbc that the discussion of new rules for purchasing in foreign online stores is still ongoing. rosselkhozbank reported that from july 19 its clients may have problems paying with unionpay cards abroad. the bank's support team recommends that clients who are not in russia of this date, until july 19, withdraw money from union pay cards. and what all this is connected with is the support of rosselkhozbank, without specifying. initially, cards from the chinese union pay system were presented as an opportunity for russians to continue paying with cards abroad after the visa and
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mastercard systems left the country. but it quickly became clear that union pay refused to cooperate with the russians. now, as frank media recalls, union pay cards are issued in russia by uralk credit, primsotsbank, asia-pacific bank, gazprombank and just rosselkhozbank. but as previously reported, russians are not always able to use union pay cards abroad. the russian stock market continues to go into remission amid a protracted decline; since the beginning of may, the moscow exchange index has lost 16%. the market was able to get into positive territory yesterday following trading results and... remains in this positive position today, obviously investors decided to buy something that had dropped significantly in price. the central bank has set the following official rates for today: dollar 88.28, euro 96.26. the shortage of personnel in russia forces companies to actively look for employees in africa. rbc got acquainted with the analytics of the head hunter service. so, in the first 6
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months of this year, if compared with what it was a year ago, the number of vacancies in kenya increased by 39 times, in zimbabwe by 15 times, in cameroon by nine times, in zambia by eight times. this year, domestic employers even posted vacancies for the first time in countries such as nepal, the bohamian islands, barbados, malawi, seeralion, gabon, central african republic and iceland. in absolute numbers , companies are still looking for the most foreign employees, of course, in kazakhstan and belarus, the most in-demand specialties are customer service managers, it specialists, and marketers, who have also become more active. workers of science and education. it is worth noting here that we are talking specifically about finding employees for vacancies, and not about the mass import of migrants. egor, everything about the economy. yes, thank you, denis talolaev, with business news. the federal agency for maritime and river transport is negotiating with rosatom about creating hubs on the ob, irty shlena and
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yenisei rivers so that arctic northern waterways arteries were fully involved in cargo transportation. the head of the rosmorrich fleet, andrei tarasenko, told prime minister mikhail mishustin about this. socially significant goods are annually delivered to the arctic zone of russia on the eve of the winter season. this is called northern delivery and, as the head of government noted, waterways are practically the only means of delivery. another topic of conversation was shipping in new russian regions. but what is very important is to integrate them, including into the transport infrastructure, including, of course, water ways.
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next, watch the emergency program, marat sedikov is with us. marrat, what do you have today? egor, an incident in lipetsk caused a wide resonance, where three young people brutally beat a janitor, early in the morning the group was drinking on the playground, the garbage was, of course, not removed after themselves, a pensioner, an elderly man, he is 69 years old, reprimanded them, a reaction followed, they even beat him on the head while he was lying down, the pensioner lost consciousness now in the hospital, he has serious injuries, the criminals have already been detained, footage that will stay with you until the next news release on ntv at 16:00 see you soon, implement your plans, tbank business will provide reliable tools to start
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in the studio marat seddikov, we are in live broadcast. the wyzhevsk tragedy : an eleven-year-old girl and a twenty-five-year-old man died after falling from the seventeenth floor balcony of a high-rise building on the outskirts. and a twenty-five-year-old man, the same balcony on the seventeenth floor where, shortly before her death , an eleven-year-old girl went up in the company of a stranger. while
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investigators are looking into the case, for local residents who witnessed the terrible picture, this story leaves more questions than answers. what did a fifth-grader do with a man twice her age on the balcony of a high-rise building, why? went with him and could she have been saved? the only thing that can be said with complete certainty now is that the girl died. unwillingly. the bodies of an eleven-year-old local resident and a twenty-five-year-old man were discovered with injuries consistent with a fall from a height. a criminal case has been initiated on the grounds of a crime provided for in paragraph two of article 105 of the criminal code of the russian federation, murder of a minor. considering that there are surveillance cameras on the balcony of the high-rise building, the recordings from them have already been confiscated at that time the moment was not recorded. investigators believe the child was murdered by deloruk. his very stranger, with whom she went upstairs, here is his photo: the man’s name is artur alekseev. i didn’t seem to know the girl before, but apparently, i quickly found a common language after meeting on...


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