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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  July 17, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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while investigators are looking into the case for local residents who witnessed the terrible picture, there are still more questions in this story than answers: what did the fifth-grader do with a man twice her age on the balcony of a high-rise building, why did she go with him and could she have been saved, the only thing possible now i can say with all confidence that the girl did not die of her own free will. the bodies of an eleven-year-old local resident and a twenty-five-year-old man were discovered, with injuries consistent with a fall from... beauty; a criminal case was opened on signs of a crime provided for in paragraph two of article 105 of the criminal code of the russian federation, murder of a minor. considering that there were surveillance cameras on the balcony of the high-rise building, the recordings from them that had already been seized at that moment were not recorded. investigators believe that the child's murder was the work of the same stranger with whom she went upstairs. here is his photo: the man’s name is artur alekseev. i didn’t seem to know the girl before, but apparently he quickly found a common language, having met on...
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a playground, according to rumors he didn’t live here, but appeared often, worked part-time as a courier, delivered orders on a bicycle, they generally told me that she seemed to go to help this man and he asked, in the end he pushed her. according to other information , this man did not ask for anything, but forcibly grabbed the child’s hand and dragged him into the entrance; investigators found a broken phone next to the man’s body; they will also try to restore it in order to analyze the latest correspondence, which... may contain important information for consequences data on possible reasons for this wild act. previously , artur alekseev did not come to the attention of law enforcement officers; they are now checking information about his mental health, because everyone who knew the deceased is repeating out loud that he had serious problems. it was as if he already had some kind of illness, but he had a little autism, there was such a slight lethargy, there were mood swings. he had a certificate, didn't he? as far as i know, he was observed in this psychiatric hospital. and, that is, he was registered.
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incident in lipetsk, where three young men brutally beat a janitor, the company was singing at playground, they, of course , did not clean up the garbage after themselves, an elderly man, he is 69 years old, reprimanded them, the reaction was inadequate, even when he was lying down, the pensioner lost consciousness on the head, now he is in the hospital, he has serious injuries, the criminals have already been detained , footage that will form the basis of the accusation in pavel kuznetsov’s report, he walks with an uneven gait with a bottle of foam in his hands towards the entrance.
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at home behind on the playground there are drunken friends, it’s 8 am, but the early feast of young people, apparently, was a success among swings and slides, mountains of garbage. noticing this, the elderly wife-janitors, tatyana and evgenia kozinova, decide to reprimand the guys for such insolence, tired of alcohol, the sun cannot stand it, the beating of an elderly employee of the management company begins, people, people, to the screams of the janitor’s frightened wife, the bullying continues, the forces are not equal, two young people against sixty-nine-year-old evgeniy kozinov, a communal worker, they throw him over himself, then strike him with his hands and feet, he hit his head on the asphalt, his head, because there was blood there was, people helped him, lifted him up and also put him on a bench there. the witnesses to the beating were mostly women, mothers with children; it is clear that they were afraid to interfere in the conflict; only the companion of one of the hooligans timidly tried to stop what was happening.
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then all three hastened to hide in this very house, where they live in a rented apartment. one of the local residents managed to track them down. at this time, the janitor was already lying unconscious and bleeding. they blocked the ones who beat him from the apartment. here are the residents of the house, but they gathered around, barked them, and waited for the police. doctors urgently took janitor evgeny kozinov to neurosurgery at a local hospital. the victim is now in intensive care with serious head injuries. kozinov’s wife says that the young people attacked her with their fists, but it happened inside the entrance, where there are no surveillance cameras, the woman explains, the company behaved terribly all morning, at some point they simply ran out of patience, they made a remark, they shouted obscenities , they vomited on the playground, he was yelling at this girlfriend of his, she, she was from him she ran into this entrance, and i was washing there, and i seemed to protect her, i said, i just said, what are you yelling, people are sleeping, why are you yelling, here he is,
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the wife with the nursery pushed me like crazy area at the police station, the two attackers tried to justify themselves, but it didn’t work out very well, apparently even the mineral water in their hands didn’t help them plow away. well, i remember that the woman who was cleaning the yard, she started arguing with me and called the men, then what happened, then what happened was that i started to defend myself for myself, but i was alone, i was an acquaintance. now the law enforcement officers have opened a criminal case under the article of hooliganism, and the investigative committee became interested in the brutal beating. the issue of transferring available materials on this fact from the internal affairs bodies was initiated for yes... a final legal assessment of the actions of all participants in the conflict. in the near future , the sobered rowdies will be brought for questioning to the investigator, and after that both will have to choose a punishment measure. pavel khuzentsov, alena kryukova, valentin lyubimov and anton lukyanov, ntv. libetsk. found guilty
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but will remain free. the high-profile trial of the doctors of the capital's maternity hospital has ended. the court recognized that the baby, who appeared within the walls of this institution, did not live for a day due to their fault. the statute of limitations has expired in the case, but the baby’s parents, of course, are not satisfied with the verdict, especially since the doctors can continue to work in the maternity hospital, in fact they have not lost anything, so anastasia sheptovitskaya watches the footage over and over again, where you can see what the doctors were doing, while she was suffering and she called for help alone in the delivery room. former head of the department of pathology of pregnant women, marina kiriya, obstetrician-gynecologists georgy kaladze and anastasia kayumova, nyanatologist.
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you are not ashamed, mother, no, no, how long am i going to push now, i feel that i want too, i know that i want to, my head is low, that’s why i want to push, why don’t you say that because i don’t have to yet here you do a mnetomy, do not leave the woman in labor, sit
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next to her and continuous ctg monitoring is shown, that is, a ctg sensor, she should have abdomen, the baby’s heartbeat is monitored, a ctg tape is written, midwife, doctor. they don’t leave, but what did she have? according to indications, they performed an amdetomy and left. well, the doctors not only did not monitor the ctg readings, they left anastasia alone, and after the manipulation they did not approach her for more than two hours. the testimony of one of the witnesses indicated that while the patient was suffering, obstetrician georgiy koladze was calmly drinking tea in the resident’s room. holds the child with all his strength, afraid that he is in our chair, will fall to the floor, there is no one, yelling, calling, the child was born in extremely serious condition and died from acute illness. according to the investigation, after this, the doctors tried to do everything to hide their mistakes, convinced the parents that the boy died from a uterine infection, and then the doctors forged documents, pasted into anastasia’s medical record, fragments of ctg of other patients and submitted other people’s organs for examination, this was also proven, resuscitation,
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quickly, quickly, urgent resuscitation, during the investigation of the case, obstetrician georgiy kaladze, he was accused, among other things, of forgery apparently i don’t regret anything, i kept the documents without any worries.
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after actual terms, the doctors were released, their guilt was proven, primarily thanks to a video surveillance camera that recorded all the actions of the doctors. we published a complete recording of what happened during childbirth in the operating room in our telegram channel, and to subscribe and watch, you can point your mobile phone camera at the qr code that you now see on your screen, or type chpnttv in the search bar telegram, under all publications you can leave your comment or suggest much.
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i don’t understand again, alik offered me a job, i didn’t refuse, i don’t like this stray killer of yours, he cuts off the neck of a bottle from 300 meters with a sniper rifle, well, zhika, don’t miss, i mean don’t get hit, cop wars, this it’s not your method, shilov, times are changing, today at 16:45 on ntv. cool, i slept through my first exhibition, it’s running,
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highly concentrated phosphopides of the japanese clam appeared: prolong the youth of your brain 8.800 100 exactly 1985 8.800 100 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs, however, with age... we all feel a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year, a russian distributor purchased a batch of japanese brain therapy. it contains all phospholipids. find out more about the japanese product brain
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therapy kingfisher new season today at 14:00 on... live again there is an emergency and we continue our broadcast in an illegal children's camp in the kirov region, children were poisoned, now they are in infectious diseases hospital, nothing threatens their lives, so they were brought to the hospital in extremely serious condition, the management of the kaleidoscope and the counselors, when they saw that the children were ill, did not inform their parents, call the doctors, they did not want... noise, but now in the kaleidoscope researchers and prosecutors are working, no documents, no conditions, no qualified personnel, will there be a third shift, aleftina marchenko will tell you, this is not a children's holiday, this is some kind of children's hell, daria, the mother of an eleven-year-old girl, is indignant, she took her daughter from severe poisoning, veronica with a high fever in a soiled dress with a bucket
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by the bed in the suffocating heat almost lost consciousness on the stairs, on the beryls, on the walls. there were multiple traces of vomit and loose stools, no one was sleeping, the children were crying, when i came into my child’s room, my child was in serious condition, she was pale, unsteady, and crying. at 8 km, there were eight people in veronica’s room, four children became ill, the mother immediately called an ambulance, which for some reason no one from the camp management called all night, apparently not wanting to make a fuss. one child was hospitalized by doctors, the rest were taken away by the parents themselves, everyone, without exception , did not immediately learn about what happened badly, the pupils felt bad the evening before, but only in the morning the director tatyana polikova sounded the alarm, here she is, running into the kitchen to close herself, you can say something , very satisfying, very interesting, and we will help your
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children adapt to a country camp. tatyana knows what she’s talking about, she is the owner of a cafe in kirov, and also... and bright, spectacular pictures of smiling people schoolchildren, the advertisement promised an unforgettable vacation in one of the most beautiful natural places. the counselors are experienced and, as they say on the business card, will find an approach to everyone. i am sure that this shift will be wonderful, that we have an amazing 2 weeks ahead of us and i’m already really looking forward to the start of the shift. among the advantages, they noted
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a rich entertainment program with culinary master classes from the chef: we prepare pizza together. sponge cake, impressions that, apparently, are not yet milkshakes, in general, the kaleidoscope will soon be forgotten. my child probably ate not the whole piece of pizza, but veronica ate two pieces of pizza, there was also this moment, well , now it’s difficult to establish, but there was very strong intoxication, very strong. in general, seven-year-old sofia stapinko received her own calendoscope. the girl can be said to be lucky that she only tried a small piece. at least, the state of health sharply deteriorated after the culinary test, the parents say, now the camp has been suspended, the parents are demanding compensation for the ruined vacation, however, on her page on social networks polyakova continues to post news about recruitment for the next shift. aleftina marchenko, oksana goncharenko and dayana shlyubkina, ntv television company, kirov region.
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sergei zuev, who is accused of murdering him, is seriously insisting on freedom. beloved zuev admitted guilt, but does not consider himself dangerous to society. he killed anna kashina after the woman started a new relationship, she could no longer tolerate beatings, scandals, unreasonable jealousy, even the fact that sergei and anna had a little daughter did not stop the killer. in at the first court hearing, sergei zuev looks exactly the same as on the day of the murder of his partner, he is wearing the same black tracksuit, a hood on his head, only new slippers, unlaced sneakers in a pre-trial detention center, and a medical... under which he carefully hides his face from journalists, so far the only listeners of the process. do you regret that the child was left without a mother ? it turns out without a father for some time , most likely. and zuev faces up to 15 years in prison, although the big question is whether his own daughter, whose mother he brutally killed, these are the shots, zuev summoned his former lover anna kashina for
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a conversation when he came to her work, asked for forgiveness, begged to return, or looked for the reason for the recent separation, what was discussed is unclear, but the conversation turned out to be short as soon as anna tried to leave , zuev took out a knife, accused of being in a state of narcotic stupor due to jealousy, and inflicted several stab wounds on his ex-cohabitant. after which he disappeared. according to the conclusion of a forensic psychiatric examination, the man is sane because whether he was aware of the actions he was performing, whether he took prohibited substances for courage, or whether thoughts of the irreparable overtook him already in a state of altered consciousness is unclear, but the fact that zuev understood everything, in addition to the psychologist of the psychiatric examination, is evidenced by his actions immediately after the murder. having thrown away the knife, zuev went to church, apparently to atone for his sins; it was there that he was detained, at the same time eyewitnesses tried to save anna. screams, help, that’s what they usually are, then the cashier told me that something was going on there, well people began to gather, there was a woman lying there,
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the couple lived together for more than 10 years, during this time a daughter was born into the family, and even after that the lovers for some reason did not officially register the relationship, the appearance of a child did not pacify the jealous ardor, zuev watched every glance, step , and with anna’s contact he beat her up at the slightest suspicion of treason, she loved sergei, but... he intimidated her, that she was afraid, but something, something to tell, after another scandal, anna took her daughter, left zuev and started new ones relationships, this apparently, this was the last straw for the jealous man, who never found the strength to apologize to the mother of the deceased; the woman appeared in court only during her arrest; now her interests are represented by a lawyer. we will insist on a guilty verdict, and before the court retires to the deliberation room, we will file... a claim for compensation for moral damage. before the investigators, zuev admitted his guilt completely; this is probably the only mitigating circumstance in his case, as opposed to his former conviction for robbery, but
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despite all this, zuev believes that he deserves freedom, albeit not complete, only for the duration of the investigation, but the court still denied him house arrest. ivan gubin, valentin lyubimov and dmitry salnikov, ntv television company. but that's not all, look further, reach out to heaven. a veterinarian who accidentally injected himself with a dose of poison intended for an infected animal was waiting for an ambulance in the company of farmers who were dissatisfied with his work, a dialogue that could be the last, we will show in a couple of minutes. please don’t believe in fairy tales, there are no miracles in life, don’t sacrifice your freedom for the sake of love. how do we cleanse this stain that has appeared on our name? the kingdom that my grandfather spent years building, you destroyed in one
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night. the karkhans will take revenge on all of us for this, you will see, we need to deal the final blow to the karkhans. i have everything to become the main one in this house. we need to talk about divorce. new season, today at 14:00 on ntv. the delicious calendar returns to a tasty point. we give 100% cashback every friday when paying with alfa bank cards. symptoms of hemorrhoids can include pain, toothache, and burning. proctoglivinol can help relieve pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone. proctoglivinol is your assistant. in the fight against hemorrhoids. big sale of clothes on ozone, a profitable event this summer. huge sale up to 60% on vibok products, discounts up to
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buy at a profit in the bank app or on the alpha travel website, not just profitable, alpha profitable. there is another emergency on ntv live and we continue our broadcast. in the kors region, a veterinarian who went to a farm to give a lethal injection accidentally injected himself into a sheep, the poison entered the body and the veterinarian fell on the side of the road. this scene took place in front of the farmers who were watching the doctors work.
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they thought they were wrong. put diagnosis and simply ruined the livestock. stanislav kostikov will tell you what the reaction of these farmers was and how it all ended. a man in a white overalls lying by the road attracted the attention of residents of all neighboring houses. the villagers recognized the suffering man as local veterinarian sergei reutov. it turned out that a minute earlier he had accidentally injected himself with a syringe containing poison to euthanize sick animals; without waiting for the ambulance to arrive, the paramedic began to say goodbye to his life. leave me, please, leave, leave me! the scene was the climax sharp confrontation between farmers and veterinarians, which flared up here during an outbreak of sheeppox. the disease spread quickly due to the inaction of medical workers, villagers believe. according to them, the local veterinarian initially prescribed the wrong medications for treatment, and when he arrived to correct the situation together with his colleagues, he was the one who needed help. you plan, my tongue is still moving, you saw, i really want you to have a circular.
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filming the process on a phone camera, while accusing the veterinarian of unprofessionalism and inhumane treatment of animals, like this she is still alive, mind you, she did not die, you see what they are doing, while they were still telling us that an injection would be given, there would be killing, this is a mockery of the animal, while performing the next lethal injection , the veterinarian missed and hit himself in his finger, he immediately collapsed to the ground in fright and began blaming the villagers for what had happened, saying that they did not allow him
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to work in peace, so his hand trembled. i don’t need yours, i don’t need your water, nothing, i’m interested in knowing my blood pressure, something is tormenting me, they called an ambulance after all, the doctors they established that the dose of poison that entered the body is negligible and safe for an adult man, and sergei was simply worried, but the veterinarian’s colleagues admit that there is really good reason for concern, this drug is, so to speak, a fairly strong poison, in my opinion it is a second class of danger , if i’m not mistaken, and giving it intramuscularly somehow... a person or an animal experiences almost instantaneous death. sergei admits that he literally felt the breath of death and was really preparing for worst case scenario, having recovered from the shock and rested, the veterinarian returned to his duties. how is your health, can you tell me? while sergei
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is returning to his working rhythm, the farmers plan to give a legal assessment of the veterinarians’ actions; they have already prepared a collective appeal to the investigative committee and the prosecutor’s office. stanislav kostikov and alexander tutarinov, television company. ntv. my baby. if you need help or have encountered injustice, please let us know on the official telegram channel of chpntv. together we will fight lawlessness. tell us about emergencies in your city. our editorial team is available 24 hours a day. that's all for today. i'm marad seddikov. thank you for your attention. stay on ntv. kingfisher,
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hello, come in, come in, maybe i... i don’t want to cause problems, don’t worry, i’ll say right away, this is my father’s house, and now it rightfully belongs to me, go, how are you? are you okay, how are things going? are you asking about people's reactions? in fact , many people supported you, but the karkhan declared a boycott. boycott? anything surprising? today
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you didn’t just disgrace them, very soon it will will affect finances. that is, who will want to wear these jewelry from now on? who wants to buy his wife or beloved a gift with a signature. chuhalis karkhan, but how was i supposed to know that everything would turn out like this, what’s done is done, now you need to take care of your own safety, you know, yeah, but the consequences cannot be avoided, you probably haven’t seen it yet, but people on the internet write about about what happened to him. and urge others not to remain silent, can you imagine, even celebrities talk about violence, so seyran, i think you inspired many people, about them they will forget, they will forget about everyone, but khalis
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karhan will remember this for the rest of his life, dad, tell me something, dad, please, don’t be silent, dad, dad, i don’t know how to fix everything, please , help me, dad! arhan bey, your conversation can wait until tomorrow, dad, please, say something, should we sue, what should we do, dad, don’t be silent, please, dad , dad, arhan, please calm down, discuss with him, it's tomorrow, okay, let's go, ah, the end, this is the end.


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